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Prompt #26: Something Horrible

Prompt: There’s only one day. One day, before Equestria ends.

"The horror!! THE HORROR!!!"

Roseluck and Daisy sat back on their lawnchairs, reclining comfortably and paying little to no attention to the frantic Lily that had just stepped outside. By this point, they were more than used to her outbursts, and had come to stop paying any heed to them. A few days ago, her cries of horror were directed towards the fact that she had run out of shampoo. Two days before that, she had poured just a teensy bit too much powdered sugar onto her pancakes. Her flair for the overdramatic could make Rarity seem calm and collected in comparison.

"More tea, Daisy?" Roseluck asked, nudging the teapot towards her.

"Please," Daisy responded, leaning over to take the pot.

"Didn't either of you hear me?" Lily asked, jumping up and down. "The HORROR!!!" Roseluck sipped her tea, while Daisy filled her cup. Lily looked back and forth between the two, wondering what had come over her two closest friends. This was a very important situation, and she couldn't believe that they would just ignore her like this.

"Rose! Daisy! Listen to me!!" Lily shouted. "This is the biggest problem ever, and I need you to listen!" Rose and Daisy rolled their eyes in unison and finished off the tea in their cups. Both ponies reached over to take the teapot, but Lily, having had enough of being ignored in favor of piping-hot refreshments, kicked the teapot over.

"Lily!" Daisy snapped. "Those were very expensive tea leaves in there!"

"We got them from Zecora, and you know how little she comes around!" Rose said, exasperated.

"There's no time for any of that!" Lily shouted. "You have to listen to me! This is the absolute worst possible thing ever, and-"

"Is it worse than the time that some dirt got on your newest dress?" Daisy asked.

"Is it worse than last month when Carrot Top bought the last head of lettuce in the market?" Rose inquired. The two of them smiled smugly at each other, causing Lily to groan in frustration.

"Yes! YES!" Lily shouted. "It's worse than ALL OF THEM! COMBINED!!!" Daisy and Rose chuckled and stood up.

"Lily, Lily," Daisy said, placing a hoof on her back. "You get way too wound up over things. Have you ever noticed how much you overexaggerate things? Everything is a major disaster with you. You have to learn to calm down, dear!"

"But this IS a major disaster!" Lily moaned. Daisy shook her head and looked to Rose for help. Rose stepped over and also placed her hoof on Lily's back.

"Lily, we care about you," Rose said, as nicely as she could. "And for that reason, we want you to stop making a big deal out of every single minor issue. It's not good for your nerves."

"BUT THIS IS SERIOUS!!" Lily whined. "It's not a dirty dress, it's not a lack of lettuce...it's not any of those things! It's terrible! It's horrible! THE HORROR!!" Rose sighed and shook her head.

"Lily, have you ever heard of the colt who cried wolf?" Rose asked, snickering a bit. This caused Lily to get even more frantic.

"Yes, I have!" Lily said. "And this is exactly like that! Don't you remember how in the end, the colt was telling the truth??"

"Ugh! Spoilers!" Daisy said, frowning. Rose gave her a look, then turned back to Lily.

"Lily, dear," Rose went on. "What I'm trying to say is that we know what you consider to be a disaster by this point. The three of us have been together long enough to understand your...quirks...and we've come to terms with them. I'm sure this is nothing, just like the other times usually are." Lily twitched slightly. She looked back and forth between her closest friends, feeling utterly, utterly frustrated.

"It's not nothing..." Lily said flopping onto her plot and looking down. "Why won't you believe me..." Daisy and Rose sighed in unison.

"Alright, Lily," Rose said. "Let's hear what this huge horror is today." Lily grabbed both ponies' heads and pointed them towards the sky.

"THAT!!!" Lily shouted. It was only then that Daisy and Roseluck noticed the huge meteor that was quickly approaching. "The news said it's going to hit Equestria tomorrow!!" Daisy and Rose's jaws dropped.

"THE HORROR!! THE HORROR!!!" the three ponies shouted in unison, then started running in all directions.


"...And that's how Equestria was destroyed!" Pinkie said, beaming. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo stared at her.

"...But Equestria hasn't been destroyed!" Scootaloo said.

"Oh! Right!" Pinkie said with a gigglesnort. "Who wants cupcakes?" The pink pony hummed happily as she bounced into Sugarcube Corner. Scootaloo stared at her friends, completely and totally confused.

"She's jus' bein' Pinkie Pie," Bloom said. Sweetie nodded. Scootaloo shook her head out, and the three entered Sugarcube Corner. There were cupcakes that needed eating.

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