• Published 22nd Feb 2017
  • 2,058 Views, 131 Comments

Equestrian Fanfiction: The Meet-up - Lise

The first real life meet-up of Lyra's fan fiction site. Let the masks fall!

  • ...

5. The Grand Event

Finally! Lyra dragged herself to the nearest cushion. A few years ago she would skip sleep for days at a time, especially when parties were concerned. Now, she needed two spells just to keep her eyes open, and the real party hadn't even started yet. Blueblood and the Wonderbolts had just arrived to everypony's joy, and Rarity's displeasure, creating the most unique blend of jock nerdism Lyra had thought possible. Just watching the way the conversation jumped from military maneuvers to human adventures, taking the obligatory shipping detour, without anypony batting an eye was enough to make Lyra cry with pride. Or it would have been if she had an ounce of energy left.

"Somepony had a bit too much to drink." A glass of water levitated up to Lyra. "Or wants to." Twilight winked as she sat beside her friend.

"Wants to," Lyra said, then downed the glass. "Definitely wants to. I spent the last ten minutes reassuring Rarity that no harm will come to Sweetie Belle." She rolled her eyes. "Compared to what I've seen her do in Ponyville the only danger I see is Dinky trying to strangle her." Or at least tear her mane off.

A burst of laughter came from the other side of the room, near the improvised stage. Blueblood was telling another of his "life stories" and doing so quite well judging by the overall reaction. Lyra had to admit that in private he was very different from his public image. The language, the crudeness, even the mannerisms were of a nightclub regular. He'd even engaged in casual conversation with Rarity, despite her constant attempts to stay as far away from him as possible.

"He's certainly the heart of the party." Lyra nodded in the Prince's direction. "Who would have guessed?"

"Well I knew he was into coltfiction," Twilight said proudly. "But I must admit the rest is unexpected. He's definitely more relaxed than at the galas. Between you and me,

I think Rarity still has a thing for him."

"Well you have to admit he plays the role of the pretty stallion quite well." Lyra nodded. "Think you can use your alicorn magic to transform him into Bellucio?" she whispered. "Just for a few minutes. I swear nothing bad will happen. Honest!"

"Lyra." Twilight squinted. "You want me to use transformation magic of such complexity to transform a royal prince into the most fantasized MC character in a room of obsessed Fanfiction mares?"

"Err, we can wait until the kids go to bed?" Lyra suggested, only to receive a wingsmack on the side. "Hypocrite!" she hissed.

"Am not!" Twilight said adamantly, yet Lyra could notice her friend's face turning a deeper shade of purple. There could be no denying she had read more than her fair share of "interesting" Bellucio stories.

Would be fun, though, Lyra mused. It wouldn't be that difficult to hire a changeling to pose as Bellucio during the event. Celebrities did it all the time these days. Damn it! She felt like kicking herself for not thinking of it earlier. That would have been the talk of the evening...and possibly the greatest freakout in Canterlot since Chrysalis' invasion. The newspapers would have had a field day.

"Let's join." Twilight nudged her. "Stars know when we'll have another gathering like this."

"I'm really tired, Twi." Lyra looked at the door. Bon Bon had promised she'd try to be there, but in her line of work every promise was more of a guideline. Dates would get postponed at the last minute, schedules messed up. The only solace Lyra had was that BonBon would be there for her every night. "Maybe just a bit."

"Everything alright? You seem a bit worried about something."

"Oh, it's nothing." The lies we have to say, Lyra thought. That was a part of her she despised. "Still wishing BonBon could have made it."

You never were able to keep a promise, were you Bonnie? Except for one...

The flowers wilted in the plate. Lyra had brought them fresh and taken great care to arrange them in the perfect way so as to please both the eye and the mouth. According to the cooking guide, her Tulip á Rose was supposed to be one of top ten most romantic dishes. The only problem was that it was two hours after dinner.

Sitting at the table, Lyra could only look at her ruined masterpiece and sigh, as she had been doing the entire afternoon. This was the third attempt she'd made to surprise BonBon and, apparently, just as wasted as as all the previous. It was almost as if fate conspired against the effort.

Good thing I didn't light the candles this time. Lyra looked at the clock on the wall. Five minutes to midnight. It was still possible for BonBon to arrive in the next hour or so, though experience had shown it to be unlikely. Most likely she'd appear around dawn, drag herself to the couch and doze off without touching the food.

"Next time's the charm, right?" Lyra forced a laugh. She had the best roommate in Equestria and yet their schedules were in such conflict that they almost never saw each other. BonBon was a stay-late-wake-up-late type of pony, while Lyra had to be up at five to catch the Canterlot train. What time they could carve for themselves was mixed with daily chores: shopping, working, going to Ponyville events. Lyra appreciated that a lot, but she would have liked for them to have some time of their own.

The heart-shaped dish was levitated into the refrigerator. At least there was the consolation that Bon Bon might have it for "breakfast" once she woke up. Lyra put the candles into the cupboard next to the imported oats, gathered the silverware, folded the tablecloth away, then—after a two minute stare out of the window—went to bed.

"Tomorrow I'll ask her directly," she said out loud, as she curled up around the pillow. "Tomorrow."

Lyra closed her eyes for a moment. When she next opened them up again it was already morning. The first rays of the sun were sneaking their way through into the room. Still no sign of BonBon, of course. As much as Lyra fantasized waking up to her roommate snuggling her, that had never happened. At this point they were roommates, nothing more. Or maybe a slight bit more. They were both "fillyfoolers"—one of the main reasons they shared a house—but were far from intimate. The eternally delayed date was Lyra's attempts to get closer. It was no secret that Bon Bon was fetching, and from what Lyra had gleaned through some improper use of magic, her roommate had an inkling of interest in her.

"Bonnie?" Lyra levitated herself out of bed and peeked into the living room.

As per usual, her roommate was there, ears twitching as she snored on the couch. There was no telling exactly what her work involved, but every so often she'd return home exhausted to the point she was unable to reach her bedroom.

Not again. Lyra rolled her eyes. She levitated a blanket and gently floated it over BonBon. Her roommate stirred, an unconscious smile forming on her face.

"Yes, yes, the blanket loves you too," Lyra giggled and went into the kitchen.

Yesterday's dish remained untouched. It would be hours before BonBon even noticed it. Lyra took a pair of oranges from the fridge. She preferred a light breakfast. Plus, right now that was all she could afford. There still were some cookies BonBon had brought from work a few days ago, but those were to be avoided. The amount of sugar was so much that if Lyra would take one nibble she'd have to finish the entire bowl and then crave more.

"I'll be a bit late today," Lyra said. "Magic midterms. Celestia might be there, so I mustn't make a complete idiot of myself."

Gentle snoring came as a response.

"Yes, I know. I focus too much on what others think about me." Lyra went on as she used her magic to slice the oranges. "Not like you. You don't care one bit what ponies think about you."

The sweetness of the fruit mixed perfectly with the bitterness of the peel. Very much like her life, only the older she got the more bitter things became. Lately everything Lyra did seemed to be wrong: her argument with her parents, her breakup with Vinyl, the decision to split her focus between magic and music, even moving to Ponyville hadn't turned out all that well. For some reason every time Lyra tried to add some sweetness back in her life, she got bitter disappointment instead.

"I really should stop organizing these dates," she laughed. "You're ruining me, Bonnie." Another Orange split into slices. "And it's not like you have any more promises to break."

A bird landed outside the kitchen window and started chirping. Lyra glanced at it as she finished her second orange. It was a plump, bluish thing that came every morning, asking for food. Lyra had tried to ignore it a few times, but ultimately she had succumbed to the pressure.

"I know, I know." Lyra opened the cupboard and levitated half a cookie onto the window still. The bird waited for a few moments then started deflating it. "You really need to go on a diet," Lyra chuckled. "And I need a marefriend. One that actually bothers to show up on a date she has promised to—"

Lyra stopped. BonBon was standing in the doorway, mane still messy, looking with her, silently. Lura's heart skipped a beat. For ten strenuous seconds she remained frozen as a statue, trying to come up with a way to save this catastrophe.

"Hey," Bon Bon, said, saving her the trouble, and went to the fridge.

Horseapples! Lyra swallowed.

"Morning." A feeling of awkwardness filled the room. Lyra directed her attention to the bird. She could hear BonBon take out something from the fridge and place it on the table. Moments later she started the tap, pouring herself a bowl of water.

"So you're having exams today." BonBon sat at the table. Yesterday's culinary masterpiece was in front of her, although a remnant of its former self. At this point it might as well have been taken from a cheap caterer. "Got any sleep last night?"

"A bit." Lyra nodded, avoiding her roommate's glance. "Yes. I think I did. I'll catch another hour on the train. Come to think of it, I better go. Can't be late." Mare did I blow this. "Want me to get you anything from Canterlot? I heard there's this new cooking chocolate on sale. All the way from Trottingham."

"No, thanks." BonBon took a bite of her meal.

"Oh." And she's mad at me. Lyra's ears flopped down. "Okay, I'll just head off—"

"Lyra," BonBon interrupted. "I'm sorry for breaking another promise. I really wanted to be with you."

Here it comes. Lyra felt a chunk of ice form in her stomach. There was no reason for her to feel like this, of course. BonBon was merely a roommate. They couldn't even call each other friends. And yet for some reason, she had hoped they might become more. In fact she had put all her hopes in that—the one good relationship that would make up for all the failures so far.

"It's just that work is..." BonBon sighed. "I've strung you along for a month now, haven't I? Making promises, then breaking them. And each time you smile and pretend that it's okay."

"Hey, you have work. I know how it is." Why am I so spineless right now? "It's nothing really. You know me and my big mouth, always presuming things without any thought." The unicorn looked away.

"Lyra, I won't lie to you," BonBon said. Lyra braced herself. Usually this was the point when something bad followed. "I'm really bad at keeping promises. I promise you this, though—if you really want me to be your marefriend, I'll be with you forever."

The ice in Lyra's stomach melted away. Her ears perked up, as she looked at her roommate in an entirely new light, almost unwilling to believe what she had just heard.

"I might not be able to always show up on a date, but I'll always be there beside you if you let me."

And you've kept that promise. Even when I was an ass, you never let me go. Lyra smiled. The noise of the crowd beside her quickly diverted her attention.

"So then I marched right in her office. She's having a meeting with her top Bolts, mind you, and I shout, 'Are you responsible for that disaster!?!'" Blueblood continued with yet another of his stories. Lyra could smell the faint aroma of alcohol come from him—not enough to get him drunk, but definitely more than enough to get the Prince to loosen up. "'I'll drag your scrawny ass to the ground and make sure you never fly again!' There's a total silence. Everypony shuts up. Fleet here is doing a silent "uh oh" probably seeing herself as the next captain. The rest are just staring at me."

"Not quite the way I remember it." Fleetfoot shrugged, only to be completely ignored by everyone.

"Then Spit gets up from behind her desk, takes her glasses off, looks me in the eye and says 'Pup, you can only dream of getting this flank!'" Blueblood slammed his hoof on the floor, along with a burst of laughter.

Lyra rolled her eyes. Stallion stories—there was nothing quite like them. Mares either enjoyed them or found them boring to the extent they'd block them out completely. Raven and the Wonderbolts seemed to find them the most hilarious thing since creation, while Twilight, Moondancer, and Sunburst were smiling gingerly as they glanced at each other, searching for clues how to react. And of course, there was Amethyst and Jade, on the other side from Lyra, who were so focused on each other that they didn't care.

"So, so." Blueblood waved a hoof to get the laughter to an audible level. "Everypony goes quiet, I can literally see Fleet bite her lip. I'm fuming, thinking how to get that wiseass fired."

"And I'm mentally preparing for my talk with Princess Celestia for kicking a prince out of Wonderbolts HQ," Spirtfire added.

"When this idiot-" Blueblood pointed at Soarin "-says 'now kiss'."

A roar of laughter filled the hall, as ponies stomped on the floor. Despite herself Lyra chuckled. It definitely sounded something Soarin would do. Only you could get away with that.

"Well, I thought it would break the tension," Soarin said with a shrug.

"I was so shocked that I literally wished Fire a good day and left," Blueblood struggled to say without laughing.

"Good thing I like my stallions pretty and full of drama," Spitfire said, slapping Blueblood on the rump with her wing.

The laughter stopped. Lyra could see the Prince's nostrils flare up. He turned around, glaring straight at the Wonderbolt captain. Oh, crap. Lyra's ears twitched. Surely the Prince was mature enough to not start a fight, not with foals in the same room? Then again, under that shiny beautiful surface he remained Blueblood. Just like Lyra's parents; they had been the best parents ever, kind, understanding, supportive, yet as soon as one particular topic was mentioned they exploded.

"Did you just call me a drama queen?" Blueblood asked, so close to Spitfire's face that their muzzles were almost touching.

"Oh, definitely," Spitfire smirked. "You're the drama queen of Equestria." Then, before everyone's eyes, she kissed Blueblood.

Lyra heard a glass fall to the ground. Beside her, Twilight was staring at the at the scene, mouth ajar, her levitation spell cut short. A slap, Lyra thought. There's going to be a slap. However, one never followed. Blueblood didn't protest or pull away. His eyes semi-closed for the full period of the kiss. Once over, he cleared his throat and levitated a glass of champagne towards him.

"Damn right I am!" He took a sip, not even flustered by the experience.

"But you're my drama queen. Isn't that right, babe?" Spitfire winked. "What can I say? I'm a sucker for beauties with an explosive temperament. And everypony said we wouldn't last," she snorted.

"What?!" Twilight's wings fluffed up. "You two...? Really? I mean... How? What?

Lyra could only giggle as she watched Twilight explode in a cloud of confusion. In the Princess's defense the realization was somewhere between unexpected and shocking, definitely not a revelation that anypony expected to take place. Lyra couldn't say she knew Blueblood well, or at all for that matter, but she was certain she had never heard him being taken; and by Spitfire of all ponies.

"Isn't he pretty, though? How could I not ask this piece of flank out?" Spitfire passed her wing through Blueblood's mane.

"Careful, cap," Fleetfoot sighed. "There are foals here."

"So?" Spitfire looked at her unapologetically. "They can find their own prince. But, yeah, Blue got me good. Even when he asked me to help with this book thing, I just couldn't say no."

"Well, I am pretty important." Blueblood raised his chin. "Both in real life and Midnight Castle circles. And the thing will become big! Already there's a thriving community forming, right?" He gave Lyra a glance. "From here on it will only get better."

"Whatever you say, babe," Spitfire laughed. "I'm not into this coltfiction stuff, but if it makes you happy I'll help. Hay, I can even transfer these two to your team." She pointed at Fleetfoot and Soarin. "Sky knows I've been trying to get rid of their lazy asses for years. Fleet is already enjoying being a postermare far too much."

And to think the mane event hasn't started yet. Lyra stepped away. As soon as Lurkling and his wife arrived things would get really exciting, and that's not even counting whatever insane party Pinkie Pie and Derpy had planned. In their words it was going to be something “Canterlot would remember for decades,” but then again anything those two did was memorable.

Whispering an excuse, Lyra made her way towards the balcony. It was a good idea to get some fresh air before things got really crazy. On the way she checked her account for messages. There were a few from Lurkling apologizing for being late, as well as two from PPI giving answers to questions Lyra hadn't even asked. That fact that they started with “don't worry” was enough for the unicorn to close the scroll box without opening them. At least today I refuse to give any shit about anything! Lyra snorted and made her way onto the terrace. A step later she stopped in her tracks. On the edge of the balcony Diamond Tiara and Dinky were having a conversation. Lyra couldn't make out what it was, but the moment Diamond Tiara noticed her, she put an end to it. Giving Dinky a peck on the cheek, she trotted towards inside, saying a quick “hey” to Lyra as she passed by.

Dinky, in contrast, remained where she was, back turned. Oh, no. Lyra’s stomach tied up in a knot. As much as she wanted to believe something good had happened, she couldn't. The pose, the silence, the motionless trembling could only indicate one thing—Dinky was crying. Must the universe maintain a constant level of misery? Just as one filly was slowly getting better another went from sad to devastated.

“Dink?” Lyra rushed beside the filly. “Dink, what happened?”

“She…” Dinky sniffled, tears streaming down her face. “She…she thanked me for being such a good friend.”


“And I had to encourage her that she's got so much to live for and…” The words were stuck in the filly’s throat. Lyra placed a hoof on her shoulder. She could feel Dinky’s entire body trembling. “…and how there was always hope, even if it meant… if it meant her being with Scootaloo.”

Why do bad things happen to good ponies?

“Listen to your own advice,” Lyra whispered, even if she knew it was a lie. The only thing she could do right now is offer a hoof on which Dinky could tug on. “Sometimes miracles can happen.”

“Sometimes miracles can happen, Lyra,” a soft voice said from above.

Lyra didn't react. The pain had made her completely numb. The only thing she could do was sit on the top of the school and glance into the night. At this point she didn't even know how she'd gotten here, and she cared even less. The only thing that mattered was that here she had managed to remain alone for a while.

“Lyra…” A warm wing covered the unicorn’s back. “Lyra, we all cry at times.”

Not like this, she thought. Other ponies’ parents didn't make ultimatums. Other ponies didn't lose the love of their life…twice, a love so unique that it could never be replaced. Lyra had soldiered through all that. She had gritted her teeth, enduring all that fate had thrown at her, believing that in the end something good was awaiting. Yet, as time passed, things became worse and worse until she hit rock bottom. She had lost her home, her family, her friends, and now her future.


“I…I'm sorry, Princess Celestia.” Lyra brushed away her tears. That didn't stop them from pouring on. “I'm just being selfish. There are ponies that have a much greater…” She stopped. How could she explain the irrational? “I don't want my lessons to end. The school is the only thing that keeps my mind off the shit around me. I just…”

“Then why stop?” the Princess asked.

It was a simple question, yet the manner in which it was said made Lyra pause. For the first time since she had been there, she looked up. Princess Celestia was beside her, smiling in her unfathomable divine way.

“If you want to keep on going, just do it,” the Princess went on in her motherly voice. “Nopony will think any less of you no matter what you decide.”

“But the fees. My parents said they'd cut me off, if I—“

“Lyra.” Celestia shook her head. “School isn't the reason you're here, is it? If it was a school matter you wouldn't teleport to the roof in the middle of the night. You definitely wouldn't tell your friends they could have your collection of books, then gallop off without a word. There's something else, isn't there?”

Lyra looked away. There were lots of things, so many that she wasn't sure which one of them was the most important. That she was different? That she could not hope to find love, joy, happiness? That she was forced to choose between two things she held dear and couldn't make up her mind which to cast away. Was she too greedy for wanting both?

“This isn't the first time I've seen a dear student face hardship,” the Princess said, wiping away Lyra’s tears with her wing. “Large or small, we all face problems. Some change us in ways we don't expect. Whatever your decision, there will always be somepony you can turn to.”

“But why must we go through them? Can't you make them all better?” Lyra held tight. “You're the Princess, you can do anything!”

“Lyra.” Celestia stroke her mane. “My dear little pony. Even if I could how would you have me make everything better? Should I grant your wish? Or that of your parents? Or that of other ponies who want the same thing you do? If I could shape fate so that it's perfect for everyone, wouldn't it have been so already?”

Of course you wouldn't help me. Why should you? I’m nothing but a utter failure. Why would anypony care?

“Lyra, let me ask you one thing.” Celestia’s horn light up. “You don't have to answer me now, or at all if you so choose. But at least think about it.” Warm light enveloped Lyra. “Would you prefer to live thinking that miracles can happen, or that that they can't?”

“The year is still young, there's plenty of time for miracles.” Lyra winked. “And in the end the fight is just beginning, right? Did Danny give up at every challenge he faced?”

“You know I'm only into Midnight Castle because of Diamond, right?” Dinky let out a deep sigh. She had stopped trembling, even if she appeared just as distraught as before.

“Then use that to win her over.” Lyra winked. “Now let’s go inside. Two days without worrying, remember?”

“I…” Dinky looked at the terrace door. Cheers and laughter were coming from inside the tower. By the sound of things, Blueblood was telling another of his funny stories. “Maybe in a bit.” The foal looked away. “Thank you, Lyra, but I just want to be alone for a while.”

“Have all the time in the world, but take my advice: don't wait too long, okay?” She winked. If only I could suggest something better. “I’ll always be a PM away if you need me.”

Dinky nodded, then went back to gazing at the stars. Lyra waited a few more minutes, then returned to join the rest inside. The experience had brought back memories that hurt like a kick in the stomach. For the sake of the meet-up, however, she put on her happy face and walked in.

“Lyra!” Twilight grabbed her almost instantly. “Come quick! You'll never believe who just arrived!”

“Err, Princess Celestia?” Lyra managed to ask as she was dragged through the entire room.

“Ha, good one!”

It didn't take long for Lyra to find out. Standing in the opposite side of the room, surrounded by fillies and Wonderbolts, towering above them all, stood a very tense white stallion. Next to him, trying to hide her amusement, was a white maned pegasus in trainee uniform.

Oh, dear stars! Lyra covered her face with her hoof. She had completely forgotten how shy Bulk Biceps could get when in placed in a new environment. She had spent days coaxing him to even consider writing on the site. Ever since she had known him, the massive pegasus had preferred to quietly lurk on, even if in his case that was totally unnecessary. Both his wife, and his employers were well aware of his geeky interests and even found them endearing. Despite that, it had taken Lyra great effort to get him out of his shell. And now, after she had finally managed to convince Bulk that there was nothing to be afraid of, he had found himself surrounded by inquisitive ponies, half of which happened to be his superiors.

“Everypony,” Lyra said loudly, diverting the attention to herself. “These are Lurkling and wife, as you have probably guessed, our final late arrivals for the event.”

“Hey, Snowflake!” Spitfire shouted. “Basic training finished ages ago. You don't have to stick to your lead pony anymore!” Tense laughter came from Bulk, as he turned to his wife for support.

Not helping, Spitfire! Lyra grumbled internally.

Anyway,” Lyra raised her voice. “It's time for the big highlight of the evening, so if you all would please give our poor Lurkling some space and gather in the center of the hall, that would be great.”

One more speech, she told herself. One more and I can finally go to bed. Bulk passed by, whispering a discrete “thank you,” before being urged forward by his wife. The other ponies followed. The noise and laughter vanished as they all prepared for what was to follow. It was almost as if they were expecting some grandiose moment of truth. There were whispers, some insisting that maybe S.Child himself would appear. The truth was that Lyra knew just as little as they did. Luna had promised it would be “something big” conveniently stopping short of specifying what exactly.

Time to get this show on the road.

“Good evening, fellow Nightlings!” Lyra began. Her voice sounded slightly more tired than before, even if just as excited. “I know you've probably had enough of me talking. This is the final time for tonight, I promise.” Laughter filled the room. “As you know we were promised an important Midnight Castle event. I say we because even I have no idea what's about to happen. Personally, I'd like Bellucio to appear out of thin air, or maybe S.Child, but the truth is I’ll have to wait and see. Before that, let me just thank you once more that you're here, and I hope this small meet-up of hours managed to be as gratifying to you says it has been to me. Two days without worries during which the only arguments allowed are who is best humie.”

“Danny!” somepony shouted, followed by a series of boos and ovations.

“Anyway,” Lura cleared her threat. “Enough about me. Let's all hear it from Prince Blueblood who’ll present… whatever it is he’ll present. Stomp your hooves, everypony, for our very own Bellucio!”

Applause shook the floor. Lyra felt her headache increase, but soldiered on. She wasn't going to let this ruin the moment. Her eyes moved from pony to pony, making sure everything was fine. Diamond Tiara seemed considerably better than before, even if she was standing suspiciously close to Scootaloo. Dinky, in contrast, had an expression of marble in turn trying to wedge her way between her secret crush and Silver Spoon.

“Adorable, aren't they?” a voice asked beside Lyra, just as Prince Blueblood was starting his speech. “I wish I could have seen you at that age.”

“Bonny?” Lyra’s heart skipped a beat. Forgetting everything, she turned around, fearing her senses were playing tricks on her. They weren't. Standing a step away, was Bonbon, wearing a vest and tie. Oh, Bonny. Lyra couldn't keep herself from smiling. “You came straight from work?”

“Sort of.” Bonbon planted a kiss on her cheek. “I'm still on duty. Only here for a bit before I have to run off. I know how much this means to you, so I asked my boss for a pause between tasks. She said yes.”

“You're crazy, you know that?” Lyra whispered. And I love you for it! It's just like that time, when you took me to work.

The smell of fresh grass filled Lyra’s nostrils. It was unexpected to say the least. After she had found out about Bon Bon’s real job, the two had made a promise never to keep secrets from each other. The promise itself had been more than enough for Lyra. She knew all she needed to, in order to maintain a good relationship with her marefriend. It had come a as complete surprise when one evening Bon Bon had dropped made the suggestion out of the blue: a visit to her work.

“Are you sure this is it?” Lyra asked. “I could swear I could smell grass.”

“This is it, don't worry about it!” Bon Bon insisted. “Just hold on a bit longer, okay? We’re almost there.”

“If you say so.”

Lyra laughed, but let herself be led on. The hard soil under her hooves gave way to grass. Her ears could catch the the sound of rustling leaves and sparrows, all the while adding to the mystery. She could soon hear the distant roar of a waterfall.

“And your boss is okay with this?” Hesitation crept into Lyra’s voice. “I mean—“

“Don't worry about it, my boss is a darling.” Bon Bon nudged her forward. “When I told her I'll be taking you to work she said it was about time. We've known each other for how long now? Least I could do is show you off.”

Show me off, huh? Lyra smiled. That was a first. If her parents had it their way they would probably hide her away as far away as possible. Lyra suspected that was the reason the family reunions had stopped. They hadn't said it openly, but the hints kept building up. It was only a matter of time until the question worked its way into the open. When that happened Lyra had no idea how she would react.

“And no one would mind?” The mint unicorn wouldn't let it go.

“Relax, will you? It's only for a few hours. During that time I don't want you to worry about anything, okay? I asked my boss, she said it was alright. End of story. Now, take off your blindfold!”

The first thing Lyra saw upon removing her blindfold was a meadow near a brook. There were no rooms, no hallways, no ponies running around with notepads and suitcases, just lush grass, trees, and flowers as far as the eyes could see…and a picnic set-up a few steps away.

“Bonny!” Lyra’s face scrunched. “I thought you were taking me to work!”

“Oh, but I have!” Born Bon insisted. “This is the most secret place there is in the whole of Equestria. The princesses themselves come here to get away from it all. Look, they have even left us some food. It would be a crime to let it go to waste.”

“A crime, you say.” Lyra narrowed her eyes. The picnic basket looked suspiciously like the one Bob Bon kept in her room. It had the same red and green patterns on the side, as well as the initials B.B. embroidered on the handle.

“Oh, definitely!” Bon Bob nodded. “Treason to the crown, I'd say. Punishable by banishment to the moon, no less.”

“Really?” Lyra smirked. “Well, in that case I have no choice. I'm forced to spend the rest of the day at your boring job and help you fulfill your duty.” She sat on the ground and levitated the basket open. “I take it we can't leave until we finish all the food inside?”

“Err, we have to make an effort in any event,” Bon Bon purred. “The Princesses aren't monsters. They’ll understand we've done our best. Worst case scenario the, might task us to repeat the experience and finish what we started.”

A picnic, Lyra thought. Only you can take me out to a top secret picnic far away from everypony else. There was nopony to judge them here, no reason for them to hide, or pretend. For the next few hours they could be exactly what they wanted—free. For the next few hours the rest of Equestria would cease to exist.

“You're crazy, you know that?” Lyra giggled as she levitated a tray with finely-sliced poppy sandwiches. “Absolutely crazy!”

You never took me to work. Instead you gave me the best gift I could wish for—a few hours of joy. If only they could last forever.

“But enough about me,” Blueblood added after another of his jokes. To Lyra’s surprise he managed to handle his audience far better than she had expected. “Let's talk about Midnight Castle. I believe some of you have heard rumors that I might be more involved in the process than any of you thought. The truth is I am the process.” Whispers began circulating once more. “No, no, I know what you're thinking. Who does this beautiful stallion think he is? Well, I'm Prince Blueblood, of course, but also the executive producer of the writing team. Yep, you heard me correct, I'm the one responsible for ensuring that human magic pours from the creative minds of the writing team onto the scrolls you buy, and in accordance with S.Child’s vision. Let me tell you it's not an easy task, but somepony has to do it.”

“Just get on with it!” Spitfire shouted. “Some of us have to be up early tomorrow. We work for a living, you know!”

“As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by the future ex-captain of the Wonderbolts.” Blueblood paused for dramatic effect. “We have a special guest here tonight, a guest whose presence at this event is only possible thanks to the remarkable things the site, and all of you, have achieved. Now I could go on about this for hours, but…since there are impatient marefriends in the audience, let me present someone you all know well.”

Without warning, all the lights went out, plunging the room in total darkness.

What the hay? Lyra’s ears perked up in alarm. This was one more detail Raven and Blueblood had omitted to share.