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Prompt #67: Negotiations

The Prompt (Presented by Twilight Sparkle): Spike goes on an adventure with some or all of the Mane Six.

“Are you sure that this is a good idea, Spike?” Twilight asked her rider, looking back. Her face showed a bit of concern, a stark contrast from the confidence that Spike exuded.

“I’m sure of it, Twilight,” Spike said. “Trust me, I’ve got this.”

“I am not sure if I am at all comfortable with this,” Rarity huffed. “What they did to me last time was inexcusable, and if they even so much as try to touch a hair in my mane…”

“Don’t worry, Rarity,” Spike cut in. “Your Spikey-Wikey will make sure that you leave this place unharmed.” Rarity sighed. She wasn’t quite sure she believed him, but he just seemed so confident about it.

“I really hope-” Twilight started, before her sentence was cut off.

“PONIES!!” a shrill voice screeched. Rarity had no time to scream before one of the horrid beasts landed on her back and pulled a looped rope over her muzzle. Twilight turned to Rarity and made an attempt to react, before another beast attempted to do the same thing to her. It didn’t count on Spike already being on her back, though, and certainly didn’t plan on his violent reaction to its attack. Spike grabbed the beast’s leg as it came down and pulled it, slamming the beast to the ground. The one on Rarity’s back jumped off of her to react, but Twilight’s reaction was quicker, as she lit her horn up and suspended it in the air.

“We’re here to talk,” Spike said. “Not to fight.” The helpless beast nodded in midair. Rarity sneered as she levitated the rope off of her muzzle.

“Hmph!” Rarity exclaimed. “I should not have expected any less from a diamond dog!” Spike shushed her.

“Those kinds of comments aren’t exactly diplomatic,” Spike said.

“That BEHAVIOR is not exactly diplomatic,” Rarity responded. Spike shook his head, then turned to the diamond dog on the ground.

“We wish to be taken to your leader,” Spike said. “We have business to discuss.”

“Release him first,” the grounded dog said, pointing at his compatriot. Spike looked to Twilight and nodded. Twilight lowered the dog slightly, then let it drop the rest of the way as she released her magical hold on him. The dogs stood and brushed themselves off, then started leading, as Spike and the ponies followed.


“What do you wish to discuss?” the head of the diamond dogs asked, sitting across the shoddy-looking table from Spike and company.

“We’re to understand that you’re in the market for gems,” Spike said, crossing his arms.

“Gems…geeeems…” the dogs flanking the leader muttered eerily. A glare from the leader quieted them down.

“We are,” the leader told them. “What does this matter to the dragon and his ponies?”

“HIS ponies?” Twilight asked incredulously. Spike looked back at her with a “please let me have this” look. Twilight sighed and nodded.

“It’s simple,” Spike said, leaning forward against the table. “You want gems. Rarity here knows how to find gems.”

“We know this already,” the leader said. “The pony made our lives miserable when we tried to have her find gems for us.” Rarity smirked.

“Well,” Spike said, grinning. “Perhaps we could be convinced to share the gems that we find with you and your society.”

“This pleases us,” the leader said, his lips curling into a toothy smile.

“But of course, we’re gonna want something in return,” Spike said. staring straight at the diamond dogs’ leader.

“We are listening,” the leader said, returning the stare.

“A trade,” Spike said, tapping his fingers on the table. “Princess Celestia can use some help mining near the Crystal Mountains. If you and your kin are willing to help, we can make it worth your while.”

“Why would we subject ourselves to working for ponies?” the leader asked, glaring.

“Legend says the Crystal Mountains are chock-full of gems,” Spike said, smirking. “You help us out, with Rarity accompanying you, and you can keep half of the gems we find.” The leader thought this over.

“Seventy-five percent,” the leader said.

“Sixty percent,” Spike replied.



The leader thought this over. After a moment, he reached his paw across the table.

“You have a deal, dragon,” he said. Spike accepted the shake.

“Good to hear,” Spike replied.

“Now take your leave,” the leader said. Spike nodded, and he left, Twilight and Rarity following.

“Spike, I don’t think that was very nice,” Twilight said once they were out of earshot. “You know there aren’t anywhere near as many gems in the Crystal Mountains as those legends said.” Spike shrugged.

“They tried to kidnap my lovely Rarity,” Spike replied. “They’re lucky I was this nice.” Twilight and Rarity rolled their eyes as the group exited the caverns.

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