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Prompt #15: Daring Do and the Horrible Hoofinator! By Rainbow Dash

The prompt: Write an adventure story in which Daring Do teams up with one of the Mane Six to go on a rescue mission to save Rainbow Dash.

"Come, Lady Rarity!" Daring Do shouted to her companion. "The terrible tyrant's lair is just behind that door!" She often wondered why she took Lady Rarity along on these kinds of missions. She wasn't exactly the most athletic pony around, and she certainly didn't react well to some of the conditions she was put into. In this adventure alone, she'd stopped the heroic pegasus no less than five times so she could clean the dirt off of her prissy white hooves.


"Rainbow Dash!" Rarity said, frowning. "Why would you write such horrid things about my character?" The blue pegasus sighed a bit and turned away from her typewriter to face Rarity.

"C'mon, Lady Ra...Rarity," Dash said, rolling her eyes. "It's an exaggeration! And plus, you KNOW that if you went on one of these adventures and your hooves got dirty, you'd stop and clean them just like you have been in the story!" The fashion-minded unicorn hesitated. Rainbow Dash was correct; she simply could not afford to ruin her clean, delicate hooves.

"...Very well," Rarity said, turning her nose up a bit. "Carry on." Rainbow nodded and turned back to her typewriter.


"But Daring Do!" Lady Rarity whined. "I cannot afford to ruin my fabulous hooficure!"

"Oh, come on, Lady Rarity," the brave pegasus said, adjusting her pith helmet. "All we have to do is overcome whatever the villain's got in store for us and we can go home, alright?"

"...Very well," Lady Rarity sighed, turning her nose up a bit. "Carry on." Daring Do nodded and turned her back to the door, knocking it open with a powerful buck.

"O-ho!" came a villainous voice from inside the room. "If it isn't Daring Do and her companion! I take it you're here to save your friend?" Daring Do's eyes scanned the room for a sign of whomever was speaking. She instead caught a glimpse of her favorite pony in the whole wide world (who was also a fantastic flyer and good at a lot of other things too), Rainbow Dash! The awesome pony was trapped in some weird mechanical thing.

"Rainbow Dash!" Daring Do called out. "I'll save you!"

"NOT SO FAST!" boomed the villainous voice again. Out of nowhere came a huuuuuuuge monster of a pony! "Take one more step and I'll pull the trigger!"

"My stars! What is that thing?" Lady Rarity asked as Daring Do looked on with this really awesome and angry look on her face.

"Why, this is my Hoofitron McEmbarrassinator 5000!" the burly and kinda cool-looking (but not as cool-looking as Rainbow Dash) pony said with a snicker. "One pull of this trigger and those mechanisms over there will touch Rainbow Dash's hooves and begin giving her a hooficure! And she hates that!! As soon as that happens, she will be so embarrassed! And unfortunately for you, my machine is powered by embarrassment! With all of that embarrassment, it will be strong enough for me to take over Equestria! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!"


"Don't you think that's just the tiniest bit preposterous?" Rarity asked. Dash turned again, looking quite bothered.

"Hey, this is MY fanfiction," the blue pegasus said. "This is how it's gonna happen, alright?" The unicorn rolled her eyes. Dash was a stubborn sort; anything she would say was very unlikely to change her mind on the matter. She simply sat and waited for the epic conclusion.


"I don't think so!" Daring Do shouted back at the big tough pony (whose name was Doctor Jerkenstein, by the way). "There's no way you'll be able to get away with that!" Daring Do went to fly at Doctor Jerkenstein, but suddenly a really big and strong rope wrapped around her! Twice! "Ugh! I can't fly like this!" the flippin' awesome pegasus said, because even though she was more awesome than everypony in the world (except for Rainbow Dash) put together, even she couldn't escape this diabolical trap!

"Your world is mine!" Doctor Jerkenstein said! "MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Little did he know that Lady Rarity had already jumped into action! He was too busy looking at Daring Do, because he probably had a secret crush on her or something! Quickly, Lady Rarity used her magic to free Rainbow Dash (who was about 3 seconds from freeing herself anyway cause she's awesome like that) from the Hoofitron McEmbarrassinator 5000. Rainbow Dash was free! And awesome! Lady Rarity quickly enacted the next part of her plan, slipping into the machine herself!

"And now, I pull the trigger, and doom you all!" Doctor Jerkenstein said! He pulled the trigger, not even bothering to look back because he knew his plan was perfect! The machine jumped into action, and started giving Lady Rarity the best hooficure she'd ever gotten!

"Oh my, this is fabulous!" Lady Rarity cooed from the machine. "Just what my hooves needed!" Doctor Jerkenstein, upon hearing this, turned around really fast!

"NOOOOO!" Doctor Jerkenstein yelled! "MY PLAN IS RUINED THANKS TO THE BEST HEROES EVER!" Daring Do and Rainbow Dash worked together and beat up Doctor Jerkenstein in ten seconds flat! Actually, five seconds flat, because there's two of them!

"Good job, Daring Do!" Rainbow Dash said awesomely, smiling.

"You did a good job too!" Daring Do said! The two looked into each other's eyes for a really long time, and then they grabbed each other and started making out!


"RAINBOW DASH!" Rarity shouted, appalled. "What in the world do you think you're writing?" Dash turned around to look at the clearly-offended unicorn. She thought for a moment, then turned back to the typewriter.


And then they stopped making out and freed Lady Rarity from the machine (once her hooves were all nice and done of course), and they started making out with her too!


Dash turned to look at Rarity. "Better?" Rarity's face was a bright red. She looked at the pegasus at the typewriter for a moment, then smiled a bit.

"Hm...yes," Rarity said. "Better."

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