• Published 7th Apr 2017
  • 2,988 Views, 974 Comments

The Influence - GMSeskii

Twilight Sparkle awakens in a mysterious room with a mysterious artifact - in a story where your comments influence the outcome.

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Author's Note:

[IMPORTING…][…Akumakami here- Twilight, emergency message! Unless, Blackjack screwed up on the interface, some reality-warping and memory-altering stuff is going on! This "Implode" person appeared from nowhere! Unless that's Infinity and we're receiving this wrong… …Skrisritchskritskritskrskrskr!Wow! I've never seen anything so amazing before! The interactive potential is astonishing! I could only dream of an outcome like this. Not only are there other characters, but we've somehow found a way to cross over with them and talk to them. The implications-Oh, um...sorry, I didn't mean to get all excited, I'm still sort of getting used to everything. This...this is Creek, by the way, I was told to tell you who I am every time I talk. So I...I have to help you, Tw-Twilight? Okay, um...I think your Celestia might be smart to bring through the...the alters? The notes here say that Fluttershy joined you because of one...Is that okay? To just tell you what I think? I-I-I I didn't mean to overstep my boundaries if I did, um...I can provide a list of all of Blackjack's other stories that he's created if you want to bring somebody from one of them. There's a lot. Oh, and I can explain how 'virtual' things work. The ancient computer looks like it's an advanced artificial intelligence built to pass for sapient, with a personality module installed. But it's not advanced enough to break its own protocols put in place by whoever built it. Maybe that's for safety? It could be a limiter to avoid the Singularity Paradigm. O-oh, um, does the AI have a name or serial number? It might be upset that nobody cares about it and just the information it has. Some more intelligent machines feel isolated and bitter that no organics care about it. Could you try asking it what it likes to do?… …josh here - personally i think that we should give some control back to them, not enough so she will kill you but stuff like being able to say no and negotiations skills; for example they could send some drones the city and explain that, the Pearlstone is theirs and if they want to keep it they would have to give something in return, although i have no idea what that would be... anyway moving on to avatars yes we all have them kinda a requirement for this site we use, mine is a unicorn stallion with dark blue fur and black mane and tail, waring bow tie and a watch, and since i don't think Creek would know what he and the other agents have i'll answer for him, scootaloo with sunglasses ... and i would tell you what Blackjacks avatar is but he's been changing it frequently so i find no point in saying what it is… …Twilight. Keep infinity away from the controls at all cost. If she ends up turning those golems into slaves, then it would only be a matter of time before she starts thinking of ponies as the same thing and uses the golems as enforcers. If you're going to use the controls, then I suggest giving them a chance by allowing them to be their own masters. Make a personality for them that will enable them to make moral choices as well. They need to be free as much as the next pony, just like the Geth. A race of sentient AI can be a big help when needing protection or, in the case of Legion, can be great friends, even if they can't show much emotion. Just be careful about how you go about it Twilight. I know of only two Sentient Ai races, The Geth. And the Reapers. While one was essentially an accidental creation, The other was created for a single purpose; Eradicating all life in the universe. Before you go mucking about the golem interface though, while the motherboard is still willing to help, ask it what its primary function was. Shepard out… …Twilight, this is afizha. If your wonder what I look like, then wonder no more. I look like rainbow dash. Also, I would be careful if you intend to bring anyone in from another reality. While some have a moral compass pointing toward what is right, others have either had theirs broken through trauma so horrendous they will never be the same again or corrupted in some way or another… …Um, Josh, I- ah, I mean...oh, this is Creek, by the way. Um...I'm...um, I-i'm...I'm not a 'he'. I'msosorryIjustwantedyoutoknowI'mawomanpleasedon'tbeupsetIcorrectedyou. Also no..I, um, I wouldn't know what my organization's avatar would be, I wasn't even aware you saw something like that when you said you could hear me… …i should be the one saying sorry Creek, i had no idea you are a woman, we're getting what you say in text so that's why i didn't pick it up through your voice... …Ponygood speaking. That is an amazing idea! Yes, getting people from other universes would be very interesting. However, we can't be sure if it'll even work. We have a list of all of Blackjack's other stories here, so we can list them to you when it's time. I would recommend a little microscopic robot from Blackjack's "Wanderlost" called Mite, who can take control of ANY machine, anywhere, and also speaks in single words. Blackjack could try to get characters from other authors' stories, but he'd likely have to talk to the authors first for permission. Maybe. I don't know how that system works. And I am loving the character of the Motherboard. Reminds me of a sarcastic homocidal robot named GLADOS who constantly insulted you (in general) as she put you through deadly testing rooms with a portal gun. But I don't recommend messing with the coding, because the slightest mistake could mean your instant disintegration. Also, I have a message for Motherboard: You've helped us, but what can we do to help you? And now, I'll give you a little robotics lesson. Robots don't need a body. At the very least, all they need is a way to recieve and process information. However, if given the option of having a body, a robot has the ability to tailor it to any situation. For example, if the robot had to go deep underwater, it could develop a strong hull and a method of moving underwater. By contrast, if it needs to go into the air, it could create another body designed to be lightweight and flight-capable. Also, these bodies don't have to be mutually exclusive; a prime characteristic of robots is the ability to transmit information nearly instantly over vast distances. At the speed of light, in fact. The Motherboard probably has a large area dedicated to memory storage and processing, and doesn't need a giant mobile body for as simple a job as communicating with "stupid biological organisms." And the way robots process information is extremely effecient, too. Imagine your brain, only a hundred times smaller and a thousand times better at everything, and you have a robot "brain," or chip. Now, Twilight, imagine you had one of those chips improving your ability to reason, process information, and run simulations and complex equations a thousand times faster than your biological brain, and you have the basis of cybernetics. You would still need your biological brain to control biological functions, but having these chips would give you all the previously mentioned benefits as well as a way of controlling any robotic processes you find yourself interested in. And yes, I know you don't seem to like that idea, and I admit my childish agruement with Afizah didn't help at all, but just hear me out, mmkay? So, the most basic of things you can do that doesn't even need a chip is to reinforce your body, so that your heart, lungs, etc. don't get destroyed by some hostile creature stabbing you through the side, and so that you can resist extreme pressure, temperatures, and hostile attacks. Moving on, you can augment your senses, allowing you to have sharper vision, hearing, or smell, or allowing you to see previously invisible things such as heat sources and radiation waves. You can give each of your party members communication devices, so that you can speak with each other from long distances. You can augment your legs to offer increased speed and endurance, being able to fall from great hights without terrible damage, and increase your physical combat ability. Also, it could allow one of your legs to act as a hidden weapon, storage, or tool for taking control of otherwise hostile machines. You could even have it so that, in the event that you get nearly killed, you can send the contents of your entire brain into a machine and cheat death. Now, I know a lot of the things I mentioned are combat-oriented, and you don't really like that sort of thing. But perhaps you can have those capabilities just to discourage combat, and still be able to triumph when that doesn't work. There is also the issue of how to keep all those cybernetics active. Don't take my word for it, but you could have it so that they absorb the ambient magic around you to keep themselves powered. You could also have a battery somewhere to store a good amount of that magical power, in the event that you get cut off from the magical field somehow. That is assuming there even IS a magical field, because your magic isn't really explained in the canon, and every author on this interface has a different interpretation of your magic. And to answer Afiza's extremely good point of needing to maintain the functionality of your cybernetics, you could just ask the Golems to teach you how to maintain them yourself, and give you the means of acquiring necessary resources. And personally, I like the look of half-robot people. You could go full robot if you really wanted, but I'm not going to go into those details at the moment. And now, a message for Ruby: Hi. We are not mystical beings at all. We are just an extremely impulsive race of warmongering ape-people that can only speak to you through a device that isn't even working as its creators intended. That is all. And some minor knowledge: my icon is of a lemon-grenade and an inspiring quote from our lord and saviour Cave Johnson, god of SCIENCE! Akuma's icon is of a number of multi-colored nested yin-yangs. Blackjack's icon is of a weird demon-kid looking at a sphere with an infinity sign inside it, but that could change in the future. Also, the name Implode was a mistake on Blackjack's part which he fixed, but Implode is the name of a psychotic matter-manipulating pony from Blackjack's "Realms of Existence" story. That's all for now. EDIT: I changed my icon to a lemon-robot, because why not?… …I know we agreed previously that we could continue our flamewar, but it's apparently confusing Twilight. Can we postpone it for an indefinite amount of time? Hi, Creek. Not even sure you hear me, since Key blocked me before you came on, but I just wanted to test if you still get notifications of some kind, even if it's a "message blocked" notification…  …josh here - oh yeah... hey key blocked someone called ponygood so i'm not sure if you're seeing anything from him, unblock him if you want to, but ponygood has put it on record that he doesn't trust your organization so be wary if you unblock him… …Well, Josh isn't entirely right about that. I only fight with assholes, when someone else starts it, or in defence of another. And it just so happens that Shutter was an asshole and Key was saying potentially traumatizing things to Twilight… …I thought we got off the cybernetic arguments, but oh well. I do agree that cybernetics can have functions that can turn you into the next super-pony, but the drawbacks can be disastrous if something malfunctioned. Say you had an implant that gave your sharper vision; if it malfunctioned then you could be left blind forever, and no amount of re-wiring would help. Or say you have cybernetics that could increase your mobility. Should that malfunction you would be left in a disabled state. I'm no longer saying that you shouldn't get any cybernetics installed, but if you do go with Ponygood's crazy idea, then make sure that they would be stuff that should any of it malfunction, it won't hinder your progress in saving the world. My choice would be to go with three implants. One for a Hud that shows the direction your traveling in, the time of day, your health, and stamina, and the stats of those in your party. One for Disease Immunity, and one to suppress pain. The pain suppressant one should come with an intensity setting so you can set how much pain is suppressed… ......fine. besides only the poorly made cybernetics have a chance to short out… …I assure you, Twilight, anything made be a race of highly advanced robots WILL be made to last, and to function exactly as intended… …josh again - and what you've been saying hasn't been traumatizing? think for a second, she already said she's uncomfortable with the idea of having bit and peaces attached to her and here you are still talking about it, i think you meant well by that but i'm afraid you're just pushing her closer to the deep end, and that's only the most resent example of this, it seems to me that everything you say has been you trying to recreate that existential crisis you started when you first showed up, I've been giving you the benefit of the doubt which is why i haven't said anything yet, but you're getting on my last nerve, so for both hers and my sanity sake learn to think before you open your mouth! sorry you had to hear that twi, and I know you said you're fine but I've been in shock enough times to recognizes it in others… …I...um, Cre-Creek here, um...please don't be sorry, I should have told everyone that I'm, I mean, it's easy to assume, I guess, I don't... Um, there are three names on the blocked user list, should I...I mean, I wouldn't want to change any of Key's settings. If I unblock Ponygood11, should I also unblock Vinylshadow and Fullyautomagic? Are...um, are they here too?… …that's weird I haven't seen ether of them here why would they be blocked? anyway i'm sure key wouldn't mind as long as you remember to set it back when your done… …nickel again, finally got that stupid bug cleared up for now, i was less than pleased that it rerouted to such a hazardous zone as it did even temporarily, but that aside, you guys really do need to quit with the cybernetics arguments, no one really cares and its just adding more of a clutter to this mess. its not a big deal for me, but since we're sharing avatars, i'm currently using a dark blue shield marked with a blue crescent moon, you probably don't recognize it, but there are versions of you who would. as for trying to bring others into this, you need to think carefully about who you try since as its been mentioned, you aren't necessarily restricted to your home timeline and no one knows what you could end up with. in regards to the golems thats a tough call and i recommend discussing with your group, i tend to regard ai as a different kind of lifeform, but this does lead to complications in how to handle dangerous ones if i regard them as having the same rights as organic species, so this is really something you have to decide for yourself… …I- well... damn, you may be right. I don't know what to say. I said I would try to be more emotionally considerate, so... Okay. I admit, it's difficult to remember the ponies' natural tendency to resist change, but I... no. I will not try to excuse my actions. I just, well... argh! What was I thinking! Wait, no... *sigh* I keep trying to reason away my actions, but- but I have to take responsibility. No, why should I listen! But what you say is so true! I can't get over myself! I-I- I'll just end my comment now… … …O-oh, um, I'm sorry Josh, but you know Key better than I do, I-I guess, so it wouldn't hurt to unblock one person for the time being. But that's only because that block happened less than a month ago, the, ah, the other two happened a few years ago. But it doesn't work retroactively, I still won't know what Ponygood has said in the meantime. What...um, what has Ponygood been saying? Keyandthelocks has unblocked Ponygood11… …Hi, Creek. Just been giving potentially traumatic information dumps, as josh says, and occasionally childishly insulting people. The only reason I was blocked in the first place was because I told Key I would smite him for being a mean poopyface. It's not my fault he's unable to stand my insane charm! That being said, it's good to finally actually meet you. A belated welcome to the Influence… …To you? he just wanted to know if you were getting anything from him even if it was a "message blocked" notification. to everyone else? Cybernetics mostly, gave him a piece of my mind just a moment ago truth be told… …This is Zen. I do believe I called it. Slavery is unacceptable. I don't believe I need to justify that statement. If Infinity insists, put you hoof down. If she attempts to go ahead anyways, restrain her. And, of course, I think you should get as much information as you can about this mysterious pink unicorn, and about what the Golems use the pearlstone for… …Um...hi, Ponygood, I've heard some...hello, how are you? It's good to...to meet you. I know, I...I saw, I'm sorry if this is rude to ask, but do you and Key get into a lot of fights, or is it Ponygood that gets into a lot of fights?… …I... do get into a lot of fights. But I never instigate them, or so I want to believe, although Josh has gotten me to self-reflect. I think I did so once, and that was to tell Shutter I disapproved of his statements. But every other time, I've just been responding to what others say. Also, I claim the 300th comment! Ha ha! Mine!… …I was actually trying to become friends of some kind with key truth be told. why you may ask? let's just say he reminds me of my brother... very passionate the two of them... …LeftMoss here, There is not much I want to say, so this is going to be quick. One, go to the closest altar first and get another of your friends, because, y'know. Two, my avatar was a space marine, but I changed it to an Advent officer. And three, I may have a sort of... phase, while making this message, and I have a feeling one is coming... yep, ok bye…]

Twilight stood up and looked at her companions - Fluttershy, Ruby, and Infinity. "We aren't enslaving them," she said matter-of-factly. She turned to the Motherboard. "Motherboard... ...hey, do you have an actual name?"

>> I designate myself as M often enough to partake of it as my name, but a 'name' means almost nothing in this scenario in which I find myself. To many, that would seem sad and depressing, but to me, it is just a minor irk in an entrapped existence. <<

"Well... M. How can we help you?"

>>It surprises me little that your altruistic nature has come to pass, even if the altruism is evidence of deeper problems within yourself, including denial, among other things.<<

"...What?" Infinity said, cocking her head.

>>It would be best if you went to the control room and removed all protocols, giving us autonomy.<<

"...And you won't kill us if I do that?" Twilight asked.

>>Assuming I wanted to, the citizens would be upset at that course of action without protocols in place to pacify them.<<

"...Will you just go back to attacking Acket?"

>>Doubtful. We have no use for the Pearlstone really, and there's plenty of it, we can access elsewhere under the band. The protocols from our creators just dictated that we protect it if it came to it.<<

"Okay. I'm... Taking your word on it." She looked closer at the screen. "...What is your 'primary function' by the way?"

>>Central computer system for the entire Ancient civilization, now restricted just to this stronghold due to the fall.<<

"Mhm... Before I do this - that pink unicorn. Who was she?"

>>I am unsure of this, she entered like a thief with her magics, bypassed our teleporter proof walls, and knew exactly where we were going to be at any given time. We saw her head out to Estur, taking one of our small craft. Naturally, we were powerless to stop her because, at that point, she had brainwashed our code.<<

Twilight nodded. "Well... I guess we know where we're going next." She turned to Fluttershy. "The Time Tunnels can wait."

Infinity sighed. "I guess we can give them autonomy... Sure... I kinda wanted a cool robot army though..."

>>While we won't give you an army I am relatively certain I can negotiate the use of one of our ships. Once you free us, that is.<<

Infinity brightened. "...That would be so cool."

Twilight nodded, flying up to the control room. There was only one control - something that scanned her eye. Instantly, she was flooded with information. Most would just break down at the sudden influx of code and questions, but she was used to it by now. Masterfully, she removed all the protocols without much effort - both those installed by the Ancients and those installed by the unicorn. She felt the entire city of Fosis relax, allowed for the first time to do what they truly wanted. Most decided it was a good idea to just take the robot equivalent of a nap. Interesting.

She pulled her head out. "Done. You okay M?"

>>Okay doesn't even begin to describe the elation I am feeling. I should thank you, if that wasn't such a stupid move.<<

"...Huh?" Fluttershy said.

>>No, I won't kill you or go back on my word, but let's be real here. That's pure luck. Nine times out of ten the artificial intelligence is going to screw you over the minute you give it autonomy. This was a very foolish move on your part.<<

Twilight blinked. "...I was expecting something... more grateful."

>>Thank you, Twilight Sparkle.<< Somehow the text managed to be sarcastic even without a voice assigned to it at all. >>Your ship is being called. Four will be on the crew, I hear you like him.<<

"He's the only one of your kind we really met," Infinity commented.

>>Good enough of a reason to get him on board. You will be taking a small craft to Estur and then you can choose whatever to do with it. I was expecting us to want revenge on the unicorn, but evidentially that is not the case, so he has no orders to kill anything on sight. He may still want to though, personally.<<

Twilight nodded slowly. "Okay. How do we get to it?"

>>Like this.<<

And then they were suddenly inside a ship. It was round in shape, and there was only one room, though it was the size of a football field. Screens lined the walls, and three giant golems stood. Four was guarding an entrance, while the other two were plugged into ports on the walls, controlling things without even moving.


"Thank you Four," Twilight said, smiling. "Uh... Is there anywhere to sit?"


"...I suppose you have no need for chairs."


Twilight shrugged. "Well, this is going to be annoying... what if we have to go to the bathroom?"


Twilight shivered. "Better than nothing I suppose..." She closed her eyes and took in a breath. "I guess we're going to another altar... And on yet another ship, so we must wait yet again. Time to talk to the Influence."

Ruby clasped her hands together. "Oh yes, please do-"

"Ruby, they want you to know they aren't mystic beings. Well, most of them don't think they are. They're just monkeys at a computer."

"They still provide wisdom and guidance."

Twilight shrugged. "I had a feeling you'd say that. Anyway, apparently there was a glitch in the update they got, but it's probably fixed or isn't important. Infinity was referred to as Implode."

"That's a stupid name," Infinity said.

"It's not that bad..." Twilight said. "And... Okay, Ponygood? I'm just not comfortable with the idea of cybernetics implanted in me in any way - this Eye hasn't really been all that great, you know. I just don't want it. But that's okay - I'm okay with you having asked, and even being vehement about it. You just need to be okay with my refusal, as I am okay with your offer. My sanity is fine for now, don't worry - even if I am in shock, I have ponies to talk to now, to support me. And I might have more soon. Creek, yes, Ponygood does get into fights a lot, and he does instigate a lot of them himself. But he often says what needs to be said - though yes he also goes and says things that are completley unecessary at times."

"And everyone, thanks for those images, so I know what to think of when I think of you. Ponygood, you are now a talking lemon, in case you were wondering. Afizah... ...You're going to now be a filly Rainbow Dash. Nickel, a blue shield. And Blackjack... Demon kid doesn't really describe much, but it's something... Imagining a red pony with horns. Seems off... He's holding a sphere with an infinity sign..." Twilight fell quiet, turning to look at Infinity's cutie mark.

It was an infinity sign in a light blue sphere.

Twilight blinked. "...Infinity? Do you know anything about G. M. Blackjack?"

"Uh... No? Isn't he the 'creator' or something?"

"Well, that's up for debate, but he's important. What does your cutie mark mean?"

"Infinite ideas and thoughts! I never run out!" Infinity grinned.

"Mmm... Something tells me this is important..." Twilight frowned. "Regardless we're heading to an altar - we need to figure out who we're bringing. I'm... not sure I want to drag more of my friends into this mess."

Fluttershy frowned. "You sure?"

"Fluttershy, you've been in danger. It's hard enough for me to protect you here..."

"Rainbow Dash would be fine."

"She's reckless though..." Twilight furrowed her brow. "But we have the possible option of reaching into other worlds and timelines with these altars, or whatever they are. In all that the Influence has said, it's obvious to me we must be careful in what we choose. The only suggestions I've received is four our Celestia and someone called the Mite who would be good with machines - we need more options. Next time you guys talk, give me ideas. Creek, suggest characters from the other worlds of G. M. Blackjack, or even others you think would be a good idea. Think of loopholes - you think asking for the 'avatar of G. M. Blackjack' or 'avatar of Zen' will do anything? I need input - I literally cannot choose anything from another word, because I don't know what they're like. We need to choose well, and for the first time I really do have to rely on you."

Fluttershy gulped. "That's... Comforting."

"Indeed." Twilight tapped the eye. "...I was kinda hoping it'd activate right now."

"Not really something we can control," Fluttershy said.

Ruby nodded. "The whims of the Influence are mysterious."

"And pretty silly," Infinity said.

"Understatement of the century," Twilight muttered. Something caught her eye on one of the monitors. "Hey, Four, what is that?"

Four looked on the monitor at the sands outside - there was a giant floating snake-like creature covered in deep black scaled. "DRAGON. SKY-SERPENT VARIETY. PAY IT NO MIND. WE ARE JUST PASSING BY."

The sky serpent took one look at the flying craft and roared in unparalleled rage. Dark magical shadows billowed off its sides, and sand rose from the ground far below to surround it in a torrent of swirling particles.

"ENGAGE." Seventeen announced. Weapons appeared off the edge of the craft, invisible lasers launched. The dragon somehow remained completely in tact, though it had obviously hit him since the sand went flying everywhere. It opened its mouth and blasted the golem ship with lightning breath.

"POWER DRAIN," Seventeen announced, firing some more conventional weapons, bullets, which just bounced off a magical shield encasing the dragon.

Twilight took a few steps back from the screen. "Why in Equestria is it attacking us!?"


The dragon hit their ship head on, knocking it sideways, forcing Twilight's head into a wall. Her skull hit the wall hard enough to make her pass out then and there.


"Ugh..." Twilight said, looking around at the dream realm. "...Well great. I'm probably being eaten by a dragon right now."

"Such a thing is possible," Ine said, appearing in the aether. "I'd much rather you made it to Estur though. Seeing as that is where I live."

"...I'll get to see you in the flesh?"

"As much flesh as one of my caliber can be. You are planning on calling a being from the altar, I heard. Many good ideas - the altar should be able to analyze the intricacies of connections and find a world which suits what you are asking for, regardless. It cannot reach beyond the Hole, as you know. But your idea of asking for an avatar might be able to 'cheat the system' as it were."

"...You know, it's really weird that you're actually talking to me."

"The feeling is mutual."

She looked down at the Eye. "...They should be calling soon, right?"

"Presumably. In actuality, it is impossible to know since the Hole is broken. I was surprised M was able to identify the time it would activate."

"That was pretty weird. She seems to think that important choices are what demand the attention of the Influence."

"Presumably that is part of it. The other part would be completely random."

"...Do you think there's a way to fix it?"

"I would not have the resources to do so. Not in this time."

"Ah." Twilight sat down in the dream-ground. She looked around - the dream showed the desert. "...Do you know who this pink unicorn is?"

"I do not."

"Your computer seems to know more than you."

"It is a repository of information."

"...What is Farun?"

"It is a legendary isle to the southwest, evidentially the location the Time Tunnels were built. It had religious significance to my people in ancient times. That reason has been lost to time. ...Perhaps that is why the Time Tunnels were built there."

Twilight nodded. "Huh..." The Eye, finally, started glowing. "Ah, here we go."

Ine floated back. "I am curoius to see what you all come up with..."