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Prompt #24: My Sweet Treat

The Prompt: Twilight and Pinkie go to karaoke.

Twilight sat at the table that she and Pinkie had chosen tonight. She sat alone, because as usual, Pinkie was spending most of her time on stage. Every karaoke night was the same with them. Twilight would spend most of the evening sitting at the table closest to the stage, while Pinkie would sing her heart out. Pinkie would often ask Twilight why she wouldn't sing, and Twilight was always quick to avoid the question. Not that doing so was very hard with Pinkie's attention span; Twilight would often not even be halfway through her excuse before the pink pony bounced off, her name being called again. Pinkie did ask her on occasion if she really enjoyed karaoke night, and Twilight did not avoid this question, as she honestly did enjoy it. Hearing Pinkie sing was more than worth it; she didn't even need to sing herself to have a good time. Tonight, though...tonight would be different. Hopefully. Maybe.

Twilight welcomed Pinkie back to the table with a kiss on the cheek and a compliment on her latest song, just as she always did. She passed Pinkie's drink over to her, trying to hide her nervousness. Thankfully, Pinkie didn't notice it, or if she did, she didn't say a word about it.

"I've got a whole song until it's my turn again!" Pinkie bubbled. "Oooh, I think I'm gonna sing that new song by the Sea Ponies! It's a goodie! Have you heard it, Twilight? It's all like SHOOOOOOO BEE DOOOOOO, but then it goes SHOOO SHOOOOOO BEE DOOOOOOO! Oooh, but I shouldn't sing it now! You'll hear it when I'm up again! I wonder who's next anyway? I don't even see a lot of ponies in here, and most of the ones that are here don't really sing much..."

Twilight just smiled and nodded as Pinkie went on. Her nerves were wrecking any chance of paying attention to anything other than what she was concentrating on. Pinkie suddenly stopped speaking and shook Twilight a bit. "Ooh, look, the MC is coming up to the microphone! Let's see who's singing next!" Twilight gulped and nodded.

"Our next singer..." the MC said, "Is...Twilight Spackle!" Twilight rolled her eyes. Already off to a good start. She slowly stood up, but was stopped by Pinkie.

"Twilight, where are you going??" Pinkie asked. "Don't you wanna hear Twilight Spackle sing? I wonder who she is, I've never met a Twilight Spackle and I know EVERYPONY in Ponyvi-"

"Pinkie..." Twilight cut her off. "He meant Twilight Sparkle."

"Twilight Sparkle?" Pinkie asked. Then her eyes sparkled. "YOU'RE singing, Twilight?! Omigosh! I'm so excited!!" Twilight chuckled nervously, sweat pouring down her forehead. She slowly walked up to the stage, levitating a record that she'd pulled out of her saddlebag next to her. She passed it to the MC, who brought it to the record player. Twilight stepped up to the microphone, looking around at the crowd, but mostly at Pinkie.

"Uh...hi," Twilight said, an awkward grin on her face. "Um...I'm gonna sing a song I wrote. I hope you all enjoy it." Pinkie applauded enthusiastically as the music started. Twilight took a deep breath. Hopefully this would be good enough for her Pinkie.

"My sweet treat," Twilight started, coming in right at her cue. So far, so good! Three words in and she hadn't gone flat or forgotten a word yet! "You're such a delight to..." Twilight paused there. The word she'd intended suddenly sounded far dirtier than she'd originally intended. The unicorn panicked for a moment, but centered herself as best as she could once she locked eyes with Pinkie, who was watching her intently; far more intently than she watched any of the other singers. Twilight took a deep breath and came in at her next cue.

"My sweet treat," Twilight continued. "I love you from your head down to your.." She hesitated again. What was she thinking?! Ponies don't have feet! Ponies have hooves! But hooves doesn't rhyme with treat, and she had to rhyme. All of the research she'd done on songwriting said that rhyming was a necessity. Before she knew it, Twilight realized that she'd been thinking too long, and had missed her next cue. She panicked once more, coming in late.

"...Treat..." Twilight stammered. She tried to center herself on Pinkie once more, but found herself noticing the other ponies watching her. Some of them were starting to look bored, and that only made her sweat even more. She was doing a terrible job, and Pinkie was a great singer, and she was a horrible singer, and Pinkie would never think the same way about her after she embarrassed herself like this...it was too much for the unicorn to handle. She bolted off of the stage, to the bewilderment of the MC and the other patrons.

"...Twilight Spackle, fillies and gentlecolts!" the MC said, smiling slightly. "Up next is Pinkie Pie again!" Pinkie got up, but instead of heading to the stage, she ran out of the club after Twilight. The MC shrugged. "Well then, Twinkletail, you're up!"

Pinkie didn't take long to find Twilight sitting against a tree outside. She plopped herself down next to Twilight and placed a hoof under her chin, looking into her eyes.

"What's wrong, Twi?" Pinkie asked.

"What do you mean?" Twilight answered sheepishly. "Did you see me up there? I was awful!" Pinkie hugged Twilight tightly.

"You were great, Twi!" Pinkie said. "It was really nice of you to write a song all for me and try to perform it! And even though you forgot a lot of words and stopped like 20 seconds into the song, it was still really sweet!" Twilight smiled weakly.

"You really think so?" Twilight asked.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Pinkie responded, booping Twilight's closed eye with a hoof. Twilight smiled warmly as Pinkie followed this up with a kiss on her cheek, just like Twi always did after Pinkie finished her songs.

"Maybe you can try again next week!" Pinkie offered. Twilight chuckled slightly.


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