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Prompt #6: Pass or Fail

The Prompt: Character A has done or is going to do something which will hurt Character B, and A knows they’re going to hurt B, but A is going to do it anyway.

She regarded his appearance first. Maybe it made her shallow, but she could not help it. She was a pony of very specific tastes. An upper class pony like herself could not be seen in public with a partner who did not meet Canterlot society's high expectations. He had to be a shining example of stallionhood, one that dripped with pulchritude and exemplified ruggedness, while at the same time holding an air of grace. The pony in front of her did not fit this definition in the least. His unkempt mane, his protruding front teeth, his slovenly getup...none of these would ever earn him acceptance amongst her peers. One test had been failed.

She regarded his social potential next. Once again, she recognized that such a thing might make her shallow, as her concerns were more for her own well-being than his. She dismissed this once more. A pony in her standing could not take any risks. She needed a pony who was able to hold his own at the various upper-crust parties (parties that were, ironically, often thrown by Upper Crust), hodge-podge with the elite, and make her look good in the process. Once again, he fit into this mold about as well as a square peg into a round hole. His profession was unrelatable to her crowd, perhaps even completely beneath them. His appearance played a factor in this as well, and that accent...that accent was simply deplorable. It would not do. The second test had been failed as well.

Finally, she regarded his personality. This was a distant third when it came to choosing a partner, but it still mattered. This was the one department in which he shone. In her conversations with him (All done under the cover of night, in the least-populated of locations), he impressed her with his ability to make her smile. She would describe her multitude of problems to him; whether it be an issue with a poorly-executed manecut, an accidental fashion faux-pas, or...well, anything...he listened. He hung on her every word, devoting his full attention to her and offering his best advice, advice which she often took, albeit without giving credit where credit was due. He possessed a strange, rustic charm, despite all of his shortcomings. Normally, a stallion who had failed even one of the previous two tests would not make it to the third. A single failure was a failure overall. Yet this one time, with this one stallion and no other, she was willing to make an exception. Perhaps the ponies in Canterlot's upper echelon would briefly lower their noses from the sky to laugh haughtily at her. Perhaps they would demean her for choosing one that did not fit their mold. Perhaps...no, certainly...they would toss barbed words in his direction, whether he be right there for him or not. They had done it many times before, and they would again. Yet he took it in stride. He did not speak a bad word towards those who would mock him, for, as he often said, "Two wrongs don't make no right." Even his lack of attention paid to proper syntax was slightly charming. For these reasons, she ignored her usual criteria for a partner. If the papers caught them and word spread throughout Canterlot, she would accept it, for he had made himself out to be worth it in her eyes.

Fleur De Lis lie on her bed, surrounded in rose petals. The setting could not possibly have been more lovely. She posed on the mattress, for it was her way. She always posed. Her beauty and grace allowed for it, and she took full advantage. She cast a beckoning gaze towards the door, inviting him to step closer.

"Gee golly, Ms. De Lis!" Hayseed Turniptruck stammered, his cheeks quickly reddening. "I never done thought I'd end up here!" Fleur did not respond verbally. Her eyes spoke volumes. They requested his presence next to her, and he shut his mouth and took the hint. The window washer took this opportunity with vigor, something in the back of his mind telling him that such an opportunity would rarely, if ever, arise again. He stepped onto the bed, a single forehoof gently brushing the mane out of Fleur's face. The posh pony gave a warm smile, and he said no more. His appearance failed her criteria, but she looked past it to the pony within. His social graces fell short, but right now, the only pony he needed to enthrall was her, and he had done so already. His personality had earned him this incredibly rare opportunity, and neither of them wished to squander it. He acted, she reacted, and everything was wonderful.

Moments later, the door opened.

"I say, what is going on here?" Fancy Pants said, trying to process the sight that laid before him. She knew he would be coming home at this time. He always did. Perhaps this was not the kindest way to tell him that the fire in their relationship has gone out, but it was the way she had chosen, and she bore no regrets.

Fleur covered Hayseed's mouth before he could say a word. Once again, no words were necessary. The two white unicorns stared at each other for a long, tense moment, one that felt like it would go on forever. It was the stallion that faltered first, leaving the room without another word. Fleur did feel a modicum of regret, as most anypony would, but her choice had been made.

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