• Published 31st Aug 2016
  • 7,006 Views, 109 Comments

Rainbow's Foal Hypnosis - Zubric

The weekend had started out great for Rainbow Dash with a day off she hadn't had in a while. However, after Trixie's magic show, Rainbow starts acting differently. Little does the pegasus know that there is more behind this change then she knows

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Meet and greet

Rainbow awoke the next morning with her hoof in her mouth again. Her eyes opened as she stared at the sight. Watching as she continued to suckle it, her body laying there unmoved for a few minutes. She had almost forgottne about the padding she had put on the night before. In fact, her sleep had been quite refreshing. She could even remember dreaming of a soft meadow and Fall leaves, even if it was still Summer. The moment of relaxation was abruptly interrupted upon feeling a warmth spread between her legs. The pegasus’ eyes shot open realizing what the feeling was, and pulled her sheets back to see said padding now had a bright yellow tinge to it.

“W-what?!” She stuttered, as she popped her slobbery hoof out. She shifted in her bed, feeling the padding uncomfortably slosh around. Rainbow recalled she hadn’t wet the bed since she was a young filly at flight camp. Heck, not even Fluttershy and Gilda knew that about her, and for good reason. Needless to say, she felt embarrassed as she slid out of bed, waddling to the bathroom to start her morning routine.

For some reason the idea of taking it off hadn’t crossed her mind yet as she brushed her teeth. She wanted to take it off, but something in the mind told her she wasn’t done with it yet, something that she found most odd.

Curious, her free hoof felt the squishy spongy material. “Well, at least it didn’t leak.” She thought to herself, cringing at the thought of having to wash wet bed sheets. Then, suddenly and without warning, Rainbow felt a familiar movement in her bowels! But instead of moving to the toilet to do her business, her body reacted in a most unusual way, it reacted as if it had no idea she was supposed to be potty trained! Her tail lifted and her face scrunched up, as she started to push. She stood there in a daze as she released. letting out a sigh after she was done.

When her deed was complete, Rainbow blushed and snapped back to reality! Upon looking at the sagging diaper she gasped. "Eeep! What, how, when, why did I do that?! Eww, this is so gross!" She hastily began to get the diaper off tossing the thing into the trash, rather than make any attempt to empty it into the toilet. Oddly enough the trash was properly sealed too, and strangely, next to it was a pack of wet wipes from yesterday, which she’d sworn she would never touch. “Guess I have to clean up myself like a foal. Oh this is going to be so disgusting.” Rainbow thought to herself.

Once clean, Rainbow shivered and exited her bathroom. There was no point trying to use the toilet now, not after what she’d just done in her diaper. That was way too natural. Something was so not right. She added it to her list of odd occurrences that had happened lately, before she left her house to fly around. “Hope I did a good enough job cleaning myself up.” She thought.

The air was still moist from the rain, Rainbow’s wings sparkled with dew as she did a few flips and turs taking in breaths of the cool air. She soared through the skies carefree. “Ah, just what I needed.” She told herself, hoping the fresh air would clear whatever lingering thoughts had led to her accident. The brisk wind helped cool her nerves about the oddities, but she was still puzzled about why suckling her hoof had been so soothing. She knew foals did that, but she was no foal! So why had she done that, and why had she wet and messed herself like a foal would do? After a moment she chalked it up as just a way to release stress, at least the hoof suckling part (the rest she could very well do without).

Rainbow’s eyes scanned the ground as she flew along, thinking of what was on her to-do list. It onlytook a moment for her to change direction and head down towards Sugarcube Corner, suddenly having a craving for something sweet. The bakery seemed busy this morning, with ponies lining up at the counter to order tasty treats, or their morning cup of joe.

As Rainbow’s eyes scanned the crowd, she spotted the stand out nature of Trixie magician hat and headed over to the table she was seated. Twilight (who also at that table)looked up from her mocha smiling. “Oh, hello Rainbow Dash. A great morning, isn’t it?”

Rainbow’s glance never drifted away from Trixie as she replied. “Yeah, the rain gave the town the much needed water. But what’s Trixie doing here?”

Trixie scoffed, putting her hoof against her chest. “What, can’t Trixie get coffee while also exchanging knowledge with her former arch-rival?”

“What?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, surely she had msheard.

Twilight sipped her coffee. “Yes, Rainbow, Trixie and I were just chatting about magic. Did you know she went to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns as well?”

Trixie blushed at the comment. “Technically, Trixie never graduated.She dropped out.” Rainbow rolled her eyes, taking a seat by her friend.

“Even so, despite Trixie’s...accidents, she’s self taught pretty well all things considered.” Twilgiht replied.

“Careful egghead you don’t want her head to swell up like a balloon.” Rainbow smirked a bit.

“Ha, you’re just jealous of Trixie, and how she made you play fetch.” Trixie taunted.

Rainbow clenched her teeth hooves slap her hoof against the table. “Rainbow..I mean I don’t let anyone control me.”

“Rainbow relax, it just playful banter,” Twilight commented looking towards Trixie. “Right?”

“Well she did slip into the trance easy enough, and if she didn’t want to do what Trixie asked she wouldn’t have done it,” Trixie explained. “It was hypnosis not mind control. I mean that’s totally another level of magic.”

“Hey, so you do know stuff after all.” Rainbow quipped seeing the magician scowl.

“Did you just call Trixie dumb?” Trixie replied, narrowing her eyes and setting them on Rainbow Dash.

Before Rainbow could speak up, Twilight extended her wings between them. “Stop it, both of you! You’re acting like foals!” Rainbow didn’t notice the slight smirk Trixie had for only a moment. “I”m giving Trixie a chance and letting her learn some magic from me, while I get to learn some of her tricks.” Twilight explained.

Trixie beamed with pride. “Illusions are one of my specialties.”

Rainbow got up, taking in a deep breath of the freshly brewed coffee. “Oh okay, I thought Trixie was up to something,” she shrugged once more and trotted to the counter once the line had subsided. She got her bits from her saddlebag and waved at Pinkie as she approached. “Morning, Pinkie.”

“Hey Rainbow, good to see you up before noon,” Pinkie teased as she poured Rainbow preferred beverage of choice. That being straight up black just like Spitfire had every morning.

“Oh ha ha,” Rainbow rolled her eyes, feeling the hot liquid run down her throat filling her with the much-needed energy she needed to do stunts she loved to do. “I can’t wait to try out a few new stunts I have in mind. Just you wait, you’ll love it!”

“Oh I’m sure I will.” Pinkie replied, then she suddenly was called to the kitchen by Mrs. Cake, leaving Rainbow alone.

Rainbow shrugged moving back to the table and sitting down by Twilight. The two unicorns had started a conversation about arcane runes, something Rainbow had little interest in. Despite this boring drawl, Rainbow didn’t interrupt as she sipped her drink while they chatted. After about five minutes, she felt a nudge on her shoulder knocking her out of her self-induced stupor. “H-huh?” She glanced over to see it was Trixie with a piece of paper. Taking a moment to glance around, the pegasus observed that Twilight had seen herself out, most likely just going the bathroom. “Uh yes, Trixie?”

“Trixie would like to ask for a favor.” Trixe said, and she gave a genuine smile at Rainbow while giving the paper to her.

Rainbow considered the situation for a bit. Given that she had cleared up that one embarrassing moment the other day and that Twilight was giving her another chance, she decided that if her friend could do it, so could she. Besides, there was no way Trixie was responsible for any of what had transpired that morning, it was probably just an isolated incident. “Sure, what you need?” She asked Trixie.

“Oh, I’l be busy with Twilight today, and need a few things from town. Trixie will be happy to pay you back for the costs.” Trixie explained.

“You just need me to go shopping for you? Can’t this wait til later?” Rainbow groaned, as she took the sheet from Trixie and glanced down at it for a moment. She made no sudden movements as she read the message the words drawing her attention.

The note read as follows:

Dear Rainbow Dumpling ,

I would like to invite you over to my house for some fun. Please come by as soon as you can possibly manage, with cookies. Good foals listen to their nannies, and you want to be a good foal, don’t you?

See you soon,
Sweet Song

Rainbow didn’t fully register what she had read nodding her head to nopony in particular, and put the paper into her pouch after seeing the three things to get listed under the message.

“If it’s not too much trouble that would be nice.” Trixie replied as Rainbow blinked.

“Huh, oh yeah, sure, no problem. There only a few things here so I’ll have them found in ten seconds flat!” Rainbow vowed, flapped her wings and flying into the air. For some reason she felt she needed to do as she had been told in the letter. Of course, it hadn’t said for her to rush over there so a little shopping couldn’t hurt.

“Great, run along now.” Trixie instructed.

Rainbow put the list in her pouch, knotting it up before waving at Twilight as she left. “Catch you later, Twilight,” She heard Twilight return a similar reply as Dash took to the air!

Rainbow was soon soaring towards the crafts store. She landed with a soft thump and headed inside. “Let’s see, glitter glue” where would I find that?” She thought, deciding to just check the isles one at a time. As she was slowly scanning the first aisle, a box of crayons caught her attention. In a flash, she darted to it and picked it up. She wasn’t sure why but the thought of drawing silly images came to her mind, as did a smile at the gleeful expectation of said activity. A moment later she shook her head blushing. “Wow where did that come from?” She thought, and rubbed her head. But she kept the crayons on her back as she looked for the glue. The oddity faded from her mind soon enough, as she found what she was looking for and took the pink gluestick off the shelf. “Ah, here we are.”

She bought her purchases a short time later, humming as she headed out. She took a moment to double check the list unknowingly reinforcing the message left for her. The need to hurry up came over her as she folded up the list once again and took off to finish up.

It only took Rainbow fifteen more minutes to buy the other two items for Trixie, and she was soon making her way down the street towards Sweet’s house. All she really knew was that she’d been invited over, and that fun was to be had. And even though Rainbow would rather be flying on a nice day like today, she just couldn’t deny the request no matter how many excuses she tried to tell herself. “I'm a good filly,” She blinked as the thought came to mind. “Filly? I’m a grown mare,” She shook her head again, but the train of thought just wouldn’t depart from her. A moment later, she arrived at Sweet’s house and knocked. “Something fishy’s going on. I just don’t know what it is.” She thought.

The pegasus didn’t have to wait long for a reply, as Sweet Song soon answered the door adorned in a white and blue apron. She looked like Trixie, except older, and her mane and tail were straight in comparison to the curls of the show mare. There was also the matter of her coat color, which was light brown, and her mane and tail being a cakey yellow, to say nothing of her brown eyes. And to top it off, she was a pegasus and not a unicorn.

“Rainbow, so glad you came,” Sweet smiled, and moved inside to let Rainbow follow. “Do you want to help me finish up my baking?”

The smell of cinnamon assaulted Rainbow nostrils as she entered the house, a light bounce in her step. “Sure, can I like the spoon?” She licked her lips eagerly.

Sweet giggled before nodding. “Yes, after we are done.” She watched the inner filly in Dash clap happily.

Rainbow once more shook her head, confused as to why she’d done what she did. “Huh, wait, why did I do that? I’m not a filly.” She said out loud.

Sweet booped Rainbow’s nose to distract her. “Come on, let’s get the dough into small balls on the sheet,” she cooed. She watched her new charge wash her hooves and come over to help. “Be a good filly now, and you can have the spoon after we’re done, okay Rainbow?” Her own wing patting Rainbow’s head like she was a child.

For a moment Rainbow blinked and nodded feeling happiness wash over her. “Okay, Sweet Song, I’ll be good.” She didn’t even seem to mind the patronizing pat on the head or the apron that was put around her, even if said garment was actually a large drool bib. She just happily took some of the cookie dough and rolled it around into balls before putting them on the tray. A natural smile came upon her face while she worked, remembering the times when her mom and she would do such activities. She was never alone though as her younger sister would always want to join in. Not that it was a bad thing, but when doing it with just her mom alone it was more personal. She glanced at Sweet Song as her smiled remained. “This is nice.” she sighed and kept going. Wasn't that different from baking with Pinkie, but it felt more personal this way.

Seeing the slight twitching in Rainbow expression Sweet spoke up. “Rainbow, is something wrong?”

“H-huh, no, I’m fine. Was just thinking,” Rainbow replied, as she set another ball on the sheet while applying some more flower to her hoof. She didn’t want to seem weak to her new friend, but something changed when Sweet spoke again.

“Rainbow Dumpling, tell me what’s wrong.” Sweet asked.

Rainbow’s ears fell flat against her head. “O-okay, I’m feeling a bit home sick, alright?” She said unable to come up with an excuse or lie about it. ‘I haven’t visited my folks in some time since I became a Wonderbolt Reserve member and other stuff.”

Sweet put her wing around Rainbow . “Aww, that’s okay. You can plan a visit to them, can’t you?”

Dash leaned into the wing hug. “Well I guess, I mean I am free on the weekend so I suppose it can’t hurt.” She beamed. “Plus I can totally show off my moves to my older sister. Ha, and she called me lazy! She then quickly finished up the baking, sliding the trays into the oven. But then something hit her that should’ve hit her sooner. “Wait, my last name’s Dash not Dumpling, why are you calling me that?” She asked, turning around but seeing no sign of concern from Sweet Song’s expression.

The mare seemed to hesitate for a second before she replied. “Just a slip of the tongue really. How are you feeling?”

“Fine, just feeling a little confused. The last few days have been a bit odd is all,” Rainbow answered, as she moved into the hallway, seeing the staircase and the rest of the hall that lead farther into the house. “So what now?” She asked. “We could go flying some. I mean I’d totally leave you in the dust, but I guess I could slow down for some casual sightseeing.”

“Oh we’re going to stay inside and play,” Sweet smiled, “Foals love to play, and good foals play with their nanny.”

“Good foals play,” Rainbow Dash replied back in a simplistic tone while her eyes followed the colourful toy keys Sweet was jingling around with her wing. “C-can I have those?” She pointed to the keys, unsure why she wanted them. She just wanted to shake them around. While entranced, she followed Sweet Song down the hall, while trying to grab the keys, and with each passing second became more irritated and less focused, hardly aware that she was being lead. “Come on, gimmie!” She protested.

Sweet lead Rainbow down the hall, finally stopping at a door to her left. She jingled the keys as Rainbow dove for them. She tossed them through the door as she opened it. The cyan pegasus made a sharp turn and dived, catching the keys quickly. She beamed and shook them about for half a minute before once again realizing what she was doing. “H-huh, why was that so fun?” It only took a moment for Rainbow to finally look at her new surroundings and gasp!

The room before her was unmistakably a nursery with a soft blue theme to it. What made it odd however was that a few things were sized up for an adult. Like the crib by the window which could fit a full grown mare quite easily. The changing table had all sort of supplies neatly put on it and was just the right size for her. The realization didn’t quite sink in yet, as she turned to look at Sweet Song ,who was now holding a Spitfire plushie in her hoof, moving it back and forth Rainbow’s eyes unable to not follow it, feeling that compulsion again. “Wait what’s going on? Why do you have a nursery with such big things in it? I didn’t see any kids.” Rainbow asked.

Sweet Song moved the plush left and right, smiling as Rainbow’s eyes followed it with child-like interest. “No, I don’t have any foal but I will soon.” She cooed, seeing the filly tilt her head.

“What do you mean?” Rainbow asked, she kept watching the plushie really wanting it and too distracted to really put the dots together.

“Hehe, you’re such a good foal, and good foals listen to their nanny, right?” Sweet said softly.

Rainbow sat down and nodded slowly, as she just couldn’t take her focus off the soft huggable plush. “F-foal?” It felt right, yet so confusing at the same time.

“Yes, you are a good foal.” Sweet replied.

Being praised in such a way made Rainbow feel nice as she listened. “Can I have that plushie? It looks so soft.”

Sweet smiled back at the pegasus. “Yes you can, but you need to hop up on the table first.”

The filly didn’t question it, as she flapped her wings and was soon laying on her back, reaching out for the plush as Sweet Song came over. “W-wait ,this is the changing table!” She gasped, as snatched the plushie and hugged it. The idea of getting down from it never occurred to her.

“Relax, Rainbow Dumpling, everything will turn out fine,” Sweet cooed “Now raise up your rear.”

“Everything fine,” Rainbow muttered as she slumped back, doing as she told while rubbing the soft plushie against her cheeks. That nagging feeling tugged on the back of her mind that this wasn’t right ,but the filly just felt so at peace that she didn’t focus enough. Then she felt a fluffy white diaper being slid under her, much like the one she had worn last night but with the addition of some foal powder as it was sprinkled upon her nethers. The soft garment was soon taped up. She kicked her legs slightly but for whatever reason, she had not thoughts of taking it off. Her focus was suddenly restored as Sweet blew a raspberry into her tummy, causing the filly to squeal and laugh. The momentary shock snapped her back from the hypnosis for a moment as she gasped for breath. She let out a meep as she looked at the padding, fluttering off the table and hovering in the air.

If Sweet Song was concerned, she showed no signs of it on her face as she simply smiled. “Aww, something wrong, Rainbow?”

“Y-you just put a diaper on me, yet I’m not ripping it off without a second thought.” Rainbow replied, her hoof poking the diaper. “What gives? Something strange is going on here.” She kept snuggling the plush as she hovered. “Wait, you asked me to put one on last night too!” She blushed remembering when she had just used it without a thought.

Sweet Song nodded as she fluttered in the air to hover next to her filly. With a light tug she lowered Rainbow to the floor and looked her in the eyes. “Cause that what foals wear. Can’t have accidents, now can we?”

Rainbow bit her lip struggling to say her next words. “Not...not a foal. T-take it off this is getting weird.” She showed no hostility in her words, cheeks burning as she crinkled with each step. Come on, Rainbow, focus. Diapers are for foals, and you're a good foal..wait what? She shook her head again, staring at Sweet Song with confusion. “W-what did you do to me?” She pressed the plushie against her tighter, as if it would keep her safe. She blushed more, finally noticing that Sweet was petting her mane and her back, she found it to be rather soothing.

“Shhh, it’s alright Rainbow I don’t mean you any harm. In fact, I intend to treat you just like a sweet little filly whenever I want. Well, when it doesn’t conflict with your other activities that is.” Sweet replied.

“What? No, I’m not a foal! Y-you can’t do this!” Rainbow went crossed eyed in confusion, before something rubbery went into her mouth and she felt herself suckle on it. Something it was able to quiet her down. Said object, of course, was a pacifier. A white and pink colored one at that.

“Aww, such a good foal. A good foal who going to feel so relaxed and happy while her nanny takes care of her.” Sweet said in a soothing tone.

The thought of being relaxed crossed the filly’s mind, her body slumping more as she suckled, not even having to think about the action. “B-but you can’t…” She yawned, finding her energy draining out of her as her hoof was taken and she was lead to a crib.

“Trust me Rainbow Dash, I only mean the best for a sweet little foal like you.” Sweet replied, as nudged Rainbow into the mattress, the padding crinkling. She watching the filly try to respond, as her eyes looked up at the mobile, eyelids slowly growing heavy. The mare stood by the crib, raising the gate as Dash passed out, still idly suckling the pacifier. Once Sweet was sure Rainbow was asleep she headed for the door and quietly closed it. She had dinner to make and a few things to explain to her new filly when she inevitably woke up.

Author's Note:

So here the next part finally. Writing this next chapter sounded so easy in my head. Oh you'll see how Trixie involved in this next chapter too.
