• Published 9th May 2017
  • 11,255 Views, 298 Comments

Ill Winds - ClanCrusher

It had taken two failed invasions, an arduous civil war, a foalnapping, and the promise of a date, but Chrysalis can finally be counted among Equestria's allies. Unfortunately, the rest of her race might not be so easy to convince.

  • ...

Chapter 8: Tension

I hadn't even been outside Rainbow's mind for twenty seconds before the guards showed up in force. Feeling slightly numb, I pointed to Rainbow's incapacitated form and mumbled out orders to take her back to quarantine. No doubt they'd have a full squad surrounding her this time, but hopefully the danger was neutralized.

Fluttershy sat beside me, still trembling from the adrenaline, maybe even wondering (like me) what might have happened if we'd arrived here even a few seconds later. Chrysalis looked fine, even though she was walking with a slight limp, but if that Rainboom had connected...

“I...I hope that was helpful,” Fluttershy murmured.

“Of course it was!” I insisted. “You've been a tremendous help to me today. Although I have to ask...” I waved a hoof at the destroyed forest clearing and the newly formed crater. “Are you certain you need more adventure in your life?”

Fluttershy hesitated, taking a moment to look around before facing me again. “Definitely,” she said firmly. “But, um...maybe not any more today. Angel Bunny is expecting dinner soon.”

Chuckling lightly, I waved her off with a hoof. “Don't worry, I'll let you know right away if a queen shows up.” Even though I'd been teasing, she still nodded her thanks before flying off, leaving me with Chrysalis and her remaining conscious guards.

Carefully, I walked around the crater Rainbow had made. “How are you feeling?” I asked once I'd reached the queen's side.

“About the same as when Cadance flung me into the Badlands during her wedding.”

“Is everyone in your hive okay?”

“Yes, though some are going to be passed out for the rest of the day.”

“And you? Any injuries?”

“Nothing that a little love won't heal,” she replied, coyly.


My horn glowed for a brief moment, a thin veil of magic surrounding my hoof. Without any fanfare or warning, I turned and punched forward, striking Chrysalis on her shoulder hard enough to send her staggering back a step, wincing. “What the buck were you thinking?”

Chrysalis gave me a surprised look, but I wasn’t waiting for an answer. “That was a Celestia-damned Sonic Rainboom! If I had been a second later you would have...would have...” I stopped and swallowed, my rage ebbing as quickly as it had flared.

“Been liquified?” asked Chrysalis flatly. “Torn to pieces in a rainbow explosion? It can't have been worse than what Cadance did. Or you, for that matter.”

“Harmony magic doesn't kill,” I said softly. “Weaken, purify, petrify...but never kill. A Sonic Rainboom isn't magic. It's pure kinetic force delivered at a speed that shatters the sound barrier!” My voice had risen to a shout as I finished the explanation.

Chrysalis didn't respond immediately. Her head was tilted slightly and she was giving me an odd look. “You're shaking.”

I was? Yes...I was. Before I could process that, Chrysalis stepped forward, her forehoof coming up and around my neck before pulling me into an embrace. “I'm sorry I worried you.”

I sighed, resting my head against her shoulder, embracing her in return. “You didn't know.”

“No, I was overconfident,” she corrected. “And...perhaps a bit reckless. It's nice to know you care, though.”

“Of course I care about you!” I snapped, my muzzle flushing a soft red color at the admission that I was certain everypony back in Ponyville had heard. My leg squeezed a bit tighter.

“I swear I didn't know how dangerous it was,” insisted Chrysalis.

Taking a breath, I reined in my emotions. This was Queen Violet's fault, not Chrysalis', and certainly not Rainbow's. If she had been intending to drive a wedge between us, I had to be damn sure that didn't happen.

“Chrysalis, when Rainbow wakes up-”

“I will be there,” assured the queen without hesitation. “Unless you believe she will try to kill me again.”

“She won't,” I promised. I wasn't certain what damage Queen Violet's influence had caused, and I was even less certain about what damage might have been caused by cutting it out, but I was very certain it was gone.


It wasn't until I was away from the clearing that I allowed my mind to wander. The immediate crisis had passed, but it had left some scars behind. Queen Violet had expertly manipulated Rainbow's emotions, and yet, she hadn't truly altered her mind. Changeling mental magic couldn't force a pony to betray their core values (Starlight Glimmer's magic notwithstanding), so on some level, Rainbow must have wanted to attack Chrysalis.

In some dark corner of her mind, Rainbow had wanted to kill her.

I stopped in mid-step, letting that thought sink in. No, that wasn't right. Rainbow wasn't a killer, but she was extremely competitive. Chrysalis had been fighting her, trying to restrain her, frustrating her with evasive tactics until Rainbow had gone all out.

The distinction was significant, but provided little comfort. Despite Chrysalis' best efforts, it seemed like someone in this triangle plan of hers was going to get hurt.

My thoughts turned to the book Rainbow Dash had lent me. Princess Cadance's 'Thirteen Triangles'. Maybe I should take a look at it before I made any decisions. Research, instead of react.

The day wasn't done surprising me, though. As I opened the door, I saw Princess Celestia sitting almost casually at my table, being served by Spike. “Princess!” I bowed my head as my mind raced. Was she here about my research? Was I moving too slowly?

“Hello, Twilight. You have my deepest apologies for intruding so suddenly, but I bring rather grim news.”

My mind digested that tidbit of information for several seconds. Taking a breath, I steeled myself and took a seat across from her. “Tell me.”

Celestia took a sip of her juice before answering. “The ponies of Appleloosa have gone missing. The town was discovered empty by the mail carrier during her weekly delivery. Homes had been broken into, but almost no valuables were taken.”

“And there were no bodies found,” I finished, my throat dry. “Queen Violet took them. Or her hive did. She was probably planning this even before I fought her at the barracks town.”

It was a lucrative target. Far away from any guard outpost, populated mostly by farmers and ranchers, and very few ponies around with combat or fighting experience.

“That puts the foalnapped count to just over two hundred,” I said softly. “Possibly equal to her hive. They must have a base of operations somewhere. They can't keep that many prisoners mobile and alive.”

“I plan on reinforcing the border towns,” said Celestia. “It will pull some of our reserves away from Canterlot, but we can't afford to be caught off guard again. Do you think Chrysalis might be persuaded to help in their defense as well?”

“Only if they'll be well received,” I replied. “A hostile town would be poisonous to them.”

“If they are with the guard patrols and wearing Canterlot colors, no one should question them.”

Perhaps not, but once word reached the other border towns that an entire community had gone missing, there were going to be repercussions. The barracks town was one thing, but Appleloosa was...

“Does Applejack know?” I asked suddenly.

“She will by tomorrow. It's difficult to find a frontier town without an Apple family member in it, and they keep each other informed.

Wordlessly, I took an offered drink from Spike, barely tasting the flavor as I drained it. “I'm doing everything I can, Princess. I've made a lot of headway with my latest find, and-”

“I am sure you will continue to meet my expectations,” she finished before I could continue rambling. “I wished to ask you, based on your information, what you believe Queen Violet's intentions are.”

“You're...not sure?” I asked hesitantly.

“At the moment, I am simply collecting information. One of Chrysalis' kin has already delivered her views, but I would like to hear your opinion as well.”

I frowned slightly. I had given this some thought, but I hadn't really dedicated any serious time to constructing a hypothesis. “I only see two likely possibilities. Either Violet is abducting ponies and attempting to disappear before Queen Aurum makes a deal, or she's using Starlight Glimmer's curse mark to build an army.”

I stood up and began to pace in a circle. “My amulets can detect changelings, so their only options for feeding are either peacefully or through invasion. Starlight lets them suppress a pony's core values and morals. She turned a baker into a potential assassin, after all, and by now they might have refined the technique. Sugar Belle could have just been their first field test,” I concluded. “But that's a worst case scenario. Starlight's magic is too powerful to conceal and even a force of four hundred wouldn't amount to much.”

Automatically, I took a second drink from Spike, draining that one as well before continuing on. “There's a third possibility,” I said reluctantly. “This could all be smoke and mirrors to distract us from something else. Maybe they want our guards and soldiers in the border towns to weaken Canterlot.”

“That thought has occurred to me,” said Celestia with a nod. “Queen Aurum has been endlessly evasive during our talks.”

“But we've cut off her ability to sustain a large hive,” I countered. “Between the widespread use of my amulets and Chrysalis' changelings joining patrols, there's no way she could sustain an army like the one Chrysalis used to invade.”

I let out a sigh. In conclusion, I had no idea what Queen Violet was planning.

“Which of the three sound most likely to you?” asked Celestia after a small pause. “Rather, if you could only prepare for one, which would you choose?”

“The first,” I said immediately, stopping my pacing and taking a seat at the table once more. “Violet can't challenge us directly and she allegedly opposes Aurum, so her only feasible long-term strategy is to hide and sustain herself. Our best option in that case would be to concentrate efforts into finding that hiding place.”

Celestia nodded thoughtfully while I wondered whether I had passed or failed some kind of test.

“Thank you, Twilight,” said Celestia finally. “Please continue your hard work. Mail any of your resource or personnel needs to me, and I will see them fulfilled to the best of my ability.”

“Thank you, Princess, I won't let you down,” I assured her. “And, um...about Rainbow Dash...”

Celestia stood, stretching her wings out as she headed for the door. Pausing at the step, she turned and gave me a small smile. “Do you really think I would punish Rainbow Dash for falling victim to a mental attack in defense of you?”

I blushed and smiled sheepishly, quickly shaking my head.

“If even half your letters about her are true, I daresay she'll punish herself plenty.” Stepping outside, the white alicorn flapped her wings and took off, rising high into the sky before vanishing in a burst of golden light.

“So...is she betting everything on you, then?” asked Spike. “That seemed like she was giving you permission to do whatever you want.”

“I don't know, Spike,” I murmured in response, even as I secretly hoped he was wrong.


“I'm going inside.”

“Of course, your majesty,” said the head guard, immediately stepping to the side and opening the door with his magic.

Chrysalis paused, looking at each of the guards in turn. “Not even a cursory attempt to stop me?”

“Would you stop if I asked?”


“Then no,” he concluded. “We will be here if you need us.”

“Will I?” asked Chrysalis playfully.

“I really hope not.”

Chuckling to herself, Chrysalis entered the room where Rainbow was sequestered. The pegasus was resting on her back, wings spread, eyes open and looking listlessly at the ceiling. The food that had been brought to her remained untouched.

“You shouldn't be here,” said Rainbow, still staring at the ceiling. “Might start hitting you again.”

Chrysalis gave her a long look before taking another step forward. Then another, until she was right up against the bed, her expression daring Rainbow Dash to try something. Aside from a slight tilt of her head, there was no reaction.

Slowly, the queen spread her wings, and with a light hop and a soft buzz, she landed on the bed and made herself comfortable. “You shouldn’t be here, either,” replied the queen. “Obviously no shield is going to hold you if you put your mind to escaping.”

Rainbow groaned and rolled over onto her side, away from Chrysalis. “Not like I have anything better to do now.”

“You're abandoning your position as Twilight's personal guard, then?”

Rainbow stared Chrysalis in disbelief. “Are you crazy? Celestia isn't going to let me anywhere near you now! The least they're going to do is relieve me of duty.”

“I'd like to see them try,” replied Chrysalis casually. “I'm not asking for your removal, and neither is Twilight.”


“You might recall that I've attacked Twilight in the past, free of magical influences.”

“That’s not-”

“And now you've shown your ability to hold your own against two different changeling queens.”

“It wasn't just Violet, alright?” Rainbow finally shouted. “I’ve wanted to buck your smug face in ever since we raided Azure's hive!”

To Rainbow's surprise, Chrysalis simply smiled. “And I’ve wanted to do the same ever since Twilight took you on as a personal guard.”

Rainbow's mouth opened and shut once before she found her voice. “What?”

“Oh yes, the first real connection I made with someone outside my insular and secluded hive, struggling romantically. Right when I felt I'd established a bond, you finally showed interest. What chance did I possibly have against one of her longtime friends?”

Rainbow growled, slowly getting to her hooves, her muzzle an inch apart from Chrysalis' own. “What did you have to be worried about? You're this dark secretive changeling shrouded in mystery with cool magic and interesting things to talk about! I'm just some pegasus who can fly really well!”

“At least you have years of friendship to draw from. All I have is conflict.”

“You have a horn! I can't even talk with her about magic without getting lost!”

“You think that's difficult?” Chrysalis pushed her muzzle forward just a bit more, meeting Rainbow’s nose with her own. “I can't even talk with her about changeling magic without getting lost!”

Rainbow paused, her anger suddenly fizzling out. “You're serious?” she asked finally, barely holding back a chuckle.

Chrysalis backed off a couple inches. “Yes. I'd never thought about my magic, I simply used it.”

“Heh...sorta like me,” mused Rainbow. “I can outfly anypony in Equestria, but when Twilight starts talking flight theory...”

The queen and the pegasus took a long look at each other before both began to chuckle, and the tension drained from the room. Falling back onto her flank, Rainbow let out a relaxed sigh. “I still can't believe Violet got to me like that,” she groaned once her mirth had faded.

“Twilight and I didn't catch what Violet did to you either. We're just as much to blame,” concluded the changeling queen. “Fortunately, you didn't do any lasting damage.”

“Not physically,” muttered Dash.

Chrysalis frowned as she took a read on Rainbow’s emotions. Then, in a single smooth motion, Chrysalis wrapped a foreleg around her barrel, pulling her into a tight hug. She was met with brief resistance, but Chrysalis persisted, her muzzle gently teasing along Rainbow's neck.

“If a single fight were enough to dissuade me, we never would have had a chance. Or did you think it was going to be complete harmony all the time?”

Dash fidgeted and grumbled, but eventually calmed down, letting the queen cuddle with her. “Hey...um...when you and Twi were helping me, how much did you see?”

“A fair bit,” said Chrysalis, pausing to consider those memories. “I had wondered why you dropped out of Flight School. Now I'm wondering why you even bothered staying as long as you did.”

“It was Gilda,” admitted the pegasus, her tail twitching slightly in agitation. “I made a lot of enemies, 'cause I flew good and ran my mouth. Gilda was the same, 'cept she was also a griffin. Always felt like it was us against everypony else up there.”

“From what I’ve gathered of the Wonderbolts, it's not exactly an illusion they wish to dispel.”

“Nope,” chuckled Rainbow Dash mirthlessly. “Until you actually make the cut, and suddenly you’re supposed to be working as a team.”

Letting out a yawn, Rainbow slipped free of the embrace, stretching her wings and twisting her neck back and forth. “How long are they going to keep me in here?”

“For about as long as it takes Twilight to finish listening at the door and come join us,” said Chrysalis, raising her voice slightly so the eavesdropper on the other side of the door could hear.


I blushed, cursing myself mentally for not better hiding my presence. I hadn't wanted to listen in at first, but I hadn't wanted to interrupt, either. Now I just looked guilty. Pulling open the door, I gave the pair a bashful smile. “Um...sorry? The guards notified me when you forced your way inside.”

Chrysalis scoffed. “I did not ‘force’, I simply told them I was going inside. They chose not to stop me.”

“Would you have listened if they told you to stop?” I asked pointedly.

“Absolutely not,” said Chrysalis with a flick of her mane. “To a Queen, there is no such thing as a forbidden place of entry.”

“Yeah, well, you'd still better stay out of my bathroom while I'm showering,” I retorted playfully.

“No promises,” replied Chrysalis with a small smile.

Rolling my eyes, I approached the bed. “Listen, we need to talk. Things have-”

I yelped as Chrysalis' magic suddenly grabbed hold of me and lifted me into the air. “Scoot over, Rainbow,” said Chrysalis with a small smile, depositing me in the now-empty space between them and putting a foreleg around my neck. “Whatever crisis is on your mind, it can wait.”

“Unless there's, like...another changeling queen invading Ponyville right now,” amended Rainbow, wrapping both a hoof and a wing around me as she snuggled up against my other side.

I let out a sigh, relaxing despite myself. “If there was, I think I'd just let Celestia deal with it. I'm supposed to be a researcher, not some battle mage.” I shifted a bit, enjoying the contrasting feelings of Rainbow's fur and Chrysalis' smooth chitin.

“What, you don't think we make an awesome strike team?” asked Rainbow playfully. “I thought we had a pretty good track record.”

“I'd still prefer to let the actual guards and soldiers deal with it...or just skip straight to the Elements of Harmony before things get crazy next time.”

I sighed again, contentedly, letting my head rest on the bed. The past few days had felt like a chaotic mess, and it felt nice to relax between Dash and Chrysalis, even if the latter was siphoning off a bit of my affection. Still, I couldn't quite stop a nagging thought in the corner of my mind.

“Hey, um...are you two really okay with each other?” I asked finally, bracing myself for the answer.

“I wouldn't mind being in the middle,” teased Chrysalis.

“And I don't really want to kick her face in anymore,” replied Rainbow with a small smirk.

I couldn't help but giggle at that. On impulse, I turned my head and gave Rainbow a soft kiss on her cheek before turning again and giving a second to Chrysalis. “I'm lucky to have you two around,” I murmured happily. I doubted this was going to be the end of our problems, but at least we seemed to be working through this one.

To my surprise, Rainbow's hoof suddenly slid upward, pressing gently against my muzzle and turning my head back to face hers. “Damn right you are, egghead.” The kiss itself didn't surprise me, but the tenderness did; the bold pegasus kept it soft and sweet, holding it for several seconds before breaking away.

“Mmhh...I could taste that one,” teased Chrysalis, making a show of licking her lips.

“Trust me, it's better from the source,” replied Rainbow with a grin.

I barely had time to let out a squeak before Chrysalis pulled me into a kiss as well. She was far more demanding and passionate, her long tongue playfully teasing across my muzzle and threatening to slip inside. Rainbow was determined not to be left out, though, pressing and rubbing her muzzle against my neck, finding just the right spots to make me squirm and moan into my kiss with the Changeling Queen. When the pair began to tease and stroke along my fur with their forelegs, though, I knew I had to stop.



Panting slightly and sporting a healthy blush on my cheeks, I came out of the teleport off the bed and directly in front of them. “I'm sorry, I really am, but I do have something important to talk about.” Their smiles faded as they grasped how serious I was. Taking a breath, I let it out all at once. “All of the ponies in Appleloosa have vanished, just like in the barracks town.”

The mood soured as Chrysalis and Rainbow's expressions turned grim. “Well damn,” said Dash finally. “Does Applejack know yet?”

I shook my head. “I was heading there next.”



The sharp sound rang out through the orchard, followed by a magnificent crashing noise as the tree broke at the base and toppled over onto the ground. Applejack didn't look any calmer.

“What is wrong with your race?”

I flinched at Applejack's blistering tone, but Chrysalis remained impassive, regarding her with a calm look. “I don't know Queen Violet's intentions, but we're working to stop her.”

“Well why isn't Queen Aurum doin’ something, then? Why aren't we doin’ something?” That last question was directed at me.

“We have been doing something, Applejack!” I insisted. “I've been working every day to counter their magic. You've been helping me with that, too!”

From Applejack's frustrated sigh, I could tell she wasn't satisfied with that answer. “And how do you know she ain’t in on this?” Her hoof pointed accusingly at the changeling queen beside me.

I fought down the urge to shout back at her. I knew she was lashing out in anger, and considering Chrysalis' history, it might not have been entirely unreasonable, but it didn't make the accusation sting any less. Chrysalis didn't flinch, but she'd been expecting this when she'd volunteered to come along.

“Ya know, you're being way more thickheaded than usual, AJ,” cut in Rainbow before I could respond. “The other queens killed her mother and tried to kill her, too. Do you really think she's gonna be helping any of them?”

I closed my eyes, groaning internally. “Rainbow...”

“No, Twi, let me handle this,” interrupted the pegasus before rounding on Applejack. “Look, I know you're angry. I am, too, but there's only one changeling to blame for this, and that's Violet!”

Applejack glared at her, practically pushing the pegasus over as she stalked forward. “Chrysalis is the whole damn reason this is happening! We woulda been just fine if she'd stayed in her damn cave!”

“Chrysalis is a victim in this, too!” shouted Rainbow, not giving an inch. “She's been trying to make amends, even though every other queen is dragging her down. She saved your sister, remember?”

“And foalnapped her, too! Do you remember what she said she was gonna do to Twilight?”

“Nightmare Moon was gonna do the same damn thing, and you forgave her for that. Or do second chances and forgiveness only extend to ponies in your book?”

Okay, that was enough. Taking a breath, I pushed a bit of magic into my voice.


That had been a bit too much magic. I was fairly sure everypony in the Apple family house had heard me, but it also had the desired effect of rendering my arguing friends speechless.

“Applejack,” I said softly, slowly approaching her, resting a forehoof on her back once I was close enough. “If you can't trust Chrysalis, then please at least trust me when I say I'm doing everything I can to stop Violet and find those missing ponies.”

Closing my eyes, I opened my mind to her, conveying memories of the research I was doing, the time and effort I was putting in, and the contributions Chrysalis and all my friends had made toward it. When I pulled away a minute later, Applejack had a much more subdued expression on her face.

“Twi...just promise me that when you learn where Violet is...you take me along.”

“If I go, you'll go with me,” I promised her.

My expression fell away as she walked back to her house. That probably could have gone better, but it definitely could have gone worse. “Chrysalis-” I began, only to be silenced with a shake of her head.

“She's not entirely wrong. I knew full well the trouble I was inviting when I accepted Celestia's protection.”

“So did Celestia,” I replied firmly. “If you've got the energy, let's get back to the library.

“We've got work to do.”