
by FerociousCreation

First published

Throughout her life, Moon Dancer has been the pony to be by herself. Despite having resolved her friendship issue with Twilight Sparkle, the mare still acts the way she once did. That is... until Party Favor came into her life.

Sometimes, ponies become friends because of interests. Sometimes, ponies become friends because of relations. And sometimes, ponies become friends because one is very random and the other has a fascination with their behavior.

Moon Dancer, a mare who likes to be on her own, has an unusual encounter with a stallion named Party Favor. Despite their awkward introduction and differences in interests, both of them seem to relate quite effectively. See how the two work out though their trials and every day lives.

Artwork from a very good friend of mine, HerDrawings.


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A slight breeze breathed in the early autumn morning as Moon Dancer slowly walked within the Canterlot city walls, the tall towers looming their dark shadows over her. Moon Dancer carefully moved, knowing she was carrying something that she didn't want to lose. Moon Dancer also wanted to keep her steps quiet, even though there was nopony to be found; however, the crunching of the fallen leaves made it hard for her to do so.

After rounding a corner of a large castle wall, Moon Dancer found what she was looking for: a tall tower with a rooftop that resembled a very round candle flame. Most of the tower's color was white, but it had a nice trim of golden colored paint that spiraled up the body of the cylinder shaped building.

Well... Moon Dancer thought to herself as she walked over a small stone bridge. Twilight Sparkle did say I can come here whenever I wish.

Moon Dancer reached into the cuff of her sweater and pulled out a key. The handle of the key was a small hourglass with some sand held inside. To amuse herself, Moon Dancer would rotate the key, watching the sand slowly fall into the other half of the hourglass.

Eager, Moon Dancer began to pick up her pace. I wonder if she has Magical Math in her study. Or Rapid Plant Growing for Advanced Users! Maybe I can find that spell that can transfer myself into books just like Twilight was able to!

Before she realized it, Moon Dancer was jogging toward the tower. She quickly slowed down to a brisk walk, realizing she was being to hasty and short of breath. It was no surprise to Moon Dancer that she was suddenly out of breath, knowing how she was no where near the athletic type. Done playing with the key, she looked at the door and found the key hole. With a quick shove of the key and a “click,” “shunk,” and “shink,” the tower was now accessible. Moon Dancer pushed the doors open and went inside the dark room.

Only dark shapes and outlines made for indescribable objects. Moon Dancer almost stripped over a few things that lay on the ground here and there, but managed to come out unscathed. The only thing, or rather, the only area that showed any source of light was a large round window to her right. Since the mare didn't know anything about the room, Moon Dancer went toward the window. The view was nothing spectacular. After all, she was on the bottom floor. The majority of what she could see was the long white wall that stretched a long ways away and a house that rested along side the towering barricade. The ground was littered with leaves, leaving a large arraignment of mixed colors strewed about the lawn.

The unicorn looked up to the stars and admired the sky as the blue-purple morning sky began to slowly mix with the east horizon's colors of orange and yellow. Moon Dancer stood there for a good amount of time, waiting for the sun to crack over the castle walls, just so she can have some light so she can see better.

Then the moment came. Peaking over the large wall, the sun beamed into the study, showing more detail of everything that was within the first floor. Moon Dancer turned away from the window and tried to open her eyelids, but her eyes have not yet adjusted to the brightness.

It took some time for her pupils to fix themselves, but Moon Dancer was able to see in no time. With a quick adjustment of her glasses, Moon Dancer looked around and smiled with delight at the mass of books that towered over the pony. Old dust danced in the air as Moon Dancer walked through the study. Knowing there was plenty to read, she decided to check the second floor just to see what she hadn't the first time she visited. Upon reaching the top of the stairs, there was a bookshelf immediately to her left. One of the books instantly grabbed her attention, labeled: Solids, Liquids, and Gasses. Instead of using her magical skill of levitation, the unicorn eagerly grabbed it. Moon Dancer was beginning to find an interest in chemistry and was willing to stick her snout into a fascinating study. As she obtained it, Moon Dancer walked over to the guard railing, looking down at the first floor. I can't believe Twilight Sparkle lived here... A light smile found its way onto the unicorn's face. It's nice that she made it up to me by giving me this place all to myself for my studies.

Moon Dancer remembered the book she had in her hoof and quickly opened the book the the first page. Unfortunately, a collection of dust from the book found its way into her nose. She tried to shake the incoming sneeze out of her, wiggling her snout in hopes for it to go away. But to no avail, she began to huff, “Ahh... Ahaaa... AHHHH! ...acheuu...

Even though her sneeze was as intimidating as a squeak from a mouse, Moon Dancer's large spectacles slid off her face and down to the first level of the study, making a “tink” and “tadink” as it hit several things on its way down. “Ah NUTS!” she exclaimed aloud.

Moon Dancer dropped the book, and the mare grabbed onto the bar railing, her vision now impaired. Great! Of all the things that could have gone wrong, this had to happen. Very carefully, she walked down to the second floor, clinging to the guardrail so she does not make a terrible fall. The last thing she needed was an injury that would make herself unable to go get help; the thought alone made her shiver.

Luckily, she made it to the first floor without harming herself. Alright, if I were to judge where my glasses fell, and by the sound it made from whatever it collided with, it would be safe to assume that they would be somewhere near the walls above from where I sneezed. Moon Dancer tried to make out where she was before she lost her spectacles. Sadly, her poor vision made it hard to make out where she was. Still, she tried to make do with what she had.

Moon Dancer slowly moved along side the wall, extending her arms out, using anything solid as support to get her forward without tripping or bumping into anything. She gained a good amount of distance before stopping. Okay, this will be a good place to start searching. Down onto her knees and elbows, Moon Dancer began her search.


“What?” Moon Dancer said aloud as she raised her head. To her misfortune, her cranium collided with the underside of a desk, pain surging though her head. Instinctively, she shouted, “GO AWAY!” Her plea, however, did not cause the knocking to stop. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! “I am very busy right now!” Moon Dancer called aloud once more as she resumed her search. “Go bother somepony else!”

Instead of a knock, a voice spoke, “Umm... I am very sorry to bother you, but I seem to be lost.”

“Yes you are. You are at the wrong place, wherever you may need to be.”

“Well, I know that. That is why I need directions to the Canterlot Ballroom.”

“Keep looking,” Moon Dancer grunted, hoping the one at the door would go away.

“Please, can you just tell me where to go? I am terrible with directions.”

“I would, but I am in the middle of searching for my glasses!”

“What if... I help you find them? Then will you can help me get to the ballroom?”

Knowing it may take some time to find her glasses, Moon Dancer decided to allow the visitor to help her in exchange for the whereabouts of the Canterlot Ballroom. “Fine. The door is unlocked, I think...”

The creaking of the door hinge told the unicorn that the one at the door had entered the study. “I'm over here,” Moon Dancer called to where she thought the visitor was, carefully turning her head so she may not hit her head on anything again.

“Wow, you got a lot of books in here,” the male spoke as his voice echoed in the hollow tower.

“If you would mind, I would like for you to look for my glasses instead of sightseeing,” Moon Dancer said in a huff.

“Oh, right... sorry.” The unicorn heard the visitor's hooves clop on the tile floor in a quicker tempo. Reaching his destination, he asked from behind the mare and asked, “Alright, where should I start looking... umm... Might I ask your name?”

“Moon Dancer,” she replied without looking back.

“Okay, where should I look Moon Dancer?”

“Look aside the wall. I think my glasses might be along it.”

“Okay,” the stallion said cheerfully.

“Thanks umm-”

“Party Favor.”

“Yes. Thank you Party Favor.” Resuming her search, Moon Dancer scuffled along the wall when she bumped into the side of the desk. Going along side it, Moon Dancer carefully removed herself from under the desk and continued against the wall, moving to her right.

“Hey, Moon Dancer.”

Turning her head to reply to Party Favor, the mare hit her right cheek on the side of a bookshelf. Grunting in pain, she replied, “What... is it?”

“I found your glasses.” Glad to hear that her spectacles have been found, she reached out into the blur of space in front of her, wanting to retrieve her vision back. It was the first time she was able to look at the stallion. He was a blur of light-blue and his mane looked to be a dark-blue color. When her hoof touched her glasses, Moon Dancer closed her eyes and rested the nose pads on her snout. Upon opening her eyes, a friendly smile greeted her.

“I see you got your vision back,” Party Favor said as he reached out a hoof to help Moon Dancer off the ground. Taking the offer, the unicorn wrapped her wrist around his hoof and gave a pull.

Back on all fours, Moon Dancer said, “Thank you for the help.” Taking a good look at him, she noticed his mane was wild and curly, yet short. And if she would have guessed, his smile and hair style gave the impression he was related to Twilight Sparkle's friend Pinkie Pie.

“My pleasure,” Party Favor replied with a smile. “Now, can you help me find the ballroom?”

However, Moon Dancer had another response, “What are you doing awake at this hour?”

Without hesitation, the stallion said, “There is this HUUUGE birthday party being held today and I was asked to assist in making it.”

“I thought birthday parties are more of a small shindig rather than a large event of festivities.”

Party Favor smiled, “Well, Princess Twilight Sparkle will the there so it must be an important event for her.”

“Oh...” Moon Dancer frowned upon hearing Party Favor say that her friend didn't bother to tell her that she was holding an event without her. Maybe it is for one of her friends back in Ponyville.

“Is something wrong?” he asked.

“It's nothing," Moon Dancer shook her head.

“O-kay...” Trying to remove the awkward tension in the air, Party Favor asked, “So, since you have this huge tower, can I go to the second floor and look for the ballroom?”

“Alright.” Moon Dancer beckoned the visitor to follow her and walked upstairs. As the two of them went up the stairway, the mare noticed that the sun was not beaming its light into the study and moved to a location that she preferred most: not in her face.

As they reached the top of the stairway, the second floor circled around the side of the wall, going 180 degrees before reaching a doorway that lead to the outside balcony.

Reaching it in no time, Moon Dancer opened the door to the balcony and allowed Party Favor outside first. “Wow,” he said in awe. “What a nice view you have here!” Looking left and right, he enjoyed the high heights he was at. Sure he was on the second floor; however, the second floor was much higher than he thought it would be.

Moon Dancer was still quiet, still thinking about the party she was not invited. But her sad thoughts quickly evaporated because of what Party Favor did moments after he was finished sightseeing.

Reaching to a side Moon Dancer could not see, he pulled several long strands of deflated balloon strands. Quickly inflating them, he then crafted them into what looked to be binoculars. Party Favor squinted his eyes and peered into them. “So, where is the Canterlot Ballroom?”

“Umm... where did you get those balloons from?” Moon Dancer said in bewilderment.

Looking back at her with a smile, Party Favor replied, “Let's just say it was magic.”

The mare was about to question how he go the balloons further, but she realized that he was a unicorn, so she only assumed that he teleported them in. She then asked, pointing at the so called binoculars, “Do those... actually work?”

“Of course!” Without hesitating, Party Favor handed her the object. “Here you go!”

Walking to the ledge of the balcony, Moon Dancer slowly peered into it. And to her surprise, it actually worked! She saw the library, a close up of the castle, and even her own beat up house.

“Do you see the ballroom from here?” Party Favor asked again as Moon Dancer continued to marvel at the fact that a bundle of balloons worked like a proper pair of binoculars.

“Oh, right... let's see...” Since Moon Dancer was able to get a close up on the castle, she looked around to see if she could find the ballroom from her current position. And to her luck, she was able to find it. At the entrance of it, she saw her friend Lemon Hearts walking inside of the building. I wonder what she is up to... Maybe she is helping with the big party that is going on today. Trying not to feel left out by not being invited to the event, she remembered Lemon Hearts works in the Canterlot Palace. I guess it is no surprise to see her. “I see it,” Moon Dancer finally spoke.

“Great, show me where.” Hoofing the binoculars over to Party Favor, Moon Dancer pointed in the direction to where she saw the facility. “Is it the one where the yellow mare is?”

“Yes. Her name is Lemon Hearts. She is a friend of mine.”

“Really,” the stallion replied, raising his eyebrows. “Well, at least I know I can tell her who sent me.”

“Tell her I said hello when you see her.” As the two exchanged smiles, Party Favor walked back inside and Moon Dancer followed in suit, first making for the stairs, then door.

“Thanks for helping me find where I need to go,” Party Favor said as he pushed the front door open, walking outside.

“Sure thing,” Moon Dancer nodded as she continued to follow. “And thank you for helping me find my glasses. I cannot live without them... or see.”

“Your welcome.” Looking up to the sky, Party Favor noticed the sun was starting to get higher in the sky. I need to hurry! “Well, I am off! Goodbye!”

“Goodbye!” As Moon Dancer waved, Party Favor took off in a sprint. Without looking to watch where he was headed to, the mare simply walked back into the study and closed the door. Eager to get back to the book she was about to read before her glasses mishap, Moon Dancer began to walk back up the stairs.

Reaching the top of the stairway, something caught her attention. It was the balloon binoculars that Party Favor had crafted. Using her magic, she picked up the bundle of inflated rubber and levitated it over to her.

Curious, Moon Dancer rotated it, wondering how the design was able to be used to see things at long distances. In her peripheral, she saw the book that she dropped earlier and used her magic to pick it up as well. Reading the title of the book and then looking back at the pair of binoculars, Moon Dancer decided to make her way back to the first floor. I need to see how a balloon modeling skill make something as silly as this function properly.

Finding the desk she bumped her head against when she was searching for her glasses, the mare went over to it. Lucky for Moon Dancer, there was nothing on it, so she tossed the book onto the table with ease and carefully placed the balloon binoculars down. Flicking through the book of Solids, Liquids, and Gasses, Moon Dancer got the the section of solids. Reading the definition of a solid in her head, it read:

Solid: An object that has a fixed surface and shape.

Flipping to the gasses section, she read the definition of a gas:

Gas: A particle that is very small and can easily be passed through.

Now looking back at the bundle of rubber, Moon Dancer levitated the object up, rotating it, looking at it, rotated it again, and placed it in her hooves. Let's see if I can take this apart and put it back together...

Very carefully, the mare attempted to untie a knot that was at the back end of the eyepiece. But as soon as she pulled, the craft burst in a plethora of colors and rubber. “AH!” Moon Dancer screamed as she flinched from the small explosion, spinning her head around to avoid being hurt. But when she did, her glasses shot into the unknown, leaving the unicorn, once again, without vision. “Oh, this is just perfect!” Turning away from the desk, Moon Dancer slowly walked around, shuffling her hooves on the ground in hopes that she would bump into them.

KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! “Umm... hello? Moon Dancer?” The voice was muffled but the mare knew it was Party Favor.

“Oh, thank goodness you are here!” she said back.

“Umm... me too?”

Realizing that this is the second time that he came to the study, she asked, “Why have you come back?”

“Well, remember how you helped me find the Canterlot Ballroom and what to look for? Now I need directions to get to it.”

This would have normally irritated Moon Dancer, having her studies interrupted. But this time, it was different.

“I would love to help, but...” If Moon Dancer could see herself, she would have seen her cheeks burning with embarrassment. “...I lost my glasses again.”

The unicorn heard Party Favor laugh from behind the door. “I suppose you want me to help you find them again.”

“Yes please. Come back inside.”

Having the go to enter, Party Favor opened the door and went inside, he saw Moon Dancer shuffling her hooves on the ground; and as soon as he saw her, he noticed her spectacles were right in front of her.

Chuckling, Party Favor said, “Well, I found your glasses.”

“Really? Where?” Getting hasty, Moon Dancer began to move forward.

“Don't move!” the stallion shouted.

Heading his instruction, the mare stopped in her tracks, only leaving her to stand on her front left leg and back right leg. As she began to start losing her balance, Moon Dancer asked, “What is it?”

Running over to her, Party Favor quickly picked up the spectacles and hooved them to the mare. “Your glasses were in front of you,” he said as Moon Dancer took the glasses from his possession.

“Well, it's a good thing you warned me,” the mare replied back, removing herself from her ridiculous stance and took back her glasses.

Just as Moon Dancer applied her spectacles to her face, Party Favor asked, “So now that I helped you, could you help me again?”

“Sure,” Moon Dancer nodded.

Clearing his throat, the stallion spoke, “Alright, so I know what to look for, but I need directions to the facility.”

“Hmm... let's see...” Taking her time to remember the directions, Moon Dancer replied, “Okay, you first go down the pathway from this study and you will reach Orchard Avenue. Go left and you will then make a right when you get on Princess Pathway. The path of Princess Pathway will end with a water fountain at the center of the market place. Make another left and you should see a pathway up toward the castle.”

Nodding, Party Favor quickly repeated the directions, “Orchard Avenue, Princess Pathway, fountain at the market place, pathway to the castle. Alright, I think I got it!”

“Okay then.”

Turning around, the stallion made for the door and went outside. “Thanks again,” he called out with his back turned to Moon Dancer.

“Your welcome,” she replied back.

She watched him walk until he reached the small stone bridge before closing the door and walking back to her desk. Remembering what she was doing before, Moon Dancer looked at the ground of balloon fragments that were strewed about the place. I guess I won't know if the pair of binoculars were magical or not... But even though the ribbons of rubber, Moon Dancer still pondered about the device that Party Favor. Looking left and right, the mare was able to find a magnifying glass on a tool shelf not far from her. Moon Dancer levitated the object from its holding place and brought it over to her location. With the magnifying glass at the ready, she brought the tool below her lower left peripheral and brought her head down toward the ground. Let's see if there is anything special about these fragments...

But luck was not with the mare today and tilted her head a bit too far forward, causing her glasses to fall of her face once more. “Great...” Moon Dancer grunted as she crouched down, waving her arms around in an attempt to bump them into her glasses.

KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! “Umm... Moon Dancer?” Party Favor's voice spoke once more.

“Come inside,” she responded with a mix of happiness and irritation. “I dropped my glasses again...”

As he entered, Party Favor saw Moon Dancer shuffling her arms about. Walking over to her and easily finding her spectacles once more, he picked them up and tapped her shoulder. “Here you go.”

“Thanks.” Moon Dancer quickly placed them back to their appropriate place and asked, “So what do you need?”

“Heh... umm... was it a left or right on Orchard Avenue?”

Cracking a light smile, the mare replied, “Left.”

“Thanks.” As he turned, Party Favor said, “Forgive me... I don't know this place much and I am terrible with directions.”

“Don't worry. I have been living here all my life and I sometimes get lost in this white stone jungle.”

“Haha, you got that right!” Leaving once again, Party Favor called out, “Thanks again,” and took off in a jog.

Moon Dancer didn't have time to say goodbye back because he was already out of view. Using her magic, she closed the door with ease.

Letting out a chuckle, the mare thought about the last five minutes. She had just arrived to the study, lost her glasses three times. And when she lost them each time, Party Favor came to the door almost too conveniently.

Hmm... I wonder... Very carefully Moon Dancer took her glasses off with her hooves and held them barely above the ground. Then, she let them go, hearing them tap a few times on the ground.


Rolling her eyes, Moon Dancer shook her head. Like he was going to knock on the door a fourth time. She bent down to pick up her glasses.


The sound startled Moon Dancer and she accidentally swatted them away from her. I... that can't be him again...

“Umm... Moon Dancer, it's me again... I need help with directions once more.”

It is! “Come on in. Hehe, and guess what?”

“You lost your glasses again?” Party Favor said as he poked his head inside.

Rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment, she replied, “I was doing a test and... yeah, I did.”

Looking down, the glasses were right in front of him. She must have a hard time keeping track of these things, the stallion thought as he went over to Moon Dancer and gave her spectacles back.

“I just hope this doesn't become a running joke...” she said with a grin. “Anyways, what do you need help with now in terms of directions?”

“Oh, right! So umm... left on Orchard Grove and a... left on-”

“Right on Princess Pathway. Then when you reach the fountain, you will also be at the marketplace. Once there, make a left and you will see the road to the castle.”

“Alright then. This will be the last time I come back because I finally have it down now.”

However, Moon Dancer was not convinced. “You sure?” she grinned. “Because if I lose my glasses, you might end up back at the front door.”

“Positive,” Party Favor replied with a nod and a smile.

Taking his leave once more, the stallion walked outside and Moon Dancer poked her head outside. “Now, do remember where to go?”

“Yes I do,” he replied, looking back at her. “Left on Orchard, right on Princess, and make a left in the market, and walk to the castle.”

“Good. Now take care Party Favor!”

“You too Moon Dancer!”

Making her way back inside the study, Moon Dancer closed the door. However, she didn't go back to the desk. She continued to stand by the door.

Hmm... Taking her glasses off once more, she placed it on the ground and scooted it away from herself.


“I haven't moved from the door yet,” Moon Dancer called behind her, laughing in the process.

“Sorry,” Party Favor replied from outside. “I, heh, want to be sure your glasses are secure on your face.”

“Please! I know where my glasses are.” Reaching in front of her, where she scooted her glasses, she said, “They are... right... here?” Once again, Moon Dancer lost her spectacles, even though they were not far from her.

“Do you... want me to come inside?” Party Favor asked.

“Please...” Opening the door, the stallion went inside, watching Moon Dancer reach in front of her, trying to touch her glasses. Because his eyes were not as hindered as hers, Party Favor retrieved the mare's glasses that were a bit to her left and gave them to her. “Thank you,” she said, pushing the spectacles onto her face with her hoof.

“What where you doing that made you lose your glasses this time?” Party Favor asked with a raise of a brow.

“I was... doing another test,” Moon Dancer replied, blushing from embarrassment. “Anyways, were you just here to check up on me?”

“Hehe... well...” Party Favor looked unsure about something, and darted his eyes around, trying to avoid eye contact with the mare. “Can you... please... show me to the castle?” he asked with an awkward grin.


The two unicorns walked quietly as they walked through the kingdom, or rather, tried to walk quietly, but the dry leaves on the path to the castle were making a good amount of sound as they were crushed from their weight. Party Favor looked side to side as he marveled at how big the city was while Moon Dancer still plagued her mind with the fact that she was not invited to the party that Twilight Sparkle was attending.

Just don't think about the party, Moon Dancer told herself. It's probably for some royalty that's from a far away land...

But curiosity tormented the mare and she asked Party Favor as they entered the castle grounds, “So, who is this party for?”

Bringing his attention to her, Party Favor said in response, “I don't know to be honest. I don't live around here, so it is obvious I don't anything about this event, let alone my way around. I received a letter from a pony named Pinkie Pie saying that there is a huge party going on today and that I am needed to be sure everything goes according to plan. She would have been the one behind most of the party planning, but something came up and thought I was a great second choice.”

“Interesting... Do you know Pinkie Pie?”

“Yes I do,” the stallion nodded. “I know she is also friends with Twilight Sparkle. I should know, I met her.” Party Favor held his head up high knowing that he has met the Princess of Friendship.

“And... how do you know her?” Moon Dancer was intrigued at Party Favor's statement.

In an instant, the stallion's happy smile deflated. “It involves a long story I rather not talk about...”

Noticing her question effected Party Favor, she quickly came up with a response. “But did she help you?”

“She did,” he replied as he looked forward without looking at the mare. Suddenly, Party Favor's smile came back to him. “But it is done and done! Nothing to worry about, yes?”

“Y-yeah, heh.” Something didn't sit right with Moon Dancer. His smile... it was a wide and happy grin. But it didn't seem real to her; it was more of a facade if anything. I need to find out what happened to him if I am to know any relationship between him and Twilight Sparkle.

“Oh, we are here,” Moon Dancer said as she looked ahead of her. The mare didn't even realize how quickly she and Party Favor got to the ballroom.

“Perfect!” Party Favor responded with a smile; not as bright as the one he did before.

Walking with him, they went up to the door and pushed it open. As they entered, they saw a lot of tables against the walls of the ballroom. Decorations were still in their boxes, waiting to be placed, hung, or strung.

There was a pony who stood in the center of the room. It was Lemon Drops, moving a table across the tile floor, causing the legs of the table to screech as they dragged along the ground.

Looking to see who was entering the door, Lemon Drops looked to see Moon Dancer and Party Favor. “M-Moon Dancer?!” she responded in shock. “W-well... what a surprise!” Stopping from what she was doing, she scampered over to the two of them. “What are you doing here?” Lemon Drops asked, giving a smile that closely resembled Party Favor's wide grin.

“She was helping me find the ballroom,” the stallion replied as he gestured a hoof to Moon Dancer.

“Yeah, he is new to Canterlot. So, I just helped him find his way here,” Moon Dancer said.

“That's great!” Lemon Drops smiled brightly and nervously. “I was wondering when he would get here. Hey umm... Moon Dancer, Party Favor and I have to get working on setting up the party and would like for there to be no distractions- I mean, we really need to hurry with getting everything ready and I am sure you have some studying you need to get to.”

“Umm, yeah.... I do...” Moon Dancer was becoming suspicious with Lemon Drops. Normally she would be ecstatic if she saw her friend away from a book and into some sunlight. But her attitude was causing Moon Dancer to raise her bushy eyebrows.

“B-but don't worry,” Lemon Drops said and came up to Moon Dancer. “When I am done here, I'll come and get you and we can hang out and stuff.”

“Alright.” Despite the offer, Moon Dancer was still skeptical about her friend. But she didn't question it. In fact, the more she thought about it, the more relieved Moon Dancer became. I guess when she is done, she can tell me what the party is about. And I am sure that this is a big event, so I think I can take my leave.

Turning around, Moon Dancer said, “Well, I will leave you two to do your work.”

As she went toward the door, she heard Lemon Drops say, “I'll come see you in the afternoon, okay?”

“Okay. Goodbye.” Without looking back, Moon Dancer left Lemon Drops view.

“That was close...” Lemon Drops said in a sigh of relief.

Party Favor was confused. “Why do you say that?”


Ugh, you need to stop thinking about that party Moon Dancer! Moon Dancer sat at the desk in the study she was previously using before helping Party Favor with finding his way to the ballroom. In her chair, the mare rubbed her temples and closed her eyes, trying to maintain her focus.

On the desk was the book Solids, Liquids, and Gasses that was opened about one-fourth through; the current page was explaining the melting and freezing points of various elements and compounds. Notes were neatly written in a notebook to the left of the text and a quill stood upwards in a small ink jar, waiting to be used once more. Letting out a sigh, Moon Dancer looked to her right. A grandfather clock ticked loudly in the hollow study. The time read: 12:47. Each time its pendulum made its ticktock, it grew louder in the mare's ear, causing her to lose her focus even more.

Lemon Drops told you she will be over in the afternoon. Even though it is now the afternoon, its too early to assume she is finished with what she needs to get done for that party.

Unable to retain her focus, the mare stood up from her chair and began to pace the floor. Something bothered her. Yes it was the fact that she was not informed about the party, but it was how Lemon Drops was behaving. She was very nervous and wanted Moon Dancer to leave quickly.

What could it be... Why didn't she want me around? Is there something going on today that I wasn't aware of?

Curious, Moon Dancer went over to the desk and pulled out her planner. Very quickly, she went to today's date. Then it dawned on her as to why her friend was trying to get her to leave. A bright smile found its way onto Moon Dancer's face. If Moon Dancer were to see her face, her mouth would look like a very wiggly letter U.

Today is my birthday! the mare thought to herself. Who would have thought that MY party would be held at the Canterlot Ballroom! Taking her seat at the desk, Moon Dancer removed her glasses and placed them on the desk so that she can wipe the beads of tears that were beginning to form at the corners of her eyes.


The sudden sound made the pony's heart jump. I wonder who that may be, she thought with a smug grin. “Come in!” The sound of the door hinge creaked open and the one who knocked entered the study.

“I know that is you Lemon Drops,” Moon Dancer said as she looked behind her, though she couldn't see Lemon Drops too well because she was not wearing her spectacles.

“Guess again!” said a familiar voice.

“L-Lemon Drops?”

Moon Dancer reached to where she thought she placed her glasses, but couldn't find them. Not again... “Nope, not Lemon Drops,” the voice said again as the pony approached from behind. Moon Dancer then saw through her blurry vision a pony who reached onto her desk. Then she felt her glasses touch her hoof. Instinctively, the unicorn took them and reapplied them to her face. With her vision back to normal, she saw a familiar stallion, Party Favor.

“Oh, Party Favor!” Moon Dancer said, surprised to see him.

“Hello,” he replied back with a smile. On top of his head was an extremely large top hat made out of balloons. At the center of the balloon hat was a white star.

Darting her eyes back at forth, the mare asked, “So, not to be rude, but I thought my friend was going to come get me.”

“Who? Lemon Drops?”


“Well, she did go to your house, but you weren't there and didn't know where you were. I told her I knew where you were and came over here as quickly as possible.”

Scratching the back of her neck, Moon Dancer replied, “I... did forget to mention to Lemon Drops where I was going to be...”

“Don't sweat it. I just came here to tell you that that you have been invited to a party!”

Trying to play dumb, the mare asked, “What kind of party?”

“Why to a birthday party!” Levitating the hat from off his head, Party Favor placed it atop the unicorn's head.

The mare rotated herself in the desk armchair to face him in anticipation for an answer. Trying to contain her excitment, Moon Dancer asked, “And who's birthday party is it?”

“Why none other for the alicorn of love herself, Princess Cadence!” It was an answer she was not expecting. Slowly, Moon Dancer's smile dissolved into a frown. “Is something wrong?” Party Favor asked.

“It's... nothing...” Slowly, Moon Dancer took the hat off of her head and hoofed it over to Party Favor. “You can tell my friend that I am caught up in my studies and can't make it...”

The sad expression that Moon Dancer was holding made Party Favor pursue her with another question. “Are you sure it's nothing? You look awfully sad and-”

“I SAID 'IT'S NOTHING!'” The sudden burst of anger caused the stallion to jump back a few inches. His balloon hat he was holding was lost from his grasp and rested in the space between himself and the now upset mare. “Now if you don't mind,” Moon Dancer said as she turned back toward the desk, “I have a lot to do. Will you please leave?”

Concerned, Party Favor asked yet another question, “What about your invitation? What about your friends who want you there?”

“What about them!?” she barked without facing the stallion. “It's not like today is important to me or anything!”

“Alright... I will tell them you... won't be coming...”

“Good. Now leave.”

Looking on the ground, he saw his balloon hat laying on its side. I'll just leave it here just in case she wants to come later. Without another word, Party Favor made for the door. Just before he closed it, he called out to Moon Dancer, “Goodbye.”

“Bye...” she responded weakly.

With a soft kalunk, the door was closed. But after a few steps away from the door, he heard a loud POP sound. He knew exactly what it was. Something obviously upset her... And I don't think it was me... Or was it?


A small table sat in the middle of the study and Moon Dancer stood by it, levitating a thin piece of wood and stick. On the desk was a mess of papers, some with spheres, cubes, and magical inscriptions written on them. Two books were opened amidst the mess of papers. One book was open to the subject of solids and how solids require pressure in order to be penetrated. The other was about the magic of phasing objects through one another. At the bottom of the right page was a clear warning about the magic of phasing. It read:

When using the magic of phasing, you must consider that if concentration is lost while something or somepony is trying to phase though something, both will become fused with one another. Results of such a scenario can be harmless to catastrophic. If a fusion occurs, refer to Chapter 17: If Something Bad Happens...

“Okay,” Moon Dancer said aloud, “Let's try this out.” Using her magic, the mare's horn radiated a green aura from it. Just like her horn, the objects were also coated in the same color aura. Keeping her concentration centered on the thin plank and stick, she slowly drew them toward one another as beads of sweat began to collect on the mare's thick eyebrows.

At a snail's pace, the objects came closer and closer. Then, the result Moon Dancer was hoping for happened. The stick went through the wood with ease. Perfect! Now let's see if I can get it all the way through. Traveling it further into the plank, the stick was now half way into the thin piece of wood.


In the moment of glancing over toward the door, the stick and plank fused with each other. Looking back at the now fused objects, the mare grunted in frustration. Almost stomping, Moon Dancer went over to the door, wondering who would bother her and her studies. “What?,” she said bluntly as she barely opened the doory.

“Hey Moon Dancer!” A familiar curly blue maned stallion replied as he looked into the crack of the door.

Pushing the door open further, the mare asked with ears pointed back, “What do you want Party Favor...?” Her creased brows indicated to Party Favor that he interrupted something and was the cause of her upset attitude.

“I was woooooondering...” the stallion said, rolling his head clockwise once, “If you were still interested in going to Princess Cadence's birthday party.”

“No... I am not...”

“Are you suuuure? You will miss a ride on the elephant.”

“A-an elephant? You brought an elephant?!” Moon Dancer quickly moved outside to see if Party Favor meant what he said. Several meters away from the study, Moon Dancer did see an elephant, but not the alive kind. Not the one that stomps around and sucks up water with its trunk. It was a balloon animal type of elephant, and for a balloon animal, it was quite large; really large; it was the size of an elephant! The legs and body looked as though someone knitted it with yarn. But instead of yarn, it was made of extremely long balloons. There were two black circular balloons for eyes and the nose was made up of one very large and long balloon.

Despite the size and craftsmanship that was put into the balloon animal, the mare's surprised expression quickly left her. “I would love to ride this... 'elephant,'” Moon Dancer said, walking up to the makeshift mammal, “but I have plenty of studying to do.”

From behind, Party Favor approached and said, “Come on, it will be fun!”


“Why not? Your friends wish for you to come and have some fun. Why not show up in style?"

“Because I don't want to be with them right now! I'm... upset with them currently!”

Scratching his chin, Party Favor asked, “Well, why are you upset with them?”

“Let's just say they are very forgetful of me. Now again, leave me alone.”

“Are you sure?”

Looking at the ground, the mare saw a sharp rock by her hoof. Levitating it, she looked at Party Favor and said, “Let me show you what I mean by 'no.'”

Bringing the sharp stone close to the balloon animal, Moon Dancer looked angrily at the fake elephant. “P-please don't do that,” Party Favor pleaded.

Moon Dancer didn't listen. With a quick jab, the rock pierced the balloon animal's front leg. But instead of making a loud 'pop' sound, it generated a different noise. As the entire elephant exploded in a shrapnel of rubber, it roared like an elephant! The blast of noise was so loud that it caused Moon Dancer's face to become warped as the compressed air blew past her. Leaves scattered from the force of air, flying in random directions. After the sound died down, the mare's mane was messy and her glasses were cocked to the side. Several flakes of leaves began to fall into her hair as they began to descend from the sky.

“I told you not to do that...” Party Favor said trying to hide his smirk.

“Just leave...” Moon Dancer replied, leering at him.

Instead of continuing of trying to convince the mare, the stallion took off in a run.


Peering through a telescope, Moon Dancer stood on the second floor balcony as she looked toward the ballroom watching ponies enter the building, dressed in fancy attire. Letting out a “pfft” the mare pulled her head back from the scope and said aloud, “Why do I even care? I mean, they don't care to remember that it's my birthday, so why am I spying on them like this?”

Walking back inside, Moon Dancer went to a desk that was right beside the balcony entrance. On the desk were her two books she was using before and the plank with a stick inserted at the center of it. The Solids, Liquids, and Gasses book was still on its page of how solids require pressure to be penetrated while the book on the magic of phasing was on the first page of Chapter 17: If Something Bad Happens... Still bothered by the party that was happening at the castle, Moon Dancer went outside to take a look once again.

Peering back into the telescope, she looked back at the ballroom. “Why should I care?”

“Why not?,” said a voice as a large eye came into her view.

Letting out a shriek, Moon Dancer jumped away from the telescope. To her surprise, she saw Party Favor and a bunch of balloons that held him up in the air. Grunting, the mare asked, “What do you want?”

Reaching behind himself, he pulled out a sign made of balloons. It was an arrow that pointed in the direction of the ballroom. Party Favor spun the sigh in his hooves as he hung in the air. “I am here to tell you that you are wanted at the birthday party of Princess Cadence!"

“So my friends want me there?” Moon Dancer replied with a raise of a brow.

“Of course they do,” he smiled. “I told them that you were upset at them because they forgot something.”

“Is that so? Tell me, did they remember what they had forgotten,” the mare asked.

“I... don't think so...” Party Favor was quiet for a while and then smiled, spinning his sign once more. “But why don't you go remind them?”

“Because I am studying!” In a huff, Moon Dancer turned around and began to walk into the study.

“But you are spying on the ballroom.” Paddling though the air, Party Favor made his way onto the balcony and lightly touched down. “Something is obviously bothering you.”

“It's you, okay!” The mare was now in Party Favor's face, her cheeks red with anger. “Now go away!”

Letting out a sigh, the stallion said, “Fine. I'm just trying to do you and your friends a favor.” With an easy pull of a string, Party Favor's balloons drifted up into the air. He placed down the sign he was holding and began pulling more balloons out from wherever he was pulling them from. In a quick moment, he made what looked to be a teeter-totter. Blowing into one last balloon, he twisted it into an odd looking shape.

“Can you hold this?” Party Favor asked as he hoofed it over to Moon Dancer.

Confused, the mare slowly reached for it. “What is this supposed to be?”

“An anvil.” As soon as she grabbed hold of the “anvil,” she felt a sudden weight pull her down as she struggled to hold onto the balloon-made creation. It made a heavy thunk as it touched the ground. What the...?

Sitting at the end closest to her, Party Favor said, “Just throw the anvil at the other end and I will be off.” This stallion... What is up with him and his balloons? Using her magic, the mare heaved the heavy balloon into the air. Beads of sweat began to form on her forehead as she lifted it. Holding it over the lifted side of the teeter-totter, Moon Dancer raised the balloon high up into the air. Smiling, Party Favor said to the mare, “Have fun with your studies.”

Upon hearing his last statement, Moon Dancer removed her focus from the anvil and it quickly fell through the air. As it pressed down on the opposite end of the teeter-totter, Party Favor was launched into the air. It amazed Moon Dancer at how far he traveled toward the ballroom.

Then something hit her. HOW IS HE GOING TO LAND SAFELY?!

Quickly, Moon Dancer dashed to her scope and watched him as the unicorn flew through the air. As she watched him, she saw something that looked like a pack made of balloons on his back. She also noticed his expression. Despite his inability to fly, the stallion had the happiest grin on his face. Reaching to the pack, Party Favor pulled a string. In a quick moment, a parachute made out of balloons shot out of the pack and stopped Party Favor's fast momentum and brought it to a slow and steady decline.

Sighing in relief, Moon Dancer took a step away from the telescope. At least he will be alright... Taking a step back into the study, the mare looked at the plank of wood and the stick that was stuck inside of it. Looking back, she saw the teeter-totter and anvil. Walking toward the balloon-made objects, Moon Dancer said aloud, “I can study the magic of phasing any day. I need to take a closer look at these balloons.”


At the first floor of the study, Moon Dancer had a bundle of inflated balloons and the balloon anvil separated from the pile. In hoof, the mare attempted to duplicate Party Favor's creation by dismembering the teeter-totter so that she may use the balloons to make it into whatever she wanted.

Moon Dancer made several attempts to create her own anvil, but they ended up in a strange bundle of inflated knots. But to her luck, she managed to make something that somewhat resembled Party Favor's anvil. Taking a small walk to her work desk, the mare went over to the book, Solids, Liquids, and Gasses, and peered onto a page that read The Weight of Gasses.

Moon Dancer thought to herself, So the gas that was used to inflate all these balloon was carbon-dioxide, a gas that is produced through exhaling air out of the lungs. Looking back at the original anvil, she continued her thought, Yet that balloon is as heavy as lead... What did he do to his balloon that made it so heavy? The mare was at a loss. Was it magic that made the so called anvil so heavy? After all, Party Favor was a unicorn. It was the only logical presumption.

Looking at her creation, Moon Dancer pondered at her creation, wondering how to make it heavy. But she has never done any type of magic that would manipulate mater. I wonder if there is a book around here that can help me make this balloon heavy.

Quickly, she began to look at the bookshelves around her, wondering if there was such a piece of text that would help her with her needs. To her surprise, Moon Dancer quickly found a book appropriately named: The Magic of Matter Manipulation. The book was on a high shelf, so the mare had to levitate the object from his place. However, when she did so, her glasses shifted on her face. Reaching a hoof to adjust them, she lost her focus on the book and it fell onto the mare's head.

Flinching from the pain, Moon Dancer's spectacles fell off her face by accident. Oh great! This is like the... fifth time this has happened to-


“What do you want Party Favor,” she asked almost assuming it was him.

“How did you know it was me?” Party Favor replied from the door.

Letting out a sigh, Moon Dancer said, “Because you are the only one who keeps bothering me.”

After a brief moment, the stallion asked, “Did you lose your glasses again?”

“N-no, not this time.”

“Oh, that's good.”

Moon Dancer was getting the feeling that Party Favor was there to try and convince her to go to the party. She called out, “I know that you are here in hopes that I may go to the princess' event, but you will not convince me!”

“I just...” Party Favor paused, so that he may say the right thing. “I just want to talk. You seem so upset and I was hoping that I could help in any way.” He was expecting Moon Dancer to yell at him, telling him to go away. But he did not receive such a message. The only thing he was given was silence.

Moon Dancer looked at the ground through her blurry vision wondering why this stallion, who she had just met today, wanted to talk to her. She didn't know whether to be happy for the fact that he was willing to go out of his way to talk to her or annoyed by his persistence. Since she had nothing better to do, Moon Dancer said weakly, “Come inside...”

Moon Dancer was hoping that Party Favor didn't hear her, but he did and slowly entered the study. He saw her gazing at the ground, indicating to him that something was bothering her. Slowly, Moon Dancer turned her head to face the stallion. As soon as the unicorn saw her face, he asked, “You lost your glasses again?”

Without words, she replied with a light nod. Suddenly, Moon Dancer felt wave of sorrow come over her. Come on, Moon Dancer! Why are you feeling so mopy? You don't care about that stupid party! I mean, yeah your friends forgot your... birthday... but... Quickly, she retracted her head, looking away from Party Favor.

It took little time for Party Favor to get over to the mare. As he approached, he found Moon Dancer's glasses right next to her. Picking them up and hoofing them over to her, he asked without seeing her face, “What seems to be the problem?” Looking back, he saw the pile of balloons and his anvil sitting at the center of the study. “And how come my anvil balloon is down here?”

“I'm... studying them,” Moon Dancer replied as she continued to look at the ground.

“Why,” Party Favor asked with a chuckle. “They are just balloons.”

“Yeah... they are nothing more than just empty air, like words that mean nothing...”

Moon Dancer's statement made Party Favor raise his brows. “Why are you saying stuff like that? What do you mean 'words that mean nothing?'”

“Exactly what I said!” With a quick jerk, the mare looked at Party Favor and gave a harsh stare as tears ran down her face.

“H-hey, what's wrong?” the stallion asked with concern in his voice. He would have embraced her if he knew her better. Realizing what she had done, Moon Dancer got up and walked to the center of the room. In suit, Party Favor followed her. The mare plopped her flank onto the floor and stared downward, watching her tears begin to puddle at her hooves.

“You don't know... what it's like to feel forgotten...” Moon Dancer said as she huffed through her sorrow.

“Hugh? What do you mean Moon Dancer?” Taking precaution, Party Favor slowly drew close to the sad unicorn.

When she turned to look at him, the stallion's heart sank. Moon Dancer's eyes were creating an endless stream of water and her lips writhed into a sad frown. Weighted by depression, Moon Dancer hung her head low, her glasses sliding easily from her snout and falling to the ground. “You don't know what it's like to feel forgotten...”

“Why do you say that, Moon Dancer? You have friends who want to see you. Who want your presence. They have not forgotten you.”

“They forgot my birthday!” she exclaimed without moving her head. “I don't want to be with ponies who forget such an important day!”

“Well, why don't you tell them that it is your birthday so you can have a little party for you and your friends?”

“Because...” The pain was too much to bare. The weak and heavyhearted mare was filled with so much sadness that she slid onto the ground, placing her arms on the ground and hid her face in them so she can try to hide from Party Favor. “...I don't want to be forgotten...”

Letting out her emotions, Moon Dancer began to cry a bit louder than she was before. Her cry was a mixture of whimpering and gasping while she cried in a curled up fetal position.

This is your chance Party Favor! Help her! Remember how Twilight Sparkle and her friends helped my town in need. Now it's your turn to help somepony. Reaching out a hoof, he placed it on her shoulder, slowly rubbing it so she may be comforted. Slowly but surely, Moon Dancer's crying began to cease. After a short while, she lifted her head. Shifting herself from her fetal position to sitting upright, her arm bumped into her glasses; she grabbed and reapplied them.

Feeling more composed, Moon Dancer looked at Party Favor. The stallion gave her a smile as she cracked a small grin; but the mare's smile quickly faded away. “Thank you for being here,” Moon Dancer said weakly.

Smiling, Party Favor replied, “I'm just here to help.”

Letting out a sigh, the mare looked at the door. “It would have been nice to have at least one of my friends come and check up on me once in a while. Heh... it's funny...”

“What's funny? A bumblebee in a clown outfit?”

Chuckling, Moon Dancer said, “W-what? You are so weird.”

“But it was funny,” Party Favor responded with a raise of his brow.

“I guess.” It was a random statement, but made her laugh nonetheless. “What I was trying to say,” Moon Dancer continued, “was that it is funny that I am known as a smart and intelligent unicorn who takes her studies very seriously. And yet, despite all of my efforts... I feel so... useless... Like I have no purpose.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because nopony comes to say hello to me often. I know I have friends, but I feel like I'm nothing when no one makes a valiant effort to come out of their way to see me... Do you know what it is like to feel useless or without purpose?”

It surprised Moon Dancer when Party Favor's smile quickly evaporated. His expression turned into a slated one and he looked up into the air. The happy stallion she once knew quickly disappeared. “I know what you mean all too well...”

“You... do?” Moon Dancer was shocked to hear him say that.

“Acceptionalism is a lie...” Party Favor said in a monotone voice.

“Hugh?” The mare got up and looked gave Party Favor a concerned look. “H-hey, what's wrong?

“To excel is to fail.”

Moon Dancer was beginning to become worried. “Party Favor,” she said as she waved her hooves in front of his eyes. “Say something.”

“Be your best my never being your best... You're no better then your friends-”

“Party Favor!” Without flinching, the stallion brought his head down and looked at Moon Dancer. “There, I got your attention. I was beginning to get... worried.”

“At least you care,” he replied without a change of expression. They stared at each other without speaking for a short while.

“Well, you have been checking up on me during the last few hours so I might as well consider you as a friend.”

To her surprise, Moon Dancer saw Party Favor's expression turn from a slate faced expression to a happy smile. “Heh, that's good to hear. I'm glad to be your friend as well.”

“So,” the mare said with a shift of her shoulders, “why were you saying those questions?”

“It's a long story...” Party Favor replied as his ears folded back and his eyes became sad.

“If you like, you can tell me. I have all day.”

“Let's put it this way, remember how you asked me if I know what it is like to feel useless or without purpose? A pony had locked me in a room telling me that I am useless over and over for hours...”

Terror crept onto Moon Dancer's face. “That's... horrible!

Turning his expression neutral, Party Favor said, “But that's not important right now. You don't have all day and your friends want to see you.”

Upon hearing his statement, Moon Dancer turned and walked away from Party Favor. A few meters away from the stallion, she spoke, “I don't want to see them... They forgot my birthday.”

Approaching from behind, Party Favor asked, “Even if they did forget it, does that mean that they don't care about you?”

“No, but... none of them... well, besides you, has made a valiant effort to come and see me.”

Coming into her view, the stallion asked, “Are you sure?”

Suddenly, the door to the study began to creek open. Both Moon Dancer and Party Favor's attention was drawn to it as somepony began to walk in.

“T-Twilight?!” Moon Dancer said in shock.

“Hey Moon Dancer,” the princess replied.

“What are you doing here?”

“Party Favor said that you seemed pretty upset about something so we came over to check up on you.”

“Wait... did you say we?” To her surprise, Moon Dancer watched as she saw Lemon Drops, Lyra Heartstrings, Twinkleshine, Minuette, and a pink alicorn who was taller than the rest of them enter the study.

Smiling, Twilight Sparkle replied, “Yes, I did say 'we.'”

Walking over to them, Moon Dancer stood speechless in front of her friends; the pink alicorn was the only one she didn't know. “Who are you,” she asked the taller pony.

“I'm Princess Cadence,” the mare replied with a smile.

Taking in a deep breath of air, Moon Dancer said, “Oh... So it's your party that is going on at the castle, hugh?” Without words, Cadence nodded. “What were you girls doing outside the study?” Moon Dancer asked. “Were you waiting for me to leave or something?”

Twilight was the first to answer, “We came to check up on you and sent in Party Favor to try and lure you out. We... also heard everything you told Party Favor...” Her ears folded back upon telling Moon Dancer that she and the others were spying on her.

Saying the first thing that came to mind, Moon Dancer asked, “Why?”

“Because we care about you,” Lyra answered, taking a step forward.

Looking away, Moon Dancer replied, “If you cared, you wouldn't have forgotten my birthday...”

Stepping forward, Twilight Sparkle said, “So this is why you haven't come to the party, isn't it?”

With ears pointing back and brow creased, Moon Dancer looked back and answered, “You and the others have been spying on me the last few minutes, right? You tell me.”

“But why?” Lemon Drops asked. “Why just stay by yourself and not spend time with us?”

Because,” Moon Dancer said as she lunged her neck toward her friends, “you should not forget an important date like my birthday.”

“But just like anypony, sometimes your friends can be forgetful,” Cadence spoke.

“No offense princess, but I don't see anypony forgetting your birthday.” Moon Dancer felt a hard lump in her throat. “You are the alicorn of love! A princess! You have a husband!” Looking at Twilight, the mare continued to vent, “I know I have forgiven you for skipping out on my party and I am glad to have you as a friend. And that goes for all of you girls. But... you all still barely see me. You don't come out of your way to come and visit my home. The only time you ever see me and associate with me is when I am out and about, and even then it is only for a brief while! I just want you girls to do that. To remember that I am around. Remember that I am your friend. Just remind me... that I mean something...”

Moon Dancer was able to fight back her tears, but her throat was sore. Minuette took a small step forward and said, “But you don't go out of your way to see us because you are so wrapped up in your studies. We could only assume you are busy, so we leave you alone.”

“Well... umm...” The cream colored pony was at a loss for words. She thought that going to be able to make her friends feel bad for neglecting to see her, but Minuette made a valid point. Moon Dancer is always studying; always wanting to gain more knowledge; always away from her friends.

Cadence spoke once more, “Moon Dancer, is it?”

“Yeah... that's my name...”

“It seems to me that you want others to recognize you but you don't take the time to see others. Friendship requires intimate love; a love that requires both sides of any two friends to show genuine care for one another. That is the requirement for having a best friend. Do you have a best friend?”

“I... think I do.”

“You do? Then who is it?” As Moon Dancer looked at her friends, they all looked back, smiling in anticipation.

“When you put it that way Princess Cadence... I don't think any of you girls would be my best friend because I don't show as much care as I should... B-but that doesn't mean I don't want you all to be my best friend.” Smiling, Moon Dancer looked at the unicorns who stood in front of her.

“But you said you think you have a best friend, yes?” Princess Cadence asked Moon Dancer.

“Oh, umm... yeah I did.”

“Then who is it?”

Blushing, the unicorn replied, “I... may have known him for only a short while, but he has helped me today more than I can help myself to a lifetime of studying.” Looking behind her, Moon Dancer saw Party Favor blowing into a balloon and then twisting it into a balloon animal version of Princess Cadence. He then placed it next to a group of other balloon animals that looked like Twilight Sparkle, Lyra Heartstrings, Lemon Drops, and Minuette.

When his eyes met hers, he froze, watching the mare came toward him. “You have done everything a good friend would have done: not to give up on me. And I... thank you for that.”

A bright smile came across Party Favor's face. “Aww, thank you Moon Dancer.”

“Don't you mean 'your welcome'?”

“No, I meant 'thank you'.”

Lifting a brow, she asked, “How so?”

Taking a quick glance at Moon Dancer's friends and then back to her, he answered, “Because it is nice to hear somepony tell me that I mean something to them. That makes me feel special; like I am worth something.” In a fast motion, Moon Dancer gave Party Favor a quick embrace. She held him tightly, but not too much that it hurt. “Again, thank you Moon Dancer,” the stallion said. Taking out another balloon, he blew into the end of it and began twisting it. “I think you are-” Finishing his twisting, the balloon was in the shape of a pony; it was a balloon version of Moon Dancer. “-a bundle of great things.”

Without warning, beads of tears began to form at the corner of the unicorn's eyes, and Moon Dancer's friends let out an “aww” upon hearing Party Favor's words. Turning away to hide her silly smile, she said, “Stop flattering me.”

“Oh! Sorry...” Party Favor said as his ears folded back, not knowing he was beginning to fluster his friend.

From behind, Twilight Sparkle tapped Moon Dancer on the shoulder and the cream colored pony turned to look at the princess. Twilight then said, “It looks to me that you have a great friend here.”

“He is.” Again, Party Favor smiled brightly.

“Now onto a different subject: your birthday, Moon Dancer,” Twilight said. This statement caught her friend's attention and straightened herself out.

“We are sorry that we forgot your birthday. However, we can all be forgetful, which is an unfortunate trait we all share. Because of this, a friendly reminder of your birthday would be the best thing you can do. Then, you can plan ahead and set up for your party so that all of your friends have a good chance to celebrate your birth.”

“Okay,” Moon Dancer replied weakly as she looked downward.

Feeling a hoof on her shoulder, she looked up at Twilight Sparkle. “So, why don't we go to Cadence's birthday and then celebrate yours after, okay?”

“Alright. I actually like that.”

Reaching out, Moon Dancer hugged her alicorn friend. She felt the grip of Twilight tighten around her. Then, she watched as the rest of her friends began to come toward her as they too began to surround her and then hugged her as well.

“Thank you,” Moon Dancer said as her ears pointed back and her lips began to create a goofy smile. “Thank you all.”

Over the Ledge

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Ch. 2

There was laughter among Moon Dancer and her friends as they walked toward the Castle. “So every time you dropped your glasses,” Cadence asked, “Party Favor was right there at the door?”

“Hehe, yeah.”

“To be honest,” Party Favor said, “I was just unsure of myself on where I was going so I just wanted to be sure I was going the right way.”

Lemon Drops let out a giggle. “Maybe he likes you Moon Dancer.”

Moon Dancer's cheeks turned beat-red upon hearing the statement. Lyra, noticing her friend was flustered, asked, “Why are you so flustered? Do you do like him?”

“Oh girls, leave her alone,” Minuette argued, defending her friend.

“Well I like Moon Dancer,” Party Favor responded with a smile. “She is quite the good pony. You all should know that.”

“T-thanks,” Moon Dancer said. Her smile made a squiggly U shape and her blush slowly faded away. “I like you too.” Looking at Lyra and Lemon Drops, they winked at her.

“Well, here we are,” Cadence announced as she and the others approached the ballroom. There were a good amount of ponies who were present at the building. Most of them were crystal ponies; ponies that shined like valuable gems. There colors arraigned from yellow, blue, light-purple, silver, and so on.

As they came to the entrance, a white unicorn stood in front of the ballroom. When his gaze came upon them, he made haste and came to them. “Hey Twily!” he spoke as he approached, then looked at Cadence. “Hello my birthday mare,” he said in a deeper tone as he wriggled his eyebrows.

The pink alicorn giggled and replied, “Hey Shining Armor.” Moving forward to him, they gave a quick kiss and then looked back at Moon Dancer and her friends. Twilight rolled her eyes and moved forward from the group.

“Save your kissing for another time you too,” Twilight said as she grinned at the two lovers.

“Sorry Twily. I just want to be with my wife on her special day.”

While Twilight rolled her eyes, her friends let out an “aww,” including Party Favor. The mares looked at the curly haired stallion upon hearing him say “aww” as well as the others.

“What?” he said as his brows creased slightly. “It was cute. Can't a guy find things cute?” Everypony gave a chuckle as Party Favor looked at them confused and slightly embarrassed.

“So who is the friend you brought along?” Shining Armor asked Twilight and Cadence.

Feeling a shove from her marefriends, Moon Dancer was pushed forward. Out in front of the two princesses and prince, the mare went forward to them. “Hello,” she said.

“Why hello,” Shining Armor replied with a smile.

“Today is also her birthday,” Twilight said to her brother.

His eyebrows raised. “Is that so?” Taking a few steps forward to her, Shining Armor took Moon Dancer's hoof and gave it a kiss. Looking up at her, he spoke, “Nothing wrong with having to two birthday mares today. Consider my kiss a gift.”

“O-oh! Th-thank you.” Moon Dancer's face began to blush as she looked at the hansom stallion. Worried that his wife was jealous, the unicorn looked up at Cadence, but thankfully the alicorn didn't give her any distasteful looks and just smiled at her.

The sound of her friends giggling from behind made Moon Dancer look back. Trying to keep them from laughing, she gave them a leer; but her efforts gave her no apples. “So,” Cadence spoke aloud, bringing everypony's attention to her. “Shall we head inside?” All of them agreed with a “yes” and began to make their way into the ballroom.

Moon Dancer followed behind Shining Armor as he followed his wife and sister. Looking around, there were tables set along side the walls of the ballroom. Various foods and beverages occupied them, arraigning from cubes of cheese, to a wild assortment of fruits, to kegs of cider. A good amount of ponies occupying the room as some mingled and others danced to the sound of classical music.

Pulling away from her sister-in-law, Twilight Sparkle went over to Moon Dancer and said, “I'm glad you came.”

“Me too,” Moon Dancer replied. “Sorry I was being a stubborn mule earlier...”

“It's fine. We all have our ups and downs in life. Trust me, you are not the only one who breaks down. I should know.”

“Hehe, yeah.” Looking back, Moon Dancer expected to see her friends, yet did not. “W-where did they run off to?”

“Who?” Also looking back, Twilight replied, “You are right! Where did they go?!” The alicorn wrapped an arm around her friend's neck. “We better go look for them and hope they didn't leave without us!”

“Uhh, yeah...”

Twilight Sparkle's attitude was quite odd, her words were very over exaggerated as she spoke aloud. Other ponies looked at her with confusion as she said her loud words. “Let's go look in the garden!” Twilight suggested.

“Alright...” Tugging on her friend's neck, the alicorn and unicorn made for the large door that rested on the left side of the building, just west from the ballroom entrance.

Walking up to it, Twilight gestured Moon Dancer to open the door. Pushing the large door open, Moon Dancer looked at her friend and said, “You have been acting very strange all of a sudden... What are you-"


The sudden burst of voices would have startled Moon Dancer and caused her to scream. But instead, she was speechless. There were many ponies in front of her. There were her friends who followed her to the ballroom, but there were others as well. Among the group, she saw her parents and sister, the librarian, her old elementary teacher, and even old classmates. There where others she didn't know, but most of the ponies who stood before her she knew. Looking behind the group, she saw a banner that read: Happy Birthday Moon Dancer. The birthday mare's eyes began to glow, her ears retreated backwards, and the unicorn's mouth began to writhe into a squiggly smile.

“Y-you all... remembered...?!” Moon Dancer choked.

“Of course we did,” her mother spoke. “We just thought we should remind everypony how special you are to all of us. So, your father and I planned this way ahead of time. We almost didn't get the garden reserved because of Princess Cadence's event. But thanks to her, she was willing to let us use the garden just for you.”

Slowly, Moon Dancer went over to her family. Others parted way for her as she made her way through the crowd of ponies. Arriving to them, the unicorn said, “Thank you.” Looking at everypony, she said again, “Thank you. This means a lot.”

Wiping a tear from her daughter's face, Moon Dancer's mother spoke, “Now, why don't we get this party started? I may be old, but that doesn't mean I don't know how to shake this flank.”

“Oh mother...” Moon Dancer responded with a roll of her eyes. “Alright everypony, I know I have kept you waiting. Let's get this party started!” An uproar of cheering burst from her friends and family as they began the festivities.


A beautiful mix of orange, red, and yellow rested in the sky as the sun began to set in the west. Moon Dancer was talking to her teacher, telling her the silly events that had happened that morning. Upon her head, the mare had a small, yet very lovely golden crown upon her head. It was a gift from Cadence and Shining Armor. There was a large ruby at the center of it and had two smaller emeralds on each side of the bigger gem.

Finishing her story, Moon Dancer finished with, “...and I still don't know what made the balloon heavy!”

“Ohoho,” her teacher laughed. “Sounds to me you have a pickle!”

“No kidding.”

“Well, I hate to leave you, but I must get going,” the teacher said. “Got to get up early and teach a new generation.”

“Alright.” Hugging her past instructor, Moon Dancer gave her farewells before walking through the garden. Against a large tree in the garden, she saw her many gifts that were given to her, arraigning from books, to knickknacks, to even a chemistry set that that came with many beakers and test tubes.

Other ponies waved to her as she passed by. Moon Dancer continued to enjoy herself as she continued her way through the garden. What a great day today has been. Moon Dancer couldn't help but feel so happy. It was the best and biggest birthday she had ever had; perhaps the best day in her life. As she walked toward the balcony that overlooked the land, she saw Party Favor, staring off into the distance, noticing how he wasn't smiling.

Making her way over to him, she approached him from behind. “Hey Party Favor.”

His ears twitched when he heard the mare's voice. Looking back, he replied, “Oh, hello.” Party Favor smiled as his friend walked up beside him. “Enjoying yourself?”

“Oh very much so.”

“That's good to hear.”

Both ponies smiled as they turned and looked across the land. From where they stood, they could see a small ville in the distance that sat in the valley. Trying to bring up a conversation, Moon Dancer asked, “So, what are you doing over here all by yourself? I remember you were making balloon replicas of everypony you saw, but now you are all alone here.”

“Oh...” Party Favor was quiet for a moment. “I'm just thinking...”

“About what?”

“Umm... well... I couldn't get you a gift and... I feel bad that I didn't get you something.”

Moon Dancer let out a chuckle and replied, “Is that it?” Placing a hoof on his shoulder, the mare gave him a bright smile. “Party Favor, you have helped made this day the most amazing experience I have ever had. The festivities, the cake, the friends. Everything! I can't thank you enough for what you have done for me and I am glad to be your friend, Party Favor.”

“Aw, thanks. That means a lot.” In return to Moon Dancer's compliment, the stallion smiled at her. Soon, twilight came across the land. The purple night atmosphere created a beautiful spectacle of white stars that twinkled in the sky. “It's beautiful out tonight,” Party Favor said aloud with a smile.

“Yeah.” In a quick flash, Moon Dancer saw a shooting star burn in the atmosphere. “Did you see that?”

“See what?” The stallion looked all around to try and see what his friend saw.

“I saw a shooting star.”

“Really?” He looked at his friend. “Why don't you make a wish?”

“Okay.” Closing her eyes, Moon Dancer thought long and hard about what to wish for. “Alright, I think I know what to wish for.”

“And what might that be?”

Opening her eyes, Moon Dancer said with a smile, “I wish for a good friend who will last forever.”

Giving her a nudge, the stallion asked, “I wonder who that may be.”

“Who knows?”

Looking at the ground, Party Favor saw a dandelion growing from in between the cracks. Picking it from the center of the stem, he brought it close to his lips. “You what to know what I wished for?”

“What?” Moon Dancer asked.

Blowing the dandelion, he replied, “A gift to give to my friend.”

The light-weight leaves drifted through the air, dancing around Moon Dancer.

“I thought I told you I don't need a gift from you,” she giggled.

“I still want to get you something.”

“No you d-” Suddenly, Moon Dancer felt a tickle in her nose. One of the partials from the dandelion entered her nostril and began to sneeze. “Ah... AHHHH...! chew...” Tilting her head forward, the mare's glasses slid off her face and fell over the balcony. “Oh no!” she cried.

“I'll get them!” Party Favor exclaimed.

Though her blurry vision, Moon Dancer saw her friend jump off the ledge of the balcony.

Moon Dancer couldn't help but scream. “AAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”


Moon Dancer and Twilight Sparkle accompanied each other as the princess kept her friend company on a wooden bench by a small tree that bared ripe figs. Moon Dancer sniffed harshly, trying to keep any mucus from running out of her nose.

A quick dash of rainbow flashed through the night sky and went toward the two mares. “Any sign of him Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked.

“No... No luck...” the pegasus replied as she scratched the back of her head. “None of the guards have seen him either.”

It has been twenty minutes since Party Favor made his plunder over the ledge, down toward the land below the castle. Since Twilight Sparkle was the only one who was able to accompany Moon Dancer, everypoony went into the ballroom to give her time by herself.

“It's my fault...” Moon Dancer huffed as she tried to see Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle through her blurry vision. “I deserve to not be able to see right again...”

“Don't beat yourself up Moon Dancer,” Twilight spoke with a close hug. “It's not your fault.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash said with a light smile. “If we can't find him- I am sure he is alright.”

Her statement, however, did not make the depressed unicorn change her mood. “How do you know that? What if he fell into the river?”

Bringing her hoof to her lower lip, Rainbow Dash thought, I have not thought of checking the river. I just hope he isn't there. “I-I'll keep looking.”

“Whatever...” Moon Dancer replied weakly.

She leaned her head on Twilight's shoulder and closed her eyes. “I just want this to be a bad dream. This is just a bad dream that I want to wake up from.” However, the warmth of her friend's shoulder told her that she was awake in reality. Making her herself comfortable, Twilight reached her arms around Moon Dancer and kept her close. “I want this nightmare to be over,” Moon Dancer spoke.

“I know you do,” Twilight responded as she closed her eyes as well. A few moments of silence fell in the garden.

“What's wrong?” said a voice. “What's wrong with Moon Dancer.

“Forgive me,” Twilight answered, “but my friend and I are trying to calm down a bit. Please leave us be please.”

“But I have Moon Dancer's glasses.” Both mares' eyes shot open in shock. Twilight was the first to see Party Favor in front of her. He reached forward and hooved the spectacles over to the princess. She then gave them to Moon Dancer. When her vision came to, the unicorn got up and slowly went up to him.

She looked closely at his face. Then touched it. Party Favor's cheeks lit up as Moon Dancer ran her hooves down his cheek to his neck. The gentle touch tickled the stallion. Stopping at his shoulders, Moon Dancer held a firm grip.

“Are you okay, Moon Dancer?” he asked.

“Okay...?” Moon Dancer responded coldly. Party Favor felt a sharp pain. His shoulders were being clenched by Moon Dancer's grasp. Suddenly, she began to shake him violently, screaming, “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS?! WHERE WERE YOU?! WHY DID YOU JUMP OF THE BALCANY?! WE ALL THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!”

Party Favor's eyes spun as soon as the mare finished her venting. The world was very dizzy for the stallion for a few moments before he saw his friend leering at him with tears running down her face. “You... thought I died?”

“Yes!” she choked.

A voice came from behind Party Favor. “I heard yelling.” It was Shining Armor and Princess Cadence accompanied his left. “Is everything alright?” Turning around, Party Favor saw the couple, but was still unable to move from Moon Dancer's grasp.

“I don't know if everything will be right if I KILL THIS JERK WHO I THOUGHT WAS DEAD!” Once more, Moon Dancer violently shook her friend.

“Moon Dancer,” Twilight spoke, concerning Party Favor and his predicament. She placed her hoof on Moon Dancer's shoulder. “Why are you doing this to him?”

“Why?” Again, the unicorn shook the stallion. “BECAUSE I THOUGHT I KILLED HIM! I WAS WORRIED THAT I LOST A GREAT FRIEND!” With no more strength in her, Moon Dancer began to sob and held Party Favor close, her face buried in Party Favor's chest. Her tears felt warm as they went from her cheeks and pattered onto the leaves that were below her.

Despite the fact that Party Favor's vision was still impaired, he could feel his friend against him. Party Favor wrapped an arm around her neck and lightly tugged. Moon Dancer took a few steps forward and hugged Party Favor. “I'm sorry I am so emotional,” Moon Dancer sobbed. “I just... never had a friend like you. I don't want to lose you. I have just met you and yet, you've helped me so much.”

With his vision now back to normal, Party Favor looked down as his friend. “I'm glad to hear that,” he said. “I am glad that I mean something so much to you.” He glanced back and saw Princess Cadence and Shining Armor smiling at him as the held hooves. Turning back, he also saw Twilight Sparkle casting a smile at him as well.

“I... am so sorry I worried you. But don't worry. I won't ever put myself in harms way.” Moon Dancer lifted up her head and looked Party Favor in the eyes.

“Then why did you jump off the balcony like that?” the mare asked.

Party Favor smiled, “Because I have my balloons to keep me safe.”

Suddenly, Moon Dancer felt stupid. She remembered when she launched Party Favor from the teeter-totter and he had a balloon parachute to carry him down safely.

“Well, at least you are okay.” The mare removed herself from her friend and took off her glasses to wipe her eyes. When she did, something cold touched her neck. What was that? When she placed her spectacles onto her face, she felt it again; this time, the sensation lingered. Moon Dancer went to rub her neck to make the coldness go away, she felt as if she touched something metal. Getting a grip of what was touching her, she brought it into her view.

“What is this?” The object was a thin metal chain. From Moon Dancer's perspective, it went from her hoof to her left peripheral. Using her hoof, the mare traced it. The chain didn't go too far as it reached the earpiece of her glasses.

Party Favor spoke, “It is a chain to help keep your glasses from running away from you.”

“You mean, the chain is like a necklace?” Moon Dancer asked.

“Yup!” he nodded. “You see, as I was falling to catch your glasses, I asked myself, 'What if Moon Dancer had something to keep her glasses from falling off her face?' As soon as I caught them, I noticed there were two holes on your earpieces. Then an idea hit me. So I quickly went to a craftspony's shop and asked them if they could add a thin chain into the holes of your glasses. Lucky for me, they were about to close up shop because of how late it was getting, but I convinced them to add the chain, saying it was your birthday and all. Heh, that's why it took me a while to get back. I would have floated back up and gave back your glasses, but... I wanted to suprize you. So... happy birthday.”

Moon Dancer looked at Party Favor as he gave her his same old happy smile. Taking off her glasses, she took the chain and ran her head through it. She carefully guided the chain down the back of her head. The cold metal touched the back of the mare's neck and made her shiver a bit. Like a necklace, her spectacles hung in front of her chest. Moon Dancer gave a light tug on them and felt the chain yank the back of her neck.

“I hope you like what I did to your glasses Moon Dancer,” Party Favor said as he watched the mare admire her gift.

Moon Dancer mare placed her glasses on her face. “I love it Party Favor,” she replied with a happy smile. Again, she hugged her friend. “Thank you so much. This gift is more precious than any book I own.” Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, and Twilight Sparkle let out an “aww” as they heard Moon Dancer's sweet statement.

“Oh, that reminds me!” Party Favor's sudden exclamation startled Moon Dancer. He then shoved a wrapped present toward his friend. “I also got you a book. Your friends told me you like books, so I got this along the way.”

“You didn't have to get me two gifts,” she replied , pushing the nicely wrapped rectangle back to the giver.

“Well too bad. I feel like being generous today, so be happy,” Party Favor grinned as his brows slightly creased.

“Fine!” Moon Dancer responded sarcastically. “I will enjoy my gift.” Taking it, Moon Dancer tore the wrapping paper off of her soon-to-be book.

“The book store owner told me all the mares have been reading this book. So I got it for you.”

The mare tried to keep a happy facade as she read the title of the book: Fifty Shades of Hay.

“Wow! Thanks Party Favor!” Despite her overexaduration, Party Favor didn't seem to notice her strange attitude. Twilight, Cadence, and Shining Armor did notice Moon Dancer's sarcasm based on her tone.

“I'm glad you like it.”

“You bet. I'm just gonna hold on to this book here and... marvel at the cover. You can go tell everypony that you are okay now.”

Party Favor nodded. “Alright.” He happily trotted toward the ballroom and opened the large door. When the door closed with a loud clunk, Moon Dancer looked back.

“Time to dispose of this horrid novel,” she spoke deeply. Quickly she went over to the balcony that overlooked the Kingdom of Equestria. The mare placed the book on the ledge and prepared to push it off into the land below.

“What are you doing?” Princess Cadence asked.

“Like I said,” Moon Dancer looked back, “'to dispose of this horrid novel.'”

Cadence looked at her sister-in-law. “What is so bad about this book?”

Twilight hesitated to answer. “There's... well... the... male character takes advantage of the mare he is with.”

“As in...?”

Lifting her head, Twilight stretched her neck so she can whisper into Cadence's ear. Twilight whispered softly so her brother didn't hear.

“Oh!” Cadence blushed.

“What is it my dear?” her husband asked.

“N-nothing to worry about my love...” The pink alicorn gave an awkward smile toward her lover.

While the the three figures of royalty were bunched together, Moon Dancer was ready to dispose of the horrid novel.

Then, a shadow loomed over the unicorn. “Hello Moon Dancer!” Above her was Party Favor. He had a good amount of balloons strapped to his waist while looking down at his friend.

“AGH!” In a frightened moment, the mare swatted the book from the ledge, causing it to fall below.

“Oh boy, not again...”

POP! Looking to see who was above her, Moon Dancer saw Party Favor popping the balloons that held him in the air.

“What are you doing Party Favor?” Moon Dancer asked, still startled from his sudden appearance. “And when did you get here?”

“Well, I was going to ask you if you wanted to go on a balloon ride, but you seem to have knocked my gift off the ledge, so I am going to retrieve it.”


With each balloon that popped, they caused Party Favor to descend faster and faster, descending toward the area where the book fell from.

Before he was out of reach, Moon Dancer got a hold of a balloon and kept her friend from falling any further.

“Is something wrong, Moon Dancer?” he asked as he looked upward.

“Ugh... you don't have to get the book. It's just a book.”

Party Favor insisted, “But I want to get it. Don't you want me to get it for you?”

“Well... the thing is..."

He noticed his friend's change in attitude. “Do you not like the book?”

Moon Dancer's friend hit the nail on the head. “I... kind of don't... That book has... a lot of things I disagree with.”

“Really?” Disappointed, Party Favor looked down as he remained stagnant in the air.

From her perspective, Moon Dancer saw Party Favor's disapproving face. “Party Favor, I didn't mean to offend you or hate your gift,” she said. “I love what you've done for my glasses and-"

“Do I annoy you...?” When he looked up, Moon Dancer noticed he was upset.

His question caused Twilight, Shining Armor, and Cadence to poke their heads over the ledge to look at him.

“W-why would you say something like that?” Moon Dancer answered. “You don't annoy me at all.” The reply didn't convince Party Favor to change his attitude. He just glanced downward. Looking at the balloon she was still holding and then back, Moon Dancer asked Twilight, “Can you help him up here?”

“Of course,” she nodded.

Twilight lifted off the ground and flew over the ledge. Party Favor was just hanging in the air as the princess flew down to him. “Hey Party Favor,” Twilight greeted.

“Hey...” he replied without glancing at the princess.

“Here, let me help you.”

Twilight grasped the strings that held the balloons from floating away and gently pulled on them, slowly lifting the stallion back up and onto the ledge.

Cadence and Shining Armor took several steps back to give Party Favor some space. Very lightly, he touched down and Twilight landed right next to him. Party Favor gave a pull on a knot of strings that were holding the balloons from flying away. Slowly, the thin wire unraveled from around his waist and the balloons drifted upward, into the dark sky.

Moon Dancer, Twilight, Shining Armor, and Cadence all looked at Party Favor as he still wore his sad face.

“What's wrong Party Favor?” Moon Dancer asked, concerned for her friend.

“I'm sorry if I am being annoying...” he answered.

“W-what? Of course you're not. You are the nicest stallion I have ever befriended.”

None of her words convinced Party Favor. “Are you just saying that...?” His eyes were full of doubt and Moon Dancer saw it.

“Of course.” Moon Dancer's brows furrowed. “Do you not trust me?”

“I... want to trust you- Wait! I don't mean it like that! I-I just...” Party Favor looked at Twilight help. After all, she and her friends helped him and his village. He hoped she would help him one more time. “Twilight?”


“Can you tell them my story about my village? Please...?” The Princess of Friendship knew what he had gone through. She saw what happened to him when he was locked in the room with herself and friends. She remembered how the siren in that dreadful room spat out repetitive phrases that bantered the spirit. And she remembered how those phrases broke him.

Cadence and Shining Armor looked at each other in confusion, while Moon Dancer looked at Twilight and Party Favor with concern.

“Of course I can,” Twilight reassured.

“Thanks,” the light-blue stallion spoke quickly.

“What happened to him?” Moon Dancer asked as she approached Party Favor. She remembered what Party Favor told her: Remember how you asked me if I know what it is like to feel useless or without purpose? A pony had locked me in a room telling me that I am useless over and over for hours...

Could this be the 'long story' Party Favor didn't want to talk about?

Twilight Sparkle cleared her throat so that all attention was on her. “It's a bit of a long story,” she said toward Moon Dancer. Looking at her brother and sister-in-law, she told them, “I know I have told you two about it.”

“The story about the far east village and the villainous unicorn, Starlight Glimmer, yes?” Cadence answered. Twilight gave a reassuring nod. “Oh...” Cadence looked at Party Favor. Her heart felt heavy. “I would have never thought you, such a happy pony, went through something that horrible.”

“It's more than that, princess...” Party Favor replied, his head cocked even more toward the ground.

Feeling the need to help her friend, Moon Dancer moved close to her friend and reached her arm around his neck. The only sign of movement from Party Favor was him reaching for her hoof. With a tight grip, he held on.

“You ready to hear his story?” Twilight asked Moon Dancer.

“Yes. I need to know what is caused my friend so much hurt.” Moon Dancer's heart began to flare. “This Starlight Glimmer seems to be quite the retched pony.”

“Well, before you anger yourself, let me explain what happened.”

Taking in a deep breath and exhaling, the cream colored mare nodded.

Twilight Sparkle explained the story of how she and her friends found his village. She explained how simple it was, how everypony wore the same cutie mark, and the false smiles that the villagers had to broadcast from their faces. Then Twilight began to talk about their leader, Starlight Glimmer, and how she kept cutie marks locked in a vault so that others won't feel more special than others and how she stole Twilight's cutie mark; her friends were to follow the same fate. When Twilight began to talk about the room she and her friends were locked into, Party Favor began to shiver. But the comfort from Moon Dancer kept him from shaking for too long.

Concluding the story, the princess ended it by explaining how Starlight Glimmer was exposed as she was lying to the others as she hid her cutie mark by painting her flank with the same one as the other villagers and that she fled the village and vanished into a cave, never to be seen again.

“That was... quite the story.” Moon Dancer was now standing next to Party Favor, no longer having her arm around his neck.

“There is more to the story...” he answered.

Twilight looked at him and tilted her head to the side. “There is?”

“Think of this part of the story as the aftermath of what you just told Moon Dancer. This is the reason why I... well...” Party Favor looked at his friend Moon Dancer and then back at at everypony else. He took in a deep breath and exhaled, ready to tell his part of the story. “Ever since Starlight Glimmer fled the village, a good amount of the villagers, including myself, had a hard time... trusting.”

“Is that why you said, 'I want to trust you' to me?” Moon Dancer asked earnestly.

“Yes. A-and I do! It's just...” The stallion looked at his friend. She saw pain in his eyes. “We were lied to. Everything she told us was a lie. She told us that cutie marks brought pain; that being special can cause somepony to feel lesser than you. Some of the villagers are still having a hard time trusting, while some have grown past that.”

“And now here I am. I know I have good friends and I know how much you care about me Moon Dancer. But... there is that shadow of doubt that this is too good to be true. That your kind words are only kind words. I don't want to doubt. I want to believe that I am special. I want to be special. And I... want to trust. I just want to know... what is true and what is false sometimes...” Party Favor was quite for a moment. “When you said you liked your gift and then you turned around and said you don't want it because of the contents within it, and... well, you lied about your gift.”

Party Favor slowly began to away from everypony. “Sorry... I'm a bit sensitive when somepony lies to me now a days...” he said aloud. “Even the smallest white lie causes me to doubt. All I need truth. That's all.”

Stopping him, Moon Dancer intercepted his path. The two ponies looked at each other; the stallion wore his sad frown and the mare held a smile.

“There is one thing that is not a lie,” she said.

“And what is that?”

Placing a hoof on Party Favor's shoulder, the mare answered, “All the tears that I cried today and all the emotions I shared with you so far... Do you believe that?”

Party Favor smiled, “Yes.”

“And why is that?”

“Because you poured out your heart to not only me, but your friends. You may hide why you are upset, but you at least show you are. You don't hide your emotions. You let others know how you are feeling just by your expression.”

Moon Dancer let out a chuckle. “I was expecting you to say, 'I believe you because I just do,' but that works too.” She didn't think Party Favor would go into depth of why he believes in today's shared emotions.

“You are a good pony, Moon Dancer.” Party Favor's nose went skyward and he looked to the stars. He smiled. A shroud of relief came over the stallion. “I'm glad I can trust you as a close friend.”

Warmth came over Party Favor. Looking down to earth, he saw Moon Dancer hugging him closely. “I trust you too,” she spoke softly.

While the two unicorns held each other, a pegasus landed behind Twilight Sparkle. "I heard that Party Favor is alright," said Rainbow Dash.

"I think he is doing better than before," Twilight answered.


Looking at Party Favor, Moon Dancer asked, "So, if I can remember, you said you wanted to let me go on a balloon right."

"Yes I did. You sure you want to? It might be scary because we will be going high up."

Giving it more thought, Moon Dancer replied, "Well, it wouldn't hurt to have somepony safeguard us in case something went wrong."

Both she and Moon Dancer looked at Rainbow Dash.

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Ch. 3

“Don't worry Moon Dancer,” Party Favor reassured. “If anything happens, I'm sure Rainbow Dash here will take you down to safety. Right?” He looked at Rainbow Dash who flew close by.

“Of course,” the pegasus responded with the wave of her hoof. “I wield the element of loyalty. I would catch any of my friends in a heartbeat!”

“T-thanks... Just don't expect me to not be nervous...” Moon Dancer looked downward as she saw the land below her.

No more was she bound to the world by gravity, but was now adrift in the sky with many balloons holding her afloat. Many strings wrapped around her torso and were strung not to tightly, making the air travel not too uncomfortable.

Accompanying Moon Dancer, Rainbow Dash, and Party Favor was Cadence, Twilight Sparkle, and Shining Armor. Unlike his sister and wife, Shining Armor did not possess the gift of flight and had to use balloons as well so that he may accompany everypony else. His wife flew next to him, but slightly below him, just in case something happened to his balloons and that she may catch him in a moment's notice.

It was a new experience to Moon Dancer, seeing the world from a different perspective. Everything was so small and she felt so large to everything she saw. All the houses and buildings within the confines of the castle walls looked nothing more than little figurines one may see in a makeshift model of a construction concept. Red and yellow lights specked all across the city, creating a beautiful spectacle of bright dots. The light of the moon was very bright and kept the land of Equestria lit in a cool vale. The air was slightly chilly, but thankfully, Moon Dancer always wears a sweater as her common attire, so it was less bothersome.

She saw how the castle clung to the mountain side and wondered how it was able to keep itself from falling to the land below. Looking down into the valley, everything looked even further away. Things were less distinguishable because Moon Dancer was so far up and it was night time. Still, her experience was both thrilling and frightening. She can feel her body shiver from the adrenaline that was rushing through her body. But with Rainbow Dash near by, Moon Dancer felt safe and knew she was in good hooves if anything bad were to happen.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” Party Favor asked as he drifted beside the mare.

Moon Dancer gave an unsure laugh before replying, “I'm a bit nervous, but... it's nice to see a different perspective on the world.”

“I do this all the time. I had a hot air balloon at my village and take the children for a ride.”

“Were you afraid the first time you flew through the sky?”

“Yes I was, but I wanted to take a chance. A chance to try something different. That's why I am the way I am. I never want to do the same thing over and over. You got to shake things up in life to make it more interesting. For example, I wanted to expand my experience as a caterer by moving here to Canterlot. Sure my village is a wonderful place to live, but it's small and I have already catered to everypony there multiple times.”

“I thought you said that you had just arrived to Canterlot.”

“I did, but all of my things were transferred to my estate last night.”

Moon Dancer thought about what he had said. She usually is stuck inside with her studies and away from others, not experiencing other things in life. She could only remember going to the Canterlot Theater, watching several plays and musical performances on her own accord, but that was about it. Looking at Party Favor, the mare thought about her friendship with him. Maybe he was a friend that could help her get out of her shell more. After all, he now lives in Canterlot, so she might as well get close to him.

“Hey, Party Favor?” Moon Dancer asked.

“Hmm?” Party Favor drifted in front of the mare and faced her.

“Would you like to spend time with me more often? Like... hang out?”

Embarrassed, Moon Dancer turned away from Party Favor and looked at Twilight Sparkle. The alicorn gave her a bright smile and looked at her brother and sister-in-law and saw that their expressions were the same as hers.

“Of course I would love to spend time with you,” Party Favor replied, causing Moon Dancer to look back at him. She saw the stallion smile at her as he clapped his hooves together.

“Thank you Party Favor.” At the same time, both ponies reached out to hug each other. However, Party Favor accidental pushed her arm and caused her to spin around in the air. Moon Dancer's world began to rotate and she started to panic. “Stabilize me please!” she complained as her legs began to flail around, trying to stop herself.

Hearing her request, Rainbow Dash quickly came to her aid and made her spinning come to a complete stop. “Thanks Rainbow Dash.”

“Hey, that's why I am here,” the pegasus replied.

While Moon Dancer and Party Favor were mingling with each other, Cadence looked at her husband and smiled. “Such a lovely night, isn't it.”

“With you here, it is a lot more magnificent.”

Cadence giggled from her husband's complement, while Twilight rolled her eyes.

“You know,” Twilight imputed, “I think a piano playing in the background would make this evening a lot more beautiful. I always thought that a slow playing piano made me feel like I am flying through the air.”

Party Favor heard the princess as she was talking to her family members. “I can have that arranged.” Quickly, he pulled out a bunch of balloons and began crafting something. After a short while, the other ponies noticed that he was crafting a piano. It was a bulky creation, considering it was a piano. When he was finished, the balloon crafted piano was held by three other balloons that kept the object afloat in the air. Drifting over to his creation, Party Favor adjusted himself and prepared to play the instrument.

“You can't possibly play music with THAT,” Rainbow Dash spoke. Looking at Moon Dancer, she asked, “Can he?”

Answering her question, a smooth complement of notes came from the so called piano and made everypony was speechless. Nopony dared to question how he was able to create such wonderful sounds. The music was calm and smooth as Party Favor continued to play.

(This is the song that inspired the theme and can picture Party Favor playing this particular piece.)

Moon Dancer began to relax herself as she watched Party Favor play the "instrument". The breeze wafted her underside and almost made her feel like she was going higher. A thick slowly drifted by and covered everypony in a deep fog. But that did not stop Party Favor from playing his song. Looking at Party Favor, Moon Dancer saw his expression. He was very focused on what he was doing, even though his vision was impaired. The cloud's moisture caused Moon Dancer's glasses to fog up and she had to wipe them so she can see again. Just as quickly as it came, the cloud left them. Feeling a bit brave, Moon Dancer began to try and swim through the air. To her surprise, she was able to. Even though she was a beginning to move further away from everypony, the music remained the same volume.

Such sweet music, the mare thought as she smiled and watched the world below her. The fear from within her heart began to fade as she marveled at the towers of the castle.

While listening to the music, it changed tone. The notes were a lot deeper and louder. They grew louder and louder. And yet, the tone did not ruin the peaceful atmosphere. Closing her eyes, Moon Dancer let the soft breeze carry her. She didn't care where. All she cared about was drifting through the air and listen to the music.

What a wonderful birthday.

After several minutes, the music calmed down and went to its original tone and sweetness. It began to get slower and slower. Then a high note was played. Then a pause. A brief pause. Then he resumed to play. But as he played, the music was beginning to slow to a crawl. Moon Dancer's heart began to flutter as she listened to the last minute of the song. She closed her eyes once more and pictured a stallion holding her hooves as she drifted in the sky.

With a final sound of notes, Party Favor ended his song.

A round of applause came from the spectators.

“Beautiful,” Cadence spoke.

“That was awesome,” Rainbow Dash complemented.

“Well played,” Twilight said.

“Wonderful,” Shining Armor replied.

Drifting over to him, Moon Dancer smiled down the stallion. “Did you like my song?” Party Favor asked her.

“It was the most amazing thing I have ever heard.”

“Then consider my music as another birthday gift.”

“Hehe,” Moon Dancer giggled. “You don't have to spoil me.”

“Well, it still is your birthday. There are several hours before midnight, so I have free reign over doing so.”

The unicorn gave him a shove and caused him to drift away a little.

“So, how were you able to play music from a piano made out of balloons?” Twilight asked.

“Magic,” Party Favor replied as he moved one of his arms and arched them in the shape of a rainbow.

Twilight didn't like the response she got, but remembered that there are a lot of things that were magical and had yet to be explained.

“I also never knew you played the piano,” the purple mare spoke.

“I don't.” Party Favor's statement caused everypony to look at him with shock.

“Then what was that?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed with her arms gesturing to the piano. “How could you not know how to play the piano if you were able to do what you did just now?”

“Because this is one of those pianos where you just press any note and it plays a song for you.” Party Favor gestured Rainbow Dash to come over to him. “Try it yourself.” Without hesitating, Rainbow Dash went over to the piano and pressed a note. Then another and another. Soon she was pressing random keys and was surprised to see herself playing music. Playing really fast now, Rainbow Dash was now playing Flight of the Bumblebee.

“Having fun,” Twilight asked as she came over to her friend.

“This is awesome,” the pegasus replied.

“I'll take that as a yes.”

Considering Flight of the Bumblebee is a short song, Party Favor allowed Rainbow Dash to play the musical piece. Concluding her song, Rainbow Dash looked at Party Favor. “Is it alright if I take this piano home?”

“Sorry, no can do.” Out of nowhere, Party Favor pulled out a pin and poked the piano with it. Instead of a loud popping sound, the balloon craft made the sound of a piano being dropped and crashing onto the ground.

“Why'd you go and do that?” Rainbow Dash argued.

“Because my balloon making is what makes me unique. I don't want my balloon crafts all over Equestria. Somepony might try and take my idea.”

Rainbow Dash folded her arms. “Fair point.”

“So,” Moon Dancer interjected, “may we go back onto land? I enjoyed the time up here, but I'd rather have my hooves on the ground.”

Party Favor nodded, “Sure.”


Inside the Canterlot Ballroom, Moon Dancer was walking beside Party Favor. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Cadence, and Shining Armor left to do their own business. As they walked, Moon Dancer noticed that there were even fewer guests than before.The time was eleven in the evening, so it was understandable as to why there were less ponies. Moon Dancer noticed Lemon Drops was breaking down several tables and stacking them against the wall, assuming she was beginning to clean up.

“Thank you for everything you have done tonight,” Moon Dancer said to Party Favor with a smile.

“You are very welcome,” he replied back. “Are you going to head home soon?”

A yawn escaped Moon Dancer. “Yeah... I think so.”

“Would you like me to walk you home?”

“Thanks but no thanks. I'll be fine on my own.”

“But I insist. Also, what about all of your gifts? How will you get those home?”

Moon Dancer gave Party Favor's request more thought. Even though she would rather do some things on her own, the mare believed that Party Favor wanted to help her out just for the sake of being a good friend.

“Sure, you can follow me home. But how will we get all of my presents home? I have quite a lot you know.”

Party Favor smirked, “You forget what I do.”

Moon Dancer apparently forgot what he does until they got to her presents. Party Favor created a horse-drawn wagon and placed everything in the back of it. In no time, both were on their way to Moon Dancer's home. They chatted along the way, conversing about when they could spend time together.

“So tomorrow around noon?” Moon Dancer clarified.

“Sounds good. When you get to my estate, you can help me unpack and we can have lunch afterwords.”

Both soon came to Moon Dancer's home. The front of the house was quite warn down. Several branched of vines crawled up the house and weeds sprouted from between the cracks of the concrete walkway. Leaves were everywhere, covering the entire lawn, making a blanket of orange, red, and yellow. Cracks were visible on the wall of the house and the roof looked like it needed to be re-shingled.

“Your house needs some renovation,” Party Favor spoke.

“Don't remind me...” Moon Dancer grumbled as she opened the gate to her yard. As it swung all the way open, it fell of the hinges. She grunted as she pushed the now fallen gate aside. Opening her door and turning on the light, Moon Dancer went back to Party Favor and began to unpack the wagon. Because Party Favor was lending a helping hoof, it took them less than ten minutes to get everything into the house. They placed all the gifts in the living room. The gifts were either on the dust covered coffee table or on the musty old couch.

“Thanks again for everything,” Moon Dancer spoke as she watched Party Favor place a heavy box on the couch. A plume of dust puffed out of the cushion and caused the two of them to cough.

“Your- ehem... welcome once more.”

“Ah... Ahhhh... AAAAAGGGHHHHHH! chew...” Moon Dancer squeaked out a sneeze, trying to get the dust out of her system. Her glasses slid off her face, but the chain that wrapped around the mare's neck kept it from falling to the ground. Moon Dancer stood there for a while, giggling a little before placing the glasses onto her face.

“This simple thing you did for my glasses was really sweet,” she smiled as she looked at Party Favor.

“I just don't want you to lose your glasses and be left helpless.”

Moon Dancer rolled her eyes. She considered herself very independent and having her friend say she would be helpless without her glasses left an uncomfortable ring in her ear.

“Well, I shall be on my way,” Party Favor spoke as he headed to the door.

“Wait,” Moon Dancer said loudly and caused the stallion to stop in his tracks. “Where is your estate? Are you renting a room at somepony's home?”

“Oh, I'm living in the Canterlot Castle. Third story. Just ask the guards and they will lead you to my room.”

“Wait... You live in Canterlot Castle?”

“Yeah. Thanks to Princess Twilight, she convinced Princess Celestia to allow me to live there. Pretty neat, hugh?”

Slowly, Moon Dancer walked up to Party Favor and placed a hoof on his shoulder. She looked at him with a blank expression as he stared back with uncertainty. “Are you okay?” the stallion asked.


Despite the fact that Party Favor was quite dizzy from the angry mare, he replied, “I like to go on early morning walks and wanted to explore the kingdom a little bit.”


“I didn't have any at the time. Will you please stop shaking me please?”

“How did you not-! N-never mind.” Moon Dancer removed her grasp from the stallion, still wondering how he got lost. Party Favor, however, was still a bit dizzy and had a hard time standing.

“Besides,” Party Favor smiled stupidly as his eyes spun in his head, “I am glad I forgot my balloons back at my place.”

Moon Dancer was about to ask why, but she knew what he was going to day if she did. “I'm glad you did too. If you didn't I would have not made a great friend today.” Both ponies looked at each other with smiles. Without asking, the two of them moved forward and held each other for a short while.

“I'll be leaving then,” Party Favor said as he removed himself from the mare. As he removed himself, Moon Dancer wished he hadn't. She was enjoying his embrace and wanted to be held for just a while longer.

It soon became an awkward moment for the two ponies for they could not find anything to say to each other. Without any words, Party Favor went for the door and Moon Dancer followed. Leaving the home, Party Favor turned toward the mare. “I will see you tomorrow Party Favor,” Moon Dancer finally spoke.

“You too Moon Dancer.” With a simple wave, Party Favor turned around, leaving Moon Dancer to herself.

The mare let out a loud yawn and closed her door. What a day, Moon Dancer thought to herself. She was suddenly weighted down by exhaustion. Slowly, she made her way to the second couch in the living room that didn't have any gifts on it. Letting out a sigh, the unicorn laid down on the couch and rested her head on a pillow. The dust for some reason did not bother her, which she liked, considering she does not like to sneeze.

Moon Dancer removed her glasses and reached for the table to place them onto it. But because her vision was impared, Moon Dancer missed the table and had her glasses fall to the floor. “Whatever,” she grunted as she placed her head back onto the pillow and closed her eyes. Soon, she began to fall asleep.



Disturbed by the sound, Moon Dancer twitched and looked at the door.


You can't be serious... Slowly, Moon Dancer got up and tried to find her glasses, but could not. Assuming the one at the door was Party Favor, the unicorn slowly went toward the door. She may not have been able to see well, but she knew her own home more than anypony and made her way to the door. Once she reached it, Moon Dancer opened it.

“Hey Moon Dancer,” Party Favor spoke. “I see you are not wearing your glass-”

“What is it, Party Favor?” she asked as she tried to see him through a foggy vision.

The stallion smiled nervously as Moon Dancer looked back at him with irritation. “I am really sorry for bothering you... but umm... I kind of... umm... can you give me directions back to the castle?”

“Can't you just use your balloons and fly back to the castle?” Moon Dancer moaned in a gruff.

“I actually ran out of balloons...hehe...” Party Favor could tell Moon Dancer was not pleased. “I'll make it up to you,” he reassured.

“Do you want me to just lead you there?” she asked.

“P-please? I promise I will make it up to you.”

Moon Dancer sighed, “Fine. But help me find my glasses first.”

The stallion laughed loudly, “You lost your glasses?! How did you-” Party Favor was met with an angry glare. “Sorry... I'm in no position to talk...”

You think?

Making it Up to You

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Because of the change in weather, Moon Dancer found it very difficult to sleep. The cold temperature kept waking her as she tossed and turned, wrapping herself more and more in her blanket, hoping she can keep herself from freezing.

Lucky for her, it was now morning. Moon Dancer did not know how many hours she slept, but was still glad it was the day time because the sun's heat warmed up her bedroom. She tried to move herself from her bed. However, her morning sleepiness was keeping her from getting up. Her bed felt more comfortable than usual and the mare wanted to enjoy laying in it just for just a bit longer. Making up her mind, Moon Dancer decided to lay for a few more minutes.

Letting out a yawn, the mare looked at the ceiling, still pinned down from her exhaustion. In her blurry vision, she looked at the wooden planks that stretched across the ceiling that held the roof from falling in. Moon Dancer thought about how worn down her house was in and thought about possibly renovating it sometime soon. But just as her current motivation to get up, Moon Dancer did not feel like fixing up her home at the current moment.

After what seemed to be a good amount of time just lying in bed, the mare finally got herself up from her soft mattress. She stretched her legs out and let out a loud yawn. Turning around to her dresser, Moon Dancer took her glasses and placed them onto her face. She had to struggle with the chain a little because it was slightly tangled, but managed to remove the knot and got it around her neck. As she walked through her home, she noticed that her ankles were freezing, so she put on her pink slippers to keep them from getting any colder.

The first thing the mare did was go into her bathroom and wash off her face with cold water. It was not something she was fond of, considering the cold weather affected the temperature of the water. But the freezing feeling woke her up sooner than later. After wiping her face with a dry towel, Moon Dancer looked in the mirror and saw that her hair was not in her typical bun; it was undone and messy. Instead of doing her hair, she felt like doing that after she ate breakfast and bathed.

Now more awake, Moon Dancer through her living room and into the kitchen. She reached up to a cabinet and went for a loaf of bread that was in its package, placing that on the counter. Moon Dancer felt like having something simple to eat. She rummaged through another cabinet and found a jar of peanut butter. Placing that on the counter, Moon Dancer then saw a bunch of bananas nearby and took one. Moon Dancer was making a childhood favorite meal: a peanut butter banana sandwich. Normally eating peanut butter alone was very difficult because of how gooey it can be. The banana gave the sandwich more moisture, making it easier to consume.

After making her sandwich, Moon Dancer began to eat it. While she was eating, she looked into the living room, where all of her presents still rested on the couch. It warmed her heart as she saw the many gifts that were there. Moon Dancer brushed her hoof on the right of her glasses and felt the chain that looped into the hole of the earpiece. Everything that she had got from the day before was great, but Moon Dancer could not get over the gift that Party Favor had given her: a chain for her glasses. It was simple, yet a loving thought. She never thought that she would have such a great friend after just one day of knowing them.

Before she knew it, Moon Dancer had finished her sandwich. With a sniff and a scratch of her nose, she made her way to the bathroom and gave herself a nice warm bath. Normally she takes a shower, but today Moon Dancer felt like she should treat herself. Even though she bathed for only five minutes, Moon Dancer felt that it was worth the time spent in the tub.

After draining the bathtub and removing the fog from her glasses, Moon Dancer went to the mirror and dried herself off. Her mane was in more of a frizzy state because of how she dried her hair, but it was no problem for her to brush it and straighten it. She then got her hair bands that had two plastic marbles attached to the rubber string. It took no effort for Moon Dancer to put her mane into a stubby bun. Even though she does not have much of a fashion sense, Moon Dancer liked her hair done in that way.

With herself dry, Moon Dancer went to her room and into her dresser, pulling out one of her many gray sweaters she typically wears. The thought as to why she had so many of the same brand of sweaters dawned upon the mare. But the thought was quickly lifted as she remembered that she promised Party Favor she would come to the castle and help him unpack. Though, she was still irritated from the night before, considering the forgetful stallion can't learn directions if his life depended on it and had to walk Party Favor back to the castle. It didn't help that she was very tired at the time as well, so that tacked onto her irritation meter.


He did say he was going to make it up to her. Perhaps she can think of something along the way...


“Just down the hall at the very end is Party Favor's estate,” said a pegasus guard in a gruff tone.

“Thank you,” Moon Dancer answered as she walked away from the guard that was leading her through the castle. If Moon Dancer would have decided to venture into the castle without knowing where to go, she would have been just as lost as Party Favor would have been.

It didn't take Moon Dancer very long to get to Canterlot Castle, considering she went to school there and knows how to quickly arrive.

It also made Moon Dancer feel even more welcomed when Celestia, who was on her way to whatever she was trying to attend to, recognized her and said hello to the mare. They talked briefly before the princess had to make her way to her her own business.

Because of her encounter with Celestia, Moon Dancer felt that the day was going to be a good one. Arriving to Party Favor's door, she gave it a knock a few times and waited.

No response.

After about thirty seconds, Moon Dancer knocked at the door again.

Still no response.

After knocking for a third time, the mare spoke at the door loudly, “Umm, Party Favor, it's me Moon Dancer.”

Standing still for minute, the mare wondered if he was out and about. But that idea left Moon Dancer, considering he can get lost very easily in the kingdom. Then again, Party Favor could have somepony following him around, making sure he does not get lost.

Wondering if he was out and about, Moon Dancer placed her hoof on the doorknob to see if it was locked. She gave it a twist.

And it turned ninety degrees.

It shocked Moon Dancer that the door was unlocked. Carefully, she pushed the door and pushed it open. Peering into the room, the mare saw the many boxes that were scattered about. Several were opened, most of which looked to have party supplies within them. A bed rested in the corner of the room, right below an arched window. The bedding was not done, indicating to Moon Dancer that somepony lives here.

Taking one step inside, Moon Dancer looked left and right, wondering if he is about. She was about to step back out when she saw something out of place. There was a cluster of boxes were piled on top of each other. They probably were stacked on top of each other and toppled over due to imbalance. Various things were spilled out on the floor due to the possible tipping of boxes; items such as clothing, party hats, and a large amount of balloons used to make balloon animals.

Among the mess, something stood out to her. Something fluffy and curly stood up in the air in the mess of boxes. It was like a large weed among a field of flowers, attempting to gain more attention to itself and away from the other plants.

Moon Dancer squinted her eyes and noticed that that was no flower. It was a tail Specifically, it was Party Favor's tail!

In a panic, the mare ran over to the box cluster and used her magic of levitation, removing them with ease.

Sure enough, Party Favor was revealed from beneath the pile of boxes. The mare began to panic and removed him from the mass of cardboard and into the open. He was breathing but unconscious. Shaking his shoulder, Moon Dancer said, “Hey Party Favor, you okay?”

Squinting his eyes, Party Favor stirred around before opening them. “Hmm? Moon Dancer...?” The stallion seemed confused. “What are you doing here?”

Moon Dancer sighed in relief, “Thank goodness you are okay.”


The mare explained that his door was unlocked and she decided to look inside to see if he was around. She then told him that she had to remove him from a pile of boxes that were toppled over him.

“It's rude to intrude on someone's property by entering without permission,” Party Favor said, now standing on all fours.

“I was just curious is all,” Moon Dancer responded with her thick eyebrows creased. “I was also worried that you were hurt.” Her attitude quickly changed from irritated to joking. “I should have left you to be consumed by your own belongings.”

Party Favor smiled at Moon Dancer. “At least you care about my safety.”

“I think I need to worry about you, considering you like to jump off balconies just to save my glasses.”

The stallion walked over to the cluster of cardboard and began to set them upright. “How is your gift treating you by the way?”

A warm feeling wrapped around Moon Dancer's heart, causing her to smile. “It's my favorite gift.”

“That's good.” Party Favor got all of his spilled belongings now back in their appropriate boxes.

“So how did you end up buried under all of those boxes?” Moon Dancer asked, curious about the situation he was in before the stallion was consumed by cardboard.

“Umm...” Party Favor looked slightly embarrassed. He brushed the back of his head and blushed. “It's an embarrassing story.”

The mare didn't care if it was or not. She rather here the story. “Then tell me what happened.”

Looking for a way out of his predicament, Party Favor saw a box that read: Alarm Clocks. Running over to it, he opened box. A wave of ticking sounds flooded the room the two ponies were in.

Moon Dancer went over to him and looked into the cardboard container. “Why so many alarm clocks?” the mare asked.

Looking at one of the clocks, the stallion saw that it was about lunch time and figured it would be the best way to avoid telling his story. “Say,” Party Favor spoke aloud, “why don't I tell you my story over lunch?”

“What about me helping you with unpacking?”

“Oh... we can do it later.”

Peering into the box herself, Moon Dancer saw the time on one of the many clocks. It read: 12:47. She figured that it was about time to eat as well, considering that her breakfast was not all that much.

“Sure we can. I know this great cafe we can eat at.”

“Good,” Party Favor sighed. She must not know about the story... With haste, the unicorn moved to the door. “Shall we get going?”

“Umm... sure...” Party Favor's attitude made Moon Dancer want to hear his story even more. However, she was still more curious about why he had so many alarm clocks.

Making her way outside of the room, Party Favor closed the door. “Shall we?” he asked.

“Mmhmm,” Moon Dancer nodded with a smile. And with that, both ponies went on their way. “So why do you have so any alarm clocks?”

“Well, there is a funny reason why.”


“Interesting,” Moon Dancer said as she scratched her chin. “So you place a sticky note on an alarm clock, then you set the time you want, and when it goes off and go to turn it off, you are reminded of the note.”

“Correct!” Party Favor exclaimed. “My method helps me keep track of things I wish to not forget.”

The two unicorns sat at a table, eating their own sandwiches. Moon Dancer was eating a daffodil sandwich with lettuce and a small amount of mustard. Party Favor was eating a grilled cheese sandwich with a ramekin filled with catchup.

Because Party Favor's conversation on why he has so many alarm clocks was over, Moon Dancer was still curious as to why he was buried under boxes at his estate.

Party Favor knew that she was going to ask the question, so he needed to come up with something quick. He could see Moon Dancer's mind working as she stared at her sandwich while she chewed her food.

“Hey... Moon Dancer... umm...” A gaze from the mare met Party Favor's eyes. He needed to keep her off the subject of his past story. “Do you... remember last night-”

“Yes I do remember last night,” Moon Dancer interrupted and caused Party Favor to halt his voice. She looked rather irritated as she remembered what he had her do: walk him back home because of his lack in knowing his way around the kingdom.

“Well, do you also remember what I said?”

“No... I do not.” Curious as to what he was getting at, Moon Dancer placed her sandwich down and carefully listened.

“Oh. Well, you see, I said I was going to make it up to you if you helped me get back to the castle.”

The memory of him saying such a proposition flooded back to Moon Dancer. “I do remember you saying that.” She then raised a brow. “Are you suggesting anything in mind?”

“W-whatever you want.”

Moon Dancer closed her eyes and began to think.

Yes! This is working. Soon, she will forget all about my stupid accident and we will never have to think about it again!

The mare opened up her eyes and said, “Okay, make it up to me by telling me why you were under all those boxes.”

Party Favor gave a wide smile. A smile that said, “I'm not hiding anything embarrassing... even though I am.”

“Have you considered anything else, M-Moon Dancer?” Party Favor asked, almost wanting to plead to her not to have him speak of his story.

“Not particularly.”

Party Favor was in a corner and had to find a way out. Moon Dancer could not know what happened last night as to why he was buried under a pile of cardboard cubes. “Have you thought of doing an experiment or studying something about me? I know you like to study about things. Why not have me as your guinea pig?”

Moon Dancer quickly sucked in a breath of air. And then, slowly exhaled. She was interested in Party Favor's proposal. “Hmm...” the mare hummed as she scratched her hoof with her chin. “Do you have anything in mind about what I can study about you?”

The stallion's plan was working, but was going to fall apart if he did not think of something quickly. “Maybe... study on how I... make my balloons do unrealistic features.” As the words came out of his mouth, Party Favor was screaming internally. He has not been friends with this mare for a week and we was willing to spill his secret behind the “magic” of his balloon craft. But if Party Favor were to keep his humiliating story away from Moon Dancer, he had no choice.

“That would be a good idea,” the unicorn smiled, liking the idea, “however...” The word “however” made Party Favor feel slightly uneasy for some reason. “...what if I studied your reactions with you without your cutie mark.” The suggestion made the stallion even more uneasy.

“We can do that,” Party Favor replied with an uneasy smile. “Why suggest that though?”

Moon Dancer could see that her suggestion was making the stallion uncomfortable, but continued moving the conversation forward, “I remember when Twilight said that when her cutie mark was replaced with an equal sign, she told me that the replacement caused her friends to almost lose all hope and motivation.”

“Yeah... it did do that...” Looking to his flank, Party Favor saw his cutie mark. It was something he did not want to see leave him ever again. However, he knows what would happen if he does not comply with Moon Dancer.

Knowing the subject matter was depressing the stallion, Moon Dancer said, “If you don't want to, we can think of something else to study. I don't want you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable...” Now she was feeling upset for suggesting her attempt to study somepony without a cutie mark. “Sorry for even thinking about it...”

“N-no, it's okay,” Party Favor reassured awkwardly. “I'm sure... I can handle it.”

“Are you sure?” Moon Dancer asked as a thick brow raised. “I don't want to see you hurt if we go through with this.”

“Yes,” Party Favor responded, nodding his head rapidly. “I mean, the equal sign cutie mark was what caused others to lose spirit. I don't think this study won't do too much harm.”

“You do make a good point Party Favor.”

The stallion sighed in relief that he was convincing Moon Dancer to go through with her studying. “So why don't we do that?”

Moon Dancer smiled, “Alright. Let's go to the study so we can get started.”

“Sure thing,” Party Favor smiled back. At least I don't have to tell her that embarrassing story... but...


Moon Dancer hummed to herself as she walked up and down the stairs of the study, trying to find anything that may help her with removing a cutie mark. Party Favor, on the other hoof, was on the first floor, sitting on a stool. The stallion was feeling slightly uneasy as he waited. Sure, his story of last night would not be told, but Party Favor didn't like what he was about to go though. Closing his eyes, the unicorn let out a sigh, awaiting his fate.

“Found it!” Moon Dancer exclaimed. Startled, Party Favor's eyes shot open and his heart began to race. Looking to the staircase, the stallion saw the mare briskly walk down to the first floor. “Or rather,” she continued, “I found what I was needed.” As she came to, Party Favor saw the title of the text she was carrying: The Magic of Removal.

Lovely title... Party Favor thought to himself.

Without realizing it, the stallion had a very bothered expression and Moon Dancer saw it. “Is something the matter?” she asked.

“I'm a little nervous is all...” the stallion replied honestly.

Giving him a caring stare, Moon Dancer said, “You don't have to go through this. I can use some other pony for this study another time.”

Somehow, Party Favor was able to smile. “But how would I make it up to you?”

“Well, if you insist, shall we get started?”

Sealing his fate, the stallion nodded and answered, “Yes.”

“Alright.” In a swift movement, Moon Dancer levitated the book and opened it. Her face was very serious and it intimidated Party Favor slightly.

The mare quickly fanned through the book before stopping on a page that Party Favor could not see. He stretched his neck up to try and get a better look at what Moon Dancer was reading. However, because the words were upside-down for Party Favor, he could not decipher what the words were saying.

“So,” Moon Dancer said, “it says here that you can remove two dimensional words and pictures with this spell.” The mare turned the book around for Party Favor to read. Moon Dancer pointed at the ancient words that spelled out a magical spell. Moon Dancer knew the language quite well as she studied it as she attended the Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns. As for Party Favor, he was looking at what he could only describe as lines that created many squares within the ancient text.

Turning it back toward herself, Moon Dancer read the language in her mind. Her horn sparked with magical energy as she repeated the words in her head, Achtunii Rehmor, Achtunii Rehmor.

With her horn charged, Moon Dancer shot out a yellow beam at the book she was holding. Light glowed from the text as the mare continued to focus. Party Favor watched in awe as he witnessed what was unfolding before him. The words from the book were beginning to fly off of the pages and float around himself and Moon Dancer.

Finished casting the spell, Moon Dancer looked at the mass amount of text that were around the two of them. “Wow,” she said with a bright smile. “This is a really nice spell.” The word “remove” was to Moon Dancer's right peripheral. Touching it with her hoof, the mare brought it in front of her face.

Party Favor sat silently, fascinated with what was happening before him. He saw Moon Dancer place her hooves in between the word, squishing it before tearing it in two.

“Interesting,” Moon Dancer said as she held “re” in one hoof and “move” in the other.

“Hehe, yeah,” Party Favor laughed nervously. “I wonder if you can tear images apart.”

“I wonder...” Looking among the text, there was an image of a book levitating above Party Favor's head. Using telekinesis, the mare brought it to her. The moment the image was within reach, Moon Dancer grabbed it and tore it with ease.

The look of horror came upon Party Favor as he witnessed the flat book being ripped with no effort.

“Now how do I put it all back...” Moon Dancer said aloud. Despite that the text was scattered about, it was still organized, still within their respective paragraphs. Glancing around the text that floated around the two ponies, she saw what she was looking for. Within a small paragraph to the mare's left was a simple explanation as to how to reverse the effects of the spell along with another scribbling of ancient glyphs. After reading it within her mind, all the words and images that floated around them swirled around the room before being sucked back into the text.

Looking at the page she pulled the words from, Moon Dancer saw that everything was back in its respective location. “Look,” Moon Dancer spoke, turning the textbook toward Party Favor. “The picture I tore was fixed as well.”

Party Favor let out a sigh of relief, knowing if his cutie mark was ever ripped, torn, or damaged, it would at least be fixed when it would be reapplied to his flank. Rubbing her chin, Moon Dancer thought about something.

“What is it Moon Dancer?” Party Favor asked.

“Since I will be removing your cutie mark, I would like to have a place to put it for safekeeping. We couldn't want anything happening to it, now would we?”

The thought of having his cutie mark forever lost was haunting. “Umm... maybe in a jar.”

“But I don't think we have a jar in the study here.”

Reaching behind him, Party Favor pulled out several balloons, flew into them, and crafted a hollow cylinder-like object. “What's that supposed to be?'” the mare asked.

“A container for my cutie mark.” Once more, the stallion reached behind him and pulled out more balloons. He then created a round, flat seal, placing it on top of the container. “I made sure the container is indestructible, so anything you put in it, will not get broken. Well, unless if you shake it, then maaaaybe whatever is in it might be damaged.”

The word “indestructable” caused Moon Dancer's mind to cramp, trying to wonder how his jar was what it was. However, the headache was only temporary as the unicorn remembered what she was doing in the first place.

“Hey Party Favor, can you make a balloon animal of your choice?”

Party Favor raised a brow. “How come?”

“You will see. Oh, and be sure to leave out some extra balloons.”

“Alright...” Nervously, the stallion began doing what he was told.

Turning away from him, Moon Dancer went over to her desk, where a notepad, an ink jar, and feather waited for her. She took the feather and lightly dipped it into the ink, slightly dabbing above the jar to drip excess liquid back into the container. After levitating the notepad over to her, the unicorn turned back to her friend. Upon seeing him, she saw Party Favor holding a balloon animal that resembled a dog. The jar he crafted was sitting on the floor. There was also several strands of deflated balloons that rested on his stool. Moon Dancer also noted that he looked quite bothered.

Walking over to her friend, the mare looked at him, concerned with what he was feeling. “So, are you sure you want to go through with this?”

Without words, Party Favor nodded with a small grin. “Wait,” he said suddenly. “I need to do something.” Before Moon Dancer could respond, Party Favor grabbed a deflated balloon and blew into it. Quickly twisting it, he created a small lock. “When you remove my cutie mark and put it in my container, I want to lock it and make sure it is safe from harm.”

“Alright,” Moon Dancer nodded. Clearing her throat, the mare's expression turned serious as she walked over to Party Favor's right. “Ready?”


With both pony's having their minds made up, Moon Dancer looked at Party Favor's flank, staring at his cutie mark. Closing her eyes, she thought, Achtunii Rehmor. Achtunii Rehmor.

Once more, the mare's horn began to glow and spark. Party Favor didn't look at his friend as she stood to his side. He didn't want to watch his cutie mark become torn off of him again.

Then, he felt it. On his right hip, Party Favor felt a numbing sensation for a brief moment before it went away. Daring himself, the stallion looked over to Moon Dancer. There, he saw his prized cutie mark beside her, once more removed from him. He looked at his hooves as his sky-blue color began to fade into a very white light-blue shade. He also felt his nervous attitude dampen into a careless depression, almost fully accepting his fate.

As the stallion sat on his stool, staring down at the ground, Moon Dancer scratched notes down on her pad:

Subject Party Favor

After removing his cutie mark, he has shown signs of color change. The body has turned into a lighter color than his original light-blue fur.

She scratched her chin, wondering what else to write. “Party Favor, how do you feel?” she asked.

“Who cares,” he responded weakly. Then he quickly corrected himself, “U-ugh I mean... just, upset that I have to go through with this.” Party Favor then gave a small smile. “B-but I am making it up to you and that is what matters.”

Moon Dancer's brows frowned as her eyes went back to her notes.

Subject has a noticeable change in attitude, despite his efforts to try and hide it. Party Favor has had some experiences with losing his cutie mark before, so perhaps his past is amplifying his sad behavior more than others might have.

I hope he does not go through too much pain... she duly noted.

As she looked up, Moon Dancer noticed Party Favor staring at his cutie mark that floated in the air. “Can you please put my cutie mark in the jar I made?”

“Of course,” the unicorn nodded.

“And be sure to put the lock on it.”

Levitating the jar to her, Moon Dancer placed the image in it and covered it with the lid. She then took the balloon lock and secured the container.

She heard Party Favor sigh. Taking a glance at him, Moon Dancer saw him smiling. “Thank you,” he said.

Walking over to the table with the jar, the mare placed it toward the back, against the wall. “It's going to be right here,” she said aloud.


Turning around, Moon Dancer went over to Party Favor who eagerly waited. He wanted to get the study over with so he can be reunited with his cutie mark once again.

“Alright Party Favor,” Moon Dancer said as she came to him. “I want you to make me a balloon animal.”

“What kind?” he asked, smiling.

“A dog.”

Looking to the ground, Party Favor remembered the one he made earlier. He chuckled, “Well, I don't know why you want me to make something so simple, but alright.”

Taking a strand of balloon that rested on his stool, Party Favor blew into it, elongating it. He pinched the opening of it to stop the air from escaping it. The stallion glanced up at Moon Dancer who just stared at him, waiting. The way she was looking at him made him feel uneasy.

Stretching the open end, still keeping it pinched, Party Favor began to twist the end into a knot. However, when trying to feed the end through a loop, it slipped from his grip and the balloon quickly farted out air as it dashed up into the air. Both Party Favor and Moon Dancer looked up and as it fell down and onto the mare's head. Part of the balloon was in front of Moon Dancer's left eye, causing her to close it.

“Hehe, oops,” Party Favor said with a chuckle. Moon Dancer giggled as she removed the elastic rubber from her head and tossed it back at the stallion. It didn't travel very far and just fell to the floor. She was about to get it for her friend when Party Favor said, “Don't worry about it. I got plenty here on my stool.”

Moon Dancer quickly stopped herself as she remembered telling Party Favor to have extra balloons available for him. Once more, Party Favor blew into another and tried tying the end. But the same thing happened. The stallion tried a third. Again, it happened once more. Holding the fourth one in his hoof, he leered at it. His eyes then left the balloon and looked up at Moon Dancer, seeing that she was writing something down.

Again, he blew into the balloon as he did the last three. This time, he stretched the end very long, making sure he can easily tie the knot. Because of this method, Party Favor was finally able to tie the end. “Finally,” he said aloud, sighing as he spoke.

As he exclaimed, Moon Dancer stopped her writing for a moment, looking up at him before resuming her writing. Party Favor watched her as she wrote, waiting for her to stop. He saw two strands of balloons that rested in her hair, reminding the stallion that it took him four tries before finally doing something he had been able to do hundreds of times. After a few moments, she did. Once more, the mare looked at him, now waiting for him. She wanted to tell him to make the balloon animal she requested, but wanted to not intervene. Her eyes looked down at her notes, reading what she had written.

After asking him to create a dog balloon animal, Party Favor's first balloon he tried to use slipped from his grip and flew around the room. At first I thought that that was an accident until he tried the same thing two more times, both flying through the air and onto my mane. He has shown signs of frustration as he attempted to tie the fourth one closed. If my hypothesis is correct, then the removal of a cutie mark results in the pony losing simple skills they were once able to do before.

Once more, Moon Dancer looked up at Party Favor who sat on his stool, waiting for her to stare back at him. Both ponies looked at one another in silence. Moon Dancer waited for her friend's next move, while Party Favor stared through her, remembering that he was a rat in this little experiment he was apart of.

Holding the balloon in his grip, Party Favor began to twist it. As he began to shape it, the stallion tried to remember how to make a dog. But for some reason, he was unable to. Because of this, he looked down at the ground where the balloon animal he made earlier rested. He began to use it as a reference as he twisted his balloon, glancing at it every once in awhile. After several minutes, Party Favor was finished. He looked down at his reference. The dog sat on the ground, almost looking right back at him. He then looked at what he had just made. Party Favor was confused. How... what is this?

In his hooves, all the stallion could see was a mess of knots and bends, resembling nothing like the dog he was able to make before.

Party Favor heard scratches coming from Moon Dancer's pad. He looked up at her notepad, leering at it, hating the sound that came from the feather. Noticing she was being stared at, Moon Dancer looked up to see Party Favor surveying her with an angry stare. “Is something wrong Party Favor?” Moon Dancer asked.

At once, the stallion blinked and darted his eyes back and forth, trying to come up with a reply. Looking down, Party Favor saw more strands of balloons on his seat. Without replying to his friend's question, he simply took another balloon and blew into it, attempting to make another dog.

Moon Dancer watched the unicorn with concern as he began to try and craft another balloon animal. Maybe I should stop him... Party Favor looked up for a moment and looked up at Moon Dancer. The moment their eyes met, the mare quickly looked down at her notes and then, at the jar that held Party Favor's cutie mark.


The sound of a balloon bursting startled Moon Dancer as she was forced to look back at Party Favor. She saw her friend with the look of disbelief, holding his hooves out like he was holding something in them. But nothing was there in his hooves. Ribbons of rubber clung to Party Favor's mane as he continued to keep his arms in the same place. Letting out a sigh, Party Favor's shoulders slumped before picking up another shriveled balloon.

Moon Dancer had to force herself to write something down in order to keep herself from staring at her friend. As she scratched notes onto her white paper, she wrote:

After the first attempt of trying to make a dog out of balloons, Party Favor was unable to make a recreation of his original creation. The second he tried to make popped. I was not looking when it did pop, but can only assume that it burst because he is having a hard time making a balloon animal.

Despite the willingness to study how a pony would be without their cutie mark, Moon Dancer was finding it hard to write anything down. She couldn't help but feel sorry for her friend.

“Hey Party Favor,” she said.

“Yes?” he responded without looking at her.

“Why don't you... try and make three more and then stop.”

“Sure,” the stallion said without even giving a quick glance. Moon Dancer saw frustration in Party Favor's eyes as he looked down every once in awhile, trying to remake what he was able to do not even fifteen minutes ago.

“I'm going to give you some time to make those balloon animals. I'll be upstairs.”


It took Moon Dancer a few moments to actually move herself. She couldn't help but worry about Party Favor. She knew he beginning to get upset. Finally moving, Moon Dancer went over to her desk and put her notebook down and feather into the jar of ink. Before walking up the stairs, the mare took one more look at Party Favor. He was twisting it for a short while before tossing it over his shoulder. Party Favor then noticed Moon Dancer looking at him and glanced in her direction. But the moment he did, she looked up to the second floor and began to ascend to it.

As she got finished climbing the last stair, Moon Dancer briskly went over to the balcony door and opened it. Now outside, the mare looked out at the world. Based on where the sun was, Moon Dancer knew it was now beginning to become late afternoon. The leaves that were on the ground made random patterns as they rested on top the of green grass and white stony paths. Still, with this nice view, it was not enough to make herself feel good at all. She knew that Party Favor was still inside, becoming more and more frustrated, perhaps even sad.

I can't have this go on anymore, the mare thought to herself. I am ending this so-called “study”. With her mind made up, Moon Dancer left the balcony and down to the first floor. Upon reaching the first floor, she saw her friend looking down at the ground. Several twists of balloons littered the ground around him, no where resembling the dog he created from before.

Walking up to him, Moon Dancer said, “Hey, Party Favor-”

“I'm sorry,” the stallion said weakly.

“For what?” Moon Dancer asked, her brows creasing slightly in confusion.

“I couldn't make the dog you wanted.”

“Hey, don't worry about it. I just wanted to let you know what you don't have to go through with this anymore. I have studied enough.”

“B-but,” Party Favor stuttered, “What about me making it up to you?”

“You already have.”

“No I have not.” Party Favor was not convinced he had made it up to his friend. “Umm... why don't you observe me trying to sleep without my cutie mark or... why not see if I-”

A hoof came over Party Favor's mouth. “Stop,” Moon Dancer said, now frowning.

“Why are you upset Moon Dancer?” Party Favor said as he sat upright.

“Because you are upset.” The stallion's voice escaped him before he could come up with a response. “Let me ask you something, and be honest with me.” Party Favor adjusted himself, awaiting his friend to speak. “Do you not like what you are going through right now with this little study?”

It took a moment for Party Favor to find the words, though he already knew the answer. “No,” he finally said. “But I-”

Again, a hoof fell on his lips. “I'll be talking for a moment. Talk when I ask of you please.” Blush ran across the stallion's face as he nodded. “Now, because of your discomfort, I will be stopping my little experiment on you.”

Party Favor moved his head, trying to get a word out, but Moon Dancer's persistent hoof stayed glued to his mouth. Her eyes were also speaking to him as both ponies stared at one another. They had a concerned, yet warm look to them. Party Favor stopped moving and stilled himself. After he did, Moon Dancer removed her hoof and placed it on the ground.

“I hope you washed your hoof while you were up there before putting it on my mouth,” Party Favor snickered.

Not surprisingly, Moon Dancer put her hoof back on his lips. “I thought I said I will ask you when to talk.” She couldn't see his smile, but felt his mouth move under her hoof. In return, Moon Dancer smiled back. But her smile was not long lived and it left as fast as it came.

“So why, Party Favor? Why are you so persistent in making it up to me if you are going to put yourself through hurt?”

The mare removed her hoof slowly and awaited a response from her friend. “Because...” Party Favor spoke softly, “I felt that I bothered you and... didn't want you to hate me because of what happened last night.”

One of Moon Dancer's brows lifted while the other creased. “You think, that after everything you did for me yesterday would be negated just because of your terrible skill in taking directions?” The mare shook her head. “Just you have one flaw does not mean I will turn a new leaf on you. A true friend accepts their friend's flaws and helps them as much as possible. Like... my chain on my glasses.” Moon Dancer removed her spectacles, causing her chain to dangle in the air. Light reflected off of it, causing it to shimmer and twinkle. “I somehow managed to lose my glasses over and over again yesterday, a flaw that happened to start when you arrived. And then, after you jumping off a ledge and thirty minutes of me worrying about you, you fixed my flaw by adding this chain to my glasses.”

Moon Dancer reapplied her glasses onto her face before continuing. “Do you understand Party Favor? Just because of one thing you are bad at does not mean I will hate you. And I am more than willing to assist you to help fix your flaw.” A sweet smile came across the mare's face.”

“Alright,” Party Favor responded with small grin.

Now with both ponies having their minds made up, Moon Dancer walked over to the desk and took the container. She faced her friend with the same smile she had.

“Now how do you expect to open that?” Party Favor asked.

“By opening it of course.” Placing her hoof on the lid, Moon Dancer began to remove the lid. However, it did not budge. After noticing that the seal would not come off, the mare used more strength. But still, no apples.

“What is up with this thing?” Moon Dancer complained as she leered at the object.

“I told you, I made it indestructible.”

So many questions as to why Party Favor's balloon container was “indestructible” flooded the mare's head.

Getting up to his stool, the stallion went over to Moon Dancer. “I also happen to have the key to that lock that you put on the jar as well.”

“Did you happen to craft a balloon key for it as well,” Moon Dancer snickered.

“No.” Party Favor lifted his hoof to show his friend a pin. “I have the key right here.” With a quick jab at the balloon lock with the pointy object, it burst into ribbons.

“Let me guess, that pin is the only thing to pop this container as well, right?”

“No,” Party Favor said again. A look of shock writhed onto Moon Dancer's face. The stallion took this time to take the jar from his friend. He then opened it so that he may be reunited with his cutie mark. Without warning, the mark flew up into the air, dancing around the large room before shooting toward Party Favor. Moon Dancer flinched as it went to him. Party Favor didn't move an inch. In fact, he didn't want to move. He wanted his cutie mark to come to him sooner; moving would mean he would have to wait longer before having to be reunited with his beloved image.

Without missing, the cutie mark landed on Party Favor's flank, right where it was before. He looked at the image and gave his hips a good shake to make sure it was secure and won't fall off. Before her very eyes, Moon Dancer saw his color return to her friend. His fur was its original light-blue and his mane was in its dark-blue color.

Party Favor let out a sigh, as he looked up. He could feel his happiness return to him. Looking back down to earth, the stallion noticed Moon Dancer was staring at his jar that he was holding. “Do you want the jar?” he asked.

“Yeah. I want to... test its durability.”

Party Favor chuckled, “Do you want to do another study? Because if you think you can figure out what makes this jar so strong, well, I don't think you can.”

“Oh really,” Moon Dancer said slowly, her mouth twisting into a grin. Moon Dancer pointed a hoof at herself and held her head with pride. “Well, if you must know, I am one of the best unicorns to ever attend Canterlot's School of Gifted Unicorns. I have been able to do things even Twilight Sparkle was unable to do.”

“Like what?” Party Favor challenged.

Moon Dancer took the jar from her friend. “Like figure out why this balloon container is so indestructible.”

“I don't think so.”

“Just watch me.”


I don't get it... I just don't get it...

Moon Dancer rested her chin on her wooden desk as she looked up at the invincible jar made up of rubber and air. Notes littered the area around and on the table, each one having the words “failed attempt” written somewhere on the paper.

The mare rubbed her temples, trying to understand the durability of this simple looking container. She has tried piercing it with Party Favor's pin, hitting it with an offensive magic spell, and even tried to burn it. All failing each attempt.

Taking a break from her study, Moon Dancer moved herself from the desk and stretched out her arms and legs. On the other side of the study, Party Favor was making a balloon animal. From Moon Dancer's point of view, it looked very dark and bulky. As she walked over to her friend, the stallion stopped what he was doing.

“What do you have there?” Moon Dancer asked as she looked at Party Favor's craft. Looking at the balloon animal, the mare noticed that it had three bulging heads that came off of one body.

“A cerberus,” the unicorn replied with a smile.

Looking closer, Moon Dancer saw the cerberus. It was very bulgy and looked more goofy than intimidating. Regardless, Party Favor's talent impressed the mare.

“So,” Party Favor spoke as he blew into another balloon, “figure out how to break my unbreakable container.”

Moon Dancer frowned. “No...” Her ears retreated backwards in irritation. “Whatever you did to your... 'jar,' I have no idea how to even make a dent in it.”

“Hehe, told you,” the stallion chuckled. He then tied the end of the balloon he blew into. Then he wrapped it around a small loop at the back of the cerberus' neck. “There we go.” Party Favor stood up and held the long balloon that protruded itself behind the balloon animal; the cerberus hovered just above the ground.

“What did you just add to your balloon animal?”

“A collar.”

Upon seeing the clever design choice, Moon Dancer smiled brightly. “That's cute.”

“Thanks. I got this great idea of making balloon animals based off of massive and legendary creatures.”

“Is there anything you have not made out of balloons?” Moon Dancer asked.

“A massive float for a parade. I've always wanted to make one, but just haven't found an opportunity yet.”

“Really? Well, that's interesting.” Moon Dancer was now finding it difficult to find something for them to talk about. Looking at the window, the mare noticed that it was dark out.

“Goodness!” she exclaimed. “I can't believe my day went by so quickly!”

“All because of a simple balloon jar,” Party Favor grinned.

“I'm sorry, who was the one who put themselves through discomfort today?” Moon Dancer flashed a smirk and creased her brows.

Both ponies looked at each other, both refusing to let the other intimidate them. But their composure was shortly held, and then, began laughing.

“I think it is safe to conclude our day, yes?” Moon Dancer asked.


The mare then began to walk to the door, gesturing her friend to follow her; however, Party Favor remained still, looking at the desk. “Is something wrong?” she asked when she noticed her friend was stagnant.

He pointed a hoof at the table. “What about your notes? Aren't you going to put them away?”

Moon Dancer waved her wrist at the stallion. “I'll worry about those later.”

“Alright then.”

Looking at the wall, Moon Dancer saw a switch. Going over to it, she flicked the switch down, the light vanishing from the room. Pitch black.

Suddenly, a loud crash rang out and Moon Dancer's heart began to race. Flipping the switch back up, the mare saw her notes drifting through the air. The table was turned over and Party Favor had his head through it.

“What in the world-!” Moon Dancer exclaimed as she ran over to her friend. “Are you okay?! What happened?!”

“Sorry, I-” Party Favor stuttered, as he pulled his head through the hole. His cheeks blushed as he nervously looked at Moon Dancer. “I uh... tend to panic when I am in the dark...”

“Well that was quite the reaction. You rammed your head right through my desk!”

Party Favor rubbed his cranium. “Think of it as me getting lost. If I don't know where I am going, I wander around without a clue of where I am. Only... when it is pitch black, I sort of... panic.” The stallion's ears fell backwards in embarrassment. “Basically, I... don't like the pitch black dark...

“Wait...” Moon Dancer thought intensely for a moment. “Is that why you were under all of those boxes when I came to see you?” Party Favor hunched his neck forward. His face was red and his ears were still held back. “Is that why you didn't want to tell me why you were under all of your boxes?” the mare chuckled.

The stallion didn't feel angry at Moon Dancer because of her small amount of teasing; he felt lame and weak because of his insane fear of the dark. Seeing Party Favor in a state of sorrow, the mare went next to her friend and stood beside him. She then put an arm around his neck. Party Favor leaned his head slightly toward Moon Dancer, acknowledging his friend's affection.

“Don't worry about being afraid of the dark,” Moon Dancer reassured. “I have a silly phobia as well.”

Looking back, the unicorn asked, “What is that?”

“Umm... well, I am afraid of umm... butterflies...” Moon Dancer gave a silly smirk, knowing that something as harmless as a butterfly can be feared.

“You're afraid of butterflies?!” Party Favor laughed with a wide grin.

A harsh glare came from Moon Dancer. “Hey, those things are gross with their... metamorphosis. I mean, how does a worm like... thing become something that flies?! It makes no sense! And I have studied caterpillars and butterflies to try and get over my fear of them, yet they still freak me out!”

The thought of the flying insect alone made Moon Dancer shiver.

“I guess we have our own fears, hugh?” Party Favor asked.

Regaining her composure, Moon Dancer nodded, “Yeah.”

Looking at the door, the mare gestured to the door. “Shall we now get going?”

Her friend nodded, “Yes.”

Both ponies then went for the door. Party Favor was the first to be almost out of the door when he looked back to see if Moon Dancer was behind him. As he glanced back, he saw that light from the study vanish, causing the stallion to briskly walk away from the black void. Moon Dancer quickly emerged from the darkness and was now outside with Party Favor. Taking the key to the study, she closed the door and locked it.

Turning to the stallion, Moon Dancer smirked, “You better walk close to me if you don't want the darkness to creep up on you.”

Unaffected with her remark, Party Favor grinned at her, “I don't mind night time. Only if it is pitch black dark and I cannot see is when I panic. Don't think you can freak me out that easily, Miss I am Afraid of Harmless Insects.”

Knowing she had no good quip to combat Party Favor's statement, she swung her body into her friend, bumping into him. “Let's go,” she smiled as she walked forward.

Party Favor nodded, mimicking Moon Dancer's expression.

Pondering the Mark

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Ch. 5

Moon Dancer took in a deep breath and then sighed. Alright, let's do this. With the flick of a switch, the potter's wheel spun on top of her workbench. A large lump of clay rested at the center of the wooden surface as the machine went round and round. The mare had a bucket of muddy water to her left. Clay rested at the bottom of the water, waiting to be used.

Moon Dancer sat on a stool inside her dimly lit shed. One bulb lit up the room, but its light was barely decent and it flickered on the occasion. The work bench took most of the space inside the shed. Several tools laid in a corner far into the shed, rusted and covered with cobwebs.

For a while, the pony had been fascinated with pottery and wanted to make some of her own. She was inspired when she visited an art museum months before Twilight Sparkle came back to redeem her friendship with Moon Dancer. When she visited the museum, Moon Dancer saw a massive vase that was fat as it was tall. Many shapes and designs were carved and painted on it in a various manner. Moon Dancer never saw herself as being artistic but was never afraid of trying when she was inspired to become a potter.

Most of her work was warped and disproportionate. Only very few of her pottery work came out well and even she disliked her average work. Regardless, she knew she was improving and kept at her hobby.

Carefully, Moon Dancer brought her hooves to the spinning clay and prepared to give it shape. The touch was soft and cold, but Moon Dancer knew that. Just remember what the book said: nice and easy, Moon Dancer thought.

As the mare handled the clay, it began to take shape. It was beginning to form into a bowl-like shape. However, that is not what Moon Dancer was aiming for; Moon Dancer was trying to make a tall vase. Dipping her hoof into the muddy water, she took a hooful of clay and began to drip the mud onto the bowl. Moon Dancer began to raise her hoof, allowing the bowl to extrude upwards.

There we go. Nice... and easy.

After several minutes of concentration, the pony had made a tall cylinder-like shape out of the clay. She brought her hoof to the top of the cylinder to give it a curve inward. Moon Dancer brought her face close to the clay so she can focus on the area she wants to get perfect.

“Hello,” a voice spoke from the doorway. Turning her head, Moon Dancer looked to see Party Favor standing in the doorway. But the moment looked to see the stallion, Moon Dancer pushed her hoof into the clay cylinder. Losing its original shape, the clay spun around on the potter's wheel wildly and slapped the mare in the face. Her glasses were knocked off her face but were caught by the chain that was wrapped around her neck and stopped them from falling to the ground. Quickly, Moon Dancer turned off the potter's wheel so the clay can stop rotating.

“Was... I interrupting?” Party Favor asked.

Moon Dancer looked back at the stallion with an irritated stare. “What do you think?” she asked. Moon Dancer grabbed her glasses and placed it on her face. Despite the splat of muddy clay that blocked the mare's left eye, she didn't bother to wipe it off. She just continued to stare at the stallion.

Getting up from her stool, Moon Dancer walked over to Party Favor. “Do you want me to leave?” he asked, aware that he bothered his friend.

But instead of being irritated, she smiled. “Well since you are here, I don't suppose you wanted to hang out or something.”

“Wasn't planning on it,” Party Favor responded. “But we can if you want to. I just wanted to check up on you is all.”

“Well I am surprised that you were able to find my house on your own,” Moon Dancer snickered.

“Oh I didn't find my way.”

“You… didn't?” Moon Dancer lifted a thick brow in confusion.

“Nope,” he shook his head.

“Then how did you find my house?”

“I just asked the townsfolk if they know about a messy old house around Canterlot.”

Messy!? Moon Dancer scrunched her eyebrows at the comment.

“Most of them who did know of your home’s whereabouts didn't say very nice things about it,” Party Favor frowned. “Somepony even said something on the lines of ‘uncultured ponies live in a house like that,’ or something-”

“I get it,” Moon Dancer interjected. “Because we live in Canterlot, ponies are very critical towards others, especially toward ‘the uncultured,’” Moon Dancer quoted in the air with her hooves.

“Don't you get bothered by others when they insult your status?” Party Favor asked.

“No,” Moon Dancer shook her head. “Those who do criticize me probably don't know who I am and have no business telling me what I am. Besides, I already know who I am and what I am capable of.”

Party Favor smiled. “Glad you think like that.”

Now bothered by the mud stain on her glasses, the mare wanted to get them clean. “I need to go wash these off.” Moon Dancer walked out of the shed and into her backyard. Party Favor moved out of his friend’s way as she came to the outside world.

Weeds littered the backyard. And where there wasn't any weeds, dry dirt was to be seen, along with a good amount of dead leaves on the ground. The fence was rotten and ready to fall apart. The only thing not natural about the backyard aside from the shed, was a small square slab of concrete that rested at the house’s backdoor.

Opening the door, Moon Dancer walked in. She looked back to see her friend still standing in the same spot.

“You want to come inside?” the mare asked.

“I think it is best. You might lose your glasses while you clean them.” Party Favor laughed at his own joke.

Moon Dancer didn't turn to look at the stallion as he commented. She rolled her eyes instead.

Entering the bathroom, Moon Dancer removed her glasses and ran water on them. The clay washed off with ease and left no stain on the spectacles. Through her blurry vision she saw Party Favor in the reflection of the mirror. The moment he saw her, the stallion quickly backed up.

“S-sorry,” he apologized. “I didn't know the door was wide open.”

“It's okay.” Moon Dancer reapplied her glasses after drying them off with a towel. Turning around, then leaving the bathroom, she saw Party Favor still standing where he retreated.

“Hey,” he replied with a smile.

“Hey yourself.” Moon Dancer looked at her friend and was happy with his presence, or rather, sudden appearance. Though, she wondered why Party Favor didn't knock at the front door and decided to come into the backyard, but decided not to think about it. He was here now and that is what mattered.

“Thank you for checking up on me,” Moon Dancer spoke. Her lips grew into a silly squiggly grin. “It... means a lot to me that you did.” Quickly, the mare turned around, worried she was blushing and didn't want herself to embarrass herself.

Party Favor shrugged, “It’s just what good friends do.”

“I wish my friends would do that on the occasion,” Moon Dancer grumbled slightly as she began to walk down the hallway, Party Favor following in suit.

“Well, you have been doing your own thing for five days and your friends did come over to see if you were free Tuesday. So, I decided to see how you were doing today. Lucky for me, you were around.”

Moon Dancer stopped in her tracks and looked back at Party Favor. “They came over? To see if I was free to hang out?”

“Mmhmm,” he nodded. “We all figured you get distracted by your studying, so we are making an active effort to come see you and make you feel more welcome.”

“And who’s idea was this?”

“Lemon Drops.”

Surprised by her friend’s kind action and thought, Moon Dancer’s ears folded back. “I guess I think too harshly against my friends sometimes.”

Party Favor placed a hoof on the unicorn’s shoulder. “From now on, don't. They all care about you, ya know. Remember the day we met and what happened.”

A smile found its way on Moon Dancer’s lips. “How could I forget? It was the best day of my life.”

“But what did you learn?”

“That… I should go out of my own way and see my own friends on my own accord?”

“Exactly!” Party Favor grinned as he watched his friend’s attitude changed to even happier smile.

“Thanks,” Moon Dancer spoke. “I needed somepony to talk some sense into me.”

“That's what friends are for.”

Suddenly, Moon Dancer moved at Party Favor and embraced him. She didn't know what took control of her as she did what she did. Emotions maybe. Perhaps she moved on her own accord. But regardless, Moon Dancer smiled as she hugged her friend.

Party Favor held her in response. Good job Party Favor. You are turning out to be a good friend.

Clearing her throat, Moon Dancer spoke, “So, what would you like to do today?”

“I dunno,” Party Favor responded. He then snickered, “Unless you want to use me for a science experiment.

Moon Dancer huffed out her nostrils and turned around, whipping her tail in the process. “You think I do everything for science, don't you?” she asked as she walked forward.

Moon Dancer heard Party Favor walking behind her as he spoke, “You do study all the time you know.”

“Of course I study. What if I come across something nopony knows?”

Both ponies were now entering the living room. Presents were still resting on the couch and a bit of dust was beginning to settle on them. Party Favor was about to ask Moon Dancer about her unmoved gifts but felt that the current conversation was more important.

“But do you have any goals you want to reach?” he asked as he looked at the back of his friend. “Like, be a famous researcher or something?”

Moon Dancer froze. “I… never thought about that actually…”

Party Favor almost bumped into the mare when she stopped in her tracks. He waited for a moment, wondering when Moon Dancer was going to move again. However, she would not budge; she just kept staring off into space.

“Are- you okay?” Party Favor asked as he came into the unicorn’s peripheral.

“Just.” The mare was having a hard time looking for the right words. “Let's go have some lunch. I want to think this over.”

“About your goals?”

Bobbing her head up and down slowly, Moon Dancer answered with a silent yes.

Good job Party Favor… You upset her. Some friend you are…


The two ponies sat in silence as they ate their lunch in a slightly busy cafe; or rather, Party Favor ate his Caesar salad quietly. Moon Dancer stared at her blueberry muffin as it rested on a white glass plate, waiting to be consumed.

She took in a deep breath, trying to inhale a fresh air of inspiration to solve her current lack of a current goal. But no amount of oxygen was helping Moon Dancer clear her head. Nothing was coming to mind. Blank. She was starting to worry if all of her studying was going to get her nowhere. So she exhaled a soft sigh.

“Do you, umm...” Party Favor spoke, trying to break into a conversation with his friend, “need any help coming up with ideas for goals?”

Moon Dancer just shook her head.

The light-blue stallion was beginning to hate himself for causing Moon Dancer to behave the way she currently is. Try as he might, Party Favor couldn't think of anything to try and cheer up his friend.

“This is a surprise,” said a voice from the doors of the cafe. Both Moon Dancer and Party Favor turned their heads to see Minuette, her smile brighter than ever.

The stallion beamed at the blue unicorn and waved. Moon Dancer simply grinned a little at her friend’s presence.

Minuette quickly went over to the two unicorns. “Glad to see your face not shoved in a book,” she joked at Moon Dancer.

“Well,” Moon Dancer replied weakly, “I don't think I will be studying for a while.”

Minuette could easily read her friend’s eyes and could tell something was up. “Are you taking a break?” Minuette didn't want to ask Moon Dancer if something was wrong right away. She rather have Moon Dancer be the big mare and say if something was bothering her.

However, instead of getting a worded response, Moon Dancer folded her ears back and placed her arms on the table. Then the mare proceeded to place her head on the table, bringing in her arms toward her so Moon Dancer can hide her shameful face.

Unable to hold it in, Minuette asked Party Favor, “What happened?”

His ears too fell backwards. “I went to visit Moon Dancer this morning to check up on her. We were talking about stuff and I brought up the question: what are your goals for studying?” Party Favor looked at his friend with a sad frown. “Ever since I asked that question, she has been like this…”

Minuette nodded as she listened to Party Favor’s short story.

“Moon Dancer,” the light-blue mare asked as she placed a hoof on her friend’s shoulder, “is something wrong?”

Suddenly, Moon Dancer lifted her head up. The look in her eyes were… not what Minuette was expecting. Two purple eyes stared at her with worry and panic.

“Who said that?!” Moon Dancer blurted out quickly. “Who said something was wrong?” Minuette and Party Favor glanced at each other with confusion, not sure how to make out the sudden change of emotion from the mare. “If something was wrong, it would be something like this:” Moon Dancer took in a deep breath before continuing, “If somepony said two plus two is five,then THAT would obviously wrong. Very wrong. Yup.”

Other ponies were beginning to look at her because of her quick speech. Moon Dancer’s eyes darted between her two friends, trying to wonder if they will ask her another question. Or speak. Again, Minuette and Party Favor looked at each, wondering what to say.

Thankfully, Party Favor spoke up, “Are- you worried about something Moon Dancer?”

“NOT REALLY!” the mare spoke out loud, unaware of her obnoxious behavior. “It’s not like everything you studied for may be worthless because you have no goals. Perhaps it is like a race that you don’t know why you signed up, or having your parents signing you up for a sport against your will! Or maybe-”

While the unicorn resumed her rambling, Moon Dancer’s friends saw that she was making a lot of commotion. Customers and employees began to stare with bothered looks. Some children giggled at Moon Dancer’s insane attitude.

A pony came from out of the kitchen and came to Moon Dancer, Party Favor, and Minuette. A simple badge was pinned on the mare’s dress shirt that read “manager.”

“Excuse me,” she spoke to Moon Dancer. “Could you please keep it down? You are bothering the customers.”

“Keep what down? The sky?!” Moon Dancer pointed a hoof at the manager. “You seem to be bothering me with such an insane suggestion!”

The mare was not pleased with the unicorn’s behavior and looked ready to throw Moon Dancer out. But just when the manager moved in to try and remove the rambling unicorn, Party Favor placed his hoof on the shift supervisor.

“Let me handle this,” he spoke. Party Favor pulled out a balloon and faced his friend. “Moon Dancer.”

She looked at him with an insane look on her face. It almost scared him to the point where he didn't want to help.

“I- want you to take a deep breath...” The mare did as she was told. “And blow into this balloon.” Snatching the rubber object, Moon Dancer blew into it as hard as she could. The balloon puffed up in an instant with her expelled carbon-dioxide.

Taking the balloon away from Moon Dancer, Party Favor tied a knot at the end. With a few adjustments he made to it, the stallion made the balloon look like a speech bubble from a comic.

“Did that relieve some stress?” Party Favor asked.

The words “yes” left Moon Dancer’s lips; however, no sound came out. Shocked, Moon Dancer tried to make her voice box work by saying things like, “Hello?” and “What happened to my voice?!” But nothing came out. She then leaned toward Party Favor and “shouted,” “What did you do to me?!”

“Umm, what did you do,” Minuette asked, knowing exactly what Moon Dancer was trying to say.

Party Favor was distracted by Moon Dancer’s death stare as she looked at him, almost ready to hurt him. “I took her voice away,” he answered.

The cream unicorn tried to reach for the balloon, but the stallion was quick to react and moved his seat away from Moon Dancer. Wanting her voice, she pointed her horn at Party Favor and tried to use magic to pull the balloon toward her; but when the mare attempted to use telekinesis, that didn’t work either.

“I also took her ability to use magic,” Party Favor spoke to Minuette. “I have effectively silenced her.”

“So I noticed…”

The manager smiled and said, “Well I thank you for solving our noise problem.” Party Favor nodded with a smile. With her business done, the employee went back toward the kitchen. Everypony now seemed to have forgotten about Moon Dancer’s outburst and the normal ambiance of conversation returned to the room.

“Well… what now?” Minuette asked.

“Now that I have effectively quieted our friend down, we can ask her yes or no questions as to what she is feeling.”

“But how will Moon Dancer answer-” Oh, by nodding… Minuette felt slightly dumb for asking the silly question. Wanting to ask the first question, the blue mare said, “Moon Dancer, do you think your studying is worth nothing?”

Moon Dancer sagged her shoulders and frowned. She nodded and mouthed “yes” even though no words came out.

“And Moon Dancer,” Party Favor asked, now bringing the attention to himself, “do you like to study?”

The mare’s bushy brows moved up her forehead, surprised that he would ask such a question. Easily, she nodded yes.

Scratching his chin, Party Favor began thinking. Minuette also.

“So if you think all of your studying was worthless, then why do you like to study?” Minuette asked. Moon Dancer stared back with an irritated look. “Oh, hehe… Forgot you were silenced. Sorry...”

“Hmm…” Party Favor hummed. “If you like to study but think your studying has no value, what if… what if you studied something never studied before. Or it could be something not much ponies study about.”

A huff of air rushed out of Moon Dancer’s snout. Perhaps is was a sigh? Regardless, Minuette and Party Favor knew she was thinking. She was moving her lips, probably talking “aloud” to herself. Moon Dancer then nodded with a smile.

“You like my idea?” the stallion asked.

She nodded again.

“I do like the idea as well,” Minuette inputted.

“The only problem is…” Party Favor frowned, “I have no idea what she could study.”

“You’re right.”

Moon Dancer began to knock her hooves together, thinking again.

“I have an idea!” Minuette exclaimed. “I may not have a subject Moon Dancer can study, but this seems like a friendship problem.”

Party Favor and Moon Dancer glanced at each other confused. “What do you mean?” the stallion asked.

“I mean we could ask Twilight Sparkle!” The name alone was enough to grab several ponies’ attention as they looked at Minuette.

“That’s a good idea!”

Moon Dancer nodded happily in agreement.

“But how will we contact her?” Minuette asked.

“The closest thing we have is Princess Celestia,” Party Favor spoke. “We could ask her if we could send an S.O.S. message to Twilight Sparkle, saying it is a friendship issue.”

“And how will we be able to do that?” Party Favor’s suggestion was beginning to sound ridiculous.

“By approaching Princess Celestia and asking.”

Minuette let out a sigh while Moon Dancer facehoofed. “I mean how will we get to her? She must be busy. Princess Celestia is… well, it’s in her name!”

“I'll just ask one of the guards. I do live in the castle and have befriended most of them.”

“How were you able to do that?”

“From time to time… Okay, all the time I get lost in the castle.” Moon Dancer rolled her eyes upon hearing his statement, not surprised. “So when the guard of the moment helps me to my room, I just talk with them. Basically, the Royal Guard trusts me as a close friend.”

“Why haven't you-” Moon Dancer started, but forgot her voice was still not yet with her. All she could do was just sat in her seat irritated with her ears folded back.

“Shall we be going then?” Minuette asked.

“Yes.” Looking to Moon Dancer, Party Favor pointed to the balloon in his lap, “I'm sure you want this back, don't you?” She obviously nodded. “But before I do…” The stallion brought his hoof to his ear. “...can you say, ‘please?’”

Minuette couldn't help but giggle at Party Favor’s joke. As for Moon Dancer, she only stared at him with more irritation.

“I'm just kidding,” he laughed as he untied the balloon knot. Pinching the end, Party Favor said, “Just inhale all the air. And promise me you won't flip out when you get your voice back.”

Again, Moon Dancer nodded.

Taking the balloon from her friend, the mare sucked in all the air from it.

“Do you have your voice back,” Minuette asked with anticipation.

“I think so-” Moon Dancer cut her voice short. She did have her voice back, but it was not the same; Moon Dancer’s voice was high-pitched and squeaky. “What did you do to my voice?!” Minuette couldn't help but laugh aloud.

“What?” Party Favor chuckled. “It's just a side effect.”

“When will it go away?!”

“In a bit… I think…”

Moon Dancer was not amused with the practical joke being played on her. Others around her laughed along with Minuette.

“Alright,” the blue unicorn spoke, now finished with her laughing, “let's leave Moon Dancer alone. She has enough on her mind.”

“Okay,” Party Favor complied. “Let's get going.”

“But first,” Moon Dancer said in a calm, yet high pitched note. She levitated the muffin that was sitting in front of her.

“Umm…” Party Favor hummed, “you want to eat that fir-”

But before he could finish his sentence, Moon Dancer crammed the pastry into the stallion’s mouth.

“Why did you do that?” Minuette asked, shocked at the act.

“Just to silence him,” Moon Dancer squeaked.

Both mares giggled as Party Favor sighed out of his nostrils and ears fell back in embarrassment.


Thankfully for the stallion, he had to mares with him and didn't have to worry about getting lost. The moment they arrived at Canterlot Castle, a guard happily greeted Party Favor. Party Favor asked him where Princess Celestia’s whereabouts. The guard told him and his friends that she was currently speaking with her sister in the throne room and does not want to be disturbed for a while. Minuette asked if they could wait outside the throne room and said their reason was an emergency. Happy to help, he and another guard led them to where the princesses were.

“Thanks for the help,” Party Favor smiled as he waved to the two guards.

“Anytime Party Favor!” one of them called back.

Moon Dancer, Minuette, and Party Favor now stood at the throne room’s doors. The doors loomed over the small ponies, showing off its lovely patterns crafted into itself.

“So, when do you think they will be finished?” Minuette asked.

“Who knows,” Party Favor replied.

“Hey,” Moon Dancer spoke up, “I appreciate you two going out of your way for me, but you don't have to do this.”

“But we want to help our friend,” Minuette responded with a happy grin.

“Yeah, but-”

“No buts or flanks,” Party Favor interrupted. “You are going to be helped.”

Knowing neither of her friends are going to give in, Moon Dancer decided to accept her fate. “Fine. It is nice that you both want to help.”

“It's what we do,” Minuette giggled. She then moved toward her friend and gave Moon Dancer a nice embrace.

“Hugs from above!” Party Favor exclaimed as he hovered over the two mares. Neither of them noticed Party Favor as he was able to tie balloons to himself and stay afloat in the air. His descent was slow as his arms fell behind Moon Dancer and Minuette’s neck.

“You are weird Party Favor,” Moon Dancer commented.

“The word you are looking for is random,” he corrected.


Then a loud creak came from the large doors. All three unicorns turned their attention to them as one door opened slowly.

“It was nice to see you sister,” spoke a blunt, yet elegant voice.

“It is the same for me as well,” replied a much calmer and peaceful tone.

A pony then exited the throne room. It was not any normal pony, however; it was Princess Luna. Her dark-blue body and night sky mane that waved along with an invisible wind caught the ponies trapped in awe.

“Can I help you three?” Luna spoke as she caught their eyes.

At once they all bowed. “We wish to speak to Princess Celestia,” Party Favor requested. “It involves Twilight Sparkle. Unless you can assist us.”

“Ah, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna beamed. All three ponies now looked up as they finished their bowing. “A good friend of mine. Are you friends of hers?”

“She is- an old friend of Minuette and mine,” Moon Dancer answered, but couldn't help feel intimidated by the princess who commands the moon.

As much as Luna wanted to believe them, the mare had a hint of doubts. She poked her head into the throne room. “Sister, do these ponies resemble any of Princess Twilight’s friends?” In one quick moment, the large doors swung open and blew a gust of air at the commoners.

Lo and behold, Princess Celestia was propped on her throne. Majestic she was. Her mane whisked in the air, a permanent rainbow of colors that needed no rain and sunlight to shine. She smiled at the three ponies. “I recognize those three,” Celestia answered. “Two are old students and the other one lives here in the castle.”

Moon Dancer didn't know how Princess Celestia knew it was her because of how far away she was from the throne. But who knows the limitation of the one who raises the sun.

“Which of these is the guest who has an estate here?” Princess Luna asked with her booming voice.

“The stallion. He is Party Favor.”

The dark-blue alicorn raised her eyebrows. “I remember you mentioning him. Is it true he can make interesting works using his balloon craft?”

“Ask him yourself sister,” the white mare chuckled a bit.

“You two mares may go see Celestia,” Luna ordered. She then sat her gaze on Party Favor. “And you.”

“Yes me,” he smiled.

“I wish to see your balloon craft. I am always fascinated with ponies using magic as entertainment. After all, I still am learning customs of today’s ponies.”

“Of course,” he nodded. Looking at his friends who still stood in place, beckoned them to go forward. “Well, don't let Princess Celestia wait.”

“Yes,” Princess Luna agreed. “You two may be old students of hers, but my sister’s time is important. Do not waste it.”

“No need to be so harsh sister,” Celestia commented. “I have plenty of time right now.”

“Must you be so kind hearted every waking moment?” Luna grumbled.

“I have my moments of anger, but not as often.”

“Anyways, you two, go see my sister.”

“I'll talk to you two in a bit,” Party Favor waved.

Taking one look at each other, Moon Dancer and Minuette felt that their time had come to see the princess. The moment they entered the throne room, the large door behind them closed with a thunderous “thoom.”

As they walked through Celestia’s chamber, guards stood watch. To the mares, they were both handsome as they were intimidating. Lovely glass murals were in the windows, each one showing Twilight Sparkle’s accomplishments, one being the defeat of Nightmare Moon. Another was her and her friends stopping Discord’s chaotic rampage.

It made Moon Dancer feel special, knowing that her old purple friend was now an alicorn. And on top of that, Twilight went out of her way to fix what she had broken: Moon Dancer’s anger toward her and attitude toward friends.

Now at the foot of her throne, Minuette and Moon Dancer bowed before their princess. They then waited for Celestia to speak.

“If I am not mistaken, you two are friends of Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia spoke with a smile. “I remember you all spending time together throughout your years here at the School of Gifted Unicorns.”

“Very good memories indeed,” Minuette smiled. Moon Dancer could think differently about the past with Twilight Sparkle, but didn’t want to speak of it. The present was present; that was most important.

“I have a request,” Moon Dancer stepped forward toward the alicorn. “It would be the world to me if you could summon Twilight Sparkle for me.”

“Is something wrong?”

“It’s… well…” The unicorn blushed in embarrassment, knowing that her request seemed silly.

“You can tell me,” Celestia smiled.

Moon Dancer looked away. “It’s… silly. N-never mind-”

“Don't be ashamed with asking me,” the princess interrupted. “I request Twilight Sparkle’s presence all the time for many reasons.”

Not wanting to upset her, Moon Dancer looked back and spoke, “I'm conflicted with something.”

“And what might that be?”

Moon Dancer looked at Minuette for help, but she just gestured the unicorn to talk more.

“I feel that all of my time studying was just a waste of time.”

Celestia frowned, “Why would you say that?”

“I have nothing going for me currently…” Moon Dancer’s ears fell back and her heart sank along with them.

“Hmm…” Princess Celestia thought long and hard before speaking again. “Then I will request Twilight Sparkle now.”

Minuette’s face lit up, knowing her princess friend was going to come to Canterlot. Moon Dancer, however, felt differently. “No no, not now! It's too short notice! She might be doing princess duties.”

“And it is her duty to help with friendship problems as well,” Celestia replied as she levitated a scroll and feather to herself. Quickly unrolling the paper, she began scribbling onto it.

“Don't worry,” Minuette spoke. “I'm sure Twilight will be happy to help you.”

“I sure hope so.”

Finished with her writing, Princess Celestia levitated the paper and rolled it back into a scroll. Then, she closed her eyes for a moment. Suddenly, the scroll folded in on itself, and vanished.

“So how long will it be for Twilight to-” Minuette began but was cut off as a flash of green light flew into the throne room. It quickly formed into a scroll and unraveled itself as it floated in front of Princess Celestia. “...reply,” the blue mare finished.

“As quick as ever,” the alicorn smiled.

“Is it from Twilight?” Moon Dancer asked almost eagerly.


“What does it read?”

“It reads, ‘In a second.’” Celestia’s brows creased as she began to decipher what the simple sentence meant. “I wonder what that means…”

“Maybe she is taking a bath or something?” Minuette thought aloud as she made an educated guess.

“I don't think she is taking a bath now,” Moon Dancer argued. “It's the afternoon.”

Without warning, a flash of light blinked in the throne room behind Minuette and Moon Dancer. When they looked, they saw Twilight Sparkle… in a towel, her hair dripping with water.

“Alright, what’s the friendship problem?!” the princess asked eagerly.

Princess Celestia giggled with delight. “I am glad to see you willing to do your duties as a princess.”

“As always.”

Twilight Sparkle looked to her friends with a happy smile, “So Moon Dancer, what seems to be the problem.”

Both Minuette and Moon Dancer were confused about the alicorn’s current appearance. “Why are you in a towel?” they asked in unison.

“Just taking an afternoon bath.”

Minuette looked to Moon Dancer with a smug grin on her face. “Told you.”

“Lucky guess…”

Twilight walked to the two mares, almost tripping as the tile floor was proving to be slippery when wet.

“I'd hug you two but I am a bit wet at the moment,” the purple alicorn giggled.

“We are just glad to see you, Minuette answered.

“Yeah,” Moon Dancer nodded.

Twilight and Moon Dancer locked stares. “Celestia told me you were bothered with something. Are you having issues with another pony? Not sure how to make friends?”

“No,” Moon Dancer shook her head. “Just a personal issue.”

The princess began to think. Her eyes rolled in her head, looking around as if to find the answer to Moon Dancer’s issue in the throne room.

“I don't think I have learned about how to assist a friend with a personal issue…” Twilight spoke under her breath.

“Excuse me?” Moon Dancer asked, not sure what her friend had just said.

“I'll be happy to help!” Twilight exclaimed, ignoring the question.

“Thanks, hehe.” The cream mare then looked at her friend, seeing how she is still in a towel. “But what are you going to do about your current situation?” Moon Dancer gestured her hoof up and down.

“Oh, right,” Twilight giggled. Looking to Princess Celestia, she asked, “May we use the bath house here in the castle? It's been a while since I have had a steam bath.”

“You may do as you please,” the Princess smiled.

Minuette beamed, “We are going to the bath house?!”

“Why not?” Twilight spoke. “We are all here so might as well spend time as friends.”

While Minuette smiled with delight, Moon Dancer was taken by surprise that Twilight would suggest such an activity. “You sure you want to?”

“Of course. We can also talk about your issue there as well.”


Twilight Sparkle and Moon Dancer smiled at each other, happy that they were going to spend time together.

“Oh!” Moon Dancer suddenly remembered something. “I forgot Party Favor was with us.”

“Where is he?”

The cream mare gestured to the door. “Outside the throne room with Princess Luna.”

“She is observing his magic,” Princess Celestia spoke.

Twilight scratched her chin. “It would be nice for him to come along, but he is a stallion. And I'm sure he might make other mares uncomfortable if any are at the bathhouse.”

Moon Dancer frowned, “I feel bad that he can't come along…”

“Do you have any other suggestions?” Minuette asked.

“Well, my head is starting to get cold from all the water that's still soaked in my mane. What to do…” As Twilight thought about the situation, the large door to the throne room cracked open.

“Sister!” Luna’s voice boomed. Everypony flinched at the sudden outburst.

“Yes?” Celestia responded and wondering why her sister is shouting.

“Have, hehe… have you ever cooked eggs?”

The alicorn glanced at her subjects confused and they looked back the same. “Yes I have…”

“Do you… like them sunny-side-up?!”

A moment of silence. And then, laughter. Some of the guards broke their masculine expression and chuckled at the joke while others had a hard time not smiling. Moon Dancer, Twilight, Minuette, and even Celestia laughed at the silly joke.

“I didn't know you had a sense of humor sister,” Celestia laughed.

“Sorry, but I am no sister of yours,” Luna responded. And all noise ceased.

“Excuse me?” Celestia and everypony else looked puzzled.

“You thought it was Luna speaking to you…” The large throne room doors opened and standing at the entrance was Party Favor.

“But it was ME, Party Favor!” he exclaimed, but not with his own voice; he was speaking with Luna’s!

Stepping from behind the corner, Princess Luna came into view and got a good look at Celestia.

“Oh sister! You should see the flabbergasted expression you are wearing!” Luna laughed but with Party Favor’s voice.

“I sure am flabbergasted alright,” she spoke.

Twilight, Minuette, and Moon Dancer briskly walked over to the two ponies. Party Favor and Luna both held grins upon their faces.

“How did you two transfer voices?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Magic,” Party Favor responded.

“I mean how did you do it?” the princess grumbled, her ears falling back. Minuette giggled a little and Moon Dancer held in a laugh upon hearing the stallion’s comment.

“I have a better question Twilight,” Luna spoke. “Why are you in a towel?”

“I… can explain… after you tell me how your voices transferred.”


Steam drifted through the air of the sana ever so peacefully as five mares and one stallion sat on a bench. Each one of them had a towel wrapped around their torso. Because Party Favor was male, Twilight had him blindfolded if he were to be in their company. And he fully understood that.

When Twilight told him she, Minuette, and Moon Dancer were going to the bathhouse, Party Favor understood why he couldn't come along. But Moon Dancer didn't want to leave him out of the activity and thought about having him blindfolded.

Before they left the throne room, the Princess of Friendship asked Celestia and Luna if they wanted to come along. They happily obliged.

“So,” Party Favor spoke with his normal voice, “I had Princess Luna blow into the balloon and caused her to lose her voice. I then blew into my balloon and lost my own. After that, I inhaled the air from Princess Luna’s balloon and then had her voice.”

“And how were you able to do that?” Twilight Sparkle asked. “Explain with detail.”

“I just did,” he responded as he looked around blindly, trying to find the princess with the sound of her voice. But if he were able to see her, Party Favor would see a very disgruntled princess.

The others, however, laughed.

“You are quite humorous,” Celestia spoke.

“I agree sister,” Luna added.

“I wasn't trying to be funny, but thank you?” Party Favor pursed his lips, confused at all the laughter.

Moon Dancer laughed along as she sat next to the stallion. Minuette sat between Moon Dancer and Twilight. Celestia and Luna were on the other side of the steaming room.

“I must admit,” Princess Luna said after the laughter died, “it is quite impressive for a unicorn to possess such interesting magic. You have quite an interesting talent Party Favor.”

“Thanks,” he replied.

Looking to Twilight, Luna asked, “So why were you in a towel when you arrived? Were you bathing?”


“Why were you bathing in the afternoon? It seems it would be something you do in the morning or at night.”

“I had a late start,” Twilight shrugged.

A moment of silence filled the air thicker than the white hot mist.

“So Twilight,” Minuette spoke, breaking the silence, “Moon Dancer has a problem and I am sure you are happy to help, yes?”

“Of course,” the princess beamed. She looked at Moon Dancer. “You are my friend after all. And because my friend has a problem, it is my duty to assist you.”

Moon Dancer blushed as almost everypony turned their attention to her; Party Favor was still “looking.”

“I appreciate the help.” Her eyes looked around, happy and embarrassed at the many bodies that occupied the room. “I just didn't expect the Regal Sisters to be here.”

“If you wish to be alone with your friends, me and my sister can kindly leave,” Celestia smiled.

“Oh no no no, you two are doing no harm. I am greatly honored to be graced by your presences.” Moon Dancer glanced around nervously. “It's just…” A sigh escaped the mare.

“What's wrong?” Twilight asked concerned for her friend.

“Go on,” Celestia beakened, “tell her what is wrong.”

Knowing there is no backing out, Moon Dancer began, “I feel like all my studying is not worth anything…”

“What makes you say that?” Twilight asked earnestly.

“I'm sure you, having a title princess, have contributed substantially to many things. But what about me?” The mare furrowed her thick brows. “Nothing. I've got no goals, no idea of where I want to go or what I want to do with my studying. I just… study! That's what I do! And I don't know what to do with it…”

Even though he couldn't see the pony, Party Favor saw how his friend was feeling and wanted to contribute with helping. “Why don't you look at your cutie mark?” the stallion asked. “Maybe if you remember how you got it, then you might have some insight on what you are really good at.”

“That's right,” Twilight remarked. “Your cutie mark is what makes you special and stand out.”

Moon Dancer looked at her flank and saw the image that was placed there years ago. All she could do is frown at it. “What good is a crescent moon for a cutie mark?”

“Many things,” Luna spoke up. She pointed to her own cutie mark.

Realizing what she had just said, Moon Dancer stuttered, “I- I meant no disrespect to you princess!”

“No offense was taken,” the alicorn shook her head.

“But what does my cutie mark have to do with anything?” Moon Dancer argued. “Yeah, I am good at studying. That's how I got my cutie mark. By studying. But is that all I am ever going to be good at? Just studying?”

Everypony sat quietly in thought.

“Maybe you should see a counselor?” Minuette suggested.

“Or maybe…” Twilight hummed. “Maybe we could have some experts talk about your cutie mark!”

“And what good will that do?” Moon Dancer asked in an upset grumble.

“To help you get a better perspective about yourself. Your cutie mark does define your special talent. Maybe there is more to it than just a crescent moon as you said.”

Everypony stared at Moon Dancer as she thought about Twilight’s suggestion. “Alright,” the mare smiled. “I will talk to an expert on cutie marks.”

“Experts,” Twilight corrected.

“You know more than one.”

“You could say that,” the alicorn giggled. She then looked at Celestia. “Do you mind sending a letter to Spike?”

“Of course,” the princess replied, then sighed. “But after we are done here. I am really enjoying my time with all of you.”

“As am I,” Luna complied.

“Same here,” Party Favor commented.

“Me too,” Minuette agreed.

Moon Dancer smiled with everypony and said, “Thank you all. It's nice to have ponies who care so much.”

“Well, I try,” Twilight smirked as she looked at her hoof, admiring it like she is looking at a bracelet on her wrist.

Small talk then began in the warm room. While Twilight was talking about something to the others, Minuette leaned into Moon Dancer.

“I'm so thrilled to be with both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna!” Minuette squeaked, unable to contain her happiness.

“Me too,” Moon Dancer answered. “Me too.”


The afternoon sun lightly baked the Sweet Apple Acres farmland as Applebloom and her friends kicked at the apple trees. But instead of knocking down apples, they were knocking the leaves off the branches.

“Come on girls, we’re almost done,” Applebloom cheered.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo huffed and puffed as they sucked in air. “We have been at it for a full hour now,” Scootaloo complained.

“And our hooves are aching from all the bucking,” Sweetie Belle whined.

Applebloom sighed, “This is nothin’ compared to the rest of the farm.” The filly gestured behind her, showing the acres on acres the many trees that still bared dying leaves on their branches. “Besides, it would take longer if I did this by myself. And I know y'all love to play in the leaves.”

“Can't you just wait for them to fall off?” Scootaloo argued.

“Now why would I do that?” Applebloom walked over to a tree with leaves on it. “If we wanted a pile of leaves-” She kicks the trunk very hard with her hind legs and cause all the leaves to fall down at once. “-there we go. Fresh pile ready for playin’!” Applebloom shook her head so remove any flakes and twigs from her mane.

“Well, at least we get to have fun once we are finished,” Sweetie Belle spoke, her breath now caught up.

“Can't argue that,” Scootaloo replied.

“Exactly!” Applebloom exclaimed. “Work before pleasure. Now scoot your caboose girls!”

Hey, girls!” a voice shouted from afar. At once all three fillies turned to see what the commotion was all about.

“Was that your sister?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Sure enough, the orange pony came running through the leaves. They crunched and broke as Applejack came sprinting, along with Spike on her back.

The earth pony came to a halt when she got to the fillies.

“Hey Applejack,” Applebloom greeted. “Whatcha need?”

“I got an important letter for you three,” Spike informed the girls.

They glanced at each other, confused about the current situation. “From who?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Princess Celestia,” Applejack answered.

“The princess?!” they all cheered.

“Does she want us to go on an epic quest with her?” Scootaloo asked, scraping the earth with her hoof almost ready to charge toward Canterlot.

“Or maybe she is having trouble with her cutie mark?” Sweetie Belle wondered.

“I am sure she knows what she’s good at,” Applebloom commented.

“Just read it,” Spike grunted, handing the scroll over to the fillies.

Scootaloo got her hoof on the paper and read it aloud:

“Dear Cutie Mark Crusaders,

An important task is at hoof. A friend of Twilight Sparkle’s is in need of help. Her name is Moon Dancer. She is conflicted with her cutie mark and is having a hard time understanding her true talent. It would be of great service if you three could assist her.

If you agree to help, I will send two guards and have them fly you in a carriage over to the castle.

Your Princess,


“We get to fly through the air on a carriage?!” Sweetie Belle bounced with delight.

“This is so awesome!” Scootaloo agreed. “Talk about a royal treatment!”

“And we get to help somepony with a cutie mark problem!” Applebloom cheered.

Spike shrugged, “Egh, I am used to being around royalty.”

“Not for these little youngsters,” Applejack spoke. “So what do y'all say? You wanna go to Canterlot?”

“Yeah!” the girls cheered.

“Then I'll take the scroll back,” Spike asked. Scootaloo hooved back the paper. The dragon then pulled out a feather and began writing onto it.

Scootaloo looked around and frowned. “Too bad all our hard work didn't get us to play in the leaves.”

“Yeah, what a bummer…” Applebloom grunted as she sprawled onto the leaves below her.

“I'm sure we can play in them tomorrow,” Sweetie Belle spoke up.

Taking in a deep breath, Spike blew at the scroll and it caught fire, then disappeared.

“Actually,” Applejack imputed, “tomorrow we gotta get these leaves up off the ground.”

“Aww,” Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo whined.

“Now now,” Applejack reassured, “I'm sure there'll be plenty of leaves for you to play in this autumn.”

“I guess…” the while filly frowned as she dragged her hoof through the leaves.

A shadow dashed across the sky. Looking up at the sky, Spike saw the two pegusi guards pulling a large golden carriage. “Looks like your ride is here.”

“Alright girls, let's get a move on,” Applejack beamed.

Blue Jay Wonder

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Ch. 6

The outdoors of the Canterlot garden was a peaceful one. Birds were singing in their nests despite how the falling leaves kept littering their homes. Moon Dancer looked up to a nest with a blue jay peering down at her, both having a curious gaze. The bird stood out in the tree as the mix of red, orange, and yellow leaves still clung to their branches. The mare looked away for a moment to see Minuette speaking to Princess Celestia as they sat on a bench. Twilight Sparkle occupied Princess Luna’s company as they too discussed among themselves near a patch of flowers. As for Party Favor, he was up in the air, scouting for the Cutie Mark Crusaders as Twilight calls them. Moon Dancer would have liked to accompany one of her friends, but when it came to thinking, that is something she had to do on her own.

Despite the comforting time with her friends in the steam room, Moon Dancer still worried about herself. Her aspirations. Her future. Her life. She did have the necessary funds to support herself, but the pony never thought about goals. All Moon Dancer loved to do was research for the sake of research, and learn for the sake of learning. Knowledge was power for Moon Dancer and she knew that. But aspirations? She did want to become somepony well known for something. However, that something was yet to be found.

Looking back at the blue jay, Moon Dancer wondered about the bird; where it has been; the adventures it had taken. Perhaps the creature high in the tree has had more excitement in life than she has. Now looking at her cutie mark, the pony curiously wondered what her crescent moon and stars really meant. Both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna’s cutie marks obviously pointed toward their respective duties. Even Party Favor’s pointed toward… making party favors.

But as for her friends, Twilight Sparkle and Minuette, their cutie marks were not as obvious as the princesses or Party Favor’s. Twilight’s was a bright and shining star that practically twinkled on her flank. Minuette’s was a simple hourglass. Despite their vague differences, both still have managed to find something to aspire to. Twilight is a friendship master and Minuette is a dentist assistant; strange how her cutie mark has nothing to do with teeth. Perhaps her special talent is helping those in quick need.

It bothered Moon Dancer that her friends are able to find their place in the world, but not herself. Perhaps she needed a point in the right direction with these cutie mark experts.

“I see the carriage coming this way!” Party Favor called from above the ponies below him. Moon Dancer looked to the sky to see the golden chariot flash through the sky. Coming into view, the mare watched two stallion knights fly through the air, spiraling down towards the garden. Though the garden was not that large, the place was big enough for the carriage to enter without any trouble.

Landing in a wide open area with only a large patch of grass, the chariot came to a slow halt. And along with the chariot came Party Favor, slowly descending towards Moon Dancer. “How was it up there?” Moon Dancer smiled a small smile as soon as her friend’s hooves were firmly on the ground.

“Very nice,” he nodded. “You should join me more often. Get a different perspective on the world.”

“Perhaps… But I think a different perspective on myself is more in order than being several hundred feet in the air.” The cream-furred mare looked to the golden carriage expecting to see two, maybe three ponies dressed in professional attire; maybe one wearing a pair of glasses like herself. Upon further inspection, Moon Dancer did see three bodies hop out of the cart. Three… very small bodies…

“Hey Twilight!” Applebloom one called out. At once, the trio of fillies jogged over to the Princess of Friendship with happy smiles. The girls seemed to have capes that waved wildly as they ran. Perhaps it was their motif, Moon Dancer thought.

From where she was standing, Moon Dancer could hear their conversation. “We are hear for duty!” Scootaloo saluted Twilight and Luna; both princesses giggled at the sight of the pegasus’ enthusiasm.

“So who is the friend of yours who needs cutie mark help?” Sweetie Belle asks.

Luna points to Moon Dancer without even passing a glance at her. “She stands in the shade over there.” At once, six eyes fell upon the mare. Their feet quickly carried them over to the blue jay’s tree and the bird flew off from its nest.

“Oh my goodness,” Minuette spoke from a distance, still accompanied by Princess Celestia. “They are so cute!”

“The youth these days have been brighter than ever, including you, Twilight, and Moon Dancer. To see such young fillies able to help even us adults warms my heart.” I suppose you may be right about them, Moon Dancer thought to herself, but not believing that she too is bright as her friends; or the fillies before her.

“Hello,” the children spoke in unison. “We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders, here to assist!”

They were young and Moon Dancer could not deny that. But that didn’t stop her from smiling at the cute fillies in uniform. Looks can be deceiving I suppose. “Did you recite that yourselves?” Moon Dancer asked.

“You have no idea how long it took for us to nail that down,” Sweetie Belle waved her hoof with a single flick of the wrist. Looking to the stallion beside Moon Dancer, she then asks, “And who might you be?”

“I am Party Favor, Moon Dancer’s closest friend.” The two older ponies looked at each other, not denying that fact.

“So you are her boyfriend.” Scootaloo spoke without hesitation. Both Applebloom and Sweetie Belle crammed one of their hooves on her mouth to stop the pegasus from saying anything else.

“J-just very close friends,” Moon Dancer commented, her face flushing brightly; and thanks to her light-cream fur, the pink blush stood out even more. Moon Dancer and Party Favor looked away from each other, both flustered by Scootaloo’s statement.

Party Favor glanced back at the girls, his pink cheeks losing their color. “So why don’t you three get started with helping my friend here? She really is in need of your expertise.” When she heard his voice, Moon Dancer looked to the fillies as well, now wanting to get business accomplished.

“Uh course we can,” Applebloom beamed. But her eyes glanced around and didn’t seem to like the area the five were in. “If we are gonna be professional, ah think a more…” She rotated her wrist, thinking of the next word to say. “...professional setting would be in order.”


It was a comfortable couch for Moon Dancer as she stared up at the sealing of a small office. A window was right above her resting place and light shined through, illuminating the room. To her right were three fillies sitting on their own individual roller chairs. A small table sat beside the white unicorn with a coffee pitcher, several small glass mugs, sugar cubes neatly stacked on a plate, and little pitcher of creamer. The fillies mumbled to each other, making sure their setup was to the standard of their expertise before they began.

To make themselves look more professional, each girl had a particular accessory with them. Sweetie Belle wore a monocle on her left eye; she keeps squinting it so the item would stay in place. Scootaloo had a pipe, blowing bubbles out the other end only to amuse herself. As for Applebloom, she had a simple pink bow tie at the front of her neck to complement her large bow held in her mane.

“It was really nice of Princess Celestia to use this office,” Applebloom remarked, spinning around in her seat. “These are some fun chairs!”

Because of her chair being in the middle, both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were able to halt Applebloom’s rotation with their own hooves. “I believe our patient needs our attention,” Sweetie Belle grumbled, squinting her left eye even harder, staring bitterly at her friend.

“Alright, alright… We are still kids ya know! Let’s have some fun while we can…” With their little argument out of the way, the Cutie Mark Crusaders turned to their patient who was smiling back at them. Moon Dancer was amused as she watched the children prepare themselves before tending to her. It made the unicorn smile, knowing the three will grow up to be even more responsible in life.

Taking in a breath of air and then blowing some bubbles out of the pipe, Scootaloo asked, “So Miss Moon Dancer, what seems to be the problem with your cutie mark?”

Even though she was lying on her back, Moon Dancer lifted her head to see her crescent moon and stars image on her flank. The dark-purple moon looked so bland from her perspective and couldn’t stand looking at it anymore. “I don’t know what my cutie mark means…” Moon Dancer had to collect her thoughts before continuing. “I have some backstory to explain if you three don’t mind.”

“Say what you want,” Applebloom reassured. “Anythin’ you say will help us get closer to solvin’ your problem.”

With their compliance, Moon Dancer began, “Ever since I was small, I loved to do research. I loved learning about everything. From writing, to math, to science, to magic. Especially magic. But I had a bit of a hard time fitting in as I grew up. So, I stuck to doing what I do best; study.”

“So you’re special talent is studying?” Sweetie Belle asked, taking the monocle in her hoof and used the glass to see the cutie mark with a better look..

“I guess… but…” Moon Dancer let out a sigh and rolled onto her stomach. Looking to the trio, she continued, “...but is that all I will ever be good at? Am I just good at studying?”

Bringing their heads together, the Cutie Mark Crusaders mumbled to one another, exchanging their thoughts. Concluded with their short mingling session, Scootaloo said, “That can be one thing you are good at.” Taking a stand, the pegasus walked over to the coffee pitcher, placed her pipe onto the table, and poured some black liquid into one of the glass mugs. “Do you have any hobbies?”

“Does studying count?” Moon Dancer asked.

“Maybe…?” Sweetie Belle was not to sure if that was possible. To have your special talent a hobby. She placed the monocle back into her eye, she said, “Any other hobbies you have?”

“I like to create pottery. I may not be the best, but I still love to do it.” Moon Dancer watched Scootaloo take a sip of her coffee before the pegasus made a sour look. The filly scooped some sugar cubes into her glass and took a spoon to stir the lumps in her beverage.

“And why do you like to make pottery?” Scootaloo asked. “Your cutie mark comes nowhere near close to being related to your other hobby.”

Pushing her spectacles up on her face, Moon Dancer thought about the question for a moment. “It gets me out of my comfort zone. I normally like to create magic and that comes with ease. As for art, that is something I have struggled with all my life. But recently I have been taking a liking to the practice of pottery and I love it, even if I am not the best.” Scootaloo took a sip of her coffee and was still not satisfied with the flavor, so she started to pour some creamer into her cup as well before stirring again.

Only the “tinking” of silverware on glass was heard in the office as the filly still mixed her cup of coffee. Taking another sip and not satisfied with her flavor, Scootaloo took a hoofful of sugar cubes and dropped them into the mug. Not mixing it this time, she tasted her beverage, now happy with it. With a smile, the filly took a seat. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle peered at their friend’s drink, noticing a large mound of sugar cubes surfacing in the coffee. But remembering the situation at hoof, the three looked back to the unicorn on the couch. Coming up with the next question, the coffee-sipping filly asked, “Have you thought about getting out of your comfort zone as a whole? Maybe that is the key to your cutie mark.”

Moon Dancer tried to think of an answer to the question, but she only drew blanks. “What do you mean, ‘out of my comfort zone as a whole?’”

“Think about Twilight, one of your friends,” Applebloom remarked. “Who is she?”

“The Princess of Friendship.” That was obvious, but Moon Dancer didn’t know where her expert of cutie marks was going.

“Correct. But did her cutie mark tell her that she was going to be that?” The question hit Moon Dancer hard. Before, she always knew Twilight Sparkle as a pony who only wanted to study on her own with no friends. Just like herself…

“No… Twilight was not the pony who would want to go out and socialize. Even her dragon, Spike, was more friendly to me, checking in on me every now and then.” Looking to the girls, Moon Dancer asked, “When did Twilight decide she wanted to study friendship?”

Thinking on their own, Sweetie Belle was the first to answer. “I believe it was two years ago during the Summer Sun Celebration.”

The day she didn’t show up to my party… The memory stung Moon Dancer’s heart multiple times like an angry wasp. The day Twilight Sparkle changed her life for the better, was the day Moon Dancer became even more bitter toward her friends. But that was all behind her. She knew that her friend felt terrible for not showing up at her Summer Sun Celebration party and lamented for that.

“I think you think you should get out of your comfort zone and try researching something that nopony has ever done before.” Scootaloo asked, taking a big sip of her coffee. “Maybe something that involves other ponies being apart of that research.”

“Why don’t you make today your day just like when Twilight came to Ponyville,” Sweetie Belle added, removing her monical; she was growing tired of having to squint her eye.

“Why don’t ya be an expert in studyin’ cutie marks and what makes them special?” Applebloom spoke with enthusiasm.

A sudden shiver ran down Moon Dancer’s spine. Her eyes widened, thinking about what the pink-bow just said. Thinking hard, Moon Dancer tried to remember if she read anything about cutie marks before in her life. But the only thing that came to mind was the simple lesson that has been given down to her since she was a filly: the cutie mark is a symbol of what makes you special. Sitting upright to get her gears moving, the mare looked out of the window to see the buildings of Canterlot sitting tall and proud. Maybe there was some research to be done on cutie marks and nopony has ever thought to do it before. Maybe her cutie mark is more than just a crescent moon with stars. Perhaps it means endless possibilities with limitless knowledge to be gained, just like space itself.

Suddenly, the blue jay from before fluttered in front of Moon Dancer with a worm in its mouth. It stared at the mare for a moment before flying off, probably back to her nest. Maybe off to another adventure. Perhaps now is the time to start my own adventure. To begin a new chapter just like Twilight Sparkle.

“Ooo, that would be cool!” Scootaloo beamed, her body starting to shake a little. She took a big gulp of her beverage, before finishing it; however, a lot of sugar pooled at the bottom of her mug.

“No,” Moon Dancer spoke, bringing the Cutie Mark Crusaders’ attention to her. “It would be amazing!” Looking to the girls, the mare stood up with her head held high. “I know what my cutie mark means! I am a researcher! I can study anything! And I know just what to make my topic of interest: to study the magic of cutie marks!”

At once, the children’s eyes lit up with joy. “That sounds like a great idea!” Sweetie Belle squeaked.

“She could be a crusader just like us!” Scootaloo spun around in her chair with glee, almost falling out of it. “Only this time, she will be a researcher on cutie marks.”

“Like our own personal scientist!” Applebloom agreed.

These children. Moon Dancer looked to the trio with happiness as they cheered for her. Perhaps Celestia was right. Maybe my and their generation is a lot brighter than I could have imagined. Maybe I do have more to offer this world than I could have thought of.

At once, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle turned their attention to Moon Dancer and asked, “Would you like to be the official scientist of the Cutie Mark Crusaders?!”

“Why not?” Moon Dancer asked back with small beads of tears forming at the corner of her eyes. “My adventure has to begin somewhere.”


Sitting on a wooden bench with Princess Luna, Twilight Sparkle looked around, trying to keep her mind off of Moon Dancer, but couldn’t help but worry about her. “Don’t torment yourself, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna spoke calmly. “Worry is a real nightmare that can cause permanent uncertainty.”

“I’m sorry,” the light-purple alicorn mumbled. “She is my friend after all. I just want to be here to support her.”

“That is good, but it is up to her to choose her own fate. Besides, those three children are the best help Moon Dancer can get. You suggested them to her yourself and I am certain your suggestion was a good one for your friend.” Luna gazed up to see Party Favor once again up in the sky, mingling with the two guards who brought the Cutie Mark Crusaders. He was gliding around with balloons holding him up as the two pegasi sat on a cloud. “You also have him to keep an eye on your old friend as well. That I am certain of.”

A smile grew on Twilight’s face, her cheeks rising. “Yeah, you are right.” Turning to Minuette who was still with Princess Celestia, the alicorn said, “And there is her as well and Moon Dancer’s other friends who are here in Canterlot.” Looking back to Luna with an even bigger grin, Twilight thanked her friend. “Twas you who who assisted me before.” Luna brought a hoof to her breast with pride. “I must do the same many times order to return.”

Taking the peaceful air away from them, the sound of hooves running on the ground was heard, bringing Luna’s and Twilight’s attention to the source of noise. And when they looked, they saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Moon Dancer running in. Even Party Favor noticed his friend entering the garden. Saying his farewells with the guards, he began letting some balloons loose and started to descend.

Getting up from their seat, the two princesses made their way to Moon Dancer. Minuette and Celestia also started toward the cream-colored mare. Everypony seemed to get to Moon Dancer at the same time and awaited to hear the results of the counseling session.

“So what did you find out?” Party Favor asked first, perhaps asking the only question on everypony’s mind. “Is your cutie mark something different from what you first thought?”

“No, I am still a researcher at heart.” Not being the answer they had hoped for, Moon Dancer’s friends looked at each other with a bit of concern. Looking back to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the unicorn smiled. “However, I did find out something that I can do with my researching abilities.”

“And what might that be?” Twilight Sparkle asked with a smile.

“Getting out of my comfort zone.” Taking a step forward, Moon Dancer said to Twilight, “The day you left for Ponyville that Summer Sun Celebration two years ago, were you expecting to make friends? Were you expecting to become a princess?”

“Of course I didn’t. I never knew how important friendship can be and how interacting with others was such a vital thing to have. I also never thought I would reunite Princess Celestia with her sister.” Celestia looked to Luna with a warm smile, remembering that wonderful day. A frown slowly sank Twilight’s’ cheeks as the past came to haunt her. “I also wasn’t aware of the friend I hurt that day and how much you cared about our friendship…”

“But the past is the past, remember?” Moon Dancer placed a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder to reassure no hard feelings remained between the two of them. To comply with no words, the alicorn nodded. “Those things you just said, having friends and interacting with other ponies, is how I will get out of my comfort zone. I know I have gotten out of it several times before, but I do research on my own way too often. It is time I do what you have done as well.”

“Research friendship?!” Twilight beamed, her wings fanning out with excitement. Her feathers bumped into Luna who was next to her, and had to step aside from being tickled from Twilight’s wings.

“No, not friendship,” Moon Dancer shook her head.

“Oh…” was all Twilight could get herself to say. Bringing in her wings slowly, she blushed as the ponies around her giggled at her overzealous attitude. “Then what will you be doing?”

Turning her head, Moon Dancer looked at three fillies; more at Scootaloo who was shaking intensely. Perhaps she had too much sugar in her coffee. “These girls help others find their purpose in their cutie marks. But even if ponies find their special talent and know what it means, is that it? No! There is more to these images on our flanks. So, because of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, I have decided to do what you have done: get out of my comfort zone. But instead of friendship, I shall study the magic of cutie marks!” Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle grinned at each other, knowing they are responsible for inspiring Moon Dancer to want to study cutie marks.

“Wonderful,” Princess Celestia remarked. “I think that would be a great thing to research. Even I would like to know more about cutie marks, and yet, not much research has been done on the subject.”

“Indeed,” the sister chimed in. “Many ponies can hold a blade of power, but there are those who can do more than just holding its pommel.” Looking to her sibling, Luna smiled. “Like how my sister and I can both raise the moon and sun. However, I can peer into dreams as well. Use your blade well Moon Dancer, and tell us the magic of cutie marks.”

“Ooo, maybe you can tell me about my cutie mark!” Minuette asked. “I am a dentist assistant, yet I have an hourglass. Maybe you can help explain that.”

“Sounds to me like you have your first assignment Moon Dancer,” Party Favor said looking to the blue unicorn.

“Perhaps you and I can make a date of it Minuette.” Moon Dancer looked to her friend who smiled back.

“Of course! I am always willing to help a friend!” Turning a gaze to Twilight, she asked, “Should we celebrate this decision?”

“Sure! We got the right pony here!” The princess gestured her hoof toward Party Favor who was looking ready for the challenge.

“You bet we do! So what do you say Moon Dancer?” Party Favor placed his hoof on her shoulder with a smile that said, “You will be going to this party.”

“Why not? Two parties in the same week? How much better can it get?” And Moon Dancer was not wrong. Her week seemed to get better and better, first being her birthday party being held within the castle walls. Now, her friends are willing to celebrate her choice of study. Looking back at Scootaloo, Moon Dancer was beginning to worry about her. Even the pegasus’ friends were starting to be concerned as well.

“Are you okay Scootaloo?” Twilight Sparkle asked, now noticing the child’s shivering body.

“I am feeling a bit amped,” Scootaloo twitched. “I feel like running and jumping.”

Knowing the effects of caffeine, Moon Dancer thought it was best to give the pegasus something to exert her energy. “Hey, Party Favor?” Moon Dancer asked.

“That is my name,” he smiled.

“Can you make a bouncy house out of balloons for Scootaloo here? I think she had too much sugar and coffee. When we were in the office.”

Without looking directly at Minuette, Moon Dancer saw her lean toward Twilight and say, “Who give a child coffee?”

The small talk did not bother Party Favor as he walked up to Scootaloo. Party Favor asked Cutie Mark Crusaders, “How about I make you three a bouncy house with a slide?” Scootaloo and her friends smiled with delight as the stallion proposed his idea.

Snap Challenge

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Ch. 7

Minuette hummed along to herself, enjoying the cold air that bit at her ears. A blue and white striped scarf was tightly wound around the mare’s neck, the end drifting behind her in a playful flutter. Another item that was kept around Minuette's neck was a camera, the device swaying around as she walked.

Now at Moon Dancer’s study, Minuette gave a loud knock on the door. “Just a second minute Minuette!” Moon Dancer shouted, a nervous tone in her throat. “I… need to find something first.”

“Are you sure?” the blue unicorn called back, wondered if anything was the matter. "I can help you find what you need." A shadow fell upon Minuette and slightly startled the mare.

“Hello Minuette!” Party Favor spoke as he started to descend toward the unicorn. Minuette’s eyes widened as she saw Party Favor wear what she could describe as balloon pegasus wings. However, they didn’t flap like a natural pair pegasus’ wings, but they buzzed like an insect. Instinctively, Minuette took a picture. The flash of the camera almost blinded Party Favor and he stumbled on his landing. “Could you not have that much of an intense flash?” Party Favor wiped his eyes, spots forming in his vision. “If I were to guess, that would have been Celestia’s camera with her lighting magic.”

Minuette chuckled at the joke before apologizing, “Sorry, it just… I never get to see a unicorn fly with…” She squinted at Party Favor’s wings. “...balloon wings. So I took a picture.”

“Well save the flash for night. Otherwise, you will make the sun jealous with its obnoxious blink.” Once more, Minuette let out a laugh.

“Aren’t you the funny stallion today,” she smiled.

“I have my reason.” Party Favor looked curiously at the camera. “Speaking of, is there a reason why you have a camera?”

Lifting the device with one hoof, Minuette replied, “Because Moon Dancer is starting her research on cutie marks, I want to record her progress through pictures. And I am sure you and I know how Moon Dancer wants her friends to acknowledge her and her research. So, I might as well take the initiative.”

Party Favor grinned, “Well I am glad you are. Because I feel like I am the only one being her best friend.”

Minuette stuck out her tongue in protest. “It isn't a contest to be Moon Dancer’s best friend; this is to encourage Moon Dancer in her journey to fame and recognition. And when Moon Dancer is famous and recognized by all of Equestria, I can say that I was the one who took her pictures.”

“So it is a contest.” The stallion couldn't help by laugh at Minuette as the mare realized she contradicted herself. “Then if that is the case, I will win over Moon Dancer’s friendship and defeat your picture capturing game.”

Feeling a “friendly” competition on the size, Minuette couldn't help but let out an obnoxious chortle. “As if you have a camera to take pictures.” In an instant, Party Favor created a balloon camera, almost similar to Minuette’s.

“You were saying?” Both unicorns stared at each other with aggressive stares before breaking into a laugh. No longer wanting to play argue, Party Favor and Minuette wondered what was taking Moon Dancer so long.

Minuette stepped forward and knocked at the door. “Moon Dancer, you doing alright?”

“I am doing fine!” she called back. But following her words of clarity, Moon Dancer shrieked, then a crashing of things hitting the ground quickly followed. At once, Minuette and Party Favor entered the study, worried if Moon Dancer had hurt herself.

At the center of the room, the two unicorns saw the cream furred mare sprawled on the floor, and a table was turned over. It appeared as though Moon Dancer was either standing on the table, or she somehow tripped over the table. Several objects lay on the ground in a messy manner, luckily nothing made of glass. Minuette and Party starred in awe before they took picture in unison.

“You know, when somepony screams, shouts, or ejects their voice in a matter that beg the words ‘help me,’” Moon Dancer grumbled, “I would expect my friends to assist me. Not take a picture. Or at least, I can assume that, but I cannot see without my glasses.” It suddenly dawned unto Minuette and Party Favor that their friend did not have her spectacles.

“Did you lose them?” Party Favor asked.

“I was… looking for them,” Moon Dancer blushed. “Yet, somehow I ended up on the table in desperation of trying to find them.”

Minuette smirked at Party Favor. “You know, it is funny how the moment you started living here in Canterlot, Moon Dancer has now formed a habit to lose her glasses.”

He shrugged, “It’s not my fault. And she usually loses her glasses when I am nearby. Lucky for Moon Dancer, I came by to say hello, and now, will find what she has lost... again.”

“Instead of arguing,” Moon Dancer interjected with a growl in her voice, “I would appreciate my friends to help me seek out my glasses!” Not wishing to see, nor hear Moon Dancer in an angry fit, Minuette and Party Favor began to make their way around the study in hopes to find the unicorn’s spectacles before the other. Minuette briskly walked up the stairs to get a bird’s eye view of the study. At the second floor, she squinted her eyes and peered down to the room below. Moon Dancer was now upright, but sat still, perhaps for her own safety and not trip over any more tables that may obstruct her path.

Minuette then looked at Party Favor, his body small in her eyes. He was standing in a corner and… was writing something down. Quickly taking to her camera, Minuette closed an eye and looked through the eyepiece. She zoomed in to what he was writing, but his body was obstructing what was being scribbled down. For memory sake, she snapped a photo; however, the camera’s flash was still on and blinked a bright white light.

The sound, along with the flash, startled Party Favor, his ear twitching to where the noise and light came from. “What was that?” Moon Dancer asked, turning her head this way and that. Party Favor glanced up at Minuette, knowing she had such a device that would cause a flash like that.

“Umm… just… taking memorable photos.” Minuette pointed her camera at Moon Dancer and took another picture. The light stunned Moon Dancer and she shook her head in an attempt to remove the spots from her vision. “Yup, there is another one for the scrapbook.”

Party Favor approached Moon Dancer with his friend’s glasses floating by his head. “If you keep taking pictures with that flash,” he spoke, “Moon Dancer may have a sight for sore eyes, and not in the good way.” Despite the lame joke, both mares managed to laugh. “I have your glasses here.” Party Favor tapped his friend’s shoulder and then hooved the specs over to Moon Dancer.

“Thanks for not being focused on taking pictures, and instead, finding what I need to see,” Moon Dancer spoke as she ran her head through the chain loop, then resting her glasses in their rightful place. Party Favor looked up at Minuette with a cocky smile on his face.

“Well, the better friend would make sure his friend has what they need before doing other lesser important things.” Says the stallion who was writing suspiciously in the corner, Minuette grumbled internally. “Speaking of…” Party Favor pulled out his camera and pushed a button at the top. Moon Dancer was surprised to hear the colorful object make a clicking sound while her friend took a picture. “...I think this will be a great photo.”

Moon Dancer half smiled, curious about her friends. “What prompted the taking of pictures?”

“Well, because you are quite the friend, and love to be included with your friends,” Minuette spoke proudly, “plus, you are going to be using me as your very first cutie mark test subject, I want to make this day memorable, along with many others to follow.”

Moon Dancer blushed by Minuette and her words. “Oh, wow. That means… a lot actually.” Party Favor noticed Minuette was trying to charm the cream furred mare with her words, and felt the need to use some of his own.

“However, Minuette, you are unaware that it was I to be Moon Dancer’s first cutie mark test subject and not you.” Party Favor straightened himself and stood tall, trying to outshine Minuette with a toothy grin.

Clasping her hooves together, Moon Dancer rose her bushy brows. “You are right Party Favor; you were the first I tested when it came to cutie marks!” She stood up and walked over to the desk, and began flipping through a notebook.

Without noticing Minuette on the approach, the mare held a pin in her hoof and stalked behind Party Favor. Slowly, she brought the sharp object close to Party Favor’s camera before the stallion caught her in the act. “And just what are you doing?” he asked in a low tone, not wanting to alert Moon Dancer.

“Thwarting your plans to impress Moon Dancer and make you the better friend!” Minuette hissed. “You stole my idea to take pictures of her while she progresses toward a future of fame and fortune!”

“And unlike you, I wish to cherish the memories of my friend and myself as we both grow our friendship together!”

“You think I am in this for my own personal gain? I want Moon Dancer to be happy with my picture taking skills and the memories I capture! Don’t try and make me look like the villain.” Minuette then grinned, “And what were you writing down earlier?”

Party Favor froze. “It- it’s none of your concern!”

“Then why are you acting defensively?” Minuette pressed, her muzzle nearly touching the stallion’s.

Getting to the page in her notes about Party Favor’s experience without his cutie mark, Moon Dancer faced her friends and… noticed the two were glaring quite bitterly at one another. “Are you two alright?” she asked, a bushy brow raising with curiosity. Minuette and Party Favor jumped away from each other and both gave Moon Dancer a too wide of a grin.

“Nope, nothing wrong here!” Minuette answered, flicking the pin she held somewhere else.

“Yup, just two of your friends being… friends,” Party Favor added.

Moon Dancer was not so sure to believe her friends, but “believed” them anyways. “Well, I am going to set the table back up again. Then, we can begin the study of cutie marks.” With enthusiasm now in her blood, Moon Dancer began to do what she said.

No longer looking at the two unicorns, both Minuette and Party Favor leered at one another once more. “Remember this Smarty Flavor: I was her friend first.”

“Yet I was the one who claimed the best friend title the day I arrived in Canterlot,” Party Favor countered.

“We will see…”


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Moon Dancer glanced over her notes with quick speed, mostly because of how she didn't like what the words entailed. Still, it was a great start to her research for cutie marks, and Moon Dancer wasn't researching cutie marks when she was using Party Favor as a guinea pig. Thinking it would be not as harmful to test Minuette without her cutie mark, she spoke, “Minuette, can you-”

“-take a picture?” The black lens of Minuette’s camera was shoved in Moon Dancer’s face as the blue unicorn grinned widely.

“Not… yet.” Moon Dancer winced, afraid Minuette would take another picture, flashing that insanely bright camera flash. A shadow moved around the floor, and Moon Dancer looked up to see the stallion flying about the room, his balloon wings buzzing quietly. The moment their eyes met, he took a picture.

“Need something friend?” He saw Minuette crease her brows, but did not look at her and kept his focus on Moon Dancer.

“No,” she shook her head. “Just curious as to… why you are able to fly.” Party Favor opened his mouth to respond, but Moon Dancer interjected, “It’s magic, I know.” I also want to figure out why you two are so quick to snap a picture of me.

“So Minuette, I would like to ask you a favor,” Moon Dancer started. “What I am about to ask you may discomfort you. If it does, you can say no.”

Puffing out her chest, Minuette proudly boasted, “As your old friend, I am willing to assist you in your need of research! I am willing to do anything for you Moon Dancer. Of course, I would love to be able to take pictures of you and I while I do what is needed of me.”

“It would be nice to have pictures of my research, so yes, you may.” Moon Dancer winced, “Just be sure to turn off, or at least dim your flash. I may go blind before I finish one-tenth of my research.”

“Sure thing!” Minuette looked up to give Party Favor a cocky grin, but caught him writing something down on a notepad. When he gave notice to her wondering eyes, the stallion quickly hid it. I need to see what he is writing down… Perhaps I can use my camera to get a simple picture of Party Favor’s notes. Minuette laughed maniacally internally before gazing back at Moon Dancer.

Still hesitant about what she wants to do, Moon Dancer spoke slowly, “I would like to remove your cutie mark to test your abilities without it.”

At once, Minuette glanced at her cutie mark and stared at the hourglass image that clung to her flank. “Will… it hurt?” She looked up at Party Favor, remembering how boastful he was when he realized he was accidentally Moon Dancer’s test subject, wondering if he went through the same experiment.

Turning her attention to Party Favor as well, noticing his bothered expression. “He went through the same test as you are about to partake in. And… it bothered him greatly as the experiment went on.” He nodded, now looking at his own treasured cutie mark, glad it is where it belongs. “I want you…” Moon Dancer continued, her stare back at Minuette, “ be sure you want to go through with my request. And no, it does not hurt another pony to remove a cutie mark; or at least, from the spell I am about to use doesn’t hurt, according to my notes.”

Silence reigned as Minuette stood in thought, wondering if she should go through with what was asked of her. After a good twenty seconds, she had made up her mind, smiling at her choice. “I am still willing to assist you with your study Moon Dancer. Nothing will tell me otherwise.”

“Alright then.” Moon Dancer gestured to a red armchair with a half smile, still nervous for her friend. “Please take a seat.” Minuette quickly propped herself up, ready for the test. Moon Dancer pushed a simple chair near her friend and sat down, levitating her notebook and writing feather to her. “Party Favor.”

“Yes?” Party Favor flew down beside both mares, wondering why he was summoned.

“If you would like,” Moon Dancer smiled at the stallion, “would you take a picture of Minuette and I as we talk? You know, for memory sake.”

Minuette grinned, “Yeah, take a picture of us. Wouldn’t want to forget this memorable moment.” Party Favor had a difficult time keeping his eyes from rolling around in his head.

“Of course,” he responded through his teeth.

Turning toward her unicorn friend, Moon Dancer asked, “So Minuette, how did you receive your cutie mark? Your cutie mark has nothing to do with teeth, as your profession is a dentist assistant. Care to explain your story along with your choice of career?”

“Gladly,” Minuette nodded.


Minuette began pacing the floor of her room, panicking about the following school day. “Think Minuette, think!” she spoke lowly. “I mean, yes, you have the science project that you were supposed to work on all year, but you gotta come up with something…” She peered outside and saw several colts and fillies run about the cul-de-sac, kicking a ball around. Minuette would love to go outside and have some fun with her peers, but with an assignment that is worth 85% on the approach, even she knew her grades were important to her. She wanted to get into Canterlot’s School of Gifted Unicorns extremely badly and show her parents how smart she really was.

However, Minuette had one problem: procrastination. It was a nasty habit for anypony to have, especially for a child. Minuette did hate her nasty habit, but couldn’t help herself when it came to doing less boring things, like playing board games, or cooking pastries.

Drawing blanks, the upset filly sat at her desk and planted her face on the wooden surface. Why did I put this off until now? Why?! Why do I procrastinate?!

Then, and idea sprang in her mind. Sitting upright in her chair, she spoke aloud, “Why do I procrastinate?” Once more, she began to pace the floor. “Why do others procrastinate?” A wide grin almost touched Minuette’s eyes. “I KNOW WHAT TO DO FOR MY SCIENCE PROJECT!”

Plan Set in Motion

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Minuette cleared off her desk and placed an hourglass at the corner of it. Looking over the instructions of her science project, the child began to write down numbers next to each step that was needed. “Within the first hour,” she spoke aloud to herself, “I need to explain the problem, then hypothesis. Those two can be done at the same time and quickly. Any left over sand in the hourglass will be used to decorate my science project board.” It suddenly dawned unto Minuette that she did not have a display board, or anything to decorate said board. “Okay, after I write down the problem and hypothesis, run down to the crafts store and get supplies for my science project. Hopefully, by the time I get back, an hour has not past. After that...”

Minuette wrote down several things she needed to do in order for her project to go along smoothly. After the first hour, the filly needed to test her hypothesis, whatever that may be; Minuette was giving herself at most two hours for research; if she was going to have success for her project, Minuette was hoping her brother hadn’t done his chores yet; However, Blue Moon almost never does his chores before their mother gets home, so luck was mostly on the filly’s side. Next, she needed to write down her findings in further detail; one hour was needed to do that. Finally, Minuette needed to enter her conclusion as to why she and other ponies tend to procrastinate. At the bottom of her list, Minuette wrote a small note: If there is still time in the hourglass, use the leftover minutes to work on the science project board. Summing up the amount of hours she needed to work on her project, Minuette gave herself five hours in order to finish her science project with no worries.

Her little head looked to the clock beside her bed, and it read: 2:45pm. “With my little schedule set, I should be finished before dinner.”

Finished with her to do list, the filly was ready to get started. Five hours of pure work was a large number to the child; that was 300 minutes! However, a 0 on her science project was a horror story to Minuette and she would rather muscle through her predicament than do nothing.

“Let’s do this!” Using the magic from her horn, Minuette flipped the hourglass, and the sand began to spill into the bottom. With paper and quill at the ready, the filly began to write.

Why Do Ponies Procrastinate? was the title of the paper. “Problem, check!” Minuette glanced at the hourglass and noticed a small pile of sand at the bottom. She smiled at how fast her progress was going; however, it was the easy step. Minuette lightly bit the tip of the feather, pondering her hypothesis.

“Why do I procrastinate?” A tough question, despite herself putting off the project until the day prior to its due date. Thinking about why she procrastinated the science project, Minuette started there. “I think… the reason why I procrastinated… was because I didn’t feel like it? No, that doesn’t seem fitting…” Of course, that was a reason, but there had to be more than just not feeling like it; the hypothesis needed to be more... sciencey. Minuette pondered the question even further, resting her chin on a hoof, but after five minutes, the filly was drawing blanks.

“Ugh, this is so boring!” And just like the moment when she figured out what her science project would be, Minuette had an idea. “That’s it! Tedious and boring tasks!” As Minuette scribbled down her hypothesis, the filly chuckled at herself. “Never thought being bored of doing something could possibly be the answer to why ponies procrastinate.”

Minuette placed her feather in the ink jar and smiled at her progress, then peered at the hourglass. Not even one-fourth of the sand had poured into the bottom half, further motivating the filly with moving the project forward. Standing up from her desk, Minuette briskly made for her piggy bank and then the door. The pink pig levitated beside Minuette in a blue aura as she ran down the stairway. Once outside, Minuette noticed her brother kicking the ball along with the other fillies and colts in the cul-de-sac. Minuette ran at him and caught his attention, not bothered with having the game interrupted.

“What is it sis?” Blue Moon asked with a crease in his brow. The unicorn’s fur was a nice dark-blue color and his mane was striped like his sister with a light-blue and turquoise pattern.

“Have you done your chores?” Minuette asked with a nervous smile, hoping Blue Moon had not done what was asked of him.

“And what if I haven't?” he replied with a raised brow. “You don’t need to tell me how to run my life.”

“Just wondering!” Without turning back to catch her brother’s reaction, Minuette was off to the arts and crafts store.


The door to Minuette’s room flung open as the filly bucked it open with her hind legs. A large project board levitated beside Minuette and a plastic bag filled with glue, markers, scissors, and a various assortment of other art supplies that may be needed. Almost tossing her items aside, Minuette ran over to her hour glass and sighed with relief. A small remainder of sand continued to pour into the bottom half, allowing Minuette to start setting up her board. She opened the two flaps and rested the board on the floor.

For the rest of the remaining sand in the hourglass, Minuette began planning the layout of her project. Using normal paper as a rough draft of her display, Minuette wrote the title of her project, along with the scientific method titles, and used her scissors to cut the needed words and placed them in places she deemed a good position.

Finished with her simple setup, Minuette saw that there was very little sand left for the first hour. She took the last bit of time for herself, obtaining a small glass of water for herself to calm her nerves. Minuette was confident in herself, but was still feeling the pressure of time being against her and needed to not be distracted.

Walking back up to her room, Minuette watched the last grains of sand fall into the bottom, declaring that the first hour was over. Quickly, she flipped the hourglass, beginning the two hour research portion. Looking at the clock, it now read: 3:45pm.

“Mom should be home any minute now…” Minuette glanced outside to see her brother still playing with the kids outside, envying his current joy. A grin found its way on the filly’s face, now ready to ruin Blue Moon’s mood.

Minuette’s camera rested on her night stand and the filly levitated it over to her. Giving it a test run, she took a picture of her now lame science board, the light flashing brightly like a flash of lightning. A picture slid out of the camera’s printer, first a gray square, then an image slowly came into view. Looking at her sample, Minuette was satisfied to see her lousy setup clear on the picture.

“Time for the research to begin!” Running outside with her camera hanging around her neck by a cloth strap, Minuette once again interrupted the game being played in the cul-de-sac.

“Minuette, don’t you have your science project to work on?” Blue Moon jabbed, irritated with his sister.

“Shouldn’t you get on your chores?” Minuette asked in quick response. “It is almost 4 o’clock.” Blue Moon’s face lost his color, into a pale dark-blue hue. Quickly, he darted for the house; and as he ran, Minuette took a picture.

Similar Situations

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Minuette was hot on her brother’s hooves as Blue Moon scrambled to find the broom in the kitchen. Thinking this would be a perfect time to write down notes, Minuette went upstairs and grabbed a few sheets of paper and a pen before returning back downstairs.

With the afternoon light bleeding into the simple living room, the filly noticed a lot of dust particles dancing in the air. Blue Moon panted as he swept the wooden floor, mumbling to himself in fear of his mother’s scolding rage.

Feeling he need to move on with her research, Minuette asked, “Blue Moon, why did you wait until now to do your chores?” Blue Moon didn't look, nor respond to his sister, sweeping a pile of dust and dirt in a neat, messy pile. Despite her mute sibling, Minuette went over to the dinner table and spread out her white papers, and chose one to be her first to apply her notes to.

“Blue Moon, my brother, has been known throughout my house to procrastinate chores until the last minute. Because of this fact, he will be the test subject for this project.”

Minuette watched Blue Moon sweep up the pile of dirt and dust and felt the need to take a picture. Aiming the camera at him, the filly snapped a pic of her panicking sibling, a white light flashing brightly.

The flash caught Blue Moon off guard and caused him to stagger a bit, spots forming in his vision. “What the heck!?” he barked, then noticed the camera. “Are you trying to get me in trouble?!”

Minuette shook her head at Blue Moon’s accusation. “Of course not. Besides, you and I are both in trouble in different ways.” Blue Moon briskly returned the broom before obtaining a white rag and window cleaner, and then made his way to the front of the living room.

“Ah, your science project,” he commented, knowing his little sister has been stressing about her unstarted science project. Squeezing the handle on the window cleaner bottle, liquid sprawled on the glass surface. “So what, are you using me as some part of your science project?”

“Correct!” Another flash came from behind Blue Moon, the light reflecting off the glass, once again blinding him.

Through his spotty vision, Blue Moon faced Minuette who stood right behind him. “Can you at least warn me when you are about to take a picture? Or better yet, explain to me what experiment I am somehow apart of?”

Minuette explained to her brother her science project idea and how she wishes to observe his chore duties in hopes that her simple research would be enough for a good grade. Blue Moon chuckled at Minuette, amused with her simple, yet clever concept. “When did you get the idea to have procrastination as your topic? he asked, quickly finishing his chore.

“An hour ago…” Minuette rubbed the back of her head, her ears folding back, embarrassed at her confession. “Still, it would be interesting to figure out why we procrastinate and present that at school.”

Blue Moon went back into the kitchen, and replaced the window cleaner with furniture cleaner. “Well, lucky for you, I don't have any homework tonight, so I will be happy to help my careless sister.”

“Hey!” Minuette barked at her brother’s quip, “At least I don't put off my chores all the time. And I think Mom being angry is much worse.”

Blue Moon paused for a moment, thinking about what was just said. “Well put.” A lamp stood nearby and was looking slightly dusty, cluing the unicorn that it needed to be wiped down. “Anyways, ask away sister. Tell me what you want to know and I will try and answer to the best of my knowledge.”


"...and upon further questioning, my brother stated that he put off his chore duties not only today’s, but following chores as well, was because it was tedious and boring. Blue Moon also mentioned that when he procrastinates, he feels a strong sense of panic and his conscious immediately forces him to do his tasks."

Minuette paused her writing, smiling at her choice of words before resuming her research.

"This makes me believe that when a deadline is on the approach when little to no work has been done, the procrastinator will begin immediate work, even if they are not prepared. And as I write this down, I too am guilty of not being prepared, yet am driven forward by fear of punishment and a bad grade."

Her own words made Minuette worry about to tomorrow’s deadline, needing to have a fully prepared project. She pondered if she should use her own experience along with her brother’s choice to put of his chores.

Glancing up from her notes, Minuette watched Blue Moon briskly walked to the front door. Because of Minuette’s constant questioning, both siblings were distracted by their stressful predicament, easing some of the weight that rested on their young shoulders.

“Alright, all I have to do now is shake out the front door rug,” Blue Moon spoke aloud, reaching for the nob and gave it a twist. “I wonder where Mom is…”

Minuette tapped the pen on her cheek. “She should have been home a while ago.” Her eyes took a gander at the grandfather clock, its pendulum swinging, clicking the gears within the device. It read: 4:47. “Lucky for you, be glad Mom has been held up at work for whatever reason.”

“Yeah,” he chuckled as he pulled the door open. Blue Moon looked back at his sister with a grin. “I wonder what would happen if Mom came home and my chores weren’t done.”

“Gee, I do wonder…” an angry mother asked, her sapphire eyes wide and pinned on her son.

A loud clear of the throat rang in the living room as Bright Light peered down at the scared Blue Moon. The afternoon sun shined behind the unicorn, as if she was a holy messenger sent to smite the wrongdoer. “So, how come your chores not finished…?” she asked, her voice cold.

Instead of answering the given question, Blue Moon said, “All I need to do now is shake out the rug here and I will be done.” The colt turned to face his sister. “Right, Minuette?” Instead of getting a response from Minuette, a bright flash from her camera blinked. While Blue Moon blinked, trying to regain his vision, Minuette couldn't help but feel sorry for her brother; however, found herself giggling while her mother stared at the back of his head.

“Answer my question…” Bright Light growled. Her low words were like a shout and Blue Moon flinched, his ears retreating away from the mother.

Slowly, Blue Moon looked back at Bright Light and slowly opened his mouth to answer. “Because… I… procrastinated?” With the truth out, Blue Moon stared at the rug under his hooves. It mocked him at how close he was with finishing his chores, and yet, so far from completion.

“And why did you procrastinate?” Minuette brought her pen to a blank sheet of paper as her mother asked for an explanation from Blue Moon. Anything he was about to say will most likely help Minuette with her research.

Perfectly Timed

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In conclusion, the hypothesis is true to the result of why ponies procrastinate. Tasks can be quite a bore and ponies can place those chores aside to do other things, and sometimes coming back to said task at the last minute. And when ponies procrastinate, the effort can be a lot less than what was expected, leading to unfortunate punishments, such as more chores for my poor brother. As for why some ponies continue to procrastinate, despite knowing the consequences, that is for another science project.

Minuette tapped the quill tip with a harsh tap and grinned, glancing at the hourglass. It was half way through with pouring its sand to the bottom, indicating that the time was at least 7pm. Turning around, her science project board was now propped up, now decorated with more color, and various pictures of her brother here and there. Minuette giggled a little, thinking about how the school will react to how she used Blue Moon as a test subject for a project that was literally based on her own action of procrastination.

Standing up, the filly walked over to her board and began applying the conclusion to it, along with pasting a picture of Blue Moon being scolded by Bright Light. Almost after every minute that passed, Minuette glanced at the hourglass, making sure she is finished by 7:30pm. Bed time is normally at 9:30pm, so that would give her plenty of time to enjoy herself before she needed her rest.

Finally, the time had arrived; Minuette was finally finished! With all of the excitement in her body, the filly ran downstairs to gather her family. Her mom and dad were more than eager to see their daughter’s work; however, Blue Moon was not happy that he was about to show Minuette’s school how much of an example he was in his experiences with procrastination. Once all of her family members were there, the parents smiled at how good Minuette’s project looked; Blue Moon kept mumbling to himself and blushed with embarrassment, his eyes firmly on the conclusion’s picture.

“I will say, Minuette,” her father complimented, “you did quite the amount of work with little time you had; with thanks to your brother of course.” Blue Moon mumbled and looked away, his ears retreating with his gaze.

Bright Light walked over to Minuette’s desk and looked over the to-do list for her daughter’s science project. “Everything on this list is on the board,” the mother beamed.

“And now, I don’t have to worry about anything; except for dinner of course.” Minuette was about to make for the door, but was stopped by Bright Light’s hoof.

“I don’t think so.” Bright Light levitated the to-do list in front of Minuette. “You may have finished your board, but now you need to work on your portfolio.”

The filly’s jaw almost hit the hard floor. “But I did everything on that paper!” Minuette exclaimed, tapping on the paper before her. “Look, there is nothing on this paper that says I need something else!”

Suddenly, the paper flipped over, revealing more instructions; the science portfolio portion. “I beg to differ, Minuette. Looks you got more to do before you are done.”

The light-blue smile looked at her mother with innocent eyes, “Can’t you at least help me with the portfolio?”

Bright Light gave her daughter a smug grin, “Who’s fault is it that procrastinated nearly the entire year to do this?” Both Blue Moon and her father let out a chortle, humored by how Minuette’s science project is similar to her own situation. However, Bright Light softened her expression and brushed at her daughter's hair. “I will say that I am impressed with how much work you have gotten done within just five hours of your project. If it took you that long to obtain data, I am sure it will take you no time at all.”

Minuette could only grumble with irritation, now upset she won’t have any time for herself.


Thus, procrastination is a poor lifestyle that should not be embraced, even if the task at hoof may be boring.

Minuette rolled her eyes as she finished her sentence.

Whenever you are considering doing something else than what is needed out of you, you may end up in a situation similar to my brother… or worse.

Glancing up at the hourglass before her, it was more than half empty; for once, something half empty was a much more positive analogy for Minuette. She looked over her shoulder, and read her alarm clock. “9:16pm…” Minuette muttered aloud, and let out an exaggerated sigh of relief. “I can’t believe I just did this in seven and a half hours!” After realizing how much work was put in the last several hours, Minuette suddenly felt exhaustion crash upon her. Fanning through her science portfolio, everything seemed to be in order. The filly hopped from her chair and levitated the portfolio along with her, then went downstairs. Bright Light was sitting beside her son, lecturing him once more about his lack of doing chores the moment he gets home. Wishing she can just go to bed, Minuette interrupted, “I have my project finished.”

Both mother and brother turned their attention to the filly and smiled at her. “Do you now?” Bright Light hummed, taking her daughter’s portfolio with her own magic.

“Your welcome for my poor habit,” Blue Moon joked. He and Minuette let out a laugh, remembering their positions.

Bright Light took little time to look over Minuette’s work, and quickly returned the filly’s work to her. “I am quite impressed, Minuette. You managed to quickly come up with a cleaver idea in such little time. I don’t think anypony would have been able to do what you did if they were in your shoes.”

Minuette shrugged casually, “I just came up with an idea and used my time given to me wisely. That old hourglass I had on my desk was very helpful with keeping me on track.” A yawn escaped the filly, and her eyes almost closed on her. “Anyways… I am off to bed.” Slowly, Minuette made for the staircase. “Goodnight.” But she did not receive a replying “goodnight” from her family members. Turning back to Bright Light and Blue Moon, Minuette repeated, “Goodnight.”

To her confusion, they both kept staring at her with surprise in their eyes. “Minuette,” Bright Light spoke softly, a grin slowly growing, “Do you mind if we add something to your science project?”

In protest, Minuette grumbled, “Why? I have everything I need for tomorrow.” She was too tired to yell.

Blue Moon straightened up and replied, “Well, I think it would be a nice addition to your science project to tell everypony how you got your cutie mark.”

Any exhaustion that was weighing down Minuette’s eyes was suddenly gone. Quickly, the filly turned her attention to her flank. And there it was; her cutie mark! It closely resembled the simple hourglass that sat on her desk, which made it even more special to Minuette. “Oh my gosh! My cutie mark! I got my cutie mark!” The sound of her voice summoned her father.

“My word,” he muttered, smiling wide for his daughter, “you got your cutie mark!” At once, he picked up Minuette, hugging his daughter, proud of her accomplishment. Before Minuette knew it, her mother and brother quickly joined in.

“Congratulations, Minuette,” Blue Moon spoke, “your special talent is procrastination.”

“No,” Minuette argued, “my special talent is quickly finding a solution to a problem and using my time properly with efficiency.”


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“My,” Moon Dancer chuckled, “I never thought that would be the story to how you received your cutie mark, let alone know what your cutie mark would be.”

Minuette batted a hoof at the unicorn. “Oh, it is nothing really.”

Moon Dancer scribbled down Minuette’s story with such intensity, making sure she got every important piece of information down. “I think it is humorous that you made a project based on procrastination while you were procrastinating.”

“Eh,” Minuette shrugged, “sometimes you have to point out your flaws before finding your special talent.”

The cream-coated mare froze and looked up at her friend with a serious stare. “Say that again…”

Minuette glanced over to Party Favor as he sat on a balloon sofa, simply listening to the two mares, but looking awfully trigger happy with his camera. “I said... sometimes you need to point out your flaws before finding your special talent. Is that a bad thing…?”

A smile slowly grew on Moon Dancer’s face. “Far from it. And I think after today, I will have a new subject about cutie marks to research.” The sound of a picture being taken made Moon Dancer’s ear twitch, and she looked at Party Favor who grinned at her as well.

“That was a cute smile you had there,” he spoke, almost ready to snap another picture. “I think that may be good for the scrapbook.” Moon Dancer slightly blushed and took a gander elsewhere, trying to look a lot less flustered.

“Oh stop,” Moon Dancer muttered, pushing her glasses up onto her face, in order to keep them from falling off her face. “You are too sweet.”

Minuette saw how Party Favor was trying to flatter Moon Dancer and needed to win her attention over. “I think it was good of me to give our friend even more ideas for our friend, wouldn’t you agree, Party Favor?” He shot her a bothered stare, and Minuette noticed, for a brief moment… Party Favor was blushing for a short while. Was he… Minuette shook her head, thinking that he was just bothered with her input. So she added more. “Perhaps, Moon Dancer, you should give me a time frame so I can give you a possible subject to study about cutie marks.”

No longer flustered by Party Favor’s compliment, Moon Dancer blinked, “I suppose, but you don’t have to go out of your way, unless you really want to.” Moon Dancer was grateful for Minuette’s suggestion; it made her feel even more welcome to the small friend circle she had. Clearing her throat, the unicorn took to her notes, then asked a question that was written down. “So, how does your cutie mark relate to your job as a dentist assistant?”

Minuette pondered the question, then answered, “When I am given a list of things to do at the office and with patients, I know how to not only give myself a good time schedule for myself, but also for my co-workers as well.”

Moon Dancer scratched her chin, curious as to how she will test her friend’s ability to effectively use the time given to her. “Are you good at solving puzzles, Minuette?”

The question puzzled the blue mare. “Maybe? Why do you ask?” In her peripheral, she watched Party Favor straighten himself, perhaps feeling that he will be needed in a short moment.

“If you are good with giving yourself a good timeframe,” Moon Dancer started, “then you should have no trouble with solving a puzzle with a time limit.”

“I am not sure if that is how my cutie mark works…” Minuette tapped her hooves together, not sure if puzzle solving was her forte.

But Moon Dancer shook her head, “I disagree. You had a problem when you put off your science project: lack of a subject matter. On a whim, you came up with a topic to study. From there, you made a timeframe for yourself and successfully had a science project ready in seven hours.” The mare chuckled, “Even I couldn’t do that if I tried…”

“Anyways… Minuette, I have another question to ask: when you are given a to-do list at your job, do you have to figure out who needs to do what at the dentistry? Do you find yourself, in a sense, solve a puzzle and make sure the answer to your problem is a plausible one?”

“Hmm…” Moon Dancer’s statement and then questions caused Minuette to really think hard about her cutie mark and special talent. “Maybe there is more to my cutie mark than I would have ever guessed… I guess I am the best friend for the job to test out your studies.”

“You forget about Party Favor,” Moon Dancer spoke, pointing a hoof at the stallion. The mares caught him making a duck-face expression at his camera. Noticing he was being stared at, Party Favor quickly collected himself and resumed his watch over Moon Dancer and Minuette. Both mares giggled at Party Favor before returning to the matter at hoof. “I have yet to ask him how he got his cutie mark and abilities to create such… interesting balloon creations.”

“I wouldn’t mind telling you my story,” Party Favor inputted. “But you can finish whatever you plan to do with Minuette before focusing on me.”

“Oh don’t you worry about that, my friend…” A smirk grew on Moon Dancer’s lips. “I will learn a lot about you and your cutie mark soon enough.”

Party Favor chuckled, “I think you might need a bigger notebook if you wanted to try and figure me out. Then again, I am sure I would need a notebook myself and study how you keep losing your glasses, despite my gift.”

“L-let’s not get on about that… silly fact, shall we?” While Moon Dancer blushed, Party Favor and Minuette laughed with each other. “Back on track, Minuette, are you willing to try and solve a puzzle for me at an attempt to study your cutie mark?”

The mare was quick to respond. “Of course! But just out of curiosity, what type of puzzle are we talking about?”

Warming Interest

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“You have twenty minutes to solve my equations,” Moon Dancer proclaimed. “Good luck Minuette.”

“Understood!” Minuette nodded, prepared for the test at hoof.

Clicking her hoof on a stopwatch, Moon Dancer started the test. “Begin!” No longer focused on her friend, Minuette turned the paper over and furrowed her brow, reading the written instructions.

Your task is to do these math equations in a particular way. As you and I know, we count up from 1-9. For the problems below, you are to reverse our childhood counting ways and have 9 = 1 and 1 = 9. I made sure none of the answers will go into the double digits, so worry not about answers with two numbers. That's your only tip. Good luck.

Great… math… The one subject Minuette hated and struggled with. She never thought she would be involved in another mathematical exam in her life, and was definitely not her strong suit. She sighed in relief, glad that most of her problems were at a simple elementary level.

Peering over her first problem, it read, 9+8. Almost instinctively, Minuette knew the answer was 17 and almost wrote that as her answer. But she remembered her task and held her anxious hoof still. Seeing the rest of the equations, they grew progressively more complicated the further Minuette’s eyes traveled down. Thirty questions in total. Not impossible, but challenging.

You can do this Minuette, she thought calmly. Give yourself five more minutes of studying Moon Dancer’s rules, then get to solving her questions.

Minuette flipped the paper over, writing her own practice problems before tending to the ones on the other side. Moon Dancer sat beside Party Favor on his balloon couch, scribbling down anything she can think of. He glanced over her shoulder to read her words, then grew quickly board.

“How can you find studying enjoyable Moon Dancer?” Party Favor asked. She looked at him as if he insulted her mother. “I- I'm just wondering is all.”

“How do you find creating balloon animals enjoyable?” the mare countered, her eyes returning to her work.

“It’s more than just making a simple dog out of rubber!” Party Favor rose his snout. “The art of making something three dimensional takes more than just a special talent, my good friend.” He blew into a balloon of his own, and created a large pair of glasses. Moon Dancer squirmed a little, trying her best to hold in a laugh and focus on her writing. The sudden change in Party Favor’s normal vocabulary amused Moon Dancer.

When Party Favor placed his large rubber specs on his snout, it was too much for Moon Dancer to hold onto any amount of concentration. He knew he had Moon Dancer’s full attention, and resumed his talk, “Being able to grasp the ability to picture an object you have seen before, then create it in a matter of seconds is a master of art.”

“Perhaps you can assist me in pottery if you are such a master of the arts,” Moon Dancer smirked. “In fact, writing is considered an art form as well.” She widened her grin and asked, “So, Mr. Art Master, tell me what art is?”

Party Favor’s tongue got caught in his throat. He knew nothing of pottery, and his skills in other arts was little to none. Party Favor wasn't even sure if he could draw a straight line. “Perhaps I… should state that I am a master of art in making anything related to balloons.”

“I thought so.” Moon Dancer gave Party Favor a wink before focusing on her notes and Minuette. “To answer your question, I take a liking to study because of learning what history and knowledge that has been and has yet to be discovered. An easy example is studying cutie marks. Ponies have a general knowledge about cutie marks. However…” Moon Dancer faced Party Favor and pushed her glasses further up her snout, her smile evaporated. “...I believe few ponies know what it's like to have their cutie marks removed and how it affects them.”

The stallion’s tail curled around his flank. “Yeah, I only believe me, my villagers, Princess Twilight, and her friends know the exact effects.” Party Favor shook his head. “Actually, it was a staff that helped Starlight Glimmer remove cutie marks and gave us substitutes for cutie marks.”

Moon Dancer almost dropped her notes. “I almost forgot about your past!” Party Favor could tell the researcher was getting excited. “Sometime, can we go to your village and ask them…” Slowly, the stallion reached for his glasses and removed them. He frowned at the ground, ever still haunted by that mare. “Oh Party Favor,” Moon Dancer choked with ears pointing back in shame, “I didn't mean to remind you-”

“It's fine,” is all Party Favor could muster up. It was apparent that all was not fine for the stallion and Moon Dancer was at fault for his upset mood.

No longer paying attention to her notes, Moon Dancer got close to her friend and wrapped an arm around him. “Again, sorry for not considering your feelings.”

Party Favor’s cheeks flushed, the stallion feeling slightly different about Moon Dancer. The warmth from her embrace sucked away the slight chill the air held. He glanced at her, noting her eyes were closed, as if she were asleep. W-wow… she looks cute up close…

Using his own arm, Party Favor held Moon Dancer, a hoof resting on her shoulder. A giggle escaped the mare, and the stallion gandered elsewhere to avoid any possible eye contact. Unfortunately a pair of wandering eyes caught Party Favor. Minuette gave the stallion a smug grin, her mouth slightly parted, daring to speak. Party Favor worried if the blue mare would try to add to the moment and hoped no words from her were said. The instant Moon Dancer made a slight adjustment, Minuette quickly returned to her problems.

Peering up to Party Favor, Moon Dancer said, “If you ever need me to help you feel better, you can ask.”

He grinned as he did when he had his false cutie mark. “Th-thanks.” Not smiling as wide, Party Favor continued, “I do appreciate the offer.”

“It’s the least I can do,” Moon Dancer shrugged. “Besides, the only reason why I am studying cutie marks is because of you. In fact, the reason why Minuette and the others are considering me even more.” She gave Party Favor a sweet smile. “You really are a special friend. One that comes once in a lifetime.”

Party Favor took this time to gander at Minuette, seeing a bothered crease in her brow. “I know I am a special friend,” he blurted obnoxiously. “Aren't I Minuette?” She rolled her eyes, keeping her attention still to the paper.

“Oh!” Moon Dancer broke her contact with Party Favor. “And you too Minuette. You were there from the beginning and I thank you for wanting to be in my presence.”

“And like any good friend,” Minuette added, now standing from her seat, “I have completed the task you needed finished.” Moon Dancer quickly tended to her stopwatch, noticing the time was still ticking down.

“You had more than three minutes left.” A quill moved on its own, writing the thoughts of Moon Dancer. She made her way to Minuette’s test. “Let’s me see how successful you were with solving the math problems alongside my condition.”

Minuette stood next to Moon Dancer, confident her work was perfect. Minuette heard a scratching on paper. She thought it was Moon Dancer marking an incorrect answer. But there was no quill beside the researcher. A twitch of the ear, and Minuette knew where the sound was coming from.

Quickly, her head twisted to see Party Favor writing something down on that same pad she caught him scribbling on. Flinching at her quick movement, the stallion fumbled his notes before placing them behind his back, out of sight. Minuette could tell Party Favor was attempting to control his emotions, but failed, showing bright color in his cheeks.

“Perfect!” A gasp of air sucked through Minuette’s throat, startled by Moon Dancer’s exclamation. “There are no incorrect answers. That was quite impressive of you, Minuette.”

Clearing her throat, the blue unicorn boasted, “Why thank you! It was the best I could have done, but the compliment is still appreciated.” The black camera flew into view, almost hitting Moon Dancer’s head. “I do think a picture is in order.” Minuette looked to Moon Dancer and smiled, “How about it? You, me, and my perfect score.”

Moon Dancer hummed in thought, pawing at her chin. “I think it will be a perfect addition for my research.” She glanced over to Party Favor, frowning at her neglect toward him. “Though, I think he should be included. For memory sake.”

It took the stallion a few moments to realize he was being included. “O-oh- yes! Why how kind of you!” He shot a smug grin at Minuette, eyes half closed. “Maybe you should consider me in your pictures more often.”

“I might…” Minuette had to keep her eyes from rolling.

Party Favor quickly approached the mares, now in preparation for the picture. “Are you two ready?” Moon Dancer asked, holding Minuette’s test.

“Of course!” Minuette spoke through her teeth, glaring at Party Favor.

“As I will ever be,” Party Favor answered, mimicking Minuette.

Grabbing hold of the camera with her magic, Moon Dancer made sure all three of them were to be captured in the picture. The bright light flashed, forever taking the moment. Unfortunately, Moon Dancer might consider the picture once she sees it; Party Favor and Minuette were leering at each other.

Helping Each Other

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A moan, then a stretch. Minuette’s eyes cracked open, her body fighting against every movement she made. An eye itch prompted Minuette to remove the irritation and she scratched at it. In her open eye, the mare noticed her once blue arm now bore a moody blue-gray. Yesterday's events flooded Minuette’s brain, remembering Moon Dancer’s experiment.

After Minuette had completed her math equations Moon Dancer had for her, the next part of the study was to remove Minuette's cutie mark and solve a new set of problems. At first, Minuette didn't think much about her inevitable parting with her hourglass image. However, solving Moon Dancer’s second test was almost impossible. Minuette hardly had any time to solve the if-than statements after the guidelines were understood. As for Minuette’s answers, more than half was correct... on the ones she was able to complete. Wanting more data for research, Moon Dancer requested Minuette to spend the rest of the day and night without her cutie mark while recording her experiences.

Minuette had yet to make an entry of her chaotic afternoon of disorganization. Maybe after breakfast I'll do it… All she wanted to do was get her cutie mark back. Tossing the blanket aside, Minuette crawled out of bed and attempted to plan the morning in her head. Too bad her thoughts were too scattered to piece together a simple list. A sting in her front hoof bit hard, and the mare winced at the pain. The burn from last night still hurt.


“Good… morning?” Moon Dancer was unsure about her friend’s well being, noticing Minuette’s frazzled mane.

“Cutie mark!” Minuette stomped forward, her brain in control of her movement. “Give it back! Now!” Her muzzle pressed against Moon Dancer, brows creased with angst.

In self defense, Moon Dancer gripped her friend with telekinesis, preventing any potential irrational behavior. “Just relax Minuette. I’ll go get it.” Moon Dancer dragged her friend into the study, placing Minuette on the sofa. A jar rested on the desk, the hourglass floating from within, like a cloud without wind. She twisted the lit and allowed the cutie mark to fly out. It didn’t need to be told how to return to its owner; it just... knew.

The cutie mark crashed into Minuette’s hip, glittering as it cemented itself against her. Minuette sniffed through her nostrils, letting out a heavy sigh. Her mind was now clear.

“Oh, sweet CELESTIA! Last night was horrible!” Minuette exclaimed loudly. At once, Moon Dancer pulled her clipboard into her arm and prepared to write down notes. Before asking about the night before, the unicorn now noticed how Minuette did not have any notes of her own.

“Did you not write about your experiences?” she asked.

A hoof massaged Minuette’s forehead. “Even if I did, my head would not have been able to think straight. I couldn’t even figure out how to manage my time with cooking dinner last night!”

Minuette explained to Moon Dancer her evening to Moon Dancer. She had a pot of water set to boil for a simple meal of spaghetti. As she waited, Minuette went to adjust her camera in her room. Time went by, and soon, thirty minutes had passed. When Minuette noticed her sense of time was forgotten, it was too late for her boiling water; it all evaporated. Instead of trying to boil water again, Minuette made a simple sandwich with lettuce and tomato. Before the pot was even close to cool, the mare forgot about the heat radiating from it. She grabbed the metal handle with her left hoof, singing it in the process. Minuette was worried about setting her home on fire if she were to be even more careless. So she simply went to bed.

“No more leaving ponies without their cutie marks unattended for me…” Moon Dancer muttered under her breath, shaking her head. “It just seems… dangerous. Common knowledge seems to be thrown out the window upon ponies who have their cutie mark taken away.”

Minuette flashed a smile, “I don’t think it was because of that. After all, I was able to work on my camera last night with no problems.”

And yet, your sense of time was thrown off… Moon Dancer thought, scribbling down every detail she could. “By the way, where is your camera?”

Minuette threw her head up with a moan of irritation escaping her throat. “I knew I was forgetting something!” A shy grin grew on her lips. “Can I go get it?”


Moon Dancer stood at the balcony, peering out into the kingdom. Leaves were still clinging onto tree branches, the season of autumn still in the early stages; winter was far from close. She bit on her lower lip, in thought about her current study.

Cutie marks, if removed, effect the pony’s special talent. In fact, it nearly forces a pony who was knowledgeable in their special talent to almost forget all that they stand for. Is the cutie mark connected to their brain as well?

Just like everypony, once a special talent is unlocked, a cutie mark is bound to appear; magically of course. Perhaps cutie marks are like unicorn magic. She hummed to herself, turning back into the study. Many questions need to be written down and experimented even further.

Moon Dancer grabbed her clipboard from the first floor, levitating it up toward her, writing down questions, such as, “Are cutie marks more mental or magical?” and, “Are cutie marks related to a pony’s character?”

She placed down her notepad, finished with her note taking and carefully threaded her head through the chain, removing her glasses. Moon Dancer’s poor eyes glanced here and there, her world in a blur and fog. “A pony without their cutie mark,” she spoke to nopony, “loses their vision to the world around them.”

“Who are you talking to?”

Moon Dancer screamed, swinging her hoof to swat at the intruder beside her, striking them with a weak punch. The grip on her glasses was lost and probably fell over the balcony. The blurry figure stumbled in Moon Dancer’s vision, and the mare quickly went on the defencive. Before she was about to blast the pony before her with a hot burst of magic, Moon Dancer noticed the figure was blue. “Party Favor? Is that you?”

“Yes, it is!” Party Favor chuckled, “Why do you have your glasses removed... Again?”

Moon Dancer patted the floor around her, but couldn’t find the whereabouts of her spectacles. She may not be able to see herself, but the mare could definitely feel her face flush. “I umm…” Moon Dancer quickly turned the situation on Party Favor. “Why did you sneak up on me?!”

The mare felt Party Favor grab her hoof, and something cold was placed in Moon Dancer’s grasp. Her glasses. “It was not my intention to scare you. I thought you would notice me land on the balcony, but you somehow like taking your glasses off for some reason.”

“Says the pony who can hardly walk straight down a hall before getting lost,” Moon Dancer jabbed playfully.

Party Favor rolled his eyes at the joke. “As for ‘sneaking up on you,’ I did want to surprise you and check on your progress on studying cutie marks.” Moon Dancer wanted to argue how the stallion got on the second floor, but remembered how… unique her friend can be.

“I do appreciate the friendly gesture,” Moon Dancer half smiled, running her head through the string of metal. “But next time, use the front door and knock.” She blinked a few times, her vision now restored.

“I understand,” Party Favor nodded. “So, how’s research?”

“Ah, yes!” Moon Dancer swung her head, glad to express her thoughts. A quick wave of her arm grabbed the notepad. “Minuette came by earlier this morning and I reported on her last night’s experiences.”

Party Favor would have been slightly bothered with her early appearance, worried Moon Dancer would sway more in her favor, but couldn't blame Minuette for coming before him. “How bad was it?”

A chuckle escaped Moon Dancer. “Already predicting the negatives?”

The stallion shook his head and frowned, “You remember how much it affected me when I was without my cutie mark, yes?”

“Oh… right…” Moon Dancer’s ear’s retreated in shame. “Sorry I keep forgetting about that. I am just very interested in this particular study now.” Her eyes glistened in an innocent way. “You understand, don’t you?”

“Y-yeah, hehe. It’s fine. I just n-need to not be too sensitive about my cutie mark all the time.” Party Favor looked past Moon Dancer, charmed by her cute stare. He scratched his cheek to try and hide the blush. Geeze, what’s becoming of me? Trying his best to stop Moon Dancer’s puppy-dog eyes charm, he suggested, “Maybe, sometime, you and I can talk about my past.”

The glimmer in Moon Dancer's eyes were now gone, but they were still locked on Party Favor. “You don't need to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. We already went through with this.”

A few moments pass in silence. Party Favor scratched his chin, really thinking about what he just said. “You know… I have been thinking about that…”

Moon Dancer turned her head and raised a brow, “About what?”

Party Favor began to walk down the stairs, the mare in tow. “About my troubling issue with being parted with my cutie mark.”

Flipping through her notes, Moon Dancer pointed to one of her sentences. “You are not the only one who partook in experimentation. Minuette was also in distress without her cutie mark. I was worried about her acting irrationally, so I quickly gave it to her before anything got out of hoof.” Now at the bottom of the stairway, Party Favor turned to face his friend. “The study needs more time to further solidify my claims, but seeing how you and Minuette have acted without a cutie mark, I have hypothesized that cutie marks are linked to the brain. Severing that tie may cause a pony to lose some form of identification.” Moon Dancer fanned through her notes before resuming. “Then again, a cutie mark is to appear when a pony’s special talent is discovered, so magic blockage can alto be a possibility.”

She glanced up to see Party Favor blowing into a colorful rubber pipe, bubbles drifting from the hole. “Yes, quite interesting,” he spoke in a pompous tone.

Moon Dancer chuckled, half smiling. “With all that being said, why would you need to talk about something that already has some grounding?”

Party Favor looked at his pipe blankly. “Because you are a friend not from my village, it would be nice to ventilate my frustrations and fears.”

The word “fears” rang loudly in Moon Dancer’s ears and she was instantly concerned. “What seems to be the matter? Is everything alright? Have my- studies done more harm to you?”

A smile lifted Party Favor’s cheeks. “You are not the issue. You are one of my best friends.”

“You were very vague about what your frustrations and fears are, so all I could do was assume.” Despite his smile, Moon Dancer couldn’t help but worry. “But if you want to talk, then we can. You helped me the first day we met, and I am willing to do the same to you.”

Party Favor blew into his pipe again. “And as we talk, you can take notes.” Moon Dancer did not know where the unicorn was getting at and only stared in bewilderment. “What I mean is I will be talking about my past and my village.” As the pipe parted his lips, Party Favor’s smile now gone. “None of my fellow villagers wanted to discuss what happened to us when we decided to pilgrimage to an isolated location with Starlight Glimmer, let alone the aftermath.” He paused and looked back at his cutie mark. “I want to move on from the past like you have. To not look at the negatives and stare into the positives.” The stallion grinned gleefully, “Just like how you always mention to me how glad you are to be your closest friend.”

Moon Dancer’s ears fell back at the compliment, her cheeks slightly flushed. “I do thank you a lot, don’t I?”

“More than you realize,” Party Favor answered. “If you are willing to set a date, I would like you and Princess Twilight Sparkle to sit down with me, allowing us to discuss my issues.”

“Why do you wish for Twilight to be present?” the mare asked.

“She was there when she helped my village. And I am sure she can give you some noteworthy facts about her experiences without her cutie mark.” Party Favor looked up, thinking about his next remark. “So in a way, you can help me with my problems, and Twilight Sparkle and I can help you on your research.” He blinked and looked at Moon Dancer. “In fact, her friends do live in Ponyville as well. Perhaps you can ask them what their experiences were as well.”

Moon Dancer was impressed with his proposal. Party Favor was willing to ask for help about an issue that makes him uncomfortable, while assisting in her cutie mark research. “You are quite calm about all this. Usually when you talk about your past, let alone mention it, you get upset quite easily.”

Party Favor’s eyes stared at the ground, a sign that the unicorn was still troubled. “Trust me, I am doing my best to keep a strong composure. But I want to be strong and do the right thing for myself. It’s time I face my discomfort.”

Walking over to her friend, Moon Dancer placed a hoof on his shoulder. “It takes a lot to face any fear. Trust me, I know. And now look at where I am. Here with an amazing friend; a friend who was willing to use his time out of his day to help me.”

Party Favor pulled Moon Dancer with an arm, embracing the cream pony. “You do like to talk about me, don’t you?”

An arm pulled playfully on Party Favor’s neck. “Shut up,” Moon Dancer responded bluntly, but smiled nonetheless.

Without any warning, the doors to the study swung open. Minuette entered with her camera wrapped around her neck, ready to capture anything that may be worthy of a memory. Too bad the mare was watching Party Favor hog Moon Dancer’s attention.

“Why hello Minuette!” Party Favor boasted, pulling Moon Dancer close and pressed his cheek on hers. Moon Dancer’s glasses popped off her face and the mare grunted by the sudden force. “I see you have your camera there. Do you mind if you can take a picture of this wonderful moment?”

All Minuette could do was stare with irritation, hating herself for forgetting the camera at home. Moon Dancer grumbled with irritation, “Party Favor, that was not necessary…”

“Oh, sorry…” He let go of the mare, but his cheek remained glued to her face.

“Umm, you can not be so close now…” Moon Dancer’s cheeks flushed, uncomfortable by Party Favor’s pressure.

“I somehow cannot move my neck,” Party Favor complained. Both ponies looked down and saw the problem: Moon Dancer’s glasses were pressed on the side of Party Favor’s neck. When he went to pull the unicorn close, Party Favor didn’t realize he trapped himself with the spectacle's chain.

Minuette couldn’t help but laugh hysterically, watching the two unicorns struggle by their own ensnarement. “I think this will be a good memory to capture.” A veil of magic lifted the mare’s camera, then blinked a bright light.

"Mares with Cute Glasses"

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To Minuette’s surprise, Party Favor was not attempting to hog all of Moon Dancer’s attention. Instead, he insisted to be on the outside ledge. Just before he managed to escape her view, Minuette noticed the stallion was carrying his notepad from yesterday. The mare was almost tempted to run upstairs and barge into whatever Party Favor was doing. Or plotting!

Regardless of her curiosity, Minuette was being asked a series of questions by Moon Dancer, further delving on details from when she left the study yesterday to the moment she arrived this morning. Most of the responses to “how did you feel” questions was misery. And even though Minuette explained to the best of her knowledge, the unicorn wished she did write down what her experiences were in further detail.

“Were you able to cast any type of magic?” Moon Dancer asked.

“I… am not sure…” Minuette tapped her hoof on her chin. “Maybe?”

Moon Dancer shook her head, her bangs swaying near her eyes. “I don’t want a maybe. If you are not sure, then there is no need to press you on that.”

Minuette grumbled and folded her arms. If only I was sure of it.

All questions were now answered after thirty minutes of Minuette speaking her mind about her lack of a cutie mark. Moon Dancer lightly nibbled on the quill feather with her lips, thinking of a way to add onto her cutie mark removal study. Giving her friend a serious look, Moon Dancer asked, “Do you think I should use myself and remove my cutie mark?”

The door from above flung open and Party Favor charged in. “Don’t do it!” he shouted with desperation. “You don’t want to subject yourself to that type of misery!” Instead of using his balloon magic, Party Favor quickly scrambled down the stairs. “Don’t do it,” he repeated, much more calm now; and out of breath from the quick run. In his hoof was his notepad, the papers flipped open. Too bad for Minuette, the words were hidden from her eyes.

Moon Dancer pointed the quill tip at Party Favor with the flick of the wrist. “Telling me not to do something is tempting me even further to go through with it.”

“But you asked me the question and I want to give you my thoughts on the matter,” Minuette inputted. Party Favor opened his mouth to argue, but knew Moon Dancer would listen. “I do agree with Party Favor on one thing: it does cause misery to not have your cutie mark. However, if you want to go through with removing your cutie mark, then I will not stop you.” Party Favor gave Minuette a strong look of disapproval and she was expecting it. “However… I will not allow you to test yourself alone. I will make sure nothing bad happens to you or your cutie mark.”

Moon Dancer did not look phased by Minuette’s statement. In fact she smiled. “I do appreciate you and Party Favor being concerned with me going through with removing my cutie mark.” Her eyes darted between the two unicorns. “But I want to experience not having my cutie mark just like you two have. It's not that I do not trust your feedback; I want to further solidify my claims; it's what a researcher does.”

“But will you allow Minuette to keep an eye on you and your cutie mark?” Party Favor asked, taking a few steps toward Moon Dancer. “Your cutie mark is what makes you special. And I would hate to see it misplaced.”

Moon Dancer placed a hoof on Party Favor’s shoulder, maintaining her smile. “You like the truth, right?”

“Oh course I do.”

“Then trust me.” Any amount of worry Party Favor held quickly evaporated. He just stared blankly, not sure what to say. “Once I get the facts from my experiment, then I will be satisfied with my work and not have to do this study for a while.”

“What do you mean ‘for a while?’” Minuette chimed in.

“Because I have only used the removal spell on only you, Party Favor, and soon, myself; all of us are unicorns. I have yet to test it on a pegasus and earth pony.” Knowing there was no stopping Moon Dancer, Minuette and Party Favor glanced at one another, blinked, and smiled.

“Well, I do hope the best comes out of all this,” Party Favor flipped his notebook closed. “Even if it makes me uncomfortable.”

“Of course,” Moon Dancer nodded.

Minuette grinned, her brows slightly creased, “But I will still keep an eye on your cutie mark when you do perform that removal spell.”

Moon Dancer walked over to the desk and began writing in her notebook. “I understand that and I don't blame you for wanting to. Trust me, I would want to make sure somepony I trust keeps an eye on my cutie mark as I go through with this.”

While Moon Dancer occupied herself, Party Favor briskly walked over to Minuette and spoke quietly through his teeth, “If anything happens to her cutie mark, it is on your head.”

Minuette’s cocky grin challenged Party Favor’s bothered sneer. “Moon Dancer has favored my opinion than yours, leaving me to believe that I am the one who is favored in this situation.”

Party Favor almost choked on his tongue and spoke nonsense. “You win this battle…” He turned quickly, but lost grip of his notepad. The papers flipped open, its words vulnerable to anypony who may read them.

A light-blue silhouette quickly engulfed the notepad and it darted toward Minuette. “Now what is this?” she sang, glancing at the first page.

Party Favor flushed, “I-It’s nothing! Give it back!” But the blue mare jogged away, ascending the stairs. Her eyes fanned over the first underlined phrase and paused her movement. “Stand Up Comedy Skit?” The first few words Minuette managed to read before Party Favor snatched it away from her were “board games, scared bugs,” and “mares with cute glasses.”

Red in the face, Party Favor scowled at Minuette. “That was uncalled for!”

Minuette couldn't help but giggle. “Mares with cute glasses, huh?” Party Favor flushed even more and stormed out onto the balcony, slamming the door.

“Minuette?” Moon Dancer asked at the base of the stairs. Minuette flinched, slowly turning her head, seeing her friend’s thick brows bend. “What did you just do?”

On Ledge

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Party Favor almost fled the study in shame, but he remained on the balcony. Running away won't solve anything. One way or another, Party Favor would have to face Moon Dancer eventually.

He paced back and forth, wondering if Minuette told Moon Dancer what was on his notepad. Party Favor flipped it open, his eyes scanning the scribbled notes. Recently, the stallion has been commissioned to set up a party for a mare’s birthday. On the list of things needed, was a comedian. Party Favor saw this as an opportunity to let out his inner funny, and quickly took the job.

The last few days involved a little bit of research, along with sharing his jokes to several guardsponies. So far, Party Favor was positive that his act will be humorous. The most recent of his growing comedy act was his “mares with cute glasses” skit. As much as he didn't want to admit it, Moon Dancer was quite the cute mare. Her bun and dark-gray sweater were adorable features, but her glasses… Moon Dancer’s glasses made her appear more… beautiful. And he couldn't figure out why.

Despite his confidence, Party Favor was not ready to show off his ideas quite yet, especially his most recent idea. And Minuette managed to get her eyes on the one that was inspired by Moon Dancer.

The balcony door hinge squeaked and a pony spoke through the crack of the door, “Party Favor, is everything okay?”

With a slow turn of the head, Party Favor saw Moon Dancer peeking at him. “You can come outside,” he offered, even though he’d rather remain alone.

Moon Dancer came forth, slow on her approach. “You can tell me what is wrong.”

Careful with his word choice, Party Favor answered, “Did Minuette tell you what she saw?”

“The only thing she told me was you wrote a list for a stand-up comedy,” she replied. “And trust me, I gave her a good scolding for flustering you.”

Party Favor’s ears fell into his curly mane, and his cheeks flushed, “Anything else?”

Moon Dancer cracked a smile, standing inches from the stallion. “Just that.” Her words didn't relieve any stress Party Favor held because Minuette knew exactly what was on his notepad. “Are you embarrassed about sharing that?” Moon Dancer asked.

Teeth knocked into one another while Party Favor thought up a response, “I wasn't ready to share it until later.”

“And when will later be?” Moon Dancer asked.

“At a party I will be setting up. Today in fact.” With the cat out of the bag, Party Favor figured he would tell Moon Dancer the event he will be attending.

“Is this why you didn't share this with Minuette or I before? You were embarrassed to tell us you were working on a comedy skit?” Moon Dancer couldn't help but giggle. “No wonder you were so funny yesterday.”

Party Favor shrugged, “I just needed to see if I can improvise on the spot.” He broke eye contact with Moon Dancer. “To answer your question, I didn't want either of you two knowing because I have never done stand up before. I want to make sure it is good before performing it to a crowd, and then to my friends.”

“I think it would be best to share with your friends before presenting to a crowd,” Moon Dancer argued, bringing a hoof to her chest.

“I did share my jokes to some of the guards and they seem to like them.”

“Then why didn't you share your jokes with me!?” Moon Dancer playfully shoved Party Favor’s shoulder.

“I am afraid you won't find them funny.” Party Favor looked at the balcony ledge, his notepad alone.

“Party Favor,” Moon Dancer spoke, “I am sure your jokes are funny.” She tapped his shoulder, bring the stallion’s attention back to him. “And even if I don’t find them humorous, I'm not going to hate you or anything.” Moon Dancer slightly folded her brows in thought. “Unless your jokes is insulting. Then I might not be very fond of your humor.”

“Some of my jokes do make fun of ponies I know,” Party Favor admitted. “But nothing too scarring.”

Moon Dancer grinned, “Anything about me?” Party Favor flushed, his lungs clogged with nervousness. “What, are your jokes about how obsessive I can be about studying?” she asked, certain she was a skit in his stand-up.

“I can… remove it…” Party Favor’s ears pressed further back, frightened by the mare with cute glasses.

Moon Dancer’s hoof firmly grasped the blue unicorn’s shoulder. “If you haven't noticed, you and I crack jokes at each other all the time. Besides, I trust that whatever you have about me is something I can relate to and understand.”

Party Favor was not too certain Moon Dancer would “relate” to how he views her. Party Favor knows he had just met her. How would she feel if he said her glasses made her look much more attractive? Then again, Party Favor remembered the other day how he took a picture of Moon Dancer, telling her she had a cute smile. But that was him being honest! It was the truth. And he didn't want the true truth to scare his close friend.

“How about… I tell you sometime later?” Party Favor finally mustered up something to weasel his way out of the conversation.

The mare tapped her chin, “How about after your stand-up? That way, you can test your jokes on others first, and then Minuette and I. How does that sound?”

“I can do that.” Party Favor felt slightly at ease, but knew he was delaying the inevitable. “In fact, I believe it is time for me to go.”

“Alright,” Moon Dancer nodded. “Knock em’ dead.”

“If I did that,” he replied, “I wouldn't have a party to cater for.” Party Favor smiled, watching Moon Dancer laugh at his improved joke.

“See what I mean? I just know I am going to like your jokes.” Moon Dancer hugged her friend, “Come by when you are done. Minuette and I will definitely want to hear all about your successful show.”

“Thanks,” Party Favor responded, hugging her back. He grabbed his notepad and made for the door. All of a sudden, Party Favor remembered how Moon Dancer’s irresponsibility with her glasses. Maybe she would like that crack at her.


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Minuette stood behind beside Moon Dancer, paying close attention to her friend who continued to stare at a quill resting on the table. Moon Dancer’s brows were bent with concentration, and her teeth were clenched with frustration. For two minutes, Moon Dancer has been trying to levitate the feather with a simple levitation spell. The challenge: cast magic without a cutie mark.

Unable to conjure up a simple spark from her horn, Moon Dancer shook her head, “I can't do it.”

“It's okay,” Minuette frowned, patting her friend’s shoulder.

“Okay?” Moon Dancer stood up from her stool and beamed, “This is amazing research! I never knew the removal of a cutie mark would cause such a mental block! Quick, write down everything I explain to you!”

The blue mare felt overwhelmed by Moon Dancer’s gleeful attitude. It was new to Minuette to see her friend so cheery and didn't know how to properly react. Minuette took the quill from the desk and levitated a sheet of paper over to her. “Ready when you are.”

Moon Dancer cleared her throat, pacing around the desk. “I feel… like I have a headache that is more centralized at the base of my horn.” She paused, listening to Minuette scratch down notes, waiting until her friend was finished. “No matter how much I focus on my horn, there is some mental blockage, along with a magical silence. When I tried to cast a simple levitation spell, a pressure was felt where my horn is.” She paused again, allowing Minuette to catch up. “In other words, the flow of magic to the horn is blocked at the base.”

A black moon floated in a jar, tapping against the glass when Moon Dancer got close to it. The mare observed her cutie mark with a curious stare. “Look Minuette!”

“W-wait just a second!” Minuette called back, scribbling as fast as she could. When she finished her final sentence, Minuette walked over to Moon Dancer.

“Watch the cutie mark…” Moon Dancer stepped away from the jar, and the crescent moon gently settled down, calmly floating in its given air. She then stepped forward. Like a magnet, the cutie mark drifted toward Moon Dancer. Curious, the mare grabbed the jar and placed it on the ground. The pony briskly walked around the container as the black moon continued to gravitate toward her.

“It looks like it's trying to get to you,” Minuette said while she jotted more notes down.

“The question is… what part of me is attracting it?” Moon Dancer asked.

Minuette nibbled the quill feather, “Maybe it has a mind of its own?”

“Maybe it's… it’s… oh!” Moon Dancer jogged in place, her mental block too much. The thought was at the edge of her mind, yet her brain refused to give the thought she needed. “What's the word…?”

Minuette tried her best to think up what Moon Dancer was trying to say. “Is it… alive?”

“No. Magic is more energy than a lifesource. It's…” Moon Dancer rotated her hoof, “’s trying to…”

“Perhaps it is attracted by a part of your body?” Minuette guessed, shrugging her shoulders before resuming her note taking.

“Y-yeah! That might be it.” Moon Dancer sat in front of the jar, the cutie mark eager to be close to its master. She bowed her head, thinking her mind is what the cutie mark desired. It hardly moved at all. With the mind out of the way, Moon Dancer grabbed the jar, and pressed it against her heart. The moon did seem to gravitate more toward her chest. However, as she moved the jar away from her chest, the cutie mark wasn't aiming directly for the heart. “Heart… mind…” Moon Dancer muttered. “Minuette, how does that certain saying go?”

“What saying?” Minuette asked.

“You know… mind… heart… something like that…”

“Do you mean heart, mind, and soul?”

“Soul!” Moon Dancer exclaimed. Her two eyes focused on the cutie mark, tracing to where it was gravitating towards. Moon Dancer scooted the jar toward her flank. The cutie mark slammed against the glass, making a loud “tink.”

“Wow,” Minuette spoke in awe.

“Don't just stare! Write notes!” Moon Dancer exclaimed, her excitement too strong.

“S-sorry!” Her hoof dragged the quill across the paper, ink leaving its permanent trail of black.

No longer wishing to be parted from her cutie mark, Moon Dancer grabbed the jar and began to twist the lid. She made sure the opening faced her flank. Sure enough, when Moon Dancer popped the lip off, the cutie mark shot directly at her rear. Moon Dancer looked at her hooves, watching the color return to them.

The stress below her horn was no more, like a summer rain that had come and gone. Magic bled into Moon Dancer’s horn, the mare levitating the jar and lid onto the table. Moon Dancer wiggled her hips, making sure her cutie mark wouldn't fall off. “It's good to have you back.”

“I bet you are,” Minuette grinned. “I felt the same way when I got back my cutie mark.”

“I'll admit,” Moon Dancer replied, “it was frustrating without it. You feel like a part of you is missing.”

“I wouldn't say ‘like,’” Minuette spoke, shaking her head. “A part of you is missing.”

Eager to see what Minuette had written down, Moon Dancer snatched her notes and quickly fanned over them. Minuette folded her arms, bothered by how her friend didn't ask please.

A knock on the door turned both mares’ ears. “Minuette, can you get that please?” Moon Dancer asked, still studying the notes.

“Sure…” At least she said please… When she opened the door, Minuette saw that it was Party Favor. “Hey, Party Favor,” she smiled.

“Hey,” the stallion responded flatly.

“Sorry about earlier,” Minuette whispered into Party Favor’s ear. She didn't have the chance to apologize as Party Favor left to cater for his party.

“It's fine.” His eyes fell to the gray stone he stood on, visibly indicating that something was wrong.

“You are back early,” Moon Dancer spoke. “I thought you had your stand-up to do.”

“I did do it. But it didn't go so well.”

Minuette stepped forward, showing sympathy in her eyes. “What happened?” Moon Dancer’s attention was no longer on the written notes.

“I was heckled…”

Humble Bundle

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“Oh no!” Moon Dancer frowned, quickly pacing toward her friend. She shoved the notes into Minuette’s chest. “Hold these for a second.”

Minuette coughed, the impact taking her by surprise. She almost became jealous of Party Favor, but knew now was not the time. “So, what happened?” Minuette asked. She made sure she clutched the notes close to her. Celestia knows what would happen to her if she lost them.

“I umm... “ Party Favor flushed. “It’s not important…”

“It is to us,” Moon Dancer argued. “You can tell us.”

The stallion held his breath, not sure how to tell Moon Dancer his mares with cute glasses skit was the source of his harassment. “I was telling one of my jokes and…” Party Favor’s eyes danced between Moon Dancer and Minuette. “...I umm, mentioned the birthday mare and her sister lashed out at me…”

“What did you say?” Minuette asked.

Party Favor dodged the question, “The mare’s sister thought I was hitting on her sister.”

Both mares glanced at one another, biting their lips, not sure how to respond. Moon Dancer was the first to speak, “Was your joke insulting?”

“N-no!” Party Favor’s ears fell back from being too loud. “She took it as a compliment.”

“Was she cute?” Minuette joked, but quickly regretted her comment as four eyes leered at her. “What?” she grinned. “Just asking.”

“And it wasn’t a joke. It was more of an addressing of sorts.” Try as he might, Party Favor couldn’t keep his blush from showing.

“And what did you address?” Moon Dancer asked.

Minuette could tell Party Favor was beyond flustered and wondered if Moon Dancer was oblivious to his attitude. “I don’t think getting Party Favor to tell us what the ‘joke’ was is going to help him at all.”

“You’re right.” Moon Dancer gestured Party Favor to enter the study. “Why don’t you come inside? We can talk about what had happened.”

“Only for a little while. I need to go back soon.” The stallion looked back toward the town. “After all, I do need to get my pay.” Party Favor sagged his head downward. “Then again, I am not sure I can face that angry sister again… Besides, she was right… I’m not funny…”

Like a flame fueled by natural gas, Moon Dancer puffed out her chest. “You know what! We are going to go straight to that party and set things right!”

Party Favor was naturally against the idea. “Nononononono, it’s okay!” The false smile he applied was fake and both mares knew it was a guise. “I think we should stay here and talk about things, like… cutie marks.”

“The only thing that is going to relate to cutie marks is how yours and mine are going to march right back to that party!”

Minuette pursed her lips, surprised to see Moon Dancer’s anger flare up. She remembered how Moon Dancer vented to Twilight Sparkle, explaining how she felt when Twilight didn’t show up to her party. Of course, that was an emotional breakdown of frustration and sadness. Now, Moon Dancer was just plain angry, and Minuette didn’t know how her friend was about to react to another aggressive mare. “I think we need to do what Party Favor suggested.”

Her words fell on Moon Dancer’s deaf ears. “Put down those notes on my desk, Minuette. We are going down to that party and set things right!” Minuette and Party Favor looked at one another, knowing there was no stopping this firestorm of a mare. “So Party Favor, where is this party you are catering?”


“There it is,” said Party Favor with a point of his hoof. A small home with colorful party ribbons some balloons by the door indicated to Party Favor, Moon Dancer, and Minuette they were at the right place.

A rough clear of the throat rang out from Moon Dancer, her thick red brows creased and fiery. “Time to meet this heckler,” she said. Minuette did nothing to try and settle down her friend. She only clutched her camera, ready to capture any moment that might need remembering.

“You don’t have to go through with this, Moon Dancer,” Party Favor begged. “Besides, I don’t want to cause any trouble.”

Moon Dancer did not move her head, but her eyes glanced at Party Favor, “That heckler is what caused trouble in the first place. I have come to resolve this issue alongside you. And to get your pay.” A cheek lifted, the mare half smiling, “Let’s do this together.” Party Favor only nodded before following his friend to the door. As for Minuette, she kept her distance but paced behind the two ponies. Moon Dancer knocked on the door, not as loud as Party Favor was expecting. Party Favor would have walked in, knowing he was welcomed inside. Well, the birthday mare and guests did know he was catering, so he was allowed to be on the premises. As for welcomed, Party Favor was not so sure after being heckled.

The door opened and a yellow pegasus came into view. She wore a party hat and had a blue scarf wrapped around her neck. The mare saw Party Favor and smiled, “You are back!”

“So I have returned,” Party Favor nodded. “Have you been enjoying yourself while I have been gone, Humble Bundle?”

Humble payed no attention to Moon Dancer who looked into the house. “I have, thanks,” Humble said. Her ears fell back and the birthday mare couldn’t hold her smile, “I am very sorry about my sister, Party Favor… I didn’t think she would flare up like that…”

The apology didn’t reach Party Favor and he shook his head, “It was my fault. And she was right. I was not humorous in the slightest.”

Humble opened her mouth to speak, but took notice of Moon Dancer. “Who are you,” she asked.

“I’m Moon Dancer.” Both mares shook hooves formally, no hostility between them. Party Favor was glad Moon Dancer didn’t begin lashing out her anger at the party mare the moment the door was opened.

“Humble Bundle.” Humble Bundle noticed Minuette and asked, “And you?”

“Minuette,” she replied.

Humble lifted a brow, “Why are you both here?”

“Moral support,” Moon Dancer said. “Party Favor said he was scared off by your sister and I wanted to be here for him.”

The birthday mare grumbled, “I don’t know why my sister had to create such a scene and-”

“Humble, who is at the door?” a large voice boomed and an even larger mare who was much taller than Humble Bundle entered the door frame.

A Thousand Needles

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“Oh, you are back…” Grace muttered, her gave square on Party Favor’s brow. The stallion lowered his head, still weighed down by her previous insults. Grace took notice of Moon Dancer’s angry stare directed at her. “And what is your deal?”

Moon Dancer stood her ground, unshaken by the pegasus slightly taller than her. “My friend here has told me you said some unkind things to him. So, here I am, giving him aid.”

“Aid to what?” Grace grinned. “Your friend was a lousy comedian and was trying to hit on my sister with his stupid skit.” Out of view, Party Favor flushed, worried the theme of his skit would be revealed to the mares. “To think he could bring another pony and try to act tough for him.”

While the rest of her party has been great, Humble was displeased with how her sister was behaving. “Well, I thought his skit about mare’s accessories was quite humorous,” Humble defended. She winked at Party Favor, the stallion glad for the compliment, but shivered as the skit was about to bloom into view.

“How did the skit go?” Moon Dancer asked, her sentence vague to whom she was speaking to.
Memories tried to remind Humble Bundle the exact working, and only was able to summerize, “Party Favor’s humorous skit was him asking why when mares apply a simple accessory, such as my scarf, it increases attractiveness tenfold.” Humble couldn’t help but laugh, “And I wondered if I bought more accessories that would make me even more attractive.” A yellow hoof pointed at Moon Dancer, “Like your jacket and your glasses. You do look like the cute bookworm type with what you are wearing.”

Moon Dancer flushed, “I wasn’t expecting to be complimented by my lousy attire from a mare, but thank you.” Party Favor was glad his act was enjoyed to say the least and held a wider smile.

Of course, Grace was not entertained in the slightest, “I still think Party Favor is lousy at what he did and was trying to get more out of my sister than a simple payment.”

“I only addressed Humble’s scarf as a cute accessory,” Party Favor defended himself.

The orange mare stomped forward, her assertion heavy with intimidation. “I know how you stallions work, always trying to have your ways with other mares!” Humble tried to argue with her sister, but the birthday mare was not heard. “You just want to try and swoo mares with your words just so you can have them as a possession!” Grace gestured to the two ponies Party Favor brought along. “Case and point, here you brought two mares along with you. How low are you?”

Moon Dancer could no longer stand by and allow Party Favor to be heckled but the heckler. The cream mare stepped in front of the blue stallion, a bastion ready to hold ground. “And how would you know that?” Ammunition at the ready, Moon Dancer fired back an insult of her own. “Perhaps you are jealous you can’t get a stallion to compliment your wicked attitude.”

“Don’t think you can come here to my sister’s home and insult me!” Grace shouted.

Humble knew her sister’s temper and tried to be reasonable with the other angered mare, “Now now, ladies, there is no need to fling insults at one another.” Moon Dancer realised she stepped over a line that might result in a scuffle and readjusted herself. But Grace kept her tall posture and looked down at the cream mare.

“If Party Favor is no longer wanted or needed here,” Moon Dancer said, “then can he at least have his pay?”

“Of cor-”

“No,” Grace said. “Give him nothing.” Everypony jolted at the statement.

“But, why?” Humble asked. “Party Favor did a wonderful-”

“Be quiet!” Grace ordered.

The outburst only upset the birthday mare and she started to tear up. “Why must you always be like this?” Humble squeaked. “You act like I cannot stand on my own.” Moon Dancer, Party Favor, and Minuette couldn’t help but feel sorry for Humble Bundle as her sister was being resistant to her. Humble sniffed and tried to muster up a smile, “I’ll go and get your payment.”

Not allowing her sister to do what she was set out to do, Grace blocked Humble from proceeding further into the house, “You will not be giving him anything!”

Moon Dancer could no longer hold herself still and she stomped over to the aggressive mare. “Hey, leave your sister to pay Party Favor!” It never dawned unto her that she would be standing up for two ponies at the same time, but that didn’t matter to her. What mattered was to stop Grace from being such a mule to everypony.

Party Favor placed a hoof on Moon Dancer’s shoulder to try and gently pull her out of the doorframe. “It’s okay, Moon Dancer. Maybe we can come back tomorrow and get the bits.”

“No, we are getting them today and now,” Moon Dancer argued. The last thing Moon Dancer wanted to do was argue with her friend. She wanted to get what she came for finished before anything gets out of hoof. Too bad Moon Dancer couldn’t predict the hot tempered mare.

A sharp sting swatted across Moon Dancer’s face; Grace had slapped Moon Dancer. Minuette and Humble Bundle screamed at the rash act while Party Favor stood with wide eyes. The stallion looked back to see Minuette now on the approach, ready to butt heads with the aggressor. As for Moon Dancer, she remained frozen, her glasses dangling by her chest thanks to the chain. She kept still, head locked in the direction it was forced to look. But Moon Dancer did not show any sign of pain, her face a stoic expression.

Humble yelled at her sister as she shook her sibling, “Why did you do that!”

Party Favor used what strength he could muster to prevent Minuette from approaching Grace. Minuette didn’t care if her camera would be damaged in the process of a possible rough and tumble. All she wanted to do was return the favor. Grace stood at the door, a bastion ready to fire back with a mighty force. “What are you going to do,” Grace said back.

“I’ll tell you what I am going to do…” Moon Dancer spoke. Everypony looked to the cream mare, in preparation of her next move. Moon Dancer craned her neck back to the mare who struck her. She reapplied her glasses, the spectacles undamaged. Moon Dancer showed no sign of anger in her eyes and no expression was found on her desert sand face. “I am going to report this do the authorities, press charges for your physical assault, sue you for refusing to pay my friend, file a restraining order against you, and tell the press of Canterlot your behavior.” Grace and Moon Dancer looked at one another, neither of them moving. However, Grace looked afraid, the threat before her more real. “I may not be as fierce as you are in terms of physical strength,” said Moon Dancer, “but I know how to ruin a pony’s name if given the reason. And you know this as much as I do, status here in Canterlot is more valuable than wealth. If you have status, those with wealth seek investment. If you have no status, or worse, a negative one, well, work will be more difficult for you to find.” Moon Dancer looked to Humble Bundle and said, “You can go get Party Favor’s pay. But if Grace refuses to let you, then I will be forced to allow what I had just stated to happen to your sister.”

Humble Bundle moved a little to see if Grace would make any attempt to stop her, but the sibling didn’t move. Humble Bundle left her sister in the doorway and into the house. From where Party Favor was standing, he could see eyes from other ponies stare at him from within the home. They looked too afraid to approach Grace and her tall demeanor. Minuette was still up against him, the stallion not allowing her to be far from him in case she leaps at Moon Dancer’s aggressor.

A small coin purse jingled, calling to their true owner as Humble Bundle made for the door. She hooved the purse over to Party Favor and gave a small smile, “Here you are.”

“Thank you,” he nodded and accepted the payment, but still held onto Minuette. Party Favor almost looked at Grace, but thought against it. Better to not try to irritate her any further.

Moon Dancer turned her head and finally looked to Party Favor. “I think we can go now.” Her cheek had swollen a bit from the blow, a red spot showing where she was hit. Party Favor and Minuette nodded and the stallion removed his hold. Moon Dancer took the lead and began to walk away from the birthday mare’s home, her friends following in suit. Party Favor was still in shock, his adrenalyn located in his knees.

Minuette went at Moon Dancer’s side and grinned, “You showed her who to not mess with.” But Moon Dancer did not gloat about her victory and kept quiet. Minuette looked to Party Favor for assistance, but he shrugged, unsure of what to do. The three rounded a corner and the street they entered was no street, but an alley.

Party Favor looked around and asked, “Moon Dancer, why have we left the street? I mean, I may get lost from time to time, but I know an alley is an easy way to disorient yourself.”

“I just wanted to get out of the public eye,” Moon Dancer said. Her expression suddenly warped into a painful clench, the mare bringing a hoof to her cheek. Tears rolled down her face as she complained, “My cheek hurts really really bad!”

At once, Minuette and Party Favor were at the aid of their hurt friend. “Here,” Party Favor spoke, his hooves making something from his balloons, “let me make you an ice pack.”

Minuette squinted her eyes at Party Favor and asked, “Where are your bits?”

“In my pockets,” he answered, his eyes still on his craft. Minuette tried to find Party Favor’s “pockets,” but couldn’t seem to find them. With his balloon ice pack finished, Party Favor hooved it over to his friend. Moon Dancer accepted it and placed it against her face. A thousand needles of pain shot from Moon Dancer’s wound, her eyes clenching tightly from the tender bruise. “You didn’t have to do this all for me, Moon Dancer…” Party Favor felt guilty for letting his friend get injured because of his inability to be assertive. He hugged his friend with gentle care and Minuette went to Moon Dancer’s other side and hugged her as well.

A shadow flew over the trio of ponies before the caster landed in front of them. Twilight Sparkle brought a hoof to her mouth and asked, "Did I... miss a friendship issue?"

Friendship Calls

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Nopony knew what to make of Twilight Sparkle’s sudden appearance. But somepony needed to ask the obvious question and Minuette was that pony. “What are you doing here, Twilight?” she asked.

“My cutie mark has summoned me to Canterlot,” Twilight answered.

Despite her pain, Moon Dancer was immediately intrigued, “What do you mean by ‘summoned?’ Did it tell you personally?”

“At the castle back in Ponyville, I have what I call the cutie map. It calls to me and my friends when there is a friendship problem.” The princess’ ears fell back in defeat, “And by the looks of things, I am too late…”

More interested in what could further her research on cutie marks, Moon Dancer straightened herself, “Why have you been reluctant on telling me about this cutie map! What you have may very well change how ponies view cutie marks!”

Twilight Sparkle could see the excitement in her friend’s eyes and would be more than happy to reply to Moon Dancer’s curious attitude. But there were more important matters. “Before we go on about cutie marks, I need to ask if you three are experiencing a friendship problem.”

Party Favor shook his head, “None that I can think of.”

“Then why is Moon Dancer’s cheek swollen?” Twilight Sparkle asked. “Did she hit her face on something?” The moment Twilight Sparkle saw her the trio before her have an exchange of looks among each other and gave no quick response, the princess knew something was up.

“I was hit in the face by a short tempered mare…” Moon Dancer grumbled, pressing the balloon ice pack a lot harder on her cheek than she would have liked. Thankfully, the ice pack was full of cold air and not hard ice.

“Goodness…” Twilight gasped.

“The mare’s sister was very sweet to us,” Minuette said, “but while we were there, the two kept arguing with one another.”

Twilight sighed in relief and gave a light smile, “I think my summoning here is not in vain just yet.” The alicorn exited the alley and asked, “Mind telling me where this aggressor may be?”

Moon Dancer almost spat in disgust, “That mare is a lost cause…”

The Princess of Friendship couldn’t disagree more. “Your friendship with me was not a lost cause.” Her words cut deep into Moon Dancer, recalling how much Twilight Sparkle wished to help mend what was broken. But the cream pony couldn’t shake the anger she had for Grace. Hatred was something that had a tight grasp once it entered Moon Dancer’s mind.

“I can tell you where she is,” Party Favor said. The stallion looked to Minuette and Moon Dancer, “You two don’t have to come along. Not after what had happened.”

“I’d rather not go back,” Moon Dancer said. “I might get punched again.”

“And I might want to hit her back,” Minuette added, her teeth clenched.

“Girls, there is no need for violence,” Twilight said, shaking her head. “There is obviously a better approach.”

Moon Dancer was glad her friend got his money, but she wanted to put Grace behind her. “You and Party Favor can go back and try to fix whatever friendship problem that may be present. Minuette and I are going back to the study and do further research on cutie marks.”

Twilight Sparkle felt the need to quickly change the subject matter to make her friend feel better. “I’m glad my old study is proving to be assisting your research. What have you currently learned about if you don’t mind me asking?”

“I learned that removing a cutie mark changes more than ability, but also affects behavior as well.” Moon Dancer pushed her glasses up her snout not to readjust them, but to express her proud attitude. “How are the Cutie Mark Crusaders? Have they asked about me?”

“Those were the cutest fillies I have ever seen,” Minuette beamed.

“And quite bright for their age,” Party Favor added.

“Indeed,” Twilight said. “To answer your questions, the girls are doing quite fine.” The princess couldn’t help but giggle, “The day after their counsel with you, they asked to write to you and ask about your cutie mark research.”

“It didn’t take you a week to get your princess title,” Moon Dancer smiled, amused at the Cutie Mark Crusaders had such childish behavior.

“That’s exactly what I said to them!” said Twilight.

“Great minds think alike,” Moon Dancer winked.

Their departure was inevitable, but Party Favor did not want to leave Moon Dancer just yet. “I am sorry for what I caused…” he frowned with ears pointed back in shame. “My skit was so terrible, it got you hurt… literally.”

“From what I got out of Humble, it was actually quite humerous,” Moon Dancer countered with a smile, though the change of expression made her swollen cheek hurt. “Really, it was.” Her encouragment did gave Party Favor the strength to smile, but his ears remained pinned down.

“Thanks,” he nodded. The stallion looked to the Princess of Friendship, knowing very well that she can assist Humble Bundle and her rage induced sister, Grace. Party Favor thought to himself why a mare with such a beautiful name as Grace would have a bitter temper. “Let’s go, Twilight.”

“Lead the way,” the alicorn nodded.

Before the stallion went away, Party Favor looked to Minuette and Moon Dancer and asked, “Which way did we come from?”

Moon Dancer could not believe her friend would be so clueless. “How in the land of Equestria did we manage to find the house by walking from the study to the party, yet you cannot remember that we just entered an alley?” Moon Dancer walked out the alley and pointed to the house she had just left. “It’s right there, Twilight.”

All three mares looked to Party Favor and gave him a stern look. In return, he gave them a nervous grin, “Hey, look at that! What a coincidence!” Before he could be scolded by any of the three, be briskly made for the home.

Twilight Sparkle nudged Moon Dancer as she passed, “He reminds me a lot like Pinkie Pie.”

Minuette spoke before Moon Dancer could react, “He sure does.”

Believing but Not Feeling

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Moon Dancer scratched at her paper with her quill, the ink leaving its markings for a future reader. “I am surprised you didn’t take any pictures when we were out and about,” said Moon Dancer, her eyes not leaving her notes.

Minuette was on her belly, the pony resting easy after almost getting into a hoof fight with another mare. “The reason why I didn’t is because one, I didn’t want my camera to be damaged in the process, and two, I want the memoir of you and your research to not be reminded of a fight that almost happened. In other words, there was nothing good to take a picture of.” Minuette tapped her chin and thought about what she had just said. There was one thing, or rather pony, she would have liked to take a picture of. “Okay, I take back what I had just said.”

“You would rather have taken a picture of me getting punched?” Moon Dancer asked.

“No!” Minuette laughed. “I mean I would have liked to take one picture of that birthday mare, Humble Bundle.”

“Oh, her.” Moon Dancer had nothing against the mare, but didn’t see why taking a picture of Humble Bundle would be helpful for a possible bibliography. “If you did get her picture, then I wouldn’t mind either way.”

“Maybe I will eventually, and I hope Humble is wearing that cute scarf of hers.” Minuette figured now would be the time to mention Party Favor’s standup. She could be certain that the stallion’s notes that mentioned, “mares with cute glasses,” was the cause of the entire fiasco, both good and bad. “And I hope to get a picture of you two together as she wears her scarf, and you have your cute accessories on as well.”

The researcher couldn’t keep her attention to her notes and snapped her head at Minuette. “W-what cute accessories?” Moon Dancer blushed.

“Exactly what you are wearing,” Minuette winked. The color in Moon Dancer’s cheeks made Minuette press even further, “Your glasses, your black jacket, and your two beads you have in your bun. Those accessories. Humble Bundle told you you had the cute bookworm look.”

The compliments were beginning to overwhelm Moon Dancer and her mood became hysterical, “W-who said I looked like a bookworm! If I was a bookworm, I would be some scrawny, spineless, gray worm being smashed in between two pages and be used as a bookmark. Maybe then, I will be a bookmark bookworm! Instead of comparing me to a worm, I’m more of a messy and unattractive researcher! Yeah, that it. Much better. Messy and unattractive. More litteral.”

Minuette furrowed her brows, “Don’t beat yourself up like that, Moon Dancer. You are very cute.”

The cream mare’s sanity returned to her and she sagged her head low, “I am not…”

“Do you not believe Party Favor when he has told you that you do look cute?” Minuette asked. “I remember him taking a picture after saying you have a cute smile, and that was yesterday.”

“I do believe him…” Moon Dancer wiggled in her chair uncomfortably, “But I don’t find myself that attractive.”

“If you do believe in Party Favor, than maybe he was trying to say something in his stand up,” Minuette suggested.

“That being what?” Moon Dancer asked.

“That you are the messy, but attractive researcher.” Minuette couldn’t contain herself and giggled into her hoof. She knew the obvious: Party Favor likes Moon Dancer. Of course, Minuette needed to confirm her suspicions, but the fact that the stallion’s stand up notes specifically said, “mares with cute glasses,” sent a lot of red flags flying.

“You are only assuming,” the messy flustered researcher argued before returning her attention back to the research at hoof. “Please drop the subject. Now. I have research to attend to.”

The demand cut Minuette deep, but she obeyed her friend’s request. It bothered Minuette that Moon Dancer was so against being called cute because of her accessories. So many questions flooded into the blue mare’s mind, the amount of them causing Minuette’s head to cramp. The study remained quiet for a long time as Moon Dancer stuck to her notes while Minuette found herself taking a nap.

Moon Dancer didn’t know how long she was writing, but in the time of silence, the mare had concluded her current research on removing cutie marks from unicorns. Aside from the inability to cast magic when a cutie mark is removed from a unicorn, the change of attitude was something to note. Moon Dancer could assume that removing a cutie mark would make somepony feel like they are missing a part of them. But the drastic change of behavior and mental process was the most important part of removing cutie marks. When Moon Dancer herself removed her mark for only a short amount of time, the mare had a difficult time piecing her sentences together as Minuette took notes. The only thing Moon Dancer did not experience was a change of character. Her assumption was because she did not experience not having her cutie mark as long as Minuette and Party Favor had. And Party Favor has experienced not being with his cutie mark for Celestia knows how long before; a question that needs an answer for later.

Another simple, but fascinating event that had happened was how Moon Dancer’s cutie mark was attracted to her while it was in a jar. It knew who it belonged to and where it needed to go when it returned to her flank. This was far from unicorn magic. Unicorn magic can be a mysterious thing, acting in unpredictable ways. Moon Dancer then remembered the day when Twilight Sparkle auditioned for the Canterlot School of Gifted Unicorns and transformed four procters into plants, and aged Spike into a fully grown dragon in a matter of seconds. And even to current day, she did not understand what truly unlocked such power.

Moon Dancer stopped scanning her notes and began to think about Twilight’s day of orientation. The day Twilight lost control of her magic was also the day she got her cutie mark. Moon Dancer knows that cutie marks are magical on their own and appear when a pony’s special talent is discovered. In a quick motion, Moon Dancer grabbed her quill and wrote down the question: does the day a pony obtain their cutie mark foreshadow a potential future? The question was more theoretical, but it may reap results.

The amount of questions Moon Dancer was mustering up made the mare overwhelmed with glee. There was so much not known about cutie marks that she now possessed! And the more questions she had, the more that needed to be researched. And that was something Moon Dancer wanted: more research.

A knock on the door snapped Moon Dancer from her concentration, “Come in!” she called. She looked to the entrance and saw Twilight Sparkle and Party Favor walk inside the study. Moon Dancer noticed something different about Twilight Sparkle and saw a crown atop her head. And behind them, entered Humble Bundle and Grace.