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Prompt #64: Completing Each Other

The prompt: Tell the story of what Lyra and Bon Bon were doing during the events of the two-part episode “A Canterlot Wedding.”

“No! Wait! Come back!!”

Lyra pounded on the wall of the crystal prison that held herself, Colgate, and Twinkleshine, shouting as loud as she possibly could. She had hoped that Twilight and Cadence would realize that they had been replaced by changelings, given their encounter with said changelings just a moment ago, and go searching for them too. Unfortunately, the two were in a huge rush to stop the wedding, and the three unicorns were left in their prison.

“Come…back…” Lyra whimpered as she slumped against the wall. She looked back to Colgate and Twinkleshine. The two of them slumped to their haunches and sighed heavily.

“They left us…” Colgate sighed.

“We’re gonna be stuck in here forever…” Twinkleshine moaned. Lyra didn’t respond. It wasn’t in her nature to be negative like the other two were. She was always the one who’d be jumping happily up and down, playing happy music on her lyre, or just generally being bright and cheery. However, in this particular situation, it was just a bit difficult to remain positive. She had considered trying to break the crystal wall down with a blast of magic, but she was pretty sure that her magic wasn’t strong enough, and with the reflective properties of the crystals, she couldn’t afford to have a wild blast of magic ricocheting around. Things were bad enough as they were already.

“What are we gonna do?” Colgate asked, grabbing Lyra. Lyra just sat there, staring blankly at the wall. She had to figure out some way to get out, to make a positive outcome out of all of this. Colgate and Twinkleshine depended on her. Bon-Bon depended on her. She had thought that it was relatively odd when she received an invitation to be a bridesmaid for the Princess. She barely knew her at all, and found it even odder that she was invited, but not Bon-Bon. The two did practically everything together. She almost didn’t even accept the invitation, citing a refusal to go without Bon-Bon. Bon-Bon had been adamant, though, in saying that she should do it, insisting that it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and that she shouldn’t give it up just for her sake. Bon-Bon always was the logical thinker of the pair.

“C’mon, Lyra, we need to try getting out!” Twinkleshine said, shaking Lyra. “We could try blasting the walls!” Lyra tried to respond, but couldn’t find the energy to do so. Her ability to be positive was very quickly draining. This made sense to her; it was Bon-Bon’s presence that really fueled it. Before she’d met Bon-Bon, she’d never been quite as happy as she was nowadays. Something about Bon-Bon just energized her, made her think that she could do the impossible for her. After all, she had done some crazy stuff when Bon-Bon was involved. Her magical ability, for instance, was never all that strong, but when she got close to Bon-Bon, she noticed an obvious increase in her power. She figured it was the confidence that Bon-Bon’s love instilled in her. Everything about Bon-Bon just made her a better pony, but she was losing hope that she would ever see her face again.

“C-c’mon, Lyra…” Colgate said, prodding at her. “We have to figure something out…” Lyra didn’t look up. She wondered where Bon-Bon was now. The two of them had some odd way of finding each other in crowds, and she wished it was possible for Bon-Bon to find her now, the same way she always did. It was a silly thought, though; how could she possibly think to look here for her? Barely anypony even knew about these caverns…


Lyra fell backwards as the crystal wall shattered, just barely avoiding the shards of crystal raining down. She fell straight into Colgate and Twinkleshine, who grabbed her and lit their horns up to keep the three from slamming against the back wall. Lyra shook her head out and opened her eyes, taking a look at the pony who had just somehow summoned up the strength to buck the wall down.

“…Bon-Bon?!” Lyra exclaimed, rubbing her eyes.

“C’mon!” Bon-Bon shouted, waving for the three unicorns to follow. Bon-Bon grabbed onto a rope that had been lowered into the caverns. Lyra grabbed onto her, and Colgate and Twinkleshine onto Lyra. With the help of the ponies she’d brought with her, the four were lifted to safety.

“H…how did you find us?” Lyra asked once everypony had calmed down.

“I can’t even explain it,” Bon-Bon said, wiping her brow. “I just knew somehow.” Lyra grabbed and squeezed Bon-Bon joyfully.

“I told you I shouldn’t have gone without you,” Lyra said. Bon-Bon just chuckled and hugged back. These were the kinds of things that happened when the two were apart for too long. She preferred to think of it as a sign that they belonged together. She couldn’t explain it, but they just completed each other.

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