• Published 12th Aug 2017
  • 2,369 Views, 148 Comments

Failed Confessions to an Oblivious Friend - FerociousCreation

With her love for Sky Stinger overwhelming the mare, Vapor Trail attempts to confess her feelings to him. However, every time she tries to, something goes ary. Will she be able to tell Sky her emotions? Or with divine intervention prevent her?

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Big Nose

Standing by their beds, Sky Stinger paced back and forth as Vapor Trail sat on her mattress. “Now that we are alone, you can now practice with the master of speaking the mind.” He paused his strut and pointed a hoof to his breast. “That’s me.” Vapor Trail giggled a bit, bringing a hoof to her mouth. Resuming his pace, so did Sky with his statement, “As you may know, I am not afraid of saying what is on my mind.”

“I noticed, considering how Spitfire put you in the back of the V formation after you told her not to be upset if you pass her,” Vapor Trail joked, trying to hold in a laugh.

“T-that was just because she was afraid of me showing her off. After all, you and I are most definitely the best flyers in the academy.” Both Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail knew they were very skilled at what they did best. But Sky believed his friend may be a better flyer than he is, and he had to include her in his prideful speech. And it didn’t bother him one bit that she was.

Vapor Trail was a bit flattered at the statement, but the mare didn’t care if she was the best flyer the Wonderbolts had ever seen; though it would be a nice title to have. “Anyways,” Vapor Trail’s voice cracked, wanting to get back to Sky Stinger’s ‘speaking of the mind’ lessons.

“So!” Stepping in front of his friend, Sky said, “If you are to speak your mind to this stallion you want to share your heart to, you’ll need somepony to practice on.” With a handsome smile, he looked into Vapor Trail’s eyes. “I will be that pony for you.”

Vapor Trail was glad that her friend was willing to assist her with confessing her emotions. However, the mare was screaming internally, because he was the one she was having difficulty confessing her love to. First, Sky was oblivious to her confession earlier at lunch. Then, Vapor Trail tried again, but couldn’t get the words out. Perhaps she did need her friend’s schooling on speaking her mind before telling him the truth.

Trying to almost pretend Sky Stinger was not the stallion in question, Vapor Trail nodded. But her blush was telling him otherwise. “Hey, don’t be embarrassed. Just pretend I am him. Right now.”

I can’t! “Alright.” Vapor Trail took in a deep breath and sighed, frustrated with her inability to be truthful. Trying to ‘imagine,’ she scanned Sky Stinger and tried to think of… another Sky Stinger. “Okay, you are him now,” she said, pointing a hoof at him.

“Good!” Walking around to the other side of the bed, Sky Stinger cleared his throat. Vapor Trail was about to turn her head to look at her friend, but he let out an ‘uh-uh.’ “I am getting into character.” A light smile grew on the mare’s face. She was finding Sky’s act of helpfulness very sweet, and knew he was wanting the best for her.

“Okay, you can turn around.” Rotating her body, Vapor Trail was expecting Sky to have some feature changed about him. Perhaps ruffle up his mane to try and impersonate Vapor Trail’s potential special somepony. But instead, when her eyes met his, it was the same old Sky Stinger that slept in the bed beside hers that same morning. “Just try to imagine the stallion you are interested in is less attractive than I am. After all, I am quite awesome and have looks other guys wish they had.”

It was a bit difficult to picture a not as handsome Sky Stinger. But when she did, Vapor Trail imagined him with a bigger nose and couldn’t help but snicker. “Okay, I am thinking of a less attractive stallion that I am interested in.” Which happens to be you.

“Perfect. Now we are going to roll play the asking out the stallion scene. I will be playing the not as handsome as Sky Stinger stallion.” The situation Vapor Trail was in started to amuse her, as the prideful stallion unknowingly insulted himself. Walking back to the other side of the bed, the stallion resumed, “And you will be the lovely, best sneeze mare, Vapor Trail, ready to ask me out.”

“Am I less attractive in this little scenario as well?” she asked, her brows playfully furrowed and her mouth grinned.

“Oh no no no!” Sky Stinger shook his head. “In this scene, you are dolled up beautifully. So beautiful, that the stallion in question cannot turn you down.”

Now Vapor Trail was beginning to have an easier time using her imagination. The pegasus thought of herself with powdered blush, sparkly eye lashes, and a well done mane that bounced even more when she moved her head. The scene was becoming more clear to her. There she was, standing outside in the sunset. Her body felt clean as she batted her eyes at the big nosed Sky Stinger.

“I think I am ready to start,” Vapor Trail nodded, her mane bouncing a little in excitement.

With a smile, Sky Stinger closed his eyes for a moment, and then opened them. “Why, Vapor Trail!” he spoke in a slightly dramatic tone, “you are looking quite lovely today!”

Not ready by the sudden start to the scenario, Vapor Trail stuttered a bit. “O-oh you know… I just wanted to look pretty today.” She looked down to the ground, her sunset scene starting to fade.

“Eye contact, Vapor Trail. If you want to keep a strong sense of confidence, you need to always look at him.” Sky spoke very calmly as he instructed his friend with a warm smile that heated her spirit. Taking the advice, Vapor Trail looked at the big-nosed Sky Stinger, but didn’t move her head. “And chin up. Remember, confidence is the key.” Removing the invisible weight that held her chin down, Vapor Trail’s head lifted up and leveled her chin with Sky Stinger's. With a nod, he resumed his act. “Well, you must be extra beautiful today for something.”

“It's because…” In her imagination, the sunbeams of the sunset flashed in a fan of orange shades as the sun fell behind a cloud. Sky Stinger and his big nose looked at Vapor Trail with curiosity. “...b-because…” she squeaked with blush unable to remove itself from her cheeks.

Unable to get any more words out, her coach spoke, “Now I want you to count down in your mind from three to one. When you get to one, you tell him your feelings.”

“Okay, I will do that.” Vapor Trail took in a deep breath before sighing, preparing herself for the confession. Her heart rate began to pick up the pace, taking this simulation seriously.

“So, I will start again.” Sky cleared his throat before getting back into character. “What is it? You can tell me what is on your mind.” With a smile, he spoke low, “Now count.”


