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Prompt #53: Family Resemblance

The Prompt: Time to meet the parents!

It was quite possibly the single most awkward situation that Applejack had ever been a part of. She wasn't at all used to this kind of thing; as a filly, she'd never really put too much thought into the whole dating thing, so this situation had never come up for her. Big Macintosh had talked about it in the past, and she'd seen it first-hoof when he would bring a marefriend by the farm, but just hearing stories about it couldn't prepare her for what it actually felt like to experience it. She was normally a somewhat-talkative pony, but she found herself at a loss for the proper words to get a good conversation going.

"So how is this working?" Mach Speed asked in a gruff voice.

"Uh...pardon me, sir?" Applejack asked, tilting her head. Mach Speed pointed down at Applejack's hooves. AJ looked down, then realized. "Oh! Uh...friend'f ours knows a cloud-walkin' spell."

"Right," Mach Speed responded. AJ smiled awkwardly. She desperately looked to the stairs leading to the second floor of the house, wondering how long it would take Fluttershy to return with the photo album her parents had sent her to find. She'd only been gone for about 30 seconds, but it felt like forever, and her father's general silence and stern gaze wasn't helping matters. AJ looked around the room idly, until a photo on the coffee table caught her gaze. She picked it up and looked to Mach Speed, grinning.

"Ah didn't know ya were on a flyin' team, sir," AJ said. Mach Speed just nodded as AJ looked over the photo.

"Isn't he just gorgeous in his flight suit?" Golden Tongue gushed as she floated back into the room with a tray of brownies, nearly bumping into the doorframe as she entered. "You don't even know what I first thought when I saw him in that suit...oh gosh, my knees just turned to jelly, let me tell you." AJ chuckled nervously, placing the photo back on the table. This certainly wasn't the kind of topic she wanted to get into. She looked to Mach Speed, who just stared silently, not helping in the least.

"Uh...sure thing, ma'am," Applejack said, rubbing the back of her mane.

"And it's skintight!" Golden Tongue said, beaming.

"Y...yeh..." AJ muttered. She looked again to Mach Speed. He said nothing. He just looked AJ over. She was positive that he was judging her, but she had no idea what his criteria was.

"And he's just the most impressive flier you've ever seen!" Golden Tongue continued on, shoving a brownie into AJ's mouth. AJ was taken aback, but began chewing, offering the biggest smile she could.

"Y'drnt sry..." AJ said, then clapped a hoof over her mouth. Talking with her mouth full was perfectly acceptable at home, and occasionally even around Fluttershy, who would chastise AJ for it half the time, but giggle at it the other half. When meeting Fluttershy's parents for the first time, though, it was a gigantic faux pas. AJ's eyes darted over to Mach Speed. He stared at her, silent but for a quiet coughing noise that AJ was sure was done out of derision.

"Oh yes!" Golden Tongue bubbled, swooping over to Mach Speed and wrapping her hooves around him from behind. "My Speedy is the most powerful flier you'll ever meet! Not like me; I'm lucky I can even fly straight! He can do so many tricks, and he can do them all with a pony on his back! Isn't that right, my strong stallion?" Golden Tongue nuzzled Mach Speed's cheek. He made a slight "hrm" noise, rolling his eyes. AJ wondered if Fluttershy had somehow gotten lost. They only had about a half hour until they needed to get to their dinner plans, and she seemed to be taking absolutely forever. As if she'd heard her thoughts, Fluttershy came down the stairs at that exact moment. The relief on AJ's face was purely visible.

"I found the photo album," Fluttershy said with a smile.

"Wonderful, wonderful!" Golden Tongue said, beaming. Mach Speed just nodded.

"Applejack, could you help me in the kitchen?" Fluttershy asked. "I need help carrying the-"

"SURE!" AJ said, the sudden volume elicitng a small "eep" from Fluttershy. AJ smiled at Fluttershy's parents, then rushed into the kitchen.

"So what do you think of my parents?" Fluttershy asked as she joined AJ in the kitchen. "Ponies always say I'm a lot like them, but I don't really see it...I mean, dad's such a good flier, and mom's so outgoing..." AJ glanced back out into the living room. Golden Tongue was still going on and on, flying sloppy circles around Mach Speed, who was still stone silent.

"Ah think Ah can see it mahself," AJ said with a grin.

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