• Published 31st Mar 2016
  • 3,983 Views, 86 Comments

Gorillaz in Canterlot High - Oldtakufanboy

Canterlot High is about to feel the music vibe, as soon as four foreign exchange students came

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New Students

7:15 AM

It's a cloudy morning for the four amigos preparing for their first day at school. 2D waits in the car, as the other three jumps in.

"Everyone ready?" asked 2D, from the drivers seat of their jeep.

"Ready cuz," said Russel from behind him.

Noodle gave him a nod and a smile.

"You too, Murdoc?"

"Hell no, mate," snarked Murdoc beside him, "I hate school! I loath it!"

"But we need the education," said 2D, "After all, knowledge is a wonderful thing. Also, they have an after school band practice, as what it says on the website."

"After school band practice you say?" said Murdoc with interest, "then what are we waiting for? Let's get our arses over there."

"Thank God, that there's an after school program for us to enjoy and practice for our music," thought 2D, as he started the engine and drove away towards the school.

"Yo, 2D. What is this school called?" asked Russel.

"It's called Canterlot High," said 2D, as he made a turn left, "it sounds interesting, plus there was an attack around the school by a she-demon, which caught me by surprise."

"A she-demon, you say?" says Murdoc, as he picked his nose and flung the booger out the window, "is she hot, mate?"

"I don't know. There wasn't a picture of it on the website, but they did mention who it was."

"What's the gals name?"

"If I can recall, her name is Sunset Shimmer."

"Sunset Shimmer, eh? I like her name," said Murdoc with an evil-like chuckle, "For some reason, I think I'm gonna love this school."

"Keep your wang in your pants, cuz," said Russel, "If you ruin our style over at the school, I'm gonna pound you."

"Sure whatever," ignored Murdoc.

"I mean it, cuz."

"Come on, Murdoc," said 2D, "don't make us look bad on the first day of school. Our dreams won't come true if we don't get the education."

"…Fine," said Murdoc, as he crossed his arms.

The car went silent, as 2D made some stops and turns around the neighborhood towards the school. Luckily, they're about two miles from the school.

7:23 AM

Canterlot High

Non- Equestrian Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack, Dashie, Rarity and Sunset sat around the front of the school messing around before school started. Rarity files her nails, Rainbow played on her 3DS of Super Smash Ponies, Applejack sat on the ground looking up at the rising sun as the clouds began to part away, Pinkie played around with her balloons by making them into different types of animals, Fluttershy feeds her animals that are in her backpack, Sunset and Twilight are having a girl to girl chat.

"How do you make your hair look pretty?" asked Twilight, as she adjusted her glasses.

"I use pert while washing my hair in the shower and thus, making my hair looking all shiny," said Sunset, as she waves her hair back and forth.

"Where do you buy it?"

"Many stores have it. Try it, Twi."


"Come on! I got this!" shouted Rainbow Dash, as she pressed onto the buttons of her 3DS quickly.

"You really do love that game, eh Dash?" asked Applejack, as she turned her head towards Rainbow Dash.

"Of course I do," said Rainbow, without looking at Applejack, "it's very addictive."

"Are we all gonna do more band practice after school?" asked Pinkie, as she held up a balloon-like guitar.

"Of course, darling," said Rarity, as she puts away her nail file, "however, we still need to come up with a new song."

"I still haven't thought of any lyrics," said AJ.

"Me too," said Rainbow.

"Me three," said Pinkie, as she unties her guitar balloon to form a question mark.

"We have to think of something," said Twilight, joining the conversation.

"If we don't think of anything to play, what could we do?" asked Sunset.

"We may have to face the fact that… our music days are over," said Rarity.

"Don't say that, Rarity," said Pinkie, as she rushes toward her and places her hands on Rarity's shoulders, "never give up."

"You're right, darling," said Rarity, as she stands up, "we can't give up. We need some sort of inspiration."

"Like what kind?" asked Rainbow.

"I don't know, Dashie, but I have a feeling that it'll come to us soon enough."

7:31 AM

The four friends leave the vehicle and stand in front of their new school.

"Phew, what a dump," said Murdoc, "I can't believe this is our school."

"No worries Murdoc," says 2D patting his back, "you'll get used to it."

"I'm here for music and that she-demon."

"You better take it easy, cuz," said Russel, "we need to make a good impression for the principal and we need to get our classes from here. Don't screw this up."

"Ugh! Alright, mate," said Murdoc, "I'll behave."

"You better," scowled Russel.

"What do you think of it, Noodle?" asked 2D, as he looks over to Noodle.

Noodle gave him a smile and a thumb up. 2D ruffles her hair, as the four friends walk past the statue and past seven girls. 2D stops and looks over to the girls, as his friends' head up the stairs.

"Excuse me, ladies," said 2D, as he adjusted his tie, "do you know where the principals office is?"

The girls looked at 2D with disgust, knowing that his eyes look like two black holes. Fluttershy looks away out of freight, Pinkie just stares into 2D's eyes, AJ looks away, Rainbow continues playing her game, Twilight stares at him silently, Sunset does the same. As for Rarity, she ignores the fact that the girls are disturbed by his appearance, but not to her.

"When you enter the school, you take a left and you'll see the office on your left," said Rarity.

"Thank you, Miss," said 2D, as he give her his hand, "my name is 2D, but you may also call me Stuart."

"Such a gentleman you are, Stuart," said Rarity, as she shook his hand, "my name is Rarity. Are you and your friends new here?"

"Indeed," said 2D, as they broke the handshake.

"Well, I hope you have an excellent time around Canterlot High and won't have the odd looks like my friends are giving you. How rude."

"Don't need to worry, Miss Rarity. My friends and I are used to it."

"Well, you might want to hurry up. School will start soon."

"Nice meeting you, Miss Rarity," said 2D, as he walks away and towards the top of the stairs to where his friends are waiting for him.

"Nice to see you too, Stuart," waved Rarity, as 2D waved back before disappearing behind the doors of the school entrance.

Rarity turns around and claps her hands to bring her friends back into reality.

"You girls are rude," said Rarity, "it's very rude to stare."

"Sorry, Rarity, but his eyes were… black," said Rainbow.

"It felt as though I was lookin' at a deadman," said AJ.

"His eyes looked scary," whispered Fluttershy.

Pinkie said nothing, but have two black holes for eyes like out of a certain horror film.

"PINKIE!" shouted Rarity, making Pinkies eyes go back to normal.

"I'm sorry, what were we talking about?" asked Pinkie.

"About the new student that spoke to us with black eyes," said Rarity.

"Oh, 2D? Yeah, him and friends are new here. I believe they're here because they need the education for their future of fame."

"What makes you say that, darling?"

"Just a hunch," said Pinkie, as she puts away her balloons.

"If you're right Pinkie, do you think that they know something about music?" asked Sunset.

"Possibly," replies Pinkie.

"Sunset! Don't change the subject! You and Twilight were both gawking at him, too."

"I apologize Rarity, but I've never seen anyone like them… they seemed… odd."

"And what pray tell do you mean?" asked Rarity, as she tapped her foot.

"I feel both a bad, but somewhat good vibe from them."

"I feel the same," said Twilight, "they seem bad, but somewhat good. Do you think we should investigate these guys?"

"Possibly… just to be safe, we must know who these guys are and why they are here."

"Do you think they are looking for magic and are planning to take it to overcome this world?"

"If so, then they must be stopped. We'll investigate them by lunchtime."

"What if you're wrong, Sunset," asked Rarity, "what if they are just ordinary students?"

"They aren't ordinary, Rarity," said Sunset, "they look too bizarre to be ordinary. What kind of student has two black holes for eyes? What kind of student has two eye colors? What kind of student has white eyes? They must be some type of evil beings from Equestria."

"You may have a point, darling," said Rarity, "if they are evil beings, then I'm in to take them out."

"Whose in to take out these evil doers?" asked Sunset, as she sticks out her hand.

"I'm in," said Rainbow.

"Me too," said AJ.

"Me three," said Pinkie.

"Count me in too," said Fluttershy.

"I'm in as well," said Twilight.

"I guess I'll join too," said Rarity.

"That's the spirit, Rarity," said Sunset, "down with the evil doers!"

"Down with the evil doers!" said the rest.

"Let go kick some butt," said Sunset.

7:43 AM

Principals Office

"So you must be the new students from, where?" asked principal Celestia, as she sat on her chair tapping her pen on the desk.

"We're from Britain, Ma'am," said 2D.

"And you four are here for both education and what?"

"Fame, ma'am," said Russel.

"I see," said principal Celestia, as she went opens her left drawer and hands the four their classes and schedules, "well, I hope you have a great time at Canterlot High and I hope you guys won't have any problems. If things go wrong, you may come to a teacher, my sister, or I. Any questions you like to know?"

"Oy," said Murdoc, "I hear that there's an after school band program. Is that true?"

"There is, Murdoc," said Principal Celestia, "After school, you head down to room B-07. Hopefully, you guys will make some friends in there to help you out."

"I think we're alright with ourselves, ma'am," said Murdoc.


The four friends and principal Celestia stand up from their chairs, as their meeting has come to an end.

"Thank you for the welcome and help, Ma'am," said 2D, as he shakes her hand.

"Anytime, Stuart," said principal Celestia with a smile.

"Thanks mate," said Murdoc, giving her a handshake with his unclean hands.

"Thank you, Murdoc," said principal Celestia, as she gave him a three second shake.

"Sorry that you have to shake his grubby hands, ma'am," said Russel, as he shook her hand.

"No problem," lied principal Celestia.

Noodle didn't shake her hand; instead, she gave her a bow and a smile.

"Why thank you, Noodle," said Celestia.

Noodle nods before the bell begins to ring throughout the school.

"Get going, you guys. You don't want a tardy on your first day of school," said principal Celestia, as the four friends exited the office.

Celestia immediately pressed onto the hand sanitizer into her palm and scrubbed thoroughly all over her hands.

"Ick! I don't like that Murdoc kid," thought principal Celestia, "either than him, those other three were nice, but bizarre looking. I wonder..."