• Published 27th Mar 2016
  • 5,841 Views, 526 Comments

The Ever Changing Moon - CommanderX5

The return of Nightmare Moon is coming, and with thestrals on her side, the Elements may not be enough. Now the fate of Equestria rests in the hooves of a young pureblood thestral, Fluttershy and the friends she made.

  • ...

Confrontations - Diplomacy

The Ever Changing Moon


Chapter 4


Part 1 - Diplomacy

The air was thick with tension as the only sounds were ponies breathing and the moaning of the wind through the trees. Nopony dared to move an inch. Fluttershy and her friends stood on a small path among the trees, surrounded by at least fifty hunters equipped with night vision goggles.

Pegasi took sniping positions in the branches of numerous trees, masking their presence from the eyes of common ponies. The unicorns levitated their weapons while using trees for cover.

On one side of the path stood a group of blade-wielding earth ponies, with the tallest stallions carrying massive enhanced shields, big enough to stop both magical and physical attacks from reaching the group.

The last escape path was blocked by Shackles and his younger brother, who were flanked by Maud and Limestone. Both bodyguards were carrying silver blades half the size of a pony.

Liquid fear ran down the bodies of both the hunters and their prey.

Shackles maintained his composure as he looked around, examining the situation. I seem to have an advantage in numbers and caught them off guard. I’ve got them cornered.

He narrowed his eyes, giving the pureblood an intimidating glare, who flinched slightly before returning the gesture.

Yet, a cornered mouse can bite a cat. At death's door, they can fight most ferociously, and I can’t afford needless casualties. Shackles looked away from Fluttershy, now analyzing her comrades. I had suspected Applejack would turn against me, but Big Macintosh is a surprise.

He took a step back as his eyes became wide as plates. H-Hawkeye? Didn’t he die during a mission? Or maybe… He closed his eyes and grinned. Is this how you won the loyalty of Apple family, Miss Flutterbat? Very clever.

His gaze now rested on a wall-eyed bat-winged half-breed thestral. Two thestrals will go down easily to a rain of bolts if they resist, and I’m certain Flutterbat won’t abandon them. Those two hunters however will endure the silver bolts and fight back.

He glanced at the rainbow-maned pegasus who was gritting her teeth, hovering above Pinkie Pie while glaring between hunters with narrowed eyes. The party mare’s mane wilted and grew darker. One pegasus isn’t a threat since our wings are vulnerable to sharp projectiles. She’ll get grounded quickly. That baker however…

He looked to his left and right, not surprised that his elite bodyguards were staring at their sister. Maud maintained her well known stone-faced stare. Limestone grit her teeth while her forehead furrowed, looking more enraged than usual. It doesn't take a genius to see that my trump card won’t be able to fight effectively with Pinkie around, especially if she gets in the way. I can’t lose their loyalty.

Shackles frowned the moment his eyes landed on Vinyl Scratch, who remained relaxed despite being surrounded and yawned. Great, Miss Undying is here. With her and Pinkie on Fluttershy’s side, the odds are no longer in my favour.

“Brother, are you feeling alright?” Chain asked in concern. “It's not like you to hesitate like this.”

Shackles growled at his brother before silencing him with a hoof. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. I have nothing to gain from this confrontation and too much to lose. My best option is to withdraw from this pointless gamble. He smiled slightly. On the other hoof, maybe I can get something out of it if I play it smart.

“S-sir, forgive me for interrupting your contemplation,” said unicorn officer from behind a tree. “But we are awaiting your orders.”

Shackles took a calming breath before speaking in a commanding tone, “Maintain your position, but don’t fire unless they try to attack or escape. I need to have a word with the young pureblood.”

“Sir, yes sir.”

With his subordinate relaying his orders to rest of the hunters, Shackles approached with firm steps and a confident smile. “Miss Flutterbat.”


“If you value your life and lives of your clan– no– the lives of your friends, I would advise you to cooperate.” He gestured over the hunters positioned on the trees. “If you try to attack or flee, they will shoot you.” He displayed a fake smile and added calmly, “However, for a small trade, you all will be unharmed and free to leave.”

“R-really?” Fluttershy asked in surprise.


“Don’t listen to him! I bet he’s trying to trick you!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “There must be a catch, or he’s just lying.”

“Calm down, Dash, he’s speakin’ the truth,” interrupted Applejack. “Ah know mah former boss well enough. He may be a lyin’ snake, but he’d always keep his end of the bargain.”

“I’ll take that as a complement,” Shackles said with a proud smile. “Cheating during a transaction can ruins one’s reputation, which will work poorly in the long run.” He glanced quickly at his approaching bodyguards. “But before we get down to business, I’ll generously allow the civilians to step aside.” He pointed at Pinkie and Dash before adding, “Pinkie and the rainbow pony, scram.”

“What? There’s no way I’ll leave my friends!”

“Ummm, Dash,” Fluttershy spoke up, but was quickly silenced by her friend’s outburst.

“No, Flutters. I know you’re worried about all of us, but don’t ask me to abandon our team.” She slammed her forehooves together. “I won’t leave your side, even if it means death. We went through a lot and we're in this together!”

Fluttershy nodded silently before looking to the side as her ears drooped. She felt the guilt weigh on her heart as she wished her friends weren’t quite so loyal, for their own good.

Maud Pie walked towards Pinkie, ignoring the hostile glares from Hawkeye and Big Mac. “Let’s go, please.”

“But… I can’t leave my friends. Especially when they’re in trouble,” Pinkie responded.

“Oh, so you can’t leave your friends?” Limestone said with a growing anger. She stomped and shouted, “But you didn’t hesitate to leave your family!”

Pinkie lowered her head.

“Pinkie, please,” Maud said, her tone of voice failing to display her worry.

Pinkie sighed and approached Maud, easily sensing the storm of emotions her sister was experiencing. She knew Maud well enough to know that getting hurt would break her sister’s heart. She glanced at ponies behind and said, “I’m sorry.”

“S’okay sugarcube, yer family’s important,” Applejack said.

“You have nothing to apologize for. If anything, I’m relieved that your well-being won’t be put at risk,” Fluttershy said with a warm smile, no longer as tense as a moment ago.

“Shut your mouth, monster. Stop pretending you care about our sister!” Limestone shouted as she pointed accusingly at Fluttershy. “You’re the one who put her at risk in the first place.”

Fluttershy looked at the ground and rubbed her foreleg nervously. “But… I’m not pretending… I’m sorry if I offended you.”

Shackles smiled, knowing that the loyalty of his ace fighters was assured with this one simple move. “Let’s start with some questions, Miss Flutterbat.”

“S-sure,” Fluttershy responded as she recovered her composure.


Still kind and innocent, it will make this so much easier. He sat a meter in front of Fluttershy and asked, “First and foremost, what brings you and your friends here? I’m certain you were aware of our presence and the risk involved.”

“I was, but I couldn’t stand aside and do nothing.”

“Let me guess. You came here to aid Nightmare Moon?” He asked calmly. As silence lasted for a few seconds, he added, “Speak the truth and I’ll show forgiveness.”

Fluttershy gulped and shook her head. “Your guess is wrong.”

“Really? Than please, enlighten me,” Shackles said, quickly noticing as his investment, Flutters, was rubbing the back of her neck.

“I came here hoping I could stop this conflict before Mistress Nightmare Moon…” she struggled to push words our of her throat, “...slaughters you all!”

“Excuse me?” Shackless blinked in confusion.

Chain took a step back while hunters started whispering to each other.

Fluttershy stood up and continued speaking in panic, “Please, abandon this mission! Nightmare Moon isn’t a pureblood but an over one millennium old alicorn. Your weapons will be inefficient and she may not show you mercy.”

Rarity gasped at the sudden outburst of her mistress. She looked at Dash and asked, “Was Shackles not responsible for killing Mistress’s family? Why does Fluttershy care about safety of that monster?”

Dash rolled her eyes. “That’s Fluttershy for you, the forgiveness is strong in her.”

Shackless kept staring at his investment in disbelief for a few seconds before closing his jaw. “You expect me to believe that you care for the lives of those who want your kind dead? Those who killed your family?”

“It isn’t easy for me, but what happened can’t be changed. Losing my family isn't an excuse to let many ponies lose theirs. To leave children without their fathers and mothers, or let husbands and wives lose their loves ones.” She took a quick breath and held forehooves together in a pleading gesture. “Please, you have to believe me.”

Shackles chuckled before bursting into laughter.

Chain lowered his head in guilt and rubbed grass with his foreleg.

“Hey, AJ,” Dash called as she landed next to the farm mare. “You know this pony better than we. Is this laughter a good or a bad sight?”

“Ah dunno. Ah never seen this snake laugh so hard before. It’s kinda creepy.”

Shackles wiped tears from his eyes before speaking, “You do realize we’ll just kill more thestrals in the future if we survive this encounter, yet you try to save us. Why not let us die instead?”

Fluttershy narrowed her eyes, flared her wings and stomped. “Killing isn’t a solution. If it were up to me, I would disarm you and lock you in prison until you could face a fair trial for your crimes. And I would do the same with the purebloods and thestrals who abuse their powers. However, I wouldn’t wish death on even my greatest enemy.”

She panted, taking a moment to calm down as her wings and ears drooped. “I know you hunt down many dangerous beasts. Many of the thestrals you killed were violent and a threat to non-thestral citizens. The ponies here aren’t fully at fault, the conflict between our races started it all. I just want it to end.”

Shackles clapped his hooves, much to Fluttershy’s surprise. “Impressive speech, Miss Flutterbat.” He looked to the side and added sarcastically, “Not that your bunch of misfits can make much of a difference, but I can’t deny your efforts and bravery.”

“Take that back!” Dash shouted.

“Alright, your bunch isn’t brave,” he said in a joking tone, receiving annoyed glare from the pegasus. He shrugged and continued, “Listen, kids. What’s happening tonight is way over your head. Go home and let the grown ups play their cards.” He turned his back to Fluttershy. “Just one more question before I let your bunch go. Can you tell me more about what or who is Nightmare Moon?”

“Mistress,” Rarity interrupted. “This may be an opportunity to show those hunters the correct direction. We should be honest.”

Fluttershy rubbed her chin before nodding, now understanding Rarity’s suggestions. “Alright.” She turned from Rarity to Shackles and said, “Nightmare Moon is just one part of Two-Faced-Princess. The other one is Luna and she’s Celestia’s sister.”

“Oh really,” Shackles said with a hint of curiosity.

“Nightmare Moon was considering a peaceful solution and was testing it in Ponyville. If you keep attacking her, she may wage a war instead.” Fluttershy looked at the camouflaged hunters. “If you wish to protect the innocent, you should withdraw or help your princess in Canterlot instead of fighting her sister.”

Applejack spoke up,” Didn’t ya get mah letter? Ah wrote ‘bout the mess in Canterlot? It was an emergency one so ya should’ve got it quickly.”

Murmurs arose among the hunters while Shackles analyzed the newly gained information. Every emergency message has a single-use magical rune which transports it directly to our leaders. There was more than enough time to inform us and redirect our efforts to Canterlot, yet somepony concealed the information. The big picture is becoming clearer.

He glanced at Fluttershy and gave her a satisfied smile. “Thank you for providing me with such valuable information. Sparing you is paying back tenfold.”

Fluttershy narrowed her eyes as her bat-like wings flapped in aggravation.

Shackles waved his foreleg at his subordinates. “We’re leaving. Regroup with the main force and wait for your instructions.”

“Brother,” Chain spoke up.


“Can I… talk with Flutterbat?” Chain kept rubbing his foreleg nervously. “My squad and I… we want to confirm something.”

Shackles rolled his eyes. “Fine, but be quick about it.” He was about to walk by his brother, but stopped and whispered into his ear, “You won’t get far in this line of work if you let your conscience get in the way. You’d better get it in check before it makes you do something you’ll regret.”


Fluttershy’s ears twitched as she tilted her head to the side at Shackles’ furtive words, her attention now on Chain. That’s odd, though now that I think about it, Chain has been avoiding eye contact with us the whole time. He’s acting nothing like when he fought my father.

Half of the hunters left with Shackles while those still present sheathed their weapons and came out from hiding.

Fluttershy sighed in relief and wiped the sweat from her brow. Oh, that was tense. Maintaining my composure like that is hard. I’ll need at least an hour of petting and hugging to work all this stress out. She shook her head and looked at her clan members, banishing the image in her mind of herself buried among her little critters.

Rarity was using a fan with five small gems decorating it, sending cool air towards her sweating face.

The Apple family started talking with the earth pony hunters, as most of them were Apples, as well.

Rainbow Dash hovered in mid air and looked around as if expecting an ambush.

Vinyl lay on a nearby tree, napping. Fluttershy raised her eyebrow at the odd behaviour of her subordinate, yet deeply wished she could be as relaxed herself.

Pinkie finished waving at her departing sisters and bounced next to the line of trees, sharing a platter of cupcakes she pulled from her mane with the remaining hunters.

Ditzy clapped her hooves in excitement before assisting the party mare, accidently tripping and pushing Pinkie into the unfortunate pegasus, whose face was now covered in pink, crumb-filled icing beneath the two mares. She shook her head and displayed a sheepish grin as the nearby hunters responded with a hesitant chuckle.

Fluttershy rubbed her chin at the scene, now deep in thought. I don’t understand. Why are these hunters so calm and hesitant? There was way less aggression towards us…

“Excuse me.”

“Y-yes,” Fluttershy responded as her attention focused on Shackle’s brother, awoken from her inner thoughts. After a closer examination, Chain seemed so much smaller and less intimidating than the towering stallion she once saw when she was in a filly’s body.

“I want to… to… to apologize.”

“Wait, what?!” Fluttershy took a step back and raised her foreleg in surprise. Am I dreaming?” She rubbed her eyes, but the scenery didn’t change in the slightest. It's too surreal. No way this is happening.

“I… we want to apologize for attacking your family's mansion,” Chain said as his ears drooped. A few nearby hunters took off their night goggles and nodded with saddened expressions.

Rainbow Dash landed in front of the stallion and shouted, “You’re sorry? Yeah, right, what kind of game are you playing?”

Chain sat and shook his head. “This isn’t a game. A lot has happened in the past few years at the guild. Enough to open my eyes.”

“Ah’d say he’s speakin’ the truth,” Applejack said as she approached with a few earth pony hunters whose features were no longer hidden under their camouflaging uniforms. Their cutie-marks were apple-related. “Turns out Shackles’ attempts to get in power made lotsa hunters question the guild’s intentions.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “Might I ask why neither you, nor Big macintosh knew nothing about it?”

Applejack stomped and rolled her eyes. “Gimme a break. Ah was avoidin’ the guild as much as Ah could, remember?”

A pony with six orange slices as a cutie-mark spoke up, “To be fair, this Apple here was never chatty with folks at the guild.” He poked Applejack’s side. “Not much has changed.”

Applejack laughed sarcastically. “Haha, very funny.”

Rarity asked, “And what of your family reunions?”

“We talk ‘bout lotsa stuff at our reunions, but never ‘bout our secret job,” Applejack explained.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said with a firm nod.

Hawkeye opened his mouth, but was silenced quickly by several glances as hunters from Apple family surrounded him, following it with a rain of questions. “One question at a time, please,” he plead, unsure how to explain his survival. Being turned into a thestral and telling about it to fellow hunters was unheard of, especially without being impaled by a silver weapon.

Fluttershy sat and glanced at Chain curiously with her tail wrapped around her forelegs for additional warmth. Her cape was flapping against the wind. “When you and your squad killed the residents of my mansion and attacked my father, I witnessed most of the fight.”

“You did?” Chain asked and bit his lip.

“I used Veil of Darkness to hide my and Dash’s presence. We watched from the corner of the bedroom as my dad kept sparing your lives.” She continued with sharp voice, “Yet, you were oh so stubborn with your beliefs, shouting insults and refusing to listen to reason. What could possibly have changed?”


Chain sighed and looked away, taking a deep breath before looking back at the pureblood. “When I joined the guild, I truly believed that we were protecting innocent. I never thought there would be an exception among our enemies.” He raised his head and looked back at Fluttershy. “However, one can’t be blindly loyal forever with brother like Shackles.”

He glanced between Fluttershy’s clan members and said, “Don’t look at me like that. I know he’s greedy and has climbed up to the top on the corpses of others, but he’s certainly not stupid. Where most see only innocent ponies and evil monsters, he sees a way bigger picture. Working under him has taught me alot and I passed this knowledge to those willing to listen.”

He stood up and approached Fluttershy, who in response took a defensive stance. Rainbow Dash hovered above Fluttershy while displaying a suspicious stare.

“I learned that just like ponies, purebloods can be both good and evil. Also, not all thestrals are corrupted or brainwashed.” Chain's tone of voice became sharper as he continued, “Yet, even good purebloods expand their influence with trickery and manipulation. Even if they treat their servants with respect, they still turn ponies against their will.”

“Now we’re talking,” Vinyl said from her semi-comfortable spot on a tree, startling Chain whose head snapped towards her. “My former bosses and their followers weren’t proud of such actions, yet they found them necessary to keep up with competition and hunters. I bet after a few centuries they got used to it way too much. Your guild only added more wood into the fire, and oh boy, it sure is a hot one.”

“Agreed,” Pinkie said as her head emerged from leaves on the tree. “How about you all stop being mean to each other and do what I and Fluttershy do?” She spread her forelegs cheerfully and shouted, “Befriend everypony and every-non-pony!” Confetti fell from the sky, much to hunters surprise.

Chain put on his night vision to take a better look. “If only it were that easy. Old grudges don’t die overnight.”

“Of course it won’t be easy, but fighting each other only makes everything worse. Distrust and hate fuels this conflict, and it won't stop until both sides break this cycle,” Fluttershy said as she smacked one forehoof against another.

Chain shrugged. “I don’t know if it is too late for most thestrals and hunters, but your family was an exception. They followed their beliefs to their grave.”

“Low blow,” Dash interrupted.

“I didn’t mean to offend you.” Chain took a few steps forward and lowered his head. “I offer my condolences and apology. Hurt me all you want, there won’t be any consequences.”


Fluttershy stomped, leaving a dent in the ground. Thus far she struggled to contain her emotions, fearing her anger would only provoke the enemy. Being given permission to unleash her anger and a few punches upon the one who fought her father and his friends was quite tempting. She choked out, “Hurt you?”

Chain raised his head and nodded before pointing at his face. “I know an apology isn’t enough, and I can tell you were struggling to contain a lot of anger. You and your clan are no longer in danger, so hit me all you want.”

“Do you even know what you’re asking?” Fluttershy asked, “If I let my self-control slip, I don’t know what will happen.”

Dash asked, “Can I punch him for you, pleaseee?”

Chain stomped. “Stop hiding your anger.” He raised his forehoof and held it to his chest. “I killed many residents of your mansion and weakened your father, which lead to his death!”

Fluttershy’s pupils shrank as something in her snapped.

“Hit me, get even. I know you want to!”

Fluttershy jumped forward, pinning Chain against the grass with her forelegs while the other hunters looked away from the scene before them. She exposed her fangs threateningly and hissed. “Fine! We’ll get even. You and your bullies came to my home and ruined my life. You killed all our servants and friends, and my mom and dad. You meanies didn’t even listen to their pleas!” She took a quick breath as her eyes teared up.

Chain’s shock faded as he smiled and closed his eyes, awaiting for blows.

Fluttershy continued yelling, “All we wished for was to be left alone, to use our powers to help society in secret and stay out of this ongoing conflict!” She stomped, leaving a hole in the ground next to Chain's head. “Do you think we can get even if you let me hurt you? Well, you’re wrong. You won’t earn my forgiveness that way. It won’t bring my family and friends back!” Her wings started flapping and legs shaking. "If you want to silence your own guilt with pain," she snarled and pressed her muzzle against his, eye to eye, "you've got another thing coming! AM I CLEAR?"

Chain gulped and nodded hesitantly.

Fluttershy stepped from Chain and pulled him by his foreleg to a sitting position. “If you want to make amends, you’ll do it with actions rather than physical punishment.”

“A-actions?” Chain asked in confusion. The wrath of the pureblood he’d hurt in the past ending up being nothing like what he had expected. “But what can we do?”

Hawkeye whispered to Applejack, “Our mistress sure can get scary if angered.”

“She sure can. Though angry or not, she’s as peaceful as ever.”

Rainbow Dash placed a wing on Fluttershy’s back, who took a few calming breaths.

Fluttershy fixed her mane and saddlebag before speaking, “First and foremost, you and your followers must survive. My father spared your lives and you shouldn’t waste it on a lost fight against an alicorn.”

Chain nodded. “I’m certain survival is something my whole squad will agree on.” He glanced at his followers who nodded firmly. As dedicated as they were to the cause, they hadn’t lost their self-preservation instincts. Risking their lives for a pointless endeavour was anything but inviting.

“Furthermore, you should at least try to stop fighting my kind.” Fluttershy’s ears drooped. “I know that there are dangerous purebloods and thestrals out there. Even good ones who wish for peace still abuse their powers and turn ponies against their will. Yet, if the past centuries has proved anything, it was that hunting them only worsened the situation.”

“And what else can be done?” Chain asked curiously. “Purebloods and thestrals live by their own rules. Not even Princess Celestia can enforce laws upon them. Like I said before, your family was the only exception I know.”

Fluttershy smiled and said with growing enthusiasm. “Mistress Nightmare Moon can take charge of all clans like Luna did in the past. They can make and enforce rules for our kind. If this happens, purebloods and thestrals will be judged in courts fairly rather than hunted in this pointless conflict. We purebloods have always followed our traditions and a strict code and will enforce Nightmare’s rules on each other.”

Vinyl jumped from the tree without any noise and said, “Now that’s an outcome I can get behind.”

Rainbow Dash clenched her teeth, wishing for her hoof to make contact with DJ’s face.

Upon not receiving any response from Chain, Fluttershy continued, “I don’t know what will happen, but Equestria as we know it will change soon. I’m unsure how much my clan and I can accomplish, but we’ll do our best to keep Mistress Nightmare Moon from going on the warpath.” She pointed at Chain and added, “If you and your followers could stay neutral or help in Canterlot, it would help our cause.”

Chain chuckled while raising his forehoof up to his mouth. “I believe your wish will be granted soon, and my brother will be the one to fulfill it.”

“Huh… what do you mean?” Dash asked, now sitting next to the young pureblood. “Why and how would that jerk help us in the first place?”

“That’s simple. He has been considering a mutiny against our leaders for some time now. All he needs is an excuse and a little push.”

Fluttershy asked, “Munity?” She blinked in confusion. “Would you explain… if you don’t mind that is.” She rubbed edge of her tail between forehooves.

Chain nodded. “As I said before, my brother isn’t stupid. He could tell that something wrong was happening in our guild.”

“Meanin’?” Applejack asked as all clan members with exception of Vinyl approached Fluttershy. “Ah mean, besides the obvious.”

Chain looked around nervously. “We’ve been wasting too much time, so I’ll try to be brief. My brother believes that our leaders attain information from untrustworthy sources and don't even tell us most of that in the first place. They knew about Nightmare Moon’s return, and gathered hunters from all over Equestria near Ponyville a few hours ago. They even refused to follow important procedures and told us that Nightmare is a pureblood. Talking with you only confirmed his suspicions.” He took a quick breath. “I don’t know what he’ll do after we capture the guild leaders, but facing an alicorn is out of the question.”

Fluttershy closed her eyes and smiled brightly, exposing her fangs.

Hawkeye raised an eyebrow and asked, “What kind of procedures did yer leaders abandon?” Memories of his life as an elite hunter surfaced.

Chain nodded. “They refused to give all the hunters check-ups to ensure they weren't turned into thestrals or brainwashed. Not to mention that many hunters I failed to recognize were enlisted in this operation. The excuse for this was that we were short on time and needed to take immediate action.”

“It's kind of concernin’,” Hawkeye murmured to himself.

Rarity spoke up, “To be fair, taking action on such scale with only a few hours at their disposal does seem difficult.”

“And what if they purposely delayed this operation?” Chain asked. “What if they knew about Nightmare Moon’s return for days, about her being an alicorn and the troubles in Canterlot?” He turned around and gestured for his squad to gather together. “I need to join my brother and help him expose what lies behind the curtain. I’m certain that you have given him enough reasons to do so.”

“Wait!” Fluttershy called as she ran closer to Chain. ”If what you say is true, there may be many thestrals among your rank. What if they interfere?”

Chain glanced at Pinkie Pie and answered, “Shackles predicted such a possibility, which is why he has the Pie sisters guarding him at all times. He made sure they weren’t turned behind our leader’s back.”

“Oh…” Pinkie said. “Makes sense. I hope Maud and Limestone will be safe.”

Chain shot Fluttershy a smile. “Thank you for your understanding. I’m rooting for you. I hope the next time we meet, we won’t be on opposing sides.”

“So do I,” Fluttershy responded with a firm nod as she raised her forehoof towards her former enemy. He shook it in return before continuing on his way once more.

Rainbow Dash smiled proudly as she observed Fluttershy. “You’ve become a great peace-bringer, Flutters. Color me impressed.” Her attention quickly shifted towards the relaxed musician, the very one who brought this life-threatening experience upon them. “Though I cannot help but feel that somepony wasn’t honest with us this whole time.”

Applejack glanced at Vinyl with angered glare and nodded. “Agreed.”

Vinyl waved her forehoof dismissively. “Chill, girls. I set this up based on intel I gathered in the past few years. I knew that the doubts the hunters had would give our boss a perfect opportunity.”

Rainbow Dash grit her teeth and slammed one forehoof against another. “No more excuses! You and I need to have a talk. Right now! And don’t think you get out of it without a solid punishment.”

The musician chuckled nervously.