• Published 9th May 2017
  • 11,257 Views, 298 Comments

Ill Winds - ClanCrusher

It had taken two failed invasions, an arduous civil war, a foalnapping, and the promise of a date, but Chrysalis can finally be counted among Equestria's allies. Unfortunately, the rest of her race might not be so easy to convince.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Recuperation

Celestia was as good as her word. Any book or reference I needed was sent through Spike almost immediately, regardless of its availability to the general public. I also had a direct line to Magical Research and Development, just in case I needed to ask them anything.

My mornings were spent with Chrysalis and her changelings, exercising my mind and practicing mental magics. Eventually, I was able to manage three connections simultaneously, even while they were feeding me constant streams of images.

Afternoons, I brought over any of my friends who were available, exhaustively testing pony-to-pony mental connections and running dozens more tests on Starlight's curse mark. Fluttershy was there every night. Applejack had yet to show up once.

Meanwhile, negotiations with Aurum continued to move at a glacial pace. Aurum, Crimson, and Azure rarely left Canterlot Castle, never showing any sign of subterfuge, but also helping very little with finding Violet.

Time passed in a flurry of experiments and tests, and it wasn't until I woke up in a pile of books for the second morning in a row that I realized five days had slipped away, and my progress was starting to slow.

Wearily, I yawned and looked around. Spike was in his basket, sound asleep, just barely visible beneath one of the tables. He'd moved his bed down to the main library after the third time I'd woken him up in the middle of the night to take notes, although his grumbling had been surprisingly minimal.

I stretched, yawning again as I slid off of my book-bed. Dusk and the other members of Chrysalis' guard should be arriving soon, and I was happy to hear a knock on the door moments after I’d finished the thought.

Instead of the changeling guard I’d expected, though, the door opened to reveal Rainbow and Chrysalis. “Hey girls, did we have a schedule change?”

“We're about to,” said Rainbow firmly. “We're changing your entire schedule. Today.”

“What? But I-”

“Dusk is exhausted. Spike is exhausted. You are exhausted,” said Chrysalis firmly. “You have been tense and on-edge for the last five days. Every single changeling in my hive can feel it.”

“Oh...do they need a break? Because I can-Eep!” Before I could finish, Rainbow was at my back, pushing me away from my study desk and pile of books.

“Yes, and so do you. No arguments, we've already made a to-do list.”


“A list your friends have all agreed on,” interrupted Chrysalis. “Or is work the only time you can make for them anymore?”

I flinched at the allegation. “That's a cheap shot...”

“But an honest one. Now go get showered and be back here in fifteen minutes, or Rainbow will come after you.”


Fourteen and a half minutes later, I stumbled out the front door, throwing the brush I'd been torturing my mane with back inside. “I'm here,” I gasped. “So...what are we doing?”

“Breakfast,” said Rainbow, landing by my side and steadying me.

“A proper breakfast,” added Chrysalis.

That, as it turned out, was at Rarity's place. She had clearly gone all-out with exquisite tea, finely toasted bread and daffodils, and a cornucopia of fruits. The best part, though, was the coffee. Rarity's high-class tastes didn't merely extend to fashion; she was a connoisseur of fine beverages as well, and considering her work schedule often put mine to shame, only the finest of brewed stimulants would do.

“Are you ever going to tell me who your supplier is?” I asked, letting out a sigh of satisfaction as I sipped at the blend.

“Absolutely not, darling. I'm sworn to secrecy. You wouldn't believe the ponies I had to sweet-talk and the hoops I had to jump through. I even had to learn a secret hoofshake.”

I couldn’t tell if she was being serious or not, but I decided to let the matter rest. Instead, I turned the subject to something else I'd been curious about. “How are the changelings getting along here?”

“Rather wonderfully,” said Rarity instantly. “Sorting, prep work, paperwork, cleaning...they're quite good at many things that would otherwise take away from the time I have to design.”

“Do any of them work on designs of their own?” I asked.

Rarity coughed daintily and looked to the side. “Well...they try their best, but...”

“But they're terrible at it,” finished Chrysalis. “Something about 'burning your eyes’ and ‘not even fit for dish rags,' was it?”

Rarity let out a nervous laugh. “Well, I wouldn't say I was quite so dramatic...”

“On the contrary, Pitch tells me you were quite dramatic,” teased Chrysalis with a wry smile while Rainbow failed to stifle a chuckle.

Rarity sighed. “Fine. I'd say they were of...poor quality, but I'm more than happy to let them experiment and create. Everypony has to start somewhere, after all.”


“Faster! Faster! Wait...too fast!”


There was a collective wince at the table as several thumps echoed from the staircase, culminating in Sweetie Belle and the changeling she'd been riding landing in a heap at the bottom of the stairs. Unsurprisingly, it was the foal who recovered first.

“Again! Again!” She prodded the fallen, groaning changeling, trying to urge him to his legs.

“So...you're using them as foalsitters, too?”

Rarity looked slightly bashful. “You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find somepony to look after her.”

“Wheeee!” I watched with amusement as the changeling got his second wind and galloped out of the boutique. “Cutie Mark Crusader Changeling Rider Go!”

“Oh, I think I can imagine,” I teased.

Chrysalis simply rolled her eyes. “The things my changelings do for love.”


“So, how many changelings are looking for employment?” I asked once we'd gained some distance from Rarity's place.

“All of the ones who used to infiltrate, along with a number of soldiers,” Chrysalis replied. “Most of them are simply getting used to trying new things and expressing themselves without disguises.”

Rainbow did a casual flip in the air, flying backwards while facing us. “Don't you share thoughts? Wouldn't one changeling doing something be enough?”

“Which would you enjoy more? Kissing Twilight, hearing her adorable sigh, seeing her eyes widen while her tongue hesitantly plays with yours...or would you be content with merely the mental image I just gave you?” finished Chrysalis smugly, turning and winking my direction.

Rainbow didn't need long to think. “Yeah, I guess nothing beats the real thing,” she concluded before giving me a playful grin.

I blushed and quickly changed the subject. “So, um...what are we doing at Fluttershy's place?”

“Volunteer work,” provided Rainbow. “Mostly cleaning and shelter rebuilding. Making sure everything is prepared for winter. Fluttershy has been having a tough time doing it by herself.”

“Really? She never told me when-”

“Of course she didn’t tell you,” interrupted Rainbow with a roll of her eyes. “Are you really surprised?”

I sighed, recalling her perfect attendance over the past five days. “No, not really.”


As it turned out, Fluttershy hadn't been expecting us. Our arrival was greeted with a squeak of surprise, several stammered apologies, and repeated insistences that she had everything under control and didn't want to be a bother. Moments later, Angel Bunny emerged from her home, flanked by several animals.

There was a long exchange of chirps and growls, as well as emphatic gestures from Angel Bunny, while Fluttershy responded with a series of soft words I could barely hear. It was by far the strangest argument I'd ever witnessed.

Ultimately, Fluttershy seemed to lose. “Um...Angel Bunny says that we’d greatly appreciate everypony's help.”

“Great! Let's get started! Just show me what needs cleaning and I'll put a raincloud over it!”

“W-wait, Rainbow, that's really not a good idea!”

As it turned out, the job was a bit more complex than it first seemed. Fluttershy was the indirect care provider for enough animals to start her own sanctuary, and she had fallen rather far behind schedule. Fortunately, it wasn't just the four of us. Gradually, a few of the changelings began to show up and surprisingly, the animals seemed to welcome their presence. My own role slowly shifted from cleaning and fixing shelters to directing the efforts of the changelings. It wasn't a particularly challenging task, but working on a project with a clear goal was relaxing.

At least until Angel Bunny managed to corner me.

“Yes, did you want something?” I asked after a full minute of listening to his foot loudly tapping against the ground.

The bunny responded with a glare.

“I already apologized for drugging your food, what more do you want?”

Angel Bunny gestured to himself and then traced a shape in the air.

“No, I'm not buying you apology-carrots.”

Angel slapped his foot against the ground and gestured a bit more vigorously.

“Trust me, your forgiveness is not worth that much.”

Angel Bunny let out a 'hmph' before turning his head and flicking his ear in my direction.

My eyes narrowed. “What did you just call me?”

“That's enough, both of you!”

Both of us flinched as Fluttershy's reprimand silenced our argument. Angel Bunny quickly tried to gesture in his defense, but Fluttershy shook her head. “Twilight has apologized more than enough,” she insisted. “Now go help the other bunny families with their house cleaning.”

After shooting one last scathing look my way, Angel Bunny stomped off to go inflict his personality elsewhere. “Don't apologize for him,” I said, interrupting Fluttershy before she could even take a breath. “For once, he actually has a right to be annoyed.”

“Oh...okay, if you're sure,” conceded Fluttershy. “I didn't really mind too much. You gave Tank a good checkup.”

Oddly enough, the fact that Fluttershy wasn't more annoyed with me made me feel worse about the whole thing. “So...how are the changelings getting along with the animals?” I asked, changing the subject.

“Better than I ever thought,” replied Fluttershy, suddenly excited. “It took them a while to get used to their presence, but once they stopped trying to disguise themselves, the animals really opened up.”

I was distracted briefly by the sight of Mr. Bear walking past on all fours, a changeling held gently in his mouth as though it were a cub.

“They're almost as good as I am with reading the animals’ emotional states.”

I stared at her in surprise. “Really?”

“W-well...a couple of them...almost...but they've been a great help, and the love the animals give them in return makes them very happy,” she insisted. “Even though I can't pay them much...”

I was just about to ask for further details when Chrysalis suddenly burst through the bushes. “Off with you, pesky creatures! I am a queen, not a perch!”

I couldn’t help but giggle at the sight. All manner of animals were clinging to Chrysalis, from squirrels and rabbits riding on her back and clutching at her mane, to birds using her jagged horn as a stand. A cat had even gotten hold of her tail and was happily chewing on it while being dragged along the grass behind her.

Beside me, Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle as well as Chrysalis teetered unsteadily, somewhat overwhelmed by the affection the animals were showing her.

“Maybe you should dial back on the pheromones,” I suggested, gently using my magic to pull the animals off of her.

“Hmph. This is my natural scent. Clearly these animals cannot resist my allure.”

“Alright. I'll be here if you need rescuing,” I teased, watching her wander off with the animals trailing behind her.

“For what it's worth, I really am sorry for the deception,” I said softly once she’d disappeared.

“I forgive you, Twilight, but only if you make that your last apology,” Fluttershy replied firmly. “I'm very happy that it helped bring you and Rainbow closer together.”

“Yeah...I suppose there's that,” I said with a smile.


Several hours and several cleaned and repaired homes later, I was feeling pleasantly worn out and hungry again, and breakfast at Rarity's place seemed like a distant memory. When Dash told me of our next destination, though, my appetite quickly withered.

“Chrysalis, are you sure about this? Maybe Sugarcube Corner would be a bit better...you know, given the circumstances...”

“I believe Applejack has had sufficient time to see reason,” said Chrysalis calmly.

“Yeah, and Pinkie Pie is already helping her with the food,” added Rainbow Dash. “Unless you wanted your meal to be nothing but apples.”

“They do grow things other than apples,” I reminded Dash as we crested the hill. Just inside their fenced-off area was a large table that Pinkie Pie and the Apple family were setting. They'd chosen the perfect day for an outdoor meal, or they'd called in a favor from the weather team, as the sky was clear and only the gentlest of breezes disturbed the air.

Mentally, I counted the number of seats at the table and then subtracted our group and the Apple Family. Several seats still remained. “Who else is coming?” I asked curiously.

“The other farm workers,” said Chrysalis with a coy smile. I was just about to ask for clarification when the buzzing sound of changeling wings filled my ears, and several of Chrysalis' kin emerged from the trees.


“One can only buck apples as fast as you can place the buckets and haul them back,” said Chrysalis before I could ask.

“But how did you convince Applejack-”

“I didn't. I decided to ask her brother instead.”

Big Mac was front and center, greeting each of the changelings with a smile and a nod, directing them to their places. Applejack was slightly behind him, looking more resigned than annoyed.

“That's playing dirty,” I said with a wry shake of my head.

“On the contrary, it's win-win. Macintosh gets more time to pursue his hobbies, my changelings get compensation in the form of love and bits, and your friend can witness their sincerity first-hoof.”

“Just so long as she isn't being blinded by your blatant social manipulations,” I countered, but I had to admit it was a good plan. Applejack was a terrific farm pony, but her duties often called upon her to perform animal control, represent the family’s business interests, appear in an official capacity as the Element of Honesty, and to repel the odd monster attack, often leaving Big Mac to pick up the slack. With all the times he'd done so, there was no way Applejack could refuse his request for more free time, even if that meant taking on changeling workers.

Subtly, I mentally nudged Chrysalis to take a seat between Applebloom and Granny Smith, while Rainbow sat with Pinkie and the changelings. I honed in on Applejack and sat down on her left. “Thanks for inviting us,” I murmured, wincing slightly as Granny Smith hollered for everypony to dig in.

“Wasn't mah idea,” came her terse reply.

“Oh...” Grabbing a couple of the serving dishes in my magic, I began to load my plate while thinking of something to fill the silence. Applejack beat me to it, though.

“Any word on Appleloosa yet?”

I shook my head and sighed. “Not yet. She can't stay hidden forever, though, not with that many captives.”

Snatching the bowl from me, Applejack hit the wooden spoon hard against her plate as she served herself. “And if she ain't aimin’ to keep 'em alive?”

“She is,” I assured her. “We haven't found a single body yet. If they were interested in causing casualties, they wouldn't have bothered taking anyone.”


Applejack fell silent. From the other end of the table, I heard Granny Smith cackle as she nudged Chrysalis with a hoof. The queen, for her part, seemed to be showing polite interest in the story she was being told.

“How's yer research comin’?” Applejack asked.

“I'm making progress,” I replied. “I know it doesn't seem like much is happening, and...well, I'm not working right this moment, but-”

“Horseapples, Twi, ah know you better than that,” she interrupted. “Yer’ working hard. Yer' always working hard, and if Pinkie, Rainbow, and Rarity all say you need a break, then you darn well need a break.”

“Oh...thank you,” I mumbled awkwardly, taking a long drink of my apple juice. At the other end of the table, Applebloom was excitedly peppering the changeling queen with questions now that Granny Smith's story had concluded. I could tell that Applejack had more to say, but I kept my attention on my food, waiting for her to speak first.

“...Ah'm sorry for blowin’ up at you.”

I swallowed and replied. “You were upset. It's understandable.”

“Ain't justified, though. Ah know this ain't your fault or hers...ah'm just sick of mah family gettin’ dragged into it.”

I couldn't think of any way to respond to that, so I simply nodded.

“Ah still wanna be there when you find her, though.”

“You can count on it.”


An hour later, I was pleasantly stuffed and slightly drowsy. The one-two combo of an Apple Family meal and a Pinkie-Prepared dessert was bound to put anypony down for a nap or three. Hopefully, Dash and Chrysalis had planned for that.

“Now is as good a time as any,” hinted Chrysalis, glancing at Dash.

“Hey, I was getting to it! Don't you dare steal my thunder!” Taking to the sky, Rainbow sped off, disappearing for almost a dozen seconds before returning with an accompanying gust of wind. “Check these out!”

In her hoof were three silver tickets. I tilted my head to read the text on one of them. “Daring Do and the Silver City. A once-in-a-lifetime live action event.” I looked at Rainbow curiously. “Is this a...stage production?”

“You bet it is!” Rainbow's excitement was practically tangible. “The theater troupe has been advertising here all week!”

Intrigued, I took one of the tickets and read the details. Previously hidden behind her hoof were big bold letters that made me groan. “Oh...that's not good.”

“Huh? What's wrong?”

“Produced, written, and directed by Clever Twist,” I grumbled. “Most notable works include Filly in the Water and After Equestria.”

Rainbow looked at me, nonplussed. “What, were those not good?”

“You could...say that,” I began cautiously.

She rolled her eyes. “Twi, it's a Daring Do production, how could anypony screw that up?”

I was about to respond, but Chrysalis interrupted. “I, for one, am looking forward to this. You've been quite vocal about your love for this series.”

What I'd been about to say died on my lips. Chrysalis probably had the right idea.

“Oh, you're gonna be blown away,” assured Rainbow. “Daring Do is the most awesome pegasus ever!” She paused for a second to consider that statement. “Well, second most awesome.”

I felt Chrysalis gently trying to open a mental link with me. Realizing that she was waiting for an invitation, I met her halfway.

“Is Clever Twist really that bad of a playwright?”

“Trust me, we're going to get a good show tonight. Just keep your attention on Rainbow.”


“She hasn't said anything for five minutes now.”

“If she gets to ten, I'll snap her out of it.”

Rainbow Dash seemed to be in a state of catatonic shock. She was walking between us, her eyes wide and staring at the ground, her wings folded tightly at her sides. She seemed to be trying to collect her thoughts, even as they continued to remain jumbled in her mind.

Another minute passed. Okay, this was starting to get a bit silly now. Stopping, I turned and waved a hoof in front of her face. “Rainbow? Are you alright?”

Rainbow’s head jerked up and her eyes refocused, as if she were coming out of a daze. “Twilight?” she asked softly, as if noticing me for the first time.

“Yes, Rainbow?”

“What...the buck...was that?!”

Beside me, Chrysalis slowly began to back away. “Why? How? How do you buck up Daring Do that badly? What was with the changeling parents? Why the hay were aliens involved? Who the hay was that stupid butler character, and why did he get so much stage time?”

“Oh, that was Clever Twist,” I replied, fighting back a giggle. “He has a habit of inserting himself into his own works like that.”

“You mean he's here right now? I'll be right back, I've got a pony I need to buck into a thundercloud.”

I didn't think Rainbow would actually make good on her threat, but I gently grasped her with my magic and pulled her back. “Breathe, Rainbow. Don't worry, it's just a play. Not all of the Daring Do books have been great, you know.”

“Yeah, but still! It's like A.K. Yearling just threw up on a script and gave it to somepony!”

Chrysalis chuckled. “You were right, Twilight. This is an entertaining show.”

Rainbow Dash immediately rounded on the her, jabbing her in the chest with a hoof. “We're getting you the first Daring Do book tonight, and you're gonna read it! I am not letting Clever Twist ruin this for you!”

“I'm not so sure I'd like it, really,” said Chrysalis playfully. “Daring Do doesn't seem like much more than a clever thief.”

“What? She is not! She's an archeologist! And a writer, too!”

“And a changeling,” added Chrysalis.

“That's non-canon!”

I giggled at the sight of the two arguing before something at the edge of my senses caught my attention. My relaxed mood had caused me to miss it before, but now I could feel it a bit more strongly. Holding up a hoof to quiet the argument, I turned to Chrysalis. “Did you have a guard detail following us around?”

Chrysalis concentrated for a moment before shaking her head. “I did not. Dusk and the others were at the play of their own accord.”

Oh. I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised by that. Chrysalis wasn't done, however. “He also has a...humble request to make of you on behalf of the changeling race.”

I looked at Chrysalis, slightly puzzled. “And no, it's not one of my ideas,” she added.

Now I was intrigued.


Dusk was clearly on edge when we invited him into the library. He was fidgeting slightly, avoiding his queen's gaze, and his wings seemed to twitch nervously as the three of us waited for him to speak.

“How long has it been since Dusk made a request of you?” I asked Chrysalis on a whim.

“This would be his first.”

Outwardly, I hid my reaction, though internally, I couldn’t quite hide my disbelief. “Seriously?”

“I'm a bit surprised myself.”

“So...you gonna talk, or is there a mental conversation going on that I can't hear?” asked Rainbow pointedly.

Dusk opened his mouth and spoke, his words careful and deliberate. “Forgive my hesitation, I was gathering my thoughts.” Closing his eyes and taking a breath, he addressed Chrysalis aloud. “My queen, while none in our hive would ever think of shirking their duties, and our first and last loyalty shall always be to you-”

“Dusk,” interrupted Chrysalis suddenly. “I am always thrilled to have my praises sung, but if you do not get to the point, I am going to start probing your mind for answers.”

That seemed a bit severe to me, but apparently it was the encouragement Dusk needed. “The infiltration unit has expressed interest in putting on a performance similar to the show we attended tonight,” he finished quickly.

“You want to put on a play?” I asked, curious. “About what?”

Dusk's nervous twitches returned. “Well...we were considering the recently translated story that was recovered from Queen Azure.”

Chrysalis looked thoughtful at that. “You realize that story is highly fictitious, yes?”

“We are aware. Nonetheless, many within the hive have enjoyed it.”

“Very well, then. I see no reason to refuse your request, so long as your duties to the hive come first. How will you be funding this endeavor?”

“Donations from the other changelings who have found work in Ponyville,” replied Dusk. “We, um...don't have much else to spend our income on.”

“I'm sure that's something ponies will be eager to fix,” I said with a smile. “You might find your first production to be rather difficult, though.”

“Not like they could do worse than Clever Twist,” grumbled Rainbow.

“We believe we are prepared for the challenge,” said Dusk confidently.

“Then I shall expect to be impressed.” Retrieving my copy of the transcribed book from the library shelf, Chrysalis set it on the table in front of Dusk. With a nod and a grateful bow, he scooped up the book and quickly fled the library.

“So what odds do you give them for success?” I asked once the door had closed behind him.

“They have more enthusiasm than talent at the moment, but my infiltrators are resourceful. They will learn quickly.”

“Should we give them any help?” asked Rainbow.

“Not unless they ask. Though perhaps a few subtle hints here and there would be warranted.”

With the excitement over, the three of us spent some time winding down. Rainbow quickly found the first volume of Daring Do and practically forced it into Chrysalis' hooves, after which I spent some time getting her a library card so she could properly check it out. By the time the moon had risen, I couldn't help but admit that the day's events had left me thoroughly relaxed and ready to get a full night of sleep.

“Thank you for setting all of this up for me,” I told the two at the door. “I needed that break more than I realized.”

“It was for all of us,” corrected Chrysalis. “We were all getting worn down.”

“Except Pinkie,” amended Rainbow Dash.

Giggling softly, I paused with my hoof on the door. Well...I suppose it had been a fun date, and if they were serious...

Stepping away from the door, I approached Chrysalis, wrapping my foreleg around her neck and pulling her head down for a sweet, sensual kiss. As the Changeling Queen recovered from her daze, I turned to Rainbow, gently guiding her down with my magic before giving her a kiss and an affectionate caress down her neck.

“I had a wonderful time tonight, thank you,” I said, suddenly feeling a little shy. “I'll see you both tomorrow!” Grabbing hold of the door, I escaped inside and pulled it shut before either of them could react. I waited briefly, wondering if they were going to try and open the door or a mental link, but after a moment, it was clear they were going to leave me in peace.

Letting out the breath I’d been holding, I smiled and walked up the stairs to my room. Chrysalis had done some amazing work in getting the changelings involved with the community and working to get ponies to accept them. Sure, peace talks with Queen Aurum were going to help, but it was just as important for normal ponies and changelings to bond with each other. Maybe even moreso. No amount of legislation could ever make a pony like changelings, or any other race for that matter. Those connections had to be forged naturally.

I stopped mid-step, my eyes widening as inspiration struck me. Barely thinking, I teleported the rest of the way to my room. “Spike? Spike!”

A few moments later, I heard him running up the stairs, a panicked look on his face and the remnants of an ice-cream container under his arm. “What? What is it?”

“I need you to send a letter to Celestia! I've figured it out! I know how to find Queen Violet!”