• Published 21st Jan 2016
  • 1,299 Views, 69 Comments

Vinyl and Octavia have a chat (and do some other stuff) - Inky Scrolls

Late one evening, Vinyl and Octavia have a chat which ends to their mutual advantage. And the next morning, they went shopping, and after that...

  • ...

The First, in which they have a chat

“This is cozy now, isn't it? All snuggled up by the fire, with a steaming hot mug of tea, and a blanket over one's knees. Makes one feel all... fluffy inside, if you know what I mean?”


“Yes, well I suppose you're not really one for drinking tea... but you've got your, er, 'power drink', haven't you? And that's... nice?”


“Hmm. Not very good for you though, I'm afraid. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: you wouldn't feel the need to drink such awful tripe if you just got a little more sleep.”


“That's as may be! But it's no excuse for keeping me awake as well. If you're bouncing off the wall with lucohayd, or whatever it's called, you can hardly expect to feel chipper come morning-time.”


“I know it tastes nice but that's no excuse. I'm sure changelings think that we would taste nice, but that doesn't mean they should go around gobbling up our feelings, does it?”


“Thank you, I'm glad you understand.”


“Oh, stop it Vinyl! You're making me blush. I'm warm enough as it is.”


“It is rather, isn't it? Pop another log on the fire, there's a good dear. Thank you, Vinyl. One of the advantages of being a unicorn, I suppose.”


“Shh! Vinyl, really! What if there were ponies listening? They'd think we were a right couple of slu-... yes, I know they can't hear you, but you know what I mean.”


“Better. Now, what was I saying? Ah yes, I'd just said something about the advantages of being a unicorn, and then you said something I shan't repeat. What was I going to say? Oh, I remember. It must be much easier buying things, if you're a unicorn.”


“Well, with only one denomination of coin, the rather unimaginatively named 'one bit', it gets awkward if you want to buy something costing, say, forty bits. Like a nice new umbrella, for instance.”


“No, not that I'd need to buy one, of course. Thank you again, Vinyl, it was most considerate of you.”


“Yes, it's a very... energetic shade of orange. I'm certainly not going to lose it anytime soon. But say I did lose it, and had to buy a new one, I'd have to carry forty coins with me, at least!”


“I know that doesn't sound like too much, but don't forget what I overheard in the market the other day: Fluttershy was buying a cherry, a single, minging cherry, for twenty bits!”


“I know! Inflation is getting out of hoof these days. Wasn't like that when we were fillies, of course. A bit was worth something, back then.”


“Well, I can't argue with that.”


“I think so, but I shall have to ask Miss Heartstrings to be certain.”


“Because of what Discord said to her, remember?”


“Really, Vinyl, I think all those energy drinks are having an adverse effect on your memory. Oh no, don't be like that! I don't mind you drinking them really, I just think you go a little overboard, sometimes, is all.”


“Oh, you are sweet! So sweet, in fact, that I may ever consider going to that David Whinny tribute festival with you in Februarhay.”


“I said may! Don't get your hopes up too far. I'm not sure if I'm playing in Canterlot on that day yet, so we shall have to see.”


“It is annoying, how they keep us in suspense. I think they like to make sure that we know that they, the producers, are in charge, not us, the performers.”


“Yes, you're lucky you're such good friends with Neon. I remember when I fell out with my agent a few years ago; he did his best to make things as difficult as possible for me.”


“How what you mean?”


“Oh Vinyl, you're so good to me. I don't know what I'd do without you, really I don't. When I first met you... well, you know how hard things were for me at the time. Y-you pulled me through, Vinyl. When I finished that concert, and they gave me the news... I didn't know what to do. I was ready to jack it all in, to find peace the only way I could think of... but then I met you. You kept me going, Vi. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you. Thanks, Vinyl.”


“Oh don't cry, you'll start me off next! I don't know what brought that on, but it's true. It's true what I said, Vi. You're my best friend, and I owe you more than you will ever know.”


“You're right! Let's put some music on, that'll cheer us up. What would you like?”


“Ooh, Vinyl! I didn't know you had it in you. Righto, I'll see what I can find. No no, you stay here. I'll get it.”




“Right, here we are. The Best of Ludovico Haynaudi. It's not like you to ask for classical, are you sure?”


“Very well, if you insist! I certainly don't mind... Are you trying to butter me up, Vinyl?”


“No, of course not. I'm sorry for even suggesting such a thing! Quite preposterous, of course, it's not like you've ever done it in the past.”


“If you insist. In which case, I'm glad that you seem to be turning over a new leaf. Classical music is surely better for the mind and soul than that 'EDM' and 'dubstep' stuff you've always been so fond of.”


“But is a beat really so important? I agree it can be nice sometimes, but I'm sure it's not good to have it blasting into your ears at all hours. No! Don't you roll your eyes at me, missie!”


“Oh, I love you too, Vi.”


“Vinyl, are you flirting with me? Because it won't work, I warn you now.”


“Well, I- that is to say-”


“Vinyl, what are you...?”


“Oh, Vinyl! You liar! Y- hmmm..!”


“Hmm, Vinyl... you always have been a good kisser...”


“And now you're raising your eyebrows at me. Vinyl, you know what I said, it won't work!”


“Well, maybe just a little...”


“Oh, go on then... Ooooh! Oh, that feels good! Ooh, you naughty thing! You n- No wait, wait a m-...! Ooh! Wait a moment.”


“Well – it's just that...”


“Race you upstairs!”


Author's Note:

Somehow, I can't help but think that the airtime in this conversation is not quite shared 50:50. :trollestia: