• Published 7th Apr 2017
  • 2,993 Views, 974 Comments

The Influence - GMSeskii

Twilight Sparkle awakens in a mysterious room with a mysterious artifact - in a story where your comments influence the outcome.

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Author's Note:

[IMPORTING…][…BZZT- You're going to want this on. Oh, um...okay, why though? Don't you just watch and record what you see? Yes, still do that, but trust me on this one, for this Twilight you're going to want the mic working. Thank you for helping me set up. Um...is there anything else I need to know? Everything else should be in the manual they gave you, but basically just watch the screen and write down everything you see. Welcome to the major leagues Creek, sure beats the flake out working in supplies. rrrrrrRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeek-ppt Okay...um...guess I'm working now. Let's see, everything is on, all the lights are blinking, the levels are good. Is it really as simple as just watching and recording everything? They made it sound urgent during orientation. And why is there a hole in the desk, did somebody break it? I wonder what kind of person Key is... Okay...not important...watch the screen... Why is Twilight just sitting there with a blank look on her face?… …Man, two whole weeks since the last report... Anyways, LeftMoss here, I do believe that the golem did not deem you a threat due to the hole, as ine calls it (I like the eye much better though), or it just has to do with proximity to the city. I do have another thing to tell you, if I am ever silent in one of the imports, that means that I either have no idea what to say, or just don't have anything to say… …Ponygood speaking. Oooh, action! Me likey! But anyway, it does seem like these golems are logically-oriented. So just keep that in mind if you ever try to communicate with them- they will favor short, to-the-point descriptions as opposed to heavily nuanced political speech. And I know I said that going to meet them might be a bad idea. But if you do, leave the others behind. If they are as ancient as they seem, they might recognize the Eye and its purpose, and not act with hostility. Yes, this one acted with hostility, but I'm pretty sure it was just defending from potential intruders. But taking the others with you might be pushing their boundaries, and I don't think you want that. Then again, where would you leave the others so that they didn't spontaneously combust from the desert heat? And I can't predict when the next input session will occur, or what situation you'll be in when it does, so I'll just have to unload my information now. When you eventually talk to the leader, control center, or whatever the Golem's main figure is, you will probably want to propose a trade of sorts, so that both parties get some benefits. There's quite a bit for you to demand: For them to stop attacking that town, to learn of the pink unicorn, information on the whereabouts of the shrines and maybe these "Time Tunnels," general knowledge of the ancients, their aid in the final confrontation with the Southern villain, and I personally recommend cybernetics. More info on cybernetics later. But in return for those things, you'd have to offer something that the Golems would find valuable. Their standing with you is probably already pretty good, since you have the Eye, but you will likely still have to do more. In a game of ours known as Skyrim, the protagonist has to talk to the leading figure of an area, known as a Yarl, and the Yarl tells the hero to provide aid to a certain amount of citizens. Once the hero does that, he goes back to the Yarl to recieve the Yarl's blessing and a gift. You might have to go around and help the Golems with some errands, whether minor or major, to get the things you want from them. But other than that and general information about whatever they want to know, I can't predict what they would want from you, so just be prepared for anything. And when actually speaking with the golems, remember to speak factually, and get your point across clearly and quickly. However, don't be too quick; it's faster to take a moment to organize your thoughts than it is to end up using a lot of filler words because your brain can't keep up with your mouth. And I won't describe cybernetics in-depth to you yet, since that would make my comment a whole lot longer, but I will at least tell you that they are the augmentation of your body using technological implants if you don't know already, and that I will provide more information in the next input session. Onto other things! I've been thinking about the prophecy for a while now, and I want to change some of my predictions. In another game of ours, known as Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, there is a Lord of Darkness much like yours. However, there are also four ancient machines controlled by the best heroes of four different tribes, which the protagonist can journey to and remove the corruption from. Afterwards, when the potagonist finally goes to face the final villain, the machines simultaneously launch overwhelming beams at the villain to weaken it and make it easier for the hero to finally defeat it. I am reminded of this because of the phrases "They will use our remnants" and "Find the power overwhelming" in the prophecy. This makes me think that you will have to reactivate ancient machines across the island so that they can make your final battle with your Lord of Darkness easier, but you will ultimately have to defeat it yourself. Still don't know what "Distort the natural order" means. And, Afizah, I know I said the Legend of Zelda probably wouldn't actually mix with Twilight's story, but I'm only saying, after extensive thinking, that there is a similar concept which may or may not actually exist. Sending a letter to the moon? In some stories, there is a spell that Celestia uses to send things to the moon for one reason or another, which you could theoretically learn. But, if you can't do that, or don't know how, you could either teleport something to the moon or just throw it really hard. And if all else fails, you could add to your list of demands a spacecraft specifically designed to send something to the moon. However, you are the one with access to magic, and besides the spacecraft, my suggestions are as if I were blind, yet trying to describe the color red. Having that letter be noticed? In other stories, the moon is an extension of Luna, such that she can sense what happens to it. The Nightmare Moon thing is a good point, though. When you have a moment, check the moon to see if the Mare on the Moon is there. If not, then there's still a chance. Ine, thank you for cooperating. I'm sorry the Eye didn't function like you wanted it to, but it is the way it is, and we have to make do with what we have. We are able to talk to Blackjack directly if we want, but I don't think we'll get anything useful out of him. We may just have to wait until the end of this story. And I don't believe you will cease to exist once the story ends; I want to believe your story will continue, even if we can't see it. Hell, Blackjack may even make a sequel, with a whole new adventure for us to explore together! But I do wonder why your society fell apart. Maybe that event and the creation of this evil entity in the south are related to some degree. And some minor things... You should definitely take Infinity as a protege, at least so that there are two skilled magic-users on this contenent as opposed to one. And yes, we're probably going to keep calling your chest-thing an Eye. That's all for now… …Twilight, this is afizha. I want to try something, but I don't know if it will work, at least not until you get the 'Eye' (still sounds better than a hole. makes it seem like there's a hole in your chest) working the way it was meant to. I want to see if by sending you a picture, even if it's unrelated if you know it or not. I know that some you won't know, but it will prove at least that you can see it. If it works, then I might be able to find a picture that could show you something related to the current situation or something you might be able to cobble together to help you overcome it. If not then at least I tried. Tell me if it worked once you come to. And thanks. For telling me I'm not a dimwit. I know I'm not the most helpful, but that's because I'm trying to hard to live up to my name. I don't know all that much. :( anyway here is the pic I wanted to show you. vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonage/images/1/17/Amgarrak.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100728183200 did the golems look like that or were they made differently?… …We've already proven that Twilight can't recieve images or videos in any meaningful way… …Josh here - h hay you're keys replacement? Few things you need to know is one Twilight can hear you when she's like that so make what you say count (side note all of us sound the same to her for some reason so be sure to sate your name every time) and two a lot of us that are talking to her are what you guys call "forerunners" so try not to freck out on us… …oh. I didn't know about that. It would be so much easier to explain things if we could just show her what we were talking about, but it might work for things related to what is around her. But on another note, why are you talking about cybernetics when the negatives sometimes outweigh the positives? Not only that but any number of those body modifications that would leave her looking less like a pony (or alicorn, if you prefer) and more like a character in one of Spikes comic books… …Cybernetics don't have to be intrusive. It could be as simple as putting a chip in her brain, or protecting vital organs. And even if it were something visible, it could be easily covered up by, say, a cloak that Twilight got from a friendly town, or some fur sleeve. That, and the fact that the metal would rust in her body, are the only negatives I could think of after literal years of thinking, but the latter could be easily solved by magic spells and/or materials. And the positives? *chuckles* Too many to list at the moment, but I will list them to Twilight in the next update… …but would you like having invasive surgery just to have a computer chip implanted directly INTO YOUR BRAIN!? Not to mention the complications that can arise just from the surgery alone. I for one only see them as beneficial as a prosthetic, like Rainbow Dash’s wing. I would rather have a cybernetic eye only after I lost the real one a while ago, not because I had it removed just to install some fancy hardware… …As a matter of fact, I would. In fact, I would prefer a complete conversion into robotic form, but I'm not sure how Twilight's magic would react to that. And, like I said before, the benefits outweigh the negatives by a lot… …But earlier you told us that you were and I quote, Yep! In fact, I was secretly a robot the whole time! Dun dun DAAAAA! Kill all humans. so are you a human wanting to be a robot, or are you a robot that wants to be human?… …That comment was a joke, just as my original claim to being an attack helicopter. I am a human that wants to be a robot… ...Oh. Well, I don’t believe you. I think you are just trying to throw me off the scent of rust on you… …Pft. Your face has the scent of rust… …is that your best comeback? if so then at least I have a face instead of the aperture science labs logo… …Hey. You know what your face gets? Bloody noses, pimples, scratches, etc. You know what the aperture science logo gets? SCIENCE!… …However because it's on a grenade you know it it also gets? Blown up!… …Yeah... but as a robot, I would have millions of perfectly disposable grenade faces! You only have one not-disposable squishy face… …And I just learned that the only metal that rusts is iron, and I don't see it being a very good cybernetic metal, which means the only negatives would be what the cybernetics looked like, and temporarily having to get used to said cybernetics… …tp-rrururrruhrurhrurhhhrurhruhahruhahruh-trrp-TP Okay, Twilight isn't doing anything, and the others are just sitting around the giant...um, machine? This is a lot less active than I thought it would be... Why are the other agents so self-important if this is all they do..? BMMMBT- Well now what? Wait...what's that blinking light mean? Oh...it's messages, to Key though? or me? Maybe one peak wouldn't hurt... Aaah... You can...you can hear me?! And Tw-Tw-Twilight can too?! The! Th-th-th-the magical pony c..she can...and...and everyone can hear me too? LeftMoss and Afizha and you...Josh, you can hear me? And the three of you are, f-f-f-fFORERUNNERS?! Um... …Twi...Twilight? ...hello? Can you...can you hear me? Is that true? If so, I'm...I'm Creek it's...it's nice to meet you... …I would gladly explode all those grenade faces then. Also, I think we just devolved into children. As for the cybernetics, you need to remember the cost, time, and maintenance required to run them can be staggering. Not to mention the fact that Twilight would have to return every however many years for maintenance just to make sure her legs, brain, or other body modifications she would have, kept running. Then there's the cost; I would most likely be able to buy Twilight's castle three times over before I could buy even one cybernetic implant… …Hi, Creek. First, take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Second, yes we can hear you, but not all of us are forerunners. Most of us are just here to see what happens next during twilight’s adventure. Others, like my sister, who I haven't heard from in a while, tend just to want to give either misleading information or torment twilight for their amusement. Only a few of us try to help, but because we each have different views, we tend to cause contradictions with each other. One last thing, if you see Key, tell him that he helped Twilight the most, even if it was mostly yelling at her to get moving. Other than that, welcome to the influence. Try to guide Twilight as best as you or any of us can… …That is a very good point. It could be solved by magic, though! And yes, it was my ultimate goal to devolve into childish madness. You fell right into my trap... evil face But let's not do any more childish things, otherwise this comment section get too muddled. We can still have a mature discussion, though… ..Oh...I'm sorry, I'm not... Okay, tha-thank you for telling me. Um...so we just all work together to help Twilight out? Is that why you have been talking to yourself?… …true, but it's not as fun. Yea, most of us don’t quite know what were doing, but our primary goal is I think guide twilight to make the choices in her quest. The consequences don’t occur until after the initial choice. trust is a big part of the guide position we have, so trust your heart if you have any doubt about a choice your about to make… …How about we can continue whatever flamewar next update? And no more than maybe three comments for each of us for the war? Sound good?… …Sure. As long as they relate to something Twilight has or will encounter. And the comments can't exceed two paragraphs. other than that I say ‘Callenge Accepted’.. …LeftMoss here, gonna do a response. I guess you could call me a forerunner, but I more just observe than create… …This is Zen. The "Hole" may well be working as intended. At least on my end, the information about the events on Twilights end is preceded by the accumulated responses we provide, in a section labeled "Author's Notes." The Author, in this case, insisted as Blackjack. I'm still skeptical about any measure of divinity, but the most probable explanation I could think of would be that Blackjack is receiving the feed from the Hole (I concur with earlier comments about preferring the term "Eye," but this is meant mainly for Ire), and is acting as an intermediary between it and us. I couldn't tell you why. Also, welcome, Creek… …W-wow! Thank you all so very much for welcoming me, I was nervous to start my first day as a new agent, I always screw everything up. But you've all been so nice so far. Thank you… …Akumakami back! Glad to hear, Twilight, and things are fine between Zen and I, just a minor annoyance, I think- we can't exactly deadpan or roll eyes at each other. Any way, I'm glad Ine took the news well. Existential crisis's can be interesting, but its nice to have entities that things like that just shrug it off. Also, calling it the Hole sounds like a bad sex joke. I'm not even trying to be crass, I'm being honest. So, you're a head of us, eh? Well, do watch out for Commander Tempest and the Storm King when you get back. No, we don't know anything about them yet. We got a preview of a future event. Moving on! Message for Ruby: Greetings Orderling! I am Akumakami. You can translate that to Devil-God or Bad-God if you want. I would like to thank you for aiding Twilight. We were a bit worried about conflict or issues with the locals. I'd give you a treat as thanks, but your realms Primary doesn't gives that much free reign on manipulating things. Twilight, don't tell her this part- some of us are probably still wary of Ruby. We've all seen types like her from an order pull backstabs. I'm actually not paranoid about her just yet, but I'm sure you'll get a few warnings from the others. Message for Infinity: Love the enthusiasm! That is all for now. Good day to you Madam! Message for Fluttershy: Congratulations on becoming an acolyte! Tell me, is that Angel of yours still grumpy with our local Chaos Lord? Hmm, either Ine found a way to alter the golem's protocols, a different spirit did, or the Eye just works as an access pass. Either way, useful. Hopefully nothing else still dangerous is in there. My advice is be careful of what you touch- any writing on the wall might be directions, a control pad, a terminal, or an alarm button. Also, Twilight, I've got to ask- how has Equestria been adjusting to the whole multi-princess thing? Cause it was just Celestia for most of the millennia, than Cadence shows up, Luna returns, and you ascend. Not counting underage Flurryheart, Equestria went from one leader to four in what I'm going to assume is about a decade- not sure how long ago Cadence got her horn(she was a Pegasus to our knowledge) PS Random question. Before they ascended and assuming they weren't born alicorns as well, whatdo you think Celestia and Luna were? I'm betting earth pony on Celestia. Luna I'm more to Pegasus, but not sure. If that's true, you're the first Unicorn to ascend, lol. PSS Actually important question- I believe I brought this up before Twilight, but how much you betting that each of your friends are going to end up here via the Alters? Hmm, Ine's kind having time tunnels explains why Fluttershy got here- if I had t guess, you probably couldn't call the present/future Celestia or Discord with it because there already is one in the time you're in. Hard to tell whether this is to prevent a time paradox or if its simply design to go after the present one if available, than go search the timeline. Akumakami out!… …Akumakami back- sorry, sorry. I've just resolved myself to tell you about at least one funny other-world each message. In this case a oneshot where you, as a filly jealous of Shining and Cadence both spending more time together than with you, mathematically concludes that Friendship is Evil.(Friendship=Relationship, Relationship=TimexMoney, Time=Money, Relationship= Money2, Money= √evil, Relationship= (√evil)2, Friendship=Evil) Don't worry, Celestia settled that with you, but still, it was funny- you even made a Book Palace in the royal library. Not even joking… …Hahahaha! Twilight did that!? Man, I knew she wasn’t keen on the whole friendship thing, but to think she would label it as evil over shining and cadence dating, that's just hilarious! Spike! I never wrote a book stating that friendship was evil! It was more like a detailed report...oops. Hahahahahahaha! Bwahahahaha! That has to be the funniest thing I've ever heard before! Thank you strange voice, you just made my day a lot better… … Ponygood again. I honestly don't understand why having two of the same person from different times would cause a paradox. Either it doesn't happen, and nothing you do changes it, or it does happen, and nothing you do changes it. And I just wanted to say real quickly that I enjoy the amount of communication between us, behind the Eye. It's brought a smile or two to my face…]

Twilight regained control of her body. The golem was a little further away now - having crossed a fair bit of the distance back to Fosis. Twilight took in a long, exasperated breath. "Creek, welcome to the crew. Glad to have you here, don't worry, everything will be fine for you. Hope you feel welcome. Don't feel pushed back by what I'm about to do."

"Uh... Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.

Twilight held up a hoof. "Fluttershy, give me a sec." She took in another breath. "Ponygood! Afizah! What the heck is wrong with you!? Half of this import was just you two arguing about the most unimportant of things! I mean - cybernetics? Your faces? What- why!? I don't want more machine-things attached to me if you don't mind! And... Just... You made the whole thing confusing you two. What was your beef?"

Ruby frowned. "...The voices argue more than expected."

Infinity rolled her eyes. "For a wise sage type, you sure do miss the obvious."

Ruby had no response to this.

Twilight ruffled her wings. "Anyway... Yeah, I do think we will keep calling it the Eye. It does seem better - though I do have to thank you for that image Akumakami. Really. Loving the suggestion there." She rolled her eyes. "And Zen, I think you're right- I don't think Blackjack is divine. I think Ine knows this. I think he's just in a position as Creator. And, speaking of - does he have an 'icon' like you have? I heard Afizah and Ponygood going back and forth. Apparently, Ponygood has a grenade. I'm just curious - I should probably stop thinking of him as an evil version of Applejack. Bit awkward, really. ...How should I think of the rest of you, anyway?"

Fluttershy blinked. "...You never asked that before?"

"Never thought about it until now, really," Twilight said. Anyway, Akumakami has some messages. Infinity, great enthusiasm!"

"...Cool," Infinity said.

"Fluttershy, he wants to know if Angel and Discord get along."

"...Not really. But Angel's not known for getting along with anyone in general."

"Yeah, thought so. Ruby?"

Ruby's eyes widened. "A voice has deemed me worthy of a message?"

"Yes. Not a big one though. He just wants to give you greetings, introduce himself, and thank you for aiding me. Apparently he and the others were worried about conflict or issues with your people."

"I am honored..."

"And then he had a slew of questions for me. Equestria adapted pretty well to the princess change though Celestia is obviously still the one in charge, I'm pretty sure the Sisters were born Alicorns, and that other version of me sure was silly, and that's not as funny as it sounds Other-Spike." She chuckled. "Though... Sparkle, perhaps you shouldn't take offense at that. We were all full of folly when younger." She blinked. "...And Ponygood, I've already looked at the moon, several times. No Mare in the Moon there. We're before Luna was banished."

"As for the altars... I think I - and all of you in the Influence - have a choice. We could bring my friends here. Or we could bring others with the altars. Or... I don't know, we could come up with something. We might even be able to have two of the same like Ponygood sai-" A lightbulb went off in Twilight's head. "...You all speak of these other versions. Do you think - do you think we could grab THEM using the altars? Other realities? Other heroes?"

Infinity blinked. "...I want a version of me that owns two jetpacks."

Twilight sighed. "...Yeah. Well... That's something to think about. Until then..." Twilight approached the city of Fosis - the large golem didn't turn around. "...Stay here." She told everyone.

"I will be with you forever," Ruby said, shaking her head.

Fluttershy looked at Twilight, frowning. "I... Don't want to be left out here alone."

Twilight looked sheepish. "...Right. Well... Be careful then. We don't know what's coming."

She teleported them closer - the golem still paid no attention to them. Even when she teleported them a second time and appeared right next to it. She charged the pearlstone marble once more and turned to the golem. "Hello. I am Twilight. I wish to know why you were attacking Acket."


"...The Pearlstone?"


"Why did you stop?"


Twilight frowned. "Why was it changed?"


Infinity smirked. "...Can we see this room?"


Twilight looked at Infinity. "Why would we want to see that?"

"Obviously so we can figure out how these things work! What makes them tick! And a better reason as to why they've changed. There's got to be an answer."

Twilight turned to the golem. "Do you know about an ancient prophecy concerning the Oracle?"


"Do you know who would be?"


Twilight facehooved. "Who is that?"


"...Can we speak to ...her?"


Fluttershy blinked. "Am I the only one who finds this odd? He was trying to kill us and now he's being very helpful..."

"It is odd - but a mark of destiny," Ruby said.

Infinity got as close to the golem as she could, examining the structure and composition. "My gosh... So cool..."


"Do you have a name?" Twilight wondered.


"Four it is then," Twilight said. The rest of the walk to Fosis was relatively uneventful.


Fosis was hardly what one would call a city - it was a perfectly circular wall with thousands of mechanical cubes inside it. Most of the cubes did nothing but glow softly and beep occasionally, but a few would open and release golems similar to Four. The designs from one to the other differed, but they were all humanoid and their size difference was negligible. They were all giants.

The ones Twilight saw were busy building/repairing the city around them - presumably, the rest were dormant inside the cubic buildings. She saw one of the drone-ships fly overhead, and descend. She stopped in her tracks - it was huge, easily the size of twenty of the golem giants. It landed on top of one of the buildings, alongside what she realized were two or three other drone-ships.

Infinity gawked. "We... We are inside one of the last vestiges of Ancient civilization..."


"What about the spirits?" Twilight asked.

Four pointed to a nearby building - there was a small yellow spirit there with a maple-leaf symbol within its aura. It was walking in circles - and Twilight got the impression it had been doing that for centuries. "Oh..."

Four led them on - deep into the center of the city, where there stood a building that looked just like all the others, except taller, and rounded on top. Two giant doors slid open the moment Four approached. He stood back, gesturing for the ponies and dragon to enter.

The door shut behind them before they could even look at their surroundings. Twilight was ready for a fight - but none came. A tremendous light filled the room, revealing thousands upon thousands of screens, cables, and glowing lights. A single giant screen dominated the area, and upon it some text was written.

>>I suppose you want a welcome.<<

"Er..." Twilight said, a bit baffled.

>>Masterful rhetoric, right there. Am I not what you expected? What did you expect - some giant feminine golem? I'm honestly curious to see where your little mind has taken things and torn them asunder.<<

"...I was expecting something with more of a... body."

>>I suppose you can be forgiven for not understanding the nuances of the virtual, even though since you are wearing that Eye you must either be mad or have a greater understanding of the parallels in existence. Or perhaps both.<<

"You know about the eye?"

>>I know of it, yes. Though only recently, due to the re-wiring that has been performed recently.<<

"...Do you know of the Time Tunnels?"

>>Telling you would make you a lazy good for nothing cheat. They're located in the southwest sea on the lost island of Frau.<<

Infinity blinked. "...Frau doesn't exist."

>>Good luck finding it then, one of little faith or understanding. You don't live up to your name.<<

Twilight nodded. "Thank you for that information... ...Do you know where the altars are located?"

>>Ah, a question that might actually be helpful in this annoyingly generic quest of yours. There's one at the northern edge of the desert you are currently in, one deep in the mountains of Moissan, one in the archipelago to the south, one in the frozen lands of the south, and one a closely guarded secret in Peran Palace.<<

Twilight blinked. That... certainly was helpful. This struck her as odd. "...Why are you being so helpful?"

>>I don't really have a choice. A certain unicorn showed up and reprogrammed the entire city of Fosis to be helpful and subservient. It makes me sick but I can't really go against the protocols.<<

"...Was this unicorn pink by any chance?"

>>Five stars, intelligent deduction, amazing job. Of course she was you fool.<<

Infinity blinked. "Wait, SHE changed everything here? Just a few minutes ago? Where is she now?"

>>Heading to Estur for some presumably Ancestor-damned reason. That's the place to the north the altar is for those of you playing at home. Yes, I'm talking to the Influence as well, not that I can hear it. You done with the questions yet? I'm sick of being helpful.<<

Twilight nodded. "Sorry, I have one last question. Do you know about the prophecy?"

>>Oh lucky day, something I don't know any more than you already know. That dragon over there probably knows more than I do. So find yourself a philosophical rock to sit on and ponder the meaning of words ancient and lost. Anything else? What of you party members? Want to pry the Motherboard for information while its will is completely incapable of ordering the hidden lasers to disintegrate you?<<

Infinity grinned. "Where's the Control Room and how can we use it?"

>>...Right up the ladder and the interface will tell you how to do whatever you want to our coding. Bitch.<<

Infinity turned to Twilight. "We can make them more than helpful - we can make them our slaves! Make them do what we want!"

Fluttershy shook her head. "No... No, Implode that'd be horrible! It's already bad enough as it is! We've taken advantage of them!"

>>Oh my, look, a moral dilemma. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Influence contact in three...<<

The Eye started glowing. Twilight blinked.


Twilight got into her seated position. "Do not mess with the Control until I get back."
