• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 4,562 Views, 64 Comments

Foal Quest - Zubric

A simple adventure book quickly turns into a foalish adventure for three unsuspecting unicorns.

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Hide and Seek

The three fillies awoke from their sleep sometime later, feeling refreshed and ready to continue their adventure. The passage of time was unsure in this world, as the clocks seemed to just be toy clocks you’d see in kindergarten. Twilight was the first to fully awaken and immediately giggled, watching as Cadance changed Spike into a clean diaper.

“Phew,” Cadance teased, “You sure made a stinky.” She waved her hoof in front of her nose, before wiping off his scales. Spike was hugging his Rarity plushie, making the scene even more adorable. The baby dragon kept squirming, letting out whines, but soon his new diaper was taped up, and Twilight laughed again, seeing the little pink hearts on it.

“This is a filly’s diaper!” Spike whined, blushing harder and hiding his face with his plushie.

Cadance helped him down and cooed. “Maybe, but it’s so cute,” She patted his bottom, before turning and approaching the crib, smiling down at the three. “Aww, did you fillies sleep well?”

Starlight let out a yawn as she stretched, accidentally knocking Moondancer’s glasses off. The light yellowish gray coated filly eeped and picked them up, setting them back on her nose

While Cadance picked up Moondancer for a change, Starlight looked back at Twilight with a soft smile. “Twilight, can we maybe just have fun for a while?” He asked her.

“What do you mean?” Twilight replied, “I’ve been having fun tracking down the elements.”

“I mean just having normal fun. Playing tag or just, you know, running around. It’s not like we’re on a ticking clock.” Spike explained

Twilight blushed as she looked down at her soiled diaper, somehow feeling youthful in spite of that. “I guess we can do that. We don’t know where the last element is right now anyway. Besides, I should probably get changed.” Twilight watched Moondancer be set down on the floor, before she and Starlight were floated over to the changing table. Twilight smiled down at Moondancer. “Hey, you want to take a break?”

Moondancer found herself sucking her hoof and smiled back. “Uh sure, sounds fine.” She nodded, as she went cross eyed staring at her hoof.

Cadance giggled at the sight while looking back, and swiftly got Starlight and Twilight changed, before letting them go.

The fillies waddled over to Spike and hugged him tightly, nuzzling into him. He happily patted the diapers.

“Spike, we want to go back to Ponyville.” Twilight told him, nuzzling into his tummy.

“What about the last Element? Shouldn’t we go find it?” Spike asked, petting Twilight’s short mane.

“We’ll find it when we find it. I just want to have fun.” Starlight insisted, tugging on Spike’s tail.

“Alright, if that’s what you want.” Spike replied, soon hearing the three cheer loudly.

While they were talking, Flurry Heart waddled, in holding a teddy bear. “Twily leaving?” She asked. The three fillies cuddled around her and gave her a big hug.

“Sorry, Flurry, but we need to go.” Twilight said as she nuzzled Flurry, causing the foal to giggle innocently.

“Okay, Twily.” Flurry cooed. Twilight giggled while planning to visit Flurry once they got out of the game. She just loved her favorite little niece.


The group used another silly slide to head back to Ponyville. The dragon and foals exited into the Everfree Playground, cheering happily. The sun was still high in the sky and pretty clouds floated by, shaped like ice cream cones or smiley faces. Just as the three were calming down, they heard the sound of a foal Rainbow Dash screaming a she ran past them.

‘“Stop singing!” Rainbow rebutted, while retreating from a flower bed of daisies singing delightfully. Twilight giggled, as Rainbow hid behind Spike.

“What’s wrong, Rainbow? Don’t you like cuteness?” Twilight teased.

“Nu, it too cute!” Rainbow replied, peeping out from behind Spike, while staring at the flowers and once again glaring at them.

Spike patted Rainbow’s head comfortingly. “There, there, it’s just singing. At least it’s not the potty monster.” But he was surprised to hear Starlight humming along to the childish tune, bobbing her head.

“Eek, don’t listen, Starlight!” Rainbow protested upon seeing Starlight bob her head to the tune. Moondancer joined her soon enough, giggling. Twilight would have questioned i,t but was caught up in the music as well. Rainbow, despite her resolve, began to hum and let go, bouncing over to have fun too.

Spike stood there, shocked, as the fillies all giggled and kept dancing around the flower bed, while the daisies continued to sing. The sight seemed harmless for the most part, even as other colts and fillies wandered in. Even Nightlight Moon was skipping along to the music. Spike couldn’t help but wonder why he wasn’t being swept up in the tune, as the group of foals gathered and played around the flowers.

Thankfully, after a while, the flowers stopped singing. They bowed, as the foals plopped down and clapped, giggling with glee. Twilight looked around at the group, beaming. “Hehe, do you want to play?” She asked them.

A grey coated pegasus with a blonde mane and tail that Twilight recognized at Derpy Hooves smiled while clapping. “Oh, that sounds great.”

Big Macintosh beamed. “Eeyup.”

Trixie clapped happily “Trixie loves games,”

Twilight jumped up and shouted, “Otay, time for Hide and Seek. I gonna count!” All the rest of the foals started waddling away to find hiding places, as Twilight turned to the slide and placed her hooves over her eyes as she counted, “One!...Two!...uh….Four!...uh...um..” She tried to remember what came after that but couldn’t. So she just shouted. “Ten! Here I come!” She turned around, and the first thing she saw was Dr. Whooves just standing there in a diaper, with little numbers and math signs decorating his padding. He was wearing a pot over his head, as Twilight just eyed him and asked, “Wha ya doin Dr. Whooves, aren't ya supposed to be hiding?”

Dr. Whooves nodded his head. “Ya can’t see my face so, I techniwy hiding.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, took the pot off from his head, and booped him on the nose shouting, ”Found ya, silly,” making the foal doctor giggle. Twilight just laughed and waddled off to find more ponies. She looked around the playground, and soon spotted a big poofy diaper sticking out from a bush. She giggled and crawled up slowly to it, before giving it a pat. “Found ya!”

Big Mac squealed and tumbled over on his diapered tushy as Twilight giggled, “I found ya, Big Mac.” He just blushed and gave a “Eeyup.” Twilight helped him up she asked, “Why ya wear such big diapers?”

Big Mac shrugged, “I jus like them big.” He then waddled off as Twilight thought. “If only Applejack were here, she would never let Big Mac forget this. I know I won’t, hehe.

Twilight went off and started looking for more foals. She soon happened to see a grey coated pegasus filly eating a muffin left at picnic table. Twilight laughed crawled up to her and shouted, “Got ya!”

Derpy turned and giggled, “Oh, I forgot to hide, oops.”

Twilight smirked and waddled off, continuing to search around, peeking about the playset shaped like a pirate ship.


Trixie giggled under the oversized traffic cone, staying still as she waited and thought, “There’s no way Twilight will find me here.” She heard crinkles getting closer and held still, only for her position to be given away as she peed. The cone glowed, as Twilight flipped it up and booped Trixie’s nose. “Gotcha, soggy butt!”

Trixie groaned, “Oh, you caught the adorable Trixie.”

Twilight hugged Trixie, making the magician smile. Then Twilight asked, “Wanna help me find the rest?”

Trixie nodded and babbled, “Sure, the sooner this game ends, the sooner I get changed. I think Starlight’s hiding in the treasure chest,” She pointed to the ship again, which was bright bubblegum pink in color. “Not sure where Nightlight Moon is.”

The two fillies waddle up the plank of the pirate ship, giggling at Spike as he turned the toy wheel, playing his own little game. Twilight made her way into the cabin and looked about, faintly hearing giggles. “Hmm wonder if anypony is in here?” She pondered outloud moving around as quietly as she could manage. She pulled open the toy chest, smiling. “Oh, there you are, Starlight,” She gave a playful boop once again as her student climbed out. “Have you seen Moondancer? She the last one not accounted fow, Nightlight Moon’s pwobably hiding in the dawk somewhewe.”

“That would be cheating.” Starlight replied and stuck her tongue out, waddling out quickly, picking up a pirate hat and putting it on. “Arrr, ready for action, Captain Spike,.

Spike giggled, patting her head, as Twilight went about searching for her friend (and Nightlight Moon) watching as the other colts and fillies got the silly hats too. She really wanted to join in and hurried around, peeking between the large tires. “Moony, where are you?” Just as she pulled her head out of the tire (having found Nightlight Moon hiding inside it), she saw one of the trees shake and moved over, looking up. “Moon Dancer?” She asked.

“Eep, I can’t get down!” The light yellowish gray coated filly latched onto the branch. “M-my magic just sparked, and I ended up here! Pwease, help me!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll get Spike, just hold on!” Twilight shouted up and ran back to the pirate ship, calling out for the dragon! “Spike, Moondancer needs help!”

Spike gasped and hurried over, looking up! Sure enough, there was Moondancer “Oh dear, how do we get her down?!” He asked.

“Catch her in a blanket?” Derpy suggested. “I think Nightlight has a big enough one.”

Nightlight Moon gasped. “But it will get all dirty, and you know I’d need somepony to wash it fow me!”

“Please?! It’s to save my friend!” Starlight pleaded, giving puppy dog eyes at Nightlight Moon.

Nightlight pouted. “Fine.” She hurried off to her bouncy castle, and soon returned with a large black blanket with stars on it.

Starlight, Twilight, and Spike pulled it open and looked up at Moondancer. “Okay, jump!” Twilight called, hoping it would work.

Moondancer gulped and angled herself, before jumping off and letting out a shriek as she descended. The ponies braced themselves, as she landed on the middle of the blanket. It slowing her down as she touched the ground. The group all cheered in delight as the filly stood up unharmed.

“Girls, why didn't you tell me that game was over? I got tired of hiding behind the bouncy castle, I was worried you’d all got eaten by the potty monster or something.” The group all turned and gasped upon seeing another Moondancer waddle over! Blinking as she looked at her other self. The group all looked at each other, confused at the sight.

Starlight was the first to facehoof at what was to come. “Ugh, here we go again.”

Author's Note:

This chapter is technically a filler, but I assure you that the next chapter will have the last element.

not sure how fast the next chapter will come out due to a medical emergency involving my eye it just a little hard to focus for long period of time at a screen.