• Published 29th Oct 2017
  • 1,518 Views, 109 Comments

Clue: Who Killed Home Body? - DagaYemar

Six ponies. Six weapons. Nine rooms. It's a simple question. Who did it, and where, and with what?

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Allow Me To Introduce Myself...

Allow me to introduce myself…

Greetings! My name is Home Body and I will be your host for the week. I’m glad you’re here. My other guests have already arrived and are waiting on us to join them in the study. I hope you’re ready for a pleasant and relaxing time. So long as no one gets murdered, that is…

Oh, I didn’t mean to startle you! It’s just that my guests tend to… get a little excited when we get together. Don’t get me wrong, they are a wonderful group of ponies to have around and they usually get along quite marvelously. Of course, there was that one time the Colonel tried to thwack Professor Plum over the head with the Wrench in the Kitchen over the last piece of pie. But to be fair, it was a really delicious pie!

You know, perhaps you could lend me a hoof. Sort of keep an eye out for anything suspicious, would you? Look for clues and such. That way should anything happen, you could tell me who did it. Not that anything will, of course. But you never know…

You only have six suspects, erm, I mean my maid and guests, to watch out for. Of course, I will never be a suspect! The six suspects are:

Green Mail: A truly talented business-pony. He’s got quite the skill at squeezing the most use out of every last bit. And out of his various debtors too, from what I hear.

Colonel H. Mustard: The good Colonel will be glad to tell you a tale from his days in service to the Princesses. And after he's talked your ears off, you might not be very glad you gave him the chance.

Peacock Poppycock: Peacock may be an irredeemable gossip, but she does have a heart of gold! Someday I will have to ask where she got it from, and if its previous owners will want it back.

Professor Plum Pudding: The epitome of a brilliant researcher, Plum has more projects in the works than most ponies can count. Too bad he can only afford to fund a fraction of them…

Scarlet Letter: The first time I met this ravishing beauty, I told her to "Make herself feel at home". She stays over so often now that I sometimes wonder which of us is the guest these days...

White Wash: My loyal maid. She’s worked under me quite happily for many years. I’m sure the poison in my coffee this morning was just an honest mistake.

Confused? Don’t worry, every mystery always has a way to solve it. Just take your time, read through your notes carefully, and I’m sure no puzzle will stump the likes of you! But just in case I’ll provide a list of suspects, weapons, and rooms so that you can check off your clues until you’ve narrowed it down to a culprit.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I must be going. I, er, just heard a bloodcurdling scream coming from the Study…

Author's Note:

I absolutely love mysteries! Hands down my favorite genre, a mystery is at it's heart a game the author plays with his audience. A challenge to see who can reveal the culprit first. And this is my challenge to you. Through the medium of my favorite childhood book series, I challenge you to a battle of wits. Can you solve my puzzles and literally beat me at my own game? Proceed, dear reader, and let's find out!

But a few notes before we begin. When writing these chapters, the map in my head is that of the Clue movie, wherein the Hall was in the center with all the rooms arranged around it. I could not find a good image of that for your reference, however, so I've supplied the map from the board game. For the purpose of these puzzles, all the yellow squares are extensions of the Hall.

And please remember that you are not the only reader who is taking my challenge. I encourage you all to post comments and help each other out, but please do not spoil the answer for everyone. Any comments that directly ruin the puzzle for others will be deleted.

Now... let's play a game, my friends. Tell me; who did it, where, and with what?