• Published 14th Aug 2016
  • 17,483 Views, 154 Comments

Anon-A-Miss With a Twist - KR Chrome

We know the story of Anon-A-Miss, how Sunset Shimmer suffered during the holiday season. We've all ready the stories of how tragic it was for her. Now see the same story but with a twist.

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The usual suspects

Sunset Shimmer’s transformation into her original pony form had a rather unexpected yet positive effect. Caught off guard, the Rainbooms had no choice but to listen to Sunset and once she found out why they came to confront her, they realized how they had jumped to conclusions. Really, Sunset was smarter than that. She wouldn’t do something unless she managed to steer blame away from her. So, leaving Fluttershy with Sunset, the remaining Rainbooms began their investigation.

They sat in Sugarcube Corner.

“You know, I was prepared to yell at Sunset,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Me too,” agreed Applejack.

“Me three!” chimed in Pinkie Pie.

“I wanted to have words as well. I just did not expect for Sunset to change like that. Truly, it caught me off guard,” said Rarity.

“I reckon it caught us all off guard. It really makes sense if you think about it. We were so ready to hang her like a lynch mob that we didn’t even stop to think that maybe someone else was behind this,” said Applejack.

“Now, we just need to think,” Pinkie Pie rubbed her chin as she blew bubbles from her pipe. “Who would wanna frame Sunset.”

“The Dazzlings!” they all said together.

“Jinx! You all owe me a soda!” Pinkie beamed.

“It was Sunset who helped us finish them off! They would be the only ones who’d want to frame her and turn us against her!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

“Well, why don’t we find them and make them stop?” Applejack asked.

“Actually, how about we do this with a bit more diplomacy? We are once more jumping to conclusions. It may not even be the Dazzlings,” said Rarity.

“Seriously, Rarity! It has to be the Dazzlings!” cried Rainbow Dash.

“Yes, but we also believed it was Sunset Shimmer, and only because we didn’t bother to check the facts,” Rarity reminded.

Rainbow Dash slouched in her seat. “Low blow, Rarity.”

“We still owe her an apology,” Rarity reminded. “We were supposed to be her friends, but we didn’t trust her. We immediately thought she was back to her old villainous ways.”

“I feel bad enough about it as it is. No need the play-by-play, Rarity,” sighed Applejack.

“Hey, no need to feel glum! Let’s just go out there, ask around, find the Dazzlings, and see if they know anything!” suggested Pinkie Pie.

“And let’s do this without hurling accusations,” Rarity said.


Sunset Shimmer cowered in the corner of her living room, “Fluttershy, really! It’s not necessary! I can bathe myself!”

“No, Sunset. Just let me give you a bath. It’s my fault you’re all filthy,” Fluttershy said calmly as she tried to get her hands on Sunset. Of course, Sunset looked into Fluttershy’s eyes and could only feel a sense of dread and danger. Fluttershy was looking at her like one of her pets and she wanted to give her a bath like one. That was wrong and awkward on so many levels.

“Fluttershy, I’m warning you!” Sunset’s horn glowed. “I don’t want to hurt you! Please, you don’t have to do this!”

Fluttershy blinked as she realized what she had done, “Oh my! I’m so sorry, Sunset! I didn’t know what came over me!”

“Fluttershy, please just remember that I may look like an animal, but I can take care of myself. You don’t need to bathe me or feed me. I can do all that myself,” said Sunset, relieved.

Fluttershy looked down guiltily, “Sunset, I’m so sorry.”

“Hey, I’ve forgiven you.”

“Not for treating you like a pet. It’s for not trusting you.”

“Look, I get it. I still need to prove myself,” Sunset looked away.

“But that’s just it! There’s no reason for you to keep proving yourself! You’ve already proven yourself!” Fluttershy cried.

“Well, not everyone can forget the years of grief I caused for everyone. I split you guys apart because I just didn’t want anyone getting ideas of going against me. A group is stronger than an individual,” said Sunset.

Fluttershy knelt down and gently pulled Sunset into a hug.

“When I saw what was posted on Anon-A-Miss, I thought you were turning back into the girl that would harass me in the hallway. The same girl who made fun of me for not having any friends,” Fluttershy admitted. “I just got so angry...”

“I was a bitch. You can say it,” Sunset replied.

“Yeah, you were, but that’s in the past now. You’re really nice, and supportive, and a great friend now. I just wished everyone else could see how wonderful you really are,” Fluttershy said. “And how adorable you are! Who’s the pretty girl? You are! You are!”

“Fluttershy, please stop.”


Finding the Dazzlings in town was easier said than done. Plus, it was getting pretty late. So, the Rainbooms split up to return home. Pinkie Pie would try to use her ‘party contacts’ to find any clues of the Dazzlings’ whereabouts. Someone must’ve seen something.

Applejack returned home and saw Applebloom sitting on the dining table with her homework.

“Welcome home, Applejack,” Applebloom greeted. “You’re kinda late. Band practice.”

“Actually, we went to see Sunset Shimmer,” answered Applejack.

At the mention of Sunset Shimmer’s name, Applebloom frowned, “Now why would you wanna go see that girl?”

“We wanted to talk with her about Anon-A-Miss. Turns out, it may not be her,” answered Applejack. Applebloom gasped.


“Yeah. I mean it could’ve been her, but we got to thinking. Sunset was smart enough to not be suspected when me and the girls split up. If she did start with her old tricks again, she’d be smart enough not to paint a target on herself. She would probably make it look like somebody else was doing it,” said Applejack. “Plus it don’t make a lick of sense. Why befriend us only to stab us in the back when she’s happy.”

“To steal your secrets!” Applebloom yelled.

“Nah, that Sunset’s gone. The real Sunset was happy to be our friend. She wasn’t alone anymore. I forgot my head there when the stuff got on Anon-A-Miss. If Ma and Pa ever saw me now, they’d be furious at me for not trusting a friend,” said Applejack.

Applebloom was speechless.

“So, I think I’ll head up and do my homework and try and figure out where the real Anon-A-Miss is. We think it’s someone who really hates Sunset and wants to frame her. Well, we won’t let anyone frame our friend! We’ll clear her name and make the varmint pay!”

Applejack headed up the stairs as Applebloom watched. She was pale as she realized that Sunset was no longer a suspect of being Anon-A-Miss, at least not to the Rainbooms. Now they were starting to investigate the whole thing to clear Sunset’s name.

What if...what if they found out...?


“Now, if I were to play detective, what should I wear?” Rarity asked herself. “Should I be the Femme Fatale of Noir films? I did like their sense of style. So alluring yet dangerous. Like a rose with thorns,” Rarity said as she looked herself in the mirror.

“Rarity, did you go and see Sunset after school?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Yes indeed, we all did, and we wanted to have words with her,” said Rarity.

“Must’ve been terrible. I mean, she was supposed to be your friend and then she did all that with Anon-A-Miss,” Sweetie Belle said sympathetically.

“Well, we did have a chat, but then we realized that it may not be as simple as that,” Rarity said as she tried on a fedora. “Perhaps we were a bit hasty in our desire for justice and jumped to conclusions. Sunset may just be innocent in all this.”

“Sunset? Innocent?” Sweetie Belle asked, confused.

“Yes, dear,” Rarity replied as she put on a feather boa. “It just seems all too strange that she put all that effort just to return to her old villainous ways again. Also, she was the one who helped us when the Dazzlings affected us. She also demonstrated the Magic of Friendship when we were arguing. So, it just seems odd. After all, Sunset has changed. This just seems like something else is behind it.”

“You don’t say...” Sweetie Belle mumbled.

“Truly, I feel regretful for pinning the crime upon Sunset, but rest assured we shall get to the bottom of this and bring the true perpetrators to light!” Rarity declared dramatically.

“Um...Rarity...I gotta go. Got tons of homework. Bye!”

“Yes, see you at dinner, Sweetie Belle.”


Along the way, Rainbow found Scootaloo practicing on her skateboard. The two sat down for a drink of water.

“So, I think Sunset’s not Anon-A-Miss,” said Rainbow Dash.

Scootaloo did a spit-take.

“Wha-wha-WHAT!?” Scootaloo yelled.

“Yeah, we jumped to conclusions without checking the facts,” added Rainbow Dash.

“But those pictures you saw on Anon-A-Miss! Who else could’ve gotten them!?” yelled Scootaloo.

“Well, if you think about it, someone could’ve easily stolen Sunset’s phone when she wasn’t looking and stole the photos before putting it back. Or maybe even hack her phone. It’s always online. Plus, Sunset made a lot of enemies. Not a whole lot of people would forgive her, even after she saved everyone from the Dazzlings,” said Rainbow.

“But you guys saved us from the Dazzlings!” corrected Scootaloo.

“Not without Sunset. We weren’t at our best. The Dazzlings got to us and we were arguing back and forth under the stage. It was Sunset who got us to rally together and in the end it was Sunset who saved us all,” Rainbow Dash smiled bitterly. “And I was gonna turn on her. Some loyal friend I turned out to be, huh?” She emptied her bottle of water and tossed it away. “So, as an apology, we’re going to work to clear her name. We think we already got a possible suspect.”

“Y-you do?” Scootaloo stuttered.

“Yep! The Dazzlings! Sunset foiled their plan so they must be doing this to have their revenge! All we’re missing is proof and a way to find them!” Rainbow Dash punched her palm, “And once they do find them, they’re going to wish that they never crossed me.”

Scootaloo gulped nervously.

“So, yeah! We’re going to help Sunset and make sure everyone knows she ain’t Anon-A-Miss! This will be the best Christmas Present ever!” Rainbow Dash jumped to her feet. “And Scoots, keep practicing, OK? You’ll be awesome!”

Rainbow Dash whistled, leaving Scootaloo behind to watch her back with wide eyes.