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Prompt #50: Keeping On Schedule

The Prompt: Ship all the mane six in a single relationship, not as separate pairings.

Twilight Sparkle sat at her house, anxiously watching the clock. It was Saturday, a day which had recently become her favorite day of the week. It was almost 8:00, and that was when the others were supposed to arrive. Of course, she knew that it was very unlikely that they would all show up on time. By this point in their relationship, she was used to the little quirks of their definitions of "being on time." Applejack would certainly arrive right at 8:00. She wasn't a strict scheduler like Twilight, but being a hard-working farmer, she knew the value of doing things on time. Rarity would arrive a few minutes later, as she loved to be fashionably late (Something which was to be expected, since it included the word "fashion"). Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie would arrive around a quarter after, as Pinkie liked to get Fluttershy...warmed up, as it were. It made sense; the entire relationship sprouted from their one-on-one relationship, so why would Twilight expect any different? Finally, Rainbow Dash would arrive at roughly 8:30. She didn't like being fashionably late. She didn't have any warming up to do. She just wasn't much for being on time anywhere. This might have bothered Twilight if it were somepony else, but she just couldn't stay angry at that smooth, sleek body.

And of course, everything turned out nearly exactly as Twilight expected, with most of the arrivals taking place right around when she'd predicted. Scheduling was so much easier when she was doing it around five ponies that she knew this well. The only deviation was Rainbow, who actually showed up around the same time as Fluttershy and Pinkie, to Twilight's surprise.

"I'm glad to see you all here tonight!" Twilight said with a smile. "And we're actually starting early for once! Thanks, Rainbow Dash!"

"No big deal," Rainbow said, grinning. "I just happened to wake up from my nap a bit earlier."

"That's cause you were with us~!" Pinkie said, bouncing. Rainbow blushed slightly. Fluttershy blushed far deeper.

"I do not understand why you need to gather in advance," Rarity said. "Are we not all getting together for that exact purpose?"

"Oh hush, Rarity," Applejack said with a smile. "Ya asked me ta do the same thing las' week on account'f ya were jealous 'bout them doin' it."

"Applejack! How dare you!" Rarity huffed, glaring at her.

"Ah'm jus' speakin' the truth," AJ said, grinning smugly.

"Girls, girls!" Twilight shouted. "If we keep arguing like this, we're gonna fall way behind schedule, even with the headstart we got due to Rainbow Dash's early arrival." Pinkie burst out laughing.

"Early arrival!" Pinkie said between laughs. "That's a good name for what happened to Dashie-" Her sentence was cut short by Dash's hoof clapping over her mouth.

"Girls, please!" Twilight said, trying to maintain order. "Now then, let's move our scheduled greeting kisses from 8:30, where I had them, to right now, 8:20. Does that sound good to everypony?" All five other ponies nodded. The six ponies exchanged kisses with each other, making sure that everypony got a turn with everypony. Twilight beamed as she finished her kiss with Applejack. She liked to save her for last; she'd had her eyes on her for a long time before the six of them came to this arrangement.

"Excellent!" Twilight said, grinning from ear to ear. "We're making very good time!"

"Making time?" Pinkie asked, head tilted. "I thought we were making out!" Fluttershy giggled lightly. A while ago, even a comment like this would have made Fluttershy blush and stammer, but at this point in their relationship, a little comment like this didn't really faze her as much.

"Well...yes," Twilight said, rubbing the back of her mane. "But we were also...you know what, nevermind. We have to keep this going if we want to get to the best part." The other ponies nodded in unison. Nopony could deny what the best part of the evening would be.

"So who gets to roll first?" Rainbow asked. "Cause I think it should be me!"

"Rainbow Dash!" Rarity exclaimed. "You always roll first!"

"That's cause I always think it should be me!" Dash said matter-of-factly.

"Well I think I should roll first!" Rarity said. She stomped a hoof, then gasped and checked it to make sure she didn't ruin her hooficure. Thankfully, it remained in pristine condition.

"Well too bad!" Dash said, flaring her wings. "I think I should roll first!"

"Now y'all're bein' silly," Applejack said. She always was the voice of reason for the group, the one whose word the others held in some kind of reverence.

"I agree," said Twilight. "Which is why-"

"Ah reckon Ah should roll first," Applejack continued. "Ah always end up last an' it's real frustratin'."

"No way!" Dash said, pushing her nose up to AJ's. "I'm rolling first!"

"I am!" Rarity said, stepping between the two.

"I don't care who rolls first, but now I wanna cause everypony's arguing about it!" Pinkie bubbled, bouncing around.

"Enough!!" Twilight shouted. "I drew a name from a hat to figure it out, and it turns out Fluttershy is rolling first." Fluttershy eeped and shrank back as everypony's eyes turned to her.

"...Um...I don't want..." Fluttershy began to protest, until Twilight pushed the die towards her.

"It's on the schedule already, Fluttershy!" Twilight said, looking at her expectantly. "And we can't change the schedule!" Fluttershy sighed softly, hating to be the one to make the first decision, even if it was a game of chance. Fluttershy picked the cup containing the die up and meeped quietly as she tipped it over, sending the die rolling.

"...And Fluttershy's with Rarity tonight!" Twilight announced. Rarity beamed at her spa partner. It wasn't often that she got paired up with her, and she relished the opportunity. Fluttershy began to apologize to Pinkie, as she always did whenever she ended up with a pony that wasn't Pinkie, but Pinkie shushed her.

"We're all together now, silly!" Pinkie said, giving her a big smile. "It's fine!" Pinkie gave Fluttershy a reassuring smooch on the nose, and Fluttershy calmed down as Rarity stepped up next to her.

"I shall treat you like the lady you are, Fluttershy," Rarity said with a nuzzle. Fluttershy returned the affections, closing her eyes contently.

"MY TURN!" Rainbow shouted, but she was stopped by Twilight.

"The next name chosen was Applejack," Twilight said.

"Aw, so I get leftovers?" Rainbow said. She shrunk back as Twilight, AJ, and Pinkie glared at her. "Uh...not that I think of any of you like that! Heh..." AJ smacked Rainbow with her tail as she trotted past her to retrieve the die. She picked the die up and gave it a good roll.

"HAH! What?!" Rainbow burst out. "It landed on Applejack! Guess you're alone tonight, AJ!" AJ rolled her eyes.

"Aaaaaactually," Twilight said, "The rules I wrote state that a pony who rolls herself gets to choose her partner for the evening."

"Yee-haw!" AJ said, rearing up. "Everythin's comin' up Applejack!" Rainbow just snorted.

"Oh, cut it out, you," AJ said, trotting up alongside Rainbow and resting her tail on top of her. "Ah wouldn't want mah partner fer t'night bein' a Negative Nelly." Rainbow grinned with a blush as AJ kissed her on the cheek.

"That means I'm with Twilight! That means I'm with Twilight!" Pinkie said, bouncing in circles around Twilight. Twilight watched her, grinning widely.

"That it does!" Twilight said, placing a hoof on Pinkie's back. "Okay then! The teams are set! You girls know what to do!" All six ponies nodded in unison.

"Let's get to it!" Rainbow said excitedly. Each pair of ponies picked up a Gamecube controller.

"Now remember the rules!" Twilight said as she popped the Double Dash disc into the console. "Each time you switch your racers, pass the controller to your partner!"

"Twilight, I believe we know the rules by this point," Rarity said, smirking. The ponies each chose their character, then began the race.

"Eeeeheehee!" Pinkie said as her team took the lead. "I almost like this part of the night better than the post-game orgy!"

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