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Prompt #9: Last Words

Prompt: Write a Flutterjack fic which includes the last words Fluttershy and Applejack ever say to one another.

Their first date was...unique, to say the least. It wasn't quite what one would call a typical date, but it wasn't meant to be at first. A day of apple-bucking, followed by an accidental injury to the usually-timid pegasus. Not what one would call a normal date. That described their entire relationship quite well, actually. Their friends didn't expect the two to get together; neither of them had ever shown signs of it before that day. Sure, there was the time with the dragon, when Applejack was the one to go out of her way to help Fluttershy up the mountain, and when she was the first to encourage her to talk to the dragon and overcome her fears. But Applejack would have done that to any of them. They didn't call her the most dependable of ponies for nothing. It was different with Fluttershy, though. Her kind soul and quiet, adorable demeanor just struck her in a way that nopony else could, and the feelings were mutual. Fluttershy admired AJ's tough exterior, the way she was able to be brave and outgoing, two things Fluttershy always wanted to be. The two ponies couldn't be more opposite, but as many ponies often said, opposites attract.

They spent nearly every day together, practically every waking moment. Despite this, they wouldn't go flaunting their relationship all over the place. AJ knew how nervous Fluttershy was, and would never purposefully subject her to the embarrassment that came from public signs of affection. They couldn't help it sometimes, though. A nuzzle here and there, a warm hug, a gentle kiss. It never went further than that when other ponies were present, but those were common occurrences, not so much for the intention of making sure everypony knew of their feelings for each other, but moreso because the two of them just couldn't keep themselves apart for too long.

The day they spoke their vows to each other was one of the happiest days in Ponyville. Ponyville was usually a happy place in general, but something about their union just brightened the town even more. Theirs was a love that held strong, and seeing the two ponies so happy to be with each other was something that energized the others and gave them hope, especially their closest friends. The two rarely argued. Sure, the occasional disagreement came up here and there. It was inevitable; something that happened with all couples. No romance was perfect, but Applejack and Fluttershy tried their darnedest to make theirs as close to perfect as possible. Any argument that did come up was quickly defused. The sheer extent to which the two cared for each other would not allow for them to remain upset with each other.

As strong as their love for each other was, the adoption of their daughter only made it stronger. They had considered the idea for quite a while, and after much discussion, they knew it was what they wanted. Applejack was always very family-oriented, and Fluttershy's natural caring spirit made it a natural decision for the two of them. They raised her as best they could. When that wasn't enough, they had the help of their friends.

They lived full, happy lives. Applejack, always the hard worker, kept up on her farmwork until she physically couldn't anymore. Big Macintosh's twins took over when the farmer finally had to retire. Fluttershy continued caring for her animal friends, but it became harder and harder on the pegasus as she advanced in years. Eventually, that job was taken over by their daughter. The two missed their former obligations, but they remained happy, even without their work.

They grew old together. The time formerly spent working was now spent sitting on a loveseat outside, watching their family work and play. Maybe other ponies would have found it boring, just sitting there instead of keeping active. In truth, they found it somewhat boring on occasion. Applejack, in particular, was so used to working. But such a feeling would not last long, for it was when they were with each other that they were truly at their happiest.

They reflected on their lives together as Applejack lay on that bed, no longer having the energy to leave it. They held hooves for as long as they could. The farmer brushed away the pegasus's tears whenever it was necessary. She reassured her that they had lived long, happy lives together, and that nopony could have possibly dreamed of having a life that held even a fraction of the joy that theirs had. As Applejack drew her final breath, she held her love close.

"I'll always be here for you," the earth pony whispered.

"You'll always be in my heart," the pegasus whispered back.

And then she was gone.

Fluttershy did not move from her bedside position until Applejack was taken away. She would remain by her side for as long as she possibly could. Applejack was there for her when they faced the dragon. She was by her side for every day since their first date. Fluttershy would not leave it now.

She visited her grave every day. Often more than once. It got harder and harder for her to make it there, and once she no longer had the physical capacity to keep going, it was there that she stayed. Eventually, she closed her eyes for the last time. Their daughter was there to witness it, and told others that it was the first time since AJ's passing that Fluttershy had smiled.

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