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Prompt #58: Unforeseen Results

The prompt: Rainbow Dash’s first sonic rainboom gave all of the mane six their cutie marks. What did her second rainboom do?

Rainbow Dash zoomed through the sky. She had some downtime, and as usual, she was using this downtime to practice some of her amazing tricks. It had been roughly 8 months since the Best Young Flyer competition in which she'd performed her awesome Sonic Rainboom and wowed the audience with her amazing skills (Oh, and saved Rarity. Best day ever!), but she didn't have time to dwell on the past. It was time to look towards the future, because the NEXT Best Young Flyer competition was coming up in 4 months, and she would do anything to win another day with the Wonderbolts. She would have to pull something REALLY awesome to out-do the Sonic Rainboom, but she was pretty convinced that she could figure something out. After all, she WAS Rainbow Danger Dash.

Rainbow touched down on the ground, deciding to take a little bit of a break. She'd been flying for a good few hours, and even the best pegasi got tired after that much practice. Rainbow folded her wings, giving the poor things a much-needed rest. As she reached for her water, she noticed a group of three stallions approaching her; one pegasus, one earth pony, and one unicorn. She had never seen any of these stallions before, but that wasn't so weird. She wasn't Pinkie Pie; there WERE ponies around Ponyville that she hadn't met. She gave the group a small grin, assuming they were here to watch her amazing skills. Something about the group unsettled her, though. She couldn't quite place what it was, but it was...well, something.

"Hello, Rainbow Dash," the unicorn said. He smiled an odd, wide smile that made Dash's skin crawl.

"Uh...hey there," Rainbow said, backing up a step. "Who are you guys?"

"Fans," the gigantic earth pony grunted. The pegasus said nothing.

"...Glad to hear it!" Rainbow said, rubbing the back of her head with a hoof.

"More than fans, actually," the unicorn said, still smiling. "We have a connection." Rainbow chuckled awkwardly; this group was making her more and more uncomfortable with each word spoken.

"Whaddaya mean?" Dash asked.

"You remember your Sonic Rainboom eight months ago, right?" the unicorn asked, stepping closer. Rainbow matched his step, backing up an equal distance.

"Of course I do," she said, trying to look smug. "You don't forget an amazing stunt like that."

"That Sonic Rainboom changed all of our lives," the unicorn spoke.

"Oh, really?" Rainbow asked, smiling awkwardly. "That's kinda funny, cause my friends-"

"My name is Shatter Shard," the unicorn said, not letting Rainbow finish. "I was living with my parents, and my flank was still blank. My parents owned a glassware shop. When your Sonic Rainboom went off, it shattered every bit of merchandise in their store. We had no insurance, and their business was ruined. To try and support myself and my family, I turned to a life of crime. My cutie mark showed up upon the success of my first bank robbery. Unfortunately, my second robbery landed me in prison, where I met Brick Breaker here."

"I'm Brick Breaker," the tremendous earth pony said. "I was thrown in jail on charges of property destruction. I can't help it; I just see these perfect buildings and I have to ruin them."

"We all have our vices," Shard said, patting Brick on the back.

"Despite my experience, I couldn't figure out how to break out of the prison," Brick continued. "But then your Sonic Rainboom came along. It weakened the walls, and I was able to find a small crack in it and tear the whole thing down. I earned my cutie mark that day."

Rainbow Dash just stared at the two, not knowing what to say. Then her attention turned to the pegasus.

"...I'm afraid to ask...but what about him?" Dash asked.

"This is Lecter," Brick said, nodding to the silent, somewhat-twitchy pegasus. Rainbow looked towards his flank. His cutie mark depicted a pony biting another pony.

"We don't like to talk about how he earned his cutie mark," Shard said. "But it was related to the very same Sonic Rainboom." Rainbow Dash couldn't remember the last time that she had felt this utterly unnerved by a group of ponies. The three stepped a bit closer to her, and she backed up in response. She wanted to fly away, but her wings were frozen to her sides in fear.

"S...so...what are you gonna do to me?" Dash said, starting to shake a bit. She found herself backed up against a tree as the three ponies advanced. She trembled as they got closer, until Shard was right in her face, smiling that creepy smile. She could feel his hot breath on her muzzle, and she tried to shrink back, but the tree prevented such a thing.

"Oh, we're not going to do anything to you," Shard said. Brick laughed an eerie, husky laugh, while Lecter giggled, a high-pitched giggle that hurt Dash's ears.

"Then why are you here?" Dash asked, not really sure if she wanted to know the answer.

"We have a special bond with you, Rainbow Dash!" Shard said. "You earned us our cutie marks, so we have to all be best friends now! Isn't that how it worked with your other friends?" Dash blinked, staring at the three ponies in front of her.

"Wanna come hang out with us?" Brick asked. Lecter just laughed louder.

"Uh...maybenexttimeIgottago," Dash said quickly. Before the other ponies could react, she unfurled her wings and took off as fast as she could. Shard, Brick, and Lecter looked at each other.

"Oh well. What now?" Brick asked.

"Wanna go get pizza?" Shard asked.

"Sure," Brick said. Lecter just laughed even louder as the three ponies turned tail and headed towards the nearest pizza joint.

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