• Published 10th Jan 2017
  • 4,837 Views, 285 Comments

Reformation Brigade - Metool Bard

Crystal Prep needs a friendship makeover. And who better to give it one than Discord and the Dazzlings? Yeah, it appears Sunset didn't really think this through.

  • ...

Learning from Experience

"So, let me see if I've got this straight. The reason you were called to the principal's office is because you happened to discover your true self after sending me and Sonata to the nurse."


"And the reason you didn't end up like us is because Discord went in your place and got himself captured."

"Pretty much."

Aria frowned. "Well, this went from bad to worse in a hurry."

"How very observant of you," Adagio spat. She didn't even bother to turn and face her comrades as she led them down the hallway.

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you, Dagi," Sonata whimpered. "W-we really wanted to, honest. But Principal Cinch said we wouldn't get our magic back if we tattled, and we didn't want you to lose your magic, too."

Adagio sighed and shook her head. "I don't appreciate that you two lied to me, but it doesn't matter now. All that matters is that I'm going to fix this."

"And how exactly do you plan on doing that?" asked Aria, raising an eyebrow. "Furthermore, why do you need us? This isn't like the Battle of the Bands where we just lost our dark powers; Sonata and I have nothing. That witch Cinch drained us both dry."

"Look, it's complicated, alright?" Adagio grumbled. "T-trust me. I know what I'm doing. Just follow my lead."

She clenched her fist, ready for Aria to make a snide remark about her not sounding confident. However, all she heard was a soft sigh.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you say," Aria mumbled.

The complete lack of sarcasm in Aria's voice was enough to make Adagio's heart feel heavy. She forced herself to look at Sonata and Aria. Both of them were shuffling along behind her, uncharacteristically submissive and sheepish. Adagio shook herself.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but the sooner I get you two back to normal, the better," she said. "Now c'mon."

The three of them made their way through the gymnasium, deliberately ignoring Professor Wind Rider's disapproving glare. When they entered the locker room, the Shadowbolts were inside getting ready. They were all spaced apart in separate areas of the room. None of them were even facing each other.

"Yeesh. What happened to them?" Aria inquired, scratching her head.

Sour Sweet perked up. When she saw Sonata, her eyes went wide. "O-oh! Sonata. Um, are you okay?"

Sonata blinked. "Huh, what? Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure? I mean, I hit you pretty hard yesterday."

"No, it's fine, really. Don't worry about it."

Sour Sweet's eyes narrowed as she marched up to Sonata and jabbed a finger into her chest. "You'd better not be saying that just to make me feel better. If you hate me for what I did, say it to my face."

"If you're trying to apologize to Sonata Dusk, that's not a good way to go about it," Sugarcoat stated flatly.

Sour Sweet beamed a faux smile at Sugarcoat. "Oh, pardon me, Sugarcoat~. I didn't realize this was any of your business."

"Sour, could you not do this right now?" Indigo groaned. "It's way too early in the morning for your nonsense."

Sour Sweet pouted. "What is this, Pick on Sour Day?"

"Sour, no one's picking on you. It's all in your head," said Indigo brusquely. "Now chill, alright?"

"Maybe you should follow your own advice," said Sugarcoat. "Though as we found out yesterday, you're not really good at doing that, are you?"

Indigo clenched her fist. "I don't need your commentary, Sugarcoat."

"Yeah, if you could kindly butt out, that would be greeeeeat~," Sour Sweet purred.

"Will all of you just take a chill pill already? Sheesh," Lemon Zest growled. "Indy's right; it's way too early for this."

Sugarcoat scoffed. "I'm surprised you even heard us talking, what with your head constantly being in the clouds."

Lemon Zest gave Sugarcoat a curt look. "Not dignifying that," she grumbled, putting her headphones on.

Indigo folded her arms. "Okay, that one was uncalled for, Sugarcoat."

"Are you denying that Lemon Zest is prone to spacing out?"

"Well, no. But—"

"Then why would I say otherwise?"

Indigo groaned and palmed her face. "Guys, just stop, would you? I don't need this."

"Oh? Is that a command from the leader I hear?" Sunny Flare inquired, her voice dripping with venom and vitriol. "I was under the impression that you had no use for us anymore. Why not simply ignore us and go about your day like we don't exist?"

Indigo flinched. "C-c'mon, Sunny. You really think I'm that cold?"

Sunny Flare's face darkened. "You terminated our friendship when I failed to comply with your unreasonable demands. You tell me."

Indigo snorted. "Is that how it is, Sunny? Is that how you wanna spin this?!"

"Prithee, what is there to spin?! We all know what happened yesterday!"

"Guys, if we keep yelling like that, Professor Rider is going to send someone in here."

"Oh, goody~! Then we can get into more trouble! Which should be fine, 'cause that's exactly what Indigo wants!"

"Of course I don't want that! How stupid do you think I am?!"

"Your words say one thing, but your actions say another."

"Sunny, I can tell you're deliberately provoking her. Kindly stop."

"Maybe you should stop butting into other people's business. Ever think of that, Sugarcoat?"

The Shadowbolts went around and around, bickering and arguing all the while. The only one who was silent was Lemon Zest, though this was due to the fact that she was listening to music. The Sirens stared blankly as the drama unfolded.

"Holy guacamole. What happened to these guys yesterday?" asked Sonata. "Is there another Siren we don't know about?"

"You know there isn't, you dunce," Aria stated, rolling her eyes. Her brow then furrowed. "But, you're right. This does feel very familiar."

Adagio trembled. In her mind's eye, she could see the negative energy oozing from the Shadowbolts, waiting to be swallowed up and converted into power. She instinctively put a hand to her neck, only to remind herself that her pendant wasn't there. Her mind raced furiously as the argument built to a deafening crescendo. Finally, she simply couldn't take it anymore. She took in a large lungful of air and belted it out in one single note.


The chatter ceased. Lemon Zest flinched and removed her headphones. Very soon, all eyes were on Adagio. Adagio folded her arms and gave the Shadowbolts a chiding look.

"Look at you fools. Standing around, squabbling over nothing," she scolded. "Why, if I still had my dark powers, I'd be able to feed off of your negative energy for weeks."

Indigo deadpanned. "Well, I'm glad this amuses you."

"Oh, I wish it did," Adagio said with a bitter scoff. "Alas, I don't have those powers anymore. So instead of gullible morsels, all I see are a bunch of idiots."

Sunny Flare arched an eyebrow. "Seriously? You interrupted our quarrel merely to insult us?"

Adagio sighed and shook her head. "You don't get it, do you? Fine. I'll paint you a picture. Back when my sisters and I had our dark powers, we were untouchable. No one could stand up to us."

"Weren't you banished here by some kind of famous unicorn wizard?" asked Sugarcoat.

Adagio gave Sugarcoat a bemused look. "Very few could stand up to us," she clarified. "Do you know why?"

"Of course we know why. You used your magic to hypnotize people and fed off the negative energy," said Indigo, folding her arms. "What does that have to do with anything? Heck, why do you even care?"

"I care because I know what's going on here," Adagio snapped. "We've done this countless times before. We hypnotized people into fighting one another, yes. But it wasn't just to absorb their negative energy. It was a distraction."

Sunny Flare blinked. "A, distraction, you say?"

"Yes. A distraction," said Adagio frankly. "Our prey was always so busy fighting amongst themselves, we could get away with anything. And that's what's happening right here."

She marched around the locker room, staring down each Shadowbolt in turn. "Cinch may not be a Siren, but she is benefiting from this just as much as we were back when we had our dark magic. Every second you spend bickering with one another is a second you're not using to stand against her. If you really want to take her down, you need to pull yourselves together and stand as one."

The Shadowbolts looked at each other for a moment. It was Sugarcoat who broke the silence.

"You're not exactly wrong," she said, adjusting her glasses. "However, I wouldn't call our argument trivial. You saw what happened yesterday. Indigo's defiance got her suspended from the sports team. She's lucky she wasn't expelled."

Indigo sulked. "Way to throw me under the bus, Sugarcoat."

Sugarcoat ignored Indigo's comment and continued. "Now, let me ask you something, Ms. Dazzle. Don't you think that sort of action warrants a thorough discussion of what happened? And considering how much the events affected us, do you expect us to keep such a sensitive discussion civil throughout?"

Adagio stared blankly at Sugarcoat. As far as she knew, the Shadowbolts were fighting over nothing. It never occurred to her that this actually mattered to them. Beads of sweat poured down her face as she struggled to form a response.

"Well, I, umm..." she hemmed and hawed.

"Adagio, what're you doing?" asked Aria.

"I don't know, help me!" Adagio hissed, frantically waving her arms.

Aria sighed and pondered for a moment. She then looked up at the Shadowbolts. "Look, guys. We're not saying you can't fight ever. Even without our dark magic influencing things, it's gonna happen. Heck, Sonata and I fight all the time."

Sonata arched an eyebrow. "C'mon, Aria. We don't fight that much."

Aria scoffed. "Um, yeah. We kinda do."

"No, we don't."

"Yeah, we do."

"No, we don't."

"We're fighting right now, Sonata."

"No, we're not."

Aria sputtered. "Ack, pff— What the heck do you call this, then?!"

Lemon Zest snorted, trying to stifle a laugh. The Shadowbolts gave her curious looks.

"Wh-what? It's funny," she said with a shrug.

Adagio sighed and cleared her throat. "I, think I can gather what Aria's trying to say here. Listen, the three of us have been together for a long time. And sure, we've had more than our fair share of disagreements. But despite all that, we don't forget what's important. And that's the key."

"The key?" parroted Sour Sweet.

"By hypnotizing others into fighting each other, we made them forget what's important," said Adagio darkly. "And the same thing is happening to you."

Sunny Flare huffed. "As if you could comprehend the damage you have inflicted upon others. From what Sunset told us, you actually enjoyed it. So why, pray tell, do you desire to caution us against the actions that have been a great boon to you?"

"Well, duh. I can answer that," Sonata pipped up. "It's because she forgot what's important once."

Adagio's face turned bright red. "S-Sonata?! Wh-what are you talking about?"

"Don't you remember?" said Sonata. "After Discord gave Aria and me our powers back, you thought we didn't care about you anymore. And then you got sick, and we took care of you, even though we missed the Friendship Games, and—"

"I think she gets the point, Sonata," said Aria.

Adagio sputtered, her face turning even redder. Finally, she accepted that there was no other recourse. She let out a sigh and swallowed her pride.

"It's, true," she said. "I went through that as well. Which is all the more reason why I know what I'm talking about. These two might be the biggest idiots I've ever known—"

"Hey!" Sonata and Aria exclaimed in unison.

"—but I wouldn't trade them for all the negative energy in the world."

Sonata and Aria blinked. "Huh?"

Adagio turned to her fellow Sirens and smiled. "I know I've been rough on you guys in the past, but it's only because I care. And, well, why do you think I'm even talking to these morons right now?" She gestured to the Shadowbolts.

Sonata and Aria looked at one another and scratched their heads. They then turned back to Adagio and shrugged. Adagio palmed her face.

"Of course you don't get it," she said dryly. "Look, this is my best chance of getting you two back to normal. Just like you were willing to miss out on the Friendship Games to take care of me, I'm willing to jump through as many hoops as it takes to help you guys." She teared up and hugged them both. "Y-you're all I have. I-I can't just watch you suffer."

The Shadowbolts watched as Sonata and Aria hugged Adagio back. No one said a word for a good few seconds. Finally, Lemon Zest let out a sigh.

"They make it look so easy," she mused.

Indigo turned her head. "What do you mean?"

"They fight all the time, but they just accept that it happens." Lemon Zest bit her lip. "I don't know why. I hate it when we fight."

Sunny Flare tilted her head. "I'm afraid your words still lack context, dearie."

Lemon Zest sheepishly rubbed her arm. "Dudes, I've got a confession to make. You all know I can be a bit of a space cadet. It's not that I don't care about stuff; I just have trouble focusing. If it wasn't for Dean Cadence helping me, I wouldn't last a day at this freaking school."

She looked up, tears rolling down her cheeks. "But yesterday? After what happened in gym class? I intentionally tuned you guys out. I-I just couldn't deal with it. You all were just slinging mud at each other, and I couldn't think of anything to say to make you stop. So I just, turned up my jams and zoned out."

She turned her head away from Indigo. "Go ahead, Indy. Call me a coward for running away. I know you want to. I deserve it."

Indigo sighed, placing a hand on Lemon Zest's shoulder. "Lemon, you're not a coward. In fact, that's part of my problem. I've really been too hard on you guys."

"Gee, you have? Golly. I didn't notice~," Sour Sweet chirped.

Indigo shot Sour Sweet a glare. "Sour, do you mind? I'm trying to be real here."

Sour Sweet's smile faded, but instead of a dark scowl, she had an apologetic look.

"I-I know. I'm sorry," she muttered. "That just, came out. Y'know how I am; always just trying hard to be nice and failing miserably. You don't have to take anything I say seriously."

Indigo shook her head. "You're wrong, Sour. If anything, I should do a better job of opening my freaking ears." She sighed and faced all of the Shadowbolts. "I took up the role of leading you guys because, well, I felt like I was the only one motivated to do something. I know you guys wanted to change the school, too, but I didn't see that. I thought that I could just rally you guys around me and we'd make a difference together."

She sniffled and brushed her face with her sleeve. "But instead of rallying you guys together, I ended up pushing you all away. You guys all had real concerns about what we were doing, and I just didn't wanna hear it. I didn't want to admit that you guys were scared, because I refused to see my friends as cowards."

Sugarcoat raised an eyebrow. "You know there's a difference between being scared and being a coward, right?"

"I was too stubborn to see it," Indigo admitted. "I really should've listened to you guys, instead of just bossing you around. Some leader I turned out to be."

Indigo's words caused Adagio to perk up. She and the other Sirens slowly turned and watched as Sugarcoat knitted her brow and adjusted her glasses.

"You're right, Indigo. You're not a perfect leader," she said bluntly. "You're impulsive, you're overbearing, and as you so eloquently put it, you don't listen." She then sighed. "But the fact is, we need someone like you as leader. You're idealistic and passionate, Indigo. Those are great traits for a leader to have. By the same token, however, someone has to make sure you don't do anything stupid."

Indigo scoffed. "Yeah, well. Maybe you should be leader, then. You never do anything stupid."

Sugarcoat shook her head. "I'm the opposite of you, Indigo. I'm far too pragmatic and plain-spoken to motivate anyone. You know how I feel about hyperbole, after all. But that's what makes us a team. You keep us moving forward, and the rest of us remind you of your limits. It's just that, like you said, you have to listen."

Indigo nodded. "Y-yeah. I guess you're right." She then looked over at Sunny Flare who had her back turned. With a sigh, Indigo approached her.

"Hey, Sunny? I-I'm really sorry about yesterday," she said.

Sunny Flare slowly turned her head. "How curious. I feel like I should say the same to you."

Indigo blinked. "Sunny, you didn't do anything wrong."

"Nay, you are wrong, Indigo Zap," said Sunny Flare. She bowed her head and placed a hand on her chest. "'Tis true, when Professor Rider placed the burden of continuing the game onto me, I was frightened. However, you must understand the true source of my trepidation. It wasn't merely a fear of getting in trouble with Principal Cinch. Rather, it was that two roads stretched out before me, and they both led to darkness. No matter what I did, I knew it would end in tragedy. I would either be reprimanded for doing what I felt was just, or I would end up shunning my own reflection for days to come, perhaps weeks."

Her hand clenched into a fist as she trembled. "I-it was agony, standing up there. The weight of the entire world was placed on my shoulders. I felt my heart would surely burst forth from my chest. I wanted to escape that nightmare, but alas, there was no way out. I was trapped underneath Fate's cruel wheel."

She looked up at Indigo, tears marring her vision. "And then, you said it. You told me in no uncertain terms that should I cave and throw the ball just as Professor Rider demanded, you would sever all ties with me forever. The weight upon my shoulders doubled, nay, tripled the moment those words left your lips." She sniffled, a waterfall of tears trickling down her face. "I-I tried to convey my dilemma as best I could, but my words did not reach you. I understand I can be rather long-winded, but lo, I felt you needed to fully understand my plight. But it was not to be. You remained steadfast, and I could not."

She buried her face in her hands, sobbing uncontrollably. "I failed you, Indigo Zap. I-I should've stood by you when you needed me most, but alas, my fears broke me. I-I am such a horrible friend."

Indigo let out a sad chuckle as she pulled Sunny Flare into a hug.

"Oh, stop being so melodramatic, you ham," she snickered. "When I said that I wouldn't be your friend if you didn't stand with me, I didn't really mean it. I was just so frustrated with everything, I lost my cool, and that led to me saying stuff I really shouldn't have."

Sunny Flare slowly smiled through her tears. "Deep down, I felt that was the case, young Indigo. Forsooth, you are many things, but petty and cold-hearted don't come close to being on that list."

"Y'know, I think I'm starting to see what Adagio was trying to say," said Lemon Zest. "We were so busy getting all worked up, we didn't take the time to think about if it was worth it."

"To err is human; to forgive divine," Sugarcoat quipped, adjusting her glasses. "None of us are perfect, but we should cover for each other's flaws and help each other grow."

Sour Sweet wiped a tear from her eye. "You guys are the best," she said. "Even if you are pains in the neck sometimes."

"Word," Lemon Zest concurred. "So, we cool?"

Indigo looked up and nodded. "Better than cool. We're the Shadowbolts."

The five of them converged together in a big group hug. Adagio watched the display of affection, unsure of what to think. Her pondering was interrupted by a distinct hum in her right ear. She turned to see Sonata, humming a little tune and bobbing her head.

"Um, Sonata? What're you singing?" she asked.

"Huh? Oh," said Sonata. "Well, remember that song Rainbow Dash sang at the Friendship Games rally?"


"This is kinda reminding me of that."

Aria blinked. "How? We're not at Canterlot High."

Sonata shrugged. "I dunno, it just is."

Adagio rolled her eyes. "Sonata, you are sometimes so—" She trailed off as something struck her. "Wait a minute. If we changed around some of the lyrics..."

Aria tilted her head. "What's up, Adagio?"

Adagio smiled. "Just follow my lead."

She then started clapping her hands in a rhythmic manner. Once again, all eyes were on her. After a few claps, Adagio began to sing.

"Nah nah nah nah nah nah-ah
Bolt and Colts united together,
Nah nah nah nah nah nah-ah,
Bolts and Colts united forever..."

Her melody was infectious. Soon, the Sirens and Shadowbolts were singing along, clapping their hands and stomping their feet. A powerful warmth built up within Adagio's chest, and she found herself singing aloud.

"We'll always be Bolts and Colts forever,
And now our time has finally arrived,
'Cause we believe in the magic of friendship,
And you know, at the end, of the day, it is we who survive,
At the end, of the day, it is we who survive,
At the end, of the day, it is we who survive~!"

As the last words of the chorus built to a crescendo, Adagio's body changed. She levitated into the air, becoming cloaked in a bright golden aura. Silky fins sprouted from her back. Her hair lengthened into a ponytail. Small nubs poked out of her forehead, revealing themselves to be pony ears. Gasps of awe and wonder surrounded her from all sides.

"Most intriguing."


"Holy guacamole!"

"Heh, wow."

Adagio found herself basking in the praise as warmth radiated through her body. Not even her dark magic made her feel like this. It was so much to take in, but before she could process it all, a familiar voice rang over the loudspeaker.

"Adagio Dazzle, please come to the principal's office. Adagio Dazzle, to the principal's office, please. And it had better be the real you this time."

Sonata gulped. "Uh-oh."

"Busted," Aria growled.

"Hang on, real you?" asked Indigo, scratching her head. "What's Cinch talking about?"

"I think I can explain."

All eyes turned to the locker room entrance. There stood Sunset Shimmer and Dean Cadence. Both of them looked rather serious, though Sunset managed to give Adagio a quick smile. Adagio blushed and hid her face.

"Don't you dare gloat, Shimmer," she sputtered. "W-we're still not friends."

"Okay, time out," said Indigo. "What's going on?"

Sunset's smiled faded. "The No Magic rule is real, guys," she said, taking out her phone. "Discord managed to record this before Cinch stole his magic. It's reasonable to presume that the same happened to Sonata and Aria when they were called in."

Indigo's face darkened as she punched a locker. "That witch. And now she's gonna do the same to Adagio."

"No, she isn't," Cadence said firmly. "Because we're going to put a stop to this. If Abacus thinks she can hurt students behind my back, she is sorely mistaken."

"And as you guys know, this goes well beyond the No Magic rule," Sunset added, turning to the Shadowbolts. "Which is why we all need to confront Principal Cinch together. If she sees that her actions aren't just affecting me and my fellow students from Canterlot High, she won't be able to dismiss us quite as easily."

Indigo looked up at Adagio. "Is that why you...?"

Adagio pouted. "Trust me, if this wasn't the only way, I-I wouldn't have bothered."

Indigo chuckled. "You're alright, Adagio. Thanks for talking some sense into us." She then gave Sunset a thumbs-up. "Don't worry, Sunset! The Shadowbolts have your back all the way! Isn't that right, gang?!"

"You bet! Time to stick it to Cinch~! And, hopefully not get in trouble."

"Verily, the time for action is upon us. O Fates above, turn thy wheel so that it may smile in our favor!"

"We do indeed have better chances if we confront her as a group. I'd say the reward far outweighs the risks."

"Nah nah nah nah nah nah-ah, Bolts and Colts united together..."

Everyone turned to look at Lemon Zest, who was still singing Adagio's chant from before. When she opened her eyes and noticed the stares, she blushed and chuckled.

"I-it's a good song," she said meekly before giving Indigo a thumbs-up. "Don't worry, I heard everything this time. Count me in, too."

"Right. Then there's no time to lose," said Dean Cadence. She then looked over at Indigo. "Oh, by the way. I managed to have a little chat with Professor Rider. Your suspension has been lifted."

Indigo blinked. "For real? Aw, geez. Y-you didn't need to do that, Dean Cadence."

"You were the one in the right. It's only fair," said Cadence with a wink. "Besides, it is my job to make sure students get what they need to succeed."

She then marched ahead while Sunset, the Sirens, and the Shadowbolts followed suit. Adagio leaned towards Sunset's ear.

"I hope you know what you're doing," she whispered.

Sunset smiled. "Trust me, Adagio. By the time this is over, you're going to understand just how powerful the magic of friendship really is..."