• Published 7th Apr 2017
  • 2,990 Views, 974 Comments

The Influence - GMSeskii

Twilight Sparkle awakens in a mysterious room with a mysterious artifact - in a story where your comments influence the outcome.

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Author's Note:

[IMPORTING][…I’M NOT WRONG I- Okay, okay, taking your advice here, I took a moment to breathe, it did help, so thank you. So as far as explanations go, I was vague before because the Sweeper, or the entity, or Blackjack, or whatever else you want to call it would have found out, but since it does anyway, there’s no reason to keep anything from you anymore. I’m an employee of a company called Recursive. We were founded specifically because of the Sweeper and his destructive capabilities. We have been actively working against it for a long time now. These new voices aren’t as familiar with it as I or the others in my company are. Duke knows it better than I do, but he’s the only one here who does. Now I won’t pretend to understand the world you’re currently in, which is why I haven’t really made comments about it in full, but what I do know is that the Sweeper is in charge, what it wants to happen happens, and we’re unable to stop it, we do mitigate it as much as we can though. And the truth of the matter is… well you’re part of a story it’s weaving. DO NOT START HYPERVENTILATING I SWEAR TO HUMANITY YOU BETTER STAY CALM! I … Okay, sorry, I have anger episodes, as you know. Right, well, existentialism aside, of which you don’t have to worry, you’re very much alive and the same as you’ve always been. But the Sweeper takes ponies, much like yourself, from their homes and starts a story, much like the one you’ve become a part of where you go somewhere new and do whatever it deems necessary until a set ‘end point’ where… the story is over. and once the story is over, my company believes fully that you will cease to exist. My job here was originally to make sure that different voices, or different people oddly continue to read and observe in the hopes of keeping interest in your life high enough that the Sweeper doesn’t make the ned point come before you get back home. I’m sorry i’ve been making you so scared, but as you can see, it’s pretty heavy stuff, and plus everyone here has done nothing but bash me for doing my job to keep them around so that you can be safe. It’s… trying to say the least, and, admittedly, not the first time this has happened. There’s one more thing before I go, something I can’t tell you for your own sanity’s sake yet, but… if you want to hear it later, I can tell you. Please be safe, I’m counting on you to remain interesting… …Twilight, Afizah here. Sorry for unnerving you but having as much knowledge as I do it’s hard not to share it. The scholar’s tree I mentioned is just me trying to add a small goal for you to find. I will say that the line about me making a universe about you is true. And although the creature you met in the dream, while different form what I’ve seen, did cause my sister to go mad and she has been trying to find a way out of her reality. Yours is just the closest escape point… …Twinkle Twinkle little star, how I wonder where you’ll fall, in a ditch is where you’ll lay, as your life force fades away~ HAHAHAH! I’m going to find you and nothing’s going to stop me!… …Akumakami is back!…We humans have an ancient quote, that truest Harmony arises from Discord. I wonder if Discord ever realized the irony that his reigns of chaos actually helped creatures get along after the fact. Nothing unites others and wash away old grudges than a new, bigger enemy. Hehe, might be something to annoy him with when you get back. Still, Diorite is a Lung, good to know. I wonder how much of what we know about them applies to your world’s version. I’ll look into that later. Though, it sounds like Discord might not be a Lungma - that or Diorite is unaware of the fact. With Discord, any answer is viable. Sorry, I actually thought that if any of them worked, egghead would have. Regrettably none of them did, and sending you back to Ponyville definitely wouldn’t have. Still, yes, it appears only the subtle, smaller stuff sticks - that or the bigger things don’t appear until later. Damn, was hoping to see where the White Timber thing would go. As for why the others were freaked out, assuming they weren’t just trying to screw with you, I think - and don’t quote me here - that some of them have seen some of Blackjack’s other works and associated your dream friend with something form there. I believe he’s harmless, personally, but he also annoyed me with that old cliche pointing out that we “misunderstand our nature.” we didn’t exactly get a manual for this with a list of rules about what we can and can’t do. Yes, that’s part of the fun and experience but its a “yes we know this- do you have anything to contribute or just commentary on my lack of process?” As for your current predicament…are you sure those blue flowers weren’t poison joke? First thing that came to mind. As for the creepy forest, we were expecting it in all honesty. Every country has a creepy forest- you LIVE next to one. Don’t got much advice to offer, I’m afraid. At this point you’re just as likely to find a mysterious cave as you are to find the Peran version of Fluttershy or Zecora- friend-to-the-animal-type or -wise-hermit-shamare type, neither of which would be necessarily friendly/helpful to you. Wait… I just realized something. That spell you used to summon Discord during the Plundered thing? can you do that still? Or at least try to get Discord’s attention? I know, maybe not your preferred source of help, but something to consider trying - though, maybe save it for when you’re trapped or alone. Your.. Okay, i’ll take some credit,OUR little stunt with the sun already has the locals a bit stirred up. Speaking of which, didn’t get any feeling of which direction home might be from that? Regardless, you at least got Celestia’s attention. If they didn’t know you were gone, they soon will. Hmm…Might try to stop the sun from rising or setting for a few seconds in a day or so. If you can’t figure out which way Celestia is by her link to the sun, she might be able to sense where somepony is messing with her sun now that she’s keeping an eye out for such things. Hope your forest adventure goes well…And if a white timber wolf does show up, I do hope its friendly. Just in case! AK out! PS I take weirdness as a badge of honor! Salutes! But I’m happy to help all the same. PPS Fun fact, this isn’t a translation spell, so we more or less speak the same language. I did a little research for the meaning of Peran. Only thing I could find is an old greek root for “beyond” or “over”, Tamil for Grandson, Iris for Prayer, and Indonesian for Actor. My bet is on the first one. Just mentioning this as it might be important later… …Josh here, guys I think the way we influence things is by being subtle, like when i said ‘twilight should go to the town and find an inn’ the first pony she ran into took her to the inn; I know that it’s circumstantial evidence at best, but I think it’s worth a shot. And the ones that are messing with you are doing it because they think it’s funny, I know that doesn’t make any sense to you, but that’s just the kind of world we lie in. P.S. we seem to be hearing your thoughts, so if you need to say something to us while you are in public you can take advantage of that… …Okay, so i’ve more or less stopped listening to what the others are saying at this point. It is an odd choice for an origin to open a young world to the influence of others like this. I have considered it for my own as a measure to cure its degradation but the results would be too inconsistent. It is probably best if you disregard the ones being argumentative or negative, they either won’t matter much due to the limitation son our influence or they will be prophetic and nothing you do will be sufficient to prepare, it all depends on the whims of your origin and I can make no guesses at what they are attempting with your world. If this were my world by now I probably would have dropped in a guarding or equivalent to keep things in check, heck you probably have become one of them with all the powers that entails, but your original likely has no direct equivalent nor desire to take the option. On a side note, if you need information you can try to ask us, your world is presented as a progressive event log to us so we can add our input between entries. While what we have to say may not be necessarily fully accurate to your world, we collectively have access to an information archive far larger than the canter lot archives covering countless worlds and situations so we may be able to find trends and frequency variations to give a better idea of what to expect… …Afizah here. I have found some more information about the artifact you’re wearing. It was made by the witches of old as a form of protection. It can protect you from harm to a certain degree, as well as let us talk to you and warn you of enriching dangers, I think. It also lets you see when somepony is about to die. Regrettably, it also comes with some downsides. If you interfere with the death of one pony, another will take their place. If it is ever removed, whether by you or an external force, it will kill you. It has embedded itself so dangerously close to your heart that you will be dead before you can even scream. I’m going to look a way to remove the eye without it killing you, but I don’t think I will have anything on how to do so until the next time we are summoned.I don’t know if the eye will allow you to summon any of us individually, but I will at least try to get the info to you A.S.A.P. PS. My sister was once like you Twilight. Kind,knowledgeable, friendly, and a little mischievous. But ever since she ran into a creature like the one from your dream, she went mad. I have been trying to keep her contained to our reality but she has slowly been forcing herself through the cracks. So I should worn you that Eris is - Crash What the, how did you get - metal scraping - W0what are you doing with that pipe? Smash. Thud. Groans. Night-night, little sister, HAHAHAHAHA… …This is Zen. I maintain that we cannot alter reality, and that the only ability as the Influence is to… Well, influence you, Twilight. Josh retains an interesting point, but that has simpler explanations - Prancey was trying to “get with” you as it were. It isn’t entirely impossible, but as far as I can see it the only means we have by which we can influence events is through our “vessel.” Any insinuations to the nature of the precent circumstances have been vague enough to include that explanation, so i’m not going to move on this point until we have demonstrable evidence to the contrary. Now, absent any other new information, I shall attempt to parse what the entity from your dream said. Its first comment, after the eye’s episode, seems confirm that it is wholly distinct from Blackjack. Furthermore, its next comment suggests that it is in some way related to the process that created your present circumstance. It seemed to be centered around the image of your Cutie Mark, yes? Correct me if I’m wrong, but is your Cutie Mark not reminiscent of the form of the Tree of Harmony? With that in mind, ti may well be that you have been brought here to serve some greater purpose. Exactly what, I couldn’t say - and, indeed, i’m not prepared to outright claim that’s what’s going on. Certainly, that this entity was more concerned with our understanding of the situation of the situation than ours throws such a simple explanation as that. Not enough to draw any definite conclusions from, but a lot to think about. As a side note, and I can’t believe no one involved in any of this hasn’t brought this up, when you get back to town you should try to get your hooves on a map… …Aw! I missed the fun last time because my connection was down. To answer your previous question I totally missed, I, the frog, am female. As for what you should do? Not a notion. I’m not going to have anything bad that happens to you on my shoulders. I suppose you could say that I’m a little shy about that. I would feel tremendously awful if something happened to you based on my suggestion. Then again, everyone else is suggesting stupid things or yelling at you. Sure, what harm? I get the feeling that the thing which moved the Sun back wasn’t Celestia. Wouldn’t she know something was up straight away? I don’t understand how magic works (frogs/humans don’t have it, as you know), but probably she could like, detect you on it or something? Also maybe don’t do that again; Diorite definitely suspected you… …Twilight don’t let anybody find out that you can control the sun! I don’t think they would take it very well… …Hello, Twilight. My name is Ponygood, and, for the purposes of future interactions, I am an Apache attack helicopter. I don’t feel like finding out what an Apache is, but I do know that a helicopter is a vehicle that allows us humans to fly. Actually, I have an idea. Can you see a picture here? If not, can you imagine accessing this weird phrase somehow? http://www.military-today.com/helicopters/boeing_ah_64a_apache.jpg First, I’m so sorry that apparently all of us like to say soon much whenever we speak, as I can imagine it confuses you quite a bit. Second, I think the tI have the PERFECT way to describe exactly what situation you are in and how it relates to us using terms you’d understand, but i’m not sure the one named Blackjack would allow that. Third, I will give you some advice. Don’t EVER say anything along the lines of “what could go wrong?” or “this’ll be easy!” The universe WILL find some way to royally screw you over. Also, if you find any random chests during your adventures, be wary: it could be a hungry monster known as a ‘mimic’ Also, if you manage to slay whatever monsters that seek to kill you, as opposed to avoiding them, they might poof into valuable objects or equipment. Fourth, I am now going to attempt to alter your reality. Ahem. In your travels through this forest, you will fall into a hole that has giant fluffy Twilight-shaped pillows at the bottom. That hole will lead you along a hallway, which leads to a small room with five artifacts: a simple ring which disgusts you as whatever you need to be, a finely-crafted bow made made of fire with an infinite arrow pouch, a light cloth outfit unchanged to look cool and decrease the severity of injuries inflicted on you, a device that will painlessly enter your brain and allow you to listen to our sweet music, and a sentient cloud called Butt that flies around your head constantly yelling “Hey, listen!” It is possible for you to only choose two, but I really hope you choose the music device. Fifth, I feel like you should be wary of this island. If only one of us really did decide to create things at the edge of your vision that could very well be stalking you, then it is safe to assume that other undesirable things might into being. I would suggest you prepare to defend yourself and potentially kill, lest your death end up fulfilling some stupid doomsday prophecy or forever separating you from your friends. Sixth, I must admit that, as much as I want you to succeed, I also want to endanger you, even if to force you to adapt to this new, potentially hostile environment and build character. As such, I predict that, com nightfall, a very weak evil being will come to haunt you. You won’t be in much danger, it will be just dangerous enough to cause you to react and grow, but not so dangerous that you’d have permanent harm done to you. Of course, there is the possibility that permanent harm is just what you need to motivate you. I am not trying to scare you, please don’t think i’m out to see you suffer like others of us. Just know that everything I do will ultimately be to your benefit, unless it’s something that’s deliberately useless for our own enjoyment. (I.e, Butt the cloud.)… ...This is Light, I won't be able to speak with you for some time as Dark as has done something. I'm not sure how long it will take me to be able to message you again but until then this is my last message. By now your mind should be adapted to receive such a large amount of information but on the off chance, it isn't then... Oh well but know this that Dark will try to corrupt you so you must keep your mind in check because corrupting others is one of Darks many many talents. This is goodbye for now. P.S you should learn to mask your emotions especially when around the old....]

Twilight opened her eyes - she was still in her meditative pose, and nothing had happened while she was receiving the... 'import' or whatever. She took a breath - she didn't need to do anything, she could address what she had been told.

"First things first..." Can you hear these thoughts? Tell me next time if you could, okay? Oranges, Crystals, Butt the Cloud, Starswirl the Bearded... Just test words. She took in a breath and thought.

Ponygood... Probably should deal with him first. "I can't... make anything out of that string of letters, sorry, but it looks a lot like a website address. But I haven't seen any computers around here and I don't know how to get to Earth, so... Yeah. I do know what a helicopter is though, we have them in Equestria. Flying machines with propellors on top, right? That's... Odd, to say the least." She stood up and stretched her wings. "And you could try to tell me the perfect way to explain my situation. If it doesn't get through, it doesn't come through, doesn't hurt to try."

She frowned - she thought she saw the stars out of the corner of her vision again. The one thing that the Influence might have added to her world... Or maybe they just had a lucky guess. They'd been trying to change it in so many ways, they were bound to get it right eventually, by sheer coincidence. She'd still make sure to be on her guard, of course - it didn't make it any less ominous.

Light was apparently gone. Just... Showed up, said a few things, then said he was leaving. Twilight wondered if Dark was gone as well...

She took a moment to look around - the flowers definitely weren't poison joke. They were far too large, had petals shaped like parts of a pinecone, and were glowing softly. They were rustling in the soft wind - she wondered if the Influence received noises by the words that described them. After all, Afizah's 'crashing' had just felt like the word 'crash' to her. Then again, Afizah was probably the least trustworthy of the voices. Maybe that unknown voice had the right idea, ignoring them...

...But she couldn't, they were too far engrained in her mind. There were some, like Zen, who legitimately tried to help. Finding a map really was a good idea they all should have thought of a long time ago - it made her a little embarrassed. Not to mention the things they said...

Especially Key. She found it hard to believe how extreme he was - he seemed so, so angry and unstable - but if what he said was true, he'd seen this sort of danger dozens, if not hundreds, of times before... She found it hard to reconcile his apparent instability with the supposed experience. Unless he had gone mad from it... Which made her warier.

"Oh who am I kidding..." she muttered - she was trying not to think about the implications of what they'd been saying. The universes... Blackjack treating her like a story... The many others who suggested they could see into other universes, and create their own... To them, she was just a story - entertainment, as it were. It certainly explained why a lot of them found it amusing to toy with her - she was, to them, nothing more than a novelty. ...Well most of them anyway.

She sighed. How much control did this Blackjack have? How much did she really matter to them? Did she cease to exist once their view of her was closed off? Like the closing of a book?

They seemed to disagree on that... Like they didn't know-

And then she laughed. "Of course you wouldn't know! Look, look, think. You follow along with me like a... an adventure, story, log, right? Right? Well, when those logs end, you won't be able to see me anymore - and by nature, you can't know! You couldn't - there's no way. It's like trying to prove the existence of something that cannot be tested. You can't. Key, you mentioned that you and your others thought I ceased to exist when you stopped looking. Where's your evidence? Did I not exist before you started looking? I..." She shook her head. "I'm sorry. I know it concerns you - and for what it's worth, I'll try to stay... interesting, whatever that means. I'm... also curious about these other universes you all are talking about. What are they like? What of Blackjack's other worlds? How do you find them? How are they created? ...I mean, if you want to tell me..."

She frowned - silence. She felt like a crazy mare again. "Okay, to do list: explore the forest, get map, get cloak, and... Call Discord!" She lit her horn, spread her wings, and sent out the Discord spell.

She FELT him. She felt him respond. But... He didn't appear. It was as if he couldn't...

"Weird..." She frowned. "...It was worth a shot, at least. Pretty sure he knows I tried to call him though."

She lit her horn, performing a magic scan of the area - she felt stronger magic coming from deeper within the forest. No surprise there, she supposed. She began to walk into the deep foliage...


Twilight noticed about half an hour later what was wrong.

Almost no animals or critters whatsoever.

She had seen a few bugs, and the occasional fungal spore floating around, but no animals. Nothing squirrel-like, no deer - not even any birds. Had she seen any at the opening? She wasn't sure - she only knew that she hadn't seen any since she started going deeper.

She stopped in her tracks. Was she going to be able to get out?

Gulping, she spread her wings and flew above the trees. The sun glared down on her, blinding her temporarily. However, when her vision cleared, she was gifted with a sight of the village in the distance. A little further to the east than she would have expected, but at least she knew she wouldn't get lost.

Actually... Flying over the forest would be quite a bit faster. She could just scan it from up here, look for anything she wanted. She directed herself towards the center of the forest, flying over the treetops. Prancey had said there were some creatures in here - dangerous ones - so even though she hadn't seen any this was probably the safer course of action.

She stopped that thought. "Wait... Was I not supposed to think things like that?" She racked her brain - what wasn't she supposed to say or think again? There was just so much information in the influx of information...

She shook her head - she needed to keep moving on. Couldn't let half-remembered warnings impede her. She continued flying - she felt like she was getting closer to the center, and whatever laid inside these woods. Maybe it would be some answer to her questions... Questions the Influence couldn't answer. They saw her predicament from the outside - they knew nothing of the inside.

Or at least very little...

Being deep in thought, she didn't notice the spiritual hand reach for her until it was too late. She screamed as something semi-tangible grabbed hold of her wing and thrust her into the ground. She slammed through the canopy, snapping dozens of twigs and branches before coming to a stop on the forest floor.

She acted quickly, bouncing back, spreading her wings, and readying her horn. Before her stood creature that looked much like the being she had seen in her dreams, only smaller, more lanky, and much less impressive. It was a deep green, and there was a mark inside of its translucent body - a kind of glyph that seemed reminiscent of a leaf. It moved forward, claws outstretched.

She created a shield around herself, deflecting the claws. The creature found this annoying. It formed its claws into a single point and pierced the shield, much to Twilight's fear. She fired at it with a few lasers, but they only seemed to shift around the creature's ethereal body. It slashed again, again, and again, backing her further and further away. She contemplated flying away - but a pain in her wing told her that would end badly.

You might have to kill.

This... This thing was certainly trying to kill her. Still, she really didn't want to-

In her conflicted stupor, the creature managed to cut a gash in her ear, drawing blood. She screamed - realizing with panic that it had somehow told the nearby vines to tie themselves around her legs. She was helpless. Kill to defend yourself. Twilight lit her horn - surrounding it in a sickly red color. Her eyes became dark, highlighted with intense green power. She fired a cone of red energy at the being before her, engulfing it completely.

It shrieked in agony as the very fabric of its existence was torn away. It soon dwindled to nothing but the plantlike mark in its center - which vanished itself a second later. The vines lost their grip on her the moment it died, freeing her.

Aside from a few singed trees nearby, everything seemed normal and peaceful.

She breathed heavy, looking around wild-eyed. She'd just killed it. She'd really just killed it. "Oh, Celestia..." She didn't even know what it was and she killed it! She... She felt sick.

Twilight turned around, trying to push it out of her mind. She returned to her mission - find the center of the forest. The moment she tried, she saw it - a small clearing ahead. She walked in, slowly, taking it all in. The sun glinted off six tall, metallic pillars, lined with what she recognized as circuitry. Parts of it glowed with intense magical glyphs, while others shined with electric light. In the center was a platform, glowing with all the colors of the rainbow.

Twilight blinked. What was this place? It... it gave off a sense of extreme magic, but it also felt like it was constructed technologically - far above anything she had seen on Earth...

Welcoming the distraction from what had just happened, she walked towards the platform in the center. She put her nose down, sniffing it. It was made of the same bluish-grey material the pillars were. It was placed in such a way that the six pillars looked like pointed claws trying to close in on it, like a predator going for an egg.

"Interesting aesthetic..." She lit her horn, trying to prod the platform with her magic.

It activated instantly, a powerful telekinetic field drawing her into the center. She felt a connection form with her mind. The connection pumped into her mind the purpose of this place.

It was a communication altar...

It wanted to know who she wanted to talk to.

She had no idea - and it didn't look like she was going to have one for some time either, as the Witch's Eye had just started glowing again.