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Prompt #2: Appleshocked

The prompt: Applejack walks in on a romantic moment between Twilight and Rarity.

"Alright, y'all!" Applejack said, beaming as she carried a tray of apple pancakes on her back. "Are y'all ready fer the finest apple pancakes y'all've ever see-"

Applejack was normally fairly good with grammar. Her accent occasionally got in the way, but she knew quite well that the proper word to use in that sentence was "seen." She fully intended to use "seen," but it was cut off when she saw Twilight and Rarity, on her couch, muzzles pushed together. Were they...kissing? In her house? On her couch? She should have known when Rarity showed up with Twilight earlier. Twilight was always welcome at the farm, but Rarity hadn't informed her that she was coming with her. AJ stood silently for a moment, trying to process it. It was about 5 seconds before she nervously cleared her throat. "Ahem..."

Twilight and Rarity's eyes popped open in unison, as if they were connected by their minds as well as their mouths. Both ponies turned thei gazes to the orange pony standing in the doorway, delicious snacks piled onto her back. The two pulled away, both blushing deeply. Twilight had figured that it would take a bit longer for AJ to finish the pancakes, and had informed Rarity of her belief that they had enough time for a bit of fun before they were joined in the room once more. The white unicorn had no reason not to believe her; after all, Twilight was quite good with scheduling and timing and the like. Apparently, though, she hadn't accounted for the fact that the apple-loving pony may have started the pancakes before they had arrived.

"Uh...hey, Applejack!" Twilight said nervously. "Ooh, are those pancakes?"

"Yeh," the orange pony responded, still a bit dumbfounded. "Ah toldja Ah was makin' pancakes..." Twilight smiled a large, awkward smile. She tried to continue, but Rarity placed a hoof on her shoulder, silencing her.

"Applejack," Rarity said, a red blush permeating the pristine whiteness of her cheeks. "We are ever so sorry for what you have walked in on..." Rarity was a pony of social graces, and she knew that such behavior in front of others was absolutely inappropriate. Normally, she might not have engaged in such behavior while at a friend's house. However, Twilight was so insistent, almost strangely so. It was practically impossible to resist Twilight when she pleaded for physical attention like she had; it was such a...well, a rarity...for her to do so. The fashion-minded pony had assumed that she had perhaps just finished a romance novel of some sort. Twilight's bookishness was adorable, especially when she would try to apply it in romantic situations. Being a romance buff herself, Rarity would often be able to piece together which novel Twilight had just finished by how hard she tried to emulate it. In fact the tactics she had used that led to this situation were quite reminiscent of "A Mare's Melody," which she had just finished recently. Perhaps they both unknowingly participated in the same book club?

"Nah...nah, don't worry 'bout it," Applejack finally responded, breaking Rarity's train of thought. "Ah don't mind none." She managed a weak little smile and chuckle. "S'cute ta see two lovebirds anyways. Ah'm plum happy fer y'all." The two unicorns sighed a simultaneous sigh of relief. Offending a dear, loyal friend like Applejack was not something that they had been hoping to accomplish.

"We're still really sorry," Twilight said. Before she could continue, the orange pony slid a plate of pancakes in front of her.

"Don't be!" AJ responded. "Stuff happens, ya know? Now g'won an' eat up, y'all! Ah worked hard on these jus' fer..." She hesitated. "...Fer both'f ya." Twilight and Rarity smiled and began eating the meal laid out in front of them. Applejack smiled wanly, watching the two lovebirds enjoying their meal.

"Applejack?" Rarity asked, pulling her gaze away from Twilight's eyes for a moment. "You aren't eating, darling."

"Oh...Ah ain't hungry," AJ responded."Ah...had a big ol' meal earlier." This seemed to placate Rarity's concerns, and she returned to eating. The orange earth pony excused herself shortly after, citing a need to use the little mare's room. She made a detour through the kitchen, stopping at the counter. She quietly thanked Celestia that she hadn't mentioned a dessert to the two as she shoveled the white and purple-frosted cupcakes into the garbage. Rarity liked to watch her calories anyway.

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