• Published 18th Jun 2012
  • 29,659 Views, 2,040 Comments

My Little Minecraft: At the End - Journeyman

I hold the power of creation in the palm of my hand, yet these creatures still frighten me.

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Chapter 10: Beauty and the Beast

Chapter 10: Beauty and the Beast

“M’Lady? Is something amiss?”

Princess Cadance snapped out of her stupor. After holding open court for two hours, Cadance was weary, but her work was far from over. There were reports all over the study room along with other documents pertaining to state affairs. Each one was critically important, but one in specific caught her attention merely due to its proximity to home.

It had been almost two days right down to the hour since the portal over Ponyville first appeared. Reports from the village had started streaming in the next day, yesterday: a dormant gateway, damage to all of Ponyville, and a runaway creature that somehow managed to escape from Princess Luna herself. At dawn today, she was receiving reports of a second portal and the high probability of a second creature.

Cadance had been resisting the urge to travel to Ponyville herself. Being as she was the Princess of Love, she was often the first choice to be sent on errands of mercy or settlements facing some form of disaster. But with the presence of a military garrison, Princess Luna, and Princess Celestia, there was enough ponypower to deal with pretty much any crisis Ponyville had to offer, and besides, somepony needed to stay and sort through the rest of the nation’s affairs.

“I just have a lot to think about, Butterscotch,” Cadance replied. Not often had the crown known so much, and yet so little. It was frustrating to have so many pieces of the puzzle, yet still have no idea what the picture looked like. Two creatures, and two portals; what was going on in Ponyville?

“I understand, M’Lady,” Butterscotch replied. Butterscotch, like all of Princess Cadance’s hoofmaidens, wore a black and white maid dress. At sixteen years old, the filly was the youngest on staff. Butterscotch was incredibly perky and very eager to please, and after Cadance performed the standard background check, she discovered the source of Butterscotch’s enthusiasm. When Cadance pulled her records, she discovered Butterscotch was funneling her past paychecks to her family back in Manehatten. They lived in the Lower Quarter, the poorer section of town, and her job was sustaining their household. Cadance couldn’t help herself and hired the poor girl on the spot.

Princess Cadance used her magic and lifted a cup of tea to her lips. Normally, she didn’t have drinks other than water so late in the evening, but she desperately needed the calming aroma and taste of her favorite raspberry tea. After a brief sip of the piping hot liquid, Cadance gave a mewl of pleasure, “Wonderful tea, as always.” Butterscotch beamed in pleasure.

Begrudgingly, Cadance got out of her chair, set down her tea, and started opening files. The Griffon emissary currently residing in Canterlot had sent word to his homeland via dragonfire with all information he gathered about the portal and the events surrounding it. Needless to say, the Griffon Emperor promptly sent a reply, demanding Equestria to open its borders and allow them to study the portal themselves. Cadance set that report in a pile meant for matters that needed to be resolved immediately. She could not help but sigh as she did so; she did not look forward to having to deal with the Emperor if he found out that another portal had just been discovered.

The next report was on troop deployments in Canterlot and the surrounding provinces. There were logistics to oversee and administer: shipping food, negotiating prices for food, partitioning troops to protect cities and critically important places, feeding said troops, reserving troops in the instance of extreme hazards and crises, and paying the troops. Cadance did not like having to deal with so many numbers so late in the afternoon, but that report joined its predecessor on the “Resolve right now” pile.

The third report was an overview of the upcoming Grand Galloping Gala. It outlined the sponsors of the weekend, the guestlist, musicians, and caterers. Cadance had petitioned for Applejack to be responsible for catering, but had been quietly, but politely, denied. Despite them being personal friends to the Princesses and national heroes, the stigma cast on them from Equestria’s upper class ran deep. Most of the matters of the gala were settled, so that file was deposited in a pile for less important affairs.

Princess Cadance couldn’t help but sigh and levitate her tea to her lips once again. Three reports, and already she was using her tea like a crutch. After another sip, she set it down once more and rubbed her eyes.

“M’Lady, shall I prepare your quarters?”

“That is quite alright, Butterscotch,” Cadance replied, knowing it would not help either way. For the past two days, her dreams were plagued by darkness and laughter. She had woken up with her bedding in shambles and pains throughout her body due to tossing and turning in her sleep. Cadance could not help but feel the stirrings of fear in the back of her mind; ever since her wedding, she had been having sporadic panic attacks, sometimes in public places...

Only last week, when she had toured Canterlot’s goodwill foundations, she faced the sudden and inexplicable wrath of an attack. She was halfway through her visit to the state-run Canterlot Orphanage, distributing presents and toys, when she felt her throat close up. She quickly extracted herself from the laughs and wide eyes of fillies, all excited to see a princess in the flesh, and found the nearest adult.

“Excuse me,” she had asked the superintendent. “If I may, where is the mare’s room?” It was a pitiful excuse, but respect for royalty ran deep in Canterlot’s blood.

“Down the hall and to the left, Your Highness.”

Cadance tried her best to remain calm, but the waterworks started running as soon as she turned her back to the crowd. Hot, salty tears streamed down her face as she trotted down the hall. She was fighting hoof and nail to bolt as fast as her legs could carry her, but her internal struggle did not go unnoticed. The guards, clued in to her behavior by her sudden request and confirmed by her tears, swiftly followed their charge down the corridor.

“M’Lady, are you--”

“Get Shiny. Bring me *sniff* the Captain.” Shining Armor always requested to be assigned to her entourage when possible, but was usually denied due to his duties to Canterlot security. It was one of the rare times he was accepted.

The Guard hesitated, but his wingpony nudged him in the ribs to obey. The Guard scampered off to find the Captain, leaving his wingpony to deal with a distraught Princess.

“Highness, is there anything--”

“No. Just...,” she trailed off and hiccuped. Her breathing was coming coming in short, ragged gasps. “Just-- *sniff* wait here until Shining comes.” Cadance turned the corner and, upon seeing nopony in the hallway, ran to the bathroom as fast as her legs could carry her.

The Guard Pony waited in the hallway with clear concern for his mistress in his eyes, but he obeyed nonetheless. Cadance stumbled into the bathroom and huddled in the corner. Violent sobs wracked her body. She hid her head under her legs, trying to block out all external stimuli in an attempt to regain control. The tears still flowed, her breathing was frantic, and she was quickly enveloped in a fine layer of sweat from exertion.

The door opened. Shining Armor stepped into the mare’s room and saw his wife on the floor, hair disheveled and eyes red from crying. She looked up at the noise, scared of the thought of a civilian seeing her in such a vulnerable state. Before she could say anything, Shining Armor had ran to his wife and embraced her where she lay.

Shining did not need his wife’s words to understand her distress, only know that she was in pain and needed his help. For the next several minutes, he held his wife tight to his chest as she cried, quietly stroking her hair and whispering sweet nothings in her ear...

Cadance was visiting the finest psychologists bits could buy and had the comfort of her husband whenever duty did not call him elsewhere. For now, all she could do to cope was to stay busy.

Well, there were other ways to cope.


“Yes, M’Lady?”

“By chance, do you know if Captain Shining Armor is off duty?”

Butterscotch smiled; it was only a matter of time until Princess Cadance would ask that question, “He is, M’Lady. His shifted ended an hour ago, if memory serves.”

Cadance smiled, “Send him here, please.”

Princess had filtered through seven more files before Butterscotch returned with the captain of the Royal Guard. Cadance gave a happy smile upon seeing her husband. Being as they were in the company of another, despite Butterscotch being Cadance’s personal hoofmaiden, the happy couple settled in favor of a hug instead of anything more intimate.

Cadance returned to her desk and wrote a brief note. She gave it to Butterscotch, telling her, “I will be fine for the rest of the day, Butterscotch. Take your break early.”

Butterscotch smiled in delight, “Thank you, M’Lady.” Butterscotch quietly excused herself and left the two to their own devices.

Cadance gave Shining an affectionate nuzzle, “How are you this evening, dear?”

“Very well.” Shining returned the display of affection. “It’s good to finally have time alone with you, Cadance.”

The two of them exited Cadance’s study, their words devolving into idle chatter and recent events, the biggest, of course, being on both of their minds.

“Twily has been working with Princess Celestia and the Council of Magic to discover what’s going on. I heard she’s been quite the industrious filly. She’s said she’s going to send a letter tomorrow and explain all she’s found out so far.”

“Mare, honey. Twilight’s all grown up now, with friends to help her and a town to protect,” Cadance lay her head against Shining’s neck and curled her tail against his own. Shining was concerned about the open display of affection, but after a quick scan of Canterlot’s grand, open hallways, he discovered that they were clear.

Shining sighed, “It’s hard to let go of my memories of her. I always remembered her as this shy little thing that always smiled when I came to Canterlot Castle.” Shining closed his eyes in fond remembrance of pleasant memories. Ever since the return of Nightmare Moon, Equestria had become quite rambunctious. It was pleasant to remember simpler times, times when a brother and sister could sit down with their family over a nice and relaxing meal or a foalsitter enjoying a stroll in the park with her favorite charge. Cadance joined Shining in his recollection, folding a wing over his back as they walked down the grand halls.

“I remember the last time I saw her before she left for Ponyville. She was reading some works of Starswirl the Bearded and saw mention of celestial alignments and the magic they hold. My little Twily; that’s what I remember. When I saw her next, she was a national hero that saved Equestia twice.” Shining chuckled wryly. “I’m the older brother; I’m supposed to protect her.”

“Things change, husband.” She tenderly kissed Shining’s throat. Shining flushed and was about to protest, but Cadance reached up with a hoof to silence him. “Sometimes for the worse, but now it is for the better. She’s grown into a fine mare with so many friends to bless her. She needed to learn to survive without her brother eventually. Be proud she grew into a wonderful pony.”

Shining smiled and gave Cadance a chaste kiss. “I am proud. She’s no longer the shut-in I remember, but one of the most courageous and resourceful ponies I know. I couldn’t ask for a better sister.”

“Neither could I.” Cadance smiled and returned her head to Shining’s warm shoulder. She spent the next few moments with her eyes closed, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

They soon approached a T intersection in the corridor. Shining was about to turn left to head to his own quarters, but Cadance, with a devilish smirk on her lips, bumped her rump against him to distract him and pull him to the right.

“Cadance, wha--” Shining was cut off as Cadance removed her wing and embraced him in a deep kiss. Shining’s eyes widened in surprise; his wife had never attempted such a provocative display of affection before, especially in a public place. Stunning him even further, Cadance ran her tongue across his lips, leaving the lingering trace of raspberries.

Cadance pulled away, smiling. Shining couldn’t help it; he was... excited by this sudden turn of events.

“My room,” She whispered.

“Your room?”

“Well, Canterlot’s stewart can’t be seen in another’s quarter’s at this time of day now, can she?”

The doors to Cadance’s private chamber flung open. Cadance and Shining stumbled inside, neither being able to walk correctly with their forelegs wrapped around each other’s neck and their lips locked together.

Cadance’s slipper caught an unkempt corner of the carpet and she tripped head over hoof, taking her beloved down with her. Shining ended up on top of his wife and, with a big smile, she pulled him down into another kiss.

By the time they parted, both were panting for breath and blushing furiously. A playful smirk crossed Cadance’s lips and, with a kick off her hoof, closed the door to her chambers.

“What of your hoofmaidens?” Shining asked. Events were proceeding faster than he had anticipated, but he did not deny he was excited by his wife’s boldness.

“I left a note with Butterscotch telling them to take their breaks early.” She gave him a brief kiss that ended in her nibbling his lower lip. Shining could stop himself and he let out a soft groan. “We have the next hour or two to ourselves.”

Shining smiled. His wife normally wasn’t this flirtatious, but he found himself enjoying this side of her. Deciding to take the reigns in events, Shining used his magic to lift Cadance in the air. She gave a squeak of surprise, but upon discovering that he was carrying her to the bed, her smile only widened.

Her chambers were simply, but richly, adorned. Separated by a masterwork set of floating iron buttresses, her room was divided into a study and sleeping quarters. Having only occupied them since the yesterday morning, very little of her personal effects were present. However, the room was still decorated to suit dignitaries; all the furniture was made from mahogany and polished to a shine. Shining Armor would have taken a little more time to appreciate the room as he usually did, but he was rather preoccupied at the moment.

He gently set his wife down on the hoof-stitched comforter and crawled into bed with her. Greeting her once again with a delicate kiss, their hooves started exploring each other. Every caress, every stroke, made the pair moan into the kiss more and more fervently and their tongues dance together.

They broke away from their kiss once more. For a moment, the only stared into each other’s eyes. Their chests were heaving up and down for air in unison, both from lack of breath and arousal. A strand of saliva hung off Shining’s lips, though it was just as likely Cadance’s as it was his.

Shining continued his assault, planting a kiss firmly on Cadance’s lips before proceeding down her cheek and jaw. Shining Armor went further still and left a trail of kisses down Cadance’s throat and to her collarbone, smiling as his wife released a soft moan of contentment at his ministrations. She soon giggled when he brushed by a particularly sensitive spot, “You haven’t kissed me with a beard before. It tickles.”

Shining responded by giving a devilish grin. “I know another use for it.” And he proceeded to slide down to her nether regions.

“Oh! Ah! That tickles...Ah... Ah! Mmmm...... Yes...” Cadance began writing under her husband’s ministrations, moaning and gasping as her pleasure began to peak. She could feel her peak coming closer and closer and her back arched in response. Her wings splayed open, twitching as she lost control over her actions in her lustful haze. Her chest heaved faster and faster until she finally reached her climax.

Shining looked up as his wife’s body began to spasm and convulse in delight. After one final shudder, she slumped to her bed in a heap, panting in effort.

Shining crawled up the bed to face his wife. She pulled Shining up to her head and kissed him fully on his wet lips, “Take me.”

Shining returned the kiss and slid a hoof up her thigh. Cadance moaned once more as Shining reached his goal, both of their minds clouded with lust and eagerness. She gave a whine of disappointment as he removed his hoof, but smiled as Shining moved down her luscious body once more.

Far from Canterlot Castle, far from the passionate embrace of two lovers locked in their room, tension infested the mind of the Royal Guardpones on the city walls like some infectious plague. Tempers were short and mistakes, no matter how small, were intolerable. Many ponies would have objected to their CO’s shortness with them, considering the number aerial scouts and Farseers had been doubled, but none could muster the courage.

Lieutenant Buckler was Captain Armor’s second in command and highest ranking officer until the captain returned to duty the following morning. Having been trained by Captain Armor himself, the Lieutenant did his best to mimic the captain’s behaviors and patterns. But that didn’t stop the situation from eating at his courage in the early hours of the night.

He’d gone over it himself and with other soldiers in brief chats; no matter what, he could not comprehend any beneficial means for not one, but two portals appearing within spitting distance of Canterlot, the crown jewel of Equestria. It’s no wonder that, as soon as the other portal was discovered, the Princesses immediately gave the order to dismantle the first portal.

“Anything new, Sergeant Stone?” The Lieutenant asked.

The Sergeant Stone gave a wry grin, “About guard duty or what be really on yer mind, Captain?”

He gave a sardonic laugh, “Either.”

“Well, the old codgers are ready n’ worried, the young’ins are ready n’ eager, n’ everypony’s got an eye on the south. As fer what the Princesses be doin’, hadn’t heard a peep since the last report. Now stop askin’; I be graying early with your knickers in a twist as they are.” The Sergeant joked.

“I’m sorry friend, I can’t help but worry.”

“Nothin’ wrong with that; these be trying times for all ponies. We been through Nightmare Moon, Discord, and dem changlings; we’ll survive whatever this is---”

“Lieutenant!” A voice called from the battlements.

Lieutenant Buckler and Sergeant Stone both scrambled up the stairs and up one of the towers. As the two ponies exited the tower and stepped out onto the observation deck, they spotted other ponies on the other towers making similar commotion. “Report!” Lieutenant Buckler ordered.

The tower’s Farseer spoke up, “Private Skies, Lieutenant. I was just doing my job until I saw a purple light and a whole lot of movement. After a few seconds of that, nothing. Down there.” Skies pointed a hoof to a large clump of trees and greenery near the front gate.

“Sergeant,” The Lieutenant’s voice was devoid of the familiarity and jocular attitude he displayed only moments before. Seeing as the situation was indeed no suited for more familiar actions and terms of endearment, Sergeant Stone straightened his posture and waited for orders. “Take a team and investigate. You!” He pointed to a pegasus bearing the rank of corporal “Take a team and close the gates. After that, scour the streets of Canterlot in case we may have a possible intruder. And you!” He pointed to a second Corporal, “Find the Captain of the Royal Guard and request he report to me.”

Three voices responded in unison, “At once!”

Sergeant Stone and his team of seven cautiously landed near Canterlot’s front gate. Stone tapped his chest and touched the ground, the unspoken signal for a rally point. The aged pony then swept a leg in a wide arc. Three teams of two scattered into the scant greenery, all in close proximity in order to help each other should the need arise. The small forest just outside the front gates had been converted into a park for public access. There wasn’t much to obscure a pony, but it was enough to warrant caution. It was their fortune that the park was closed due to it being after hours; there was less chance of civilian casualties that way.

“Sometimes it be the smallest that hurts the largest,” Stone commented to himself. His wingpony and the last member of his squad walked up to his side and waited, ready to begin the hunt. Hopefully nopony would need to bag a prize.

“Sergeant...” his wingpony’s voice trailed off. Sergeant Stone followed the voice, eyes peeled and ears alert for any sign of movement. The flora was painstakingly cared for; the Neighpon bonsai trees, the hanging gardens, and Evergreen azaleas were all pleasing to the eye, but every obstruction could easily hide an enemy. Stone passed an odd, vertical bush as he walked across the grass to his wingpony. When he reached his location, he was... unnerved to say the least.

Hidden behind a large maple tree that shielded it from the castle walls, a section of grass was completely dead, but the formation was what was odd. It was set in a perfect rectangle measuring at one meter by four meters.

“Make note of this. This not be natural.” His wingpony nodded. He and the Sergeant turned and walked the same path they took, passing the same flowers, trees, and hanging plants as before. However, something was... missing. The Sergeant couldn’t put his hoof on it.

“Dead grass doesn’t seem like much.”

“It be enough,” Sergeant Stone replied. “What makes a shape like that? I know nothin’.”

“SERGEANT!” a pony screamed. The pair darted to the source of the disturbance. Whatever was happening, it wasn’t too far away.

Four ponies stood in a semi-circle next to the castle walls, all surrounding nothing but grasses and strange shrubbery. Sergeant Stone scanned the immediate area; no sign of threats, just more grass, plants, and trees. “Report!”

“It moved, Sergeant,” came the same voice that shouted. He and the other three ponies were staring, unblinking, at a patch of snow-on-the-mountain and a trimmed shrub.

“Garden, Private. I see plants and no more.”

“That...bush! It moved!” The pony’s head was low, its stance, wide. It’s behavior was mimicked by the other three stallions, all of them ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. Each one was staring unblinking as if the slightest twitch or blink would cause some cataclysmic event.

The bush turned around, startling all present. The soldiers gasped in surprise and knee-jerk fear at the unfamiliar creature before them.

“SWEET CELESTIA!” Sergeant Stone exclaimed. It wasn’t a bush, but a bush was the best way to describe the creature at first glance. It was almost two meters tall and a pale green, its skin comprised of flakes that resembled interlocked leaves on a plant. It had four legs to walk on, save, for its head, the rest of its body was a vertical stalk. Its blocky head held no discernable features, save for a pair of empty sockets for eyes and a mouth open in a silent scream.

“What the buck are you?” Stone’s wingpony asked with disdain.

The quadruped only tilted its head to the side at the question. Whether it understood or not, Stone did not know, but he knew better than to stick around when the air around its mouth began to hiss and the back of its throat glowed red with heat.


The creature began to violently shake and small flakes cracked off, all exuding the volcanic heat within. Everypony present turned and took to the skies, but not before its body ruptured. The last thing they remembered was an explosion ripping into their flesh.

Minecraft/MLP:FIM crossover
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For chapter updates and my ramblings, visit my page on Fimfiction HERE
Edited by: Wolfmaster1337, Material Defender, Cor Thunder, Deathscar, BigMacDavis

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