• Published 4th Jun 2015
  • 9,625 Views, 418 Comments

Monkey Business - FrostTheWolf

The plan was to dress up as a Faunus from RWBY. Specifically Sun Wukong. But plans don't always go the way we hoped. I just hope that my newfound abilities and skills don't get myself in Major trouble. [Displaced][RWBY/MLP Crossover]

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Tail 18- Time Bomb Part 2

Monkey Business- Time Bomb Part 2

PPP Headquarters (Jack and Jen’s Domain)

The moment that the doors opened, Sun swiftly leaped out of the room and onto the walkway where Jack and Jen was. And from what they could tell, the situation looked… Really bad considering the amount of Krawl that were waiting outside. They were EVERYWHERE and judging from the amount of collateral damage that they were causing, this was going to be one hell of a clean up.

“Well, this is just great.” Jack muttered.

“Well, at least it’s just like in the game?” Jen replied with a dry chuckle, trying to lighten the mood a little. Unfortunately, when that was said, all the Krawl that were outside were now looking in her direction. Slowly inching towards her...

“You just had to say that, did you?” Sun grumbled, looking back at the mob of monsters as they looked back at all three of them. Shifting his gauntlets, he looked back at Jack and Jen as he grit his teeth. “Alright, looks like there's only one thing to do now.” He said, preparing his Prizmod and eager to call out his Spectrobe to wipe the floor with these guys, “Kill ‘em with fire.”

Jack then smiled, raising his Prizmod before his two Spectrobes came out from inside it. Sun’s Prizmod picked up the information on them, seeing that they were known as Windora and Pinorska. Now getting an idea, he began to mimic the same movements as Jack as he prepared his own Prizmod to call upon Torgazar. The Spectrobe roared to life as it crashed landed next to the Faunus. For being a little over seven feet and weighing over 900 pounds, it was bound to make quite an entrance. Especially since it looked exactly like a motorcycle. However, the only Spectrobe that Jen had was one in a child form. And therefore, could not fight on it’s own. So, Sun and Jack were to hold them off while she raced back into the ship to get her Spectrobe ready to fight.

“Well… you ready?” Jack asked, preparing his blade for combat as he looked back at Sun.

“I was going to ask you the same thing.” The Faunus smirked, cracking his knuckles as he noticed Torgazar rev up it’s engine. “Let’s trample these guys.” With that, both Jack and Sun commanded their Spectrobes to attack the swarm of Krawl that was taking form as Jack had Windora knock them up in the air to prepare them for Torgazar and Sun’s offensive blitz on the way down. While another group tried to blindside Jack, the young teen just rolled out of the way and had his other Spectrobe knock them down into the pavement with its spiky tail. For a moment, the two of them though that they were gaining the upper hand. But while Sun was scanning the surrounding area, he noticed something jumping from the rafters of the rooftops that didn’t look friendly based on appearance. “Jack… On the roof.” He looked up to see what Sun was trying to point out to him, but what he saw… didn’t make him feel any better about the current situation.

“Oh f*ck my life, I can’t deal with these things right now.” He cursed as a new group of Krawl leaped down from the rooftops. They resembled spiders in appearance with the color on the outside resembling the same kind of color style that you would see in TRON: Legacy. These Krawl were known as Rach, and from what Jack was telling the Faunus… they could really use some backup right around now.

“Yeah, no kidding…” Sun grumbled, looking back at Jack before remembering about his partner and looking around to see if she was nearby. “Wait… How long does it take Jen to get ready?”

“Depends when you mean.” The teen replied, his way of asking for clarification.

“Like right now…” The faunus said, looking back at Jack.

“It would depend on the Spectrobe she picks.” As if right on cue, the two of them soon turned around, caught off guard by a cannon shot and the sound of Jen shouting “Fire in the hole!” as a massive figure crashed into the group of Krawl that were called Rach. When the dust settled, a creature with the features of a Rhinoceros beetle and a Samurai stood amongst the destruction.

This, in turn, caught Sun by surprise as he struggled to get back on his feet. “Jesus christ! Who called in the calvary!?”

“That would be Jen’s new Spectrobe, Vilamasta…” Jack answered his question, recognizing the appearance of the Spectrobe. “You think this is dangerous you should see it’s final form.”

“When you say that, you make me think of Frieza.” Sun snickered, hopping back on his feet as he looked back at the remaining enemies. “Let’s just stick with what we got for right now and clean up this mess before these guys get anywhere else.” Jack agreed with that one as both of them gave their final commands to finish off the foes that they were facing.

“Don’t forget me!” Jen said as she turned to her own Spectrobe. “Give Jack some cover Tank!”

Sun just looked at Jen with a raised eyebrow, a little surprised by what she said. “You named your Spectrobe Tank?”

“You would understand if you saw his final form. anyway, take cover!” Jen called over to Sun from on top of the spaceship. Listening to Jen, Sun used his weapon to launch himself upward to where Jen was while Torgazar began to channel rings of fire to prevent the remaining Krawl from running away. Allowing for Jack to perform a combination technique to finish off the remaining enemies that were crawling everywhere only a few moments ago.

“Well… That was something… Just curious though… How much do you think the extent of the damage is in collateral?” The Faunus asked, looking at all the devastation that was left behind by the attack.

“It depends on what spectrobes you use and their level.” Jen explained. “If you end up using spectrobes in your world you might want to see about having me and Jack teach a class on them.” She added with a slight giggle at Sun’s stunned expression.

The word class though… got Sun thinking on something that had been on his mind for a bit as he looked back at Jen. “Actually… you just gave me an idea.”

“Oh? And what pray tell would that be?” Jen asked as they saw Jack recall his spectrobes and went into the ship to heal them.

“In the series RWBY, there’s a special academy named Beacon Academy. Think Hogwarts for Huntsmen and Huntresses like the people in my world,” He said, recalling Torgazar as he continued to speak. “Right now, we’re in the process of building our own Beacon and with what you just said, I was thinking of making it more than just a school for the ponies in my world, but also a school for Displaced. If you want… I can have the both of you be teachers and you can establish a Spectrobes Lab in the Academy. I really like you guys and if what you say is true about the Krawl and Spectrobes, then some ponies can learn to use them for good purposes.”

“Sure, although I hope you don't mind if I accidentally tinker with a few things… Hehe… I’m worse than Ruby when it comes to machines I haven’t seen before…” Jen said nervously. Sun was personally confused on how she would know about Ruby, but then again, it would probably be Jack that had not heard of it before, but not Jen.

“Well, you will definitely like meeting Raven then.” He continued, explaining about the swordswoman he knew back in his world. “She’s a blacksmith and weapon maker. Made a few weapons for friends of mine. I bet that if you ask her nicely and not pester her, than she might teach you a thing or two about them.”

“Sounds fun! But no promises about the pestering her thing…” Jen said as she recalled Tank and let out her other Spectrobe that she named Swift.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Sun replied back to her. “We should check and see if everypony is okay after that. I’m sure that Sweetie Drops could take care of herself, but we should check with Twilight and Commander Grant.”

The last part though, caused Jen’s eyes to widen. “Crap! I almost forgot about the commander! We need to hurry!” Jen shouted before radioing Jack to catch up with them once he was done and running off towards the commander's office. Sun then heard Jack began to speak over the radio along with some background noise and a little amount of static.

“Sun you catch up with her i’ll meet up with you soon, just need to heal everyone up.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice… or at all actually. WAIT UP!!”

It took Sun a few minutes to race after Jen, who was running towards the Command Center, where Commander Grant’s office was. She never thought that for someone of her size that she was really agile personally. In fact, he would have to agree partially with what she said about comparing herself with Ruby. Well, the Ruby from the series, NOT the Ruby that he knew.

Ruby’s semblance was her speed. Hence the reason why she was lightning fast with her weapon in combat. Of course, she was just as fast without it, but she had no knowledge of any martial arts like Sun had. By now though, he had caught up with her and in addition, Jack was following them as well. But Jack and Jen displayed a lot of caution as they approached the door to the complex and Sun himself was wondering what was up.

“OK, So are we going to charge in or think of a battle plan?” Jen asked as she stood in front of the doors to Commander Grants office. With that, the Faunus thought that she was somehow having a case of tunnel vision. There was no Krawl around, nor was there anyone hurt or caught in the crossfire of what already happened.

“Jen, we already cleared out all the Krawl that tried to attack us outside.” He tried to reason with her, while still scanning around the area to see if he was wrong. “Are you sure there would be any inside because I thought that this place would have some high tech security.”

Around then though was when Jack stepped in. And what he had to tell him was something he did not expect personally. “No, we didn’t… This is almost a copy of a mission in the game, there a boss behind these doors.”

“Well, going by that logic and the fact that these guys have been right so far, I got a reason to trust them.” Sun thought to himself. “... Well, I’ll take your word for it.”

“Just don’t do anything reckless.”

“Astra?” He asked mentally. “When did you get here?”

“I’ve always been here,” The incarnation replied. “I just thought it would be appropriate to not distract you. Not only that, but your friends are about to go in. You might want to get yourself ready.”

“Ready? Ready for wha-?” Sun’s mental question was placed on hold once once he had a look at the opponent that stood in the center of the room. Behind it was Commander Grant, who was beaten a bit, but not broken. Which was a sign of relief given the Krawl and the two companions that he was looking at.


“Okay… I might be the first to say this… but this guy is seriously ugly.” Sun commented as he took a moment to prepare his weapon for combat.

“That's Gyforma, the first boss Spectrobe in the game,” Jack informed him as he released his blade and was preparing his Prizmod. “He attacks by charging your Spectrobes when he’s next to Gyreel and Gyroll. We just need to dodge him when thats happens.”

“Its uglier than in the game though….” Jen said before throwing up in a nearby trash can.

“Anyone else up for the tactic, hit it until it dies?” Jack joked around a little, causing Sun to look back at the boss and think that was honestly a plan. Not to mention that he can’t go charging in shouting “I AM MELEEING IT’S LEGS!!” and expect the end result to work out for them. That was before he heard the redhead speak again. “No seriously, don’t try that. Jen, we need to use Combination attacks on it. You and Sun work together and I’ll do the same.”

Immediately, the Faunus turned to Jen, in which her next statement was what he honestly thought was their plan. Being bait and pulling the boss away from the commander. However, when Sun rushed forth, he realized that he didn’t call out his own Spectrobe and was soon sent flying into the wall after his failed attempt to hit Gyforma. “Well, there goes me trying to be bait.”

We saw Jack sigh to himself, before muttering a few words. His Prizmod shined again as he brought out the Windora Spectrobe that he had used before. However, instead of brining out Pinorska like last time, a new Spectrobe was released. The Faunus’ own Prizmod picked up the signal and soon, had identified the burning lion on the battlefield.

Leopuba, the adult form of Leo. “Son of a b*tch. No wonder why he went back to the ship after the first fight.”

“Oh really? How do you figure?” Astra asked.

“He must’ve known which combination attacks affect this opponent the most because like he said earlier, everything that was going on was based off a mission he played in the game Spectrobes is based on,” The Faunus hypothesized. “No wonder he didn’t think that I should have Leo. He was looking ahead and presuming that something like this would happen! Always one step ahead.”

Jen though, was a little horrified by Jack’s decision this time around. “You aren't going to… are you CRAZY!? This is a confined space!”

“Run for cover!” Sun hollered, thinking to shield himself from whatever was suppose to come next by taking cover behind a desk. Jen herself used her Spectrobe Tank as a barrier to shield herself from incoming attacks. However, it was during this that the Faunus was caught off guard by the griffon that was the commander. He, in his current condition, had crawled all the way over from where he was to where Sun was behind the desk.

“Bout time backup arrived.”

Sun saw this, just as Jack was trying to have his Spectrobes charge forth and attack. Seeing this, he soon realized that it was a two against three fight and that the teen really needed some help. Looking down at his own Prizmod, he sighed. “Ah hell, I don’t have that much of a lifespan anyway,” With that, he leaped over the desk and into the chaos that was the battlefield with his Prizmod at the ready. “Torgazar! Give Jack some backup!!”

The Spectrobe took form from the device and then looked towards him. As he readied Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang with new rounds of ammunition, he looked back towards his partner and placed his hand on it. “Buy Jack some time!” The Spectrobe nodded, charging in and ramming into the Krawl in front of them to provide Jack as much time as possible. Using its flames and forward charges to damage the opponent and distract it as the redhead began to charge up one final move. After a while, Sun had Torgazar retrieve the Commander and had Jen follow him as they bolted for the exit. For a while, nothing happened. But then an ear piercing explosion ran out, shattering the windows and making the whole building shake. Sun had to dismiss Torgazar to let him rest and heal while looking back at Jen, who was trying to poke her head into the room.

“Is it safe yet?” She asked. Sun heard a brief, but muttered reply from Jack. What he took as a signal to go into the room as he saw all the destruction that was in front of them.

“And it looks like collateral has reached… an all time high.”

“Yeah… sorry about that…” Jack muttered as he looked down at his feet.

“Not to worry. Something tells me that the repairs might be easier to fix than appear,” Sun said to him as he tried to lighten the mood, putting a hand on Jack’s shoulder. “Hell, unicorns are almost capable of a lot of things these days. I’m sure a bit of magic will get this place to look good as new again.”

Still, the teen sighed as he looked back at him. “We’ve got to hope that’s the case.”

“Yeah. Trust me, there are a lot of unknowns when dealing with certain things,” The Faunus told him, remembering the situation with the Grimm back in his world along with the variables involving Adam. Not to mention Chrysalis recovering in Fluttershy’s room at the cottage. “But if you look on the bright side, you can always persevere and overcome any obstacle. Heck, Jen and Twilight can probably find a way to have a defense system for the city if they put their heads together… not literally of course.”

Jack nodded, looking up to see Sun. “Yeah, I suppose…” He admitted. “Even then, it’s a longshot. The Krawl are relentless, they literally devour entire solar systems… how could we design weaponry to combat that. No our only weapon is the Spectrobes themselves.”

With the last part of the sentence, the stray interjected. “Hey, lets not see them as weapons… I would see Torgazar as more of a… companion so to speak.”

“I didn’t mean it that way… I meant it more like they are the only creatures that can harm them… my sword does nothing but annoy them, so what are civilians going to be able to do.” Jack said, almost like he was disappointed in all the events that he had already been through so far on his journey.

“That’s where you step up… You find a way to provide shelter for them… Hell, I know for a fact that you two can help Sweetie Drops and some other agents here by teaching them about Spectrobes and showing them how to fight with one. You must adapt to the enemy that you are facing and the best way to do that is what you are doing now.” Sun finished, looking at Leopuba and smiling a little before petting it on the head. It was then though that he said something to catch him by surprise. “I see what you did Jack… This was my fossil that I showed you right?”

Jack, almost downright immediately, tried to apologize. “Yeah… look I’m sorry about grabbing it, I didn’t have much choice I couldn’t combat that Krawl with-.”

“I’m not mad, Jack. Sure I was surprised when I first noticed it, but I am actually glad that you did.” He said to him as he turned back around to look at him. To Jack’s surprise, Sun was actually glad instead of angry. “You did what was right. In fact, I think Leo here is better with you than me. Leo is a lion and your pride is like a lion… You don’t back down from anything you face.”

“Where did you get that idea?” Astra asked mentally.

“Watch the Lion King and you’ll understand what I mean.” Sun sighed mentally as Jack began to speak up again.

“I suppose you're right and besides… if I hadn’t I wouldn’t have found Vilakroma in my Prizmod.” He then looks back toward the damage he caused then says “but even then, is it worth the damage I caused to stop just one enemy?”

“It doesn’t matter the damage on the outside,” The Faunus told him, his tail coming around and poking Jack with his tail. “Just don’t let them damage what’s important. What makes you who you are. Your pride can guide you, but it means that you can’t turn and run whenever you feel like it. You need to stand up and stand strong against whatever you face.”

“You know Sun… you are an amazing motivational speaker, I may not be able to defend everyone but I can’t just give up and let them win.” He then looks up to the sky through the hole in the wall. Shortly after that, he soon had something to say to the Faunus on what he was telling Jen earlier. “Once Beacon is made, I would be honoured to teach people there, but I’d probably leave the theory to Jen, books always did my head in.”

“No worries… I was going to leave the science part to Jen… I was thinking that Combat Instructor would suit you better.” He said, looking at his Spectrobes and Jack. “You clearly know how to fight as a team. Some of the students there, once they pass their entrance exams, are paired up into groups of four. With a team of them being formed based on their initials. For example, RWBY is made up of Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladona, and Yang Xiao Long. Four… other people I know.”

“I was always a solo fighter back home, in team sports I’d always be the person to tried to take people on by myself… until one of my cousins help me understand the benefits of working as a team.” Jack admitted, still looking towards him as he was scratching the back of his head. That though would still be in Sun’s favor.

“Both Solo and Team instructor then. Works for me…” The Stray Faunus said, smiling a little. “It may not be my place to say this… but if Kirito, Asuna or Craig were here… I think they would be proud of you for what you were able to achieve.” He then looked back in his pocket to find his token and sighed a little. “Even though I would like to stick around and chat, I need to get back to my world. I can’t ignore my own responsibilities.”

Jack waved a little, replying back to him as the Faunus made his doorway home through his token. “Well then good luck back home, I know you will be able to help everyone, heck you help us both more than anyone else has in years.”

“Good to hear. Oh and also, you can use my token to stop by where I am anytime. If you just want to chat or start setting up once the school is ready. I’ll let you know when that day comes.” He assured them, taking his token as he created a rift using a little bit of his energy before stepping through.

Fluttershy’s Cottage

As Sun slowly returned to the cottage, the Faunus’ senses began to readjust as he looked around. Not much had changed since he had left a few moments ago. In fact, when looking at the clock, he saw that it had been only an hour since he left to go on a walk. If you consider a walk getting summoned while running for your life from Grimm. But still though, there was one thing that was… surprising once he had sat back down on the floor.

Chrysalis was waking up. “Ugh… oww…” She moaned as her eyes flickered to life. The first thing she saw vaguely was the bandages covering her body. The changeling was shocked to see that somepony was actually carrying for her. But when she turned her head and saw Sun for the first time, fear rushed over here. “S-stay away.”

“Easy there,” The Faunus cautioned, trying to ease her worries. “You are safe. If it weren’t for Fluttershy and I, the Grimm would have torn you apart. We brought you in here to have your wounds treated and have your injuries here.” To add onto it, Sun set on the nearby nightstand what remained of the queens crown. Shattered into pieces. The changeling was speechless… and when she could finally come with the words to speak, she asked one question.

“Who are you?”

“My name is Sun Wukong.” He said to her. “I am a faunus.”

“A f-faunus? Please don’t tell me that you are like him.” Chrysalis said, worried.

“If you are referring to Adam, then I am nothing like that sick jerk.” Sun assured her. “However, I have some questions for you… if you don’t mind.”

“If they are about my situation,” The changeling said to him, shifting upward on the bed she was on. “Then let me tell you what happened… It happened a few nights ago. I was in the hive, looking for one of the other queens named Mordred. However, when I found her, her head was dismembered from her body. I ran to try and find help, only to be greeted to all of the drones that I once had under my wing… stolen from me by that beast Adam and the girl with him.”

Hearing the last statement caught the Faunus by surprise. “Wait… girl?” The last time that anyone had seen Adam in broad daylight, he was by himself. He didn’t have accomplices. “Can you describe her?”

“All I remember is a name… Emerald I believe it was.” Alarms were now ringing inside Sun’s head based on this information. This was bad. Not only was Adam raising an army, but he had accomplices to assist him on reaching his goals.

What he was really concerned for was when the changeling tried to move, only to fall a little in place. “H-hey! Take it easy. Your wounds are still healing!”

“W-wounds aren’t the cause of this.” She coughed. “I need to feed.”

“Feed? Like on food?” He asked.

“No, on emotion-.” She clarified. It was then that Sun heard hoofsteps behind him and for a moment to turn around, only to see Kreed at the top of the stairwell.

“Chrysalis…? You are awake?”

“She’s okay for now…” Sun replied. “Just hungry…” The Faunus just stood there as he watched Kreed trot over. Chrysalis herself, seemed scared. This was the guard of her sister. One of the other queens that she ordered to kill in her lust for conquest. Why was he here? For vengeance? For revenge?

Turns out, it was neither of those things as he placed a green crystal on her hoof as it evaporated. The energies inside was what Chrysalis was looking for as she breathed it in, her skin became lighter and she felt more… alive.

“I may not have forgiven you fully, but we can start the process now… You, myself and your niece and nephew are all we have in order to rebuild… They need you Chrysalis.” He said. This was cue for Sun to walk downstairs, where he found Blake with Velvet in the living room by the fireplace and Discord and Fluttershy in the dining room, drinking hot chocolate and coffee to keep themselves warm during the chilly evening.

“Sun!” Fluttershy cried, getting up and hugging the Faunus. “Where have you been?”

“On a walk, got summoned and then came back here.” He replied.

“What about love bug upstairs?” Discord mentioned.

“Awake and alive. Kreed is upstairs now trying to comfort her.” Sun replied to them. “She’s been through a lot. Even was terrified of me at first because she thought I was Adam.” He set down the coffee cup that Fluttershy had handed him to get the chance to talk about something else. “Enough about that though, I had finally thought over something important that was on my mind in regards to Beacon.”

That specifically caught both of their attention. “What about it?”

“I’m making it a school for other ponies as well as Displaced-.” With that though, it caused Discord to spit out his coffee as he looked back at Sun with a raised eyebrow.

“Wait… You mean people like Loki?”

“Think of it…” The Faunus began to tell them. “Many people are getting displaced regularly. I was thinking that if that is happening, then they shouldn’t be going through it alone. Rather, have a few other people like them so they can learn the ropes. I was going to talk about it in the morning with Twilight… But something tells me that she might be investigating about the Displaced without me knowing it.”

Twilight’s Chambers

In her personal quarters, the princess of friendship had decided to call it a night. She had been trying to solve the mystery of how these tokens operate with different Displaced. So, while Sun was gone, she decided to borrow the first token she saw and tried to use several different methods to learn about it, including some identification spells. That amount of magical residue that lingered in the atmosphere was enough to make anypony that entered the room to cause the Alicorn to wake up in alarm. She had been tossing and turning for a while, unaware of the green gem that she had been experimenting on a little to be glowing.

“Ugh… Spike… It’s almost midnight… why are you-?” However, when she woke up, she did not see her assistant in the room. Instead, she saw a figure with a skull for a head as it was rubbing it’s skull.

Good evening or not as it seems.” Said the tall being with a skull for a head. That, in turn caused the Alicorn to flinch as she blasted the individual with a full blast of magic in it’s face. Only to find when the smoke from the blast was cleared up, there were only little singe marks on it’s head.

Huh, I guess I’ve gotten used to being randomly attacked by now?” It said as it dust it face clean.

“WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!?” Twilight screamed, trying to get on all four of her hooves. Horn glowing at the ready for if the stranger tried pulling anything on her.

Well Spike called me who is now hiding under the table there. Also I thought I’d find the monkey boy and his marefriend here.” It spoke, causing Twilight herself to be even more furious. She remembered that Spike was sleeping in his own room downstairs, not under the table that was this stranger claimed. Using a levitation spell, she lifted over the gem on the table over to where she was. However, it was then that the skull actually noticed it, turning to see what looked like a personal experiment in the study part of her own room.

Interesting work you’re doing here, what are you working on if I may ask?” He asked picking up one of Twilight notes.

“If you must know, I was curious on the way your Displaced’s tokens work. I had heard Sun mention it before, but never actually saw him use it. Therefore, I tried an experiment to hopefully see if one would work. Only to have you show up in my room.” Her horn glowed brighter now as she stared him down and gritted her teeth. “Now, you get only one chance. Pick your next words carefully…”

Okay one, you really need to calm down. Would it help if I changed?” He said then began to feel himself covered from head to toe in blue fire. Then turned into something like Sun only had a dragon tail and an eyepatch over his left eye.

“This better? My names Asphyxious, I heard from Sun he was opening a school?”

That though, was pulling the final straw as her magic soon glowed throughout the entire top half of the castle. “GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!” With it, she fired off a blast of magic with the force of a missile as it launched the stranger towards the cottage at the edge of the everfree.

“Yeah, I’m definitely placing my bits on that bet.” Discord told him, changing his appearance to resemble a dealer in the city of Los Pegas. However, before Sun could respond, he heard something crash outside as he quickly rushed outside. Fluttershy followed behind him as they found a dragon like figure face down in the snow.

“Ouch, should have seen that coming.” Said Asphyxious as he pulled himself out of the ground. “Oh, hi Sun.”

The faunus facepalmed himself. “Asphyxious, how did you get here? I didn’t even use your token to summon you-.”

“Twilight.” The half dragon said bluntly as he dusts the snow off of himself.

“Um… Sun?” Fluttershy asked, hiding behind him. “Is this friend of yours another faunus? We already have Blake and Velvet inside if-.”

“Fluttershy, this is only a form of his.” Sun told her as he noticed Discord step out as well. “Asphyxious here… is actually a lich. Well, Dragon, mixed with changeling and harmony magic… I’ll just go with Dracolich for simplicity’s sake.”

“I’m fine with being called a dragon thank you.” Said Asphyxious as he looks at his red coat. That to Sun looked new based on appearance.

“Ironically, you arrived on the evening of Hearth’s warming. But I’m not sure if the good fillies and colts want to see a skeletal Santa Claus.” Sun chuckled, imagining Asphyxious with a white beard and a santa cap.

“I wouldn’t really do that in my Lich form. I’m not that mean, besides my kids are used to seeing me in all my forms.” Said Asphyxious with a surge. “Anyway can we talk inside? It’s getting chilly out here.”

“Sure, as long as you don’t mess with Blake and Velvet in the living room,” Sun said. “Or Chrysalis upstairs. She’s recovering from getting attacked by Grimm.”

“It’ll be fine you have nothing to worry about-” Asphyxious stop what he's about to say once inside. “CAT GIRL!” He yelled then ran up to Blake, hugging her.

“What did I just say?” Sun said, facepalming himself. Until he looked at the situation and just chuckled. “Uh… Asphy? I think she just her semblance on you.” It was then that the Lich looked down, to see himself hugging a shadowy clone of the real faunus. For Sun, he saw her walking up the stairs, telling him to keep quiet of where she was so Asphyxious wouldn't be chasing her all over the cottage.

“This is so cool, if I’m right she used her own shadow to make a copy of herself.” Said Asphyxious as he held up the shadow clone hand.

“That’s a semblance for you.” Sun replied, looking back at Asphyxious. “Some of the Displaced here have Semblances to use from time to time. Depending on who it is.” Sun then found Asphyxious hugging his leg.

“Teach me the ways of the force, master!” He begged looking up at Sun with a big eye.

“Easy there man, I wasn’t done explaining.” The Faunus told him, offering a spot at the table. “Plus, you startled Velvet because of you going after Blake.”

“Oh sorry, my bad. Heh.” He said as he sat down and rubs the back of his head. Only a little curious to find her not responding to him.

“Well, this may be fun and all, but I have chaotic business to attend to in the morning so… Good night everypony.” Discord told everyone as he snapped his fingers, giving himself pajamas that resemble Ebeneezer Scrooge and a plushie of Fluttershy before disappearing again. With that, the lich and pegasus sat down at the table while the Faunus walked over to where Velvet was.

“You okay?” He asked. “I know Asphyxious’... has tendencies. But he’s a good person. He didn’t mean to scare you. Want to sit over with us for a bit before you get some sleep?”

“I don’t do well with others…” Velvet murmured.

“Umm I hope I’m not interrupting or anything. I just want to say sorry if I scared you and stuff.” Said Asphyxious from the doorway to the other room. “Need me I’ll be in here, bye.”

“Yeah… surprisingly, that’s normal for him.” Sun said, looking back at Velvet. “You’re welcome to come sit by us if you want later. It’s your choice.” With that, the Faunus soon walked over back to where Asphyxious and Fluttershy were. Seeing that the dracolich was eager, the Faunus cleared his throat a bit.

“Okay, Asphyxious. I’m going to guess that you’re here for another reason than just saying hello or getting blasted by Twilight.”

“I heard about your school you’re going to be running and I want to help.” Asphyxious as he leans back in his seat.

“Well, news sure travels fast.” Sun muttered to himself before answering again. “I have only two other instructors that asked to be part of at the moment. So what exact position do you think would suit you?”

“I’m thinking spell craft and rune magic.” Asphyxious replied rubbing his chin. “Maybe do a little combat on the side.”

“That sounds promising. Spells will be important… I just hope you would… work well with the other one that applied for that position.”

Velvet stood up and walked out the door shortly after Sun finished his sentence. “So who else will I be working with and is she alright?” Asphyxious asked.

“You familiar with Kirito and Asuna from the christmas celebration? Well, turns out Kirito has a cousin that I just met earlier today. His name’s Jack and he’s got the pride of a lion for someone of his position.” As he was finishing that sentence, he noticed someone peeking in from nearby.

“Hey Ax! you in there? I need to ask you some-” Said a man who entered the room through the broom closet, “Ok… where am I and what's going on?”

“Know this guy, Asphyxious?” Sun asked. “This is the third Displaced besides you I’ve met today.”

“That Baldur, my room mate I guess you can call him.” Said Asphyxious giving the displaced scottish warlock a stare.

“Um, hi?” Baldur said as he waved his hand nervously. All Sun did though was get up and offer a hand for him to shake.

“Sun Wukong. Pleasure to meet a friend of Asphyxious.”

“Um, thanks. I never thought I would encounter characters from RWBY in my lifetime to be honest.” Baldur chuckled as he shook Sun’s hand.

“I KNEW IT!” Asphyxious yelled pointing at Baldur. “So you were displaced just like me!”

“Did I ever say I wasn't?” Baldur deadpanned.

“No you said you were from Cane. I think?” The Lich said.

The Faunus sighed, looking back at the two of them as they bickered for a little bit. However, it was getting to the point where he needed to bring the conversation back down to earth. “Anyways, Baldur, I was talking to Asphyxious and since we’re setting up a Beacon Academy here, I was thinking of having some Displaced be teachers for the school. Asphy himself applied himself to be teaching combat and spellcraft… Hang on a sec.”

The Faunus soon got up from the table and walked over to the screen door, puzzled a bit. He thought that he found a familiar figure outside, but didn’t see her at first. Until she came bursting through and tearing off the screen door’s hinges..

“Weapons free!” Yelled Asphyxious drawing his cutlass.

“Asphy, calm down… That’s normal for her… Asphyxious, Baldur… meet Penny.” Asphyxious and Baldur just blink at the girl in the doorway.

“Is she anything like the one from the show?” Baldur asked.

“What are you talking about?” Penny asked, then gasped. “Oh! I forgot to properly greet you! Greetings!”

“Umm, hello.” Said Asphyxious as he slowly put his weapon away. “I’m Asphyxious, but you can call me Asphy Hell.”

“What’s hell?” Penny tilted her head.

“Just sort for my full name really.” He said looking at Baldur and elbows him. Nodding his head at Penny.

“Hello, I’m Baldur.” Baldur said to introduce himself.

“Penny, I was talking with Asphy and Baldur with some upcoming plans for the new year. You can stay in if you want. You must be freezing from outside.” He offered for her, walking over to put another log in the fireplace before turning back to Asphy.

“Oh, I’m not cold in the slightest!” Penny said, “But I will take the offer gladly.” Sun nodded his head for a bit, before sitting back down. Looking at Asphyxious, he sighed.

“Before you even ask… Don’t try hugging her like you tried with Blake.” Sun told the dracolich. “Now, to make this simple, Baldur… You are familiar with RWBY I assume?”

“My niece was obsessed with it for a time because of all the different devices you call weapons before she started going out with her boyfriend and forgetting about it.” Baldur explained.

“Well, a lot of the people that were Displaced here are based on characters from RWBY. Not to mention that we are building a Beacon Academy.” He said as he turned to see Penny looking at them and waving a little.

“I’m Penny Polendina!” Penny said happily.

“It nice to meet you Penny.” Asphyxious said holding out his hand to her. As they shook hands, Sun turned back to Baldur and continued to speak.

“You should’ve seen Asphyxious earlier when I was trying to explain Semblances. He thought it was the force.” The Faunus chuckled, drinking coffee from a cup that was held by his tail.

“Wait, did he grab your leg and act like you were yoda?” Baldur asked.

“I was excited! It’s not my fault.” Said Asphyxious crossing his arms, sadly his reply caused Baldur to burst into laughter.

“Anyways… to explain this simply to Asphyxious. One’s Semblance is almost like a cutie mark for ponies. The technique they acquire from it serves as a special talent. Mine myself is making Spectral Decoys of myself. You should remember because I had you chase after a few during the… christmas party.” He sighed.

“Sorry about that.” Asphyxious said rubbing his head. “I was still getting used to being part dragon. I had a need to eat gems once… Don’t ask...”

“I won’t… Anyways, a lot of us here have Semblances we used from time to time. RWBY has their own, I have mine, JNPR has hers, including Nora. But each one is different from another.” The faunus explained. “The only case where I had heard of two people having similar semblances were Weiss’ family in the show, where their Glyphs are passed down through generations.”

“Interesting, think it could be an offshoot of Rune magic?” Asphyxious asked taking an interest in this.

“There’s a huge difference between runes and glyphs.” Baldur said.

“The only runes I’m familiar with is the runes from my friend Nicko. His entire magic is based on it.” The Faunus admitted. “Then… there’s Dust. Or what is basically Crystalline Magic if that’s an easier way to express it, right Baldur?”

“Maybe?” Said Asphyxious looking to Baldur.

“It can be considered crystal magic. Although some might not agree…” Baldur said as he looked at the rocks making up the fireplace warily. What he did not expect though was for the monkey Faunus to pull out a few dust shards from his weapon’s chambers as he set them down on the table.

“I thought it would be better if you saw an example of what I was talking about… Maybe Baldur can best explain this.”

“From what I know, anything crystals was used more for ingredients for magic items.” Said Asphyxious picking up one and looking it over. “But I know very little about that kind of magic.”

“Well, to make it a little simpler, there are different types. However, there are four basic types. Like in Avatar, it’s Earth, Air, Fire and Water. But different types can be combined to form others.” Sun said, putting the crystals away. “Baldur? You alright?”

“Sorry, the stones making up your fireplace were having an argument about what kind of magic the usage of dust is considered.” Baldur chuckled.

The Faunus just raised an eyebrow, but then sighed. “It’s alright. Carry on.”

“They seem to have decided on alchemy it seems.” Baldur said as he looked away from the fireplace.

“I know a little alchemy, nothing to big just how to make vivid light.” said Asphyxious

“Yes, but two kinds of Dust from other elements. The only combinations I know is that water and air form ice and water and fire from steam,” Sun explained. “But that’s just about it. Before we conclude or anything like that… Baldur… I offered for Asphyxious to be a teacher at Beacon once it’s built. Would you also like to be one as well?”

“Sure, and who are the other teachers you have lined up so far?” Baldur asked.

“Right now, it is only two others, but it’ll grow with time. I honestly just thought of this today.” He admitted.

“Think we should give the classes a test run? See how well it all works?” Asphyxious asked, looking at everyone that was present.

Sun sighed a little, noticing Penny just humming to herself as he turned back around. “That sounds fine with me. Construction won’t be finished for another few weeks, but once we’re ready, I’ll call you guys over again. Sound cool?”

“Sound fine with me, what about you Baldur?” Asked Asphyxious.

“I don't mind, although it would be nice to get the teachers lined up so far together so we can plan out training areas and clasrooms.” Baldur pointed out.

“I’ll be sure to have a meet and greet with all the staff members before we open the academy for business.” Sun promised them, looking back at Fluttershy and then looking towards Penny. “Hey, Penny. Asphyxious and Baldur will be leaving soon. Want to say goodbye?”

Penny was wandering around the cottage. “Goodbye!”

“She’s… Interesting, Anyway let me know when everything's ready. I’d like to know who I’ll be working with and what class I’ll be working in.” Said Asphyxious as he get up.

“I’ll be sure to let you know.” Sun replied as he shook hands with Baldur and Asphyxious one last time before they had to leave. As they were going, the faunus sighed and closed the door to the cottage, smiling a little as he looked at Fluttershy and went upstairs. In his mind though, he was thinking something else.

Mental note 1: Lock up all future tokens in a vault so Twilight doesn’t mess with them. God knows what she would cause if left to her own devices.

“Wait, why did I come here again?” Penny asked herself, “And where’s the guy with the eyepatch! I was going to ask if he was a pirate!!”

Mental note 2: Be careful with Penny. Her nature makes her VERY unpredictable.

“Shouldn’t Velvet be here too?” Penny added. Only to noticed the rabbit faunus by the ajar screen door, just looking at her while Sun was coming back down the stairs. Just in time for her to actually hear Velvet speak.

“I’m h-here… Did Coco send you P-Penny?” Velvet shyly asked.

“Oh, right.” Penny bonked her head, before giving the faunus a note. Before she could read it though, all three of them could hear shouting from outside

“Asphyxious! Get back here!” Baldur yelled from outside.

“I wasn’t doing anything!” Asphyxious yelled back.

“Why… are you… STILL HERE!?” Sun hollered, “If we can hear you, then Twilight can to-!”

“Stop chasing the purple pony with a horn and wings and ask Sun to get your token!” Baldur shouted as he ran behind Asphyxious.

“Look I’ve tried asking her nicely, That didn’t work so I’m going to set her mane on fire unless she sends us back… Who am I kidding I can’t hurt her.” Said Asphyxious as he sighs.

“Asphy, I swear to god… What did you do?” Sun asked, walking outside to see Twilight outside, aiming at Asphyxious

“This stranger appeared in my bedroom!!” Twilight accused, snarling a little as Sun narrowed his eyes at the lich.


“She was playing around with my Token!” Asphyxious yelled pointing at her.

“Are you a pirate!?” Penny asked Asphyxious.

“Maybe…” He said, not too sure of himself.

“Twilight… where is the gem?” Sun sighed, facepalming himself as she levitated the gem into his free hand. “Didn’t think I would have to resort to this measure. Asphyxious… Baldur… I like you guys but if you stick around too long, you’ll be waking up the entire village. Therefore… Our contract is complete.” Sun was never one to say those words because it felt like he was forcing them to leave. But, with the current circumstances, it would lead to almost all of Equestria waking up because of a Lich and his friend. So this was his final measure in order to make sure that everyone could remain calm and no more chaos could be caused.

“...Nothing happened?”

That was when he heard a voice like Mr. Popo speaking in his head. “Oh… hold on a second.” With it, a vortex of emerald green flames and what looked like souls formed from behind them.

“Guys… Who doing that?” Asked Asphyxious in a worried tone.

“I have no clue whats going on anymore…” Baldur said as he just stared at the strange vortex.

“Twilight, what did you do to my token!?!” Asphyxious demanded in panic.

Velvet hid behind Penny, while Sun just stayed there, a little surprised. “Sorry guys, but Twilight didn’t do anything… The guy who pulls back troublemakers is doing that. And I think he has to say something.”

“How am I a trouble maker? Twilight was the one screaming her head off.” Asphyxious said in his defence.

“You mentioned your hoarding… and invaded her privacy.” The same voice echoed, tapping him on the shoulder as he turned around. Asphyxious looked at what was pitch black and then, a pair of eyes appeared out of nowhere along with a crooked smile. Holding Asphyxious by the shoulder as he said one thing.

“... Bye.”

“I was summoned, I have no control where I end up. And I’m not interested in her.” Asphyxious protested as he stood there.

“Your contract is complete now.” It said. “Now you maggots better follow along… or I will have to teach you the pecking order.”

“I wasn't summoned though?” Baldur said in confusion.

“Well… I’ll just take the bone headed one.” He said, “Come along now maggot.”

“Yes sir.” Said Asphyxious as he follows. “I know better then to pick fights with those who have more power than I do.”

“And with that… goodbye… Popo!!” It said, pulling in Asphyxious as he disappeared. For a minute, Sun thought that he heard the Lich kicking and screaming for a little while, only for things to settle down. However, when he looked at Asphyxious gem, it returned to the simple green that it was then the darkened shade before.

Mental note 3: Don’t leave Asphyxious token around too much magic. Otherwise… Popo will happen.

“So… What now?” Baldur asked as he looked at where Asphyxious used to be.

“Honestly… after today… I need some sleep.” Sun said, turning back towards the cottage. “It’s getting late. You can stay in the living room by the fire if you want.” With it, the faunus just walked inside, going towards where Fluttershy was and almost passing out right next to her.

End Tail 18

Author's Note:

And with that, this two parter is in the books. Now... to the important news.

As expressed in this chapter, once Beacon Academy is open, it will become a school for more than just other ponies, but for other Displaced as well. Therefore, Sun may be looking for applicants to fill different role that the academy is looking for. Which includes teachers...

More will be addressed in time, but I am looking forward to fellow Displaced applying for teaching positions at this academy.

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