• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 3,012 Views, 67 Comments

Love is Magic - Lux

Can Twilight Sparkle find the love of her life?

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Chapter 2 – Spellbound

After her day at the spa, Twilight trotted home. She was excited to try something she had planned out in her mind. As she entered the library she felt like if she didn’t get started soon, she’d explode.

“Hi Twilight,” Spike said, “How was your day at the spa with Rarity?”

“No time to talk, Spike,” Twilight said as she moved some things off of a table using her magic to create a space, “I need all the books on advanced magic.”

“Nice to see you too,” Spike said sarcastically to Twilight.

“Sorry,” Twilight said, “Yes, the spa was fun, but I have an idea for a new spell I want to try.”

“What kind of spell,” the baby dragon inquired.

“I’m afraid I can’t tell you, Spike. It’s kind of… personal.”

“Fine,” Spike said as he shrugged before looking around the library for the books she was looking for. In a few minutes, the dragon returned to Twilight carrying several books of varying shapes and sizes.

"There are the only ones I can find,” Spike said.

“Thanks Spike,” Twilight said as she took the first book off the pile and began leafing through the book, looking for a specific spell.

“Nothing in there,” Twilight said after a half hour as she set the book aside, “On to the next book then.”

After a few hours had passed the stack of books that Twilight had yet to read had decreased while at the same time the pile of books she read and discarded was growing. Spike had been kind enough to make a daisy and cucumber sandwich for Twilight as she studied. The dragon knew that when the unicorn was deep into studying like this, there was little she would stop for.

The sun had set and the moon had risen, and Twilight still was studying. Spike had already said goodnight to her and was sleeping soundly in bed, leaving Twilight alone with her books.

“I don’t believe it,” Twilight said as she closed her last book and set it on the pile, “none of these books have anything about love magic.”

She then looked at the one book left that she had not read yet. For a moment, she was going to give up, but she decided to give the book its due and read it. After flipping through a few pages, her eyes lit up.

“That’s it,” she squealed in delight before realizing that Spike was sleeping and she needed to keep quiet, “A Spell to Find Your Ideal Soul Mate. That’s just what I need. Ok. It says I need to focus on what I’m looking for in another pony while casting this spell. Maybe I should brainstorm a list first.”

She levitated over a sheet of paper, an ink pot, and a quill. She then wrote at the top of the page: What I Want in a Soul Mate. She then paused as she thought about the ideal qualities in this certain pony.

“Well, the pony needs to be a stallion and I’d like him to be a unicorn,” she said as she wrote “Stallion” and “Unicorn” on the paper.

“He needs to be smart, kind, friendly, helpful and funny,” she said as she wrote down each quality.

“He definitely should like books and magic like me. Oh, and he should have a personality like mine.”

As she jotted down more words representing the qualities of this ideal pony, Twilight realized that much of what she was writing was referring to her. But she rationalized that a soul mate, while not having to be exactly like her, should share some qualities with her. Finally after writing a few more notes down, she placed the quill back into the ink pot and reviewed her work.

“That looks like everything that I can think of,” the purple unicorn said, “I hope this works.”

She then began to read on the words on the paper as she cast her spell. Outside, a storm was brewing as rain fell bounced off the windows. Occasionally a flash of lightning was seen followed by a rumble of thunder. As Twilight poured her energy and her heart into this very important spell she focused on each quality as the word flashed in her mind. Satisfied with the magic she devoted to this spell, Twilight’s horn stopped glowing.

“There,” she said, “I think the spell is complete. I hope I did it correctly. I wonder how I’m supposed to meet my idea pony.”

Suddenly a bright flash of lightning was seen followed by a large boom that shook the tree. She then heard a loud thump as if something had fallen. “I hope that bolt of lightning didn’t strike my poor tree. I better check outside.”

She walked outside the door and looked around. “I’m glad the storm is subsiding," she remarked as she began her search for the source of the sound. She saw a shadow of something close to her home that was on the ground. As Twilight approached she let out a loud gasp.

There collapsed in the street outside her house was a unicorn stallion. He had a purple coat, although darker than Twilight’s, and a dark blue mane and tail. The most shocking thing was that a tree branch was resting next to him.

“Oh no,” Twilight said as she examined the scene, “The lightning must have struck my tree and caused this tree branch to fall and knock this poor pony out. I have to get him to the hospital.”

Twilight walked up to the fallen unicorn and with a glow of her horn the two teleported away. A few seconds later Twilight reappeared with the stallion right in the waiting room of the hospital, much to the shock of the nurses.

“Ms. Sparkle,” a nurse said, “what happened?”

“Nurse Redheart,” Twilight said, “I found this pony on the ground next to a branch. I think he was knocked out.”

“We’ll take care of him,” the nurse said as other ponies dressed in nursing uniforms wheeled a gurney over and loaded the pony onto it, “go home and tomorrow you can check visit him.”

Twilight was going to protest not being able to stay, but she thought better as the unicorn stallion needed the nurses’ full attention. With a sigh she, teleported home hoping that he would be ok.