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Prompt #44: Lady Luck is a Foul Mistress

The prompt: Rarity breaks a mirror.

“RARITY!!” Pinkie shrieked, staring in horror at the ground. “Do you even know what you just did?” Rarity turned to look at Pinkie, and followed her shaking, pointing hoof to the ground.

“Oh my…” Rarity said, frowning. “My favorite hoof mirror!” Rarity knelt to the ground and lifted up the remains of her beloved reflective apparatus. She shooed Pinkie away so she would not accidentally step on the glass, then got to sweeping up the shards. It was not a difficult task, but it took Rarity a while anyway, as she kept catching little glimpses of herself in the pieces and finding bits of her mane to fix in them. Pinkie stared at Rarity, unnerved by her calmness in such a drastic situation.

“Rarity! Have you gone loco in the coco?!” Pinkie asked, bouncing urgently. “You don’t even seem to be worried!” Rarity paused, a sudden glint of realization reflecting in her eyes.

“Oh my word…” Rarity said, covering her heart with a hoof.
“I KNOW!!” Pinkie said. “It’s the worstest thing ever!!”

“Worst thing ever?” Rarity asked, befuddled. “My dear Pinkie, this is fantastic! Do you not see the beauty in these shards of glass? Look at the arrangement! The way the light refracts off of their surface!” Rarity suddenly lept about a foot into the air. “IDEA!! I must use these in my next dress design! Of course, the sharp edges will need to be sanded down…”

“No no no no!” Pinkie said, grabbing Rarity by the shoulders and pulling her face close to hers. “You don’t get it! Breaking a mirror means seven years of bad luck! SEVEN YEARS!! That’s sooooooo long! This is serious business!” Rarity hesitated, then allowed a slight grin to cross her face. It was all she would allow; she knew that if she expressed exactly how silly this notion was, she would likely hurt Pinkie’s feelings, as she was so dead-set on it.

“Pinkie…” Rarity began, trying her best to be gentle. “That is simply a superstition. One does not get seven years of bad luck simply from breaking a mirror.” Rarity turned to resume cleaning, when she let out a slight yelp. She picked her hoof up to see that she had stepped on a shard of glass.

“See?!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Bad luck! It’s already starting!” Rarity pouted as she dabbed her poor hoof with a wet handkerchief.

“Pinkie Pie, it was one mishap,” Rarity told her. “A mere coincidence, nothing more.” She tried to continue on, but was interrupted by Pinkie whizzing past her, towards Carousel Boutique’s front door.

“I gotta get outta here and find a whole bunch of four-leaf clovers to make into a smoothie for you before the bad luck gets me too!” Pinkie shouted. Rarity, a bit disoriented from Pinkie zooming by her, stumbled sideways and fell into her supply table. Spools of thread fell everywhere as Rarity attempted to right herself.

“It’s already getting worse!” Pinkie yelped. “I’ll be back, Rarity! Good luck! Oh, but I wouldn’t be going anywhere if you had good luck! So…uh…less-bad luck!” With that, Pinkie zipped out the door and shut it behind her. Rarity rolled her eyes as she finished gathering the last of the spools up. She was certain that Pinkie was just being Pinkie. Two mishaps in a row was a little strange, but it was simply a coincidence. Rarity sighed lightly as she noticed that her powder kit had also fallen off of the table. She retrieved her vacuum, vowing to replace the powder kit as soon as she could. She flipped the vacuum’s switch, but it would not start. After a few more tries, Rarity turned the hose to herself, in order to look in and see if there was an obstruction. As she did so, her leg nudged the “reverse” button on the vacuum. Some say the unicorn’s shriek as she was covered in dust and debris could be heard all the way to the tip of the Everfree Forest, but nopony knew for sure.

Rarity whimpered and stormed upstairs for a shower. She turned the spigot on and placed her hoof under the showerhead. At least this was’t going horribly wrong; the water was nice and warm. She stepped into the shower, feeling the warm water spray all over her body. Rarity closed her eyes and smiled. After all those surely-coincidental mishaps, this felt divine. Rarity paid little attention to her surroundings as she reached out to grab her shampoo. She breathed in the scent of the shampoo as it ran through her mane. It smelled a little different than usual, but it didn’t strike her as especially odd until she noticed the yellow fluid pouring into the shower drain. Rarity blinked a few times, then poked her head out of the shower and looked in the mirror. It was at that moment, on that day, that Rarty realized how bad an idea it was to share her bathroom with Sweetie Belle, especially the day after Sweetie had dyed her hair to match Applejack’s.

“I’m back!” Pinkie said cheerfully as she reentered Carousel Boutique. Her saddlebags were filled to the brim wth four-leaf clovers. “Ponies say these things are hard to find, but I found a whole bunch! I guess cause I already had one, and that’s already good luck to begin with! I know you don’t believe in bad luck but maybe you should…” Pinkie stopped when she heard the scream. She began to rush up the stairs, but collided with Rarity, who had just began to charge down. The two tumbled a bit, landing at the foot of the stairs.

“Oh, THERE you are!” Pinkie said. She tried to hand the bags to Rarity, but Rarity was already gathering the clovers up as fast as she could.

“I thought you didn’t believe in bad luck, Rarity?” Pinkie asked, picking herself off. She glanced up at Rarity’s bright yellow mane and covered her mouth to keep herself from laughing. Rarity did not dignify this with a response, She simply poured the clovers and a bunch of milk.into the nearby blender.

“Yay, smoothies!” Pinkie said. Whatever else she was saying was drowned out by the blender turning on.

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