• Published 24th Nov 2015
  • 1,493 Views, 84 Comments

Star Trek: I'm Coming Home - Aceman67

With Equus entering a golden age where nearly every need is met, many of the world's inhabitants are looking to the stars & the vast universe beyond it. One such pony is Zoe, a bright, talented & fiercely loyal unicorn whose destiny may be out there.

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Chapter 6 - Aeternum Vale

Gore tag added for very minor gore.

”Warning – Emergency power active -- high levels of radiation, evacuate to designated safe area.”

Rainbow Dash lay prone in front of the emergency bulkhead, unmoving. All around her emergency chemical lights were active, throwing the corridor of the crossover bridge into a dull shade of orange light.

”Warning – Emergency power active -- high levels of radiation, evacuate to designated safe area.”

Rainbow's ear twitched as she let out a low groan. “I heard you the first time...” She said, struggling to her hooves. As she took in her surroundings, she flexed her wings.

“AHHHHrgh!” She cried out in pain while her knees buckled as her body was racked with blinding, white-hot pain.

Gritting her teeth, she opened her tear soaked eyes to look at the wing that had caused her such pain. She felt the blood drain from her face as she saw her left wing limp at her side, its feathers soaked in blood, with a small glint of dull white sticking out of the source of the bleeding.

”Warning – Emergency power active -- high levels of radiation, evacuate to designated safe area.”

Hearing the announcement again jerked her out of the shock of seeing her broken wing. She held up her left foreleg and activated the crystal embedded in her uniforms cloth with her right hoof. Before her appeared an image with basic environmental information about her surroundings, and what she saw shocked her more than seeing her wing.

The walkway was being continuously flooded with enough radiation to dose her with over two thousand rems.

“No...” She cried. “No, no no no...”

Her training was telling her that she was already dead, but she wasn't ready to accept it yet.

Trotting as fast as the pain from her wing would allow her, she headed down the corridor away from the bulkhead towards the arboretum where there would be an emergency medical kit as well as a communication console.

As she walked into the arboretum, she quickly took note that the view of Equus was far closer than it should be. Stepping up to a wall panel that was painted red and pushed it in with her hoof, causing it to slide out. Taking a med kit in her hooves she sat on her haunches and opened it.

The med kit was Starfleet issue, their latest design meant for anyone to administer first aid, even to themselves. She took the single apparatus in the kit and pressed it onto her chest, wincing as she felt injectors latched on, then activated it.

”Self-treatment detected, commencing medical scan, stand by. Lethal radiation dose detected, administering maximum dose of hyronalin.” The kits computer said. ”Compound fracture of the left humerus, fracture of left ulna, fracture of left radius. Treatment of bicaridine recommended for pain, state level of consciousness required.”

“Give me enough to keep me lucid,” Rainbow told the computer.

”Administering dosage now, keep device affixed to monitor vitals. Take device marked 'Clotting Agent' from medical kit and spray over any bleeding wounds. Remain stationary as much as possible, await the arrival of medical personnel.”

Rainbow relaxed as soon as the medication coursed through her, dulling the pain but not taking it away entirely. Following the kit's instructions, she sprayed the clotting agent over the fracture site on her wing, which covered it in a white foam that solidified, stopping the bleeding.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the flashing light on the commutations console. She slowly walked to it, her head spinning a little. As she walked, she kept seeing something float down across her field a vision. Stopping, she looked down and saw strands of hair from her mane on the floor. Giving a grim chuckle, she continued on.

Pressing the flashing button the console, she was quickly assaulted by a frantic radio broadcast.

”EASA Mission Control to Arboretum module, come in!” A familiar voice called out. A weak smile crossed Rainbow's face as she pressed the button that opened a channel.

“This is Commander Dash,” Rainbow responded. “Good to hear your voice, Twi.”

The sound of cheering could be heard in the background. “Thank the sun,” Twilight said, the sound of relief filling her voice. “What's your status?”

“Not good. Whatever hit the station must have had a nuclear component...” Rainbow reported, hesitating a little. “I got a lethal dose.”

Rainbow waited for a response that didn't come right away.

”We were afraid of that,” Twilight explained, her tone of voice completely changed, sounding almost clinical. ”An old Griffon communications sat., the ones that were nuclear powered, was what hit the station. Part of its reactor must have lodged itself in the station.”

“What's the status of my station?” Rainbow asked.

”It was briefly sent into a slow spin, but they were able to correct it. No fatalities, although Lieutenant Swiftwalker is reported missing.”

“Hunrak was with me. He's dead.” Rainbow reported, wincing as the image of his death flashed through her mind. She shook her head to pushed it out of her head.

”Copy that,” Twilight replied. ”Listen, we're forming a rescue plan as we speak. The section you're in is in a degrading orbit, we have about two hours till it enters the atmosphere...”

“Negative, mission control.”

”Come again?”

“I'm already dead, radiation saw to that. You rescue me now, I'm going to waste away in a hospital bed in a couple days while my family, my daughter! Watches. I won't have that.” Rainbow told them, taking notice of another tuft of hair falling away from her mane. “On top of that, it's too dangerous. Radiation levels here are through the roof.”

”Are you sure?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah,” Rainbow said, entering commands into the communication console to link it with the comms crystal she had on her uniform. “Is my husband there?”

”He arrived as soon as news broke,”

“Give me a couple minutes, then let me talk with him,” Rainbow said, wiping tears from her face.

”Copy that.”

Rainbow walked through the arboretum, taking in smells of the plants. Walking into the clearing, she went up to the large tree in the centre and laid herself down.

What she would say rushed through her mind. There were so many things she wanted to say, so much she had to tell him to do.

”Darlin'?” The voice she fell in love with sounded out, bringing her train of thought to a screeching halt.

“Hey big guy,” Rainbow said. “I don't know how much they've told you, so I'll just come out and say it.” She continued, not bothering to wipe the tears away. “I'm not coming home.”

She waited a couple seconds but didn't get a response.

“Mac?” Rainbow cried out.

“I'm here...” He responded, the pain clearly evident in his voice.

“You take care of our daughter, you hear me?” Rainbow told him. “I need you to be stronger than you've ever been for her. She's not going to understand, and you need to be there for her.”

”I promise.”

“And Mac, if...” Rainbow started. “If you find somepony... don't... don't let me keep you from being happy.” She told him. “Now this is going to be the hardest thing I'm ever going to ask of you... I need you to go be with Apple Fritter. I need you to say goodbye.” Rainbow cried out.

”I will, I love you, Rainbow Dash.” Big Mac said, now crying himself. “I always will.”

“I love you, Macintosh Apple. Goodbye...” Rainbow said as she cut the channel.

She quietly wept among the trees and flowers for several minutes before her comms crystal began to buzz.

”Rainbow, this is a private channel, I thought you should know, he's left, your Dad is taking him back to the hotel.” Twilight told him.

“Thanks, Twi.”

”I've sent a call out for the other girls to come, Fluttershy and Pinkie are already on their way, they'll be here in a half hour, I haven't heard back from Applejack or Rarity.”

“Thank you,” Rainbow responded. “Let me know when they get there.”

”Rainbow?” Twilight asked, trying to fight her tears back.

“I know Twilight, It's OK,” Rainbow said. “You've been a good friend all these years, Twi.”

”So have you, Dashie,”

“Twilight, I need some time to myself. Contact me when they get here.”

”I will,”

“Is everypony there?” Rainbow asked.

”Not everypony, Commander. Applejack couldn't make it, and Rarity is in Manehatten. Fluttershy and Pinkie are here, though.” Twilight told her.

“That's OK, mission control, I know you tried. Fluttershy?”

”Yes? I'm here.” Fluttershy answered, choking back sobs.

“Take care of Macintosh for me. He didn't show it when I talked with him, but he's not going to take this well.” Rainbow told her with a calming serenity in her voice.

“You know I will” She sobbed, falling apart.

”Rainbow?” Pinkie asked, not able to hold back her tears. “I'm going to miss you,”

“I know, Pinkie. I know. But it won't be all bad. You'll still have the memories of all the awesome parties we had.” Rainbow told her friend but was interrupted by the sound of an alarm sounding on the other side of the radio. “I guess I don't have much time left huh. Goodbye Mission Control, I know you did your best.” She told them. “Oh, Celestia, it's getting hot in here...” Rainbow remarked, but the sound of the radio cutting out half way through what she said concerned her.

It was getting hot, though. The leaves of the trees were beginning to dry out, and the faint smell of smoke was beginning to make itself known.

“So, this is it,” Rainbow said, then made up her mind. She activated the controls on the med kit still attached to her chest. “Increase bicaridine dose,”

”Specify amount,”

“Enough to knock me out and keep me out.”

”Administering dose.”

All the pain her body slowly faded away, and the world began to get blurry. Pulling out a photo from her uniform pocket, Rainbow looked at her family. Big, tall, strong Macintosh. Rainbow stood next to him, and in the crook of her foreleg was little Apple Fritter with her golden coat and rainbow coloured mane.

Soon it became too much to keep her eyes open.

Giving up, she let them close, the picture being the last thing she ever saw.


A crowd had gathered on the outskirts of town, something that was being repeated all across the planet where it was able to be scene.

Looking to the east, they watched as the fireball streaked across the sky.

Scootaloo collapsed to the ground, her grief overcoming her as she began to weep. Next to her, Diamond Tiara held a hoof to her wife's cheek and gazed into her eyes wearing a grief-stricken but sympathetic expression before pulling her into a tight embrace.

Sweetie Belle stood with Apple Blossom and Applejack. Neither of them said anything and watched.

Across town, Zoe sat with her father in front of the fireplace as James did his best to console his daughter.


Rarity stood on the roof of her boutique, as was thousands of other ponies in the city were doing. She knew there were thousands more on the waterfront of the Hoofson River, but elected to stay since she got the call from Twilight.

Tears streamed down her face as the fireball went across the sky, getting smaller as it went until it disappeared.

“Are you OK?” Coco Pommel asked, walking up to her employer and friend.

Turning to her, Rarity spoke.


Three Years Later...

Zoe sat in the kitchen of her family home, eating her breakfast while watching the news report on the small screen on the wall.

”Three years to the day, the Station Commission has finally released its findings, having found that the incident that damaged the International Space Station, taking the lives of Station Commander Rainbow Dash and Lieutenant Hunrak Swiftwalker, was an accident. The report states that a guidance malfunction on a then Griffon Confederacy communications satellite caused it to change orbit where it collided with the station. We now take you live to the Griffon Empire, where Empress Crimson is about to make a statement...”

The screen winked out as a coffee mug shattered against it, having been thrown in anger by the room's lone occupant.

“Bullshit.” Zoe, wearing the uniform of the Canterlot Royal Guard Academy, exclaimed.

“What was that?” James asked as he walked into the kitchen.

“That was me...” Zoe said, picking up the broken ceramic with her magic, placing it in the trash, then wiping up the coffee off the floor and wall. “I'll replace the screen too.”

“Don't worry about it, what's got you so riled up?” James asked his daughter.

“The damn news! They released the Station Commission report and they white washed the whole thing!” Zoe responded, her voice getting higher as she continued on. Taking in a deep breath, she tried to calm herself down. “You and I both know that the so-called 'Griffon Empire' used the whole incident as a distraction to stage a coup.”

“That is true, and you best keep that to yourself, you weren't supposed to have read that report.” He told her, referring to the report she read on his desk right after the disaster. Zoe and her father had had the first real argument they ever had that night. It infuriated her that the Equestrian government knew what happened but were doing nothing about it. It took a week before she spoke to him again.

“I know, but why are we still placating those beak-heads?”

“You know the answer to that Zoe, it's the same answer I told you three years ago: to prevent war.” James held a hoof to his forehead and sighed. “You think I like it? Hell no. You should know that I advised the Princess' that we should take military action, and I wasn't alone in that stance. Celestia overruled us all.”

Zoe and James sat in the kitchen in silence for several minutes.

“Your train leaves soon,” James stated.

“I know, Dad.”

“Anything I can say to talk you out of going into the guard?” James said, a little worry coming through in his voice?

“No,” Zoe said with a smile, getting up and pulling him into a tight hug.

“Listen to your instructors,” James told his daughter, wrapping his wings around her. “And say hi to your mother when she picks you up at the station.”

“I will Dad,” Zoe told him pulling away from him. Walking out of the kitchen, she levitated her bags and opened the front door to the house. Taking a look back, her father stood in the kitchen doorway with nothing but pride in his eyes, and then she closed the door.

Zoe walked along the path that led into town in relative silence. It was shortly after dawn and there was a brisk wind bringing a chill along with it. Fall was upon Ponyville again, the trees were in varying shades of golds, browns and reds.

“Zoe!” A voice called out.

Turning around, she smiled as Sapphire approached. “Hey Sapphire, what are you doing up this early?”

“Walking you to the station, you dolt.” She told her as she matched her pace. “You excited?”

“More nervous than anything,” Zoe admitted. “But I'll be OK.”

“I know you will be,” Sapphire said forcing a smile.

The two walked in silence, simply enjoying each other’s company as they had always done for years. Eventually, they got to the train station.

“0630 to Canterlot leaves in twenty minutes!” The station conductor called out.

“Just in time I see,” Sapphire stated. “Listen, I looked it up, the Academy Hearths Warming Dance is during my college break.” She told her, nervousness coming through her voice and blush taking over her face.

Zoe looked at her friend in confusion. “What are you asking?” Zoe asked, a blush of her own showing itself.

“I want you to take me,” Sapphire told her, a look of determination in her eyes.

“Wha--” Zoe started to say, but was interrupted by Sapphire suddenly kissing her.

Zoe's world came to a screeching halt.

Surprised by the kiss, for an instant she didn't know what to do or how to react. But then it became clear, and she did the only thing that seemed right.

She returned the kiss.

“I'd love too,” Zoe told her as soon as they parted.

“All aboard! 0630 to Canterlot now departing!”

As Zoe got on the train, she smiled, and as it started to pull away, she watched Sapphire wave.

The only thing going through Zoe's mind was the pleasant thoughts of what had just started.

Author's Note:

I killed off Dashie, go ready your pitchforks and torches already :p

Hyronalin - medicine in the Star Trek Universe that counteracts the effects of Radiation Sickness (vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue; reduction in resistance to infection.)

Bicaridine - Powerful painkiller in the Star Trek Universe used to relieve pain from traumatic injury

Rem - a unit of effective absorbed dose of ionizing radiation in human tissue, equivalent to one roentgen of X-rays. A dosage within 1000-5000 rem (Equivalent to 1000-5000 X-Rays) leads to Severe Radiation Sickness and early death in days.