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Prompt #61: A Bittersweet Farewell

The Prompt: The breakup

Pinkie Pie sat quietly at the table. It was a rare occasion that Pinkie, of all ponies, found herself at a loss of words. In fact, she was often full of words. Actually, that wasn’t totally true, because she was always busy saying words, so she probably wasn’t FULL of them because she kept saying so many of them, although she kept coming up with more words to say, often at the same time as some of the words she had been saying were on their way out of her. So maybe she wasn’t full of words like she thought earlier. After all, she also had a bunch of other things in her, like her heart and her stomach and her brain and her lungs and her skeleton and lots and lots of other things that she didn’t know the names of but Twilight probably did because Twilight knew a lot of stuff like that…


Pinkie drooped just thinking about her. She was the reason for this rare silence, after all. She and Twilight had known each other for quite a while now, and every experience they’d shared together in that time was just wonderful. Twilight always gave her a warm feeling, and she was sure that she had the same impact on Twilight. Twilight was the sweetest pony she knew. She filled Pinkie’s life with her own special, unique flavor, and Pinkie had always thought that life would be pretty crummy without her. It hurt her to realize that she’d known for a while that the end was coming. She never expected the end to come this soon, though.

Pinkie tried to begin talking, but she couldn’t get the words out. She stared up at Twilight and thought about how beautiful she was. Her crisp features, her warm smile…well, her physique was a tiny bit doughy, she had to admit. But that was what made her so special! She wasn’t just some cookie cutter pony; she was unique and special. Pinkie thought about how badly she wanted a piece of her right now, but she knew that doing so would be wrong. It would just lead to inevitable heartbreak.

“…Twilight…” Pinkie finally managed to say. “I’m so sorry…” She stared at Twilight, choking back a sob. She sighed deeply, trying to continue. She’d just lifted Twilight from her sheets a little while ago, and now everything was coming to an end. Twilight looked like she was about to crack, but she held up as best as she could, smiling gingerly. Pinkie knew she was secretly feeling rather crummy about this as well, but they both knew, deep within their hearts, that this was for the best.

“I’ll never forget the good times we had together,” Pinkie said, dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief she pulled from seemingly nowhere. “But everything has to come to an end sometime…I’m sure you’ll be…” Pinkie sniffled. “…Happier with her.” Pinkie leaned over and gave Twilight a gentle kiss. She always enjoyed the taste of Twilight’s kisses, and it hurt her heart to know that she would never be able to taste her again.

“…I’ll always love you.” Pinkie said. Then she burst into tears.

Twilight tilted her head, confused by Pinkie’s odd behavior, but decided to let it be as she took the gingerbread pony from Pinkie. She was impressed; Pinkie had really gone all out to customize each of the treats for her friends.

“Dessert’s gunna take ferever if’n she does this fer each’f us,” Applejack whispered to Twilight.

“APPLEJACK!” Pinkie yelled through her tears, lifting the AJ cookie up. “I’m so sorry…”

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