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Prompt #59: Lady Lovely Rises

The Prompt: Rarity is the hero.

It was a beautiful day in Ponyville. The weather ponies had really done a wonderful job on keeping the clouds out of the sky, which was all the more reason for Rarity to have donned her sun hat for her morning constitutional. Too much sunlight cast directly on her face would surely have adverse effects on her makeup, and she simply could not risk a bead of sweat ruining her delicately-applied eyeliner. She smiled warmly as she trotted through the town square, but stopped short when she heard a troubled cry.

“My hat!!” a young filly cried. Rarity turned to look just as she saw the poor filly’s hat carried away by an errant gust of wind. Neither she nor the filly could react fast enough, and the hat landed in a pile of dirt. Rarity just barely restrained the urge to faint at the sight of such a nice hat being ruined. Her despondence was nothing, however, compared to that of the filly, who had begun to cry.

“My favorite hat…” the little filly whimpered. Rarity frowned, and glanced up at the chapeau she was wearing. It was one of her favorites; elegant, yet not too gaudy. She had purchased a basic hat and spruced it up to her liking, and there were few hats in existence that matched its panache. She glanced back at the sad filly whose hat had been ruined. Sure, it could be cleaned, but just the knowledge that it had been sullied was enough to mar it forever. Rarity herself had disposed of many a hat instead of washing them for this exact reason. She sighed lightly, then trotted over to the filly.

“Here, darling,” Rarity said. The filly glanced up at Rarity. Rarity bit her lip and silently wished a fond farewell to her beautiful chapeau as she levitated it off of her head and placed it on that of the filly.

“…F…for me?” the filly asked, her eyes full of wonder.

“For you,” Rarity said, nodding. “I’m sorry for the loss of your precious hat, and I do hope you enjoy this replacement.” The filly blinked a few times, then hugged Rarity’s leg tightly.

“Thank you so much!” the filly said, beaming. “It’s so beautiful! You’re my hero!’ The filly ran off, giggling happily. Rarity smiled warmly as she watched her leave. It always felt so good to give to those who needed more. She ruminated over this feeling. It was a wonderful one, and one she wanted to experience again. The filly had called her “her hero.” Surely she could be a hero to more than one pony, what with her considerable talents in the field of fashion. Rarity nodded, knowing what she had to do. She turned tail and headed straight back towards Carousel Boutique.

The next few hours were spent working. It wasn’t hard work; she was talented enough that things like this simply came to her. It was simply a matter of making sure that everything went together, nothing clashed, and nothing was too tacky. Extra bells and whistles (which were sometimes literally bells and whistles) were omitted from the original concept that she’d gotten into her head on the trip back, until she was left with something wonderful and perfect. Smiling proudly to herself, she slipped into the sleek, form-fitting costume. She donned the cape, as well as the accompanying headdress, saddle, and boots. Some accessories had to be omitted, but it was in her nature to include at least some. After all, what perfect piece of clothing was not made better with an accoutrement or two? The mask was the final touch. Of course, the mask couldn’t hide too much of her lovely face; just a simple eye-covering was all that was needed (with eyelashes attached, of course).

Rarity glanced at herself in the mirror, and was immensely satisfied with the end result. She struck a heroic pose, admiring herself. It was time to practice her heroic mantra.

“Through light of day and dark of night, no fashion faux pas shall escape my sight. I am Lady Lovely, and I have come to beautify the world!”

Rarity tapped a hoof to her chin. Her mantra needed work. She took off towards the library in an instant. Before Ponyville’s newest, most fashion-minded hero could begin protecting it from more fashion disasters like the incident with the filly’s dirtied hat, every bit of her had to be perfect, and that included her catchphrase. Perhaps Twilight could help with that. She was good with words.

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