• ...

Welcome to Manehattan!

AppleBloom woke up to a knock at her window, she saw Derpy floating outside. She went over to open the window and saw Derpy with a letter, she took the letter from Derpy and thanked her.

"Uh..thanks for the letter Ditzy." She said still confused about receiving a letter through the window.

Derpy waved bye and flew off as AppleBloom shut the window.

AppleBloom opened the letter and read.

Dear AppleBloom,
Hi, I would be happy to have you stay at Manehattan with me, it gets a little lonely living on my own. Hope to see you soon.
love Caramel.

AppleBloom was happy to receive the letter, it allowed her to continue the chase after Spike. She tapped the tip of her bow and a screen popped out.

Eye Patch was on the screen, but his back was turned doing some paperwork.


Eye Patch jumped and turned around. "Oh hello agent AppleBloom. I was just filling out some paperwork on Spike's escape.. Whats the word?"

"My cousin said that it was fine, any more news on Spike?"

Eye Patch shook his head. "No, hes gone almost dead cold. We're not even sure if hes in the area we pointed out anymore, but we are still sending you to be sure."

AppleBloom was disappointed by the news and just said. "Okay."

"When will you be ready to go?"

"As soon as you need me."

"Tell your family that you are leaving for awhile, when you do I'll send Dawn Cruise to take you to Manehattan."

"Yes sir."

Eye Patch looked at AppleBloom's neck. "Still wearing that necklace?"

AppleBloom had forgotten all about it, she was wearing it the whole time. "Yeah.. ah guess so."

"Alright. Eye Patch, out." The screen retracted back into AppleBloom's bow.

AppleBloom walked over to her mirror and saw the necklace still danging from her neck. She put her hooves behind her head to remove it, but couldn't bring herself to take it off. She put her hooves back down and stared at the mirror. The image had returned with a smile.

"Hello again."


"Still wearing the proposal necklace?"

"Yeah, ah still can't talk to you very well though, makes me think im going crazy."

"What's so crazy about talking to yourself?"

"Well it's not natural.. nopony else does it."

The image laughed. "Of course they do, but these little talks are personnel, they keep it to themselves."


"Of course, why would I lie to you?"

"Okay, that makes me feel a might better."

"Good to hear it! Now head downstairs and tell your family you need a vacation."

"Alright. Well ah guess ah'll see you later then."

The image smiled contently. "I knew you would warm up to me, later!" The image wavered and became AppleBloom's reflection again.

AppleBloom looked at her necklace again in the mirror, admiring it, but admiration turned to tears as she remembered Spike's proposal. She quickly dried her eyes and left her room, heading for the dining room. She saw the Apple Family eating pieces of toast with apple spread.

AppleJack noticed AppleBloom first. "Mornin' AppleBloom, want some breakfast?"

AppleBloom was sad about what she was about to tell her family. "Sorry, ah'm not hungry.... and ah got somthing to tell you."

The Apple Family looked at AppleBloom in confusion.

"Ah sent a letter to Caramel asking if ah could stay with him, he said yes, and ah wanted to tell you ah'm leavin' for awhile. I really need to get away from the farm, it's gettin' to me."

They had mixed reactions. Granny Smith was sad, Big Macintosh looked confused and AppleJack had a straight face. AppleJack stood up.

"You sure about this AppleBloom?"

AppleBloom looked down. "Yeah ah'm sure."

"Well, we support any decision ya' make AppleBloom, aint that right Big Mac?"

"Eeeyup." He said his eyes turning a bit soft.

"Ah'll be back, Ah just need a small bit of time from the farm!" AppleBloom assured her siblings.

"When do ya' plan on leavin'?" AppleJack asked sitting back down.

"Well, ah planned on leavin' right after ah told ya. Ah really need to get away as soon as possible.." AppleBloom said as she walked over to give Granny Smith a hug, Big Macintosh and AppleJack came to join the hug.

"You be careful out there AppleBloom." Big Macintosh said during the hug.

The family stayed in the group-hug for several moments, all not wishing to part from AppleBloom.

"Ah better get goin' if ah want to make it to Manehatten by tonight...ah'll write to you guys." AppleBloom got away from the hug and started heading for the door. "Bye."

"Bye!" The Apple Family smiled as they waved her off from the living room.

AppleBloom left the house, happy that her family loved her so much. She exited Sweet Apple Acres and tapped her bow. The screen didn't pop out, but she recognized Dawn Cruise's engine from a distance.

Dawn Cruise stopped in a screeching halt on the road that AppleBloom was waiting next to.

"It's a pleasure to meet with you again Agent 816."

"Hello, Dawn Cruise." AppleBloom said as she hopped in the passenger seat and looked to her right to maybe see Gummy, instead she saw a pink pony playing with the steering wheel.

"Hi AppleBloom!" Pinkie said while imitating car sounds.

AppleBloom hadn't seen Pinkie Pie since she had been undercover as Spike's assistant. "Hi Pinkie!"

"So I heard your going after Spikie, are you sure you can do it?"

"Yeah, ah'm sure, ah want to be the one to bring Spike back in..." AppleBloom looked down, but then returned with a hopeful smile. "Are you one of the agents that are going to help me in Manehatten?"

"Silly Filly, I'm a mole. I normally don't even get to meet other agents to keep my presence in the agency low so I can infiltrate enemy bad guy places. Dawn Cruise and I are great friends though, we love to chat, don't we donny?" Pinkie Pie said while smiling.

"Yes we do, Ms.Pie." Dawn Cruise had replied.

Pinkie giggled. "Are you all set AppleBloom?"

"Yeah lets go!"

Pinkie's mane went flat. "Then you have 3 seconds to put on your seat belt!"


"Three!" Pinkie said while revving Dawn's engine.

AppleBloom became wide-eyed struggling to fasten her seat belt.


AppleBloom became frantic in trying to plug in the seat belt, constantly fumbling with the lock.

"One!" Pinkie stomped Dawn's pedal and Dawn started speeding off at break-neck speed.

"Dear Celestia!!" AppleBloom yelled into the wind as the car started speeding for Manehatten.


(1 Hour Later.)

Dawn Cruise slowly reached a stop inside of a large city. He opened his passenger door for AppleBloom.

"Agent AppleBloom? Are you alright?"

AppleBloom's eye was twitching, her mane was a mess and she was shaking from the ride. She snapped out of her trance and threw herself out of the car still shaking and kissing the ground.

"Sweet ground... let's never part again." AppleBloom said in between her praises to the ground.

Pinkie giggled at AppleBloom. "Goodbye Agent 816! Lets go Dawn, we're going to miss our chess match finals!" Pinkie closed the door and sped off again in Dawn Cruise.

AppleBloom looked up into the city lights and buildings in amazement. She took a moment to take in the sites and heard music coming from around her. She started looking for the apartment where Caramel was living and soon found it. 'Lets see... ' she thought while looking at the elevator buttons. AppleBloom poked a button that had a '3' on it and the elevator went upwards. AppleBloom exited the elevator and quickly found Caramel's apartment, apartment number 21. She knocked on the door and it was quickly answered by a light brown coated colt that had a smile on his face.

"Hi AppleBloom! You got here fast.. come in!" Caramel opened his door and extended his hoof out to his apartment. It was a simple, but very nice apartment. "I have to go to work, you had great timing, make yourself at home! Be back later." Caramel quickly ran out the door shutting it behind him.

AppleBloom collapsed on his house, actually feeling revived. 'Ah guess ah'm in the big city now...and it feels great!' She smiled to herself. 'I wonder what they have to do in the big city?' AppleBloom yawned. 'It's only noon still, ah'll just have a nap before I go explore the city." AppleBloom went to sleep on Caramel's couch, dreaming about all of the wonderful sights of the city.