We waited, for two and a half days, sustained on provisions. We did nothing but wait or perform menial tasks, even quieter than we had been before. More than once I caught Sombra lighting whatever things he could find on fire, or sharpening the black blade of his sword until it looked like it could slice through the storms that battered this mountain. I developed a nervous twitch in my right wing. But now I was especially worried, because it would no longer twitch; neither of my wings would, now that some of the first signs of frostbite began had set in. Our efforts were not in vain, however; it was the half day that our battle had begun.
“SIGHTED!” I shrieked, from one of the constructed towers I was perched in.
We can do this…
“Prepare for battle then, Princess Amore!” Sombra called from below, eyeing the churning force emerging from the lesser peaks. That was our foe.
I braced myself, heart pounding as he teleported us to a close hill. We would make the first strike.
I wasn’t going to fail my kingdom.
The teleportation mist subsided as we stepped out.
There she was: coat as brown as rock, yet easier to look through than glass, with a curved sickle horn like Sombra's that was tipped in pale green. She didn't look real. Her eyes were no more than mist of dark ivy color in heavily lashed sockets. Perhaps the most fearsome parts happened to be her mane and tail which seemed to be made out of churning clouds of green mist and rock debris. Her hips, legs, feather tips, and neck were bound in harsh ice ornaments, with a semi-translucent chain flowing from her necklace. The Wraith was as tall as Celestia, her gaze malicious.
When she spoke, her mouth did not move, and her voice had a soulless quality. If one looked carefully they could see the aspect of a ghostly filly wavering under the Alicorn-esque façade. The filly, Coppertangle, was bound in rags and the Crystal Heart was entwined in her mane. She shared the same malicious gaze as her ‘other half’; the only difference is that while the façade had no expression, the filly had a murderous sneer.
“Come, Princess,” it beckoned.
I brandished my weapon in response, hoping to look somewhat threatening. She shifted her gaze to a bristling Sombra.
“Care for a battle, Shadow-Beast?”
His mane and tail gained their more animate appearance in an instant. Fangs poked their way into his mouth once more, followed by eye vapor and a bright red dragon-like iris and pupil. Thin, spectral armor now hovered around him. He waved his sword and shot the monster a maniacal, violent smile that matched the insane look in his eyes.
“Try me.”
There would be no diplomacy, no try for peace.
I quickly unfroze my wings the best I could before firing a powerful magic blast from my bow. Sombra was terrifying as he clashed with the mania spirit; I knew he could fight, but each savage strike was planned and perfectly executed as if to boast of his power. My shots pierced her but her laughter rippled as they hit, implying my efforts did no harm. However, Sombra's barbaric swings cut deeply.
But not deeply enough.
A spire of earth shot under me. I dodged and glided to another spot.
My book spilled out of my bag and fell open.
Undefeatable am I…
Trying to be courageous, I threw my dagger at her with all the dagger-throwing skill I could muster...
…Lest evil acquire…
...Which wasn’t much, considering it missed, and sailed over my target. Sombra slashed powerfully with his sword, which at the moment was held in his mouth, even though I'd seen him hold it in his magic before. When I asked him about it he mumbled something about instinct before dropping the subject.
…What the vain Lord lacked…
The Wraith, Coppertangle, briefly shifted her gaze to me while in combat. Sombra deflected her earthen blow.
I charged, ready to use some of the combat magic I knew, but suddenly buckled and snapped backward. A disturbing ripping sound unlike any other filled the air, followed by a powerful yet incredibly brief rush of burning, hot, wet pain. I looked down, face ashen.
An earthen spire was piercing me at a crooked angle, right through my mid-section.
…and speaketh Great Truth.
Blood was pouring everywhere, pooling in the broken tissue and dripping from my left wing, which had been impaled as well. I felt exceptionally woozy... oh, the pain. The feeling was indescribable and I just wanted it to end.
This was more…more than I could…I could. Mend.
Sombra whipped his head around and transferred his sword back to a magical grip. His eyes briefly flashed back to normal and widened.
Time seemed to slow down.
‘…and speaketh Great Truth.’
‘…evil… what the vain… lacked…’
'...it doesn't matter who, where, or what each and every one of us only wants one thing.'
‘…an individual like him probably had at least one secret…’
‘…thought that you of all ponies would understand…’
Why he didn't talk to me much after the train. It all made sense.
“SOMBRA,” I screamed, despite all the pain. And spots.
I got his attention.
I accept that I will die.
Sweet Elysium… take... Me... Celestia… failed… save. Me?
Time seemed to speed up once more, but only for him and me.
My heart was in my throat… or maybe it was blood.
“She can be killed… truth! Your truth! Your secret! I know. Her? Tell…”
Everything appeared to be clicking now… including the phantom herself. Her face, the one of the filly, paled at my words.
The pain began to flip-flop and go away. Some of the nerves must have been wiped out, or died.
“Sombra… I… no secrets…”
Breathing. It hurt.
I slipped a bit.
Strength was vanishing.
I try not to be scared; I know it's my own blood.
I know.
I. Know.
Sombra, I know...
Something vital in me broke, unleashing another wave of pain. This caused my wings to go berserk and my legs to twitch and spasm.
My spine.
Tears streamed down my face.
The stupid wraith. She disarmed Sombra. He didn’t seem to care.
I can only… take… so...
Was he in a stupor?
More blood leaked out and I screamed. Sombra's chest shook as he turned to the enemy.
I saw him gulp.
Dots danced everywhere.
He took a deep breath and screamed. But there were words in his scream, and it was as scared as mine. “I-I'M IN LOVE-”
A bright light followed, and a loud explosion stumbled closely behind it, a wave of energy so familiar, and many voices whispered my name. This cancelled out anything else…
Pain blurred. My organs-
I sunk into the dark and the rest was-
7552171 I'm very bad with flowers.
Where are the comments
I don't think anything can faze me anymore since that little outburst from Sombra had no effect on me.
Then again I haven't had my morning coffee so that might be it.
7669749 The infidels did not have the courage to give thanks to the story weaver.
The heretics...
The way you described the spire going through Cadance. Shit, I swear I felt that.
Hooray for feeling like dying!
Well that got brutal.
Oh dear.
oh that's not good
oh dear oh my oh dear
ooh that doesn't sound good for Cadance's mobility
Sombra's non-unicorn previous life? (i mean that horn is an artifact, right?)
well that's not good!
ooh i finally get this line!
as far as love confessions go, being an adventure's climax bringing together three throughlines is a pretty good one