• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 4,562 Views, 64 Comments

Foal Quest - Zubric

A simple adventure book quickly turns into a foalish adventure for three unsuspecting unicorns.

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Crystals and Closets

The three foals eagerly cheered, as they raced down the tube slide. Colours of all kind passing by as the light changed. They even felt a few twists and turns along the way. As they reached the end of the slide, they saw a white wall of light and soon passed through it, landing on a large, fluffy pillow.

Twilight giggled, clapping her hooves. “Again, again.” She cheered looking at at Spike. She still had the element pacifier in her mouth. The other foals giggled and bounced up and down, as Spike got to his feet.

“Maybe some other time, little ones.” Spike cooed, letting them get to their chubby hooves.

The Crystal Empire itself seemed like one big bed, with giant pillow forts making up the buildings, and bedsheets serving as roads. Every step caused the group to sink in a little, making waddling tricky, but also fun at the same time. The Crystal Palace was the biggest pillow fort of all, even having bedposts as pillars.

The Crystal Heart at the top of the palace was made of what looked like plushie material, with it sowed right into the top of the Crystal Palace. Giant teddy bears guarded the front, wearing cute diapers with Cadence’s cutie mark on them. The elastic was even pink colored, with frills poofing around the leg holes.

Starlight looked around, smiling in delight. “It almost looks like my bed from when I was a filly. Even has the silly pink teddy bear pillows I loved so much.”

“It is pretty cute,” Moondancer agreed, as they waddled along with Spike following behind and occasionally patting their diapers. Moondancer turned to look back at the dragon. “How did you know to come here?” She asked him.

Spike smiled. “Just a feeling, I guess. Plus, who doesn’t want to see my glorious statue?”

Twilight giggled upon seeing it. “You mean the one with you having a large pacifier?” She pointed, barely managing to hold back her laughter. Said statute had Spike posing, while holding a mighty rattle, and wearing thick padding. The foalified princess so wished she had a camera to capture the sight.

Spike blushed and nodded. “Uh huh, isn’t it nice? Bet your Spike’s statue isn’t as cool as this one.” He boasted, looking around. Soon, there was a crinkle, as an orange coated unicorn colt waddled over. “Sunburst?” Spike asked.

“Oh, hello Spike.” Sunburst greeted, as he came up to him, and without asking did a diaper check, causing another fit of giggles from the other foals.

“H-hey!” Spike whined, wiggling about during the entire process.

“Just checking you, silly dragon,” Sunburst replied, and patted Spike’s head. Then he gasped again. “Starlight!” He exclaimed and smiled down at Starlight, snatching her up before she could waddle off! He proceeded to blow a raspberry into her tummy. “Who’s a cute little filly?” He cooed.

Starlight was sent into a laughing fit, kicking about as Sunburst did another, while the others watched the adorable sight. “Me, me! Hahaha, stop, you’ll make me pee!” Starlight squealed. Sunburst didn’t listen, he just blew another raspberry into Starlight’s tummy and tickled her hooves. “Hehehe! No, stop! hehe!” Starlight giggled, even as the inevitable happened and her padded swelled up as she soaked it.

“Heehee, oops,” Sunburst smirked and set Starlight down. “Here, I’ll get you changed,” And with help from Spike he quickly removed her old diaper, wiped her clean, and put her in a freshly powdered diaper, that was then taped up. “So, I hear you needed some help?” He asked Spike and the foals.

Spike nodded and explained, “We need to find the element of blankies. Is it here?”

Sunburst nodded as he replied, “Yeah, but unfortunately we have a big problem. Somby has been acting up again.”

Spike rolled his eyes, “Oh great, what has he done this time?”

Sunburst got pouty as he whined, “He makes messes all over the kitchen! He cries all night, waking everypony in the castle! And he just won’t stop being a nuisance! He constantly gets spanked by Cady, but nothing works!”

“You mean Sombra?” Twilight asked with a puzzled look on her face, as she then commented. “Well, at least he sounds nicer than the real one.”

Sunburst pouted, unsure of what the foal meant. “Well regardless of who he is, he needs to be stopped. His crankiness is getting out of hoof.”

Spike nodded, “Don’t worry, we’re on it.” He assured Sunburst.

“Don’t you mean us?” Moondancer joked, poking Spike’s padding.

“Hey, I can help too! I’m older than all of you!” Spike pouted.

“Aww, we know, Spike,” Twilight giggled, and hugged his leg. “You’re a big, strong dragon.” Upon seeing him smile, the foals followed Sunburst along, heading into the castle with Spike without delay.


After waddling around some, the group heard a disturbance, soon seeing a coated black unicorn colt running around, wearing his red and white blanket cape, with a light blue pull-up between his legs.

Sombra crawled down the hall and passed the group, giggling happily as Cadence gave chase while shouting, “You get back here right now, mister!”

Sombra shook his head, “Na uh, no nappy! I wana pway.”

Cadence shouted in frustration, “You get back here on the count of three, or you’re getting a spanking!” Then she began to count. “One….” Sombra pouted and sat on his padded rump, Cadence counted again, “Two…” Sombra began to whimper, and started to throw a tantrum, kicking about, as Cadence sighed and came up to the little colt. “Come on, Somby, don’t give me that. You need your sleep.” Sombra still shook his head, as Cadence asked, “Why don’t you want to take a nap?”

Sombra cried, “I scawed of ta monsta in my cwoset, he gonna eat me!”

This made Spike, Cadence, and Sunburst all daww. Cadence came up and hugged Sombra as she assured him, “Oh come now, there’s no monster in your closet, sweetie,”

But Sombra whined, “Yeah thewe is, and I not gonna take a nap untiw it weaves!”

Starlight waddled over. “Um..maybe we couwd help? We bwave fillies.” She beamed, thinking it would be easy. Chanes were it was just a simple scary T-shirt or a toy dino hidden in the shadows. Starlight had been afraid of such things as a filly, until her parents showed her there was nothing to fear, it was just her imagination.

Twiilight wasn’t so sure. “Bu Stawwight, wemember the potty monster?!” She meeped, “What if this monster is weal too?”

Starlight shrugged. “Even if tat’s twue, how bad couwd it be?”

“Nu fillies allowed, fillies stink!” Sombra huffed, crossing his hooves and being the typical colt. It was clear that this Sombra, though not a tyrant, was still very bad tempered. The three foals stuck their tongues out in protest (after removing their pacifiers to do so).

“Wha abou me? I a big colt!” A voice cried out. Everyone turned to see a toddler Shining Armor, waddling about in his blue training pants and a puffed out chest.

All the ponies giggled and laughed as Sombra shouted, “Shiny! Ya came!” He waddled over to Shining and hugged him tightly.

Shining immediately asked, “Somby, why you bein naughty to Cady? Ya wanna get spankies again?”

Sombra whined, “Nu, bu I scawed of ta monster in my closet, Shiny! I pwomice if ya get wid of it though, I’ww wisten to Cady foweva and eva.”

Shining eyed Sombra sternly, “Ya Pwomise?” He asked the colt.

Sombra nodded and crossed his heart, “I pwomice.” Sombra then started to do a potty dance, as Cadence smiled and cooed, “Somby, do you need to go potty?”

Sombra blushed and nodded, prompting Cadence to ask, “Shiny, can you go get rid of Somby’s monster for him? I’m going to get him to the potty.” She led Sombra by the hoof down the hall, soon turning around the corner.

“I better go make sure Somby didn’t make a mess in the kitchen, again.” Sunburst sighed, and trotted off to tend to his own devices, leaving Shining alone with the group.


Shining smiled, looking at Twilight. “Twily, ya hewe! Want to watch me be brave?!” He boasted.

“Suwe, but take Spikey with ya, he brave too.” Twilight replied, patting Spike’s diaper bottom.

Spike squeaked. “M-maybe, I’m not sure.” He twiddled his claws about shyly. The three foals clapped for him.

“You can do it, I know you can!” Twilight encouraged Spike, as they waddled along toward Sombra’s room.

Spike smiled a little at the praise as they entered Sombra’s bedroom. As expected, it was a nice little colt’s room, with a children’s bed built like a castle, and plushie knights scattered around the room. The closet loomed over them, as they heard a growl from inside.

Spike meeped, clinging to Shining. “Scary.” He shivered, as Shining lightly nudged him off.

Shining approached the closet and slowly pushed it open. The darkness made the fillies eep and hide behind a pillow, as Spike and Shining stared inward.

“C-careful, Spike.” Starlight called out, feeling timid from just staring at the void.

Shining scrunched up his face, lighting up his horn to peer inside. As the two prepared to battle the monster, Starlight heard a loud tinkling noise, like pee hitting plastic, as Cadence could be heard shouting. “Oh good job, Somby! You’re doing great!” Starlight cried, “We gots ta defeat the monstew, befowe Somby is done going potty!”

Just then Sombra could be heard shouting, “Wook Cady, I gonna do a poopy too!” It took all of Twilight’s will power not to laugh.

Cadence could be heard cooing, “Go on, Somby. Show Cady how big you are and make poo poos in your potty.”

Sombra’s grunts could be hear, and the fillies tried desperately not to laugh at what they were hearing.

Meanwhile, Spike and Shining eeped, as the light shined upon purple and yellow sweaters, wiggling in their own odd magic. The two grabbed rattles and took big steps forward. “S-stop, scaring Somby,” Shining declared, trying to sound threatening. “O-or um...will stain you with our drool!” They watched the sweaters oddly look at each other, before leaping out at the two! They shrieked and tried to run away, but due to the toys on the floor, they tripped and were easily overtaken. The two squeaked, wiggling around as they scratched at their bodies, the ridiculous sweaters clinging to them.

While the two boys whined and scratched about, the fillies overheard Cadence ask. “All done?”

Sombra shouted, “Yeah, I done making poopies!” Everyone laughed at this, even the sweater monster

Shining whined, scratching about and tugging on the sweater! “Eeep, get it off! Itchy itchy!” He complained and rolled around. The sweater monsters laughed more, tormenting the two boys with their woll.

Then they heard Cadence ask Sombra. “Alright, all clean. Now which pullups do you want to wear? The blue ones or the pink ones?”

Sombra tried to whisper (but was unaware that the sound echoed through the halls), “Uh the pink ones, please. But can ya hide them under my cloak? And don’t tell anypony, otay? Especially Shiny, he’ll waugh at me.”

Cadence whispered back, “I promise not to tell anypony, now how about I help you get them on, cutie butt?”

This made one of the itchy sweaters burst into a fit of laughter. Spike clawed at the sweater, inadvertently causing a rip. That gave him an idea. He grabbed onto Shining’s sweater, ripping a part of it, and tugging it as it began to unravel. Shining did the same to Spike sweater. The monsters yelped and wiggled as they were undone and made into piles of yarn.

Just as they had finished, Cadence lead Sombra back into his room. Sombra hid behind the princess’ leg while whimpering. “Is the monsta gone?”

Twilight nodded, floating up the yarn. “Uh huh, all gone.” She beamed, but tilted her head as Cadance gasped. “Shining, those were Flurry Heart’s sweaters!”

Shining gave Cadence big pouty eyes and whimpered, “Uh oh. I sowie Cady, I didn know. I thought they was big monsters!”

Sombra nodded and ran up to Shining, hugging him, “Tank ya, Shiny! Ya ta best big bowtha eva!”

All the ponies dawwed once more, as Twilight thought, “I wish the Sombra in our own universe was this cute and not such a big meanie. She blinked and blushed upon realizing how she had mentally phrased that. This game was really getting to her.

Shining hugged Sombra back and Cadence sighed, “Well, alright, Shiny, But you need to say sorry to Flurry.”

“Okay, Cady, I will.” Shining smiled.

Cadence nuzzled Shining and whispered, “Well, now I at least know where Flurry got her big pouty eyes from.”

Spike couldn’t help but pout at the comment. “They were itchy!” He stuck his tongue out.

Cadence just giggled, patting Spike head, “Well that was fun and all, but Somby and Shiny both really need their naps.”

Sombra nodded rather sleepily. Shining grumbled a bit, but he knew there was no fighting Cadence on nap time.

Twilight turned to Sombra and asked him, “Before ya take a nap, do ya gots ta Element of Blankie?”

Sombra gasped, “Oh, I tink I gots tat!” He took off his blanket cloak and hoofed it over to Twilight, but he didn't realize he was still in his pink pull-ups. They all laugh upon seeing them. Sombra blushed hard and tried to hide them, but Cadence nuzzled him, “Oh, they're just playing, Somby. You look great in your pink pull ups. In fact, I think Shiny should wear them too.”

Shining pouted. “Aw, do I have ta, Cady?!”

Cadence giggled. “Maybe next time you’ll think twice before making fun of your baby brother for what he wears. Besides, we were running low on blue pull-ups anyway.” Cadence didn’t wait long as her horn glowed, and Shining’s pullups were turned into frilly pink ones, making Sombra giggle abit. Cadence then took both colts into her embrace and started to tuck them both into bed. The fillies just watched the adorable scene, as Cadence put plushies in their hooves, dimmed the lights, and put on two night lights for the colts. She then told them, “Now if either of you need to go potty, I’ll be right outside, okay?”

Both colts mumbled, “Otay Cady.” The fillies (and Spike) all waved goodbye to the colts, before exiting the room.


Once the bedroom door was shut, Twilight started to bounce on her hooves. “I wanna do dress up with Flurry!” She said, and gave puppy dog eyes to Cadence, the secret weapon worked pretty well.

“O-oh alright, just stop with the eyes, I give!” Cadence giggled, floating the three foals to her back as she took them along. Spike followed close behind, carrying the diaper bag.

They passed by a few teddy guards, until entering a light pink nursery with blue highlights. Flurry clapped and cheered upon seeing the group of fillies. “Play, play.” She cooed.

Twilight smiled, waddling over, and giving the foal a hug. “Flurry, I’m ready to play.” She greeted.

The others came over, as Cadence beamed, and opened the nearby closet, looking at the various outfits on display. Twilight looked up at the collection and pointed at the Daring Do costume, “Oh, me want dat!” She cheered.

Starlight was next, as she scanned the items, before pointing at the light pink costume with a big helmet. “I want ta space pony!” She said, and bounced up and down as Cadence took the costumes off the rack, floating them down.

“What do you want, Moondancer?” Cadence asked.

Moondancer tapped her chin as she tried to think about what she wanted. “Um, Ballerina?” She said at last.

The other two fillies giggled a little, as Cadance nodded. “Of course, our little dancer.” She teased, getting out the white ballerina attire with tiny pink shoes. The Princess helped dress each foal one by one.

Starlight seeming to enjoy hopping around with the little clear helmet on, beaming ear to ear, as she went around, booping the others on the nose.

Twilight giggled again, covering her nose. “Hehe dis is pretty fun.” She held still as Spike took a photo, setting the element pacifier back into Twilight’s mouth. “Tank you, Spike, fow all the help.” She told him.

“Hehe, don’t mention it. Just doing what comes naturally,” Spike replied, and ruffled Twilight’s mane. “Such cute heroes.” He cooed.

Flurry nodded, clapping happily, as she started to play tag with Starlight. The little unicorn gave chase, waddling after her, as they ran around the foam blocks and stuffed animals. The others can’t help but join in, running around the room, tagging one another with cheerful smiles. The enjoyment seemed to go on for an hour, til they all plonked down onto their tummies.

“Aww, I think the little ones need to go to bed.” Spike cooed. With gentle care, he picked up Twilight, who wiggled about weakly in protest as she was taken to one of the cribs. Cadence had picked up the other two, and was laying them down in a neat little row in the crib.

“Mmm, but what about the Elements?” Twilight yawned, wiggling under the Element of Blankie and watching the mobile slowly spin. The others were getting sleepy as well, making similar noises as ther eyes closed.

“Don’t worry we'll figure that out after your nap,” Cadence cooed. “You’re doing such a good job.” With those calming words, the three soon drifted off into slumber, without a care in the world.