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Prompt #65: What Is Home?

The prompt: Scootaloo’s home.

Home can have many different meanings.

Apple Bloom talks about her home a lot. She talks about how home is where you and your family live. She talks about how happy she is to go home after school and mess around with Applejack and Big Macintosh and help Granny Smith with her cooking. She says that home is where you go to see your family, the ponies that care about you.

Sweetie Belle talks about how she has two homes. She can go to one home and be hugged and loved and cared for by her parents, or she can go to the other home and spend time with Rarity.

They’re lucky.
I feel that home is somewhere you can go where you have ponies who care for you. Somewhere that’s safe, somewhere that you can go to get away from things you don’t want to deal with. Bloom and Sweetie agree with me on that part, because all three of us don’t want to deal with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, and going home helps that. I can’t go home when they both go home though.

They both agree that home is where your family is. It doesn’t work like that for me. The idea of home being a safe place and the idea of home being where my family is don’t really work together very well.

Home is where you have ponies who care for you, like I said before. Ponies who you know have your back, who you know will always be there for you and support the stuff you do, even if it’s crazy stuff like trying to jump over a picnic table on a scooter (Which I totally did, and don’t let Apple Bloom tell you otherwise. Just because the back wheel clipped the edge doesn’t mean it doesn’t count). Just because ponies who are related to you live somewhere doesn’t always mean it’s home. Sometimes ponies who are supposed to have your back and support you don’t do that. Home stops being home when that happens. It becomes just some house, just like all the other houses on the block, with no special meaning.

I do have a home though. It’s not a traditional idea of a home, but it’s home to me. It may not look like a traditional home. It’s not fancy or full of expensive furniture that I’m not supposed to practice my sweet scooter moves off of. It’s actually kinda run-down, though Apple Bloom did fix it up really nice. But it’s still home to me. I can’t always go to it when I need to, because the ponies who care for me and make it a home aren’t always there. Sometimes they have to go to their own homes. I don’t mind when they do that. I mean, everypony has to go home sometimes. When they are there, though, I can go home.

If home is where your family is, then I guess they’re kinda my family too. I’m okay with that. Just don’t tell them I said that, cause I’ll sound all sappy and stuff.

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