• Published 31st Mar 2016
  • 3,978 Views, 86 Comments

Gorillaz in Canterlot High - Oldtakufanboy

Canterlot High is about to feel the music vibe, as soon as four foreign exchange students came

  • ...

The Meeting of Two Bands

"Good morning everyone," said Miss Cheerliee, as the students sat in their desks except for one, "starting today, we have a new student. Tell us what your name is, young man."

"Good morning everyone," said 2D, as he waved his hand to the class, "my name is 2D, but you may also call me Stuart. I came here all the way from Britain and I came here to learn. I hope you all can get along with me."

The class didn't reply; only silence.

"G-good to know, Stuart," said Miss Cheeriliee, as she looked away from his face, "why don't you sit over there in front of Derpy, please."

"Of course, Miss Cheerilee," said 2D, as he walks over to his desk and sits down.

"Canterlot High welcomes you and I hope you have a fantastic time here," said Cheerilee, as she edits the seating arrangement on her computer.

"Here, Stuart," said Derpy, as she hands him a blueberry muffin from behind, "I hope you enjoy this school. May you have a great first day at school."

2D smiles and takes the offered muffin and places it on the left corner of his desk.

"Thank you, derby was it?" asked 2D.

"That's my name," said Derpy with a smile.

"Besides getting the weird looks from everyone, I think I'm gonna like this school," thought 2D, as Miss Cheerilee writes on the board.

"Today class, we are about to start reading Beowulf," said Miss Cheerilee, as she pointed to her writing, "it's an epic tale that has violence, war and fantasy."

"It's been a long while since my father read me Beowulf. I think I'll enjoy this class," thought 2D, as took a bite into his muffin.

"Hello everyone," said Murdoc, as the class looked at him bizarrely, "the name's Murdoc Niccals and I came here all the way from Britain to get the education that I bloody need to have a great career in my future."

"Good to know, young man," said Miss Chrysalis, as she writes down on the seating chart, "why don't you sit over there behind Flash."

"No problem, mate," said Murdoc, as he walks over to his seat and sits down.

"Today class, we are about to learn about car insurance," said Miss Chrysalis, as she pressed a button on her remote to turn on the projector, "for this lesson, you will be writing long and thorough notes. We will as well as work on study guides to make you prepared for your test in five weeks."

"Oy," murmured Murdoc, "this class is going to be my least favorite. God, I loathe education, but its for my future."

"Okay everyone, today we have a new student who is jointing the school," said Miss Harshwhinny, "tell us your name and what is your goal in life, young man."

"Hello everyone, the name's Russel Hobbs, but you may just call me Russel. My true intent on being here is because my friends and I need our education to prepare our future for fame."

"Fame? Pray tell what kind of fame?" asked Miss Harshwhinny with a cocked eyebrow.

"A music band career, Miss Harshwhinny."

"Oh. Well I hope you give me good grades or your dream won't come true, young man. Why don't you sit down and lets get this class started."

Russel walks over to an empty desk, which was close by to Twilight, as she stared into his eyes.

"Hello, Russel," whispered Twilight, "nice to meet you, I'm Twilight."

"Nice to meet you too," whispered Russel, "I hope we can get along."

"Are you familiar with a place called Equestria?"

"No," said Russel with a cocked eyebrow, "I ain't familiar with that place. I've never heard of it."

"Do you know about magic?"

"Magic? The only magic I know is the sound of music from the bands my friends and I listen to. Why are you asking bizarre questions?"

"Sorry. I was just wondering," said Twilight with an awkward chuckle, as she adjusted her glasses.

"It's okay. I guess everyone around here isn't used to the way we look yet. I caught a glimpse of you and your friends when 2D asked one of your friends about where the principals office was."

"So that's what Rarity was talking about," said Twilight, as she thought back to this morning.

"Come again?"

"Oh, it's nothing," said Twilight, "anyway, nice to meet you Russel."

"Nice to meet you too, Twilight."

"Okay everyone, take out your books," announced Miss Harshwhinny, as everyone takes out their books, "today we are learning about World War Two. Turn your pages to page two hundred and twenty-three, please."

"Excuse me, Ma'am," said Russel, as he raised his hand.

"What is it?"

"I don't have a book."

"Oh that's right. You're new here. Well, go to the library and take out a history book and have it checked out to this class."

"Where is the library?"

"Come here. I'll give you a map," said Miss Harshwhinny, as she opened one of her drawers and takes out a map.

Russel stands up and walks up to her desk.

"Here you go," said Miss Harshwhinny, as Russel takes the map, "now quickly, to the library."

"I'll be back in a bit," said Russel, as he left the classroom.

"Good morning, Classroom and today we have a new student," said Professor Discord, "May I have your name, young lady?"

"Hello, I am Noodle," said Noodle, as she bowed to the class.

"Well Noodle, could you sit down by Rainbow Dash over there?" said Discord, as he pointed towards the station where Rainbow Dash was sitting.

Rainbow Dash gives her a questionable look until noodle turns her head towards her and smiles.

"Hello," said Noodle.

"Hello," said Rainbow awkwardly, "n-nice to meet you. May I ask you something?"

Noodle gives her a nod.

"Are you familiar with a certain place called Equestria?"

Noodle tilts her head in an unsure manner.

"Oh… how about magic? Do you have any magic powers on you?"

Noodle shakes her head.

"Really? You and your friends aren't creatures from a magical world and are planning to take over the school and possibly the world?"

Noodle gives her a blank expression and responds by shaking her head yet again.

"Well… okay then, welcome to our school, the name's Rainbow Dash, but you can also call me Dash."


The two girls shake hands and made peace with one another.

"Miss Noodle," said Professor Discord, as he walks up to their desk, "here's your science book. You're gonna need it."

"Arigato," she says, as she grabs onto the book.

"Doo itashimashite," replied Professor Discord before turning around to continue his lecture on the evolution of man, "So class, just for kicks, I'm going to show you guys and gals a music video that can help you understand what evolution is with a little of science fiction in it. Enjoy."

Discord turns the projector on until the screen pops up of a music video called Do The Evolution by Pearl Jam.

"Here we go," says Professor Discord, as he presses play on the video.

"What a crazy video," said Rainbow Dash, as the video came to an end, "What do you think, Noodle."

Noodle smiles and gives her a thumb up.

"You liked it?"

Noodle nods.

"Can you speak?"

"I'm still learn English. Was born in Japan," said Noodle.

"Oh, sorry I asked."

"No problem. I get hang of it soon enough. 2D teach me."

"Which one of your friends is that?"

"Blue hair, black eyes, british."

"Oh him? Sounds like a nice guy."

"He is."

"May my friends see your friends at some point during lunchtime?"

Noodle nods in agreement.

"Cool. Anyway, let's pay attention before Professor Discord notices that we aren't paying attention."

"Miss Dash," said Professor Dsicord, "care to explain what those little creatures were in the beginning of the music video?"

"Oh those? Well… those are… um… microscopic organisms?"


"Well looks like we have been paying attention," chuckled Rainbow Dash.

Noodle smiles and looks back towards Professor Discord.


"I'm telling you girls, they aren't evil," said Rainbow Dash, "they just look like weird guys."

"I talked to Russel and he seems like a nice guy," said Twilight before taking a bite into her jelly sandwich.

"I was a few desks to the left from where that Murdoc guy was and he looks like some kind of awful womanizer," said Sunset.

"This is what I meant by this morning," said Rarity, "we shouldn't judge a person by their appearance."

"Perhaps they aren't as evil as we thought of they were," said Sunset, "let's go greet them and give them our welcome."

"Yeah," said the girls all together.

"So what have you guys learned today?" asked 2D, as he sits down beside Noodle, "Noodle?"

"We watch music video called 'Do The Evolution' by Pearl Jam."

"Pearl Jam you say?" says Murdoc, "you are lucky mate."

"Anything else?" asked 2D.

"We learn about evolution and I made friends with Dash."

"Dash? Who is she Noodle?"

"She is girl with rainbow hair and has nice personality."

"She sounds like a fun person to hang around. What did you learn today Russel?"

"We're starting to learn about World War 2," said Russel.

"The one with the nazis and the concentration camps?" asked Murdoc.

"You have Miss Harshwhinny too?"

"I hate her. She's a rubbish looking bird."

"I have to agree with you on that, Murdoc. She seemed pretty angry."

"Of what? Not being able to have sex because of her wrinkles?"

"That's going too far, dawg."

"Eh, whatever," says Murdoc, as he takes a bite into his piece of pie that he left in the fridge for the past three weeks, "but I did learn something today."

"Really?" says 2D with a cocked eyebrow, "tell us."

"That this school has many hot chicks that are smart," says Murdoc with a chuckle.

2D, Noodle and Russel gave out a groan.

"I especially found that principal Celestia sexy as hell. Don't you agree, mate?"

"Is that all you can think about?" asked Russel.

"The only things I think about are fame, money, women, and music. That's all," said Murdoc, as he takes another bite into his slice of pie.

"It's amazing that we're even friends."

"Without me mate, you three won't see your fame in the future," says Murdoc, as he spits out little chunks of pie.

"Don't talk with your mouth full that's nasty."

"Yes mom," ridicules Murdoc before taking another bite into his slice of pie.

As the four friends continue to eaten silence, a girl comes up to them with bacon-like hair.

"'Ello," says 2D.

"Hello," says Russel.

"Hello," says Noodle.

"Who the blood hell are you?" asked Murdoc, as he pushes away his tenfold trash into the garbage.

"Nice to meet you all," said the girl, "welcome to Canterlot High. My name is Sunset Shimmer. My friends and I would like to get to know you better."

Murdoc's eyes lit up.

"Oy! 2D? Isn't she the one?"


"The she-demon?"

"Can we not talk about that," said Sunset Shimmer in an uncomfortable manner.

"Why not beautiful?" asked Murdoc, as he stands up and observes her body, "are you not the she-demon I heard about?"

"I once was, but not anymore."

"Wait… was?" says Murdoc with surprise.

"Yeah… I was reborn and I learned the power of friendship."

"Friendship? Really? This sucks! And I wanted to see you as a she-demon."


"Ignore him, Miss Shimmer," says Russel, "he just has a things for she-demons."

"Shut up, Hobbs!" retorted Murdoc.

"So sorry about his rudeness," says 2D, as he stood up and shook her hand, "I'm 2D, but you may call me Stuart."

"Nice to meet you Stuart," says Sunset before breaking the hug.

"This rude guy is Murdoc."

Murdoc gives 2D a sneer and looks away.

"The large guy is Russel and the girl is Noodle."

"Nice to meet you, Miss Shimmer," said Russel.

Noodle gives her a wave.

"May my friends sit down with you four?"

"Why not? The more the merrier," said 2D.

Sunset waves to her friends, as she sits down across from them. Six girls sat down; three of them have already met them.

"So girls, I talked to them and they go by the names of Murdoc, 2D or Stuart, Noodle and Russel," says Sunset, as she pointed to each of the four friends.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Applejack, but you may also call me AJ."

"I'm Twilight," said Twilight, as she adjusted her glasses.

"I already know who you are," said Russel, as he waved to her.

Twilight waved back with a smile.

"I'm Pinkie Pie, but you can just call me Pinkie."

"I'm Rarity and I already spoke to you, Stuart," said Rarity, as she gave 2D a wave.

"Good to see you again, Rarity," said 2D, as he waved back.

"I'm Rainbow Dash, but you may also call me Dashie."

"Good to see you again, Dash," said Noodle.


"I'm… Fluttershy," whispered Fluttershy out of freight.

"Come again?"


"Nice to meet you Fluttershy," said 2D, "I hope you get over the fear of us. We get ridiculed a lot and we're used to it."

"You get ridiculed, darling?" asked Rarity.

"We do," said Murdoc, "especially I."

"Why's that?"

"I was raised by a terrible father that used me to get fast dough. Unlike these three, I was born in a nuthouse. My mother abandoned me when I was just an infant and was raised by a man who treated me like crap for years. During those years my brother Hinibal got me into good music, but I don't see him or my father anymore."

"What happened?" asked Sunset.

"I got away from my father because he was horrible and my brother… well I don't know how, but he's in jail for something."

"How horrible."

"Anyway, after listening to a lot of music that I still enjoy to this day, it came to me; I knew what I wanted to become."

"A musician?" asked Pinkie.

"You got it, frizzy hair. I wanted to be a musician. I want to rock and roll around the world and to be a famous musician. To seal the deal, I made some negotiations with the man below if you know what I mean. We came to an arrangement and I changed my middle name to 'Faust' and in return, have his guitar El Diablo, which makes a really good noise when I pull the strings. I wrote some music, but I didn't have the vocal talent. 2D however, he's the voice of our band."

"You can sing, darling?" asked Rarity.

"Of course I can."

"Could you sing for us after school?"

"Of course. We four would love to show our music skills before we come to our future stardom."

"Wonderful!" jumps Pinkie.

"Darling? Could you tell us about yourself?" asked Rarity to 2D.

"Why of course. You see, before I met these fellas, I was into movies than music back then. I enjoyed zombie films, horror and thrillers. When I did get into music, I would blast the music loud and jump on my bed."

Rarity giggles, including everyone else.

"May I ask something," said Twilight, as she adjusted her glasses, "what happened to your eyes?"

"When it first happened, I fell out of a tree when I was eleven and my eye color went blue. Luckily, my mother is a nurse who gave me some painkillers to make the pain go away."

"But they're black."

"The second time was my fault," said Murdoc, "I was with 2D in a car and I was pulling a three hundred sixty degree doughnuts. I took it up a notch by taking my foot off the brake. I was hitting on ninety when 2D was flung through the windscreen and he flew about five hundred yards face first on a carb."

"Ouch!" said Rainbow Dash, "what happened next?"

"He stands up really slowly like one of those zombie films he watches and when he did, no eyes. A vacant stare that will make the girls go wild. Thus, named him 2D."

"My goodness, how are you alive darling?" asked Rarity.

"Luck I guess."

"How did you two meet?"

"I was working in a store and Murdoc crashes into the building with his car, making me paralyzed. He was sentenced to look after me for a while after the incident."

"Looking after you was like watching a bad of cement," said Murdoc with a chuckle.

"How did you encounter Murdoc, Russel?" asked Twilight.

"I was working in a record store and he came in for a record. When I turned around to find the record, he slipped a sac over my head and the next thing I knew, I was at his place. The music he played me was good to keep me there."

"Why do your eyes look like that?"

"That's quite a scary story, but I'll tell you… it all began when I was me and my friends were parked outside of a 7/11 store when suddenly, a car came up to us and they for no reason, started shooting us."

The girls yelped with surprise.

"What happened next?" asked Pinkie.

"They shot at us, but for some odd reason the bullets never hit me, but they did kill my friends, including my besets friend Del. Suddenly, I saw death himself; the grim reaper."

"You faced death? What was he like?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I couldn't get a glimpse of his face, but he did carry a large scythe and wore a black hood over his head. Seeing him is gonna haunt me to this day. He then brought back the souls of my dead friends and they were sucked right into me. Because of that, that's the reason to why my eyes look like this."

"I'm gettin' the willies just from hearin' this story," said Applejack, as she cringed.

"How did you come with these guys Noodle?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"We needed another person the band and she came to us at a perfect time. I was typing out posters when there was a knock at the door. When I opened it, no one was there but a big box. I pulled it in and suddenly, this girl pops out and starts rocking the house," said Murdoc.

"She rocked out on a guitar, which sounded like a hundred demons screaming. After doing some moves, she bowed and said, 'Noodle'," says 2D.

"Thus, our band was born," said Murdoc.

"Who are you guys?" asked Sunset.

The four friends give out a grin.

"We're the Gorillaz," said Murdoc with a chuckle.

Author's Note:

There you have it. The Rainbooms meet the Gorillaz