• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 1,111 Views, 64 Comments

Fundamentals - FerociousCreation

Throughout her life, Moon Dancer has been the pony to be by herself. Despite having resolved her friendship issue with Twilight Sparkle, the mare still acts the way she once did. That is... until Party Favor came into her life.

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Blue Jay Wonder

Ch. 6

The outdoors of the Canterlot garden was a peaceful one. Birds were singing in their nests despite how the falling leaves kept littering their homes. Moon Dancer looked up to a nest with a blue jay peering down at her, both having a curious gaze. The bird stood out in the tree as the mix of red, orange, and yellow leaves still clung to their branches. The mare looked away for a moment to see Minuette speaking to Princess Celestia as they sat on a bench. Twilight Sparkle occupied Princess Luna’s company as they too discussed among themselves near a patch of flowers. As for Party Favor, he was up in the air, scouting for the Cutie Mark Crusaders as Twilight calls them. Moon Dancer would have liked to accompany one of her friends, but when it came to thinking, that is something she had to do on her own.

Despite the comforting time with her friends in the steam room, Moon Dancer still worried about herself. Her aspirations. Her future. Her life. She did have the necessary funds to support herself, but the pony never thought about goals. All Moon Dancer loved to do was research for the sake of research, and learn for the sake of learning. Knowledge was power for Moon Dancer and she knew that. But aspirations? She did want to become somepony well known for something. However, that something was yet to be found.

Looking back at the blue jay, Moon Dancer wondered about the bird; where it has been; the adventures it had taken. Perhaps the creature high in the tree has had more excitement in life than she has. Now looking at her cutie mark, the pony curiously wondered what her crescent moon and stars really meant. Both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna’s cutie marks obviously pointed toward their respective duties. Even Party Favor’s pointed toward… making party favors.

But as for her friends, Twilight Sparkle and Minuette, their cutie marks were not as obvious as the princesses or Party Favor’s. Twilight’s was a bright and shining star that practically twinkled on her flank. Minuette’s was a simple hourglass. Despite their vague differences, both still have managed to find something to aspire to. Twilight is a friendship master and Minuette is a dentist assistant; strange how her cutie mark has nothing to do with teeth. Perhaps her special talent is helping those in quick need.

It bothered Moon Dancer that her friends are able to find their place in the world, but not herself. Perhaps she needed a point in the right direction with these cutie mark experts.

“I see the carriage coming this way!” Party Favor called from above the ponies below him. Moon Dancer looked to the sky to see the golden chariot flash through the sky. Coming into view, the mare watched two stallion knights fly through the air, spiraling down towards the garden. Though the garden was not that large, the place was big enough for the carriage to enter without any trouble.

Landing in a wide open area with only a large patch of grass, the chariot came to a slow halt. And along with the chariot came Party Favor, slowly descending towards Moon Dancer. “How was it up there?” Moon Dancer smiled a small smile as soon as her friend’s hooves were firmly on the ground.

“Very nice,” he nodded. “You should join me more often. Get a different perspective on the world.”

“Perhaps… But I think a different perspective on myself is more in order than being several hundred feet in the air.” The cream-furred mare looked to the golden carriage expecting to see two, maybe three ponies dressed in professional attire; maybe one wearing a pair of glasses like herself. Upon further inspection, Moon Dancer did see three bodies hop out of the cart. Three… very small bodies…

“Hey Twilight!” Applebloom one called out. At once, the trio of fillies jogged over to the Princess of Friendship with happy smiles. The girls seemed to have capes that waved wildly as they ran. Perhaps it was their motif, Moon Dancer thought.

From where she was standing, Moon Dancer could hear their conversation. “We are hear for duty!” Scootaloo saluted Twilight and Luna; both princesses giggled at the sight of the pegasus’ enthusiasm.

“So who is the friend of yours who needs cutie mark help?” Sweetie Belle asks.

Luna points to Moon Dancer without even passing a glance at her. “She stands in the shade over there.” At once, six eyes fell upon the mare. Their feet quickly carried them over to the blue jay’s tree and the bird flew off from its nest.

“Oh my goodness,” Minuette spoke from a distance, still accompanied by Princess Celestia. “They are so cute!”

“The youth these days have been brighter than ever, including you, Twilight, and Moon Dancer. To see such young fillies able to help even us adults warms my heart.” I suppose you may be right about them, Moon Dancer thought to herself, but not believing that she too is bright as her friends; or the fillies before her.

“Hello,” the children spoke in unison. “We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders, here to assist!”

They were young and Moon Dancer could not deny that. But that didn’t stop her from smiling at the cute fillies in uniform. Looks can be deceiving I suppose. “Did you recite that yourselves?” Moon Dancer asked.

“You have no idea how long it took for us to nail that down,” Sweetie Belle waved her hoof with a single flick of the wrist. Looking to the stallion beside Moon Dancer, she then asks, “And who might you be?”

“I am Party Favor, Moon Dancer’s closest friend.” The two older ponies looked at each other, not denying that fact.

“So you are her boyfriend.” Scootaloo spoke without hesitation. Both Applebloom and Sweetie Belle crammed one of their hooves on her mouth to stop the pegasus from saying anything else.

“J-just very close friends,” Moon Dancer commented, her face flushing brightly; and thanks to her light-cream fur, the pink blush stood out even more. Moon Dancer and Party Favor looked away from each other, both flustered by Scootaloo’s statement.

Party Favor glanced back at the girls, his pink cheeks losing their color. “So why don’t you three get started with helping my friend here? She really is in need of your expertise.” When she heard his voice, Moon Dancer looked to the fillies as well, now wanting to get business accomplished.

“Uh course we can,” Applebloom beamed. But her eyes glanced around and didn’t seem to like the area the five were in. “If we are gonna be professional, ah think a more…” She rotated her wrist, thinking of the next word to say. “...professional setting would be in order.”


It was a comfortable couch for Moon Dancer as she stared up at the sealing of a small office. A window was right above her resting place and light shined through, illuminating the room. To her right were three fillies sitting on their own individual roller chairs. A small table sat beside the white unicorn with a coffee pitcher, several small glass mugs, sugar cubes neatly stacked on a plate, and little pitcher of creamer. The fillies mumbled to each other, making sure their setup was to the standard of their expertise before they began.

To make themselves look more professional, each girl had a particular accessory with them. Sweetie Belle wore a monocle on her left eye; she keeps squinting it so the item would stay in place. Scootaloo had a pipe, blowing bubbles out the other end only to amuse herself. As for Applebloom, she had a simple pink bow tie at the front of her neck to complement her large bow held in her mane.

“It was really nice of Princess Celestia to use this office,” Applebloom remarked, spinning around in her seat. “These are some fun chairs!”

Because of her chair being in the middle, both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were able to halt Applebloom’s rotation with their own hooves. “I believe our patient needs our attention,” Sweetie Belle grumbled, squinting her left eye even harder, staring bitterly at her friend.

“Alright, alright… We are still kids ya know! Let’s have some fun while we can…” With their little argument out of the way, the Cutie Mark Crusaders turned to their patient who was smiling back at them. Moon Dancer was amused as she watched the children prepare themselves before tending to her. It made the unicorn smile, knowing the three will grow up to be even more responsible in life.

Taking in a breath of air and then blowing some bubbles out of the pipe, Scootaloo asked, “So Miss Moon Dancer, what seems to be the problem with your cutie mark?”

Even though she was lying on her back, Moon Dancer lifted her head to see her crescent moon and stars image on her flank. The dark-purple moon looked so bland from her perspective and couldn’t stand looking at it anymore. “I don’t know what my cutie mark means…” Moon Dancer had to collect her thoughts before continuing. “I have some backstory to explain if you three don’t mind.”

“Say what you want,” Applebloom reassured. “Anythin’ you say will help us get closer to solvin’ your problem.”

With their compliance, Moon Dancer began, “Ever since I was small, I loved to do research. I loved learning about everything. From writing, to math, to science, to magic. Especially magic. But I had a bit of a hard time fitting in as I grew up. So, I stuck to doing what I do best; study.”

“So you’re special talent is studying?” Sweetie Belle asked, taking the monocle in her hoof and used the glass to see the cutie mark with a better look..

“I guess… but…” Moon Dancer let out a sigh and rolled onto her stomach. Looking to the trio, she continued, “...but is that all I will ever be good at? Am I just good at studying?”

Bringing their heads together, the Cutie Mark Crusaders mumbled to one another, exchanging their thoughts. Concluded with their short mingling session, Scootaloo said, “That can be one thing you are good at.” Taking a stand, the pegasus walked over to the coffee pitcher, placed her pipe onto the table, and poured some black liquid into one of the glass mugs. “Do you have any hobbies?”

“Does studying count?” Moon Dancer asked.

“Maybe…?” Sweetie Belle was not to sure if that was possible. To have your special talent a hobby. She placed the monocle back into her eye, she said, “Any other hobbies you have?”

“I like to create pottery. I may not be the best, but I still love to do it.” Moon Dancer watched Scootaloo take a sip of her coffee before the pegasus made a sour look. The filly scooped some sugar cubes into her glass and took a spoon to stir the lumps in her beverage.

“And why do you like to make pottery?” Scootaloo asked. “Your cutie mark comes nowhere near close to being related to your other hobby.”

Pushing her spectacles up on her face, Moon Dancer thought about the question for a moment. “It gets me out of my comfort zone. I normally like to create magic and that comes with ease. As for art, that is something I have struggled with all my life. But recently I have been taking a liking to the practice of pottery and I love it, even if I am not the best.” Scootaloo took a sip of her coffee and was still not satisfied with the flavor, so she started to pour some creamer into her cup as well before stirring again.

Only the “tinking” of silverware on glass was heard in the office as the filly still mixed her cup of coffee. Taking another sip and not satisfied with her flavor, Scootaloo took a hoofful of sugar cubes and dropped them into the mug. Not mixing it this time, she tasted her beverage, now happy with it. With a smile, the filly took a seat. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle peered at their friend’s drink, noticing a large mound of sugar cubes surfacing in the coffee. But remembering the situation at hoof, the three looked back to the unicorn on the couch. Coming up with the next question, the coffee-sipping filly asked, “Have you thought about getting out of your comfort zone as a whole? Maybe that is the key to your cutie mark.”

Moon Dancer tried to think of an answer to the question, but she only drew blanks. “What do you mean, ‘out of my comfort zone as a whole?’”

“Think about Twilight, one of your friends,” Applebloom remarked. “Who is she?”

“The Princess of Friendship.” That was obvious, but Moon Dancer didn’t know where her expert of cutie marks was going.

“Correct. But did her cutie mark tell her that she was going to be that?” The question hit Moon Dancer hard. Before, she always knew Twilight Sparkle as a pony who only wanted to study on her own with no friends. Just like herself…

“No… Twilight was not the pony who would want to go out and socialize. Even her dragon, Spike, was more friendly to me, checking in on me every now and then.” Looking to the girls, Moon Dancer asked, “When did Twilight decide she wanted to study friendship?”

Thinking on their own, Sweetie Belle was the first to answer. “I believe it was two years ago during the Summer Sun Celebration.”

The day she didn’t show up to my party… The memory stung Moon Dancer’s heart multiple times like an angry wasp. The day Twilight Sparkle changed her life for the better, was the day Moon Dancer became even more bitter toward her friends. But that was all behind her. She knew that her friend felt terrible for not showing up at her Summer Sun Celebration party and lamented for that.

“I think you think you should get out of your comfort zone and try researching something that nopony has ever done before.” Scootaloo asked, taking a big sip of her coffee. “Maybe something that involves other ponies being apart of that research.”

“Why don’t you make today your day just like when Twilight came to Ponyville,” Sweetie Belle added, removing her monical; she was growing tired of having to squint her eye.

“Why don’t ya be an expert in studyin’ cutie marks and what makes them special?” Applebloom spoke with enthusiasm.

A sudden shiver ran down Moon Dancer’s spine. Her eyes widened, thinking about what the pink-bow just said. Thinking hard, Moon Dancer tried to remember if she read anything about cutie marks before in her life. But the only thing that came to mind was the simple lesson that has been given down to her since she was a filly: the cutie mark is a symbol of what makes you special. Sitting upright to get her gears moving, the mare looked out of the window to see the buildings of Canterlot sitting tall and proud. Maybe there was some research to be done on cutie marks and nopony has ever thought to do it before. Maybe her cutie mark is more than just a crescent moon with stars. Perhaps it means endless possibilities with limitless knowledge to be gained, just like space itself.

Suddenly, the blue jay from before fluttered in front of Moon Dancer with a worm in its mouth. It stared at the mare for a moment before flying off, probably back to her nest. Maybe off to another adventure. Perhaps now is the time to start my own adventure. To begin a new chapter just like Twilight Sparkle.

“Ooo, that would be cool!” Scootaloo beamed, her body starting to shake a little. She took a big gulp of her beverage, before finishing it; however, a lot of sugar pooled at the bottom of her mug.

“No,” Moon Dancer spoke, bringing the Cutie Mark Crusaders’ attention to her. “It would be amazing!” Looking to the girls, the mare stood up with her head held high. “I know what my cutie mark means! I am a researcher! I can study anything! And I know just what to make my topic of interest: to study the magic of cutie marks!”

At once, the children’s eyes lit up with joy. “That sounds like a great idea!” Sweetie Belle squeaked.

“She could be a crusader just like us!” Scootaloo spun around in her chair with glee, almost falling out of it. “Only this time, she will be a researcher on cutie marks.”

“Like our own personal scientist!” Applebloom agreed.

These children. Moon Dancer looked to the trio with happiness as they cheered for her. Perhaps Celestia was right. Maybe my and their generation is a lot brighter than I could have imagined. Maybe I do have more to offer this world than I could have thought of.

At once, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle turned their attention to Moon Dancer and asked, “Would you like to be the official scientist of the Cutie Mark Crusaders?!”

“Why not?” Moon Dancer asked back with small beads of tears forming at the corner of her eyes. “My adventure has to begin somewhere.”


Sitting on a wooden bench with Princess Luna, Twilight Sparkle looked around, trying to keep her mind off of Moon Dancer, but couldn’t help but worry about her. “Don’t torment yourself, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna spoke calmly. “Worry is a real nightmare that can cause permanent uncertainty.”

“I’m sorry,” the light-purple alicorn mumbled. “She is my friend after all. I just want to be here to support her.”

“That is good, but it is up to her to choose her own fate. Besides, those three children are the best help Moon Dancer can get. You suggested them to her yourself and I am certain your suggestion was a good one for your friend.” Luna gazed up to see Party Favor once again up in the sky, mingling with the two guards who brought the Cutie Mark Crusaders. He was gliding around with balloons holding him up as the two pegasi sat on a cloud. “You also have him to keep an eye on your old friend as well. That I am certain of.”

A smile grew on Twilight’s face, her cheeks rising. “Yeah, you are right.” Turning to Minuette who was still with Princess Celestia, the alicorn said, “And there is her as well and Moon Dancer’s other friends who are here in Canterlot.” Looking back to Luna with an even bigger grin, Twilight thanked her friend. “Twas you who who assisted me before.” Luna brought a hoof to her breast with pride. “I must do the same many times order to return.”

Taking the peaceful air away from them, the sound of hooves running on the ground was heard, bringing Luna’s and Twilight’s attention to the source of noise. And when they looked, they saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Moon Dancer running in. Even Party Favor noticed his friend entering the garden. Saying his farewells with the guards, he began letting some balloons loose and started to descend.

Getting up from their seat, the two princesses made their way to Moon Dancer. Minuette and Celestia also started toward the cream-colored mare. Everypony seemed to get to Moon Dancer at the same time and awaited to hear the results of the counseling session.

“So what did you find out?” Party Favor asked first, perhaps asking the only question on everypony’s mind. “Is your cutie mark something different from what you first thought?”

“No, I am still a researcher at heart.” Not being the answer they had hoped for, Moon Dancer’s friends looked at each other with a bit of concern. Looking back to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the unicorn smiled. “However, I did find out something that I can do with my researching abilities.”

“And what might that be?” Twilight Sparkle asked with a smile.

“Getting out of my comfort zone.” Taking a step forward, Moon Dancer said to Twilight, “The day you left for Ponyville that Summer Sun Celebration two years ago, were you expecting to make friends? Were you expecting to become a princess?”

“Of course I didn’t. I never knew how important friendship can be and how interacting with others was such a vital thing to have. I also never thought I would reunite Princess Celestia with her sister.” Celestia looked to Luna with a warm smile, remembering that wonderful day. A frown slowly sank Twilight’s’ cheeks as the past came to haunt her. “I also wasn’t aware of the friend I hurt that day and how much you cared about our friendship…”

“But the past is the past, remember?” Moon Dancer placed a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder to reassure no hard feelings remained between the two of them. To comply with no words, the alicorn nodded. “Those things you just said, having friends and interacting with other ponies, is how I will get out of my comfort zone. I know I have gotten out of it several times before, but I do research on my own way too often. It is time I do what you have done as well.”

“Research friendship?!” Twilight beamed, her wings fanning out with excitement. Her feathers bumped into Luna who was next to her, and had to step aside from being tickled from Twilight’s wings.

“No, not friendship,” Moon Dancer shook her head.

“Oh…” was all Twilight could get herself to say. Bringing in her wings slowly, she blushed as the ponies around her giggled at her overzealous attitude. “Then what will you be doing?”

Turning her head, Moon Dancer looked at three fillies; more at Scootaloo who was shaking intensely. Perhaps she had too much sugar in her coffee. “These girls help others find their purpose in their cutie marks. But even if ponies find their special talent and know what it means, is that it? No! There is more to these images on our flanks. So, because of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, I have decided to do what you have done: get out of my comfort zone. But instead of friendship, I shall study the magic of cutie marks!” Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle grinned at each other, knowing they are responsible for inspiring Moon Dancer to want to study cutie marks.

“Wonderful,” Princess Celestia remarked. “I think that would be a great thing to research. Even I would like to know more about cutie marks, and yet, not much research has been done on the subject.”

“Indeed,” the sister chimed in. “Many ponies can hold a blade of power, but there are those who can do more than just holding its pommel.” Looking to her sibling, Luna smiled. “Like how my sister and I can both raise the moon and sun. However, I can peer into dreams as well. Use your blade well Moon Dancer, and tell us the magic of cutie marks.”

“Ooo, maybe you can tell me about my cutie mark!” Minuette asked. “I am a dentist assistant, yet I have an hourglass. Maybe you can help explain that.”

“Sounds to me like you have your first assignment Moon Dancer,” Party Favor said looking to the blue unicorn.

“Perhaps you and I can make a date of it Minuette.” Moon Dancer looked to her friend who smiled back.

“Of course! I am always willing to help a friend!” Turning a gaze to Twilight, she asked, “Should we celebrate this decision?”

“Sure! We got the right pony here!” The princess gestured her hoof toward Party Favor who was looking ready for the challenge.

“You bet we do! So what do you say Moon Dancer?” Party Favor placed his hoof on her shoulder with a smile that said, “You will be going to this party.”

“Why not? Two parties in the same week? How much better can it get?” And Moon Dancer was not wrong. Her week seemed to get better and better, first being her birthday party being held within the castle walls. Now, her friends are willing to celebrate her choice of study. Looking back at Scootaloo, Moon Dancer was beginning to worry about her. Even the pegasus’ friends were starting to be concerned as well.

“Are you okay Scootaloo?” Twilight Sparkle asked, now noticing the child’s shivering body.

“I am feeling a bit amped,” Scootaloo twitched. “I feel like running and jumping.”

Knowing the effects of caffeine, Moon Dancer thought it was best to give the pegasus something to exert her energy. “Hey, Party Favor?” Moon Dancer asked.

“That is my name,” he smiled.

“Can you make a bouncy house out of balloons for Scootaloo here? I think she had too much sugar and coffee. When we were in the office.”

Without looking directly at Minuette, Moon Dancer saw her lean toward Twilight and say, “Who give a child coffee?”

The small talk did not bother Party Favor as he walked up to Scootaloo. Party Favor asked Cutie Mark Crusaders, “How about I make you three a bouncy house with a slide?” Scootaloo and her friends smiled with delight as the stallion proposed his idea.

Author's Note:

I am sorry for anyone wanting to read this story and it taking forever... :fluttershysad:

But worry not, I have been getting back on this story because I still want to finish this one, and not have it end up like my first two fanfics. Thanks for the patience. :twilightsmile: