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Prompt #10: Friend's Night Out

Prompt: Two ponies go to a bar; one gets extremely drunk.

“You…you gots a really pretty mane…” the blue pegasus slurred, smiling dreamily. She had completely lost count of how much she had drank since she arrived at the bar, but whatever the number was, it certainly fit the criteria of “a lot.” She didn’t often drink -this- much when she went out. She’d drink just enough to get herself nice and sloshed, and then she was content for the night. Tonight, though…she’d just gone way overboard with it. She felt that she needed to impress her drinking partner for the evening, and for good reason; it wasn’t everyday that one was given the opportunity to spend the night with the captain of the Wonderbolts. In Dash’s mind, Spitfire was the coolest, most awesome pony in all of Equestria (Other than herself, of course). A pony of her caliber was sure to be a big partier. A big partier liked to drink, hence the bar crawl tonight. A pony that liked to drink liked to get drunk. A pony who liked to get drunk was likely to be impressed by another pony who could drink a lot. If she was impressed, she’d want to see her again. If she saw her again, maybe she’d get to really like her, and if she really liked her, she could potentially be dating the captain of the Wonderbolts. And with that kind of in, how could she possibly NOT get a place on the team? And it sure didn’t hurt things that she was quite the looker. The aforementioned pretty mane was only one of the things she could compliment her on. She had a lot of other things she liked about her, and she was determined to let her know every single one of them.

Spitfire smiled politely as Dash went on and on. She was used to fanponies before, but this was just something else. She hadn’t stopped drinking since they arrived at the bar. Spitfire liked to have a drink here and there, but she usually stopped when she was just starting to feel tipsy. There was no way that she would allow herself to get into the state that Dash was currently in. As a public figure, she couldn’t afford it even if she wanted to. Surely the papers would be all over a story about the revered Wonderbolts captain had embarrassed herself in a drunken stupor at the local club. Some ponies said that any publicity was good publicity, but Spitfire just couldn’t risk that. Besides, what would the fillies and colts who idolized her think, reading about their hero’s drunken escapades? Nope, absolutely not worth it. It was even risky to be seen in a situation like this, hanging out with a pony who was blitzed out of her mind like Dash was. However, she didn’t really want to leave. Dash was a bit brash, but she was a nice pony, and she owed her one for the whole saving her life thing. She’d endure it for tonight, and hopefully the next time the two hung out, mass quantities of alcohol would not be involved.

“Did…didju know that I love the Wonderbolts??” Dash asked, nearly slipping off of her barstool. Spitfire knew this. She knew it before tonight. Even if she hadn’t, the seventeen times that Dash had said it in the last hour alone might have provided an ample hint towards her discovery of the fact.

“Yes I did,” Spitfire replied with a polite smile. “I was aware.”

“You were?!” Dash asked incredulously. “Ha…have you been reading my diary?”

“I’ve never even been to your house, Dash,” Spitfire said, chuckling a bit.

“Do you wanna see it?!” Dash practically shouted.

“Maaaaaaybe another time,” was Spitfire’s response. She wasn’t trying to blow Dash off, but she was fine with just staying at the club tonight until it was time for her to head home.

“It’s really great!!” Dash said, staring at Spitfire with an intense, meaningful stare. “It’s made of clouds, and it’s got rainbow waterfalls, and part of it is shaped like a-“

“Peach schnapps please!” Spitfire shouted, interrupting Dash. She’d seen Dash’s house once before. She knew where that sentence was going, and there was no way she was letting her finish it in public. Dash nodded and ordered herself yet another drink.

A half hour passed. Spitfire had just gotten herself to her pleasant state of tipsiness. Dash, on the other hoof, was even farther gone than before. The bartender had thankfully cut her off, but the damage was already done. Spitfire smiled as she relaxed on her barstool. Even though Dash was being just the tiniest bit loud and a slight bit obnoxious, she was having a good time. It was nice hanging out like this. It was the kind of thing she did with her friends. She wondered if she considered Dash a friend.

“Spitfireeeee,” Dash groaned, beaming. “Didju know….didju know that I loooooove the Wonderbolts?!”

“Really?” Spitfire asked, humoring her. “I never knew that! Tell me more!” Yeah, she could consider her a friend. That worked for her. She could see herself hanging out with her more often.

“Omigoshomigoshomigosh!” Dash suddenly burst out. “I love this song!” Before Spitfire knew what was going on, Dash was standing next to Spitfire, leaning on her drunkenly. Spitfire smiled awkwardly. She knew she was going to sing.

“I thought love was only true in fairytales…” Dash started. Spitfire had to admit that, even when drunk, she had a decent singing voice.

“Meant for someone else, but not for me…” she continued. Spitfire continued to smile awkwardly. Dash was being pretty loud and bringing a lot of attention to the two, but it wasn’t a huge deal. She was just being friendly.

“Love was out to get me…that’s the way it seemed…disappointment haunted all my dreams…” Spitfire chuckled a bit. She was sure getting into this song, though it was kinda weird that her gaze hadn’t left Spitfire the whole time.

“Then I saw her face!” Dash belted out. “And I’m a believer! Not a trace of doubt in my mind!” Spitfire looked around at the ponies grinning, and grinned back. Dash was a bit silly, but she was a good friend. Dash suddenly stared straight into Spitfire’s eyes, placing a hoof in her mane.

“I’m in LOVE!” Dash sang, gazing at her. “I’m a believer! I couldn’t leave her if I tried!”

Spitfire suddenly felt a kiss on her cheek. At the same time, she was sure she saw a camera flash. Hoo boy. The papers were gonna have a field day with this one.

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