• Published 31st Aug 2016
  • 7,008 Views, 109 Comments

Rainbow's Foal Hypnosis - Zubric

The weekend had started out great for Rainbow Dash with a day off she hadn't had in a while. However, after Trixie's magic show, Rainbow starts acting differently. Little does the pegasus know that there is more behind this change then she knows

  • ...

The Truth Comes Out

Trixie stared at each of the mares as they glared at her, some more than others. She gulped knowing each word would be judged harshly and frankly only a bit impartially given her past. At the same time, however, the magician also knew that silence would most certainly throw more suspicion on her, so she had to say something. “Trixie just thought it would be funny to see Rainbow acting more like a foal when Sweet took care of her.” She finally confessed.

Twilight blinked, her wings folding back against her side. “‘Take care of her?’ What’s that supposed to mean?”

Before Rainbow could answer for herself, Trixie spoke lowering her hat. “Well since the cat is out of the bag, you should know that Sweet Song has been babying Rainbow as a sort of activity to release her stress. She calls it foal treatment.” Trixie explained, despite an audible groan from the embarrassed pegasus.

“W-wait foal treatment? You mean Rainbow dressed up just like a foal?” Rarity asked looking at Rainbow with a curious look. “Not that you wouldn’t look adorable in a foal dress with just the right amount of transparent fabric, but you don’t exactly strike me as the kind to dress up in anything, let alone foalish clothes. Or, am I mistaken somehow?”

Needless to say, Rainbow was embarrassed beyond belief, and the thought of foal clothes was not helping matters. “No...I mean maybe, I don’t know. We’re getting off topic here!” She complained, jutting her hoof at Trixie once again, hoping to not have to talk about the whole huge nursery thing just yet..“Well. you got your laugh, now fix whatever you broke inside my head! And do now it!”

Trixie held her pose of innocence, refusing to be labeled as evil. “The spell was never meant to make you act out in public, Trixie was researching to try and make a counterspell. Trixie had not malcontent honest,” She insisted, as she paused for a moment while tapping her chin. “Although I never thought Sweet would go as far as spanking you for being having a tantrum.”

Twilight didn’t notice her athletic friend rub her flank for a second, or if she did she didn’t take notice. “Casting mind spells on ponies is never good Trixie, ever!” Twilight scolded, worrying flashbacks of her Want-It-Need-It Spell fiasco playing in her mind as she spoke. “And that still doesn’t explain why Rainbow had some sort of adverse reaction to said spell,” She blinked, glancing at Rainbow briefly the words of what Trixie said now registering. “Wait, did you say spanked?” She asked, to which Trixie nodded. The princess sighed addressing Rainbow once again. “I believe we’ll need to get Sweet Song over here to explain herself. Somehow, it would seem she got involved in all of this.”

“Yeah, no one messes with our friend!” Pinkie blurted having moved across the room in a blur.

The rest of the gang headed back to the throne room to wait, while Twilight and Rainbow went to collect Sweet Song. The walk there was rather calming, despite the princess’ serious face.

Truth be told Rainbow didn’t really feel like punishing Sweet for this whole thing,after all, it had been for her, despite how creepy it was that Sweet Song had set up a big nursery just for her. There had to be more to it than that, right? “Sweet wouldn’t make me act like a foal just for the sake of it, would she? She could’ve done so with the tapes alone.” She thought to herself.

After a short trot through town Twilight and Rainbow reached Sweet’s house . Twilight stood as commanding as she could manage and knocked softly.

It didn’t take long for the door to open and Sweet to step into view, wearing a simple necklace around her neck. The mare stared at the princess with a half worried, half reluctant expression. She didn’t even flinch as she took a breath. “Rainbow Dash, Princess Twilight, what brings you over?”

Rainbow put a hoof up to stop Twilight from speaking first. “Trixie cast some spell on me and she says you’re involved too. I need answers, especially in regards to what this has to do with the spell Trixie cast! So you’d better come back to Twilight’s castle and explain yourself, and be thankful I’m giving you the chance!”

Sweet Song sighed and reluctantly nodded, she didn’t dare try to defy the authority of a princess. “Very well, I guess I couldn't’ expect it to stay secret for long,” She reluctantly followed the two, albeit trailing behind.

Twilight observed Sweet as the trio trotted back through town. She noticed that Sweet’s gaze was all over the place, moving from in front Rainbow to behind her, then in any random direction. Twilight had a lot of questions she wanted to ask of Sweet, but the princess could sense Sweet needed time to think some things over. And plus, Twilight only really had the words of Trixie and Rainbow Dash to go on, both of whom could be prone to exaggeration sometimes. “Funny how Sweet never mentioned she had a sister until Trixie came back to town, and how Trixie only mentioned a sister briefly to me. Just how much did these two really know?” She thought to herself.

Once back at the castle, Twilight and Rainbow Dash brought Sweet Song to the throne room, and everypony took their seats (Trixie had to settle for Spike’s chair) except for Sweet, who had to stand. “Now hopefully we can all get this sorted out in a calm, organized manner,” Twilight spoke up and immediately turned to Sweet. “I just need to know what you’ve been doing to Rainbow to make her act in such a foalish way.”

“Whatever are you talking about? I haven’t noticed anything.” Sweet protested, unaware of what Rainbow had gotten into since the athletic pegasus’ last visit.

As if to prove Twilight’s point for Sweet, Pinkie went up to Rainbow and began making silly faces at her just like she would do with the Cake Twins. Despite Rainbow’s best efforts, the tomcolt speedster was giggling at them.

“Pinkie, stop that!” Twilight insisted.

Pinkie nodded as she beamed and went back to her seat. “Hehe, sorry Twilight, I couldn't help it. She acts just like Pound does.” She giggled.

Sweet Song tilted her head in confusion as if she’d never seen this sort of behavior before. Then she proceeded to glance at Trixie. She crossed her forehooves and with a scowl upon her muzzle she demanded. “What did you do, sister? I know you wanted to help me, but you never told me exactly what it is you did! Something in that spell of yours must be the trigger!”

Trixie huffed. “You said you wanted Trixie’s help, sister, so she thought it would be amusing at the time. Trixie knew Rainbow would be too shy to do things she feared would muddy her reputation, so I just told her to not worry about such things, that way she would unwind easier like you wanted. At least I didn’t implant a trigger word like you did. Had I known that was your plan, I would’ve said no, now you’ve gotten us both in trouble with Princess Twilight!”

Twilight eyes narrowed as the tension in the room increased quite a bit. “You mean a hypnotic trigger?! Like a ‘When I clap my hooves you will become a dog!’ kind of trigger?”

Sweet Song narrowly remained calm, convinced that she had nothing to hide and holding back would just get her into more trouble. “Yes, in a sense but it was all Rainbow own will. If she really didn't want to do something she would refuse altogether.” She insisted, hoping the explanation made sense.

Sweet’s comment caused Rainbow to step back and consider what she’d been told. On the one hoof, she hadn’t been forced to show up at Sweet’s place. Sure, it had been mentioned in that letter and it had asked nicely, so she had done so without hesitation. On the other hoof, though, it had seemed like at times Sweet had managed to override her subconscious desires and get Rainbow to do things she would’ve rather not wanted to do. And finding out she could be controlled by a phrase was just eerie. “What phrase exactly? I don’t recall you using one.” She asked a moment later.

Sweet once more sighed taking a breath. “Rainbow Dumpling, stand on the table,” She spoke softly, prompting to Rainbow climb up on the table map and stand there, blinking.

Rainbow blushed not realizing she had just done what she had been asked to do without a second thought. She climbed down quickly, only piecing things together after a moment of consideration. “W-what, you could just tell me to do something with just that?!” She exclaimed, furiously glaring at Sweet. “That is still mind control!”

“Well, if ya think messin’ with our friend and then comin’ out and confession is just goin’ to get you off scot free, then you got another thing comin’!” Applejack furiously blurted out! “It just ain’t right to go messin’ with somepony’s noggin’, no matter what.”

“Hey, hold up a second! She may have used some rather questionable tactics but I can’t deny the results were, fairly positive,” Rainbow protested. “I was getting a little stressed out and needed a way to unwind, not that I preferred the method used. Besides, it’s Trixie that caused the actual problem. She knew what Sweet was going to do, but she went along with it anyway and then hid the truth until she could undo it herself! If she’d never hypnotized me, Sweet would’ve never been able to control me!”

“Rainbow, I can’t even be sure if what you're saying right now is really your own feelings, or some confused jumble in your mind,” Twilight immediately responded. “Somepony could be making you say that. We need to reverse whatever’s been done to you first.”

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right. As long as that trance is stuck in there, there’s always a chance it could slip out like it did on occasion around you girls” Rainbow replied, blushing at the fact that her friends had seen her sucking her hoof and flushing the toilet over and over while giggling. Then she looked at Sweet Song. “It is reversible, right?! Whatever you put in my mind, you can remove, correct?!” She asked, soon seeing a nod. “Okay, good.” She said with a sigh.

Rarity spoke up next. “I suppose you aren’t really a bad pony, Sweet Song, just weird. Trixie says you set up a giant nursery just for Rainbow and used the trigger word to baby her. Even if your intentions were to get her relax, I don’t think it needed to escalate that far. Surely just using the tapes and maybe an occasional diaper would’ve produced the same effect, no?”

Sweet’s ears dropped as Pinkie gasped! “A giant nursery, as in big enough to fit a fully grown pony?! How would you even go about doing that?! I mean building a big nursery just for Rainbow does sound cooky, but then I’ve done way weirder things. Like making a bathtub full of eggnog. Don’t ask.”

“The important thing is that we can reverse it and clear Rainbow’s head of outside influences,” Twilight concluded, clearly gazing at Trixie and Sweet in turn.

There was a brief moment of silence before Sweet spoke. “In my defense, the treatment never got in the way of Rainbow’s other activities, or her work. I don’t see why this has to be such a big deal, I can undo the trance and as long as we keep this to ourselves nopony else has to know what happened.”

“But you were willingly messing around with somepony’s head without their consent!” Twilight scolded eyes narrowed. “It was bad enough when Trixie tried to pull something like that! What made you think you could get away with your sister could not?!” That statement got a prompt meep out of Trixie, she still didn’t like being reminded of the Alicorn Amulet incident.

“Um ,Twilight, I think you’re overreacting,” Fluttershy said softly, squeaking when Twilight gaze fell upon her. “I mean Sweet did say she was sorry.”

Now, in most cases, Twilight was more than willing to listen to Fluttershy’s input. But this was too much, she couldn’t just let Sweet Song go with a slap on the wrist. “Yes, I heard her, but that doesn’t change her or Trixie’s actions,” She said, taking another glance at the two perpetrators. “Now if you’ll excuse us, girls, we need to sort this out in the library.” Twilight for gestured Rainbow, Sweet Song, and Trixie to follow her,. They all obeyed and followed witout haste.

Once in the castle library, Twilight shut the door, remaining silent for a second. A drop of sweat ran down Trixie’s forehead as Twilight got out some paper. “Trixie, I need you to write down the spell you used. I need to make sure this counterspell works properly,” She explained, and watched as Trixie did as was instructed, writing down the sequence. Twilight took the page and glanced it over a few times. “Yes, that shouldn’t be too complicated to clear up.”

Sweet Song watched as Rainbow held still, and Twilight and Trixie’s horns began to glow and they aimed them at Rainbow’s head. Rainbow felt a rushing sensation similar to a freefall as the magic searched through her head, reversing the messaging left behind by the tapes and the spell. The process took about a minute, during which Rainbow appeared to go into a daze, seeing blurry images in her head fade away into nothing. Feeling light headed, Rainbow stumbled a bit, falling back on her flank as Twilight and Trixie finished their work.

Twilight wiped her brow then smiled. “So Rainbow Dash, how do you feel?” She asked, as she helped stabilize Rainbow, who was nearly falling over.

“Ugh, like I spent an hour in the the dizzitron,” Rainbow groaned, stumbling a little. “D-did it work?” As her head cleared, she looked at Sweet Song once more, unsure what to think. She felt both anger and annoyance for what Sweet had done to her, yet she also felt an odd pang of sympathy for some reason. Regardless Sweet and her sister had to face the music, no matter what.

Twilight let the two stew for a moment as she thought carefully about how to punish them. The punishment had to fit the crime, and it wasn't exactly worthy of jail time. “But what can I do to ensure they’re properly punished?” Twilight thought. “Intentional or not they still ended up using a form of mind control, and that is a serious offense.

The two sisters glanced at Twilight, tensions growing, as neither said a word. After a few ticks of the clock, Twilight spoke. “I’ve made my decision. Trixie, you will assist Sweet in foal sitting with Pinkie and some volunteer work at the local daycare as well. That seems fitting enough for the both of you considering what you put Rainbow through.”

Trixie was relieved to avoid jail, but that didn’t she was thrilled with her punishment. “What but-” She began, but was cut off as Sweet stopped her sister’s protests.

“It could be worse, Trixie, the princess could have us both thrown in the dungeon. Besides, I think it works for me at least,” Sweet spoke up, a small smile came across her face before she bowed to Twilight. She soon rose to her hooves, glancing once again at Rainbow Dash. “No hard feelings, I hope.” She offered.

“Well, give me time to think about it. Still would love some of the unaltered white noise tapes, though, can’t deny they worked like a charm,” Rainbow commented while sitting down on one of the soft cushions. “Ugh, I need to lay down.” She groaned and gave one last look at Sweet Song before trotting down the hall to one of the many guest rooms in the castle.

The day went pretty well for Rainbow after being cured. Pinkie, as usual, had started a small party which had been a blast as usual. Pinkie even managed to get Trixie to play some pin the tail on the pony for a bit. Besides, Rainbow did enjoy those occasional small moments of fun and chilling out. A soft orange glow covered everything below her as she made her way home with a smile on her face. The long day of drills for all reserve members that awaited her tomorrow, wasn’t even at the forefront of her mind right now as she landed. Upon entering her home , Rainbow happily gave her pet tortoise a nuzzle upon seeing him. “Hey Tank, you miss me?” She asked, only getting a few slow blinks and a small smile. “Hehe, thought so.” She replied, and with that she let out a yawn, slowly fluttering upstairs to her bedroom.

There was only one thing left to debate about as she trotted towards her bed. That being, of course, the half used package of adult diapers that lay at the foot of her bed, and the white pacifier still on her bedside stand. The objects didn’t have the same pull as before, thank goodness for that. But, at the same time, Rainbow found that she did somewhat miss them. The momentary thought got a blush out of her as she lightly nudged the bag of diapers. “Should I? It’s not like I need to wear one,” She thought. While it had been the trigger and command telling her to put it on before, the same reaction was more or less genuine. “They are kind of soft,” She thought, as she nudged the pack again while staring at the pacifier. Her face sank into her mattress as she sat there. “Ugh, why can’t I get this out of my head?! I’m not a foal and I grew up just fine!” Sadly, talking to herself would provide no real answers for Rainbow, her discussion was now completely her own without any assistance in the matter. At some point in her internal debate, the pacifier had been set into her mouth, sitting there for a few moments as Rainbow thought it over. There were a few slow suckles, then a few more, and soon it was a steady rhythm, like a heartbeat. The pegasus kept going despite her blush willingly sucking the soother. Her face scrunched up as she gave in. “Mmm, fine. I’ll wear it, but not every night.” She told herself as she unfolded a diaper and laid down, sliding it on. The memory of how to put them on still remained as she soon had it snug against her rear. The confusion only continued as she sat there for a few moments, shifting side to side. No matter how she turned it about in her mind, she just couldn’t pin down the ‘why’ of this whole liking it ordeal. Deciding to sleep on it, the cyan coated speedster crawled underneath her bed sheets, getting snuggly wrapped up in the cocoon of warmth and the padding letting out soft crinkles at each move she made.

Rainbow had to admit, the treatment did have its results, although which were true or manufactured remained a puzzle. But she couldn't deny it was nice to be pampered. Those sweet feeling of tummy rubs or even that warm milk had been quite an experience. The tired mare soon concluded that the debate about whether or not to continue the treatment could wait a few days, just long enough for her to figure out what to say or do about it, or perhaps, find another way to relax. And despite all her thoughts, she slowly dozed off, dreaming happily into the night.

Author's Note:

Thanks for all the support one more chapter to go just an epilogue should be pretty short.