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Prompt #5: Catfight

Prompt: Rarity and Fluttershy have their first big fight.

"Come in, darling!" Rarity called upon hearing the knock at her door. One might think it was entirely too trusting of her to simply tell whomever was knocking to enter without even checking to see who was there, but Rarity knew that knock anywhere. Nopony knocked as quietly and gently as her dear Fluttershy. She barely grazed the door, as if she were worried that she might hurt it if she was too rough. The fashion-minded unicorn also would normally have answered the door herself, but she found herself far too busy wrapping Fluttershy's present, a beautiful hooded shawl. She had spent hours and hours working on it, making sure it was just right. After all, it had to be just as lovely as the pony who was to wear it

"Um...hello?" Fluttershy said quietly as she entered Carousel Boutique. "Rarity? I'm so sorry I'm late for our dinner..." Fluttershy had gotten caught up at home, and while she was only a couple of minutes late, she was still worried that her date would be upset, despite all the times that Rarity had shown no concern over her lateness.

"I'm in the workroooooooom!" Rarity called out. Fluttershy smiled and began to head in the direction of the unicorn's voice, when she stopped in her tracks. There, in front of her hooves, stood Opalescence, pawing desperately at the cabinet. Fluttershy looked up at the clock. It was 6:03 PM. She had been around enough to know that Opal's dinnertime was 5 PM. She shook her head. This was not the first time that Rarity had simply forgotten to feed Opal at the proper time. Each time it happened and she found out about it, Fluttershy would express the importance of keeping a regular meal time for a cat, but apparently it had not gotten through. The yellow pegasus let out a small sigh.

"Rarity?" Fluttershy said, a smidge more confidence in her tone. "Come out here, please...if you don't mind, that is." Fluttershy didn't mean to end that demand with a gentle request. It was a habit, one that she had been trying to get out of ever since her dealings with Iron Will. Still, it persisted, and it always popped up when she was really trying to sound assertive.

"You'll have to come in here, darling, I'm a bit busy," Rarity answered. The gift was nearly wrapped, and she wanted badly to give it to Fluttershy as she came into the room.

"Did you forget to feed Opal again?" the yellow pegasus asked, managing a tiny bit more confidence. She didn't want to make Rarity feel bad, but this was an important manner. Upon hearing this, Rarity blushed a bit and looked at the clock. Sure enough, it was over an hour since she was supposed to feed the poor cat. She had gotten so caught up in Fluttershy's present that it had simply slipped her mind.

"Oh...yes..." Rarity answered meekly. "I was quite busy." Fluttershy frowned. That was her excuse every time.

"Rarity, this is important," Fluttershy said. "The poor kitty has been waiting for her meal..

"I know, Fluttershy," Rarity responded, taping the last bit of wrapping paper down. "But this is important also, and I needed to-"

"What could be more important than feeding your cat at the right time?" Fluttershy asked. She realized as the words came out of her mouth that they could have sounded a tiny bit demeaning, as if she didn't think Rarity had the ability to prioritize. This realization would have normally sent her into a stream of "sorries," but she just felt so bad for hungry little Opal. Rarity reacted to Fluttershy's interruption with silent shock. It wasn't like her to ever purposely interrupt somepony. She would have been proud of her love's assertiveness, if it weren't for the fact that her sudden confidence was being directed at her when she had worked so hard on this gift for her.

"Fluttershy, you don't understand," Rarity said, trying to keep her cool.

"No, you don't understand," Fluttershy answered. "Taking care of a poor little animal who depends completely on you is a big responsibility, and one that needs to be taken seriously." Rarity could barely believe her ears. Was Fluttershy...lecturing her? The accusation was nearly enough to make the white unicorn flip her lid, but she kept her cool as best she could, since no matter what, she still loved Fluttershy and did not want to be angry with her.

"I know, Fluttershy," Rarity said flatly. "But-"

"And after all these years of having Opal," Fluttershy continued, "You should really know better than that."

"Fluttershy, this is important!" Rarity said, a bit loudly. "I was going to feed her as soon as I finished, but I lost track of time!"

"You're just working on more clothes," Fluttershy said, a bit sternly. "You're always working on clothes. I'm sure these clothes aren't as important as you think." Fluttershy regretted those words the instant they left her mouth. Had she really said that? It was so unlike her...but Rarity needed to know how important it was to take care of Opal. She hoped Rarity wouldn't be too upset.

Fluttershy's words struck Rarity deeply. The white unicorn, always one to be dramatic, stormed out of the workroom. She thrust the present into Fluttershy's hooves, causing an eep from the usually-timid pegasus.

"Maybe you're right," Rarity said, her eyes starting to water slightly. "Here are your 'unimportant clothes' that I thoughtfully made for you, Fluttershy. I do hope you enjoy them, even though they do not matter!" With that, the white unicorn stormed upstairs.

Fluttershy looked down at the present, wrapped with care, that laid in her hooves. She sighed quietly, feeling awful.

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