• Published 9th Apr 2017
  • 3,011 Views, 185 Comments

A Dragon's Selection - CartoonNerd12

A Selection AU. 35 mares. 1 dragon. The competiton of a lifetime.

  • ...

Chapter 13

Author's Note:

This is it the final double update of this week, I hope that will make up for the lack of updates next week. But once that week is up, expect more updates. I'm actually shock at how fast I'm able to write these chapters, my guess is because I'm spoofing this from a book series, so I got lots of material to work with and lots of great ideas on how to make it work or make the story better. So yes, please review these chapters, your input is always greatly appreciated.

Applejack paced back and forth in the kitchens causing stares from the other cooks. She was nervous about asking Spike what his thoughts on children were. If it was somehow possible for them to be together would he be alright with children? Either his own or adopted? She thought to herself.

Come on, do you really want to marry someone who doesn't want kids? If anything, by knowing this now you can finally make your choice!

Her thoughts were broken when one of the chefs said, "Your highness." and they bowed in respect. She turned to see the dragon walking in with an apologetic look on his face.

"Sorry I'm late. Princess Celestia just came to see me and told me about a very interesting thing…" he looked around and saw the cooks were still there and addressed them, "Could you all please leave for about an hour? I must speak with the lady in private."

The cooks nodded and went.

He faced Applejack again, "As I was saying, the princess told me about how you girls were upset about not being able to become mothers…"

She thought, Well some of us were more or less…

"I can't help but wonder who brought it up, but… I have a feeling that it was you, wasn't it?"

She blushed, "Guilty." she sighed, "It just… Celestia's talk of weddings made me remember of my foalhood dreams and one of those dreams was being a parent."

He asked in thoughtfulness, "It really means that much to you?"


He slowly wrapped his tail around her and lifted her up, "What if I was to tell you that you can be a mother?"

Her eyes widen and uttered, "Is it possible then?"

"That's what Celestia wanted to talk to me about. Turns out she has a potion that will allow two beings to mate no matter their species."

AJ gasped happily but remembering her concerns from before, she asked, "Spike, is that something you want? Do you want to have children too?"

Spike bit his lip before admitting, "I'm not sure… I was told I had to marry a pony no matter what and since none of my aunts and uncles had kids so it never really occurred to me that I might want to be a father."

"But… would you consider it now?" she asked with hope in her eyes.

But Spike looked uncertain, "I don't know…" he confessed and he saw the disappointment in her face, he quickly said, "But we'll have to discuss this some other time, as of now the hour is almost up and we still need to decide who the best baker is…" he smirked.

That made her smile a bit as she got out of his tail wrap and headed for the counter.

"Well that didn't go as plan." Spike chuckled while they were on the way to Applejack's room.

The two were covered in flour and dough, laughing off what just happened.

She smirked, "Well it's your fault for putting that batter all over me."

"Not on purpose! You're the one that decided to throw that dough at me and started that food fight!"

"You started it!" she insisted playfully.

"No, you started it!" he smiled then they laughed again.

When they arrived at her door she started to go inside when he said in a suggestive tone, "Need help getting clean up?"

She looked back to see his impish grin causing her to copy his smirk and brushed his nose with the end of her tail. Making him smile like a dope.

"Not today, sugar cube. But maybe someday when it's just us two…"

His eyes widen, "Does that mean you're considering being with me then?" hope swelled in his heart.

She gave a sad smile, "I would, but I need to know for sure how you feel about being a father… I would so love to be the mother of your kin, Spike but that's only if you want that too…" she went in the room and closed the door behind her.

Spike stood there gawking as he went over Applejack's words in his head. She wanted to mother his children. She wanted to mate with him just as much he wanted to mate with her. But that's only if she could have children with him. Could he really be a father to them unlike his own father was to him? There was just so much uncertainty that he wasn't sure if he would ever figure it out.

Pinkie bounced around the room in happiness then stopped to talk to Rarity and Fluttershy in a corner. It had been a few days since their talk with the princess and Spike had met with all the girls telling them about the potion that the mood in the girls' leisure room had been lifted greatly though Sunset more or less was being a curmudgeon and sat alone while trying to read a book and Twilight was looking remorseful while telling Applejack about her and Spike's talk from yesterday afternoon.

"I just felt so awkward around him… He could tell something was wrong but he didn't push. Once he told me about the potion I told him that was great news but then he had this sad look in his eye… Then he asked me how I think he would fare as a father."

Applejack's eyes widen and inquired, "What did you tell him?"

"I told him that I thought he would make a wonderful father. He seemed surprised by the answer then left."

Hope rose in Applejack's heart, if Spike was asking Twilight how he would do as a father then maybe there was a chance that they could have a family of their own!

Twilight smirked at the dreamy face Applejack was giving off. "I take it you're the reason he was asking me that?"

AJ slightly blushed, "It's just that… I told him I wanted to be a mother and well… I might have let it slip that I wanted to have his kin… so… maybe?"

Twilight giggled and sipped a cup of tea, "You two are getting really serious at this point. So if he does decide to be the father of your children would you end this and marry him?"

"It will definitely give me the edge I need to make my choice but I also need to see my family again before I make the final verdict."

She set her cup down, "I have to the go the bathroom. I'll be right back."

AJ chuckled, "Yeah, me too."

Twilight gestured, "Why don't you go first then? I'll just finish up my tea in the meantime."

"Well okay, if you're sure." she got up and headed out of the room and into the hallway where she ended up smacking into a guard. "Oops! Sorry!"

Sir Sentry chuckled, "That's okay, that seems to happen a lot to me."

"Hey, wait… I recognize you from when Spike and I were in the gardens earlier this week."

He slightly laughed, "That would be me, Sir Flash Sentry. Sorry I disturbed your time together but my orders were necessary to protect the prince."

"That's okay. I have no hard feelings' toward you. In fact, you have my everlasting gratitude for tryin' to keep him safe."

"It's my pleasure, Miss Applejack. I can tell the prince means a lot to you."

"Well, it was nice talkin' to ya but I really need to use the little filly's room right now."

He chuckled again, "Please, don't let me keep you from your business."

That caused her to chuckle and went on. When she came back to the leisure room she told Twilight about her encounter with Sir Sentry causing the unicorn to giggle before she excused herself and Applejack couldn't help notice how long it was taking Twilight to come back and when she did, she was looking much happier then she been before.

The day before Nightmare Night arrived, and the girls were in the foyer as they excitedly couldn't wait for their families to come in. However, Sunset was the only one who wasn't presented which was interesting and it made the girls wonder why she wouldn't want to see her own family as well. But before they could dwell on it further, Ms. Harshwinny came up to them and announced.

"They're here! Now remember, best behavior ladies!"

But that soon fell apart when Pinkie saw her family coming in and let out a huge squeal and zoomed to them, "Mom! Dad! Limestone! Marble! Maud!" and hugged them tightly while they gave off no emotion.

Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack were perplexed at how calm they were while Pinkie was so hyper and happy. But they didn't think much on it when Twilight's family came in.

"Twily!" called a white unicorn stallion.

Twilight beamed and ran to them, "Shining Armor! Mom! Dad! Cadence! Flurry!"

They all hugged her.

Fluttershy's family came in next with her parents moving timidly while marveling at the castle décor as her brother said out loud, "Hello Canterlot Castle!" then when they had approached Fluttershy and hugged her, her brother said, "Say Flutters do you know if this place has a spa? I need to get my hooves shiny for I meet the prince who will be my future brother-in-law, no?" he twitched a brow.

Applejack could hardly believe that guy was related to sweet Fluttershy, but at least her parents were completely like her if not more on the timid side. Then Rarity's family showed up and while the prim and proper unicorn tried to keep with decorum, even she couldn't help it as she rushed to her parents and little sister.

"Mother! Father! Sweetie Belle!" and hugged all of them.

Applejack started to worry when suddenly a voice cried out.

"Applejack! Applejack!"

Tears threaten to escape her when she saw the beautiful sight that was her family. "Apple Bloom! Granny! Big Mac!" and ran to them as they got into one big family pile. "I missed y'all so much!" she told them.

"We missed you too!" Apple Bloom exclaimed while keeping a tight embrace with her big sister.

Granny said, "Gosh darn it! We thought you would be home within a matter of days! But when you didn't…"

Applejack gave guilty look, "I'm really sorry, Granny, I know said I would come home before you knew it but…"

AB smirked, "You fell in love."

Her cheeks redden as she declared, "No! That's not it!" then sighed, "Look, it ain't love yet but I do have…" she looked to the side, "certain feelings… for him…"

Apple Bloom bounced, "I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!"

AJ then addressed her brother, "So… Big Mac. How you feelin' about me being here instead of home?"

Big Mac took a breath and said, "Frankly Applejack, it surprised me greatly that you would be willing to stay here and given what you said about the prince, I just don't know what to think."

Granny pointed, "Same goes for me. Just what in tarnation have you been doing with this dragon?"

Applejack felt her entire face going red with embarrassment and tried to find some way to explain her relationship with Spike when a familiar voice spoke.

"Can I get everyone's attention?"

Every pony turned to see the dragon prince standing on the castle stairwell and immediately bowed but he quickly said, "Please, none of that. As you are the families to the Elite you will be treated like royalty on your visit."

Zephyr Breeze plumped his hoof in joy.

"And in honor of your visit, the Elite and their mothers and sisters are invited to have tea with Princess Celestia and my sister, Princess Ember this afternoon. While the gentlecolts will join me and Sir Discord for some recreation and cake. It's an honor to meet all of you and I hope to get to know more of you soon." he turned around and went up the stairs.