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Prompt #54: A Very Important Engagement

The Prompt: Steven Magnet goes out for a day/night on the town!

Steven Magnet stretched his legs. Very few even knew that he had legs; they were almost always submerged in the Everfree River. However, today was a special occasion, one that required the use of these mystical, little-known legs that he possessed. Today was the day that he would finally visit Ponyville. He had been promising himself that he would do so for a good long while, and now that day had finally come.

Steven stepped out of the water for what felt like the first time in ages. The dirt and grass felt bizarre under his feet, a feeling almost completely foreign to him. He took a few moments to wriggle his dragony toes in the grass before he set off through the forest and towards his intended destination. He briefly stopped to gaze upon his magnificence in the surface of a lake, but quickly pulled his attention away and continued his stride. He knew he looked fabulous, there was no doubting this. However, he was on a strict schedule, one which left no room for dawdling.

Steven stepped out of the forest and gazed up at the sun. He was so used to the dearth of trees in the forest that he was not used to seeing the sun at all. It was a brilliant celestial body, which shone almost as radiantly as he did. He made a mental note to write a lovely letter to Princess Celestia about how wonderful her sun was. Such a thing would have to wait until tomorrow, though. It was imperative that he arrive at his destination on time; he was expected.

Steven strode along the path to Ponyville. He marvelled at all the different flowers he saw along the way. Nothing like this grew in the Everfree Forest. Sure, there were many beautiful flowers in the Everfree (as well as that terrible blue plant that once turned him the most HIDEOUS shade of lime green), but they were nothing compared to the sights he was seeing right now. He leaned over to gather a handful of vibrant dandelions. He brought them up to his nose and sniffed, reveling in the pleasant scent. He thought they were wonderful, and surely she would as well.

Steven stepped his first step into Ponyville. He thought it slightly odd that the roads he took remained empty. He had always heard that Ponyville was a rustic, yet busy town, yet he barely ran into anypony on the road. He did notice a group of three ponies that he did not recognize at one point, but they all shouted and ran before he could even say a word to them. He thought very little of this; they were probably quite busy, or more likely taken aback by his gloriousness. He had no time to put any thought into this, though. Thinking would likely cause him to hesitate, and such a thing was unacceptable right now. He continued on towards his goal.

Steven arrived at his destination with a smile. He still didn't understand how ponies could live in big, structured things like the building that lie before him. His home was the Everfree River, and he was unrestricted by things like walls and doors as long as he stayed within the river itself. This concept of a "house" was alien to him. Why didn't ponies just live in the town without building houses? They could run anywhere they liked if they did so, without having to worry about returning to a predetermined home area when they were tired or hungry. Steven quickly realized that thinking about this was delaying his knocking on the door, though, so the thought pattern came to an immediate halt as he rapped on the front foor.

"How can I help you?" Rarity asked as she opened the door. She looked around for a moment to find the pony who had knocked, before realizing that the giant purple tree stationed in front of her front door was not a badly-placed, poorly-colored tree at all. Rarity slowly looked up until her gaze met that of Steven's.

"Ohh, good afterNOON, Miss Rarity!" Steven exclaimed, doing his best to bow without doing something wreckless like destroying Rarity's home. "Here I am, right at the time that you had specified!" Rarity blinked a few times, before a look of recognition crossed her face.

"Oh! Yes!" Rarity exclaimed. "You're here for your facial and your manicure, are you not?"

"But of COURSE!" Steven exclaimed. "I have been awaiting this day for so long!"

"Wonderful!" Rarity said, smiling. "I have everything set up and ready for you! Do come in!" The two stared at each other for a moment, then looked at Carousel Boutique, which Steven was nearly the size of.

"Orrrrrr...perhaps I shall come out there," Rarity said. Steven nodded as Rarity turned tail to retrieve her supplies. He already looked fabulous; soon, he would look even moreso.

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