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Prompt #37: The Perfect Sister

The Prompt: ”You said you’d always be there for me! But you’re not. And it’s because of me.”

Rarity double-checked every single thing before leaving her house. It was just the way she was; as a seamstress, she had to be very detail-oriented. Just as each stitch of a new garment had to be flawless, so too did each bit of her life. Whether it be a simple visit to a friend’s house of a big event like tonight, she had to make sure everything about the trip was perfect.

Rarity was just about to leave Carousel Boutique when she noticed that the portrait of her parents near the front door was askew. She didn’t have a moment to waste, as she was already late leaving the boutique and Sweetie Belle’s big solo was very early in the show. However, she simply could not leave a portrait askew like this. She lightly nudged the photograph until it was perfectly straight. She stared at the photograph for a moment. Even though they weren’t there, her parents’ faces still somehow managed to judge her through this photo. She was entrusted with Sweetie for the week, and the filly was already upset enough that her parents wouldn’t be around for her big recital.

“Oooh…I know, Mumsy and Pop-Pop,” Rarity said quietly. “I shall be there for her, just as I said I would.” For a moment, she could swear she saw her father’s smile grow bigger, but she knew that was nonsense. In one quick motion, Rarity flew out the front door, shutting it behind her.

And in a moment, she was inside again. She couldn’t believe that she’d nearly forgotten it, as she set her keys on the counter. Her parents had made absolutely sure to inform her of Sweetie’s favorite flowers and candy, and in her haste to leave, she’d nearly forgotten them. Her parents made sure to reward Sweetie with these treats after each of her recitals, and Rarity could not bear to disappoint her and fall short of her expectations. She quickly located Sweetie’s presents, right where she had left them in the dining room and ran off once again.

Rarity quickly shoved her hoof back into the door before it closed. She’d left her keys on the counter, and thankfully remembered just in time. She levitated her keys into her bag and nearly ran again, before remembering that she’d promised Sweetie that she would take pictures. She couldn’t break this promise to her. Even though their experience with the Sisterhooves Social had been great for their relationship, she still felt inadequate as a sister on occasion. Applejack and Apple Bloom did nearly everything together, whereas it sometimes felt like she and Sweetie barely saw each other at all. She strived for perfection in her life, and as such, she needed to be the perfect big sister, for herself but more importantly for Sweetie. Rarity grabbed the camera, stuffing it into her saddlebag and making sure not to disturb the flowers or smash the candy. She had a feeling that slightly-bent flowers would not upset Sweetie, but she couldn’t afford that. They had to be perfect for her.

Rarity gasped as she caught a quick glance at the clock. She was running so late! The unicorn burst out of the house, now positive that she had everything she needed. She slammed the door behind her, making sure that it was locked. She galloped as fast as her hooves would take her, despite the fact that she’d just gotten a nice hooficure yesterday. She winced slightly as she looked at the dirt getting on her hooves, but there was no time to worry about it now. She breathed a sigh of relief as she saw the schoolhouse come into view. Hopefully she had made it in time…

Rarity’s face fell as she entered the auditorium. The crowd applauded wildly as Sweetie sang the final note of her song, but she did not look happy to be receiving such praise. Sweetie’s disappointed eyes scanned the room until they set on Rarity. The usually glamorous unicorn was out of breath, mane disheveled, and drooping at the knowledge that despite her best efforts, she’d let her sister down. Sweetie stepped off the stage and approached Rarity, who held out the flowers and candy with a weak smile. Sweetie pushed them aside.

“You said you’d be there for me,” Sweetie said. Before Rarity could explain her reasoning, Sweetie stepped right past her with a “Hmph.” Rarity slumped to her haunches, dropping the flowers to the ground. Applejack, who had seen the entire scene, stepped over to comfort Rarity, but she would have none of it. The unicorn dragged her hooves out of the schoolhouse without another word said.

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