• Published 27th Mar 2016
  • 5,841 Views, 526 Comments

The Ever Changing Moon - CommanderX5

The return of Nightmare Moon is coming, and with thestrals on her side, the Elements may not be enough. Now the fate of Equestria rests in the hooves of a young pureblood thestral, Fluttershy and the friends she made.

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Nightmare Moon’s Return - Acceptance

The Ever Changing Moon


Chapter 2

Nightmare Moon’s Return

Part 3 - Acceptance

Rarity rubbed her foreleg nervously, looking away from the eyes of Sweetie Belle while sitting in the corner of the room. Ignoring the ongoing party.

She heard hoofsteps to her right and saw her father, Honcho Flanks, approaching her. He asked warmly, “How are you feeling?”

"Oh, I am feeling just fine, perfectly fine,” Rarity responded in sorrow, her ears and head lowered. “My biggest secret was just revealed in front of the entire town, ruining my reputation. Tis just a minor setback, after all, nothing to worry about.”

Cookie Crumbles approached as well, placing a forehoof on her daughter’s shoulder. “When did this happen and how?”

“The spa,” she mumbled.

“Can you repeat that, please?”

“The earthquake at the spa was caused by powerful magic. It crumbled and almost killed me.” She took a slow breath. “Being turned saved my life.” She was caught off guard by a warm hug as she was pressed into her mother’s embrace.

“My poor poor sweetheart!”

Honcho rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Is this why you got so good at sports, started wearing huge hats and became tired whenever we dragged you to our outdoor activities?”

“Yes, Dad.”

“Cool!” Sweetie Belle shouted, jumping onto her sister’s head as she started poking her fangs and rubbing her ears. “So you’re a night mare with super powers. Can I be like you?”

Rarity’s gasped in horror, ears straightened and eyes widened. “You are… not afraid?”

“Afraid of my older sister? Never!” Sweetie belle said, hugging Rarity’s muzzle from above and blocking her vision with her belly. “Mom, Dad, can I have fangs and powers like my sister when I grow up? Pretty please!”

“Sure you can, Sweetie,” Honcho Flanks said, glancing at his wife. “You won’t mind, dear?”

“Of course not.”

Rarity pulled the filly from her face and placed on the floor before raising an eyebrow. Upon hearing laughter, she glanced at her parents and asked, “You do realize she was not joking?”

“Does it matter?” Honcho asked.

Rarity facehooved. “Allowing Sweetie Belle to bowl was one thing, allowing her to explore the Everfree Forest alongside Fluttershy was crossing the line.” She hissed and added, “However, allowing her to become a blood-drinking creature like me is… is… I do not even have words to describe how insane it is!”

Cookie Crumbles shrugged. “Unicorn, bat-winged pony, makes no difference to us, am I right, dearest?” Her husband nodded.

“Say what?” Rarity spoke.

“We would love Sweetie Belle as a thestral all the same,” Cootie said before pointing at Rarity. “You could become an earth pony, pegasus, alicorn or even a timberwolf and we wouldn’t care less. You shouldn’t make such a fuss about it and just tell us your secret from the start.”

Tears ran down her cheeks as she whimpered and grabbed both of her parents in a strong hug. “I love you! Thank you so much for accepting me!” She tightened her hug while causing her parents discomfort they struggled to hide. “And I am really sorry for hiding the truth from you. I was afraid you would fear and hate me, when I should have trusted you, of all ponies.”

"We could never hate you, dear," said Cookie.

"That's right. We're your family, and families stick together, through thick and thin," added Honcho before he freed his foreleg from the strong embrace and rubbed top of Rarity’s head.

"Yea! Besides, you're the bestest sister ever, Rarity!" exclaimed Sweetie as she pounced on Rarity and hugged her neck from behind.

The embrace lasted for half a minute before Rarity released her family and wiped her wet face.

“Wait a moment.” Honcho Flanks asked suspiciously, “If Rainbow Dash didn't save your life, who did?”

Rarity sighed and asked, “Can you keep a secret?”

Fleur struggled to stand on her trembling legs, her vision blurry as blood was dripping from her gaping wounds. With the last of her power, she commanded some of the lost blood to return into her wounds, closing them.

She grit her teeth while glaring daggers at her opponent, who looked back at her from the higher ground. She could still sense reserves of power in him, while her own were almost gone.

She closed her eyes and slammed her foreleg against the stone, causing a quake form the impact, her eyes produce tears. If only I was a century older… if only I didn’t let him provoke me…

“This fight is over,” Moon Shadow said calmly, his face not displaying any emotions. Several whips levitated by his side, each being a mix of blood and dark crystals with a pulsating black aura. “Your husband was weak for his age, lacking skills to face the enemy directly. If not for his incompetence, I would not have enough power left to defeat you. I pity you for marrying such a failure.”

Fleur spread her wings, ready to rush against her foe, only to stop herself. She knew well enough that Moon Shadow always showed respect to Fancy Pants, which meant that it was yet another lie. He was playing her.

Under normal circumstances she would fight defensively while waiting for an opening to attack. Making up for her power disadvantage and close range with skills and speed.

This time however she let her enemy to provoke her on many occasions, rushing to attack when she should wait, lowering her guard just to deliver more blows. Her opponent however didn’t seem distracted by anything.

A chill went through Fleur’s spine. If Moon Shadow was expecting that his brother would die, he would probably stay calm and collected even if she’d killed him.

She had lost this battle of minds and she was now paying the price.

Moon Shadow grinned. “No need for mental games any longer, time to claim my victory.”

Fleur stood on her rear hooves, shattering two whips with her forehooves, only for more to restrain each other her legs. She no longer had the strength to free herself.

Wound after wound, her white elegant fur was covered in her own blood. She grit her teeth, refusing to give her enemy any satisfaction by screaming.

“Surrender to your master! To the master of all purebloods!”

The moment he was close enough, Fleur spit blood onto his face as it started burning it. Moon Shadow ignored the pain and spoke, “You are the most skilled warrior among our ranks, surpassing even me. Letting you die would be a waste I cannot afford.”

“I will not serve you! Not after you killed my husband when you could’ve spare him! Not after you decided to take actions behind back of our newly returned queen!”

“I would have forgiven you even if you didn’t spare my brother, while your husband was the unfortunate sacrifice I had to make to attain this victory. As for our queen, she is too slow to act, something that may lead to her downfall.”

Fleur frowned, her body becoming heavy and weak. “You were the most dedicated and willing to serve our returning queen, have more faith in her. If she said she will need time to learn more about ponies of this time before taking action, you should respect it like the rest of us.”

“She is making a mistake! I am going to protect her even if it means going against her wishes. I will punish Celestia for her past transgression and bring her down,” he responded, stomping, his whips tightening their grip as blood burst from Fleur’s legs. “Only after I put chains on Celestia and gift Nightmare Moon with Equestria, only then will she not be endangered by two alicorns, two armies and the Elements.”

He took a deep breath before raising Fleur’s tired head and asking, “Answer this. If you refuse to serve me and die, who will take care of your son?”

“You…” Fleur coughed up more blood, her life now at his mercy. She glared venomously at her foe and hissed, “You wouldn’t dare!”

“Your talents are too valuable to be wasted. If I have to use your son as hostage, so be it, and unlike the last time, it won’t be a mere trial.”

“You pathetic, despicable creature! Have you no shame, no pride as a pureblood thestral? Your mercy is as false as your loyalty to our queen!” She burbled a response, yet carried on with her words despite the pain her wounds gave her. “You cry about having your own parents killed in the purge, yet you have slaughtered countless thestrals, many of them children and parents! You consigned your own brother to die just so you could win! You are worth less than the dirt on my hooves, less than a parasprite! When something doesn’t go your way, you throw a tantrum like a small foal that didn’t get the toy she wanted!

“I didn’t hear you. Would you mind repeating yourself?” He narrowed his eyes. “And I would suggest you to consider your words carefully.”

"I will... serve," she said, spitting the bit of long-rotted apple mush out.

Moon Shadow grinned, releasing his captive. “I prepared huge reserves of blood in my chariot, enough to restore our power and vitality. “His eyes flashed as his magic closed Fleurs wounds. “You are strong, surely you can still walk, or should I carry you?”

Fleur hissed and walked towards the nearest cliff wall, climbing with her trembling legs, her eyes closed, teeth grit, and her face covered in tears and sweat.

“That’s the spirit,” he spoke before closing his eyes, mentally communicating with his servants. The time has finally come. Begin phase one of ‘Operation: Eternal Night.