• Published 14th Feb 2017
  • 2,815 Views, 45 Comments

On Valentine's Day - Rose Quill

A collection of Valentine's Day/Heart and Hooves Day stories.

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Starlight Glimmer and Trixie

I sat at the desk, tapping my hoof as I read the same passage for the fifth time. I kept getting distracted by the ponies trotting by the window, walking close to each other or stopping to nuzzle and kiss.

I growled and slammed the book closed. I hated this day. Every year I couldn’t help but get grumpy about this stupid holiday. Even back at the village I had founded, they had celebrated - albeit covertly - Hearts and Hooves Day. I lifted the book and turned to head to the library.

As I trotted down the hallway, I bumped into Spike as he loped out of a room.

“Sorry, Starlight,” he said as he reached out to steady himself. “Are you ok?”

I nodded, still a little touchy because of the day. “Where are you off to in such a hurry?”

He reached down and picked up a package. “I’m going over to Rarity’s to give her this for Hearts and Hooves Day. I’ve been aging this ice sapphire for weeks and it’s perfectly ripe.”

I could tell he was salivating at the thought of a ripe ice sapphire. I smiled ruefully.

“Make sure it makes it to her, loverboy,” I teased before trudging along the hallway again.

“Are you sure you’re ok?” he asked as he rushed up to trot alongside me. “You seem kind of upset.”

“I don't want to talk about it,” I said as I pushed the doors to the library open. Replacing the book from where I got it from I started scanning the shelves, looking for anything to take my mind off the day.

“Ok,” the dragon said slowly. “If you’re sure about it. I’ll see you later!”

I waved distractedly, eyes still roving the spines of the books. I sighed after a few minutes. Nothing jumped out at me, nothing even hobbled at me. I took a seat next to one of the desks in the library, glancing at the scrawled notes made by either myself or Twilight while we were researching glamor spells and the malfunctions of the mirror.

I sighed. Those were exciting days, and the trip through the mirror had been fascinating beyond anything I could imagine. I hadn’t exactly enjoyed trying to pick things up with those…what were they called? Fingers? Being without magic had been anxiety-inducing, but the performance by the other world's version of my friends’ band was invigorating, as had watching them all walk across the stage and accepting their degrees.

I glanced at the mirror, wondering for a second about heading across. Then I noticed the book was missing, keeping the portal from allowing a pony to cross. I got up and walked around, looking for the journal. I had finished a circuit of the room when Twilight came in, the journal hovering behind her along with two more books.

“Hi Starlight!” she said as she set the journal in the bracket over the mirror. “Happy Hearts and Hooves Day.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I grumbled. “What have you got there?”

“While the journal Sunset and I contact each other with contain a Mobius spell for the pages, their Rarity and Rainbow Dash are moving away soon. I made up a pair of journals for each of them to keep in touch with each other.”

I glanced at the floating books, with Rainbow Dash’s and Rarity’s cutie marks on them. “Twilight?”


“Didn’t they have little devices that could do that for them?”

She blushed. “Oh, right,” she whispered. Perking up a bit, she smiled at me. “Well, let’s consider it a graduation gift!” She rubbed her hoof across her chin. “But what to get Sunset and Sunshine?”

I smiled as an idea popped into my head. I suggested it and Twilight smiled.

“That sounds perfect!”

I was sitting on a hill outside Ponyville, watching the sun make its way towards the horizon. I shivered a bit as a chill breeze blew in, mussing my mane and raising goosebumps.

“At least the day’s almost over,” a voice said as a scarf draped itself over me, surrounded by a familiar magic aura.

I turned and smiled at my best friend, Beatrix Lulamoon, as she sat down next to me, her cloak wrapped around her.

“It’s such a stupid holiday,” she said as she tugged the collar of her cloak tighter around her neck. “I don’t see what anypony sees in getting all excited about what’s basically another day.”

“I can sort of understand it,” I said. “It’s not so much the day, but somepony you spend it with.” I smiled wistfully into the distance. “All the day does is remind you who’s important to you.”

Trixie gazed out in the distance. “I guess you’re right,” she said. “But what about those of us that don’t have a special somepony to spend the day with? That just makes the day miserable.” I saw her glance at me out of the corner of my eye.

I thought back to all the shows we had done over the last few years. I also remembered the strange looks I had seen her give me when she thought I wasn’t looking. Those kept me up at night sometimes, trying to figure out just how I felt.

“Who said you don’t?” I said softly.

She looked at me with a questioning look.

I turned to her. “I may not know exactly how you feel or how I do, but you are special to me.” I glanced down. “You’re the first friend I made since I came here that wasn't part of Twilight's entourage. That makes you special in my book.”

Trixie blinked, a tear in her eye. “Really?”

I smiled and moved over to hug her. “Of course,” I said. I stood, adjusting the scarf around my neck and withers. “What do you say to two good friends going and grabbing something to eat?”

She stood as well. “The Great and Powerful Trixie does not need such things,” she said in her stage voice. Smiling, she looked at me. “Plain old Beatrix, though, would love to,” she said in her softer and gentle normal voice.

As we trotted back towards town, Trixie stopped and looked at me.

“Starlight,” she said quietly. “You know I find you kind of cute, and I'm thankful for the help on the show and being my friend. But I’m not sure how these things work. I’ve been on my own a lot, after all.”

I looked at her and smiled. “Doesn’t mean you have to be all the time.” I looked back at the sunset. “You know how I used to be before Twilight went to the village I set up.” I blinked back a tear. “But do you know how I’m getting by it?”

She shook her head.

“One day at a time, Trixie,” I said.

“One day at a time,” she whispered, nodding. “That works for me.”

Author's Note:

I don't plan on them becoming a couple insofar as a sexual relationship. There are couples in this world that are together just because they enjoy each other's company and emotional support. There can be physical attraction between them without them ever wanting anything more.

I hope that doesn't bring out the pitchforks and torches, though. :twilightsheepish: