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Prompt #48: Our Hero

The Prompt: Once upon a time, there was a dragon…

Once upon a time, there was a dragon. There were many dragons, actually, but this story is specifically about this dragon. Now, dragons in general were, and are, known for being very powerful, but this dragon was perhaps the most powerful dragon that had ever existed, and he was still only a teenage dragon. His physical prowess far surpassed that of his peers, so much so that he was undefeated in tail-wrestling competitions. His flames burned brighter than those of his companions, and his scales were so thick and strong that nothing could penetrate them. He was truly a prodigy amongst dragonkin, and it was for this reason that, despite his relatively young age, he was called upon for one of the most dangerous missions a dragon has ever been summoned for.

A great evil had taken over the lands, and it seemed that there was very little anyone could do to stop it, or at least anyone who had previously tried. It called itself "Bofus," and it was truly a terrifying sight. Its tentacles ravaged entire cities, and whatever wasn't smashed to bits was ruined by the foul beast's toxic emissions. For a time, it had looked like all was lost for our world, until the call was made to seek aid from the dragonkin and recruit their strongest warrior. Our hero did not hesitate to accept the call for help, because in his heart, he wanted to be a hero and save those he cared for most, and even those he didn't know at all, from certain doom at the claws of the horrifying menace. He left his home that day, not knowing whether or not he would return. He was accompanied by one squire; myself.

The dragon met Bofus face-to-face. The hideous beast snorted a cloud of putrid gas into our hero's face, but he did not falter.

"Your day has come, Bofus," our hero said, preparing himself for battle. "Now is the day in which you shall breathe your last breath."

"Foolish mortal," Bofus said, its mouth tentacles flaring and dripping with caustic spittle. "You wish to slay a god on this day. You will fall like so many others." Bofus reared back, standing in its full, disturbing glory. Still, our hero did not back down.

"Your bravery is commendable, dragonkin," Bofus hissed. "But bravery is not enough to end my reign." The terrible beast struck at our hero with his tentecles, but our hero's thick scales withstood each blow. Searching for a weak point, our hero found one under the beast's tentacles. Quickly, he shot out a stream of blazing-hot fire at the beast's weak point. It cried out in agony, a horrible, bone-shaking shriek. Our hero dashed forth, unfettered by the beast's flailing onslaught, and drove his claws into its flesh. Bofus screamed and fell.

"You die on this day, beast," our hero said.

"I shall live on," the beast hissed. "For my heart must be destroyed, and none can live to swim through the toxic waste that it lies beneath." Our hero cast his gaze upon the pool of toxic waste. He knew what he had to do.

"If you immerse yourself in the toxic waste," I told him, "you will become hideously malformed and mentally traumatized." Our hero nodded.

"For the fate of those we hold dear, I shall make the sacrifice," our hero said. Without another word, he leapt into the waste.

Our world as we know it was saved that day, free from the reign of the terrible Bofus. The monster's remains were burned, towns were rebuilt, and all would eventually be well. As for our hero, he was never the same again, physically or mentally. He was eventually brought to reside in the very place he had left. To this day, he lives on in that mountainous valley. Many have forgotten his deeds, and his malformed appearance and disturbing behavior may put some at unrest. But to those who know his tale, no matter what his current state, he will always be remembered as Crackle, the mighty dragon who saved the world.

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