• Published 7th Jun 2012
  • 8,369 Views, 246 Comments

A Twist of Fate - ZachTheBrony

A famed hero who dies with honor, who dies for the human race- what is their reward?

  • ...

Part 2 - Like a snowstorm in the desert.

Cole was rapidly becoming annoyed at how frequently this flying pony asked questions. Very few of them were actually understandable, the rest of them being some sort of incoherent babble.

The one that caught Cole's attention was; "What are you?"

There was a short pause, before the Conduit groaned. "I'm a human. Well... I guess." he managed to forget the fact that he was a Conduit whilst answering. The pony picked up on this.

"You 'guess'? What's that supposed to mean?" the pony asked curiously.

"It's a long story. But, long story short, I was a delivery boy for Empire City. One day, I got a package, instead of me delivering it to someone else, yada-yada-yada, I gained powers, used them for the greater good of humanity." the Conduit stated briefly, rubbing his forehead, which pulsed with a headache.

"You have powers?!! So awesome!!!" Rainbow Dash's eyes were agleam with furious excitement and intrigue. "What kind of powers!?"

"Eeeehhh... You wouldn't wanna know." Cole replied, groaning. He was too tired for this crap.

"Are you kidding?! Hay yeah I would!"


"Fine." Cole groaned again, before reaching his hand out and shooting a bolt at a tree. The kinetic energy from the long-ranged bolt hit the trunk with enough force to snap it in half.

Meanwhile, the flying pony stood there, slack-jawed in awe.

"That... was... so... cool!!!" the pony exclaimed, hopping into the air excitedly.

Cole could only laugh for a moment, before he sighed.

"How did you do that?!"


Cole was getting really annoyed now, and Rainbow almost instantly recognized the frustration in his sigh.

"Sorry! I was just curious and stuff..." Rainbow apologized sheepishly to Cole, who was now aching with a horrible headache.

'Sorry doesn't cut it... but it'll do.' Cole decided. "Apology accepted. Just... just stop asking so many questions, will you? Hell, could you answer some of mine?" he asked the cerulean blue mare.


"Where am I, how do I get back to New Marais, and most in-damn-portantly, what the hell are you!?" Cole didn't hold back his enthusiasm.

"Er... well you're outside of the Everfree Forest, in Equestria, I don't know what a 'New Marais' is, and I'm a pegasus, thank you very much." Rainbow replied, showboating her wings.

"Okay, I'm either dead, or I am dreaming." Cole paced around, obviously confused. "A pegasus. No. I'm hallucinating." the Conduit mumbled.

"Um... you alright?" Rainbow asked worriedly.

"Alright? I am ANYTHING but alright! I am stuck in some... i-in some sort of damn... UGH!" Cole couldn't find the words he was hoping to say, so he gritted his teeth in irritation, blue sparks of electricity jolting about his entire body.

While this was happening, the cyan Pegasus stood there in disbelief, her jaw nearly dropped to the ground out of surprise, shock and awe from what she was witnessing. "Wh-what's happening?" she asked, with both curiosity and surprise.

"I'm not any ordinary human, I'm a Conduit. A race of humans with powers." Cole replied, annoyance heavy in his tone.

Rainbow began to backpedal at his tone, her ears flopping down. "Anyway, I gotta get going." Cole took a few steps forward.

"Wait, what are you--" Rainbow was interrupted. What the Conduit did next, she definitely did not expect.

Suddenly leaping into the air from a pillar of ice, Cole used a massive majority of his energy to fly far over Ponyville, having to land and jump off of a roof every now and then (luckily not being seen).

Rainbow quickly took to the skies, chasing after the flying Conduit just a few seconds after he took off.

- - - -

Cole had the advantage distance-wise in the chase. He didn't know why this Pegasus was chasing him through the air, but he didn't really want to be here. Wherever 'here' was. The Conduit took a glance back and saw the Pegasus hot on his tail. "Dammit!" the Conduit quickly muttered loudly in anger, before using up more of his kinetic energy to fly a tad faster, before he had to land, sprint and jump again.

Cole looked back to faintly hear the pegasus calling after him, but he paid her absolutely no mind.

He looked forward, and immediately saw a rock face. "SHI-"


All that Cole saw before blacking out was the rapidly ascending sky.

And his rapidly descending body.

- - - -

Rainbow bolted down after the falling Conduit, or whatever he was called, determined to save him before he smashed onto the ground. Now, they were pretty high up.

"I ain't letting you die on me!" Rainbow exclaimed in determination, as the Conduit's body fell closer to the ground that was rapidly coming up to meet him.

'One shot, Rainbow... ONE. SHOT.' She motivated herself, shutting her eyes and groaning as a wind tunnel formed in a cone-like shape around her, wind screaming in her ears. Her mane and tail were flying backwards as she flew downward.

The pegasus opened her eyes to reveal a visible cone of wind. And a LOT of resistance, as she began to penetrate the sound barrier. Rainbow groaned immensely, as the cone began to slow her down. 'Don't you even think about it, wind!' She almost panicked, before one final push sent her plummeting through the sound barrier.

A large explosion followed by a trail of rainbow sent Rainbow Dash flying down towards the Conduit. Her eyes fluttered and filled with hope and relief, as she picked up the Conduit mid-flight, mere inches away from the ground.

Rainbow let out a sigh of relief, and her hooves began to strain a tiny bit due to the human's weight. But she held up, and headed for Ponyville.

- - - -

Rainbow Dash began her descent, straight behind Twilight Sparkle's house. The Conduit was still in her hooves, but she noticed many ponies looking up confusedly at the straining Pegasus.

Unfortunately, she couldn't take the Conduit's weight any longer, and with a groan, she dropped him in the middle of the street.

Rainbow landed directly beside the Conduit's unconscious body, panting as a number of ponies began to come towards the Pegasus and the Conduit.

Rainbow began to notice that the Conduit was stirring. 'This is bad!' She panicked inside her mind, before she had an idea. "It's a robot! Cool, isn't it?!" she grew a smile on her face- an innocent smile, but behind that innocent smile was a liar!

"A robot? Looks a little too realistic to be a-" one of the ponies said, before the Conduit sat up.

While this was happening, many of the ponies nodded in agreement.

"Oh... oh my head..." the Conduit muttered.

The large, red workpony known to everypony as Big Mac, spoke up. "He alright?"

Cole rendered Big Mac's voice as Zeke's voice. "Yeah... I'm fine, Zeke. Just had a really messed-up dream." he said groggily.

Then, he opened his eyes.

"What the f-..." the Conduit almost dropped the f-bomb. He stood up, and shoved his way through the crowd of pastel equines. Then, he tried using his kinetic energy to launch him into the air, only to find that he had ran out! "Damn! 'Outta energy!" Cole hissed to himself. Sparks flew about his arms, but couldn't generate any bolts as Cole gritted his teeth in annoyance.

Cole saw a street-lamp ahead, give or take ten yards. 'Ponies have street-lamps?' He asked himself, before dismissing the thought. Energy. He let out a scan just to be sure that the energy sources could actually fuel him, and lo; multiple street lamps and stores contained electrical items were found by the scan, from which he could sap some crackle-snap. "Time to feed..." Cole thought aloud, before running up to a street lamp, and taking all the juice he could from it.

Behind him ponies gasped in awe, but Cole paid them no mind as he moved to the next street lamp, draining the electricity from it, followed by another, and another.

Cole would've been content to just run along merrily, sapping the street lamps. But something happened.

It happened within a second.

All of the sudden Cole found himself on the ground. He was tied up simply but tightly by a rope, from his forearms to his back.

Standing above him was an angry-looking, Stetson-hat wearing green-eyed orange-coated mare. Cole would've laughed his ass off if this wasn't a serious situation. A pony wearing a hat. Think about that.

"Now what in tha' hay are 'ya, an what are 'ya doin' to the new streetlights?!" the pony demanded angrily, glaring daggers into Cole's shocked eyes.

Cole punted himself into the air, extending his heels and knees. Landing on the orange mare's back, Cole planted both feet on the ground, hopping off.

He had his hands free, so he jumped, aimed, and launched himself from a pillar of ice. The rope severed all the way through due to striking the sharp, metal edge of a store's sign. The Conduit flung himself over the roof and landed on it, panting with exhaustion.

"Look, I don't want to hurt anybody!" Cole insisted to the crowd of equines, his hand leaning on the sign.

"Then why'd ya'... how'd ya'..." the orange, Stetson-wearing mare stared at the ice pillar. By now, she thought she was dreaming.

"I don't like being tied up." Cole scolded.

"Well you shouldn't 'a been takin'... doin' whatever you were doin'!" the Orange mare argued, throwing an accusing hoof at him.

"Ugh! I'd be nothing more than a burden to you all. I just need directions, and a way outta here. I'll find another town. Goodbye- AH!" Cole tried leaving, but was now frozen within a yellow, translucent barrier.

Suddenly, many ponies gasped, some murmuring "Princess C-..." But Cole couldn't hear the rest.

And THAT'S when an angry, feminine voice spoke behind him...

"What is going on here!?"

Author's Note:

Dununununun powers... powerz0rz... I... words. Things. This isn't required, what the hell am I doing!?